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Label StudioLabel Studio
Annotations for different types of data
\ No newline at end of file
+Label StudioLabel Studio
Annotations for different types of data
\ No newline at end of file
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+ * antd v3.23.3
* Copyright 2015-present, Alipay, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
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height: 100%;
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transition: color 0.3s;
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color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);
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transition: color 0.3s;
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color: #1890ff;
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height: 32px;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
font-size: 14px;
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background-color: #fff;
background-image: none;
border-radius: 4px;
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height: 40px;
padding: 6px 11px;
font-size: 16px;
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height: 24px;
padding: 1px 7px;
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color: #40a9ff;
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user-select: none;
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color: #40a9ff;
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user-select: none;
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color: #40a9ff;
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color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
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display: inline-block;
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height: 32px;
padding: 4px 11px;
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background-color: #fff;
background-image: none;
border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
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height: 40px;
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height: 24px;
padding: 1px 7px;
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color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
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height: 40px;
padding: 6px 11px;
font-size: 16px;
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height: 24px;
padding: 1px 7px;
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box-sizing: border-box;
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height: 32px;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
font-size: 14px;
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background-color: #fff;
background-image: none;
-webkit-transition: all 0.3s;
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height: 24px;
padding: 1px 7px;
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background-image: none;
border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
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height: 24px;
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background-image: none;
border: 1px solid #d9d9d9;
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height: 24px;
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height: auto;
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+ .antd_ant-steps-item-process__1thNa
+ .antd_ant-steps-item-icon__bKFCV {
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+ .antd_ant-steps-item-process__1thNa
+ .antd_ant-steps-item-icon__bKFCV
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-.antd_ant-steps-vertical__1duOr.antd_ant-steps-dot__1c7cC .antd_ant-steps-item-tail__h9qtZ {
+ .antd_ant-steps-item__1g25S
+ > .antd_ant-steps-item-container__1Ob2S
+ > .antd_ant-steps-item-tail__h9qtZ {
top: 2px;
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@@ -71144,15 +71172,15 @@ textarea.antd_ant-mentions__2fed_ {
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transition: opacity 0.3s;
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transform: rotate(45deg);
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- margin-top: -14px;
- margin-left: -2px;
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transition: width 0.3s, left 0.3s;
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transition-timing-function: ease-out;
+ content: "";
.antd_ant-steps-navigation__3D6ug .antd_ant-steps-item__1g25S.antd_ant-steps-item-active__xOHRv:before {
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transition: all 0.3s;
@@ -72816,7 +72845,10 @@ tr.antd_ant-table-expanded-row__1cXRH td > .antd_ant-table-wrapper__1Mpz1 {
border-left: 0;
.antd_ant-table-small__3qO9e.antd_ant-table-bordered__2MQ9r .antd_ant-table-tbody__uVzi_ > tr > td:last-child,
-.antd_ant-table-small__3qO9e.antd_ant-table-bordered__2MQ9r .antd_ant-table-thead__34HgU > tr > th:last-child {
+ .antd_ant-table-thead__34HgU
+ > tr:only-child
+ > th:last-child {
border-right: none;
@@ -74841,6 +74873,7 @@ div.antd_ant-typography-edit-content__1SMbn {
.antd_ant-upload-picture-card-wrapper__3Gs5V {
zoom: 1;
display: inline-block;
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@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- e.exports = n(355);
+ e.exports = n(354);
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
return jt;
var i,
- o = n(11),
+ o = n(39),
a = "warn";
function c() {
return a;
@@ -3410,10 +3410,10 @@
return I(e, 1), new Ke(e, t, n);
- }.call(this, n(110), n(382).setImmediate));
+ }.call(this, n(111), n(381).setImmediate));
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = n(385)();
+ e.exports = n(384)();
function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -3486,10 +3486,10 @@
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return Y;
- var r = n(11),
+ var r = n(39),
i = n(0),
o = n.n(i),
- a = n(17);
+ a = n(14);
function c(e) {
return (c =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -4463,7 +4463,7 @@
n.d(r, "isNil", function() {
return h;
- var i = n(152),
+ var i = n(149),
o = n.n(i),
a = n(78),
c = n.n(a),
@@ -4485,7 +4485,7 @@
"use strict";
t.__esModule = !0;
var r,
- i = n(387),
+ i = n(386),
o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
t.default =
o.default ||
@@ -4498,3899 +4498,3820 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(492),
- i = n(117)(r);
+ var r = n(491),
+ i = n(118)(r);
e.exports = i;
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- (function(e, r) {
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return w;
- }),
- n.d(t, "b", function() {
- return Lt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "c", function() {
- return Pe;
- }),
- n.d(t, "d", function() {
- return te;
- }),
- n.d(t, "e", function() {
- return ie;
- }),
- n.d(t, "f", function() {
- return qt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "g", function() {
- return ot;
- }),
- n.d(t, "h", function() {
- return Ge;
- }),
- n.d(t, "i", function() {
- return $;
- }),
- n.d(t, "j", function() {
- return et;
- }),
- n.d(t, "k", function() {
- return k;
- }),
- n.d(t, "l", function() {
- return pt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "m", function() {
- return Yt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "n", function() {
- return Xt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "o", function() {
- return at;
- }),
- n.d(t, "p", function() {
- return st;
- }),
- n.d(t, "q", function() {
- return Dt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "r", function() {
- return Ht;
- }),
- n.d(t, "s", function() {
- return Wt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "t", function() {
- return ht;
- }),
- n.d(t, "u", function() {
- return Y;
- }),
- n.d(t, "v", function() {
- return mt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "w", function() {
- return $e;
- }),
- n.d(t, "x", function() {
- return We;
- }),
- n.d(t, "y", function() {
- return vt;
- }),
- n.d(t, "z", function() {
- return Ue;
- }),
- n.d(t, "A", function() {
- return ye;
- }),
- n.d(t, "B", function() {
- return dt;
- });
- var i = function(e, t) {
- return (i =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&
- function(e, t) {
- e.__proto__ = t;
- }) ||
- function(e, t) {
- for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]);
- })(e, t);
- };
- var o = function() {
- return (o =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)
- for (var i in (t = arguments[n])) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]);
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- };
- function a(e) {
- var t = "function" === typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator],
- n = 0;
- return t
- ? t.call(e)
- : {
- next: function() {
- return e && n >= e.length && (e = void 0), { value: e && e[n++], done: !e };
- },
- };
- }
- function c(e, t) {
- var n = "function" === typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator];
- if (!n) return e;
- var r,
- i,
- o = n.call(e),
- a = [];
+ t.__esModule = !0;
+ var r,
+ i = n(145),
+ o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
+ t.default = function(e, t) {
+ if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return !t ||
+ ("object" !== ("undefined" === typeof t ? "undefined" : (0, o.default)(t)) && "function" !== typeof t)
+ ? e
+ : t;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ (t.__esModule = !0),
+ (t.default = function(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ });
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ t.__esModule = !0;
+ var r = a(n(415)),
+ i = a(n(419)),
+ o = a(n(145));
+ function a(e) {
+ return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
+ }
+ t.default = function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError(
+ "Super expression must either be null or a function, not " +
+ ("undefined" === typeof t ? "undefined" : (0, o.default)(t)),
+ );
+ (e.prototype = (0, i.default)(t && t.prototype, {
+ constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
+ })),
+ t && (r.default ? (0, r.default)(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t));
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ !(function e() {
+ if (
+ "undefined" !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ &&
+ "function" === typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE
+ )
try {
- for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(r = o.next()).done; ) a.push(r.value);
- } catch (c) {
- i = { error: c };
- } finally {
- try {
- r && !r.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);
- } finally {
- if (i) throw i.error;
- }
+ } catch (t) {
+ console.error(t);
- return a;
- }
- var s = "An invariant failed, however the error is obfuscated because this is an production build.",
- l = [];
- Object.freeze(l);
- var u = {};
- function h() {
- return ++Se.mobxGuid;
- }
- function f(e) {
- throw (d(!1, e), "X");
- }
- function d(e, t) {
- if (!e) throw new Error("[mobx] " + (t || s));
- }
- Object.freeze(u);
- function p(e) {
- var t = !1;
- return function() {
- if (!t) return (t = !0), e.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- var v = function() {};
- function m(e) {
- return null !== e && "object" === typeof e;
- }
- function y(e) {
- if (null === e || "object" !== typeof e) return !1;
- var t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- return t === Object.prototype || null === t;
- }
- function g(e, t, n) {
- Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0, value: n });
- }
- function b(e, t) {
- var n = "isMobX" + e;
- return (
- (t.prototype[n] = !0),
- function(e) {
- return m(e) && !0 === e[n];
+ })(),
+ (e.exports = n(355));
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ t.__esModule = !0;
+ var r,
+ i = n(230),
+ o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
+ t.default = function(e, t, n) {
+ return (
+ t in e ? (0, o.default)(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = n), e
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(0),
+ i = n(106),
+ o = n.n(i),
+ a = n(599),
+ c = function(e) {
+ return r.createElement(w, null, function(t) {
+ var n = (0, t.getPrefixCls)("empty");
+ switch (e) {
+ case "Table":
+ case "List":
+ return r.createElement(a.a, { image: a.a.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE });
+ case "Select":
+ case "TreeSelect":
+ case "Cascader":
+ case "Transfer":
+ case "Mentions":
+ return r.createElement(a.a, { image: a.a.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE, className: "".concat(n, "-small") });
+ default:
+ return r.createElement(a.a, null);
- );
- }
- function T(e) {
- return e instanceof Map;
- }
- function E(e) {
- return e instanceof Set;
+ });
+ },
+ s = n(2),
+ l = n(204);
+ function u(e) {
+ return e.default || e;
+ }
+ var h = n(77),
+ f = n(40);
+ function d(e) {
+ return (d =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function p() {
+ return (p =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function v(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- function _(e) {
- var t = new Set();
- for (var n in e) t.add(n);
+ }
+ function m(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== d(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
+ ? (function(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ })(e)
+ : t;
+ }
+ function y(e) {
+ return (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function g(e, t) {
+ return (g =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ var b = "internalMark";
+ function T(e) {
+ e && e.locale ? u(l).locale(e.locale) : u(l).locale("en");
+ }
+ var E = (function(e) {
+ function t(e) {
+ var n;
return (
- Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).forEach(function(n) {
- Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable && t.add(n);
- }),
- Array.from(t)
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ })(this, t),
+ (n = m(this, y(t).call(this, e))),
+ T(e.locale),
+ Object(h.a)(e.locale && e.locale.Modal),
+ Object(f.a)(
+ e._ANT_MARK__ === b,
+ "LocaleProvider",
+ "`LocaleProvider` is deprecated. Please use `locale` with `ConfigProvider` instead: http://u.ant.design/locale",
+ ),
+ n
- function C(e) {
- return e && e.toString ? e.toString() : new String(e).toString();
- }
- function S(e) {
- return null === e ? null : "object" === typeof e ? "" + e : e;
- }
- var w = Symbol("mobx administration"),
- O = (function() {
- function e(e) {
- void 0 === e && (e = "Atom@" + h()),
- (this.name = e),
- (this.isPendingUnobservation = !1),
- (this.isBeingObserved = !1),
- (this.observers = new Set()),
- (this.diffValue = 0),
- (this.lastAccessedBy = 0),
- (this.lowestObserverState = oe.NOT_TRACKING);
- }
- return (
- (e.prototype.onBecomeObserved = function() {
- this.onBecomeObservedListeners &&
- this.onBecomeObservedListeners.forEach(function(e) {
- return e();
- });
- }),
- (e.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved = function() {
- this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners &&
- this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners.forEach(function(e) {
- return e();
- });
- }),
- (e.prototype.reportObserved = function() {
- return ze(this);
- }),
- (e.prototype.reportChanged = function() {
- xe(),
- (function(e) {
- if (e.lowestObserverState === oe.STALE) return;
- (e.lowestObserverState = oe.STALE),
- e.observers.forEach(function(t) {
- t.dependenciesState === oe.UP_TO_DATE &&
- (t.isTracing !== ae.NONE && De(t, e), t.onBecomeStale()),
- (t.dependenciesState = oe.STALE);
- });
- })(this),
- Ae();
- }),
- (e.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.name;
- }),
- e
- );
- })(),
- M = b("Atom", O);
- function k(e, t, n) {
- void 0 === t && (t = v), void 0 === n && (n = v);
- var r,
- i = new O(e);
- return t !== v && Je("onBecomeObserved", i, t, r), n !== v && Ze(i, n), i;
- }
- var x = {
- identity: function(e, t) {
- return e === t;
+ var n, i, o;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
+ constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
+ })),
+ t && g(e, t);
+ })(t, r["Component"]),
+ (n = t),
+ (i = [
+ {
+ key: "getChildContext",
+ value: function() {
+ return { antLocale: p(p({}, this.props.locale), { exist: !0 }) };
+ },
- structural: function(e, t) {
- return $t(e, t);
+ {
+ key: "componentDidUpdate",
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = this.props.locale;
+ e.locale !== t && (T(t), Object(h.a)(t && t.Modal));
+ },
- default: function(e, t) {
- return Object.is(e, t);
+ {
+ key: "componentWillUnmount",
+ value: function() {
+ Object(h.a)();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ return this.props.children;
+ },
+ ]) && v(n.prototype, i),
+ o && v(n, o),
+ t
+ );
+ })();
+ (E.propTypes = { locale: s.object }),
+ (E.defaultProps = { locale: {} }),
+ (E.childContextTypes = { antLocale: s.object });
+ n(64);
+ function _() {
+ return (_ =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ n.d(t, "b", function() {
+ return C;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return w;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "c", function() {
+ return O;
+ });
+ var C = [
+ "getPopupContainer",
+ "rootPrefixCls",
+ "getPrefixCls",
+ "renderEmpty",
+ "csp",
+ "autoInsertSpaceInButton",
+ "locale",
+ ],
+ S = o()({
+ getPrefixCls: function(e, t) {
+ return t || "ant-".concat(e);
- A = Symbol("mobx did run lazy initializers"),
- z = Symbol("mobx pending decorators"),
- D = {},
- P = {};
- function N(e) {
- if (!0 !== e[A]) {
- var t = e[z];
- if (t)
- for (var n in (g(e, A, !0), t)) {
- var r = t[n];
- r.propertyCreator(e, r.prop, r.descriptor, r.decoratorTarget, r.decoratorArguments);
- }
- }
- }
- function L(e, t) {
- return function() {
- var n,
- r,
- i = function(r, i, a, c) {
- if (!0 === c) return t(r, i, a, r, n), null;
- if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, z)) {
- var s = r[z];
- g(r, z, o({}, s));
- }
- return (
- (r[z][i] = { prop: i, propertyCreator: t, descriptor: a, decoratorTarget: r, decoratorArguments: n }),
- (function(e, t) {
- var n = t ? D : P;
- return (
- n[e] ||
- (n[e] = {
- configurable: !0,
- enumerable: t,
- get: function() {
- return N(this), this[e];
- },
- set: function(t) {
- N(this), (this[e] = t);
- },
- })
- );
- })(i, e)
- );
- };
- return ((2 === (r = arguments).length || 3 === r.length) && "string" === typeof r[1]) ||
- (4 === r.length && !0 === r[3])
- ? ((n = l), i.apply(null, arguments))
- : ((n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)), i);
- };
- }
- function H(e, t, n) {
- return ut(e)
- ? e
- : Array.isArray(e)
- ? Y.array(e, { name: n })
- : y(e)
- ? Y.object(e, void 0, { name: n })
- : T(e)
- ? Y.map(e, { name: n })
- : E(e)
- ? Y.set(e, { name: n })
- : e;
+ renderEmpty: c,
+ }),
+ w = S.Consumer;
+ function O(e) {
+ return function(t) {
+ var n = function(n) {
+ return r.createElement(w, null, function(i) {
+ var o = e.prefixCls,
+ a = (0, i.getPrefixCls)(o, n.prefixCls);
+ return r.createElement(t, _({}, i, n, { prefixCls: a }));
+ });
+ },
+ i = t.constructor,
+ o = (i && i.displayName) || t.name || "Component";
+ return (n.displayName = "withConfigConsumer(".concat(o, ")")), n;
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return null == e;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ function n(t) {
+ return (
+ (e.exports = n = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ }),
+ n(t)
+ );
+ }
+ e.exports = n;
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ function n(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- function R(e) {
- return e;
+ }
+ e.exports = function(e, t, r) {
+ return t && n(e.prototype, t), r && n(e, r), e;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(56),
+ i = n(3);
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== r(t) && "function" !== typeof t) ? i(e) : t;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(427);
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })),
+ t && r(e, t);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(4);
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {},
+ i = Object.keys(n);
+ "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
+ (i = i.concat(
+ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n).filter(function(e) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e).enumerable;
+ }),
+ )),
+ i.forEach(function(t) {
+ r(e, t, n[t]);
+ });
- function V(t) {
- d(t);
- var n = L(!0, function(e, n, r, i, o) {
- var a = r ? (r.initializer ? r.initializer.call(e) : r.value) : void 0;
- jt(e).addObservableProp(n, a, t);
- }),
- r = ("undefined" !== typeof e && Object({ NODE_ENV: "production", PUBLIC_URL: "" }), n);
- return (r.enhancer = t), r;
+ return e;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ t.__esModule = !0;
+ var r,
+ i = n(230),
+ o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
+ t.default = (function() {
+ function e(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ (0, o.default)(e, r.key, r);
+ }
- var I = { deep: !0, name: void 0, defaultDecorator: void 0, proxy: !0 };
- function F(e) {
- return null === e || void 0 === e ? I : "string" === typeof e ? { name: e, deep: !0, proxy: !0 } : e;
+ return function(t, n, r) {
+ return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t;
+ };
+ })();
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ function r(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ }
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return r;
+ });
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ function r(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- Object.freeze(I);
- var j = V(H),
- U = V(function(e, t, n) {
- return void 0 === e || null === e
- ? e
- : Wt(e) || Dt(e) || Ht(e) || It(e)
- ? e
- : Array.isArray(e)
- ? Y.array(e, { name: n, deep: !1 })
- : y(e)
- ? Y.object(e, void 0, { name: n, deep: !1 })
- : T(e)
- ? Y.map(e, { name: n, deep: !1 })
- : E(e)
- ? Y.set(e, { name: n, deep: !1 })
- : f(!1);
- }),
- B = V(R),
- K = V(function(e, t, n) {
- return $t(e, t) ? t : e;
- });
- function G(e) {
- return e.defaultDecorator ? e.defaultDecorator.enhancer : !1 === e.deep ? R : H;
+ }
+ function i(e, t, n) {
+ return t && r(e.prototype, t), n && r(e, n), e;
+ }
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return i;
+ });
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ function r() {
+ var e = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(this.props, this.state);
+ null !== e && void 0 !== e && this.setState(e);
+ }
+ function i(e) {
+ this.setState(
+ function(t) {
+ var n = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(e, t);
+ return null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n : null;
+ }.bind(this),
+ );
+ }
+ function o(e, t) {
+ try {
+ var n = this.props,
+ r = this.state;
+ (this.props = e),
+ (this.state = t),
+ (this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag = !0),
+ (this.__reactInternalSnapshot = this.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(n, r));
+ } finally {
+ (this.props = n), (this.state = r);
- var W = {
- box: function(e, t) {
- arguments.length > 2 && q("box");
- var n = F(t);
- return new ce(e, G(n), n.name, !0, n.equals);
- },
- array: function(e, t) {
- arguments.length > 2 && q("array");
- var n = F(t);
- return (function(e, t, n, r) {
- void 0 === n && (n = "ObservableArray@" + h());
- void 0 === r && (r = !1);
- var i = new kt(n, t, r);
- (o = i.values),
- (a = w),
- (c = i),
- Object.defineProperty(o, a, { enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0, value: c });
- var o, a, c;
- var s = new Proxy(i.values, Mt);
- if (((i.proxy = s), e && e.length)) {
- var l = ne(!0);
- i.spliceWithArray(0, 0, e), re(l);
- }
- return s;
- })(e, G(n), n.name);
- },
- map: function(e, t) {
- arguments.length > 2 && q("map");
- var n = F(t);
- return new Lt(e, G(n), n.name);
- },
- set: function(e, t) {
- arguments.length > 2 && q("set");
- var n = F(t);
- return new Vt(e, G(n), n.name);
- },
- object: function(e, t, n) {
- "string" === typeof arguments[1] && q("object");
- var r = F(n);
- if (!1 === r.proxy) return tt({}, e, t, r);
- var i = nt(r),
- o = (function(e) {
- var t = new Proxy(e, Tt);
- return (e[w].proxy = t), t;
- })(tt({}, void 0, void 0, r));
- return rt(o, e, t, i), o;
- },
- ref: B,
- shallow: U,
- deep: j,
- struct: K,
- },
- Y = function(e, t, n) {
- if ("string" === typeof arguments[1]) return j.apply(null, arguments);
- if (ut(e)) return e;
- var r = y(e)
- ? Y.object(e, t, n)
- : Array.isArray(e)
- ? Y.array(e, t)
- : T(e)
- ? Y.map(e, t)
- : E(e)
- ? Y.set(e, t)
- : e;
- if (r !== e) return r;
- f(!1);
- };
- function q(e) {
- f(
- "Expected one or two arguments to observable." +
- e +
- ". Did you accidentally try to use observable." +
- e +
- " as decorator?",
+ }
+ function a(e) {
+ var t = e.prototype;
+ if (!t || !t.isReactComponent) throw new Error("Can only polyfill class components");
+ if ("function" !== typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps && "function" !== typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
+ return e;
+ var n = null,
+ a = null,
+ c = null;
+ if (
+ ("function" === typeof t.componentWillMount
+ ? (n = "componentWillMount")
+ : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && (n = "UNSAFE_componentWillMount"),
+ "function" === typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps
+ ? (a = "componentWillReceiveProps")
+ : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && (a = "UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps"),
+ "function" === typeof t.componentWillUpdate
+ ? (c = "componentWillUpdate")
+ : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && (c = "UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate"),
+ null !== n || null !== a || null !== c)
+ ) {
+ var s = e.displayName || e.name,
+ l =
+ "function" === typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps
+ ? "getDerivedStateFromProps()"
+ : "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()";
+ throw Error(
+ "Unsafe legacy lifecycles will not be called for components using new component APIs.\n\n" +
+ s +
+ " uses " +
+ l +
+ " but also contains the following legacy lifecycles:" +
+ (null !== n ? "\n " + n : "") +
+ (null !== a ? "\n " + a : "") +
+ (null !== c ? "\n " + c : "") +
+ "\n\nThe above lifecycles should be removed. Learn more about this warning here:\nhttps://fb.me/react-async-component-lifecycle-hooks",
- Object.keys(W).forEach(function(e) {
- return (Y[e] = W[e]);
- });
- var X = L(!1, function(e, t, n, r, i) {
- var a = n.get,
- c = n.set,
- s = i[0] || {};
- jt(e).addComputedProp(e, t, o({ get: a, set: c, context: e }, s));
- }),
- Q = X({ equals: x.structural }),
- $ = function(e, t, n) {
- if ("string" === typeof t) return X.apply(null, arguments);
- if (null !== e && "object" === typeof e && 1 === arguments.length) return X.apply(null, arguments);
- var r = "object" === typeof t ? t : {};
- return (
- (r.get = e), (r.set = "function" === typeof t ? t : r.set), (r.name = r.name || e.name || ""), new le(r)
+ if (
+ ("function" === typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps &&
+ ((t.componentWillMount = r), (t.componentWillReceiveProps = i)),
+ "function" === typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
+ ) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t.componentDidUpdate)
+ throw new Error(
+ "Cannot polyfill getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() for components that do not define componentDidUpdate() on the prototype",
+ t.componentWillUpdate = o;
+ var u = t.componentDidUpdate;
+ t.componentDidUpdate = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag ? this.__reactInternalSnapshot : n;
+ u.call(this, e, t, r);
- function Z(e, t, n) {
- var r = function() {
- return J(e, t, n || this, arguments);
- };
- return (r.isMobxAction = !0), r;
- }
- function J(e, t, n, r) {
- var i = (function(e, t, n, r) {
- var i = Fe() && !!e,
- o = 0;
- var a = ge();
- xe();
- var c = ne(!0);
- return { prevDerivation: a, prevAllowStateChanges: c, notifySpy: i, startTime: o };
- })(e),
- o = !0;
- try {
- var a = t.apply(n, r);
- return (o = !1), a;
- } finally {
- o ? ((Se.suppressReactionErrors = o), ee(i), (Se.suppressReactionErrors = !1)) : ee(i);
- }
- }
- function ee(e) {
- re(e.prevAllowStateChanges), Ae(), be(e.prevDerivation), e.notifySpy;
- function te(e, t) {
- var n,
- r = ne(e);
- try {
- n = t();
- } finally {
- re(r);
- }
+ return e;
+ }
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return a;
+ }),
+ (r.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0),
+ (i.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0),
+ (o.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0);
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ function r(e) {
+ return (r = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return r;
+ });
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ function r(e) {
+ return (r =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function i(e) {
+ return (i =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === r(Symbol.iterator)
+ ? function(e) {
+ return r(e);
