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320 lines (274 loc) · 12.6 KB

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320 lines (274 loc) · 12.6 KB

#README for expression data analysis

#Getting gene ids from NAM orthologous to the gene ID's in B73v5

find NAM coordinates for B73 genes

  1. get all gene fastas into the same file

Many of the transcript fastas are only reading as 1 line despite being 2 lines in vim Must manually go in and add a return; dos2unix won't work

cat *.fasta >> FT_candgenes.fasta
  1. blast the B73 sequences against the NAM genomes To make all the commands to run the blast jobs concurrently
for i in ref_genomes/*.fasta ; do
if [[ ${i} != *B73* ]] ; 
	echo bash ${i} transcript_fastas/FT_candgenes.fasta >> commands.txt ; 

Get 25 commands (1 for each genome of blasting) Make all the slurm scripts with

python scripts/ 1 commands.txt

Got multiple hits back, modifying blastn to have a -max_hsps 1

cut -f 1 out_B97.pseudomolecules-v1_FT_candgenes | uniq > transcript_name_ref.txt 
#Trying to get just the top hit
awk 'FNR == NR { name[$1] = 0; }
     FNR != NR { for (i in name) if ($0 ~ i && name[i]++ == 0) { print $0; break; } }' \
    reference.txt file.txt
for i in out*candgenes ; do bash transcript_name_ref.txt ${i} ;done
  1. get the NAM coordinates for those sequences Need them in bed file format for bedtools intersect
#chr	start	stop	ID
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $2,$7,$8,$1}' tophitsfile >> bedfile

Strandedness is giving me problems because it's not recorded.

awk -v OFS='\t' '{if($2 > $3) print $1,$3,$2,$4 ; else print $0}' tophitbedfile 
for i in *tophit_out_*_coords.bed ; do
	awk -v OFS='\t' '{if($2 > $3) print $1,$3,$2,$4 ; else print $0}' ${i} > ${i%coords.bed}nostrd.bed ;

find associated NAM gene ID for those coordinates

GFF Files are in /ptmp/LAS/arnstrm/tpm-final/GFF-PASA on Condo (released versions)

#create soft links
for i in /ptmp/LAS/arnstrm/tpm-final/GFF-PASA/*.gff ; do ln -s ${i} ${i#/ptmp/LAS/arnstrm/tpm-final/GFF-PASA/} ; done


GFF=$(ls *.gff | grep ${genome})
module load bedtools2
bedtools intersect -wa -wb -header -a ${GFF} -b ${tophit}

bash tophit_out_B97_nostrd.bed

grep "ID=gene" intersect_B97.out |cut -f 10-13 | sort -k1,1 | uniq -c

grep "ID=gene" ${input} | cut -f 9 | cut -f 1 -d \; | cut -f 2 -d : > namgeneid.txt
grep "ID=gene" ${input} | cut -f 13 > B73geneid.txt
paste B73geneid.txt namgeneid.txt > ${input%.out}_geneid.txt

bash intersect_B97.out

create a matrix for gene IDs

B73_geneID NAM1 NAM2 NAM3...

sort -k1,1 intersect_HP301_geneid.txt > test_HP301.txt
sort -k1,1 intersect_P39_geneid.txt > test_P39.txt

#trying Awk
echo B73 HP301 > temp.txt
awk ' 
{ key = $1 } #values it's looking for
!seen[key]++ { keys[++total] = key }
{ values[key] = ( key in values ? values[key] FS $2 : $2 ) }
    for (cnt=1; cnt<=total; cnt++) 
    print keys[cnt], values[keys[cnt]] }' test_HP301.txt > temp.txt
cut -f 1 -d " " temp.txt > temp1.txt
cut -d " " -f 2- temp.txt | awk -v OFS=":" '{i=$(NF); print $1,$2,$3}' > temp2.txt
paste temp1.txt temp2.txt > collapsed.txt

#joining awked collapsed files
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA collapsed_CML228.txt collapsed_B97.txt

join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA collapsed_B97.txt collapsed_CML103.txt > temp.txt

join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA temp.txt collapsed_CML228.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML247.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML277.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML322.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML333.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML52.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_CML69.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_HP301.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Il14H.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Ki11.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Ki3.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Ky21.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_M162W.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_M37W.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Mo18W.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Ms71.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_NC350.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_NC358.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Oh43.txt |
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Oh7B.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_P39.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Tx303.txt | 
join -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 -o auto --header -e NA - collapsed_Tzi8.txt > allgeneids.txt

#Getting the TPM values with the different gene IDs

##Make tissue specific TPM files

Need bam files from LSS for the floral tissues

#rsync to /lss/research/mhufford-lab/arnstrm/RNAseq-BAM-NAM-final_2020-03-20
# *V18_ear_*, *V18_tassel*, *R1_anther*
rsync -av /lss/research/mhufford-lab/arnstrm/RNAseq-BAM-NAM-final_2020-03-20/*V18_ear_* /work/LAS/mhufford-lab/snodgras/NAM_FT_genes/RNAseq_bam_files/

#Rename IL14H, KI11, TX303, TZI-8, CML227, Mo18w,Oh7b to Il14H, Ki11, Tx303, Tzi8, CML277, Mo18W, Oh7B

module load subread
featureCounts -a GFF-FILE -o OUTPUT-counts.txt -T 16 -O -g Parent bamfile1 bamfile2 bamfile3....

