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There are several ways you can load balance on Google Cloud:
Network Load Balancer distributes external traffic among virtual machine (VM) instances in the same region.
- Network Load Balancer can receive traffic from any client on the internet even though the Google Cloud VMs with external IPs.
- Network Load Balancing is implemented by using Andromeda virtual networking and Google Maglev.
- Network load balancers are not proxies!
# create static external IP address for load balancer
$ gcloud compute addresses create <NETWORK_NAME> \
# add legacy health check resource
$ gcloud compute http-health-checks create <CHECK_NAME>
# add target pool in the same region
$ gcloud compute target-pools create <POOL_NAME> \
--region=<REGION> \
# add instances to the pool
$ gcloud compute target-pools add-instances <POOL_NAME> \
--instances=<INSTANCE_NAME, ...>
# add fowarding rule
$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules create <RULE_NAME> \
--region=<REGION> \
--ports=<PORT> \
--address=<NETWORK_NAME> \
Google Cloud HTTP(S) Load Balancing is a global, proxy-based Layer 7 load balancer that enables you to run and scale your services worldwide behind a single external IP address.
- External HTTP(S) Load Balancing distributes HTTP and HTTPS traffic to backends hosted on Compute Engine and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
- External HTTP(S) Load Balancing is implemented on Google Front Ends (GFEs).
- Premium Tier: GFEs offer cross-regional load balancing, directing traffic to the closest healthy backend that has capacity and terminating HTTP(S) traffic as close as possible to your users.
- Standard Tier: the load balancing is handled regionally.
To set up a load balancer with a Compute Engine backend, your VMs need to be in an instance group. The managed instance group provides VMs running the backend servers of an external HTTP load balancer.
# create load balancer template
$ gcloud compute instance-templates create <TEMPLATE_NAME> \
--region=<REGION> \
--network=default \
--subnet=default \
--tags=<TAGS> \
--image-family=debian-9 \
--image-project=debian-cloud \
# create managed instance group based on the template
$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed create <GROUP_NAME> \
--template=<TEMPLATE_NAME> \
--size=<SIZE> \