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : r(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function o(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== i(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
+ ? (function(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ })(e)
+ : t;
+ }
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return o;
+ });
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ function r(e, t) {
+ return (r =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ function i(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })),
+ t && r(e, t);
+ }
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return i;
+ });
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ (t.__esModule = !0),
+ (t.default = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {};
+ for (var r in e) t.indexOf(r) >= 0 || (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && (n[r] = e[r]));
return n;
- }
- function ne(e) {
- var t = Se.allowStateChanges;
- return (Se.allowStateChanges = e), t;
- }
- function re(e) {
- Se.allowStateChanges = e;
- }
- function ie(e) {
- var t,
- n = Se.computationDepth;
- Se.computationDepth = 0;
- try {
- t = e();
- } finally {
- Se.computationDepth = n;
- }
- return t;
- }
- $.struct = Q;
- var oe,
- ae,
- ce = (function(e) {
- function t(t, n, r, i, o) {
- void 0 === r && (r = "ObservableValue@" + h()), void 0 === i && (i = !0), void 0 === o && (o = x.default);
- var a = e.call(this, r) || this;
- return (
- (a.enhancer = n),
- (a.name = r),
- (a.equals = o),
- (a.hasUnreportedChange = !1),
- (a.value = n(t, void 0, r)),
- i && Fe(),
- a
- );
- }
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- function n() {
- this.constructor = e;
- }
- i(e, t), (e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : ((n.prototype = t.prototype), new n()));
- })(t, e),
- (t.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
- return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e;
- }),
- (t.prototype.set = function(e) {
- this.value;
- if ((e = this.prepareNewValue(e)) !== Se.UNCHANGED) {
- Fe();
- 0, this.setNewValue(e);
- }
- }),
- (t.prototype.prepareNewValue = function(e) {
- if ((pe(this), Et(this))) {
- var t = Ct(this, { object: this, type: "update", newValue: e });
- if (!t) return Se.UNCHANGED;
- e = t.newValue;
- }
- return (e = this.enhancer(e, this.value, this.name)), this.equals(this.value, e) ? Se.UNCHANGED : e;
- }),
- (t.prototype.setNewValue = function(e) {
- var t = this.value;
- (this.value = e),
- this.reportChanged(),
- St(this) && Ot(this, { type: "update", object: this, newValue: e, oldValue: t });
- }),
- (t.prototype.get = function() {
- return this.reportObserved(), this.dehanceValue(this.value);
- }),
- (t.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
- return _t(this, e);
- }),
- (t.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
- return t && e({ object: this, type: "update", newValue: this.value, oldValue: void 0 }), wt(this, e);
- }),
- (t.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return this.get();
- }),
- (t.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.name + "[" + this.value + "]";
- }),
- (t.prototype.valueOf = function() {
- return S(this.get());
- }),
- (t.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() {
- return this.valueOf();
- }),
- t
- );
- })(O),
- se = b("ObservableValue", ce),
- le = (function() {
- function e(e) {
- (this.dependenciesState = oe.NOT_TRACKING),
- (this.observing = []),
- (this.newObserving = null),
- (this.isBeingObserved = !1),
- (this.isPendingUnobservation = !1),
- (this.observers = new Set()),
- (this.diffValue = 0),
- (this.runId = 0),
- (this.lastAccessedBy = 0),
- (this.lowestObserverState = oe.UP_TO_DATE),
- (this.unboundDepsCount = 0),
- (this.__mapid = "#" + h()),
- (this.value = new he(null)),
- (this.isComputing = !1),
- (this.isRunningSetter = !1),
- (this.isTracing = ae.NONE),
- (this.derivation = e.get),
- (this.name = e.name || "ComputedValue@" + h()),
- e.set && (this.setter = Z(this.name + "-setter", e.set)),
- (this.equals = e.equals || (e.compareStructural || e.struct ? x.structural : x.default)),
- (this.scope = e.context),
- (this.requiresReaction = !!e.requiresReaction),
- (this.keepAlive = !!e.keepAlive);
- }
- return (
- (e.prototype.onBecomeStale = function() {
- !(function(e) {
- if (e.lowestObserverState !== oe.UP_TO_DATE) return;
- (e.lowestObserverState = oe.POSSIBLY_STALE),
- e.observers.forEach(function(t) {
- t.dependenciesState === oe.UP_TO_DATE &&
- ((t.dependenciesState = oe.POSSIBLY_STALE),
- t.isTracing !== ae.NONE && De(t, e),
- t.onBecomeStale());
+ });
+ },
+ ,
+ function(e, t) {
+ var n = Array.isArray;
+ e.exports = n;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(0),
+ i = n(5),
+ o = n.n(i),
+ a = n(203),
+ c = n(15),
+ s = n.n(c),
+ l = n(9),
+ u = n.n(l),
+ h = n(31),
+ f = n.n(h),
+ d = n(12),
+ p = n.n(d),
+ v = n(24),
+ m = n.n(v),
+ y = n(11),
+ g = n.n(y),
+ b = n(13),
+ T = n.n(b),
+ E = n(81),
+ _ = { primaryColor: "#333", secondaryColor: "#E6E6E6" },
+ C = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
+ return p()(this, t), g()(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).apply(this, arguments));
+ }
+ return (
+ T()(t, e),
+ m()(
+ t,
+ [
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ var e,
+ n = this.props,
+ r = n.type,
+ i = n.className,
+ o = n.onClick,
+ a = n.style,
+ c = n.primaryColor,
+ l = n.secondaryColor,
+ h = f()(n, ["type", "className", "onClick", "style", "primaryColor", "secondaryColor"]),
+ d = void 0,
+ p = _;
+ if ((c && (p = { primaryColor: c, secondaryColor: l || Object(E.c)(c) }), Object(E.d)(r))) d = r;
+ else if ("string" === typeof r && !(d = t.get(r, p))) return null;
+ return d
+ ? (d &&
+ "function" === typeof d.icon &&
+ (d = u()({}, d, { icon: d.icon(p.primaryColor, p.secondaryColor) })),
+ Object(E.b)(
+ d.icon,
+ "svg-" + d.name,
+ u()(
+ ((e = { className: i, onClick: o, style: a }),
+ s()(e, "data-icon", d.name),
+ s()(e, "width", "1em"),
+ s()(e, "height", "1em"),
+ s()(e, "fill", "currentColor"),
+ s()(e, "aria-hidden", "true"),
+ s()(e, "focusable", "false"),
+ e),
+ h,
+ ),
+ ))
+ : (Object(E.e)("type should be string or icon definiton, but got " + r), null);
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ key: "add",
+ value: function() {
+ for (var e = this, t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r];
+ n.forEach(function(t) {
+ e.definitions.set(Object(E.f)(t.name, t.theme), t);
- })(this);
- }),
- (e.prototype.onBecomeObserved = function() {
- this.onBecomeObservedListeners &&
- this.onBecomeObservedListeners.forEach(function(e) {
- return e();
- });
- }),
- (e.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved = function() {
- this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners &&
- this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners.forEach(function(e) {
- return e();
- });
- }),
- (e.prototype.get = function() {
- this.isComputing && f("Cycle detected in computation " + this.name + ": " + this.derivation),
- 0 !== Se.inBatch || 0 !== this.observers.size || this.keepAlive
- ? (ze(this),
- de(this) &&
- this.trackAndCompute() &&
- (function(e) {
- if (e.lowestObserverState === oe.STALE) return;
- (e.lowestObserverState = oe.STALE),
- e.observers.forEach(function(t) {
- t.dependenciesState === oe.POSSIBLY_STALE
- ? (t.dependenciesState = oe.STALE)
- : t.dependenciesState === oe.UP_TO_DATE && (e.lowestObserverState = oe.UP_TO_DATE);
- });
- })(this))
- : de(this) && (this.warnAboutUntrackedRead(), xe(), (this.value = this.computeValue(!1)), Ae());
- var e = this.value;
- if (fe(e)) throw e.cause;
- return e;
- }),
- (e.prototype.peek = function() {
- var e = this.computeValue(!1);
- if (fe(e)) throw e.cause;
- return e;
- }),
- (e.prototype.set = function(e) {
- if (this.setter) {
- d(
- !this.isRunningSetter,
- "The setter of computed value '" +
- this.name +
- "' is trying to update itself. Did you intend to update an _observable_ value, instead of the computed property?",
- ),
- (this.isRunningSetter = !0);
- try {
- this.setter.call(this.scope, e);
- } finally {
- this.isRunningSetter = !1;
- }
- } else d(!1, !1);
- }),
- (e.prototype.trackAndCompute = function() {
- Fe();
- var e = this.value,
- t = this.dependenciesState === oe.NOT_TRACKING,
- n = this.computeValue(!0),
- r = t || fe(e) || fe(n) || !this.equals(e, n);
- return r && (this.value = n), r;
- }),
- (e.prototype.computeValue = function(e) {
- var t;
- if (((this.isComputing = !0), Se.computationDepth++, e)) t = ve(this, this.derivation, this.scope);
- else if (!0 === Se.disableErrorBoundaries) t = this.derivation.call(this.scope);
- else
- try {
- t = this.derivation.call(this.scope);
- } catch (n) {
- t = new he(n);
- }
- return Se.computationDepth--, (this.isComputing = !1), t;
- }),
- (e.prototype.suspend = function() {
- this.keepAlive || (me(this), (this.value = void 0));
- }),
- (e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
- var n = this,
- r = !0,
- i = void 0;
- return qe(function() {
- var o = n.get();
- if (!r || t) {
- var a = ge();
- e({ type: "update", object: n, newValue: o, oldValue: i }), be(a);
- }
- (r = !1), (i = o);
- });
- }),
- (e.prototype.warnAboutUntrackedRead = function() {}),
- (e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return this.get();
- }),
- (e.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.name + "[" + this.derivation.toString() + "]";
- }),
- (e.prototype.valueOf = function() {
- return S(this.get());
- }),
- (e.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() {
- return this.valueOf();
- }),
- e
- );
- })(),
- ue = b("ComputedValue", le);
- !(function(e) {
- (e[(e.NOT_TRACKING = -1)] = "NOT_TRACKING"),
- (e[(e.UP_TO_DATE = 0)] = "UP_TO_DATE"),
- (e[(e.STALE = 2)] = "STALE");
- })(oe || (oe = {})),
- (function(e) {
- (e[(e.NONE = 0)] = "NONE"), (e[(e.LOG = 1)] = "LOG"), (e[(e.BREAK = 2)] = "BREAK");
- })(ae || (ae = {}));
- var he = (function() {
- return function(e) {
- this.cause = e;
- };
- })();
- function fe(e) {
- return e instanceof he;
- }
- function de(e) {
- switch (e.dependenciesState) {
- case oe.UP_TO_DATE:
- return !1;
- case oe.NOT_TRACKING:
- case oe.STALE:
- return !0;
- for (var t = ge(), n = e.observing, r = n.length, i = 0; i < r; i++) {
- var o = n[i];
- if (ue(o)) {
- if (Se.disableErrorBoundaries) o.get();
- else
- try {
- o.get();
- } catch (a) {
- return be(t), !0;
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "clear",
+ value: function() {
+ this.definitions.clear();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "get",
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : _;
+ if (e) {
+ var n = this.definitions.get(e);
+ return (
+ n &&
+ "function" === typeof n.icon &&
+ (n = u()({}, n, { icon: n.icon(t.primaryColor, t.secondaryColor) })),
+ n
+ );
- if (e.dependenciesState === oe.STALE) return be(t), !0;
- }
- }
- return Te(e), be(t), !1;
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "setTwoToneColors",
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = e.primaryColor,
+ n = e.secondaryColor;
+ (_.primaryColor = t), (_.secondaryColor = n || Object(E.c)(t));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getTwoToneColors",
+ value: function() {
+ return u()({}, _);
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ ),
+ t
+ );
+ })(r.Component);
+ (C.displayName = "IconReact"), (C.definitions = new E.a());
+ var S = C;
+ function w() {
+ return (w =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ var O = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {};
+ for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
+ if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
+ t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- function pe(e) {
- var t = e.observers.size > 0;
- Se.computationDepth > 0 && t && f(!1),
- Se.allowStateChanges || (!t && "strict" !== Se.enforceActions) || f(!1);
- }
- function ve(e, t, n) {
- Te(e),
- (e.newObserving = new Array(e.observing.length + 100)),
- (e.unboundDepsCount = 0),
- (e.runId = ++Se.runId);
- var r,
- i = Se.trackingDerivation;
- if (((Se.trackingDerivation = e), !0 === Se.disableErrorBoundaries)) r = t.call(n);
- else
- try {
- r = t.call(n);
- } catch (o) {
- r = new he(o);
+ return n;
+ },
+ M = new Set();
+ var k = n(40),
+ x = { width: "1em", height: "1em", fill: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": !0, focusable: "false" },
+ A = /-fill$/,
+ z = /-o$/,
+ D = /-twotone$/;
+ var P = n(64);
+ function N(e) {
+ return S.setTwoToneColors({ primaryColor: e });
+ }
+ function L() {
+ return (L =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- return (
- (Se.trackingDerivation = i),
- (function(e) {
- for (
- var t = e.observing,
- n = (e.observing = e.newObserving),
- r = oe.UP_TO_DATE,
- i = 0,
- o = e.unboundDepsCount,
- a = 0;
- a < o;
- a++
- ) {
- var c = n[a];
- 0 === c.diffValue && ((c.diffValue = 1), i !== a && (n[i] = c), i++),
- c.dependenciesState > r && (r = c.dependenciesState);
- }
- (n.length = i), (e.newObserving = null), (o = t.length);
- for (; o--; ) {
- var c = t[o];
- 0 === c.diffValue && Me(c, e), (c.diffValue = 0);
- }
- for (; i--; ) {
- var c = n[i];
- 1 === c.diffValue && ((c.diffValue = 0), Oe(c, e));
- }
- r !== oe.UP_TO_DATE && ((e.dependenciesState = r), e.onBecomeStale());
- })(e),
- r
- );
- }
- function me(e) {
- var t = e.observing;
- e.observing = [];
- for (var n = t.length; n--; ) Me(t[n], e);
- e.dependenciesState = oe.NOT_TRACKING;
- }
- function ye(e) {
- var t = ge();
- try {
- return e();
- } finally {
- be(t);
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function H(e, t, n) {
+ return (
+ t in e
+ ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
+ : (e[t] = n),
+ e
+ );
+ }
+ var R,
+ V = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {};
+ for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
+ if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
+ t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- function ge() {
- var e = Se.trackingDerivation;
- return (Se.trackingDerivation = null), e;
- }
- function be(e) {
- Se.trackingDerivation = e;
- }
- function Te(e) {
- if (e.dependenciesState !== oe.UP_TO_DATE) {
- e.dependenciesState = oe.UP_TO_DATE;
- for (var t = e.observing, n = t.length; n--; ) t[n].lowestObserverState = oe.UP_TO_DATE;
+ return n;
+ };
+ S.add.apply(
+ S,
+ (function(e) {
+ if (Array.isArray(e)) {
+ for (var t = 0, n = new Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t];
+ return n;
- }
- var Ee = (function() {
- return function() {
- (this.version = 5),
- (this.UNCHANGED = {}),
- (this.trackingDerivation = null),
- (this.computationDepth = 0),
- (this.runId = 0),
- (this.mobxGuid = 0),
- (this.inBatch = 0),
- (this.pendingUnobservations = []),
- (this.pendingReactions = []),
- (this.isRunningReactions = !1),
- (this.allowStateChanges = !0),
- (this.enforceActions = !1),
- (this.spyListeners = []),
- (this.globalReactionErrorHandlers = []),
- (this.computedRequiresReaction = !1),
- (this.computedConfigurable = !1),
- (this.disableErrorBoundaries = !1),
- (this.suppressReactionErrors = !1);
- };
+ })(
+ (R = Object.keys(a).map(function(e) {
+ return a[e];
+ })),
+ ) ||
+ (function(e) {
+ if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e))
+ return Array.from(e);
+ })(R) ||
+ (function() {
+ throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
- _e = !0,
- Ce = !1,
- Se = (function() {
- var e = we();
- return (
- e.__mobxInstanceCount > 0 && !e.__mobxGlobals && (_e = !1),
- e.__mobxGlobals && e.__mobxGlobals.version !== new Ee().version && (_e = !1),
- _e
- ? e.__mobxGlobals
- ? ((e.__mobxInstanceCount += 1),
- e.__mobxGlobals.UNCHANGED || (e.__mobxGlobals.UNCHANGED = {}),
- e.__mobxGlobals)
- : ((e.__mobxInstanceCount = 1), (e.__mobxGlobals = new Ee()))
- : (setTimeout(function() {
- Ce ||
- f(
- "There are multiple, different versions of MobX active. Make sure MobX is loaded only once or use `configure({ isolateGlobalState: true })`",
+ ),
+ N("#1890ff");
+ var I,
+ F = "outlined";
+ var j = function(e) {
+ var t,
+ n = e.className,
+ i = e.type,
+ a = e.component,
+ c = e.viewBox,
+ s = e.spin,
+ l = e.rotate,
+ u = e.tabIndex,
+ h = e.onClick,
+ f = e.children,
+ d = e.theme,
+ p = e.twoToneColor,
+ v = V(e, [
+ "className",
+ "type",
+ "component",
+ "viewBox",
+ "spin",
+ "rotate",
+ "tabIndex",
+ "onClick",
+ "children",
+ "theme",
+ "twoToneColor",
+ ]);
+ Object(k.a)(Boolean(i || a || f), "Icon", "Should have `type` prop or `component` prop or `children`.");
+ var m = o()((H((t = {}), "anticon", !0), H(t, "anticon-".concat(i), Boolean(i)), t), n),
+ y = o()(H({}, "anticon-spin", !!s || "loading" === i)),
+ g = l ? { msTransform: "rotate(".concat(l, "deg)"), transform: "rotate(".concat(l, "deg)") } : void 0,
+ b = L(L({}, x), { className: y, style: g, viewBox: c });
+ c || delete b.viewBox;
+ var T = function() {
+ if (a) return r.createElement(a, b, f);
+ if (f)
+ return (
+ Object(k.a)(
+ Boolean(c) || (1 === r.Children.count(f) && r.isValidElement(f) && "use" === r.Children.only(f).type),
+ "Icon",
+ "Make sure that you provide correct `viewBox` prop (default `0 0 1024 1024`) to the icon.",
+ ),
+ r.createElement("svg", L({}, b, { viewBox: c }), f)
+ );
+ if ("string" === typeof i) {
+ var e = i;
+ if (d) {
+ var t = (function(e) {
+ var t = null;
+ return A.test(e) ? (t = "filled") : z.test(e) ? (t = "outlined") : D.test(e) && (t = "twoTone"), t;
+ })(i);
+ Object(k.a)(
+ !t || d === t,
+ "Icon",
+ "The icon name '".concat(i, "' already specify a theme '").concat(t, "',") +
+ " the 'theme' prop '".concat(d, "' will be ignored."),
+ );
+ }
+ return (
+ (e = (function(e, t) {
+ var n = e;
+ return (
+ "filled" === t
+ ? (n += "-fill")
+ : "outlined" === t
+ ? (n += "-o")
+ : "twoTone" === t
+ ? (n += "-twotone")
+ : Object(k.a)(!1, "Icon", "This icon '".concat(e, "' has unknown theme '").concat(t, "'")),
+ n
+ );
+ })(
+ (function(e) {
+ return e
+ .replace(A, "")
+ .replace(z, "")
+ .replace(D, "");
+ })(
+ (function(e) {
+ var t = e;
+ switch (e) {
+ case "cross":
+ t = "close";
+ break;
+ case "interation":
+ t = "interaction";
+ break;
+ case "canlendar":
+ t = "calendar";
+ break;
+ case "colum-height":
+ t = "column-height";
+ }
+ return (
+ Object(k.a)(
+ t === e,
+ "Icon",
+ "Icon '"
+ .concat(e, "' was a typo and is now deprecated, please use '")
+ .concat(t, "' instead."),
+ ),
+ t
- }, 1),
- new Ee())
- );
- })();
- function we() {
- return "undefined" !== typeof window ? window : r;
- }
- function Oe(e, t) {
- e.observers.add(t),
- e.lowestObserverState > t.dependenciesState && (e.lowestObserverState = t.dependenciesState);
- }
- function Me(e, t) {
- e.observers.delete(t), 0 === e.observers.size && ke(e);
- }
- function ke(e) {
- !1 === e.isPendingUnobservation && ((e.isPendingUnobservation = !0), Se.pendingUnobservations.push(e));
- }
- function xe() {
- Se.inBatch++;
- }
- function Ae() {
- if (0 === --Se.inBatch) {
- He();
- for (var e = Se.pendingUnobservations, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
- var n = e[t];
- (n.isPendingUnobservation = !1),
- 0 === n.observers.size &&
- (n.isBeingObserved && ((n.isBeingObserved = !1), n.onBecomeUnobserved()),
- n instanceof le && n.suspend());
+ })(e),
+ ),
+ I || d || F,
+ )),
+ r.createElement(S, { className: y, type: e, primaryColor: p, style: g })
+ );
- Se.pendingUnobservations = [];
- }
- }
- function ze(e) {
- var t = Se.trackingDerivation;
- return null !== t
- ? (t.runId !== e.lastAccessedBy &&
- ((e.lastAccessedBy = t.runId),
- (t.newObserving[t.unboundDepsCount++] = e),
- e.isBeingObserved || ((e.isBeingObserved = !0), e.onBecomeObserved())),
- !0)
- : (0 === e.observers.size && Se.inBatch > 0 && ke(e), !1);
- }
- function De(e, t) {
- if (
- (console.log("[mobx.trace] '" + e.name + "' is invalidated due to a change in: '" + t.name + "'"),
- e.isTracing === ae.BREAK)
- ) {
- var n = [];
- !(function e(t, n, r) {
- if (n.length >= 1e3) return void n.push("(and many more)");
- n.push("" + new Array(r).join("\t") + t.name);
- t.dependencies &&
- t.dependencies.forEach(function(t) {
- return e(t, n, r + 1);
- });
- })(((r = e), it(Yt(r, i))), n, 1),
- new Function(
- "debugger;\n/*\nTracing '" +
- e.name +
- "'\n\nYou are entering this break point because derivation '" +
- e.name +
- "' is being traced and '" +
- t.name +
- "' is now forcing it to update.\nJust follow the stacktrace you should now see in the devtools to see precisely what piece of your code is causing this update\nThe stackframe you are looking for is at least ~6-8 stack-frames up.\n\n" +
- (e instanceof le ? e.derivation.toString().replace(/[*]\//g, "/") : "") +
- "\n\nThe dependencies for this derivation are:\n\n" +
- n.join("\n") +
- "\n*/\n ",
- )();
- }
- var r, i;
+ },
+ E = u;
+ return (
+ void 0 === E && h && (E = -1),
+ r.createElement(P.a, { componentName: "Icon" }, function(e) {
+ return r.createElement(
+ "i",
+ L({ "aria-label": i && "".concat(e.icon, ": ").concat(i) }, v, { tabIndex: E, onClick: h, className: m }),
+ T(),
+ );
+ })
+ );
+ };
+ (j.createFromIconfontCN = function() {
+ var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
+ t = e.scriptUrl,
+ n = e.extraCommonProps,
+ i = void 0 === n ? {} : n;
+ if (
+ "undefined" !== typeof document &&
+ "undefined" !== typeof window &&
+ "function" === typeof document.createElement &&
+ "string" === typeof t &&
+ t.length &&
+ !M.has(t)
+ ) {
+ var o = document.createElement("script");
+ o.setAttribute("src", t), o.setAttribute("data-namespace", t), M.add(t), document.body.appendChild(o);
- var Pe = (function() {
- function e(e, t, n) {
- void 0 === e && (e = "Reaction@" + h()),
- (this.name = e),
- (this.onInvalidate = t),
- (this.errorHandler = n),
- (this.observing = []),
- (this.newObserving = []),
- (this.dependenciesState = oe.NOT_TRACKING),
- (this.diffValue = 0),
- (this.runId = 0),
- (this.unboundDepsCount = 0),
- (this.__mapid = "#" + h()),
- (this.isDisposed = !1),
- (this._isScheduled = !1),
- (this._isTrackPending = !1),
- (this._isRunning = !1),
- (this.isTracing = ae.NONE);
- }
+ var a = function(e) {
+ var t = e.type,
+ n = e.children,
+ o = O(e, ["type", "children"]),
+ a = null;
return (
- (e.prototype.onBecomeStale = function() {
- this.schedule();
- }),
- (e.prototype.schedule = function() {
- this._isScheduled || ((this._isScheduled = !0), Se.pendingReactions.push(this), He());
- }),
- (e.prototype.isScheduled = function() {
- return this._isScheduled;
- }),
- (e.prototype.runReaction = function() {
- if (!this.isDisposed) {
- if ((xe(), (this._isScheduled = !1), de(this))) {
- this._isTrackPending = !0;
- try {
- this.onInvalidate(), this._isTrackPending && Fe();
- } catch (e) {
- this.reportExceptionInDerivation(e);
- }
- }
- Ae();
- }
- }),
- (e.prototype.track = function(e) {
- if (!this.isDisposed) {
- xe();
- Fe();
- 0, (this._isRunning = !0);
- var t = ve(this, e, void 0);
- (this._isRunning = !1),
- (this._isTrackPending = !1),
- this.isDisposed && me(this),
- fe(t) && this.reportExceptionInDerivation(t.cause),
- Ae();
- }
- }),
- (e.prototype.reportExceptionInDerivation = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- if (this.errorHandler) this.errorHandler(e, this);
- else {
- if (Se.disableErrorBoundaries) throw e;
- var n =
- "[mobx] Encountered an uncaught exception that was thrown by a reaction or observer component, in: '" +
- this +
- "'";
- Se.suppressReactionErrors
- ? console.warn(
- "[mobx] (error in reaction '" + this.name + "' suppressed, fix error of causing action below)",
- )
- : console.error(n, e),
- Fe() && je({ type: "error", name: this.name, message: n, error: "" + e }),
- Se.globalReactionErrorHandlers.forEach(function(n) {
- return n(e, t);
- });
- }
- }),
- (e.prototype.dispose = function() {
- this.isDisposed || ((this.isDisposed = !0), this._isRunning || (xe(), me(this), Ae()));
- }),
- (e.prototype.getDisposer = function() {
- var e = this.dispose.bind(this);
- return (e[w] = this), e;
- }),
- (e.prototype.toString = function() {
- return "Reaction[" + this.name + "]";
- }),
- (e.prototype.trace = function(e) {
- void 0 === e && (e = !1),
- (function() {
- for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
- var n = !1;
- "boolean" === typeof e[e.length - 1] && (n = e.pop());
- var r = (function(e) {
- switch (e.length) {
- case 0:
- return Se.trackingDerivation;
- case 1:
- return Yt(e[0]);
- case 2:
- return Yt(e[0], e[1]);
- }
- })(e);
- if (!r) return f(!1);
- r.isTracing === ae.NONE && console.log("[mobx.trace] '" + r.name + "' tracing enabled");
- r.isTracing = n ? ae.BREAK : ae.LOG;
- })(this, e);
- }),
- e
- );
- })();
- var Ne = 100,
- Le = function(e) {
- return e();
- };
- function He() {
- Se.inBatch > 0 || Se.isRunningReactions || Le(Re);
- }
- function Re() {
- Se.isRunningReactions = !0;
- for (var e = Se.pendingReactions, t = 0; e.length > 0; ) {
- ++t === Ne &&
- (console.error(
- "Reaction doesn't converge to a stable state after " +
- Ne +
- " iterations. Probably there is a cycle in the reactive function: " +
- e[0],
- ),
- e.splice(0));
- for (var n = e.splice(0), r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++) n[r].runReaction();
- }
- Se.isRunningReactions = !1;
- }
- var Ve = b("Reaction", Pe);
- function Ie(e) {
- var t = Le;
- Le = function(n) {
- return e(function() {
- return t(n);
- });
- };
- }
- function Fe() {
- return !1;
- }
- function je(e) {}
- function Ue(e) {
- return console.warn("[mobx.spy] Is a no-op in production builds"), function() {};
- }
- function Be() {
- f(!1);
- }
- function Ke(e) {
- return function(t, n, r) {
- if (r) {
- if (r.value) return { value: Z(e, r.value), enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, writable: !0 };
- var i = r.initializer;
- return {
- enumerable: !1,
- configurable: !0,
- writable: !0,
- initializer: function() {
- return Z(e, i.call(this));
- },
- };
- }
- return (function(e) {
- return function(t, n, r) {
- Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
- configurable: !0,
- enumerable: !1,
- get: function() {},
- set: function(t) {
- g(this, n, Ge(e, t));
- },
- });
- };
- })(e).apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- var Ge = function(e, t, n, r) {
- return 1 === arguments.length && "function" === typeof e
- ? Z(e.name || "", e)
- : 2 === arguments.length && "function" === typeof t
- ? Z(e, t)
- : 1 === arguments.length && "string" === typeof e
- ? Ke(e)
- : !0 !== r
- ? Ke(t).apply(null, arguments)
- : void g(e, t, Z(e.name || t, n.value, this));
- };
- function We(e, t) {
- return J(
- "string" === typeof e ? e : e.name || "",
- "function" === typeof e ? e : t,
- this,
- void 0,
+ e.type && (a = r.createElement("use", { xlinkHref: "#".concat(t) })),
+ n && (a = n),
+ r.createElement(U, w({}, o, i), a)
- }
- function Ye(e, t, n) {
- g(e, t, Z(t, n.bind(e)));
- }
- function qe(e, t) {
- void 0 === t && (t = u);
- var n,
- r = (t && t.name) || e.name || "Autorun@" + h();
- if (!t.scheduler && !t.delay)
- n = new Pe(
- r,
- function() {
- this.track(a);
- },
- t.onError,
- );
- else {
- var i = Qe(t),
- o = !1;
- n = new Pe(
- r,
- function() {
- o ||
- ((o = !0),
- i(function() {
- (o = !1), n.isDisposed || n.track(a);
- }));
- },
- t.onError,
- );
- }
- function a() {
- e(n);
- }
- return n.schedule(), n.getDisposer();
- }
- Ge.bound = function(e, t, n, r) {
- return !0 === r
- ? (Ye(e, t, n.value), null)
- : n
- ? {
- configurable: !0,
- enumerable: !1,
- get: function() {
- return Ye(this, t, n.value || n.initializer.call(this)), this[t];
- },
- set: Be,
- }
- : {
- enumerable: !1,
- configurable: !0,
- set: function(e) {
- Ye(this, t, e);
- },
- get: function() {},
- };
- var Xe = function(e) {
- return e();
- };
- function Qe(e) {
- return e.scheduler
- ? e.scheduler
- : e.delay
- ? function(t) {
- return setTimeout(t, e.delay);
- }
- : Xe;
- }
- function $e(e, t, n) {
- void 0 === n && (n = u);
- var r,
- i,
- o,
- a = n.name || "Reaction@" + h(),
- c = Ge(
- a,
- n.onError
- ? ((r = n.onError),
- (i = t),
- function() {
- try {
- return i.apply(this, arguments);
- } catch (e) {
- r.call(this, e);
- }
- })
- : t,
- ),
- s = !n.scheduler && !n.delay,
- l = Qe(n),
- f = !0,
- d = !1,
- p = n.compareStructural ? x.structural : n.equals || x.default,
- v = new Pe(
- a,
- function() {
- f || s ? m() : d || ((d = !0), l(m));
- },
- n.onError,
- );
- function m() {
- if (((d = !1), !v.isDisposed)) {
- var t = !1;
- v.track(function() {
- var n = e(v);
- (t = f || !p(o, n)), (o = n);
- }),
- f && n.fireImmediately && c(o, v),
- f || !0 !== t || c(o, v),
- f && (f = !1);
- }
- }
- return v.schedule(), v.getDisposer();
- }
- function Ze(e, t, n) {
- return Je("onBecomeUnobserved", e, t, n);
- }
- function Je(e, t, n, r) {
- var i = "string" === typeof n ? Yt(t, n) : Yt(t),
- o = "string" === typeof n ? r : n,
- a = e + "Listeners";
- return (
- i[a] ? i[a].add(o) : (i[a] = new Set([o])),
- "function" !== typeof i[e]
- ? f(!1)
- : function() {
- var e = i[a];
- e && (e.delete(o), 0 === e.size && delete i[a]);
- }
- );
- }
- function et(e) {
- var t = e.enforceActions,
- n = e.computedRequiresReaction,
- r = e.computedConfigurable,
- i = e.disableErrorBoundaries,
- o = e.reactionScheduler;
- if (
- (!0 === e.isolateGlobalState &&
- ((Se.pendingReactions.length || Se.inBatch || Se.isRunningReactions) &&