This was written out in Then use calculate-tpm-rpkm-from-feature-counts.R to create the TPM files

ml r-devtools r-dplyr r-tidyr
./calculate-tpm-rpkm-from-feature-counts.R RNAseq_bam_files/B97-counts.txt

##Filter the TPM files for NAM specific gene IDs Run to create the TPM files with only the candidate genes Then run to turn the TPMs into long format (detailed below)

for n in {1..12} ; 
do let z=19-$n ; 
awk -v OFS='\t' -v tis=$(head -n 1 B97_candTPM.txt | cut -f $z) -v tpm=$(echo ${n}) 
'{print $1,$2,$3,$4,tis,$(NF - tpm)}' B97_candTPM.txt > temp.txt; tail -n +2 temp.txt >> finaltest.txt ; done

a=$(awk '{print NF}' $input | head -n 1) #number of columns
head -n 1 $input | cut -f 1-4 > header ; 
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $0,"Tissue_ID","TPM"}' header > formatted_${input} ; 
for n in $(eval echo "{0..$a}") ; do 
	let z=a-n ; 
	if (( ${z} > 6 )) ; then 
	awk -v OFS='\t' -v tis=$(head -n 1 ${input} | cut -f ${z}) -v tpm=$(echo ${n}) '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,tis,$(NF-tpm)}' $input > temp2.txt ;  
	tail -n +2 temp2.txt >> formatted_${input} ;
	fi ;
rm header temp2.txt 

Then concatenate those long format files into allTPM.txt #need to rm headers so not repeated

head -n 1 formatted_B73_candTPM.txt > allTPM.txt
for i in formatted_*; do tail -n +2 $i >> allTPM.txt ; done

Add columns for Genome, Tissue, and Replicate by dividing the 5th field, Tissue_ID

echo Genome > genome.txt
echo Tissue > tissue.txt
echo Replicate > replicate.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 3 | cut -f 2 -d _ >> genome.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 3 | cut -f 3,4 -d _ >> tissue.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 3 | cut -f 5 -d _ >> replicate.txt
sed -i 's/.txt//g' replicate.txt

paste allTPM.txt genome.txt tissue.txt replicate.txt >> allTPM_splitdescriptions.txt

Change Il14H to IL14H and Ms71 to MS71

#sed 's/Il14H/IL14H/g' allTPM.txt > allTPM.tmp1
#sed 's/Ms71/MS71/g' allTPM.tmp1 > allTPM.tmp2
#mv allTPM.txt  allTPM.wrongcapitals.txt
#mv allTPM.tmp2 allTPM.txt
#rm allTPM.tmp1 

##Create a file with all the TPM values, keep B73v3 GeneIDs

##For the case studies, make sure that all the loci are from the same chromosome

##Make the boxplots with the haplotype vs TMM and then add on the points with jitter

##Ask Ruben what stats he does with his phospholipidase SV study (stat distributions with differing sample sizes)

Creating the Read pile up version of the TPM

module load bedtools2
cat GFF | awk -v OFS="\t" '{if($3 == "gene")print $1,$4,$5,$9}' | bedtools sort | bedtools coverage -a - -b BAM -wao > OUT

for i in B73 B97 ... Tzi8 ; do 
	for j in V11_base V11_middle V11_tip V18_tassel V18_ear R1_anther ; do 
		echo Chr	Start	Stop	ID	counts_${i}_${j}*.bam > ${i}_${j}*.bam_counts.txt
		cat Zm-${i}*.gff | awk -v OFS="\t" '{if($3 == "gene")print $1,$4,$5,$9}' | bedtools sort | bedtools coverage -a - -b ${i}_${j}*.bam -wao > temp.txt
		cut -f 1-5 temp.txt >> ${i}_${j}*.bam_counts.txt

cat Zm-CML228-REFERENCE-NAM-1.0_Zm00022a.1.gff | awk -v OFS="\t" '{if($3 == "gene")print $1,$4,$5,$9}' | bedtools sort | bedtools coverage -a - -b tissue_bamfiles/CML228_R1_anther_MN06081_R1_round-2Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -wao > temp.txt
cut -f 1-5 temp.txt >> cnts_CML228_R1_anther_MN06081_R1_.txt
rm temp.txt

Have to specify each of the bam files individually because there's no good way to do it with the id tag for replicates This is detailed out in the but is essentially what is outlined above.

