1.3.1 (2023-02-27)
- add images field to the api (1daaa10)
1.3.0 (2023-02-27)
- add user authentication (a96b22e)
- create listing (5f69c58)
- get user listings (84f8343)
- refactor listing delete api route (9494050)
- add images column to listing table (e597fc7)
- await next action (d1aea48)
- fix seed compilation error (c9e4f55)
- update import (2cd4b7c)
- modify schema (1b1da14)
- modify a given user listing (508bc54)
- modify middleware (3c9eb7d)
- refactor authentication (4c3421c)
- refactor user and listings (de41b9d)
1.2.0 (2023-01-12)
- add endpoint to delete a listing by id (ba0ec24)
- add endpoint to get all listings (f0f9dfb)
- add endpoint to get listing by id (bbee5d7)
- add endpoint to create new user (f6f3ad0)
- add endpoint to delete user (a245002)
- add endpoint to fetch user listings (7dda7e1)
- add endpoint to get all users (fe0b053)
- add endpoints for getting user data (d155062)
- add husky, release-it and commitlint (1b9a13d)
- User API's available.