- f("isolateGlobalState should be called before MobX is running any reactions"),
- (Ce = !0),
- _e && (0 === --we().__mobxInstanceCount && (we().__mobxGlobals = void 0), (Se = new Ee()))),
- void 0 !== t)
- ) {
- var a = void 0;
- switch (t) {
- case !0:
- case "observed":
- a = !0;
- break;
- case !1:
- case "never":
- a = !1;
- break;
- case "strict":
- case "always":
- a = "strict";
- break;
- default:
- f("Invalid value for 'enforceActions': '" + t + "', expected 'never', 'always' or 'observed'");
- }
- (Se.enforceActions = a), (Se.allowStateChanges = !0 !== a && "strict" !== a);
+ return (a.displayName = "Iconfont"), a;
+ }),
+ (j.getTwoToneColor = function() {
+ return S.getTwoToneColors().primaryColor;
+ }),
+ (j.setTwoToneColor = N);
+ var U = (t.a = j);
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = {
+ TAB: 9,
+ ENTER: 13,
+ SHIFT: 16,
+ CTRL: 17,
+ ALT: 18,
+ PAUSE: 19,
+ CAPS_LOCK: 20,
+ ESC: 27,
+ SPACE: 32,
+ PAGE_UP: 33,
+ PAGE_DOWN: 34,
+ END: 35,
+ HOME: 36,
+ LEFT: 37,
+ UP: 38,
+ RIGHT: 39,
+ DOWN: 40,
+ INSERT: 45,
+ DELETE: 46,
+ ZERO: 48,
+ ONE: 49,
+ TWO: 50,
+ THREE: 51,
+ FOUR: 52,
+ FIVE: 53,
+ SIX: 54,
+ SEVEN: 55,
+ EIGHT: 56,
+ NINE: 57,
+ A: 65,
+ B: 66,
+ C: 67,
+ D: 68,
+ E: 69,
+ F: 70,
+ G: 71,
+ H: 72,
+ I: 73,
+ J: 74,
+ K: 75,
+ L: 76,
+ M: 77,
+ N: 78,
+ O: 79,
+ P: 80,
+ Q: 81,
+ R: 82,
+ S: 83,
+ T: 84,
+ U: 85,
+ V: 86,
+ W: 87,
+ X: 88,
+ Y: 89,
+ Z: 90,
+ META: 91,
+ NUM_ZERO: 96,
+ NUM_ONE: 97,
+ NUM_TWO: 98,
+ NUM_THREE: 99,
+ NUM_FOUR: 100,
+ NUM_FIVE: 101,
+ NUM_SIX: 102,
+ NUM_SEVEN: 103,
+ NUM_EIGHT: 104,
+ NUM_NINE: 105,
+ NUM_PLUS: 107,
+ NUM_MINUS: 109,
+ NUM_PERIOD: 110,
+ F1: 112,
+ F2: 113,
+ F3: 114,
+ F4: 115,
+ F5: 116,
+ F6: 117,
+ F7: 118,
+ F8: 119,
+ F9: 120,
+ F10: 121,
+ F11: 122,
+ F12: 123,
+ NUMLOCK: 144,
+ DASH: 189,
+ EQUALS: 187,
+ COMMA: 188,
+ PERIOD: 190,
+ SLASH: 191,
+ WIN_KEY: 224,
+ MAC_FF_META: 224,
+ WIN_IME: 229,
+ isTextModifyingKeyEvent: function(e) {
+ var t = e.keyCode;
+ if ((e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) || e.metaKey || (t >= r.F1 && t <= r.F12)) return !1;
+ switch (t) {
+ case r.ALT:
+ case r.CAPS_LOCK:
+ case r.CONTEXT_MENU:
+ case r.CTRL:
+ case r.DOWN:
+ case r.END:
+ case r.ESC:
+ case r.HOME:
+ case r.INSERT:
+ case r.LEFT:
+ case r.MAC_FF_META:
+ case r.META:
+ case r.NUMLOCK:
+ case r.NUM_CENTER:
+ case r.PAGE_DOWN:
+ case r.PAGE_UP:
+ case r.PAUSE:
+ case r.PRINT_SCREEN:
+ case r.RIGHT:
+ case r.SHIFT:
+ case r.UP:
+ case r.WIN_KEY:
+ case r.WIN_KEY_RIGHT:
+ return !1;
+ default:
+ return !0;
- void 0 !== n && (Se.computedRequiresReaction = !!n),
- void 0 !== r && (Se.computedConfigurable = !!r),
- void 0 !== i &&
- (!0 === i &&
- console.warn(
- "WARNING: Debug feature only. MobX will NOT recover from errors when `disableErrorBoundaries` is enabled.",
- ),
- (Se.disableErrorBoundaries = !!i)),
- o && Ie(o);
- }
- function tt(e, t, n, r) {
- var i = nt((r = F(r)));
- return N(e), jt(e, r.name, i.enhancer), t && rt(e, t, n, i), e;
+ },
+ isCharacterKey: function(e) {
+ if (e >= r.ZERO && e <= r.NINE) return !0;
+ if (e >= r.NUM_ZERO && e <= r.NUM_MULTIPLY) return !0;
+ if (e >= r.A && e <= r.Z) return !0;
+ if (-1 !== window.navigation.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") && 0 === e) return !0;
+ switch (e) {
+ case r.SPACE:
+ case r.NUM_PLUS:
+ case r.NUM_MINUS:
+ case r.NUM_PERIOD:
+ case r.NUM_DIVISION:
+ case r.SEMICOLON:
+ case r.DASH:
+ case r.EQUALS:
+ case r.COMMA:
+ case r.PERIOD:
+ case r.SLASH:
+ case r.APOSTROPHE:
+ case r.SINGLE_QUOTE:
+ case r.BACKSLASH:
+ return !0;
+ default:
+ return !1;
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ t.a = r;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return i;
+ });
+ var r = n(105);
+ function i(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {},
+ i = Object.keys(n);
+ "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
+ (i = i.concat(
+ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n).filter(function(e) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e).enumerable;
+ }),
+ )),
+ i.forEach(function(t) {
+ Object(r.a)(e, t, n[t]);
+ });
- function nt(e) {
- return e.defaultDecorator || (!1 === e.deep ? B : j);
+ return e;
+ }
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(9),
+ i = n.n(r);
+ t.a = function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = i()({}, e), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) delete n[t[r]];
+ return n;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return a;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "d", function() {
+ return c;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "b", function() {
+ return s;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "c", function() {
+ return l;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "e", function() {
+ return u;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "f", function() {
+ return h;
+ });
+ var r = n(56),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(104),
+ a = function(e, t) {
+ return e && t;
+ },
+ c = function(e, t) {
+ return e && !0 !== e && "".concat(e, " ").concat(t);
+ },
+ s = function(e, t) {
+ return e && (!0 === e ? t : "".concat(e, " ").concat(t));
+ },
+ l = function(e) {
+ return "justified" === e ? "justified" : c(e, "aligned");
+ },
+ u = function(e) {
+ return c(e, "aligned");
+ },
+ h = function(e) {
+ var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "";
+ if (arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2] && "equal" === e) return "equal width";
+ var n = i()(e);
+ return ("string" !== n && "number" !== n) || !t ? Object(o.a)(e) : "".concat(Object(o.a)(e), " ").concat(t);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ (function(e, r) {
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return w;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "b", function() {
+ return Lt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "c", function() {
+ return Pe;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "d", function() {
+ return te;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "e", function() {
+ return ie;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "f", function() {
+ return qt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "g", function() {
+ return ot;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "h", function() {
+ return Ge;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "i", function() {
+ return $;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "j", function() {
+ return et;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "k", function() {
+ return k;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "l", function() {
+ return pt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "m", function() {
+ return Yt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "n", function() {
+ return Xt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "o", function() {
+ return at;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "p", function() {
+ return st;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "q", function() {
+ return Dt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "r", function() {
+ return Ht;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "s", function() {
+ return Wt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "t", function() {
+ return ht;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "u", function() {
+ return Y;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "v", function() {
+ return mt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "w", function() {
+ return $e;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "x", function() {
+ return We;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "y", function() {
+ return vt;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "z", function() {
+ return Ue;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "A", function() {
+ return ye;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "B", function() {
+ return dt;
+ });
+ var i = function(e, t) {
+ return (i =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array &&
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.__proto__ = t;
+ }) ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]);
+ })(e, t);
+ };
+ var o = function() {
+ return (o =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++)
+ for (var i in (t = arguments[n])) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]);
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ function a(e) {
+ var t = "function" === typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator],
+ n = 0;
+ return t
+ ? t.call(e)
+ : {
+ next: function() {
+ return e && n >= e.length && (e = void 0), { value: e && e[n++], done: !e };
+ },
+ };
- function rt(e, t, n, r) {
- var i, o;
- xe();
+ function c(e, t) {
+ var n = "function" === typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator];
+ if (!n) return e;
+ var r,
+ i,
+ o = n.call(e),
+ a = [];
try {
- var c = _(t);
+ for (; (void 0 === t || t-- > 0) && !(r = o.next()).done; ) a.push(r.value);
+ } catch (c) {
+ i = { error: c };
+ } finally {
try {
- for (var s = a(c), l = s.next(); !l.done; l = s.next()) {
- var u = l.value,
- h = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, u);
- 0;
- var f = (n && u in n ? n[u] : h.get ? X : r)(e, u, h, !0);
- f && Object.defineProperty(e, u, f);
- }
- } catch (d) {
- i = { error: d };
+ r && !r.done && (n = o.return) && n.call(o);
} finally {
- try {
- l && !l.done && (o = s.return) && o.call(s);
- } finally {
- if (i) throw i.error;
- }
+ if (i) throw i.error;
- } finally {
- Ae();
+ return a;
- function it(e) {
- var t = { name: e.name };
- return (
- e.observing &&
- e.observing.length > 0 &&
- (t.dependencies = (function(e) {
- var t = [];
- return (
- e.forEach(function(e) {
- -1 === t.indexOf(e) && t.push(e);
- }),
- t
- );
- })(e.observing).map(it)),
- t
- );
- }
- function ot(e, t, n) {
- var r;
- if (Ht(e) || Dt(e) || se(e)) r = qt(e);
- else {
- if (!Wt(e)) return f(!1);
- if ("string" !== typeof t) return f(!1);
- r = qt(e, t);
- }
- return void 0 !== r.dehancer
- ? f(!1)
- : ((r.dehancer = "function" === typeof t ? t : n),
- function() {
- r.dehancer = void 0;
- });
+ var s = "An invariant failed, however the error is obfuscated because this is an production build.",
+ l = [];
+ Object.freeze(l);
+ var u = {};
+ function h() {
+ return ++Se.mobxGuid;
- function at(e, t, n) {
- return "function" === typeof n
- ? (function(e, t, n) {
- return qt(e, t).intercept(n);
- })(e, t, n)
- : (function(e, t) {
- return qt(e).intercept(t);
- })(e, t);
+ function f(e) {
+ throw (d(!1, e), "X");
- function ct(e, t) {
- if (null === e || void 0 === e) return !1;
- if (void 0 !== t) {
- if (!1 === Wt(e)) return !1;
- if (!e[w].values.has(t)) return !1;
- var n = Yt(e, t);
- return ue(n);
- }
- return ue(e);
- }
- function st(e, t) {
- return "string" !== typeof t ? f(!1) : ct(e, t);
- }
- function lt(e, t) {
- return (
- null !== e &&
- void 0 !== e &&
- (void 0 !== t ? !!Wt(e) && e[w].values.has(t) : Wt(e) || !!e[w] || M(e) || Ve(e) || ue(e))
- );
- }
- function ut(e) {
- return 1 !== arguments.length && f(!1), lt(e);
- }
- function ht(e, t) {
- return "string" !== typeof t ? f(!1) : lt(e, t);
- }
- function ft(e) {
- return Wt(e)
- ? e[w].getKeys()
- : Ht(e)
- ? Array.from(e.keys())
- : It(e)
- ? Array.from(e.keys())
- : Dt(e)
- ? e.map(function(e, t) {
- return t;
- })
- : f(!1);
- }
- function dt(e) {
- return Wt(e)
- ? ft(e).map(function(t) {
- return e[t];
- })
- : Ht(e)
- ? ft(e).map(function(t) {
- return e.get(t);
- })
- : It(e)
- ? Array.from(e.values())
- : Dt(e)
- ? e.slice()
- : f(!1);
- }
- function pt(e) {
- return Wt(e)
- ? ft(e).map(function(t) {
- return [t, e[t]];
- })
- : Ht(e)
- ? ft(e).map(function(t) {
- return [t, e.get(t)];
- })
- : It(e)
- ? Array.from(e.entries())
- : Dt(e)
- ? e.map(function(e, t) {
- return [t, e];
- })
- : f(!1);
- }
- function vt(e, t, n) {
- if (2 !== arguments.length || It(e))
- if (Wt(e)) {
- var r = e[w];
- r.values.get(t) ? r.write(t, n) : r.addObservableProp(t, n, r.defaultEnhancer);
- } else if (Ht(e)) e.set(t, n);
- else if (It(e)) e.add(t);
- else {
- if (!Dt(e)) return f(!1);
- "number" !== typeof t && (t = parseInt(t, 10)),
- d(t >= 0, "Not a valid index: '" + t + "'"),
- xe(),
- t >= e.length && (e.length = t + 1),
- (e[t] = n),
- Ae();
- }
- else {
- xe();
- var i = t;
- try {
- for (var o in i) vt(e, o, i[o]);
- } finally {
- Ae();
- }
- }
- }
- function mt(e, t, n, r) {
- return "function" === typeof n
- ? (function(e, t, n, r) {
- return qt(e, t).observe(n, r);
- })(e, t, n, r)
- : (function(e, t, n) {
- return qt(e).observe(t, n);
- })(e, t, n);
+ function d(e, t) {
+ if (!e) throw new Error("[mobx] " + (t || s));
- function yt(e, t) {
- void 0 === t && (t = void 0), xe();
- try {
- return e.apply(t);
- } finally {
- Ae();
- }
+ Object.freeze(u);
+ function p(e) {
+ var t = !1;
+ return function() {
+ if (!t) return (t = !0), e.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
- function gt(e) {
- return e[w];
+ var v = function() {};
+ function m(e) {
+ return null !== e && "object" === typeof e;
- function bt(e) {
- return "string" === typeof e || "number" === typeof e || "symbol" === typeof e;
+ function y(e) {
+ if (null === e || "object" !== typeof e) return !1;
+ var t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ return t === Object.prototype || null === t;
- var Tt = {
- has: function(e, t) {
- if (t === w || "constructor" === t || t === A) return !0;
- var n = gt(e);
- return bt(t) ? n.has(t) : t in e;
- },
- get: function(e, t) {
- if (t === w || "constructor" === t || t === A) return e[t];
- var n = gt(e),
- r = n.values.get(t);
- if (r instanceof O) {
- var i = r.get();
- return void 0 === i && n.has(t), i;
- }
- return bt(t) && n.has(t), e[t];
- },
- set: function(e, t, n) {
- return !!bt(t) && (vt(e, t, n), !0);
- },
- deleteProperty: function(e, t) {
- return !!bt(t) && (gt(e).remove(t), !0);
- },
- ownKeys: function(e) {
- return gt(e).keysAtom.reportObserved(), Reflect.ownKeys(e);
- },
- preventExtensions: function(e) {
- return f("Dynamic observable objects cannot be frozen"), !1;
- },
- };
- function Et(e) {
- return void 0 !== e.interceptors && e.interceptors.length > 0;
+ function g(e, t, n) {
+ Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0, value: n });
- function _t(e, t) {
- var n = e.interceptors || (e.interceptors = []);
+ function b(e, t) {
+ var n = "isMobX" + e;
return (
- n.push(t),
- p(function() {
- var e = n.indexOf(t);
- -1 !== e && n.splice(e, 1);
- })
+ (t.prototype[n] = !0),
+ function(e) {
+ return m(e) && !0 === e[n];
+ }
- function Ct(e, t) {
- var n = ge();
- try {
- var r = e.interceptors;
- if (r)
- for (
- var i = 0, o = r.length;
- i < o &&
- (d(!(t = r[i](t)) || t.type, "Intercept handlers should return nothing or a change object"), t);
- i++
- );
- return t;
- } finally {
- be(n);
- }
+ function T(e) {
+ return e instanceof Map;
- function St(e) {
- return void 0 !== e.changeListeners && e.changeListeners.length > 0;
+ function E(e) {
+ return e instanceof Set;
- function wt(e, t) {
- var n = e.changeListeners || (e.changeListeners = []);
+ function _(e) {
+ var t = new Set();
+ for (var n in e) t.add(n);
return (
- n.push(t),
- p(function() {
- var e = n.indexOf(t);
- -1 !== e && n.splice(e, 1);
- })
+ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e).forEach(function(n) {
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable && t.add(n);
+ }),
+ Array.from(t)
- function Ot(e, t) {
- var n = ge(),
- r = e.changeListeners;
- if (r) {
- for (var i = 0, o = (r = r.slice()).length; i < o; i++) r[i](t);
- be(n);
- }
+ function C(e) {
+ return e && e.toString ? e.toString() : new String(e).toString();
- var Mt = {
- get: function(e, t) {
- return t === w
- ? e[w]
- : "length" === t
- ? e[w].getArrayLength()
- : "number" === typeof t
- ? xt.get.call(e, t)
- : "string" !== typeof t || isNaN(t)
- ? xt.hasOwnProperty(t)
- ? xt[t]
- : e[t]
- : xt.get.call(e, parseInt(t));
- },
- set: function(e, t, n) {
- return (
- "length" === t && e[w].setArrayLength(n),
- "number" === typeof t && xt.set.call(e, t, n),
- "symbol" === typeof t || isNaN(t) ? (e[t] = n) : xt.set.call(e, parseInt(t), n),
- !0
- );
- },
- preventExtensions: function(e) {
- return f("Observable arrays cannot be frozen"), !1;
- },
- };
- var kt = (function() {
- function e(e, t, n) {
- (this.owned = n),
- (this.values = []),
- (this.proxy = void 0),
- (this.lastKnownLength = 0),
- (this.atom = new O(e || "ObservableArray@" + h())),
- (this.enhancer = function(n, r) {
- return t(n, r, e + "[..]");
- });
+ function S(e) {
+ return null === e ? null : "object" === typeof e ? "" + e : e;
+ }
+ var w = Symbol("mobx administration"),
+ O = (function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = "Atom@" + h()),
+ (this.name = e),
+ (this.isPendingUnobservation = !1),
+ (this.isBeingObserved = !1),
+ (this.observers = new Set()),
+ (this.diffValue = 0),
+ (this.lastAccessedBy = 0),
+ (this.lowestObserverState = oe.NOT_TRACKING);
return (
- (e.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
- return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e;
- }),
- (e.prototype.dehanceValues = function(e) {
- return void 0 !== this.dehancer && e.length > 0 ? e.map(this.dehancer) : e;
- }),
- (e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
- return _t(this, e);
- }),
- (e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
- return (
- void 0 === t && (t = !1),
- t &&
- e({
- object: this.proxy,
- type: "splice",
- index: 0,
- added: this.values.slice(),
- addedCount: this.values.length,
- removed: [],
- removedCount: 0,
- }),
- wt(this, e)
- );
- }),
- (e.prototype.getArrayLength = function() {
- return this.atom.reportObserved(), this.values.length;
+ (e.prototype.onBecomeObserved = function() {
+ this.onBecomeObservedListeners &&
+ this.onBecomeObservedListeners.forEach(function(e) {
+ return e();
+ });
- (e.prototype.setArrayLength = function(e) {
- if ("number" !== typeof e || e < 0) throw new Error("[mobx.array] Out of range: " + e);
- var t = this.values.length;
- if (e !== t)
- if (e > t) {
- for (var n = new Array(e - t), r = 0; r < e - t; r++) n[r] = void 0;
- this.spliceWithArray(t, 0, n);
- } else this.spliceWithArray(e, t - e);
+ (e.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved = function() {
+ this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners &&
+ this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners.forEach(function(e) {
+ return e();
+ });
- (e.prototype.updateArrayLength = function(e, t) {
- if (e !== this.lastKnownLength)
- throw new Error(
- "[mobx] Modification exception: the internal structure of an observable array was changed.",
- );
- this.lastKnownLength += t;
+ (e.prototype.reportObserved = function() {
+ return ze(this);
- (e.prototype.spliceWithArray = function(e, t, n) {
- var r = this;
- pe(this.atom);
- var i = this.values.length;
- if (
- (void 0 === e ? (e = 0) : e > i ? (e = i) : e < 0 && (e = Math.max(0, i + e)),
- (t =
- 1 === arguments.length ? i - e : void 0 === t || null === t ? 0 : Math.max(0, Math.min(t, i - e))),
- void 0 === n && (n = l),
- Et(this))
- ) {
- var o = Ct(this, { object: this.proxy, type: "splice", index: e, removedCount: t, added: n });
- if (!o) return l;
- (t = o.removedCount), (n = o.added);
- }
- n =
- 0 === n.length
- ? n
- : n.map(function(e) {
- return r.enhancer(e, void 0);
+ (e.prototype.reportChanged = function() {
+ xe(),
+ (function(e) {
+ if (e.lowestObserverState === oe.STALE) return;
+ (e.lowestObserverState = oe.STALE),
+ e.observers.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.dependenciesState === oe.UP_TO_DATE &&
+ (t.isTracing !== ae.NONE && De(t, e), t.onBecomeStale()),
+ (t.dependenciesState = oe.STALE);
- var a = this.spliceItemsIntoValues(e, t, n);
- return (0 === t && 0 === n.length) || this.notifyArraySplice(e, n, a), this.dehanceValues(a);
- }),
- (e.prototype.spliceItemsIntoValues = function(e, t, n) {
- var r;
- if (n.length < 1e4)
- return (r = this.values).splice.apply(
- r,
- (function() {
- for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e = e.concat(c(arguments[t]));
- return e;
- })([e, t], n),
- );
- var i = this.values.slice(e, e + t);
- return (this.values = this.values.slice(0, e).concat(n, this.values.slice(e + t))), i;
- }),
- (e.prototype.notifyArrayChildUpdate = function(e, t, n) {
- var r = !this.owned && !1,
- i = St(this),
- o = i || r ? { object: this.proxy, type: "update", index: e, newValue: t, oldValue: n } : null;
- this.atom.reportChanged(), i && Ot(this, o);
+ })(this),
+ Ae();
- (e.prototype.notifyArraySplice = function(e, t, n) {
- var r = !this.owned && !1,
- i = St(this),
- o =
- i || r
- ? {
- object: this.proxy,
- type: "splice",
- index: e,
- removed: n,
- added: t,
- removedCount: n.length,
- addedCount: t.length,
- }
- : null;
- this.atom.reportChanged(), i && Ot(this, o);
+ (e.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.name;
- xt = {
- intercept: function(e) {
- return this[w].intercept(e);
- },
- observe: function(e, t) {
- return void 0 === t && (t = !1), this[w].observe(e, t);
- },
- clear: function() {
- return this.splice(0);
- },
- replace: function(e) {
- var t = this[w];
- return t.spliceWithArray(0, t.values.length, e);
- },
- toJS: function() {
- return this.slice();
- },
- toJSON: function() {
- return this.toJS();
- },
- splice: function(e, t) {
- for (var n = [], r = 2; r < arguments.length; r++) n[r - 2] = arguments[r];
- var i = this[w];
- switch (arguments.length) {
- case 0:
- return [];
- case 1:
- return i.spliceWithArray(e);
- case 2:
- return i.spliceWithArray(e, t);
- }
- return i.spliceWithArray(e, t, n);
- },
- spliceWithArray: function(e, t, n) {
- return this[w].spliceWithArray(e, t, n);
- },
- push: function() {
- for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
- var n = this[w];
- return n.spliceWithArray(n.values.length, 0, e), n.values.length;
- },
- pop: function() {
- return this.splice(Math.max(this[w].values.length - 1, 0), 1)[0];
- },
- shift: function() {
- return this.splice(0, 1)[0];
- },
- unshift: function() {
- for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
- var n = this[w];
- return n.spliceWithArray(0, 0, e), n.values.length;
- },
- reverse: function() {
- var e = this.slice();
- return e.reverse.apply(e, arguments);
- },
- sort: function(e) {
- var t = this.slice();
- return t.sort.apply(t, arguments);
+ M = b("Atom", O);
+ function k(e, t, n) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = v), void 0 === n && (n = v);
+ var r,
+ i = new O(e);
+ return t !== v && Je("onBecomeObserved", i, t, r), n !== v && Ze(i, n), i;
+ }
+ var x = {
+ identity: function(e, t) {
+ return e === t;
- remove: function(e) {
- var t = this[w],
- n = t.dehanceValues(t.values).indexOf(e);
- return n > -1 && (this.splice(n, 1), !0);
+ structural: function(e, t) {
+ return $t(e, t);
- get: function(e) {
- var t = this[w];
- if (t) {
- if (e < t.values.length) return t.atom.reportObserved(), t.dehanceValue(t.values[e]);
- console.warn(
- "[mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (" +
- e +
- ") that is out of bounds (" +
- t.values.length +
- "). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX",
- );
- }
+ default: function(e, t) {
+ return Object.is(e, t);
- set: function(e, t) {
- var n = this[w],
- r = n.values;
- if (e < r.length) {
- pe(n.atom);
- var i = r[e];
- if (Et(n)) {
- var o = Ct(n, { type: "update", object: n.proxy, index: e, newValue: t });
- if (!o) return;
- t = o.newValue;
- }
- (t = n.enhancer(t, i)) !== i && ((r[e] = t), n.notifyArrayChildUpdate(e, t, i));
- } else {
- if (e !== r.length)
- throw new Error("[mobx.array] Index out of bounds, " + e + " is larger than " + r.length);
- n.spliceWithArray(e, 0, [t]);
+ },
+ A = Symbol("mobx did run lazy initializers"),
+ z = Symbol("mobx pending decorators"),
+ D = {},
+ P = {};
+ function N(e) {
+ if (!0 !== e[A]) {
+ var t = e[z];
+ if (t)
+ for (var n in (g(e, A, !0), t)) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ r.propertyCreator(e, r.prop, r.descriptor, r.decoratorTarget, r.decoratorArguments);
- },
+ }
+ }
+ function L(e, t) {
+ return function() {
+ var n,
+ r,
+ i = function(r, i, a, c) {
+ if (!0 === c) return t(r, i, a, r, n), null;
+ if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, z)) {
+ var s = r[z];
+ g(r, z, o({}, s));
+ }
+ return (
+ (r[z][i] = { prop: i, propertyCreator: t, descriptor: a, decoratorTarget: r, decoratorArguments: n }),
+ (function(e, t) {
+ var n = t ? D : P;
+ return (
+ n[e] ||
+ (n[e] = {
+ configurable: !0,
+ enumerable: t,
+ get: function() {
+ return N(this), this[e];
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ N(this), (this[e] = t);
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ })(i, e)
+ );
+ };
+ return ((2 === (r = arguments).length || 3 === r.length) && "string" === typeof r[1]) ||
+ (4 === r.length && !0 === r[3])
+ ? ((n = l), i.apply(null, arguments))
+ : ((n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)), i);
- [
- "concat",
- "every",
- "filter",
- "forEach",
- "indexOf",
- "join",
- "lastIndexOf",
- "map",
- "reduce",
- "reduceRight",
- "slice",
- "some",
- "toString",
- "toLocaleString",
- ].forEach(function(e) {
- xt[e] = function() {
- var t = this[w];
- t.atom.reportObserved();
- var n = t.dehanceValues(t.values);
- return n[e].apply(n, arguments);
+ }
+ function H(e, t, n) {
+ return ut(e)
+ ? e
+ : Array.isArray(e)
+ ? Y.array(e, { name: n })
+ : y(e)
+ ? Y.object(e, void 0, { name: n })
+ : T(e)
+ ? Y.map(e, { name: n })
+ : E(e)
+ ? Y.set(e, { name: n })
+ : e;
+ }
+ function R(e) {
+ return e;
+ }
+ function V(t) {
+ d(t);
+ var n = L(!0, function(e, n, r, i, o) {
+ var a = r ? (r.initializer ? r.initializer.call(e) : r.value) : void 0;
+ jt(e).addObservableProp(n, a, t);
+ }),
+ r = ("undefined" !== typeof e && Object({ NODE_ENV: "production", PUBLIC_URL: "" }), n);
+ return (r.enhancer = t), r;
+ }
+ var I = { deep: !0, name: void 0, defaultDecorator: void 0, proxy: !0 };
+ function F(e) {
+ return null === e || void 0 === e ? I : "string" === typeof e ? { name: e, deep: !0, proxy: !0 } : e;
+ }
+ Object.freeze(I);
+ var j = V(H),
+ U = V(function(e, t, n) {
+ return void 0 === e || null === e
+ ? e
+ : Wt(e) || Dt(e) || Ht(e) || It(e)
+ ? e
+ : Array.isArray(e)
+ ? Y.array(e, { name: n, deep: !1 })
+ : y(e)
+ ? Y.object(e, void 0, { name: n, deep: !1 })
+ : T(e)
+ ? Y.map(e, { name: n, deep: !1 })
+ : E(e)
+ ? Y.set(e, { name: n, deep: !1 })
+ : f(!1);
+ }),
+ B = V(R),
+ K = V(function(e, t, n) {
+ return $t(e, t) ? t : e;
+ });
+ function G(e) {
+ return e.defaultDecorator ? e.defaultDecorator.enhancer : !1 === e.deep ? R : H;
+ }
+ var W = {
+ box: function(e, t) {
+ arguments.length > 2 && q("box");
+ var n = F(t);
+ return new ce(e, G(n), n.name, !0, n.equals);
+ },
+ array: function(e, t) {
+ arguments.length > 2 && q("array");
+ var n = F(t);
+ return (function(e, t, n, r) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = "ObservableArray@" + h());
+ void 0 === r && (r = !1);
+ var i = new kt(n, t, r);
+ (o = i.values),
+ (a = w),
+ (c = i),
+ Object.defineProperty(o, a, { enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0, value: c });
+ var o, a, c;
+ var s = new Proxy(i.values, Mt);
+ if (((i.proxy = s), e && e.length)) {
+ var l = ne(!0);
+ i.spliceWithArray(0, 0, e), re(l);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(e, G(n), n.name);
+ },
+ map: function(e, t) {
+ arguments.length > 2 && q("map");
+ var n = F(t);
+ return new Lt(e, G(n), n.name);
+ },
+ set: function(e, t) {
+ arguments.length > 2 && q("set");
+ var n = F(t);
+ return new Vt(e, G(n), n.name);
+ },
+ object: function(e, t, n) {
+ "string" === typeof arguments[1] && q("object");
+ var r = F(n);
+ if (!1 === r.proxy) return tt({}, e, t, r);
+ var i = nt(r),
+ o = (function(e) {
+ var t = new Proxy(e, Tt);
+ return (e[w].proxy = t), t;
+ })(tt({}, void 0, void 0, r));
+ return rt(o, e, t, i), o;
+ },
+ ref: B,
+ shallow: U,
+ deep: j,
+ struct: K,
+ },
+ Y = function(e, t, n) {
+ if ("string" === typeof arguments[1]) return j.apply(null, arguments);
+ if (ut(e)) return e;
+ var r = y(e)
+ ? Y.object(e, t, n)
+ : Array.isArray(e)
+ ? Y.array(e, t)
+ : T(e)
+ ? Y.map(e, t)
+ : E(e)
+ ? Y.set(e, t)
+ : e;
+ if (r !== e) return r;
+ f(!1);
+ function q(e) {
+ f(
+ "Expected one or two arguments to observable." +
+ e +
+ ". Did you accidentally try to use observable." +
+ e +
+ " as decorator?",
+ );
+ }
+ Object.keys(W).forEach(function(e) {
+ return (Y[e] = W[e]);
- var At,
- zt = b("ObservableArrayAdministration", kt);
- function Dt(e) {
- return m(e) && zt(e[w]);
+ var X = L(!1, function(e, t, n, r, i) {
+ var a = n.get,
+ c = n.set,
+ s = i[0] || {};
+ jt(e).addComputedProp(e, t, o({ get: a, set: c, context: e }, s));
+ }),
+ Q = X({ equals: x.structural }),
+ $ = function(e, t, n) {
+ if ("string" === typeof t) return X.apply(null, arguments);
+ if (null !== e && "object" === typeof e && 1 === arguments.length) return X.apply(null, arguments);
+ var r = "object" === typeof t ? t : {};
+ return (