Joining the files using Arun's commons script:

sed -e 's/ /\t/g' cnts_B73_R1_anther_MN01081_R1_.txt | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $4"\;length="$3-$2,$5}' - | tail -n +2 > test1.txt

for i in B73 B97 CML103 CML228 CML247 CML277 CML322 CML333 CML52 CML69 HP301 Il14H Ki11 Ki3 Ky21 M162W M37W Mo18W Ms71 NC350 NC358 Oh43 Oh7B P39 Tx303 Tzi8  ; do
	mkdir ${i}_cnts
	for j in raw_bed_cnts/cnts_${i}* ; do
		sed -e 's/ /\t/g' $j | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $4"\;length="$3-$2,$5}' - | tail -n +2 > ${i}_cnts/${nam%_R1_.txt}.txt 
	cd  ${i}_cnts/
	bash ../ *.txt >> ${i}_joined_cnts.txt
	cd ..
	echo done joining $i

CML228 joining is having an issue with CML228_cnts/cnts_CML228_V18_tassel_MN06062.txt It has values, but does not have those values in the joined file. The problem child is cnts_CML228_R1_anther_MN06081.txt which is empty

cat Zm-CML228-REFERENCE-NAM-1.0_Zm00022a.1.gff | awk -v OFS='\t' '{if($3 == "gene")print $1,$4,$5,$9}' | bedtools sort | bedtools coverage -a - -b tissue_bamfiles/CML228_R1_anther_MN06081_R1_round-2Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam  -wao > temp.txt ; cut -f 1-5 temp.txt >> cnts_CML228_R1_anther_MN06081_R1_.txt

Taking the length information and adding it as a separate column

for i in B73 B97 CML103 CML228 CML247 CML277 CML322 CML333 CML52 CML69 HP301 Il14H Ki11 Ki3 Ky21 M162W M37W Mo18W Ms71 NC350 NC358 Oh43 Oh7B P39 Tx303 Tzi8  ; do
	cd ${i}_cnts/
	for j in *joined*.txt ; do 
		echo Length > length.txt
		cut -f 1 ${j} | cut -f 4 -d \; | cut -f 2 -d = | tail -n +2 >> length.txt
		paste length.txt ${j} > ${j%.txt}_wLengths.txt
		sed -i 's/\t$//g' ${j%.txt}_wLengths.txt
	cd ..

Manually add "samples" to the empty 2nd field of the 1st row.

Changed the calculate...R script so it starts at column 2 instead of 7

ml r-devtools r-dplyr r-tidyr
./calculate-tpm-rpkm-from-feature-counts.R B73_cnts/B73_joined_cnts.txt

The above will not work on a free compute node.

Filter the TPM files for NAM specific gene IDs

Run to create the TPM files with only the candidate genes

for i in B73 B97 CML103 CML228 CML247 CML277 CML322 CML333 CML52 CML69 HP301 Il14H Ki11 Ki3 Ky21 M162W M37W Mo18W Ms71 NC350 NC358 Oh43 Oh7B P39 Tx303 Tzi8  ; do
	bash /work/LAS/mhufford-lab/snodgras/NAM_FT_genes/scripts/ ${i}_joined_cnts_wLengths_tpm.txt

Then run to turn the TPMs into long format

a=$(awk '{print NF}' $input | head -n 1) #number of columns
head -n 1 $input | cut -f 1-2 > header ; 
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $0,"Tissue_ID","TPM"}' header > formatted_${input} ; 
for n in $(eval echo "{0..$a}") ; do 
	let z=a-n ; 
	if (( ${z} > 2 )) ; then 
	awk -v OFS='\t' -v tis=$(head -n 1 ${input} | cut -f ${z}) -v tpm=$(echo ${n}) '{print $1,$2,tis,$(NF-tpm)}' $input > temp2.txt ;  
	tail -n +2 temp2.txt >> formatted_${input} ;
	fi ;
rm header temp2.txt

for i in *candTPM.txt ; do bash $i ;done

Then concatenate those long format files into allTPM.txt #need to rm headers so not repeated

head -n 1 formatted_B73_candTPM.txt > allTPM.txt
for i in formatted_*; do tail -n +2 $i >> allTPM.txt ; done

Add columns for Genome, Tissue, and Replicate by dividing the 3rd field, Tissue_ID

echo Genome > genome.txt
echo Tissue > tissue.txt
echo Replicate > replicate.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 3 | cut -f 2 -d _ >> genome.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 3 | cut -f 3,4 -d _ >> tissue.txt
tail -n +2 allTPM.txt | cut -f 3 | cut -f 5 -d _ >> replicate.txt
sed -i 's/.txt//g' replicate.txt

paste allTPM.txt genome.txt tissue.txt replicate.txt >> allTPM_splitdescriptions.txt