+ (r.get = e), (r.set = "function" === typeof t ? t : r.set), (r.name = r.name || e.name || ""), new le(r)
+ );
+ };
+ function Z(e, t, n) {
+ var r = function() {
+ return J(e, t, n || this, arguments);
+ };
+ return (r.isMobxAction = !0), r;
- var Pt,
- Nt = {},
- Lt = (function() {
- function e(e, t, n) {
- if (
- (void 0 === t && (t = H),
- void 0 === n && (n = "ObservableMap@" + h()),
- (this.enhancer = t),
- (this.name = n),
- (this[At] = Nt),
- (this._keysAtom = k(this.name + ".keys()")),
- (this[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Map"),
- "function" !== typeof Map)
- )
- throw new Error(
- "mobx.map requires Map polyfill for the current browser. Check babel-polyfill or core-js/es6/map.js",
- );
- (this._data = new Map()), (this._hasMap = new Map()), this.merge(e);
+ function J(e, t, n, r) {
+ var i = (function(e, t, n, r) {
+ var i = Fe() && !!e,
+ o = 0;
+ var a = ge();
+ xe();
+ var c = ne(!0);
+ return { prevDerivation: a, prevAllowStateChanges: c, notifySpy: i, startTime: o };
+ })(e),
+ o = !0;
+ try {
+ var a = t.apply(n, r);
+ return (o = !1), a;
+ } finally {
+ o ? ((Se.suppressReactionErrors = o), ee(i), (Se.suppressReactionErrors = !1)) : ee(i);
+ }
+ }
+ function ee(e) {
+ re(e.prevAllowStateChanges), Ae(), be(e.prevDerivation), e.notifySpy;
+ }
+ function te(e, t) {
+ var n,
+ r = ne(e);
+ try {
+ n = t();
+ } finally {
+ re(r);
+ }
+ return n;
+ }
+ function ne(e) {
+ var t = Se.allowStateChanges;
+ return (Se.allowStateChanges = e), t;
+ }
+ function re(e) {
+ Se.allowStateChanges = e;
+ }
+ function ie(e) {
+ var t,
+ n = Se.computationDepth;
+ Se.computationDepth = 0;
+ try {
+ t = e();
+ } finally {
+ Se.computationDepth = n;
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ $.struct = Q;
+ var oe,
+ ae,
+ ce = (function(e) {
+ function t(t, n, r, i, o) {
+ void 0 === r && (r = "ObservableValue@" + h()), void 0 === i && (i = !0), void 0 === o && (o = x.default);
+ var a = e.call(this, r) || this;
+ return (
+ (a.enhancer = n),
+ (a.name = r),
+ (a.equals = o),
+ (a.hasUnreportedChange = !1),
+ (a.value = n(t, void 0, r)),
+ i && Fe(),
+ a
+ );
return (
- (e.prototype._has = function(e) {
- return this._data.has(e);
- }),
- (e.prototype.has = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- if (!Se.trackingDerivation) return this._has(e);
- var n = this._hasMap.get(e);
- if (!n) {
- var r = (n = new ce(this._has(e), R, this.name + "." + C(e) + "?", !1));
- this._hasMap.set(e, r),
- Ze(r, function() {
- return t._hasMap.delete(e);
- });
+ (function(e, t) {
+ function n() {
+ this.constructor = e;
- return n.get();
+ i(e, t), (e.prototype = null === t ? Object.create(t) : ((n.prototype = t.prototype), new n()));
+ })(t, e),
+ (t.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
+ return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e;
- (e.prototype.set = function(e, t) {
- var n = this._has(e);
- if (Et(this)) {
- var r = Ct(this, { type: n ? "update" : "add", object: this, newValue: t, name: e });
- if (!r) return this;
- t = r.newValue;
+ (t.prototype.set = function(e) {
+ this.value;
+ if ((e = this.prepareNewValue(e)) !== Se.UNCHANGED) {
+ Fe();
+ 0, this.setNewValue(e);
- return n ? this._updateValue(e, t) : this._addValue(e, t), this;
- (e.prototype.delete = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- if (Et(this) && !(r = Ct(this, { type: "delete", object: this, name: e }))) return !1;
- if (this._has(e)) {
- var n = St(this),
- r = n ? { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: this._data.get(e).value, name: e } : null;
- return (
- yt(function() {
- t._keysAtom.reportChanged(),
- t._updateHasMapEntry(e, !1),
- t._data.get(e).setNewValue(void 0),
- t._data.delete(e);
- }),
- n && Ot(this, r),
- !0
- );
+ (t.prototype.prepareNewValue = function(e) {
+ if ((pe(this), Et(this))) {
+ var t = Ct(this, { object: this, type: "update", newValue: e });
+ if (!t) return Se.UNCHANGED;
+ e = t.newValue;
- return !1;
- }),
- (e.prototype._updateHasMapEntry = function(e, t) {
- var n = this._hasMap.get(e);
- n && n.setNewValue(t);
+ return (e = this.enhancer(e, this.value, this.name)), this.equals(this.value, e) ? Se.UNCHANGED : e;
- (e.prototype._updateValue = function(e, t) {
- var n = this._data.get(e);
- if ((t = n.prepareNewValue(t)) !== Se.UNCHANGED) {
- var r = St(this),
- i = r ? { type: "update", object: this, oldValue: n.value, name: e, newValue: t } : null;
- 0, n.setNewValue(t), r && Ot(this, i);
- }
+ (t.prototype.setNewValue = function(e) {
+ var t = this.value;
+ (this.value = e),
+ this.reportChanged(),
+ St(this) && Ot(this, { type: "update", object: this, newValue: e, oldValue: t });
- (e.prototype._addValue = function(e, t) {
- var n = this;
- pe(this._keysAtom),
- yt(function() {
- var r = new ce(t, n.enhancer, n.name + "." + C(e), !1);
- n._data.set(e, r), (t = r.value), n._updateHasMapEntry(e, !0), n._keysAtom.reportChanged();
- });
- var r = St(this),
- i = r ? { type: "add", object: this, name: e, newValue: t } : null;
- r && Ot(this, i);
+ (t.prototype.get = function() {
+ return this.reportObserved(), this.dehanceValue(this.value);
- (e.prototype.get = function(e) {
- return this.has(e) ? this.dehanceValue(this._data.get(e).get()) : this.dehanceValue(void 0);
+ (t.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
+ return _t(this, e);
- (e.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
- return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e;
+ (t.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
+ return t && e({ object: this, type: "update", newValue: this.value, oldValue: void 0 }), wt(this, e);
- (e.prototype.keys = function() {
- return this._keysAtom.reportObserved(), this._data.keys();
+ (t.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return this.get();
- (e.prototype.values = function() {
- var e = this,
- t = 0,
- n = Array.from(this.keys());
- return tn({
- next: function() {
- return t < n.length ? { value: e.get(n[t++]), done: !1 } : { done: !0 };
- },
- });
+ (t.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.name + "[" + this.value + "]";
- (e.prototype.entries = function() {
- var e = this,
- t = 0,
- n = Array.from(this.keys());
- return tn({
- next: function() {
- if (t < n.length) {
- var r = n[t++];
- return { value: [r, e.get(r)], done: !1 };
- }
- return { done: !0 };
- },
- });
+ (t.prototype.valueOf = function() {
+ return S(this.get());
- (e.prototype[((At = w), Symbol.iterator)] = function() {
- return this.entries();
+ (t.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() {
+ return this.valueOf();
- (e.prototype.forEach = function(e, t) {
- var n, r;
- try {
- for (var i = a(this), o = i.next(); !o.done; o = i.next()) {
- var s = c(o.value, 2),
- l = s[0],
- u = s[1];
- e.call(t, u, l, this);
- }
- } catch (h) {
- n = { error: h };
- } finally {
- try {
- o && !o.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);
- } finally {
- if (n) throw n.error;
- }
- }
+ t
+ );
+ })(O),
+ se = b("ObservableValue", ce),
+ le = (function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ (this.dependenciesState = oe.NOT_TRACKING),
+ (this.observing = []),
+ (this.newObserving = null),
+ (this.isBeingObserved = !1),
+ (this.isPendingUnobservation = !1),
+ (this.observers = new Set()),
+ (this.diffValue = 0),
+ (this.runId = 0),
+ (this.lastAccessedBy = 0),
+ (this.lowestObserverState = oe.UP_TO_DATE),
+ (this.unboundDepsCount = 0),
+ (this.__mapid = "#" + h()),
+ (this.value = new he(null)),
+ (this.isComputing = !1),
+ (this.isRunningSetter = !1),
+ (this.isTracing = ae.NONE),
+ (this.derivation = e.get),
+ (this.name = e.name || "ComputedValue@" + h()),
+ e.set && (this.setter = Z(this.name + "-setter", e.set)),
+ (this.equals = e.equals || (e.compareStructural || e.struct ? x.structural : x.default)),
+ (this.scope = e.context),
+ (this.requiresReaction = !!e.requiresReaction),
+ (this.keepAlive = !!e.keepAlive);
+ }
+ return (
+ (e.prototype.onBecomeStale = function() {
+ !(function(e) {
+ if (e.lowestObserverState !== oe.UP_TO_DATE) return;
+ (e.lowestObserverState = oe.POSSIBLY_STALE),
+ e.observers.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.dependenciesState === oe.UP_TO_DATE &&
+ ((t.dependenciesState = oe.POSSIBLY_STALE),
+ t.isTracing !== ae.NONE && De(t, e),
+ t.onBecomeStale());
+ });
+ })(this);
- (e.prototype.merge = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- return (
- Ht(e) && (e = e.toJS()),
- yt(function() {
- y(e)
- ? _(e).forEach(function(n) {
- return t.set(n, e[n]);
- })
- : Array.isArray(e)
- ? e.forEach(function(e) {
- var n = c(e, 2),
- r = n[0],
- i = n[1];
- return t.set(r, i);
- })
- : T(e)
- ? (e.constructor !== Map &&
- f("Cannot initialize from classes that inherit from Map: " + e.constructor.name),
- e.forEach(function(e, n) {
- return t.set(n, e);
- }))
- : null !== e && void 0 !== e && f("Cannot initialize map from " + e);
- }),
- this
- );
+ (e.prototype.onBecomeObserved = function() {
+ this.onBecomeObservedListeners &&
+ this.onBecomeObservedListeners.forEach(function(e) {
+ return e();
+ });
- (e.prototype.clear = function() {
- var e = this;
- yt(function() {
- ye(function() {
- var t, n;
- try {
- for (var r = a(e.keys()), i = r.next(); !i.done; i = r.next()) {
- var o = i.value;
- e.delete(o);
- }
- } catch (c) {
- t = { error: c };
- } finally {
- try {
- i && !i.done && (n = r.return) && n.call(r);
- } finally {
- if (t) throw t.error;
- }
- }
+ (e.prototype.onBecomeUnobserved = function() {
+ this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners &&
+ this.onBecomeUnobservedListeners.forEach(function(e) {
+ return e();
- });
- (e.prototype.replace = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- return (
- yt(function() {
- var n,
- r = y((n = e))
- ? Object.keys(n)
- : Array.isArray(n)
- ? n.map(function(e) {
- return c(e, 1)[0];
- })
- : T(n) || Ht(n)
- ? Array.from(n.keys())
- : f("Cannot get keys from '" + n + "'");
- Array.from(t.keys())
- .filter(function(e) {
- return -1 === r.indexOf(e);
- })
- .forEach(function(e) {
- return t.delete(e);
- }),
- t.merge(e);
- }),
- this
- );
+ (e.prototype.get = function() {
+ this.isComputing && f("Cycle detected in computation " + this.name + ": " + this.derivation),
+ 0 !== Se.inBatch || 0 !== this.observers.size || this.keepAlive
+ ? (ze(this),
+ de(this) &&
+ this.trackAndCompute() &&
+ (function(e) {
+ if (e.lowestObserverState === oe.STALE) return;
+ (e.lowestObserverState = oe.STALE),
+ e.observers.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.dependenciesState === oe.POSSIBLY_STALE
+ ? (t.dependenciesState = oe.STALE)
+ : t.dependenciesState === oe.UP_TO_DATE && (e.lowestObserverState = oe.UP_TO_DATE);
+ });
+ })(this))
+ : de(this) && (this.warnAboutUntrackedRead(), xe(), (this.value = this.computeValue(!1)), Ae());
+ var e = this.value;
+ if (fe(e)) throw e.cause;
+ return e;
- Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "size", {
- get: function() {
- return this._keysAtom.reportObserved(), this._data.size;
- },
- enumerable: !0,
- configurable: !0,
+ (e.prototype.peek = function() {
+ var e = this.computeValue(!1);
+ if (fe(e)) throw e.cause;
+ return e;
- (e.prototype.toPOJO = function() {
- var e,
- t,
- n = {};
- try {
- for (var r = a(this), i = r.next(); !i.done; i = r.next()) {
- var o = c(i.value, 2),
- s = o[0],
- l = o[1];
- n["symbol" === typeof s ? s : C(s)] = l;
- }
- } catch (u) {
- e = { error: u };
- } finally {
+ (e.prototype.set = function(e) {
+ if (this.setter) {
+ d(
+ !this.isRunningSetter,
+ "The setter of computed value '" +
+ this.name +
+ "' is trying to update itself. Did you intend to update an _observable_ value, instead of the computed property?",
+ ),
+ (this.isRunningSetter = !0);
try {
- i && !i.done && (t = r.return) && t.call(r);
+ this.setter.call(this.scope, e);
} finally {
- if (e) throw e.error;
+ this.isRunningSetter = !1;
- }
- return n;
- }),
- (e.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return new Map(this);
- }),
- (e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- return this.toPOJO();
- }),
- (e.prototype.toString = function() {
- var e = this;
- return (
- this.name +
- "[{ " +
- Array.from(this.keys())
- .map(function(t) {
- return C(t) + ": " + e.get(t);
- })
- .join(", ") +
- " }]"
- );
- }),
- (e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
- return wt(this, e);
- }),
- (e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
- return _t(this, e);
- }),
- e
- );
- })(),
- Ht = b("ObservableMap", Lt),
- Rt = {},
- Vt = (function() {
- function e(e, t, n) {
- if (
- (void 0 === t && (t = H),
- void 0 === n && (n = "ObservableSet@" + h()),
- (this.name = n),
- (this[Pt] = Rt),
- (this._data = new Set()),
- (this._atom = k(this.name)),
- (this[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Set"),
- "function" !== typeof Set)
- )
- throw new Error(
- "mobx.set requires Set polyfill for the current browser. Check babel-polyfill or core-js/es6/set.js",
- );
- (this.enhancer = function(e, r) {
- return t(e, r, n);
- }),
- e && this.replace(e);
- }
- return (
- (e.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
- return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e;
+ } else d(!1, !1);
- (e.prototype.clear = function() {
- var e = this;
- yt(function() {
- ye(function() {
- var t, n;
- try {
- for (var r = a(e._data.values()), i = r.next(); !i.done; i = r.next()) {
- var o = i.value;
- e.delete(o);
- }
- } catch (c) {
- t = { error: c };
- } finally {
- try {
- i && !i.done && (n = r.return) && n.call(r);
- } finally {
- if (t) throw t.error;
- }
- }
- });
- });
+ (e.prototype.trackAndCompute = function() {
+ Fe();
+ var e = this.value,
+ t = this.dependenciesState === oe.NOT_TRACKING,
+ n = this.computeValue(!0),
+ r = t || fe(e) || fe(n) || !this.equals(e, n);
+ return r && (this.value = n), r;
- (e.prototype.forEach = function(e, t) {
- var n, r;
- try {
- for (var i = a(this), o = i.next(); !o.done; o = i.next()) {
- var c = o.value;
- e.call(t, c, c, this);
- }
- } catch (s) {
- n = { error: s };
- } finally {
+ (e.prototype.computeValue = function(e) {
+ var t;
+ if (((this.isComputing = !0), Se.computationDepth++, e)) t = ve(this, this.derivation, this.scope);
+ else if (!0 === Se.disableErrorBoundaries) t = this.derivation.call(this.scope);
+ else
try {
- o && !o.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);
- } finally {
- if (n) throw n.error;
+ t = this.derivation.call(this.scope);
+ } catch (n) {
+ t = new he(n);
- }
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "size", {
- get: function() {
- return this._atom.reportObserved(), this._data.size;
- },
- enumerable: !0,
- configurable: !0,
- }),
- (e.prototype.add = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- if ((pe(this._atom), Et(this)) && !(r = Ct(this, { type: "add", object: this, newValue: e })))
- return this;
- if (!this.has(e)) {
- yt(function() {
- t._data.add(t.enhancer(e, void 0)), t._atom.reportChanged();
- });
- var n = St(this),
- r = n ? { type: "add", object: this, newValue: e } : null;
- 0, n && Ot(this, r);
- }
- return this;
- }),
- (e.prototype.delete = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- if (Et(this) && !(r = Ct(this, { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: e }))) return !1;
- if (this.has(e)) {
- var n = St(this),
- r = n ? { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: e } : null;
- return (
- yt(function() {
- t._atom.reportChanged(), t._data.delete(e);
- }),
- n && Ot(this, r),
- !0
- );
- }
- return !1;
- }),
- (e.prototype.has = function(e) {
- return this._atom.reportObserved(), this._data.has(this.dehanceValue(e));
- }),
- (e.prototype.entries = function() {
- var e = 0,
- t = Array.from(this.keys()),
- n = Array.from(this.values());
- return tn({
- next: function() {
- var r = e;
- return (e += 1), r < n.length ? { value: [t[r], n[r]], done: !1 } : { done: !0 };
- },
- });
- }),
- (e.prototype.keys = function() {
- return this.values();
- }),
- (e.prototype.values = function() {
- this._atom.reportObserved();
- var e = this,
- t = 0,
- n = Array.from(this._data.values());
- return tn({
- next: function() {
- return t < n.length ? { value: e.dehanceValue(n[t++]), done: !1 } : { done: !0 };
- },
- });
+ return Se.computationDepth--, (this.isComputing = !1), t;
- (e.prototype.replace = function(e) {
- var t = this;
- return (
- It(e) && (e = e.toJS()),
- yt(function() {
- Array.isArray(e)
- ? (t.clear(),
- e.forEach(function(e) {
- return t.add(e);
- }))
- : E(e)
- ? (t.clear(),
- e.forEach(function(e) {
- return t.add(e);
- }))
- : null !== e && void 0 !== e && f("Cannot initialize set from " + e);
- }),
- this
- );
+ (e.prototype.suspend = function() {
+ this.keepAlive || (me(this), (this.value = void 0));
(e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
- return wt(this, e);
- }),
- (e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
- return _t(this, e);
+ var n = this,
+ r = !0,
+ i = void 0;
+ return qe(function() {
+ var o = n.get();
+ if (!r || t) {
+ var a = ge();
+ e({ type: "update", object: n, newValue: o, oldValue: i }), be(a);
+ }
+ (r = !1), (i = o);
+ });
- (e.prototype.toJS = function() {
- return new Set(this);
+ (e.prototype.warnAboutUntrackedRead = function() {}),
+ (e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return this.get();
(e.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.name + "[ " + Array.from(this).join(", ") + " ]";
+ return this.name + "[" + this.derivation.toString() + "]";
- (e.prototype[((Pt = w), Symbol.iterator)] = function() {
- return this.values();
+ (e.prototype.valueOf = function() {
+ return S(this.get());
+ }),
+ (e.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() {
+ return this.valueOf();
- It = b("ObservableSet", Vt),
- Ft = (function() {
- function e(e, t, n, r) {
- void 0 === t && (t = new Map()),
- (this.target = e),
- (this.values = t),
- (this.name = n),
- (this.defaultEnhancer = r),
- (this.keysAtom = new O(n + ".keys"));
- }
- return (
- (e.prototype.read = function(e) {
- return this.values.get(e).get();
- }),
- (e.prototype.write = function(e, t) {
- var n = this.target,
- r = this.values.get(e);
- if (r instanceof le) r.set(t);
- else {
- if (Et(this)) {
- if (!(o = Ct(this, { type: "update", object: this.proxy || n, name: e, newValue: t }))) return;
- t = o.newValue;
- }
- if ((t = r.prepareNewValue(t)) !== Se.UNCHANGED) {
- var i = St(this),
- o = i
- ? { type: "update", object: this.proxy || n, oldValue: r.value, name: e, newValue: t }
- : null;
- 0, r.setNewValue(t), i && Ot(this, o);
- }
- }
- }),
- (e.prototype.has = function(e) {
- var t = this.pendingKeys || (this.pendingKeys = new Map()),
- n = t.get(e);
- if (n) return n.get();
- var r = !!this.values.get(e);
- return (n = new ce(r, R, this.name + "." + C(e) + "?", !1)), t.set(e, n), n.get();
- }),
- (e.prototype.addObservableProp = function(e, t, n) {
- void 0 === n && (n = this.defaultEnhancer);
- var r = this.target;
- if (Et(this)) {
- var i = Ct(this, { object: this.proxy || r, name: e, type: "add", newValue: t });
- if (!i) return;
- t = i.newValue;
- }
- var o = new ce(t, n, this.name + "." + C(e), !1);
- this.values.set(e, o),
- (t = o.value),
- Object.defineProperty(
- r,
- e,
- (function(e) {
- return (
- Ut[e] ||
- (Ut[e] = {
- configurable: !0,
- enumerable: !0,
- get: function() {
- return this[w].read(e);
- },
- set: function(t) {
- this[w].write(e, t);
- },
- })
- );
- })(e),
- ),
- this.notifyPropertyAddition(e, t);
- }),
- (e.prototype.addComputedProp = function(e, t, n) {
- var r = this.target;
- (n.name = n.name || this.name + "." + C(t)),
- this.values.set(t, new le(n)),
- (e === r ||
- (function(e, t) {
- var n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t);
- return !n || (!1 !== n.configurable && !1 !== n.writable);
- })(e, t)) &&
- Object.defineProperty(
- e,
- t,
- (function(e) {
- return (
- Bt[e] ||
- (Bt[e] = {
- configurable: Se.computedConfigurable,
- enumerable: !1,
- get: function() {
- return Kt(this).read(e);
- },
- set: function(t) {
- Kt(this).write(e, t);
- },
- })
- );
- })(t),
- );
- }),
- (e.prototype.remove = function(e) {
- if (this.values.has(e)) {
- var t = this.target;
- if (Et(this)) if (!(a = Ct(this, { object: this.proxy || t, name: e, type: "remove" }))) return;
- try {
- xe();
- var n = St(this),
- r = this.values.get(e),
- i = r && r.get();
- if ((r && r.set(void 0), this.keysAtom.reportChanged(), this.values.delete(e), this.pendingKeys)) {
- var o = this.pendingKeys.get(e);
- o && o.set(!1);
+ ue = b("ComputedValue", le);
+ !(function(e) {
+ (e[(e.NOT_TRACKING = -1)] = "NOT_TRACKING"),
+ (e[(e.UP_TO_DATE = 0)] = "UP_TO_DATE"),
+ (e[(e.STALE = 2)] = "STALE");
+ })(oe || (oe = {})),
+ (function(e) {
+ (e[(e.NONE = 0)] = "NONE"), (e[(e.LOG = 1)] = "LOG"), (e[(e.BREAK = 2)] = "BREAK");
+ })(ae || (ae = {}));
+ var he = (function() {
+ return function(e) {
+ this.cause = e;
+ };
+ })();
+ function fe(e) {
+ return e instanceof he;
+ }
+ function de(e) {
+ switch (e.dependenciesState) {
+ case oe.UP_TO_DATE:
+ return !1;
+ case oe.NOT_TRACKING:
+ case oe.STALE:
+ return !0;
+ for (var t = ge(), n = e.observing, r = n.length, i = 0; i < r; i++) {
+ var o = n[i];
+ if (ue(o)) {
+ if (Se.disableErrorBoundaries) o.get();
+ else
+ try {
+ o.get();
+ } catch (a) {
+ return be(t), !0;
- delete this.target[e];
- var a = n ? { type: "remove", object: this.proxy || t, oldValue: i, name: e } : null;
- 0, n && Ot(this, a);
- } finally {
- Ae();
- }
- }
- }),
- (e.prototype.illegalAccess = function(e, t) {
- console.warn(
- "Property '" +
- t +
- "' of '" +
- e +
- "' was accessed through the prototype chain. Use 'decorate' instead to declare the prop or access it statically through it's owner",
- );
- }),
- (e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
- return wt(this, e);
- }),
- (e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
- return _t(this, e);
- }),
- (e.prototype.notifyPropertyAddition = function(e, t) {
- var n = St(this),
- r = n ? { type: "add", object: this.proxy || this.target, name: e, newValue: t } : null;
- if ((n && Ot(this, r), this.pendingKeys)) {
- var i = this.pendingKeys.get(e);
- i && i.set(!0);
+ if (e.dependenciesState === oe.STALE) return be(t), !0;
- this.keysAtom.reportChanged();
- }),
- (e.prototype.getKeys = function() {
- var e, t;
- this.keysAtom.reportObserved();
- var n = [];
- try {
- for (var r = a(this.values), i = r.next(); !i.done; i = r.next()) {
- var o = c(i.value, 2),
- s = o[0];
- o[1] instanceof ce && n.push(s);
- }
- } catch (l) {
- e = { error: l };
- } finally {
- try {
- i && !i.done && (t = r.return) && t.call(r);
- } finally {
- if (e) throw e.error;
- }
- }
- return n;
- }),
- e
+ }
+ return Te(e), be(t), !1;
+ }
+ }
+ function pe(e) {
+ var t = e.observers.size > 0;
+ Se.computationDepth > 0 && t && f(!1),
+ Se.allowStateChanges || (!t && "strict" !== Se.enforceActions) || f(!1);
+ }
+ function ve(e, t, n) {
+ Te(e),
+ (e.newObserving = new Array(e.observing.length + 100)),
+ (e.unboundDepsCount = 0),
+ (e.runId = ++Se.runId);
+ var r,
+ i = Se.trackingDerivation;
+ if (((Se.trackingDerivation = e), !0 === Se.disableErrorBoundaries)) r = t.call(n);
+ else
+ try {
+ r = t.call(n);
+ } catch (o) {
+ r = new he(o);
+ }
+ return (
+ (Se.trackingDerivation = i),
+ (function(e) {
+ for (
+ var t = e.observing,
+ n = (e.observing = e.newObserving),
+ r = oe.UP_TO_DATE,
+ i = 0,
+ o = e.unboundDepsCount,
+ a = 0;
+ a < o;
+ a++
+ ) {
+ var c = n[a];
+ 0 === c.diffValue && ((c.diffValue = 1), i !== a && (n[i] = c), i++),
+ c.dependenciesState > r && (r = c.dependenciesState);
+ }
+ (n.length = i), (e.newObserving = null), (o = t.length);
+ for (; o--; ) {
+ var c = t[o];
+ 0 === c.diffValue && Me(c, e), (c.diffValue = 0);
+ }
+ for (; i--; ) {
+ var c = n[i];
+ 1 === c.diffValue && ((c.diffValue = 0), Oe(c, e));
+ }
+ r !== oe.UP_TO_DATE && ((e.dependenciesState = r), e.onBecomeStale());
+ })(e),
+ r
+ );
+ }
+ function me(e) {
+ var t = e.observing;
+ e.observing = [];
+ for (var n = t.length; n--; ) Me(t[n], e);
+ e.dependenciesState = oe.NOT_TRACKING;
+ }
+ function ye(e) {
+ var t = ge();
+ try {
+ return e();
+ } finally {
+ be(t);
+ }
+ }
+ function ge() {
+ var e = Se.trackingDerivation;
+ return (Se.trackingDerivation = null), e;
+ }
+ function be(e) {
+ Se.trackingDerivation = e;
+ }
+ function Te(e) {
+ if (e.dependenciesState !== oe.UP_TO_DATE) {
+ e.dependenciesState = oe.UP_TO_DATE;
+ for (var t = e.observing, n = t.length; n--; ) t[n].lowestObserverState = oe.UP_TO_DATE;
+ }
+ }
+ var Ee = (function() {
+ return function() {
+ (this.version = 5),
+ (this.UNCHANGED = {}),
+ (this.trackingDerivation = null),
+ (this.computationDepth = 0),
+ (this.runId = 0),
+ (this.mobxGuid = 0),
+ (this.inBatch = 0),
+ (this.pendingUnobservations = []),
+ (this.pendingReactions = []),
+ (this.isRunningReactions = !1),
+ (this.allowStateChanges = !0),
+ (this.enforceActions = !1),
+ (this.spyListeners = []),
+ (this.globalReactionErrorHandlers = []),
+ (this.computedRequiresReaction = !1),
+ (this.computedConfigurable = !1),
+ (this.disableErrorBoundaries = !1),
+ (this.suppressReactionErrors = !1);
+ };
+ })(),
+ _e = !0,
+ Ce = !1,
+ Se = (function() {
+ var e = we();
+ return (
+ e.__mobxInstanceCount > 0 && !e.__mobxGlobals && (_e = !1),
+ e.__mobxGlobals && e.__mobxGlobals.version !== new Ee().version && (_e = !1),
+ _e
+ ? e.__mobxGlobals
+ ? ((e.__mobxInstanceCount += 1),
+ e.__mobxGlobals.UNCHANGED || (e.__mobxGlobals.UNCHANGED = {}),
+ e.__mobxGlobals)
+ : ((e.__mobxInstanceCount = 1), (e.__mobxGlobals = new Ee()))
+ : (setTimeout(function() {
+ Ce ||
+ f(
+ "There are multiple, different versions of MobX active. Make sure MobX is loaded only once or use `configure({ isolateGlobalState: true })`",
+ );
+ }, 1),
+ new Ee())
- function jt(e, t, n) {
- if ((void 0 === t && (t = ""), void 0 === n && (n = H), Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, w)))
- return e[w];
- y(e) || (t = (e.constructor.name || "ObservableObject") + "@" + h()), t || (t = "ObservableObject@" + h());
- var r = new Ft(e, new Map(), C(t), n);
- return g(e, w, r), r;
+ function we() {
+ return "undefined" !== typeof window ? window : r;
- var Ut = Object.create(null),
- Bt = Object.create(null);
- function Kt(e) {
- var t = e[w];
- return t || (N(e), e[w]);
+ function Oe(e, t) {
+ e.observers.add(t),
+ e.lowestObserverState > t.dependenciesState && (e.lowestObserverState = t.dependenciesState);
- var Gt = b("ObservableObjectAdministration", Ft);
- function Wt(e) {
- return !!m(e) && (N(e), Gt(e[w]));
+ function Me(e, t) {
+ e.observers.delete(t), 0 === e.observers.size && ke(e);
- function Yt(e, t) {
- if ("object" === typeof e && null !== e) {
- if (Dt(e)) return void 0 !== t && f(!1), e[w].atom;
- if (It(e)) return e[w];
- if (Ht(e)) {
- var n = e;
- return void 0 === t ? n._keysAtom : ((r = n._data.get(t) || n._hasMap.get(t)) || f(!1), r);
- }
- var r;
- if ((N(e), t && !e[w] && e[t], Wt(e))) return t ? ((r = e[w].values.get(t)) || f(!1), r) : f(!1);
- if (M(e) || ue(e) || Ve(e)) return e;
- } else if ("function" === typeof e && Ve(e[w])) return e[w];
- return f(!1);
+ function ke(e) {
+ !1 === e.isPendingUnobservation && ((e.isPendingUnobservation = !0), Se.pendingUnobservations.push(e));
- function qt(e, t) {
- return (
- e || f("Expecting some object"),
- void 0 !== t
- ? qt(Yt(e, t))
- : M(e) || ue(e) || Ve(e)
- ? e
- : Ht(e) || It(e)
- ? e
- : (N(e), e[w] ? e[w] : void f(!1))
- );
+ function xe() {
+ Se.inBatch++;
- function Xt(e, t) {
- return (void 0 !== t ? Yt(e, t) : Wt(e) || Ht(e) || It(e) ? qt(e) : Yt(e)).name;
+ function Ae() {
+ if (0 === --Se.inBatch) {
+ He();
+ for (var e = Se.pendingUnobservations, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
+ var n = e[t];
+ (n.isPendingUnobservation = !1),
+ 0 === n.observers.size &&
+ (n.isBeingObserved && ((n.isBeingObserved = !1), n.onBecomeUnobserved()),
+ n instanceof le && n.suspend());
+ }
+ Se.pendingUnobservations = [];
+ }
- var Qt = Object.prototype.toString;
- function $t(e, t) {
- return Zt(e, t);
+ function ze(e) {
+ var t = Se.trackingDerivation;
+ return null !== t
+ ? (t.runId !== e.lastAccessedBy &&
+ ((e.lastAccessedBy = t.runId),
+ (t.newObserving[t.unboundDepsCount++] = e),
+ e.isBeingObserved || ((e.isBeingObserved = !0), e.onBecomeObserved())),
+ !0)
+ : (0 === e.observers.size && Se.inBatch > 0 && ke(e), !1);
- function Zt(e, t, n, r) {
- if (e === t) return 0 !== e || 1 / e === 1 / t;
- if (null == e || null == t) return !1;
- if (e !== e) return t !== t;
- var i = typeof e;
+ function De(e, t) {
+ if (
+ (console.log("[mobx.trace] '" + e.name + "' is invalidated due to a change in: '" + t.name + "'"),
+ e.isTracing === ae.BREAK)
+ ) {
+ var n = [];
+ !(function e(t, n, r) {
+ if (n.length >= 1e3) return void n.push("(and many more)");
+ n.push("" + new Array(r).join("\t") + t.name);
+ t.dependencies &&
+ t.dependencies.forEach(function(t) {
+ return e(t, n, r + 1);
+ });
+ })(((r = e), it(Yt(r, i))), n, 1),
+ new Function(
+ "debugger;\n/*\nTracing '" +
+ e.name +
+ "'\n\nYou are entering this break point because derivation '" +
+ e.name +
+ "' is being traced and '" +
+ t.name +
+ "' is now forcing it to update.\nJust follow the stacktrace you should now see in the devtools to see precisely what piece of your code is causing this update\nThe stackframe you are looking for is at least ~6-8 stack-frames up.\n\n" +
+ (e instanceof le ? e.derivation.toString().replace(/[*]\//g, "/") : "") +
+ "\n\nThe dependencies for this derivation are:\n\n" +
+ n.join("\n") +
+ "\n*/\n ",
+ )();
+ }
+ var r, i;
+ }
+ var Pe = (function() {
+ function e(e, t, n) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = "Reaction@" + h()),
+ (this.name = e),
+ (this.onInvalidate = t),
+ (this.errorHandler = n),
+ (this.observing = []),
+ (this.newObserving = []),
+ (this.dependenciesState = oe.NOT_TRACKING),
+ (this.diffValue = 0),
+ (this.runId = 0),
+ (this.unboundDepsCount = 0),
+ (this.__mapid = "#" + h()),
+ (this.isDisposed = !1),
+ (this._isScheduled = !1),
+ (this._isTrackPending = !1),
+ (this._isRunning = !1),
+ (this.isTracing = ae.NONE);
+ }
return (
- ("function" === i || "object" === i || "object" == typeof t) &&
- (function(e, t, n, r) {
- (e = Jt(e)), (t = Jt(t));
- var i = Qt.call(e);
- if (i !== Qt.call(t)) return !1;
- switch (i) {
- case "[object RegExp]":
- case "[object String]":
- return "" + e === "" + t;
- case "[object Number]":
- return +e !== +e ? +t !== +t : 0 === +e ? 1 / +e === 1 / t : +e === +t;
- case "[object Date]":
- case "[object Boolean]":
- return +e === +t;
- case "[object Symbol]":
- return "undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.valueOf.call(e) === Symbol.valueOf.call(t);
+ (e.prototype.onBecomeStale = function() {
+ this.schedule();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.schedule = function() {
+ this._isScheduled || ((this._isScheduled = !0), Se.pendingReactions.push(this), He());
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.isScheduled = function() {
+ return this._isScheduled;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.runReaction = function() {
+ if (!this.isDisposed) {
+ if ((xe(), (this._isScheduled = !1), de(this))) {
+ this._isTrackPending = !0;
+ try {
+ this.onInvalidate(), this._isTrackPending && Fe();
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.reportExceptionInDerivation(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Ae();
- var o = "[object Array]" === i;
- if (!o) {
- if ("object" != typeof e || "object" != typeof t) return !1;
- var a = e.constructor,
- c = t.constructor;
- if (
- a !== c &&
- !("function" === typeof a && a instanceof a && "function" === typeof c && c instanceof c) &&
- "constructor" in e &&
- "constructor" in t
- )
- return !1;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.track = function(e) {
+ if (!this.isDisposed) {
+ xe();
+ Fe();
+ 0, (this._isRunning = !0);
+ var t = ve(this, e, void 0);
+ (this._isRunning = !1),
+ (this._isTrackPending = !1),
+ this.isDisposed && me(this),
+ fe(t) && this.reportExceptionInDerivation(t.cause),
+ Ae();
- r = r || [];
- var s = (n = n || []).length;
- for (; s--; ) if (n[s] === e) return r[s] === t;
- if ((n.push(e), r.push(t), o)) {
- if ((s = e.length) !== t.length) return !1;
- for (; s--; ) if (!Zt(e[s], t[s], n, r)) return !1;
- } else {
- var l = Object.keys(e),
- u = void 0;
- if (((s = l.length), Object.keys(t).length !== s)) return !1;
- for (; s--; ) if (((u = l[s]), !en(t, u) || !Zt(e[u], t[u], n, r))) return !1;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.reportExceptionInDerivation = function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ if (this.errorHandler) this.errorHandler(e, this);
+ else {
+ if (Se.disableErrorBoundaries) throw e;
+ var n =
+ "[mobx] Encountered an uncaught exception that was thrown by a reaction or observer component, in: '" +
+ this +
+ "'";
+ Se.suppressReactionErrors
+ ? console.warn(
+ "[mobx] (error in reaction '" + this.name + "' suppressed, fix error of causing action below)",
+ )
+ : console.error(n, e),
+ Fe() && je({ type: "error", name: this.name, message: n, error: "" + e }),
+ Se.globalReactionErrorHandlers.forEach(function(n) {
+ return n(e, t);
+ });
- return n.pop(), r.pop(), !0;
- })(e, t, n, r)
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.dispose = function() {
+ this.isDisposed || ((this.isDisposed = !0), this._isRunning || (xe(), me(this), Ae()));
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.getDisposer = function() {
+ var e = this.dispose.bind(this);
+ return (e[w] = this), e;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return "Reaction[" + this.name + "]";
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.trace = function(e) {
+ void 0 === e && (e = !1),
+ (function() {
+ for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
+ var n = !1;
+ "boolean" === typeof e[e.length - 1] && (n = e.pop());
+ var r = (function(e) {
+ switch (e.length) {
+ case 0:
+ return Se.trackingDerivation;
+ case 1:
+ return Yt(e[0]);
+ case 2:
+ return Yt(e[0], e[1]);
+ }
+ })(e);
+ if (!r) return f(!1);
+ r.isTracing === ae.NONE && console.log("[mobx.trace] '" + r.name + "' tracing enabled");
+ r.isTracing = n ? ae.BREAK : ae.LOG;
+ })(this, e);
+ }),
+ e
+ })();
+ var Ne = 100,
+ Le = function(e) {
+ return e();
+ };
+ function He() {
+ Se.inBatch > 0 || Se.isRunningReactions || Le(Re);
- function Jt(e) {
- return Dt(e)
- ? e.slice()
- : T(e) || Ht(e)
- ? Array.from(e.entries())
- : E(e) || It(e)
- ? Array.from(e.entries())
- : e;
+ function Re() {
+ Se.isRunningReactions = !0;
+ for (var e = Se.pendingReactions, t = 0; e.length > 0; ) {
+ ++t === Ne &&
+ (console.error(
+ "Reaction doesn't converge to a stable state after " +
+ Ne +
+ " iterations. Probably there is a cycle in the reactive function: " +
+ e[0],
+ ),
+ e.splice(0));
+ for (var n = e.splice(0), r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++) n[r].runReaction();
+ }
+ Se.isRunningReactions = !1;
- function en(e, t) {
- return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t);
+ var Ve = b("Reaction", Pe);
+ function Ie(e) {
+ var t = Le;
+ Le = function(n) {
+ return e(function() {
+ return t(n);
+ });
+ };
- function tn(e) {
- return (e[Symbol.iterator] = nn), e;
+ function Fe() {
+ return !1;
- function nn() {
- return this;
+ function je(e) {}
+ function Ue(e) {
+ return console.warn("[mobx.spy] Is a no-op in production builds"), function() {};
- if ("undefined" === typeof Proxy || "undefined" === typeof Symbol)
- throw new Error(
- "[mobx] MobX 5+ requires Proxy and Symbol objects. If your environment doesn't support Symbol or Proxy objects, please downgrade to MobX 4. For React Native Android, consider upgrading JSCore.",
+ function Be() {
+ f(!1);
+ }
+ function Ke(e) {
+ return function(t, n, r) {
+ if (r) {
+ if (r.value) return { value: Z(e, r.value), enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, writable: !0 };
+ var i = r.initializer;
+ return {
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0,
+ writable: !0,
+ initializer: function() {
+ return Z(e, i.call(this));
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ return (function(e) {
+ return function(t, n, r) {
+ Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
+ configurable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ get: function() {},
+ set: function(t) {
+ g(this, n, Ge(e, t));
+ },
+ });
+ };
+ })(e).apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ }
+ var Ge = function(e, t, n, r) {
+ return 1 === arguments.length && "function" === typeof e
+ ? Z(e.name || "", e)
+ : 2 === arguments.length && "function" === typeof t
+ ? Z(e, t)
+ : 1 === arguments.length && "string" === typeof e
+ ? Ke(e)
+ : !0 !== r
+ ? Ke(t).apply(null, arguments)
+ : void g(e, t, Z(e.name || t, n.value, this));
+ };
+ function We(e, t) {
+ return J(
+ "string" === typeof e ? e : e.name || "",
+ "function" === typeof e ? e : t,
+ this,
+ void 0,
- "object" === typeof __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ &&
- __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.injectMobx({ spy: Ue, extras: { getDebugName: Xt }, $mobx: w });
- }.call(this, n(110), n(59)));
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- t.__esModule = !0;
- var r,
- i = n(144),
- o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
- t.default = function(e, t) {
- if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return !t ||
- ("object" !== ("undefined" === typeof t ? "undefined" : (0, o.default)(t)) && "function" !== typeof t)
- ? e
- : t;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- (t.__esModule = !0),
- (t.default = function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- });
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- t.__esModule = !0;
- var r = a(n(416)),
- i = a(n(420)),
- o = a(n(144));
- function a(e) {
- return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
- }
- t.default = function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError(
- "Super expression must either be null or a function, not " +
- ("undefined" === typeof t ? "undefined" : (0, o.default)(t)),
- );
- (e.prototype = (0, i.default)(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && (r.default ? (0, r.default)(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t));
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(0),
- i = n(105),
- o = n.n(i),
- a = n(599),
- c = function(e) {
- return r.createElement(w, null, function(t) {
- var n = (0, t.getPrefixCls)("empty");
- switch (e) {
- case "Table":
- case "List":
- return r.createElement(a.a, { image: a.a.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE });
- case "Select":
- case "TreeSelect":
- case "Cascader":
- case "Transfer":
- case "Mentions":
- return r.createElement(a.a, { image: a.a.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE, className: "".concat(n, "-small") });
- default:
- return r.createElement(a.a, null);
- }
- });
- },
- s = n(2),
- l = n(214);
- function u(e) {
- return e.default || e;
- }
- var h = n(77),
- f = n(33);
- function d(e) {
- return (d =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function p() {
- return (p =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- function v(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- }
- function m(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== d(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
- ? (function(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- })(e)
- : t;
- }
- function y(e) {
- return (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function g(e, t) {
- return (g =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- var b = "internalMark";
- function T(e) {
- e && e.locale ? u(l).locale(e.locale) : u(l).locale("en");
- }
- var E = (function(e) {
- function t(e) {
- var n;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t),
- (n = m(this, y(t).call(this, e))),
- T(e.locale),
- Object(h.a)(e.locale && e.locale.Modal),
- Object(f.a)(
- e._ANT_MARK__ === b,
- "LocaleProvider",
- "`LocaleProvider` is deprecated. Please use `locale` with `ConfigProvider` instead: http://u.ant.design/locale",
- ),
- n
- );
+ function Ye(e, t, n) {
+ g(e, t, Z(t, n.bind(e)));
- var n, i, o;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && g(e, t);
- })(t, r["Component"]),
- (n = t),
- (i = [
- {
- key: "getChildContext",
- value: function() {
- return { antLocale: p({}, this.props.locale, { exist: !0 }) };
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentDidUpdate",
- value: function(e) {
- var t = this.props.locale;
- e.locale !== t && T(t), Object(h.a)(t && t.Modal);
+ function qe(e, t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = u);
+ var n,
+ r = (t && t.name) || e.name || "Autorun@" + h();
+ if (!t.scheduler && !t.delay)
+ n = new Pe(
+ r,
+ function() {
+ this.track(a);
- },
- {
- key: "componentWillUnmount",
- value: function() {
- Object(h.a)();
+ t.onError,
+ );
+ else {
+ var i = Qe(t),
+ o = !1;
+ n = new Pe(
+ r,
+ function() {
+ o ||
+ ((o = !0),
+ i(function() {
+ (o = !1), n.isDisposed || n.track(a);
+ }));
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return this.props.children;
+ t.onError,
+ );
+ }
+ function a() {
+ e(n);
+ }
+ return n.schedule(), n.getDisposer();
+ }
+ Ge.bound = function(e, t, n, r) {
+ return !0 === r
+ ? (Ye(e, t, n.value), null)
+ : n
+ ? {
+ configurable: !0,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ get: function() {
+ return Ye(this, t, n.value || n.initializer.call(this)), this[t];
+ },
+ set: Be,
+ }
+ : {
+ enumerable: !1,
+ configurable: !0,
+ set: function(e) {
+ Ye(this, t, e);
+ },
+ get: function() {},
+ };
+ };
+ var Xe = function(e) {
+ return e();
+ };
+ function Qe(e) {
+ return e.scheduler
+ ? e.scheduler
+ : e.delay
+ ? function(t) {
+ return setTimeout(t, e.delay);
+ }
+ : Xe;
+ }
+ function $e(e, t, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = u);
+ var r,
+ i,
+ o,
+ a = n.name || "Reaction@" + h(),
+ c = Ge(
+ a,
+ n.onError
+ ? ((r = n.onError),
+ (i = t),
+ function() {
+ try {
+ return i.apply(this, arguments);
+ } catch (e) {
+ r.call(this, e);
+ }
+ })
+ : t,
+ ),
+ s = !n.scheduler && !n.delay,
+ l = Qe(n),
+ f = !0,
+ d = !1,
+ p = n.compareStructural ? x.structural : n.equals || x.default,
+ v = new Pe(
+ a,
+ function() {
+ f || s ? m() : d || ((d = !0), l(m));
- },
- ]) && v(n.prototype, i),
- o && v(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- (E.propTypes = { locale: s.object }),
- (E.defaultProps = { locale: {} }),
- (E.childContextTypes = { antLocale: s.object });
- n(64);
- function _() {
- return (_ =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ n.onError,
+ );
+ function m() {
+ if (((d = !1), !v.isDisposed)) {
+ var t = !1;
+ v.track(function() {
+ var n = e(v);
+ (t = f || !p(o, n)), (o = n);
+ }),
+ f && n.fireImmediately && c(o, v),
+ f || !0 !== t || c(o, v),
+ f && (f = !1);
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- n.d(t, "b", function() {
- return C;
- }),
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return w;
- }),
- n.d(t, "c", function() {
- return O;
- });
- var C = [
- "getPopupContainer",
- "rootPrefixCls",
- "getPrefixCls",
- "renderEmpty",
- "csp",
- "autoInsertSpaceInButton",
- "locale",
- ],
- S = o()({
- getPrefixCls: function(e, t) {
- return t || "ant-".concat(e);
- },
- renderEmpty: c,
- }),
- w = S.Consumer;
- function O(e) {
- return function(t) {
- var n = function(n) {
- return r.createElement(w, null, function(i) {
- var o = e.prefixCls,
- a = (0, i.getPrefixCls)(o, n.prefixCls);
- return r.createElement(t, _({}, i, n, { prefixCls: a }));
- });
- },
- i = t.constructor,
- o = (i && i.displayName) || t.name || "Component";
- return (n.displayName = "withConfigConsumer(".concat(o, ")")), n;
- };
- }
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- t.__esModule = !0;
- var r,
- i = n(240),
- o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
- t.default = function(e, t, n) {
- return (
- t in e ? (0, o.default)(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = n), e
- );
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- !(function e() {
- if (
- "undefined" !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ &&
- "function" === typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE
- )
- try {
- } catch (t) {
- console.error(t);
- })(),
- (e.exports = n(356));
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return null == e;
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- function n(t) {
- return (
- (e.exports = n = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- }),
- n(t)
- );
- }
- e.exports = n;
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- function n(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
+ return v.schedule(), v.getDisposer();
- }
- e.exports = function(e, t, r) {
- return t && n(e.prototype, t), r && n(e, r), e;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(56),
- i = n(3);
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== r(t) && "function" !== typeof t) ? i(e) : t;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(428);
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })),
- t && r(e, t);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(4);
- e.exports = function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {},
- i = Object.keys(n);
- "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
- (i = i.concat(
- Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n).filter(function(e) {
- return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e).enumerable;
- }),
- )),
- i.forEach(function(t) {
- r(e, t, n[t]);
- });
+ function Ze(e, t, n) {
+ return Je("onBecomeUnobserved", e, t, n);
- return e;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- t.__esModule = !0;
- var r,
- i = n(240),
- o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
- t.default = (function() {
- function e(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- (0, o.default)(e, r.key, r);
+ function Je(e, t, n, r) {
+ var i = "string" === typeof n ? Yt(t, n) : Yt(t),
+ o = "string" === typeof n ? r : n,
+ a = e + "Listeners";
+ return (
+ i[a] ? i[a].add(o) : (i[a] = new Set([o])),
+ "function" !== typeof i[e]
+ ? f(!1)
+ : function() {
+ var e = i[a];
+ e && (e.delete(o), 0 === e.size && delete i[a]);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function et(e) {
+ var t = e.enforceActions,
+ n = e.computedRequiresReaction,
+ r = e.computedConfigurable,
+ i = e.disableErrorBoundaries,
+ o = e.reactionScheduler;
+ if (
+ (!0 === e.isolateGlobalState &&
+ ((Se.pendingReactions.length || Se.inBatch || Se.isRunningReactions) &&
+ f("isolateGlobalState should be called before MobX is running any reactions"),
+ (Ce = !0),
+ _e && (0 === --we().__mobxInstanceCount && (we().__mobxGlobals = void 0), (Se = new Ee()))),
+ void 0 !== t)
+ ) {
+ var a = void 0;
+ switch (t) {
+ case !0:
+ case "observed":
+ a = !0;
+ break;
+ case !1:
+ case "never":
+ a = !1;
+ break;
+ case "strict":
+ case "always":
+ a = "strict";
+ break;
+ default:
+ f("Invalid value for 'enforceActions': '" + t + "', expected 'never', 'always' or 'observed'");
+ }
+ (Se.enforceActions = a), (Se.allowStateChanges = !0 !== a && "strict" !== a);
+ void 0 !== n && (Se.computedRequiresReaction = !!n),
+ void 0 !== r && (Se.computedConfigurable = !!r),
+ void 0 !== i &&
+ (!0 === i &&
+ console.warn(
+ "WARNING: Debug feature only. MobX will NOT recover from errors when `disableErrorBoundaries` is enabled.",
+ ),
+ (Se.disableErrorBoundaries = !!i)),
+ o && Ie(o);
- return function(t, n, r) {
- return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t;
- };
- })();
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- function r(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- }
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return r;
- });
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- function r(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
+ function tt(e, t, n, r) {
+ var i = nt((r = F(r)));
+ return N(e), jt(e, r.name, i.enhancer), t && rt(e, t, n, i), e;
- }
- function i(e, t, n) {
- return t && r(e.prototype, t), n && r(e, n), e;
- }
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return i;
- });
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- function r() {
- var e = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(this.props, this.state);
- null !== e && void 0 !== e && this.setState(e);
- }
- function i(e) {
- this.setState(
- function(t) {
- var n = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(e, t);
- return null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n : null;
- }.bind(this),
- );
- }
- function o(e, t) {
- try {
- var n = this.props,
- r = this.state;
- (this.props = e),
- (this.state = t),
- (this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag = !0),
- (this.__reactInternalSnapshot = this.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(n, r));
- } finally {
- (this.props = n), (this.state = r);
- }
- }
- function a(e) {
- var t = e.prototype;
- if (!t || !t.isReactComponent) throw new Error("Can only polyfill class components");
- if ("function" !== typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps && "function" !== typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
- return e;
- var n = null,
- a = null,
- c = null;
- if (
- ("function" === typeof t.componentWillMount
- ? (n = "componentWillMount")
- : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && (n = "UNSAFE_componentWillMount"),
- "function" === typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps
- ? (a = "componentWillReceiveProps")
- : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && (a = "UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps"),
- "function" === typeof t.componentWillUpdate
- ? (c = "componentWillUpdate")
- : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && (c = "UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate"),
- null !== n || null !== a || null !== c)
- ) {
- var s = e.displayName || e.name,
- l =
- "function" === typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps
- ? "getDerivedStateFromProps()"
- : "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()";
- throw Error(
- "Unsafe legacy lifecycles will not be called for components using new component APIs.\n\n" +
- s +
- " uses " +
- l +
- " but also contains the following legacy lifecycles:" +
- (null !== n ? "\n " + n : "") +
- (null !== a ? "\n " + a : "") +
- (null !== c ? "\n " + c : "") +
- "\n\nThe above lifecycles should be removed. Learn more about this warning here:\nhttps://fb.me/react-async-component-lifecycle-hooks",
- );
- }
- if (
- ("function" === typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps &&
- ((t.componentWillMount = r), (t.componentWillReceiveProps = i)),
- "function" === typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
- ) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t.componentDidUpdate)
- throw new Error(
- "Cannot polyfill getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() for components that do not define componentDidUpdate() on the prototype",
- );
- t.componentWillUpdate = o;
- var u = t.componentDidUpdate;
- t.componentDidUpdate = function(e, t, n) {
- var r = this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag ? this.__reactInternalSnapshot : n;
- u.call(this, e, t, r);
- };
+ function nt(e) {
+ return e.defaultDecorator || (!1 === e.deep ? B : j);
- return e;
- }
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return a;
- }),
- (r.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0),
- (i.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0),
- (o.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0);
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- function r(e) {
- return (r = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return r;
- });
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- function r(e) {
- return (r =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
+ function rt(e, t, n, r) {
+ var i, o;
+ xe();
+ try {
+ var c = _(t);
+ try {
+ for (var s = a(c), l = s.next(); !l.done; l = s.next()) {
+ var u = l.value,
+ h = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, u);
+ 0;
+ var f = (n && u in n ? n[u] : h.get ? X : r)(e, u, h, !0);
+ f && Object.defineProperty(e, u, f);
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function i(e) {
- return (i =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === r(Symbol.iterator)
- ? function(e) {
- return r(e);
+ } catch (d) {
+ i = { error: d };
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ l && !l.done && (o = s.return) && o.call(s);
+ } finally {
+ if (i) throw i.error;
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : r(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function o(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== i(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
- ? (function(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- })(e)
- : t;
- }
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return o;
- });
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- function r(e, t) {
- return (r =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- function i(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })),
- t && r(e, t);
- }
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return i;
- });
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = {
- TAB: 9,
- ENTER: 13,
- SHIFT: 16,
- CTRL: 17,
- ALT: 18,
- PAUSE: 19,
- CAPS_LOCK: 20,
- ESC: 27,
- SPACE: 32,
- PAGE_UP: 33,
- PAGE_DOWN: 34,
- END: 35,
- HOME: 36,
- LEFT: 37,
- UP: 38,
- RIGHT: 39,
- DOWN: 40,
- INSERT: 45,
- DELETE: 46,
- ZERO: 48,
- ONE: 49,
- TWO: 50,
- THREE: 51,
- FOUR: 52,
- FIVE: 53,
- SIX: 54,
- SEVEN: 55,
- EIGHT: 56,
- NINE: 57,
- A: 65,
- B: 66,
- C: 67,
- D: 68,
- E: 69,
- F: 70,
- G: 71,
- H: 72,
- I: 73,
- J: 74,
- K: 75,
- L: 76,
- M: 77,
- N: 78,
- O: 79,
- P: 80,
- Q: 81,
- R: 82,
- S: 83,
- T: 84,
- U: 85,
- V: 86,
- W: 87,
- X: 88,
- Y: 89,
- Z: 90,
- META: 91,
- NUM_ZERO: 96,
- NUM_ONE: 97,
- NUM_TWO: 98,
- NUM_THREE: 99,
- NUM_FOUR: 100,
- NUM_FIVE: 101,
- NUM_SIX: 102,
- NUM_SEVEN: 103,
- NUM_EIGHT: 104,
- NUM_NINE: 105,
- NUM_PLUS: 107,
- NUM_MINUS: 109,
- NUM_PERIOD: 110,
- F1: 112,
- F2: 113,
- F3: 114,
- F4: 115,
- F5: 116,
- F6: 117,
- F7: 118,
- F8: 119,
- F9: 120,
- F10: 121,
- F11: 122,
- F12: 123,
- NUMLOCK: 144,
- DASH: 189,
- EQUALS: 187,
- COMMA: 188,
- PERIOD: 190,
- SLASH: 191,
- WIN_KEY: 224,
- MAC_FF_META: 224,
- WIN_IME: 229,
- isTextModifyingKeyEvent: function(e) {
- var t = e.keyCode;
- if ((e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) || e.metaKey || (t >= r.F1 && t <= r.F12)) return !1;
- switch (t) {
- case r.ALT:
- case r.CAPS_LOCK:
- case r.CONTEXT_MENU:
- case r.CTRL:
- case r.DOWN:
- case r.END:
- case r.ESC:
- case r.HOME:
- case r.INSERT:
- case r.LEFT:
- case r.MAC_FF_META:
- case r.META:
- case r.NUMLOCK:
- case r.NUM_CENTER:
- case r.PAGE_DOWN:
- case r.PAGE_UP:
- case r.PAUSE:
- case r.PRINT_SCREEN:
- case r.RIGHT:
- case r.SHIFT:
- case r.UP:
- case r.WIN_KEY:
- case r.WIN_KEY_RIGHT:
- return !1;
- default:
- return !0;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Ae();
- },
- isCharacterKey: function(e) {
- if (e >= r.ZERO && e <= r.NINE) return !0;
- if (e >= r.NUM_ZERO && e <= r.NUM_MULTIPLY) return !0;
- if (e >= r.A && e <= r.Z) return !0;
- if (-1 !== window.navigation.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") && 0 === e) return !0;
- switch (e) {
- case r.SPACE:
- case r.NUM_PLUS:
- case r.NUM_MINUS:
- case r.NUM_PERIOD:
- case r.NUM_DIVISION:
- case r.SEMICOLON:
- case r.DASH:
- case r.EQUALS:
- case r.COMMA:
- case r.PERIOD:
- case r.SLASH:
- case r.APOSTROPHE:
- case r.SINGLE_QUOTE:
- case r.BACKSLASH:
- return !0;
- default:
- return !1;
+ }
+ function it(e) {
+ var t = { name: e.name };
+ return (
+ e.observing &&
+ e.observing.length > 0 &&
+ (t.dependencies = (function(e) {
+ var t = [];
+ return (
+ e.forEach(function(e) {
+ -1 === t.indexOf(e) && t.push(e);
+ }),
+ t
+ );
+ })(e.observing).map(it)),
+ t
+ );
+ }
+ function ot(e, t, n) {
+ var r;
+ if (Ht(e) || Dt(e) || se(e)) r = qt(e);
+ else {
+ if (!Wt(e)) return f(!1);
+ if ("string" !== typeof t) return f(!1);
+ r = qt(e, t);
- },
- };
- t.a = r;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(51),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = {};
- t.a = function(e, t, n) {
- !(function(e, t) {
- e || o[t] || (i()(!1, t), (o[t] = !0));
- })(e, "[antd: ".concat(t, "] ").concat(n));
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- (t.__esModule = !0),
- (t.default = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) t.indexOf(r) >= 0 || (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && (n[r] = e[r]));
- return n;
- });
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(0),
- i = n(5),
- o = n.n(i),
- a = n(213),
- c = n(16),
- s = n.n(c),
- l = n(9),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(34),
- f = n.n(h),
- d = n(13),
- p = n.n(d),
- v = n(25),
- m = n.n(v),
- y = n(12),
- g = n.n(y),
- b = n(14),
- T = n.n(b),
- E = n(81),
- _ = { primaryColor: "#333", secondaryColor: "#E6E6E6" },
- C = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- return p()(this, t), g()(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).apply(this, arguments));
+ return void 0 !== r.dehancer
+ ? f(!1)
+ : ((r.dehancer = "function" === typeof t ? t : n),
+ function() {
+ r.dehancer = void 0;
+ });
+ }
+ function at(e, t, n) {
+ return "function" === typeof n
+ ? (function(e, t, n) {
+ return qt(e, t).intercept(n);
+ })(e, t, n)
+ : (function(e, t) {
+ return qt(e).intercept(t);
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ function ct(e, t) {
+ if (null === e || void 0 === e) return !1;
+ if (void 0 !== t) {
+ if (!1 === Wt(e)) return !1;
+ if (!e[w].values.has(t)) return !1;
+ var n = Yt(e, t);
+ return ue(n);
+ return ue(e);
+ }
+ function st(e, t) {
+ return "string" !== typeof t ? f(!1) : ct(e, t);
+ }
+ function lt(e, t) {
return (
- T()(t, e),
- m()(
- t,
- [
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- var e,
- n = this.props,
- r = n.type,
- i = n.className,
- o = n.onClick,
- a = n.style,
- c = n.primaryColor,
- l = n.secondaryColor,
- h = f()(n, ["type", "className", "onClick", "style", "primaryColor", "secondaryColor"]),
- d = void 0,
- p = _;
- if ((c && (p = { primaryColor: c, secondaryColor: l || Object(E.c)(c) }), Object(E.d)(r))) d = r;
- else if ("string" === typeof r && !(d = t.get(r, p))) return null;
- return d
- ? (d &&
- "function" === typeof d.icon &&
- (d = u()({}, d, { icon: d.icon(p.primaryColor, p.secondaryColor) })),
- Object(E.b)(
- d.icon,
- "svg-" + d.name,
- u()(
- ((e = { className: i, onClick: o, style: a }),
- s()(e, "data-icon", d.name),
- s()(e, "width", "1em"),
- s()(e, "height", "1em"),
- s()(e, "fill", "currentColor"),
- s()(e, "aria-hidden", "true"),
- s()(e, "focusable", "false"),
- e),
- h,
- ),
- ))
- : (Object(E.e)("type should be string or icon definiton, but got " + r), null);
- },
- },
- ],
- [
- {
- key: "add",
- value: function() {
- for (var e = this, t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r];
- n.forEach(function(t) {
- e.definitions.set(Object(E.f)(t.name, t.theme), t);
- });
- },
- },
- {
- key: "clear",
- value: function() {
- this.definitions.clear();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "get",
- value: function(e) {
- var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : _;
- if (e) {
- var n = this.definitions.get(e);
- return (
- n &&
- "function" === typeof n.icon &&
- (n = u()({}, n, { icon: n.icon(t.primaryColor, t.secondaryColor) })),
- n
- );
+ null !== e &&
+ void 0 !== e &&
+ (void 0 !== t ? !!Wt(e) && e[w].values.has(t) : Wt(e) || !!e[w] || M(e) || Ve(e) || ue(e))
+ );
+ }
+ function ut(e) {
+ return 1 !== arguments.length && f(!1), lt(e);
+ }
+ function ht(e, t) {
+ return "string" !== typeof t ? f(!1) : lt(e, t);
+ }
+ function ft(e) {
+ return Wt(e)
+ ? e[w].getKeys()
+ : Ht(e)
+ ? Array.from(e.keys())
+ : It(e)
+ ? Array.from(e.keys())
+ : Dt(e)
+ ? e.map(function(e, t) {
+ return t;
+ })
+ : f(!1);
+ }
+ function dt(e) {
+ return Wt(e)
+ ? ft(e).map(function(t) {
+ return e[t];
+ })
+ : Ht(e)
+ ? ft(e).map(function(t) {
+ return e.get(t);
+ })
+ : It(e)
+ ? Array.from(e.values())
+ : Dt(e)
+ ? e.slice()
+ : f(!1);
+ }
+ function pt(e) {
+ return Wt(e)
+ ? ft(e).map(function(t) {
+ return [t, e[t]];
+ })
+ : Ht(e)
+ ? ft(e).map(function(t) {
+ return [t, e.get(t)];
+ })
+ : It(e)
+ ? Array.from(e.entries())
+ : Dt(e)
+ ? e.map(function(e, t) {
+ return [t, e];
+ })
+ : f(!1);
+ }
+ function vt(e, t, n) {
+ if (2 !== arguments.length || It(e))
+ if (Wt(e)) {
+ var r = e[w];
+ r.values.get(t) ? r.write(t, n) : r.addObservableProp(t, n, r.defaultEnhancer);
+ } else if (Ht(e)) e.set(t, n);
+ else if (It(e)) e.add(t);
+ else {
+ if (!Dt(e)) return f(!1);
+ "number" !== typeof t && (t = parseInt(t, 10)),
+ d(t >= 0, "Not a valid index: '" + t + "'"),
+ xe(),
+ t >= e.length && (e.length = t + 1),
+ (e[t] = n),
+ Ae();
+ }
+ else {
+ xe();
+ var i = t;
+ try {
+ for (var o in i) vt(e, o, i[o]);
+ } finally {
+ Ae();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function mt(e, t, n, r) {
+ return "function" === typeof n
+ ? (function(e, t, n, r) {
+ return qt(e, t).observe(n, r);
+ })(e, t, n, r)
+ : (function(e, t, n) {
+ return qt(e).observe(t, n);
+ })(e, t, n);
+ }
+ function yt(e, t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = void 0), xe();
+ try {
+ return e.apply(t);
+ } finally {
+ Ae();
+ }
+ }
+ function gt(e) {
+ return e[w];
+ }
+ function bt(e) {
+ return "string" === typeof e || "number" === typeof e || "symbol" === typeof e;
+ }
+ var Tt = {
+ has: function(e, t) {
+ if (t === w || "constructor" === t || t === A) return !0;
+ var n = gt(e);
+ return bt(t) ? n.has(t) : t in e;
+ },
+ get: function(e, t) {
+ if (t === w || "constructor" === t || t === A) return e[t];
+ var n = gt(e),
+ r = n.values.get(t);
+ if (r instanceof O) {
+ var i = r.get();
+ return void 0 === i && n.has(t), i;
+ }
+ return bt(t) && n.has(t), e[t];
+ },
+ set: function(e, t, n) {
+ return !!bt(t) && (vt(e, t, n), !0);
+ },
+ deleteProperty: function(e, t) {
+ return !!bt(t) && (gt(e).remove(t), !0);
+ },
+ ownKeys: function(e) {
+ return gt(e).keysAtom.reportObserved(), Reflect.ownKeys(e);
+ },
+ preventExtensions: function(e) {
+ return f("Dynamic observable objects cannot be frozen"), !1;
+ },
+ };
+ function Et(e) {
+ return void 0 !== e.interceptors && e.interceptors.length > 0;
+ }
+ function _t(e, t) {
+ var n = e.interceptors || (e.interceptors = []);
+ return (
+ n.push(t),
+ p(function() {
+ var e = n.indexOf(t);
+ -1 !== e && n.splice(e, 1);
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ function Ct(e, t) {
+ var n = ge();
+ try {
+ var r = e.interceptors;
+ if (r)
+ for (
+ var i = 0, o = r.length;
+ i < o &&
+ (d(!(t = r[i](t)) || t.type, "Intercept handlers should return nothing or a change object"), t);
+ i++
+ );
+ return t;
+ } finally {
+ be(n);
+ }
+ }
+ function St(e) {
+ return void 0 !== e.changeListeners && e.changeListeners.length > 0;
+ }
+ function wt(e, t) {
+ var n = e.changeListeners || (e.changeListeners = []);
+ return (
+ n.push(t),
+ p(function() {
+ var e = n.indexOf(t);
+ -1 !== e && n.splice(e, 1);
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ function Ot(e, t) {
+ var n = ge(),
+ r = e.changeListeners;
+ if (r) {
+ for (var i = 0, o = (r = r.slice()).length; i < o; i++) r[i](t);
+ be(n);
+ }
+ }
+ var Mt = {
+ get: function(e, t) {
+ return t === w
+ ? e[w]
+ : "length" === t
+ ? e[w].getArrayLength()
+ : "number" === typeof t
+ ? xt.get.call(e, t)
+ : "string" !== typeof t || isNaN(t)
+ ? xt.hasOwnProperty(t)
+ ? xt[t]
+ : e[t]
+ : xt.get.call(e, parseInt(t));
+ },
+ set: function(e, t, n) {
+ return (
+ "length" === t && e[w].setArrayLength(n),
+ "number" === typeof t && xt.set.call(e, t, n),
+ "symbol" === typeof t || isNaN(t) ? (e[t] = n) : xt.set.call(e, parseInt(t), n),
+ !0
+ );
+ },
+ preventExtensions: function(e) {
+ return f("Observable arrays cannot be frozen"), !1;
+ },
+ };
+ var kt = (function() {
+ function e(e, t, n) {
+ (this.owned = n),
+ (this.values = []),
+ (this.proxy = void 0),
+ (this.lastKnownLength = 0),
+ (this.atom = new O(e || "ObservableArray@" + h())),
+ (this.enhancer = function(n, r) {
+ return t(n, r, e + "[..]");
+ });
+ }
+ return (
+ (e.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
+ return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.dehanceValues = function(e) {
+ return void 0 !== this.dehancer && e.length > 0 ? e.map(this.dehancer) : e;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
+ return _t(this, e);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
+ return (
+ void 0 === t && (t = !1),
+ t &&
+ e({
+ object: this.proxy,
+ type: "splice",
+ index: 0,
+ added: this.values.slice(),
+ addedCount: this.values.length,
+ removed: [],
+ removedCount: 0,
+ }),
+ wt(this, e)
+ );
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.getArrayLength = function() {
+ return this.atom.reportObserved(), this.values.length;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.setArrayLength = function(e) {
+ if ("number" !== typeof e || e < 0) throw new Error("[mobx.array] Out of range: " + e);
+ var t = this.values.length;
+ if (e !== t)
+ if (e > t) {
+ for (var n = new Array(e - t), r = 0; r < e - t; r++) n[r] = void 0;
+ this.spliceWithArray(t, 0, n);
+ } else this.spliceWithArray(e, t - e);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.updateArrayLength = function(e, t) {
+ if (e !== this.lastKnownLength)
+ throw new Error(
+ "[mobx] Modification exception: the internal structure of an observable array was changed.",
+ );
+ this.lastKnownLength += t;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.spliceWithArray = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = this;
+ pe(this.atom);
+ var i = this.values.length;
+ if (
+ (void 0 === e ? (e = 0) : e > i ? (e = i) : e < 0 && (e = Math.max(0, i + e)),
+ (t =
+ 1 === arguments.length ? i - e : void 0 === t || null === t ? 0 : Math.max(0, Math.min(t, i - e))),
+ void 0 === n && (n = l),
+ Et(this))
+ ) {
+ var o = Ct(this, { object: this.proxy, type: "splice", index: e, removedCount: t, added: n });
+ if (!o) return l;
+ (t = o.removedCount), (n = o.added);
+ }
+ n =
+ 0 === n.length
+ ? n
+ : n.map(function(e) {
+ return r.enhancer(e, void 0);
+ });
+ var a = this.spliceItemsIntoValues(e, t, n);
+ return (0 === t && 0 === n.length) || this.notifyArraySplice(e, n, a), this.dehanceValues(a);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.spliceItemsIntoValues = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r;
+ if (n.length < 1e4)
+ return (r = this.values).splice.apply(
+ r,
+ (function() {
+ for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e = e.concat(c(arguments[t]));
+ return e;
+ })([e, t], n),
+ );
+ var i = this.values.slice(e, e + t);
+ return (this.values = this.values.slice(0, e).concat(n, this.values.slice(e + t))), i;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.notifyArrayChildUpdate = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = !this.owned && !1,
+ i = St(this),
+ o = i || r ? { object: this.proxy, type: "update", index: e, newValue: t, oldValue: n } : null;
+ this.atom.reportChanged(), i && Ot(this, o);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.notifyArraySplice = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = !this.owned && !1,
+ i = St(this),
+ o =
+ i || r
+ ? {
+ object: this.proxy,
+ type: "splice",
+ index: e,
+ removed: n,
+ added: t,
+ removedCount: n.length,
+ addedCount: t.length,
+ }
+ : null;
+ this.atom.reportChanged(), i && Ot(this, o);
+ }),
+ e
+ );
+ })(),
+ xt = {
+ intercept: function(e) {
+ return this[w].intercept(e);
+ },
+ observe: function(e, t) {
+ return void 0 === t && (t = !1), this[w].observe(e, t);
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ return this.splice(0);
+ },
+ replace: function(e) {
+ var t = this[w];
+ return t.spliceWithArray(0, t.values.length, e);
+ },
+ toJS: function() {
+ return this.slice();
+ },
+ toJSON: function() {
+ return this.toJS();
+ },
+ splice: function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = [], r = 2; r < arguments.length; r++) n[r - 2] = arguments[r];
+ var i = this[w];
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 0:
+ return [];
+ case 1:
+ return i.spliceWithArray(e);
+ case 2:
+ return i.spliceWithArray(e, t);
+ }
+ return i.spliceWithArray(e, t, n);
+ },
+ spliceWithArray: function(e, t, n) {
+ return this[w].spliceWithArray(e, t, n);
+ },
+ push: function() {
+ for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
+ var n = this[w];
+ return n.spliceWithArray(n.values.length, 0, e), n.values.length;
+ },
+ pop: function() {
+ return this.splice(Math.max(this[w].values.length - 1, 0), 1)[0];
+ },
+ shift: function() {
+ return this.splice(0, 1)[0];
+ },
+ unshift: function() {
+ for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) e[t] = arguments[t];
+ var n = this[w];
+ return n.spliceWithArray(0, 0, e), n.values.length;
+ },
+ reverse: function() {
+ var e = this.slice();
+ return e.reverse.apply(e, arguments);
+ },
+ sort: function(e) {
+ var t = this.slice();
+ return t.sort.apply(t, arguments);
+ },
+ remove: function(e) {
+ var t = this[w],
+ n = t.dehanceValues(t.values).indexOf(e);
+ return n > -1 && (this.splice(n, 1), !0);
+ },
+ get: function(e) {
+ var t = this[w];
+ if (t) {
+ if (e < t.values.length) return t.atom.reportObserved(), t.dehanceValue(t.values[e]);
+ console.warn(
+ "[mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (" +
+ e +
+ ") that is out of bounds (" +
+ t.values.length +
+ "). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX",
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ set: function(e, t) {
+ var n = this[w],
+ r = n.values;
+ if (e < r.length) {
+ pe(n.atom);
+ var i = r[e];
+ if (Et(n)) {
+ var o = Ct(n, { type: "update", object: n.proxy, index: e, newValue: t });
+ if (!o) return;
+ t = o.newValue;
+ }
+ (t = n.enhancer(t, i)) !== i && ((r[e] = t), n.notifyArrayChildUpdate(e, t, i));
+ } else {
+ if (e !== r.length)
+ throw new Error("[mobx.array] Index out of bounds, " + e + " is larger than " + r.length);
+ n.spliceWithArray(e, 0, [t]);
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ [
+ "concat",
+ "every",
+ "filter",
+ "forEach",
+ "indexOf",
+ "join",
+ "lastIndexOf",
+ "map",
+ "reduce",
+ "reduceRight",
+ "slice",
+ "some",
+ "toString",
+ "toLocaleString",
+ ].forEach(function(e) {
+ xt[e] = function() {
+ var t = this[w];
+ t.atom.reportObserved();
+ var n = t.dehanceValues(t.values);
+ return n[e].apply(n, arguments);
+ };
+ });
+ var At,
+ zt = b("ObservableArrayAdministration", kt);
+ function Dt(e) {
+ return m(e) && zt(e[w]);
+ }
+ var Pt,
+ Nt = {},
+ Lt = (function() {
+ function e(e, t, n) {
+ if (
+ (void 0 === t && (t = H),
+ void 0 === n && (n = "ObservableMap@" + h()),
+ (this.enhancer = t),
+ (this.name = n),
+ (this[At] = Nt),
+ (this._keysAtom = k(this.name + ".keys()")),
+ (this[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Map"),
+ "function" !== typeof Map)
+ )
+ throw new Error(
+ "mobx.map requires Map polyfill for the current browser. Check babel-polyfill or core-js/es6/map.js",
+ );
+ (this._data = new Map()), (this._hasMap = new Map()), this.merge(e);
+ }
+ return (
+ (e.prototype._has = function(e) {
+ return this._data.has(e);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.has = function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ if (!Se.trackingDerivation) return this._has(e);
+ var n = this._hasMap.get(e);
+ if (!n) {
+ var r = (n = new ce(this._has(e), R, this.name + "." + C(e) + "?", !1));
+ this._hasMap.set(e, r),
+ Ze(r, function() {
+ return t._hasMap.delete(e);
+ });
+ }
+ return n.get();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.set = function(e, t) {
+ var n = this._has(e);
+ if (Et(this)) {
+ var r = Ct(this, { type: n ? "update" : "add", object: this, newValue: t, name: e });
+ if (!r) return this;
+ t = r.newValue;
+ }
+ return n ? this._updateValue(e, t) : this._addValue(e, t), this;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.delete = function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ if (Et(this) && !(r = Ct(this, { type: "delete", object: this, name: e }))) return !1;
+ if (this._has(e)) {
+ var n = St(this),
+ r = n ? { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: this._data.get(e).value, name: e } : null;
+ return (
+ yt(function() {
+ t._keysAtom.reportChanged(),
+ t._updateHasMapEntry(e, !1),
+ t._data.get(e).setNewValue(void 0),
+ t._data.delete(e);
+ }),
+ n && Ot(this, r),
+ !0
+ );
+ }
+ return !1;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype._updateHasMapEntry = function(e, t) {
+ var n = this._hasMap.get(e);
+ n && n.setNewValue(t);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype._updateValue = function(e, t) {
+ var n = this._data.get(e);
+ if ((t = n.prepareNewValue(t)) !== Se.UNCHANGED) {
+ var r = St(this),
+ i = r ? { type: "update", object: this, oldValue: n.value, name: e, newValue: t } : null;
+ 0, n.setNewValue(t), r && Ot(this, i);
+ }
+ }),
+ (e.prototype._addValue = function(e, t) {
+ var n = this;
+ pe(this._keysAtom),
+ yt(function() {
+ var r = new ce(t, n.enhancer, n.name + "." + C(e), !1);
+ n._data.set(e, r), (t = r.value), n._updateHasMapEntry(e, !0), n._keysAtom.reportChanged();
+ });
+ var r = St(this),
+ i = r ? { type: "add", object: this, name: e, newValue: t } : null;
+ r && Ot(this, i);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.get = function(e) {
+ return this.has(e) ? this.dehanceValue(this._data.get(e).get()) : this.dehanceValue(void 0);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
+ return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.keys = function() {
+ return this._keysAtom.reportObserved(), this._data.keys();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.values = function() {
+ var e = this,
+ t = 0,
+ n = Array.from(this.keys());
+ return tn({
+ next: function() {
+ return t < n.length ? { value: e.get(n[t++]), done: !1 } : { done: !0 };
+ },
+ });
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.entries = function() {
+ var e = this,
+ t = 0,
+ n = Array.from(this.keys());
+ return tn({
+ next: function() {
+ if (t < n.length) {
+ var r = n[t++];
+ return { value: [r, e.get(r)], done: !1 };
+ }
+ return { done: !0 };
+ },
+ });
+ }),
+ (e.prototype[((At = w), Symbol.iterator)] = function() {
+ return this.entries();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.forEach = function(e, t) {
+ var n, r;
+ try {
+ for (var i = a(this), o = i.next(); !o.done; o = i.next()) {
+ var s = c(o.value, 2),
+ l = s[0],
+ u = s[1];
+ e.call(t, u, l, this);
+ }
+ } catch (h) {
+ n = { error: h };
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ o && !o.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);
+ } finally {
+ if (n) throw n.error;
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.merge = function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ return (
+ Ht(e) && (e = e.toJS()),
+ yt(function() {
+ y(e)
+ ? _(e).forEach(function(n) {
+ return t.set(n, e[n]);
+ })
+ : Array.isArray(e)
+ ? e.forEach(function(e) {
+ var n = c(e, 2),
+ r = n[0],
+ i = n[1];
+ return t.set(r, i);
+ })
+ : T(e)
+ ? (e.constructor !== Map &&
+ f("Cannot initialize from classes that inherit from Map: " + e.constructor.name),
+ e.forEach(function(e, n) {
+ return t.set(n, e);
+ }))
+ : null !== e && void 0 !== e && f("Cannot initialize map from " + e);
+ }),
+ this
+ );
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.clear = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ yt(function() {
+ ye(function() {
+ var t, n;
+ try {
+ for (var r = a(e.keys()), i = r.next(); !i.done; i = r.next()) {
+ var o = i.value;
+ e.delete(o);
+ }
+ } catch (c) {
+ t = { error: c };
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ i && !i.done && (n = r.return) && n.call(r);
+ } finally {
+ if (t) throw t.error;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.replace = function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ return (
+ yt(function() {
+ var n,
+ r = y((n = e))
+ ? Object.keys(n)
+ : Array.isArray(n)
+ ? n.map(function(e) {
+ return c(e, 1)[0];
+ })
+ : T(n) || Ht(n)
+ ? Array.from(n.keys())
+ : f("Cannot get keys from '" + n + "'");
+ Array.from(t.keys())
+ .filter(function(e) {
+ return -1 === r.indexOf(e);
+ })
+ .forEach(function(e) {
+ return t.delete(e);
+ }),
+ t.merge(e);
+ }),
+ this
+ );
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "size", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._keysAtom.reportObserved(), this._data.size;
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0,
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.toPOJO = function() {
+ var e,
+ t,
+ n = {};
+ try {
+ for (var r = a(this), i = r.next(); !i.done; i = r.next()) {
+ var o = c(i.value, 2),
+ s = o[0],
+ l = o[1];
+ n["symbol" === typeof s ? s : C(s)] = l;
+ }
+ } catch (u) {
+ e = { error: u };
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ i && !i.done && (t = r.return) && t.call(r);
+ } finally {
+ if (e) throw e.error;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.toJS = function() {
+ return new Map(this);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ return this.toPOJO();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ return (
+ this.name +
+ "[{ " +
+ Array.from(this.keys())
+ .map(function(t) {
+ return C(t) + ": " + e.get(t);
+ })
+ .join(", ") +
+ " }]"
+ );
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
+ return wt(this, e);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
+ return _t(this, e);
+ }),
+ e
+ );
+ })(),
+ Ht = b("ObservableMap", Lt),
+ Rt = {},
+ Vt = (function() {
+ function e(e, t, n) {
+ if (
+ (void 0 === t && (t = H),
+ void 0 === n && (n = "ObservableSet@" + h()),
+ (this.name = n),
+ (this[Pt] = Rt),
+ (this._data = new Set()),
+ (this._atom = k(this.name)),
+ (this[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Set"),
+ "function" !== typeof Set)
+ )
+ throw new Error(
+ "mobx.set requires Set polyfill for the current browser. Check babel-polyfill or core-js/es6/set.js",
+ );
+ (this.enhancer = function(e, r) {
+ return t(e, r, n);
+ }),
+ e && this.replace(e);
+ }
+ return (
+ (e.prototype.dehanceValue = function(e) {
+ return void 0 !== this.dehancer ? this.dehancer(e) : e;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.clear = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ yt(function() {
+ ye(function() {
+ var t, n;
+ try {
+ for (var r = a(e._data.values()), i = r.next(); !i.done; i = r.next()) {
+ var o = i.value;
+ e.delete(o);
+ }
+ } catch (c) {
+ t = { error: c };
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ i && !i.done && (n = r.return) && n.call(r);
+ } finally {
+ if (t) throw t.error;
+ }
- },
+ });
+ });
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.forEach = function(e, t) {
+ var n, r;
+ try {
+ for (var i = a(this), o = i.next(); !o.done; o = i.next()) {
+ var c = o.value;
+ e.call(t, c, c, this);
+ }
+ } catch (s) {
+ n = { error: s };
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ o && !o.done && (r = i.return) && r.call(i);
+ } finally {
+ if (n) throw n.error;
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "size", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._atom.reportObserved(), this._data.size;
- {
- key: "setTwoToneColors",
- value: function(e) {
- var t = e.primaryColor,
- n = e.secondaryColor;
- (_.primaryColor = t), (_.secondaryColor = n || Object(E.c)(t));
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0,
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.add = function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ if ((pe(this._atom), Et(this)) && !(r = Ct(this, { type: "add", object: this, newValue: e })))
+ return this;
+ if (!this.has(e)) {
+ yt(function() {
+ t._data.add(t.enhancer(e, void 0)), t._atom.reportChanged();
+ });
+ var n = St(this),
+ r = n ? { type: "add", object: this, newValue: e } : null;
+ 0, n && Ot(this, r);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.delete = function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ if (Et(this) && !(r = Ct(this, { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: e }))) return !1;
+ if (this.has(e)) {
+ var n = St(this),
+ r = n ? { type: "delete", object: this, oldValue: e } : null;
+ return (
+ yt(function() {
+ t._atom.reportChanged(), t._data.delete(e);
+ }),
+ n && Ot(this, r),
+ !0
+ );
+ }
+ return !1;
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.has = function(e) {
+ return this._atom.reportObserved(), this._data.has(this.dehanceValue(e));
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.entries = function() {
+ var e = 0,
+ t = Array.from(this.keys()),
+ n = Array.from(this.values());
+ return tn({
+ next: function() {
+ var r = e;
+ return (e += 1), r < n.length ? { value: [t[r], n[r]], done: !1 } : { done: !0 };
- },
- {
- key: "getTwoToneColors",
- value: function() {
- return u()({}, _);
+ });
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.keys = function() {
+ return this.values();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.values = function() {
+ this._atom.reportObserved();
+ var e = this,
+ t = 0,
+ n = Array.from(this._data.values());
+ return tn({
+ next: function() {
+ return t < n.length ? { value: e.dehanceValue(n[t++]), done: !1 } : { done: !0 };
- },
- ],
- ),
- t
- );
- })(r.Component);
- (C.displayName = "IconReact"), (C.definitions = new E.a());
- var S = C;
- function w() {
- return (w =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- var O = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
- if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = 0;
- for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
- t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- return n;
- },
- M = new Set();
- var k = n(33),
- x = { width: "1em", height: "1em", fill: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": !0, focusable: "false" },
- A = /-fill$/,
- z = /-o$/,
- D = /-twotone$/;
- var P = n(64);
- function N(e) {
- return S.setTwoToneColors({ primaryColor: e });
- }
- function L() {
- return (L =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- function H(e, t, n) {
- return (
- t in e
- ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
- : (e[t] = n),
- e
- );
- }
- var R,
- V = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
- if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = 0;
- for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
- t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- return n;
- };
- S.add.apply(
- S,
- (function(e) {
- if (Array.isArray(e)) {
- for (var t = 0, n = new Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t];
- return n;
- }
- })(
- (R = Object.keys(a).map(function(e) {
- return a[e];
- })),
- ) ||
- (function(e) {
- if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e))
- return Array.from(e);
- })(R) ||
- (function() {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
- })(),
- ),
- N("#1890ff");
- var I,
- F = "outlined";
- var j = function(e) {
- var t,
- n = e.className,
- i = e.type,
- a = e.component,
- c = e.viewBox,
- s = e.spin,
- l = e.rotate,
- u = e.tabIndex,
- h = e.onClick,
- f = e.children,
- d = e.theme,
- p = e.twoToneColor,
- v = V(e, [
- "className",
- "type",
- "component",
- "viewBox",
- "spin",
- "rotate",
- "tabIndex",
- "onClick",
- "children",
- "theme",
- "twoToneColor",
- ]);
- Object(k.a)(Boolean(i || a || f), "Icon", "Should have `type` prop or `component` prop or `children`.");
- var m,
- y = o()((H((t = {}), "anticon", !0), H(t, "anticon-".concat(i), Boolean(i)), t), n),
- g = o()(H({}, "anticon-spin", !!s || "loading" === i)),
- b = l ? { msTransform: "rotate(".concat(l, "deg)"), transform: "rotate(".concat(l, "deg)") } : void 0,
- T = L({}, x, { className: g, style: b, viewBox: c });
- if (
- (c || delete T.viewBox,
- a && (m = r.createElement(a, T, f)),
- f &&
- (Object(k.a)(
- Boolean(c) || (1 === r.Children.count(f) && r.isValidElement(f) && "use" === r.Children.only(f).type),
- "Icon",
- "Make sure that you provide correct `viewBox` prop (default `0 0 1024 1024`) to the icon.",
- ),
- (m = r.createElement("svg", L({}, T, { viewBox: c }), f))),
- "string" === typeof i)
- ) {
- var E = i;
- if (d) {
- var _ = (function(e) {
- var t = null;
- return A.test(e) ? (t = "filled") : z.test(e) ? (t = "outlined") : D.test(e) && (t = "twoTone"), t;
- })(i);
- Object(k.a)(
- !_ || d === _,
- "Icon",
- "The icon name '".concat(i, "' already specify a theme '").concat(_, "',") +
- " the 'theme' prop '".concat(d, "' will be ignored."),
+ });
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.replace = function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ return (
+ It(e) && (e = e.toJS()),
+ yt(function() {
+ Array.isArray(e)
+ ? (t.clear(),
+ e.forEach(function(e) {
+ return t.add(e);
+ }))
+ : E(e)
+ ? (t.clear(),
+ e.forEach(function(e) {
+ return t.add(e);
+ }))
+ : null !== e && void 0 !== e && f("Cannot initialize set from " + e);
+ }),
+ this
+ );
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
+ return wt(this, e);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
+ return _t(this, e);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.toJS = function() {
+ return new Set(this);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return this.name + "[ " + Array.from(this).join(", ") + " ]";
+ }),
+ (e.prototype[((Pt = w), Symbol.iterator)] = function() {
+ return this.values();
+ }),
+ e
- }
- (E = (function(e, t) {
- var n = e;
+ })(),
+ It = b("ObservableSet", Vt),
+ Ft = (function() {
+ function e(e, t, n, r) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = new Map()),
+ (this.target = e),
+ (this.values = t),
+ (this.name = n),
+ (this.defaultEnhancer = r),
+ (this.keysAtom = new O(n + ".keys"));
+ }
return (
- "filled" === t
- ? (n += "-fill")
- : "outlined" === t
- ? (n += "-o")
- : "twoTone" === t
- ? (n += "-twotone")
- : Object(k.a)(!1, "Icon", "This icon '".concat(e, "' has unknown theme '").concat(t, "'")),
- n
- );
- })(
- (function(e) {
- return e
- .replace(A, "")
- .replace(z, "")
- .replace(D, "");
- })(
- (function(e) {
- var t = e;
- switch (e) {
- case "cross":
- t = "close";
- break;
- case "interation":
- t = "interaction";
- break;
- case "canlendar":
- t = "calendar";
- break;
- case "colum-height":
- t = "column-height";
+ (e.prototype.read = function(e) {
+ return this.values.get(e).get();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.write = function(e, t) {
+ var n = this.target,
+ r = this.values.get(e);
+ if (r instanceof le) r.set(t);
+ else {
+ if (Et(this)) {
+ if (!(o = Ct(this, { type: "update", object: this.proxy || n, name: e, newValue: t }))) return;
+ t = o.newValue;
+ }
+ if ((t = r.prepareNewValue(t)) !== Se.UNCHANGED) {
+ var i = St(this),
+ o = i
+ ? { type: "update", object: this.proxy || n, oldValue: r.value, name: e, newValue: t }
+ : null;
+ 0, r.setNewValue(t), i && Ot(this, o);
+ }
- return (
- Object(k.a)(
- t === e,
- "Icon",
- "Icon '".concat(e, "' was a typo and is now deprecated, please use '").concat(t, "' instead."),
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.has = function(e) {
+ var t = this.pendingKeys || (this.pendingKeys = new Map()),
+ n = t.get(e);
+ if (n) return n.get();
+ var r = !!this.values.get(e);
+ return (n = new ce(r, R, this.name + "." + C(e) + "?", !1)), t.set(e, n), n.get();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.addObservableProp = function(e, t, n) {
+ void 0 === n && (n = this.defaultEnhancer);
+ var r = this.target;
+ if (Et(this)) {
+ var i = Ct(this, { object: this.proxy || r, name: e, type: "add", newValue: t });
+ if (!i) return;
+ t = i.newValue;
+ }
+ var o = new ce(t, n, this.name + "." + C(e), !1);
+ this.values.set(e, o),
+ (t = o.value),
+ Object.defineProperty(
+ r,
+ e,
+ (function(e) {
+ return (
+ Ut[e] ||
+ (Ut[e] = {
+ configurable: !0,
+ enumerable: !0,
+ get: function() {
+ return this[w].read(e);
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ this[w].write(e, t);
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ })(e),
- t
+ this.notifyPropertyAddition(e, t);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.addComputedProp = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = this.target;
+ (n.name = n.name || this.name + "." + C(t)),
+ this.values.set(t, new le(n)),
+ (e === r ||
+ (function(e, t) {
+ var n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t);
+ return !n || (!1 !== n.configurable && !1 !== n.writable);
+ })(e, t)) &&
+ Object.defineProperty(
+ e,
+ t,
+ (function(e) {
+ return (
+ Bt[e] ||
+ (Bt[e] = {
+ configurable: Se.computedConfigurable,
+ enumerable: !1,
+ get: function() {
+ return Kt(this).read(e);
+ },
+ set: function(t) {
+ Kt(this).write(e, t);
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ })(t),
+ );
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.remove = function(e) {
+ if (this.values.has(e)) {
+ var t = this.target;
+ if (Et(this)) if (!(a = Ct(this, { object: this.proxy || t, name: e, type: "remove" }))) return;
+ try {
+ xe();
+ var n = St(this),
+ r = this.values.get(e),
+ i = r && r.get();
+ if ((r && r.set(void 0), this.keysAtom.reportChanged(), this.values.delete(e), this.pendingKeys)) {
+ var o = this.pendingKeys.get(e);
+ o && o.set(!1);
+ }
+ delete this.target[e];
+ var a = n ? { type: "remove", object: this.proxy || t, oldValue: i, name: e } : null;
+ 0, n && Ot(this, a);
+ } finally {
+ Ae();
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.illegalAccess = function(e, t) {
+ console.warn(
+ "Property '" +
+ t +
+ "' of '" +
+ e +
+ "' was accessed through the prototype chain. Use 'decorate' instead to declare the prop or access it statically through it's owner",
- })(E),
- ),
- I || d || F,
- )),
- (m = r.createElement(S, { className: g, type: E, primaryColor: p, style: b }));
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.observe = function(e, t) {
+ return wt(this, e);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.intercept = function(e) {
+ return _t(this, e);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.notifyPropertyAddition = function(e, t) {
+ var n = St(this),
+ r = n ? { type: "add", object: this.proxy || this.target, name: e, newValue: t } : null;
+ if ((n && Ot(this, r), this.pendingKeys)) {
+ var i = this.pendingKeys.get(e);
+ i && i.set(!0);
+ }
+ this.keysAtom.reportChanged();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.getKeys = function() {
+ var e, t;
+ this.keysAtom.reportObserved();
+ var n = [];
+ try {
+ for (var r = a(this.values), i = r.next(); !i.done; i = r.next()) {
+ var o = c(i.value, 2),
+ s = o[0];
+ o[1] instanceof ce && n.push(s);
+ }
+ } catch (l) {
+ e = { error: l };
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ i && !i.done && (t = r.return) && t.call(r);
+ } finally {
+ if (e) throw e.error;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ }),
+ e
+ );
+ })();
+ function jt(e, t, n) {
+ if ((void 0 === t && (t = ""), void 0 === n && (n = H), Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, w)))
+ return e[w];
+ y(e) || (t = (e.constructor.name || "ObservableObject") + "@" + h()), t || (t = "ObservableObject@" + h());
+ var r = new Ft(e, new Map(), C(t), n);
+ return g(e, w, r), r;
+ }
+ var Ut = Object.create(null),
+ Bt = Object.create(null);
+ function Kt(e) {
+ var t = e[w];
+ return t || (N(e), e[w]);
+ }
+ var Gt = b("ObservableObjectAdministration", Ft);
+ function Wt(e) {
+ return !!m(e) && (N(e), Gt(e[w]));
+ }
+ function Yt(e, t) {
+ if ("object" === typeof e && null !== e) {
+ if (Dt(e)) return void 0 !== t && f(!1), e[w].atom;
+ if (It(e)) return e[w];
+ if (Ht(e)) {
+ var n = e;
+ return void 0 === t ? n._keysAtom : ((r = n._data.get(t) || n._hasMap.get(t)) || f(!1), r);
+ }
+ var r;
+ if ((N(e), t && !e[w] && e[t], Wt(e))) return t ? ((r = e[w].values.get(t)) || f(!1), r) : f(!1);
+ if (M(e) || ue(e) || Ve(e)) return e;
+ } else if ("function" === typeof e && Ve(e[w])) return e[w];
+ return f(!1);
+ }
+ function qt(e, t) {
+ return (
+ e || f("Expecting some object"),
+ void 0 !== t
+ ? qt(Yt(e, t))
+ : M(e) || ue(e) || Ve(e)
+ ? e
+ : Ht(e) || It(e)
+ ? e
+ : (N(e), e[w] ? e[w] : void f(!1))
+ );
- var C = u;
- return (
- void 0 === C && h && (C = -1),
- r.createElement(P.a, { componentName: "Icon" }, function(e) {
- return r.createElement(
- "i",
- L({ "aria-label": i && "".concat(e.icon, ": ").concat(i) }, v, { tabIndex: C, onClick: h, className: y }),
- m,
- );
- })
- );
- };
- (j.createFromIconfontCN = function() {
- var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
- t = e.scriptUrl,
- n = e.extraCommonProps,
- i = void 0 === n ? {} : n;
- if (
- "undefined" !== typeof document &&
- "undefined" !== typeof window &&
- "function" === typeof document.createElement &&
- "string" === typeof t &&
- t.length &&
- !M.has(t)
- ) {
- var o = document.createElement("script");
- o.setAttribute("src", t), o.setAttribute("data-namespace", t), M.add(t), document.body.appendChild(o);
+ function Xt(e, t) {
+ return (void 0 !== t ? Yt(e, t) : Wt(e) || Ht(e) || It(e) ? qt(e) : Yt(e)).name;
- var a = function(e) {
- var t = e.type,
- n = e.children,
- o = O(e, ["type", "children"]),
- a = null;
+ var Qt = Object.prototype.toString;
+ function $t(e, t) {
+ return Zt(e, t);
+ }
+ function Zt(e, t, n, r) {
+ if (e === t) return 0 !== e || 1 / e === 1 / t;
+ if (null == e || null == t) return !1;
+ if (e !== e) return t !== t;
+ var i = typeof e;
return (
- e.type && (a = r.createElement("use", { xlinkHref: "#".concat(t) })),
- n && (a = n),
- r.createElement(U, w({}, o, i), a)
+ ("function" === i || "object" === i || "object" == typeof t) &&
+ (function(e, t, n, r) {
+ (e = Jt(e)), (t = Jt(t));
+ var i = Qt.call(e);
+ if (i !== Qt.call(t)) return !1;
+ switch (i) {
+ case "[object RegExp]":
+ case "[object String]":
+ return "" + e === "" + t;
+ case "[object Number]":
+ return +e !== +e ? +t !== +t : 0 === +e ? 1 / +e === 1 / t : +e === +t;
+ case "[object Date]":
+ case "[object Boolean]":
+ return +e === +t;
+ case "[object Symbol]":
+ return "undefined" !== typeof Symbol && Symbol.valueOf.call(e) === Symbol.valueOf.call(t);
+ }
+ var o = "[object Array]" === i;
+ if (!o) {
+ if ("object" != typeof e || "object" != typeof t) return !1;
+ var a = e.constructor,
+ c = t.constructor;
+ if (
+ a !== c &&
+ !("function" === typeof a && a instanceof a && "function" === typeof c && c instanceof c) &&
+ "constructor" in e &&
+ "constructor" in t
+ )
+ return !1;
+ }
+ r = r || [];
+ var s = (n = n || []).length;
+ for (; s--; ) if (n[s] === e) return r[s] === t;
+ if ((n.push(e), r.push(t), o)) {
+ if ((s = e.length) !== t.length) return !1;
+ for (; s--; ) if (!Zt(e[s], t[s], n, r)) return !1;
+ } else {
+ var l = Object.keys(e),
+ u = void 0;
+ if (((s = l.length), Object.keys(t).length !== s)) return !1;
+ for (; s--; ) if (((u = l[s]), !en(t, u) || !Zt(e[u], t[u], n, r))) return !1;
+ }
+ return n.pop(), r.pop(), !0;
+ })(e, t, n, r)
- };
- return (a.displayName = "Iconfont"), a;
- }),
- (j.getTwoToneColor = function() {
- return S.getTwoToneColors().primaryColor;
- }),
- (j.setTwoToneColor = N);
- var U = (t.a = j);
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return i;
- });
- var r = n(104);
- function i(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {},
- i = Object.keys(n);
- "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
- (i = i.concat(
- Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n).filter(function(e) {
- return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e).enumerable;
- }),
- )),
- i.forEach(function(t) {
- Object(r.a)(e, t, n[t]);
- });
- return e;
- }
+ function Jt(e) {
+ return Dt(e)
+ ? e.slice()
+ : T(e) || Ht(e)
+ ? Array.from(e.entries())
+ : E(e) || It(e)
+ ? Array.from(e.entries())
+ : e;
+ }
+ function en(e, t) {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t);
+ }
+ function tn(e) {
+ return (e[Symbol.iterator] = nn), e;
+ }
+ function nn() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ if ("undefined" === typeof Proxy || "undefined" === typeof Symbol)
+ throw new Error(
+ "[mobx] MobX 5+ requires Proxy and Symbol objects. If your environment doesn't support Symbol or Proxy objects, please downgrade to MobX 4. For React Native Android, consider upgrading JSCore.",
+ );
+ "object" === typeof __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ &&
+ __MOBX_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.injectMobx({ spy: Ue, extras: { getDebugName: Xt }, $mobx: w });
+ }.call(this, n(111), n(59)));
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(9),
- i = n.n(r);
- t.a = function(e, t) {
- for (var n = i()({}, e), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) delete n[t[r]];
- return n;
+ var r = {};
+ function i(e, t) {
+ 0;
+ }
+ function o(e, t, n) {
+ t || r[n] || (e(!1, n), (r[n] = !0));
+ }
+ var a = function(e, t) {
+ o(i, e, t);
+ };
+ t.a = function(e, t, n) {
+ a(e, "[antd: ".concat(t, "] ").concat(n));
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return a;
- }),
- n.d(t, "d", function() {
- return c;
- }),
- n.d(t, "b", function() {
- return s;
- }),
- n.d(t, "c", function() {
- return l;
- }),
- n.d(t, "e", function() {
- return u;
- }),
- n.d(t, "f", function() {
- return h;
- });
- var r = n(56),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(103),
- a = function(e, t) {
- return e && t;
- },
- c = function(e, t) {
- return e && !0 !== e && "".concat(e, " ").concat(t);
- },
- s = function(e, t) {
- return e && (!0 === e ? t : "".concat(e, " ").concat(t));
- },
- l = function(e) {
- return "justified" === e ? "justified" : c(e, "aligned");
- },
- u = function(e) {
- return c(e, "aligned");
- },
- h = function(e) {
- var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "";
- if (arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2] && "equal" === e) return "equal width";
- var n = i()(e);
- return ("string" !== n && "number" !== n) || !t ? Object(o.a)(e) : "".concat(Object(o.a)(e), " ").concat(t);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "b", function() {
- return c;
- }),
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return l;
- }),
- n.d(t, "c", function() {
- return u;
- });
- var r = n(69),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(211),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = [
- "selected",
- "defaultValue",
- "defaultChecked",
- "accept",
- "autoCapitalize",
- "autoComplete",
- "autoCorrect",
- "autoFocus",
- "checked",
- "disabled",
- "form",
- "id",
- "lang",
- "list",
- "max",
- "maxLength",
- "min",
- "minLength",
- "multiple",
- "name",
- "pattern",
- "placeholder",
- "readOnly",
- "required",
- "step",
- "title",
- "type",
- "value",
- ],
- s = c.concat([
- "onKeyDown",
- "onKeyPress",
- "onKeyUp",
- "onFocus",
- "onBlur",
- "onChange",
- "onInput",
- "onClick",
- "onContextMenu",
- "onDrag",
- "onDragEnd",
- "onDragEnter",
- "onDragExit",
- "onDragLeave",
- "onDragOver",
- "onDragStart",
- "onDrop",
- "onMouseDown",
- "onMouseEnter",
- "onMouseLeave",
- "onMouseMove",
- "onMouseOut",
- "onMouseOver",
- "onMouseUp",
- "onSelect",
- "onTouchCancel",
- "onTouchEnd",
- "onTouchMove",
- "onTouchStart",
- ]),
- l = ["alt", "height", "src", "srcSet", "width"],
- u = function(e) {
- var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
- n = t.htmlProps,
- r = void 0 === n ? s : n,
- o = t.includeAria,
- c = void 0 === o || o,
- l = {},
- u = {};
- return (
- a()(e, function(e, t) {
- var n = c && (/^aria-.*$/.test(t) || "role" === t);
- (i()(r, t) || n ? l : u)[t] = e;
- }),
- [l, u]
- );
- };
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -8695,65 +8616,22 @@
(s.RightSquareBracket = s["]"]),
(e.exports = s);
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e, t, n, r) {
- var i = n ? n.call(r, e, t) : void 0;
- if (void 0 !== i) return !!i;
- if (e === t) return !0;
- if ("object" !== typeof e || !e || "object" !== typeof t || !t) return !1;
- var o = Object.keys(e),
- a = Object.keys(t);
- if (o.length !== a.length) return !1;
- for (var c = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(t), s = 0; s < o.length; s++) {
- var l = o[s];
- if (!c(l)) return !1;
- var u = e[l],
- h = t[l];
- if (!1 === (i = n ? n.call(r, u, h, l) : void 0) || (void 0 === i && u !== h)) return !1;
- }
- return !0;
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- var n = Array.isArray;
- e.exports = n;
- },
- ,
- ,
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(99),
- i = n(86),
- o = n(487),
- a = n(42);
+ var r = n(100),
+ i = n(87),
+ o = n(486),
+ a = n(33);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return (a(e) ? r : o)(e, i(t, 3));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(139);
+ var r = n(140);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var i = null == e ? void 0 : r(e, t);
return void 0 === i ? n : i;
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return c;
- });
- var r = n(289),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(17),
- a = n.n(o);
- function c(e, t, n, r) {
- var o = a.a.unstable_batchedUpdates
- ? function(e) {
- a.a.unstable_batchedUpdates(n, e);
- }
- : n;
- return i()(e, t, o, r);
- }
- },
function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
@@ -8776,28 +8654,6 @@
return t && n(e.prototype, t), r && n(e, r), e;
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = function() {};
- e.exports = r;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return r;
- }),
- n.d(t, "b", function() {
- return i;
- });
- var r = function() {
- for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n];
- return t;
- },
- i = function() {
- for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n];
- return t;
- };
- },
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
@@ -8828,9 +8684,163 @@
"number" == typeof __e && (__e = n);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(272),
- i = n(117),
- o = n(142),
+ "use strict";
+ n.d(t, "b", function() {
+ return c;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return l;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "c", function() {
+ return u;
+ });
+ var r = n(69),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(201),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = [
+ "selected",
+ "defaultValue",
+ "defaultChecked",
+ "accept",
+ "autoCapitalize",
+ "autoComplete",
+ "autoCorrect",
+ "autoFocus",
+ "checked",
+ "disabled",
+ "form",
+ "id",
+ "lang",
+ "list",
+ "max",
+ "maxLength",
+ "min",
+ "minLength",
+ "multiple",
+ "name",
+ "pattern",
+ "placeholder",
+ "readOnly",
+ "required",
+ "step",
+ "title",
+ "type",
+ "value",
+ ],
+ s = c.concat([
+ "onKeyDown",
+ "onKeyPress",
+ "onKeyUp",
+ "onFocus",
+ "onBlur",
+ "onChange",
+ "onInput",
+ "onClick",
+ "onContextMenu",
+ "onDrag",
+ "onDragEnd",
+ "onDragEnter",
+ "onDragExit",
+ "onDragLeave",
+ "onDragOver",
+ "onDragStart",
+ "onDrop",
+ "onMouseDown",
+ "onMouseEnter",
+ "onMouseLeave",
+ "onMouseMove",
+ "onMouseOut",
+ "onMouseOver",
+ "onMouseUp",
+ "onSelect",
+ "onTouchCancel",
+ "onTouchEnd",
+ "onTouchMove",
+ "onTouchStart",
+ ]),
+ l = ["alt", "height", "src", "srcSet", "width"],
+ u = function(e) {
+ var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {},
+ n = t.htmlProps,
+ r = void 0 === n ? s : n,
+ o = t.includeAria,
+ c = void 0 === o || o,
+ l = {},
+ u = {};
+ return (
+ a()(e, function(e, t) {
+ var n = c && (/^aria-.*$/.test(t) || "role" === t);
+ (i()(r, t) || n ? l : u)[t] = e;
+ }),
+ [l, u]
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return c;
+ });
+ var r = n(289),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(14),
+ a = n.n(o);
+ function c(e, t, n, r) {
+ var o = a.a.unstable_batchedUpdates
+ ? function(e) {
+ a.a.unstable_batchedUpdates(n, e);
+ }
+ : n;
+ return i()(e, t, o, r);
+ }
+ },
+ ,
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return r;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "b", function() {
+ return i;
+ });
+ var r = function() {
+ for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n];
+ return t;
+ },
+ i = function() {
+ for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n];
+ return t;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n, r) {
+ var i = n ? n.call(r, e, t) : void 0;
+ if (void 0 !== i) return !!i;
+ if (e === t) return !0;
+ if ("object" !== typeof e || !e || "object" !== typeof t || !t) return !1;
+ var o = Object.keys(e),
+ a = Object.keys(t);
+ if (o.length !== a.length) return !1;
+ for (var c = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(t), s = 0; s < o.length; s++) {
+ var l = o[s];
+ if (!c(l)) return !1;
+ var u = e[l],
+ h = t[l];
+ if (!1 === (i = n ? n.call(r, u, h, l) : void 0) || (void 0 === i && u !== h)) return !1;
+ }
+ return !0;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = function() {};
+ e.exports = r;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(264),
+ i = n(118),
+ o = n(143),
a = i(function(e, t) {
return o(e) ? r(e, t) : [];
@@ -8877,11 +8887,11 @@
return e;
var i = n(0),
- o = n(119),
+ o = n(120),
a = n(581),
c = n(585),
s = n(586),
- l = n(280),
+ l = n(277),
u = l.applyNodeProps,
h = l.toggleStrictMode,
f = (function(e) {
@@ -9115,8 +9125,8 @@
e.exports = n;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(184)("wks"),
- i = n(128),
+ var r = n(172)("wks"),
+ i = n(129),
o = n(74).Symbol,
a = "function" == typeof o;
(e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -9124,7 +9134,7 @@
}).store = r;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(248),
+ var r = n(238),
i = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self,
o = r || i || Function("return this")();
e.exports = o;
@@ -9138,7 +9148,7 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(0),
i = n(2),
- o = n(121).a;
+ o = n(122).a;
function a(e) {
return (a =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -9225,7 +9235,7 @@
n = e.defaultLocale || o[t || "global"],
r = this.context.antLocale,
i = t && r ? r[t] : {};
- return c({}, "function" === typeof n ? n() : n, i || {});
+ return c(c({}, "function" === typeof n ? n() : n), i || {});
@@ -9252,8 +9262,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = (function() {
function e(t) {
r(this, e);
@@ -9283,9 +9293,9 @@
(e.exports = o);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(114),
- i = n(442),
- o = n(443),
+ var r = n(115),
+ i = n(441),
+ o = n(442),
a = "[object Null]",
c = "[object Undefined]",
s = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0;
@@ -9294,18 +9304,18 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(89),
- i = n(199);
+ var r = n(90),
+ i = n(187);
e.exports = function(e) {
return null != e && i(e.length) && !r(e);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(273),
+ var r = n(265),
i = n(68),
- o = n(145),
- a = n(118),
- c = n(508),
+ o = n(146),
+ a = n(119),
+ c = n(507),
s = Math.max;
e.exports = function(e, t, n, l) {
(e = i(e) ? e : c(e)), (n = n && !l ? a(n) : 0);
@@ -9317,15 +9327,15 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(9),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(16),
+ o = n(15),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(13),
+ c = n(12),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(25),
+ l = n(24),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(12),
+ h = n(11),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(14),
+ d = n(13),
p = n.n(d),
v = n(0),
m = n.n(v),
@@ -9363,9 +9373,9 @@
- var _ = n(17),
+ var _ = n(14),
C = n.n(_),
- S = n(215),
+ S = n(205),
w = {
isAppearSupported: function(e) {
return (e.transitionName && e.transitionAppear) || e.animation.appear;
@@ -9720,14 +9730,14 @@
t.a = D;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(371),
- i = n(372);
+ var r = n(370),
+ i = n(371);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return !t || ("object" !== r(t) && "function" !== typeof t) ? i(e) : t;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(373);
+ var r = n(372);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
@@ -9737,10 +9747,10 @@
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(74),
- i = n(54),
- o = n(178),
- a = n(95),
- c = n(84),
+ i = n(48),
+ o = n(166),
+ a = n(96),
+ c = n(85),
s = function e(t, n, s) {
var l,
@@ -9797,9 +9807,9 @@
"number" == typeof __g && (__g = n);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(96),
- i = n(235),
- o = n(179),
+ var r = n(97),
+ i = n(225),
+ o = n(167),
a = Object.defineProperty;
t.f = n(76)
? Object.defineProperty
@@ -9813,7 +9823,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = !n(98)(function() {
+ e.exports = !n(99)(function() {
return (
7 !=
Object.defineProperty({}, "a", {
@@ -9832,7 +9842,7 @@
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return c;
- var r = n(121);
+ var r = n(122);
function i() {
return (i =
Object.assign ||
@@ -9846,18 +9856,18 @@
var o = i({}, r.a.Modal);
function a(e) {
- o = e ? i({}, o, e) : i({}, r.a.Modal);
+ o = e ? i(i({}, o), e) : i({}, r.a.Modal);
function c() {
return o;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(251),
- i = n(86),
- o = n(499),
- a = n(42),
- c = n(271);
+ var r = n(241),
+ i = n(87),
+ o = n(498),
+ a = n(33),
+ c = n(263);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var s = a(e) ? r : o;
return n && c(e, t, n) && (t = void 0), s(e, i(t, 3));
@@ -9866,7 +9876,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
(function(t) {
for (
- var r = n(425),
+ var r = n(424),
i = "undefined" === typeof window ? t : window,
o = ["moz", "webkit"],
a = "AnimationFrame",
@@ -9918,1304 +9928,1245 @@
}.call(this, n(59)));
function(e, t, n) {
- !(function(e, t, n, r) {
- "use strict";
- function i(e, t) {
- return e((t = { exports: {} }), t.exports), t.exports;
- }
- n = n && n.hasOwnProperty("default") ? n.default : n;
- var o = i(function(e) {
- function t() {
- return (
- (e.exports = t =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }),
- t.apply(this, arguments)
- );
+ "use strict";
+ function r() {
+ return (r =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- e.exports = t;
- }),
- a = function(e) {
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function i(e, t) {
+ return (
+ (function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) return e;
- },
- c = function(e, t) {
- var n = [],
- r = !0,
- i = !1,
- o = void 0;
- try {
- for (
- var a, c = e[Symbol.iterator]();
- !(r = (a = c.next()).done) && (n.push(a.value), !t || n.length !== t);
- r = !0
- );
- } catch (s) {
- (i = !0), (o = s);
- } finally {
+ })(e) ||
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) {
+ var n = [],
+ r = !0,
+ i = !1,
+ o = void 0;
try {
- r || null == c.return || c.return();
+ for (
+ var a, c = e[Symbol.iterator]();
+ !(r = (a = c.next()).done) && (n.push(a.value), !t || n.length !== t);
+ r = !0
+ );
+ } catch (s) {
+ (i = !0), (o = s);
} finally {
- if (i) throw o;
+ try {
+ r || null == c.return || c.return();
+ } finally {
+ if (i) throw o;
+ }
+ return n;
- return n;
- },
- s = function() {
+ })(e, t) ||
+ (function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
- },
- l = function(e, t) {
- return a(e) || c(e, t) || s();
- },
- u = function(e, t, n) {
- return (
- t in e
- ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
- : (e[t] = n),
- e
- );
- },
- h = function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {},
- r = Object.keys(n);
- "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
- (r = r.concat(
- Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n).filter(function(e) {
- return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e).enumerable;
- }),
- )),
- r.forEach(function(t) {
- u(e, t, n[t]);
- });
+ })()
+ );
+ }
+ function o(e, t, n) {
+ return (
+ t in e
+ ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
+ : (e[t] = n),
+ e
+ );
+ }
+ function a(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {},
+ r = Object.keys(n);
+ "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
+ (r = r.concat(
+ Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n).filter(function(e) {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, e).enumerable;
+ }),
+ )),
+ r.forEach(function(t) {
+ o(e, t, n[t]);
+ });
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ function c(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ }
+ function s(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
+ }
+ }
+ function l(e, t, n) {
+ return t && s(e.prototype, t), n && s(e, n), e;
+ }
+ function u(e) {
+ return (u =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function h(e) {
+ return (h =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === u(Symbol.iterator)
+ ? function(e) {
+ return u(e);
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : u(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function f(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ }
+ function d(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== h(t) && "function" !== typeof t) ? f(e) : t;
+ }
+ function p(e) {
+ return (p = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function v(e, t) {
+ return (v =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ function m(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })),
+ t && v(e, t);
+ }
+ var y = n(0),
+ g = n(2),
+ b = n.n(g),
+ T = n(14),
+ E = n(83),
+ _ = n.n(E);
+ function C(e) {
+ return (
+ (function(e) {
+ if (Array.isArray(e)) {
+ for (var t = 0, n = new Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t];
+ return n;
- return e;
- },
- f = function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- };
- function d(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
+ })(e) ||
+ (function(e) {
+ if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e))
+ return Array.from(e);
+ })(e) ||
+ (function() {
+ throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
+ })()
+ );
+ }
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return te;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "b", function() {
+ return ie;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "c", function() {
+ return q;
+ });
+ var S = (function() {
+ function e() {
+ c(this, e), o(this, "refs", {});
+ }
+ return (
+ l(e, [
+ {
+ key: "add",
+ value: function(e, t) {
+ this.refs[e] || (this.refs[e] = []), this.refs[e].push(t);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "remove",
+ value: function(e, t) {
+ var n = this.getIndex(e, t);
+ -1 !== n && this.refs[e].splice(n, 1);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "isActive",
+ value: function() {
+ return this.active;
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getActive",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this;
+ return this.refs[this.active.collection].find(function(t) {
+ return t.node.sortableInfo.index == e.active.index;
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getIndex",
+ value: function(e, t) {
+ return this.refs[e].indexOf(t);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getOrderedRefs",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.active.collection;
+ return this.refs[e].sort(w);
+ },
+ },
+ ]),
+ e
+ );
+ })();
+ function w(e, t) {
+ return e.node.sortableInfo.index - t.node.sortableInfo.index;
+ }
+ function O(e, t) {
+ return Object.keys(e).reduce(function(n, r) {
+ return -1 === t.indexOf(r) && (n[r] = e[r]), n;
+ }, {});
+ }
+ var M = {
+ end: ["touchend", "touchcancel", "mouseup"],
+ move: ["touchmove", "mousemove"],
+ start: ["touchstart", "mousedown"],
+ },
+ k = (function() {
+ if ("undefined" === typeof window || "undefined" === typeof document) return "";
+ var e = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, "") || ["-moz-hidden-iframe"],
+ t = (Array.prototype.slice
+ .call(e)
+ .join("")
+ .match(/-(moz|webkit|ms)-/) ||
+ ("" === e.OLink && ["", "o"]))[1];
+ switch (t) {
+ case "ms":
+ return "ms";
+ default:
+ return t && t.length ? t[0].toUpperCase() + t.substr(1) : "";
+ })();
+ function x(e, t) {
+ Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n) {
+ e.style[n] = t[n];
+ });
+ }
+ function A(e, t) {
+ e.style["".concat(k, "Transform")] = null == t ? "" : "translate3d(".concat(t.x, "px,").concat(t.y, "px,0)");
+ }
+ function z(e, t) {
+ e.style["".concat(k, "TransitionDuration")] = null == t ? "" : "".concat(t, "ms");
+ }
+ function D(e, t) {
+ for (; e; ) {
+ if (t(e)) return e;
+ e = e.parentNode;
- var p = function(e, t, n) {
- return t && d(e.prototype, t), n && d(e, n), e;
- },
- v = i(function(e) {
- function t(e) {
- return (t =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function n(r) {
- return (
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === t(Symbol.iterator)
- ? (e.exports = n = function(e) {
- return t(e);
- })
- : (e.exports = n = function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : t(e);
- }),
- n(r)
- );
+ return null;
+ }
+ function P(e, t, n) {
+ return Math.max(e, Math.min(n, t));
+ }
+ function N(e) {
+ return "px" === e.substr(-2) ? parseFloat(e) : 0;
+ }
+ function L(e, t) {
+ var n = t.displayName || t.name;
+ return n ? "".concat(e, "(").concat(n, ")") : e;
+ }
+ function H(e, t) {
+ var n = e.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return { top: n.top + t.top, left: n.left + t.left };
+ }
+ function R(e) {
+ return e.touches && e.touches.length
+ ? { x: e.touches[0].pageX, y: e.touches[0].pageY }
+ : e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length
+ ? { x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX, y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY }
+ : { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY };
+ }
+ function V(e, t) {
+ var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : { left: 0, top: 0 };
+ if (e) {
+ var r = { left: n.left + e.offsetLeft, top: n.top + e.offsetTop };
+ return e.parentNode === t ? r : V(e.parentNode, t, r);
+ }
+ }
+ function I(e) {
+ var t = e.lockOffset,
+ n = e.width,
+ r = e.height,
+ i = t,
+ o = t,
+ a = "px";
+ if ("string" === typeof t) {
+ var c = /^[+-]?\d*(?:\.\d*)?(px|%)$/.exec(t);
+ _()(
+ null !== c,
+ 'lockOffset value should be a number or a string of a number followed by "px" or "%". Given %s',
+ t,
+ ),
+ (i = parseFloat(t)),
+ (o = parseFloat(t)),
+ (a = c[1]);
+ }
+ return (
+ _()(isFinite(i) && isFinite(o), "lockOffset value should be a finite. Given %s", t),
+ "%" === a && ((i = (i * n) / 100), (o = (o * r) / 100)),
+ { x: i, y: o }
+ );
+ }
+ function F(e) {
+ return e instanceof HTMLElement
+ ? (function(e) {
+ var t = window.getComputedStyle(e),
+ n = /(auto|scroll)/;
+ return ["overflow", "overflowX", "overflowY"].find(function(e) {
+ return n.test(t[e]);
+ });
+ })(e)
+ ? e
+ : F(e.parentNode)
+ : null;
+ }
+ var j = 27,
+ U = 32,
+ B = 37,
+ K = 38,
+ G = 39,
+ W = 40,
+ Y = {
+ Anchor: "A",
+ Button: "BUTTON",
+ Canvas: "CANVAS",
+ Input: "INPUT",
+ Option: "OPTION",
+ Textarea: "TEXTAREA",
+ Select: "SELECT",
+ };
+ function q(e) {
+ var t,
+ n,
+ i = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { withRef: !1 };
+ return (
+ (n = t = (function(t) {
+ function n() {
+ return c(this, n), d(this, p(n).apply(this, arguments));
- e.exports = n;
+ return (
+ m(n, y["Component"]),
+ l(n, [
+ {
+ key: "componentDidMount",
+ value: function() {
+ Object(T.findDOMNode)(this).sortableHandle = !0;
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getWrappedInstance",
+ value: function() {
+ return (
+ _()(
+ i.withRef,
+ "To access the wrapped instance, you need to pass in {withRef: true} as the second argument of the SortableHandle() call",
+ ),
+ this.refs.wrappedInstance
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ var t = i.withRef ? "wrappedInstance" : null;
+ return Object(y.createElement)(e, r({ ref: t }, this.props));
+ },
+ },
+ ]),
+ n
+ );
+ })()),
+ o(t, "displayName", L("sortableHandle", e)),
+ n
+ );
+ }
+ function X(e) {
+ return null != e.sortableHandle;
+ }
+ var Q = (function() {
+ function e(t, n) {
+ c(this, e), (this.container = t), (this.onScrollCallback = n);
+ }
+ return (
+ l(e, [
+ {
+ key: "clear",
+ value: function() {
+ clearInterval(this.interval), (this.interval = null);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "update",
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = this,
+ n = e.translate,
+ r = e.minTranslate,
+ i = e.maxTranslate,
+ o = e.width,
+ a = e.height,
+ c = { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ s = { x: 1, y: 1 },
+ l = 10,
+ u = 10,
+ h = this.container,
+ f = h.scrollTop,
+ d = h.scrollLeft,
+ p = h.scrollHeight,
+ v = h.scrollWidth,
+ m = 0 === f,
+ y = p - f - h.clientHeight === 0,
+ g = 0 === d,
+ b = v - d - h.clientWidth === 0;
+ n.y >= i.y - a / 2 && !y
+ ? ((c.y = 1), (s.y = u * Math.abs((i.y - a / 2 - n.y) / a)))
+ : n.x >= i.x - o / 2 && !b
+ ? ((c.x = 1), (s.x = l * Math.abs((i.x - o / 2 - n.x) / o)))
+ : n.y <= r.y + a / 2 && !m
+ ? ((c.y = -1), (s.y = u * Math.abs((n.y - a / 2 - r.y) / a)))
+ : n.x <= r.x + o / 2 && !g && ((c.x = -1), (s.x = l * Math.abs((n.x - o / 2 - r.x) / o))),
+ this.interval && (this.clear(), (this.isAutoScrolling = !1)),
+ (0 === c.x && 0 === c.y) ||
+ (this.interval = setInterval(function() {
+ t.isAutoScrolling = !0;
+ var e = { left: s.x * c.x, top: s.y * c.y };
+ (t.container.scrollTop += e.top), (t.container.scrollLeft += e.left), t.onScrollCallback(e);
+ }, 5));
+ },
+ },
+ ]),
+ e
+ );
+ })();
+ var $ = {
+ axis: b.a.oneOf(["x", "y", "xy"]),
+ contentWindow: b.a.any,
+ disableAutoscroll: b.a.bool,
+ distance: b.a.number,
+ getContainer: b.a.func,
+ getHelperDimensions: b.a.func,
+ helperClass: b.a.string,
+ helperContainer: b.a.oneOfType([
+ b.a.func,
+ "undefined" === typeof HTMLElement ? b.a.any : b.a.instanceOf(HTMLElement),
+ ]),
+ hideSortableGhost: b.a.bool,
+ keyboardSortingTransitionDuration: b.a.number,
+ lockAxis: b.a.string,
+ lockOffset: b.a.oneOfType([b.a.number, b.a.string, b.a.arrayOf(b.a.oneOfType([b.a.number, b.a.string]))]),
+ lockToContainerEdges: b.a.bool,
+ onSortEnd: b.a.func,
+ onSortMove: b.a.func,
+ onSortOver: b.a.func,
+ onSortStart: b.a.func,
+ pressDelay: b.a.number,
+ pressThreshold: b.a.number,
+ keyCodes: b.a.shape({
+ lift: b.a.arrayOf(b.a.number),
+ drop: b.a.arrayOf(b.a.number),
+ cancel: b.a.arrayOf(b.a.number),
+ up: b.a.arrayOf(b.a.number),
+ down: b.a.arrayOf(b.a.number),
- m = function(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
+ shouldCancelStart: b.a.func,
+ transitionDuration: b.a.number,
+ updateBeforeSortStart: b.a.func,
+ useDragHandle: b.a.bool,
+ useWindowAsScrollContainer: b.a.bool,
+ },
+ Z = { lift: [U], drop: [U], cancel: [j], up: [K, B], down: [W, G] },
+ J = {
+ axis: "y",
+ disableAutoscroll: !1,
+ distance: 0,
+ getHelperDimensions: function(e) {
+ var t = e.node;
+ return { height: t.offsetHeight, width: t.offsetWidth };
- y = function(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== v(t) && "function" !== typeof t) ? m(e) : t;
+ hideSortableGhost: !0,
+ lockOffset: "50%",
+ lockToContainerEdges: !1,
+ pressDelay: 0,
+ pressThreshold: 5,
+ keyCodes: Z,
+ shouldCancelStart: function(e) {
+ return (
+ -1 !== [Y.Input, Y.Textarea, Y.Select, Y.Option, Y.Button].indexOf(e.target.tagName) ||
+ !!D(e.target, function(e) {
+ return "true" === e.contentEditable;
+ })
+ );
- g = i(function(e) {
- function t(n) {
- return (
- (e.exports = t = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- }),
- t(n)
- );
- }
- e.exports = t;
- }),
- b = i(function(e) {
- function t(n, r) {
+ transitionDuration: 300,
+ useWindowAsScrollContainer: !1,
+ },
+ ee = Object.keys($);
+ function te(e) {
+ var t,
+ n,
+ s = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { withRef: !1 };
+ return (
+ (n = t = (function(t) {
+ function n(e) {
+ var t;
return (
- (e.exports = t =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- }),
- t(n, r)
+ c(this, n),
+ o(f(f((t = d(this, p(n).call(this, e))))), "state", {}),
+ o(f(f(t)), "handleStart", function(e) {
+ var n = t.props,
+ r = n.distance,
+ i = n.shouldCancelStart;
+ if (2 !== e.button && !i(e)) {
+ (t.touched = !0), (t.position = R(e));
+ var o = D(e.target, function(e) {
+ return null != e.sortableInfo;
+ });
+ if (o && o.sortableInfo && t.nodeIsChild(o) && !t.state.sorting) {
+ var a = t.props.useDragHandle,
+ c = o.sortableInfo,
+ s = c.index,
+ l = c.collection;
+ if (c.disabled) return;
+ if (a && !D(e.target, X)) return;
+ (t.manager.active = { collection: l, index: s }),
+ (function(e) {
+ return (e.touches && e.touches.length) || (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length);
+ })(e) ||
+ e.target.tagName !== Y.Anchor ||
+ e.preventDefault(),
+ r ||
+ (0 === t.props.pressDelay
+ ? t.handlePress(e)
+ : (t.pressTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+ return t.handlePress(e);
+ }, t.props.pressDelay)));
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "nodeIsChild", function(e) {
+ return e.sortableInfo.manager === t.manager;
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "handleMove", function(e) {
+ var n = t.props,
+ r = n.distance,
+ i = n.pressThreshold;
+ if (!t.state.sorting && t.touched && !t._awaitingUpdateBeforeSortStart) {
+ var o = R(e),
+ a = { x: t.position.x - o.x, y: t.position.y - o.y },
+ c = Math.abs(a.x) + Math.abs(a.y);
+ (t.delta = a),
+ r || (i && !(c >= i))
+ ? r && c >= r && t.manager.isActive() && t.handlePress(e)
+ : (clearTimeout(t.cancelTimer), (t.cancelTimer = setTimeout(t.cancel, 0)));
+ }
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "handleEnd", function() {
+ (t.touched = !1), t.cancel();
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "cancel", function() {
+ var e = t.props.distance;
+ t.state.sorting || (e || clearTimeout(t.pressTimer), (t.manager.active = null));
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "handlePress", function(e) {
+ try {
+ var n = t.manager.getActive(),
+ r = (function() {
+ if (n) {
+ var r = function() {
+ var n = d.sortableInfo.index,
+ r = (function(e) {
+ var t = window.getComputedStyle(e);
+ return {
+ bottom: N(t.marginBottom),
+ left: N(t.marginLeft),
+ right: N(t.marginRight),
+ top: N(t.marginTop),
+ };
+ })(d),
+ i = t.scrollContainer.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ u = c({ collection: p, index: n, node: d });
+ if (
+ ((t.node = d),
+ (t.margin = r),
+ (t.width = u.width),
+ (t.height = u.height),
+ (t.marginOffset = {
+ x: t.margin.left + t.margin.right,
+ y: Math.max(t.margin.top, t.margin.bottom),
+ }),
+ (t.boundingClientRect = d.getBoundingClientRect()),
+ (t.containerBoundingRect = i),
+ (t.index = n),
+ (t.newIndex = n),
+ (t.axis = { x: o.indexOf("x") >= 0, y: o.indexOf("y") >= 0 }),
+ (t.offsetEdge = V(d, t.container)),
+ (t.initialOffset = R(
+ v
+ ? a({}, e, { pageX: t.boundingClientRect.left, pageY: t.boundingClientRect.top })
+ : e,
+ )),
+ (t.initialScroll = {
+ left: t.scrollContainer.scrollLeft,
+ top: t.scrollContainer.scrollTop,
+ }),
+ (t.initialWindowScroll = { left: window.pageXOffset, top: window.pageYOffset }),
+ (t.helper = t.helperContainer.appendChild(
+ (function(e) {
+ var t = "input, textarea, select, canvas, [contenteditable]",
+ n = e.querySelectorAll(t),
+ r = e.cloneNode(!0);
+ return (
+ C(r.querySelectorAll(t)).forEach(function(e, t) {
+ "file" !== e.type && (e.value = n[t].value),
+ "radio" === e.type && e.name && (e.name = "__sortableClone__".concat(e.name)),
+ e.tagName === Y.Canvas &&
+ n[t].width > 0 &&
+ n[t].height > 0 &&
+ e.getContext("2d").drawImage(n[t], 0, 0);
+ }),
+ r
+ );
+ })(d),
+ )),
+ x(t.helper, {
+ boxSizing: "border-box",
+ height: "".concat(t.height, "px"),
+ left: "".concat(t.boundingClientRect.left - r.left, "px"),
+ pointerEvents: "none",
+ position: "fixed",
+ top: "".concat(t.boundingClientRect.top - r.top, "px"),
+ width: "".concat(t.width, "px"),
+ }),
+ v && t.helper.focus(),
+ l && ((t.sortableGhost = d), x(d, { opacity: 0, visibility: "hidden" })),
+ (t.minTranslate = {}),
+ (t.maxTranslate = {}),
+ v)
+ ) {
+ var m = f
+ ? {
+ top: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ width: t.contentWindow.innerWidth,
+ height: t.contentWindow.innerHeight,
+ }
+ : t.containerBoundingRect,
+ y = m.top,
+ g = m.left,
+ b = m.width,
+ T = y + m.height,
+ E = g + b;
+ t.axis.x &&
+ ((t.minTranslate.x = g - t.boundingClientRect.left),
+ (t.maxTranslate.x = E - (t.boundingClientRect.left + t.width))),
+ t.axis.y &&
+ ((t.minTranslate.y = y - t.boundingClientRect.top),
+ (t.maxTranslate.y = T - (t.boundingClientRect.top + t.height)));
+ } else
+ t.axis.x &&
+ ((t.minTranslate.x = (f ? 0 : i.left) - t.boundingClientRect.left - t.width / 2),
+ (t.maxTranslate.x =
+ (f ? t.contentWindow.innerWidth : i.left + i.width) -
+ t.boundingClientRect.left -
+ t.width / 2)),
+ t.axis.y &&
+ ((t.minTranslate.y = (f ? 0 : i.top) - t.boundingClientRect.top - t.height / 2),
+ (t.maxTranslate.y =
+ (f ? t.contentWindow.innerHeight : i.top + i.height) -
+ t.boundingClientRect.top -
+ t.height / 2));
+ s &&
+ s.split(" ").forEach(function(e) {
+ return t.helper.classList.add(e);
+ }),
+ (t.listenerNode = e.touches ? d : t.contentWindow),
+ v
+ ? (t.listenerNode.addEventListener("wheel", t.handleKeyEnd, !0),
+ t.listenerNode.addEventListener("mousedown", t.handleKeyEnd, !0),
+ t.listenerNode.addEventListener("keydown", t.handleKeyDown))
+ : (M.move.forEach(function(e) {
+ return t.listenerNode.addEventListener(e, t.handleSortMove, !1);
+ }),
+ M.end.forEach(function(e) {
+ return t.listenerNode.addEventListener(e, t.handleSortEnd, !1);
+ })),
+ t.setState({ sorting: !0, sortingIndex: n }),
+ h && h({ node: d, index: n, collection: p, isKeySorting: v }, e),
+ v && t.keyMove(0);
+ },
+ i = t.props,
+ o = i.axis,
+ c = i.getHelperDimensions,
+ s = i.helperClass,
+ l = i.hideSortableGhost,
+ u = i.updateBeforeSortStart,
+ h = i.onSortStart,
+ f = i.useWindowAsScrollContainer,
+ d = n.node,
+ p = n.collection,
+ v = t.manager.isKeySorting,
+ m = (function() {
+ if ("function" === typeof u) {
+ t._awaitingUpdateBeforeSortStart = !0;
+ var n = (function(e, t) {
+ try {
+ var n = e();
+ } catch (r) {
+ return t(!0, r);
+ }
+ return n && n.then ? n.then(t.bind(null, !1), t.bind(null, !0)) : t(!1, value);
+ })(
+ function() {
+ var t = d.sortableInfo.index;
+ return Promise.resolve(
+ u({ collection: p, index: t, node: d, isKeySorting: v }, e),
+ ).then(function() {});
+ },
+ function(e, n) {
+ if (((t._awaitingUpdateBeforeSortStart = !1), e)) throw n;
+ return n;
+ },
+ );
+ if (n && n.then) return n.then(function() {});
+ }
+ })();
+ return m && m.then ? m.then(r) : r();
+ }
+ })();
+ return Promise.resolve(r && r.then ? r.then(function() {}) : void 0);
+ } catch (i) {
+ return Promise.reject(i);
+ }
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "handleSortMove", function(e) {
+ var n = t.props.onSortMove;
+ "function" === typeof e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(),
+ t.updateHelperPosition(e),
+ t.animateNodes(),
+ t.autoscroll(),
+ n && n(e);
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "handleSortEnd", function(e) {
+ var n = t.props,
+ r = n.hideSortableGhost,
+ i = n.onSortEnd,
+ o = t.manager,
+ a = o.active.collection,
+ c = o.isKeySorting,
+ s = t.manager.refs[a];
+ t.listenerNode &&
+ (c
+ ? (t.listenerNode.removeEventListener("wheel", t.handleKeyEnd, !0),
+ t.listenerNode.removeEventListener("mousedown", t.handleKeyEnd, !0),
+ t.listenerNode.removeEventListener("keydown", t.handleKeyDown))
+ : (M.move.forEach(function(e) {
+ return t.listenerNode.removeEventListener(e, t.handleSortMove);
+ }),
+ M.end.forEach(function(e) {
+ return t.listenerNode.removeEventListener(e, t.handleSortEnd);
+ }))),
+ t.helper.parentNode.removeChild(t.helper),
+ r && t.sortableGhost && x(t.sortableGhost, { opacity: "", visibility: "" });
+ for (var l = 0, u = s.length; l < u; l++) {
+ var h = s[l],
+ f = h.node;
+ (h.edgeOffset = null), (h.boundingClientRect = null), A(f, null), z(f, null), (h.translate = null);
+ }
+ t.autoScroller.clear(),
+ (t.manager.active = null),
+ (t.manager.isKeySorting = !1),
+ t.setState({ sorting: !1, sortingIndex: null }),
+ "function" === typeof i &&
+ i({ collection: a, newIndex: t.newIndex, oldIndex: t.index, isKeySorting: c }, e),
+ (t.touched = !1);
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "autoscroll", function() {
+ var e = t.props.disableAutoscroll,
+ n = t.manager.isKeySorting;
+ if (!e) {
+ if (n) {
+ var r = a({}, t.translate),
+ i = 0,
+ o = 0;
+ return (
+ t.axis.x &&
+ ((r.x = Math.min(t.maxTranslate.x, Math.max(t.minTranslate.x, t.translate.x))),
+ (i = t.translate.x - r.x)),
+ t.axis.y &&
+ ((r.y = Math.min(t.maxTranslate.y, Math.max(t.minTranslate.y, t.translate.y))),
+ (o = t.translate.y - r.y)),
+ (t.translate = r),
+ A(t.helper, t.translate),
+ (t.scrollContainer.scrollLeft += i),
+ void (t.scrollContainer.scrollTop += o)
+ );
+ }
+ t.autoScroller.update({
+ height: t.height,
+ maxTranslate: t.maxTranslate,
+ minTranslate: t.minTranslate,
+ translate: t.translate,
+ width: t.width,
+ });
+ }
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "onAutoScroll", function(e) {
+ (t.translate.x += e.left), (t.translate.y += e.top), t.animateNodes();
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "handleKeyDown", function(e) {
+ var n = e.keyCode,
+ r = t.props,
+ i = r.shouldCancelStart,
+ o = r.keyCodes,
+ c = a({}, Z, void 0 === o ? {} : o);
+ (t.manager.active && !t.manager.isKeySorting) ||
+ !(t.manager.active || (c.lift.includes(n) && !i(e) && t.isValidSortingTarget(e))) ||
+ (e.stopPropagation(),
+ e.preventDefault(),
+ c.lift.includes(n) && !t.manager.active
+ ? t.keyLift(e)
+ : c.drop.includes(n) && t.manager.active
+ ? t.keyDrop(e)
+ : c.cancel.includes(n)
+ ? ((t.newIndex = t.manager.active.index), t.keyDrop(e))
+ : c.up.includes(n)
+ ? t.keyMove(-1)
+ : c.down.includes(n) && t.keyMove(1));
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "keyLift", function(e) {
+ var n = e.target,
+ r = D(n, function(e) {
+ return null != e.sortableInfo;
+ }).sortableInfo,
+ i = r.index,
+ o = r.collection;
+ (t.initialFocusedNode = n),
+ (t.manager.isKeySorting = !0),
+ (t.manager.active = { index: i, collection: o }),
+ t.handlePress(e);
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "keyMove", function(e) {
+ var n = t.manager.getOrderedRefs(),
+ r = n[n.length - 1].node.sortableInfo.index,
+ i = t.newIndex + e,
+ o = t.newIndex;
+ if (!(i < 0 || i > r)) {
+ (t.prevIndex = o), (t.newIndex = i);
+ var a = (function(e, t, n) {
+ return e < n && e > t ? e - 1 : e > n && e < t ? e + 1 : e;
+ })(t.newIndex, t.prevIndex, t.index),
+ c = n.find(function(e) {
+ return e.node.sortableInfo.index === a;
+ }),
+ s = c.node,
+ l = t.containerScrollDelta,
+ u = c.boundingClientRect || H(s, l),
+ h = c.translate || { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ f = u.top + h.y - l.top,
+ d = u.left + h.x - l.left,
+ p = o < i,
+ v = p && t.axis.x ? s.offsetWidth - t.width : 0,
+ m = p && t.axis.y ? s.offsetHeight - t.height : 0;
+ t.handleSortMove({ pageX: d + v, pageY: f + m, ignoreTransition: 0 === e });
+ }
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "keyDrop", function(e) {
+ t.handleSortEnd(e), t.initialFocusedNode && t.initialFocusedNode.focus();
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "handleKeyEnd", function(e) {
+ t.manager.active && t.keyDrop(e);
+ }),
+ o(f(f(t)), "isValidSortingTarget", function(e) {
+ var n = t.props.useDragHandle,
+ r = e.target,
+ i = D(r, function(e) {
+ return null != e.sortableInfo;
+ });
+ return i && i.sortableInfo && !i.sortableInfo.disabled && (n ? X(r) : r.sortableInfo);
+ }),
+ (function(e) {
+ _()(
+ !(e.distance && e.pressDelay),
+ "Attempted to set both `pressDelay` and `distance` on SortableContainer, you may only use one or the other, not both at the same time.",
+ );
+ })(e),
+ (t.manager = new S()),
+ (t.events = { end: t.handleEnd, move: t.handleMove, start: t.handleStart }),
+ t
- e.exports = t;
- }),
- T = function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && b(e, t);
- },
- E = function(e, t, n, r, i, o, a, c) {
- if (void 0 === t) throw new Error("invariant requires an error message argument");
- if (!e) {
- var s;
- if (void 0 === t)
- s = new Error(
- "Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.",
- );
- else {
- var l = [n, r, i, o, a, c],
- u = 0;
- (s = new Error(
- t.replace(/%s/g, function() {
- return l[u++];
- }),
- )).name = "Invariant Violation";
- }
- throw ((s.framesToPop = 1), s);
- }
- },
- _ = (function() {
- function e() {
- f(this, e), u(this, "refs", {});
- }
return (
- p(e, [
+ m(n, y["Component"]),
+ l(n, [
- key: "add",
- value: function(e, t) {
- this.refs[e] || (this.refs[e] = []), this.refs[e].push(t);
+ key: "getChildContext",
+ value: function() {
+ return { manager: this.manager };
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentDidMount",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this,
+ t = this.props.useWindowAsScrollContainer,
+ n = this.getContainer();
+ Promise.resolve(n).then(function(n) {
+ (e.container = n), (e.document = e.container.ownerDocument || document);
+ var r = e.props.contentWindow || e.document.defaultView || window;
+ (e.contentWindow = "function" === typeof r ? r() : r),
+ (e.scrollContainer = t
+ ? e.document.scrollingElement || e.document.documentElement
+ : F(e.container) || e.container),
+ (e.autoScroller = new Q(e.scrollContainer, e.onAutoScroll)),
+ Object.keys(e.events).forEach(function(t) {
+ return M[t].forEach(function(n) {
+ return e.container.addEventListener(n, e.events[t], !1);
+ });
+ }),
+ e.container.addEventListener("keydown", e.handleKeyDown);
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentWillUnmount",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.helper && this.helper.parentNode && this.helper.parentNode.removeChild(this.helper),
+ this.container &&
+ (Object.keys(this.events).forEach(function(t) {
+ return M[t].forEach(function(n) {
+ return e.container.removeEventListener(n, e.events[t]);
+ });
+ }),
+ this.container.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "updateHelperPosition",
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = this.props,
+ n = t.lockAxis,
+ r = t.lockOffset,
+ o = t.lockToContainerEdges,
+ a = t.transitionDuration,
+ c = t.keyboardSortingTransitionDuration,
+ s = void 0 === c ? a : c,
+ l = this.manager.isKeySorting,
+ u = e.ignoreTransition,
+ h = R(e),
+ f = { x: h.x - this.initialOffset.x, y: h.y - this.initialOffset.y };
+ if (
+ ((f.y -= window.pageYOffset - this.initialWindowScroll.top),
+ (f.x -= window.pageXOffset - this.initialWindowScroll.left),
+ (this.translate = f),
+ o)
+ ) {
+ var d = (function(e) {
+ var t = e.height,
+ n = e.width,
+ r = e.lockOffset,
+ o = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r, r];
+ _()(
+ 2 === o.length,
+ "lockOffset prop of SortableContainer should be a single value or an array of exactly two values. Given %s",
+ r,
+ );
+ var a = i(o, 2),
+ c = a[0],
+ s = a[1];
+ return [I({ height: t, lockOffset: c, width: n }), I({ height: t, lockOffset: s, width: n })];
+ })({ height: this.height, lockOffset: r, width: this.width }),
+ p = i(d, 2),
+ v = p[0],
+ m = p[1],
+ y = { x: this.width / 2 - v.x, y: this.height / 2 - v.y },
+ g = { x: this.width / 2 - m.x, y: this.height / 2 - m.y };
+ (f.x = P(this.minTranslate.x + y.x, this.maxTranslate.x - g.x, f.x)),
+ (f.y = P(this.minTranslate.y + y.y, this.maxTranslate.y - g.y, f.y));
+ }
+ "x" === n ? (f.y = 0) : "y" === n && (f.x = 0),
+ l && s && !u && z(this.helper, s),
+ A(this.helper, f);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "animateNodes",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ t = e.transitionDuration,
+ n = e.hideSortableGhost,
+ r = e.onSortOver,
+ i = this.containerScrollDelta,
+ o = this.windowScrollDelta,
+ a = this.manager.getOrderedRefs(),
+ c = this.offsetEdge.left + this.translate.x + i.left,
+ s = this.offsetEdge.top + this.translate.y + i.top,
+ l = this.manager.isKeySorting,
+ u = this.newIndex;
+ this.newIndex = null;
+ for (var h = 0, f = a.length; h < f; h++) {
+ var d = a[h].node,
+ p = d.sortableInfo.index,
+ v = d.offsetWidth,
+ m = d.offsetHeight,
+ y = {
+ height: this.height > m ? m / 2 : this.height / 2,
+ width: this.width > v ? v / 2 : this.width / 2,
+ },
+ g = l && p > this.index && p <= u,
+ b = l && p < this.index && p >= u,
+ T = { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ E = a[h].edgeOffset;
+ E ||
+ ((E = V(d, this.container)), (a[h].edgeOffset = E), l && (a[h].boundingClientRect = H(d, i)));
+ var _ = h < a.length - 1 && a[h + 1],
+ C = h > 0 && a[h - 1];
+ _ &&
+ !_.edgeOffset &&
+ ((_.edgeOffset = V(_.node, this.container)), l && (_.boundingClientRect = H(_.node, i))),
+ p !== this.index
+ ? (t && z(d, t),
+ this.axis.x
+ ? this.axis.y
+ ? b ||
+ (p < this.index &&
+ ((c + o.left - y.width <= E.left && s + o.top <= E.top + y.height) ||
+ s + o.top + y.height <= E.top))
+ ? ((T.x = this.width + this.marginOffset.x),
+ E.left + T.x > this.containerBoundingRect.width - y.width &&
+ _ &&
+ ((T.x = _.edgeOffset.left - E.left), (T.y = _.edgeOffset.top - E.top)),
+ null === this.newIndex && (this.newIndex = p))
+ : (g ||
+ (p > this.index &&
+ ((c + o.left + y.width >= E.left && s + o.top + y.height >= E.top) ||
+ s + o.top + y.height >= E.top + m))) &&
+ ((T.x = -(this.width + this.marginOffset.x)),
+ E.left + T.x < this.containerBoundingRect.left + y.width &&
+ C &&
+ ((T.x = C.edgeOffset.left - E.left), (T.y = C.edgeOffset.top - E.top)),
+ (this.newIndex = p))
+ : g || (p > this.index && c + o.left + y.width >= E.left)
+ ? ((T.x = -(this.width + this.marginOffset.x)), (this.newIndex = p))
+ : (b || (p < this.index && c + o.left <= E.left + y.width)) &&
+ ((T.x = this.width + this.marginOffset.x),
+ null == this.newIndex && (this.newIndex = p))
+ : this.axis.y &&
+ (g || (p > this.index && s + o.top + y.height >= E.top)
+ ? ((T.y = -(this.height + this.marginOffset.y)), (this.newIndex = p))
+ : (b || (p < this.index && s + o.top <= E.top + y.height)) &&
+ ((T.y = this.height + this.marginOffset.y),
+ null == this.newIndex && (this.newIndex = p))),
+ A(d, T),
+ (a[h].translate = T))
+ : n && ((this.sortableGhost = d), x(d, { opacity: 0, visibility: "hidden" }));
+ }
+ null == this.newIndex && (this.newIndex = this.index), l && (this.newIndex = u);
+ var S = l ? this.prevIndex : u;
+ r &&
+ this.newIndex !== S &&
+ r({
+ collection: this.manager.active.collection,
+ index: this.index,
+ newIndex: this.newIndex,
+ oldIndex: S,
+ isKeySorting: l,
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getWrappedInstance",
+ value: function() {
+ return (
+ _()(
+ s.withRef,
+ "To access the wrapped instance, you need to pass in {withRef: true} as the second argument of the SortableContainer() call",
+ ),
+ this.refs.wrappedInstance
+ );
- key: "remove",
- value: function(e, t) {
- var n = this.getIndex(e, t);
- -1 !== n && this.refs[e].splice(n, 1);
+ key: "getContainer",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props.getContainer;
+ return "function" !== typeof e
+ ? Object(T.findDOMNode)(this)
+ : e(s.withRef ? this.getWrappedInstance() : void 0);
- key: "isActive",
+ key: "render",
value: function() {
- return this.active;
+ var t = s.withRef ? "wrappedInstance" : null;
+ return Object(y.createElement)(e, r({ ref: t }, O(this.props, ee)));
- key: "getActive",
- value: function() {
- var e = this;
- return this.refs[this.active.collection].find(function(t) {
- var n = t.node;
- return n.sortableInfo.index == e.active.index;
- });
+ key: "helperContainer",
+ get: function() {
+ var e = this.props.helperContainer;
+ return "function" === typeof e ? e() : this.props.helperContainer || this.document.body;
- key: "getIndex",
- value: function(e, t) {
- return this.refs[e].indexOf(t);
+ key: "containerScrollDelta",
+ get: function() {
+ return this.props.useWindowAsScrollContainer
+ ? { left: 0, top: 0 }
+ : {
+ left: this.scrollContainer.scrollLeft - this.initialScroll.left,
+ top: this.scrollContainer.scrollTop - this.initialScroll.top,
+ };
- key: "getOrderedRefs",
- value: function() {
- var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.active.collection;
- return this.refs[e].sort(C);
+ key: "windowScrollDelta",
+ get: function() {
+ return {
+ left: this.contentWindow.pageXOffset - this.initialWindowScroll.left,
+ top: this.contentWindow.pageYOffset - this.initialWindowScroll.top,
+ };
- e
+ n
- })();
- function C(e, t) {
- var n = e.node.sortableInfo.index,
- r = t.node.sortableInfo.index;
- return n - r;
- }
- var S = function(e) {
- if (Array.isArray(e)) {
- for (var t = 0, n = new Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t];
- return n;
- }
- },
- w = function(e) {
- if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e))
- return Array.from(e);
- },
- O = function() {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
- },
- M = function(e) {
- return S(e) || w(e) || O();
- };
- function k(e) {
- for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < t; r++) n[r - 1] = arguments[r];
- return Object.keys(e).reduce(function(t, r) {
- return -1 === n.indexOf(r) && (t[r] = e[r]), t;
- }, {});
- }
- var x = {
- end: ["touchend", "touchcancel", "mouseup"],
- move: ["touchmove", "mousemove"],
- start: ["touchstart", "mousedown"],
- },
- A = (function() {
- if ("undefined" === typeof window || "undefined" === typeof document) return "";
- var e = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, "") || ["-moz-hidden-iframe"],
- t = (Array.prototype.slice
- .call(e)
- .join("")
- .match(/-(moz|webkit|ms)-/) ||
- ("" === e.OLink && ["", "o"]))[1];
- switch (t) {
- case "ms":
- return "ms";
- default:
- return t && t.length ? t[0].toUpperCase() + t.substr(1) : "";
- }
- })();
- function z(e, t) {
- Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n) {
- e.style[n] = t[n];
- });
- }
- function D(e, t) {
- e.style["".concat(A, "Transform")] = null == t ? "" : "translate3d(".concat(t.x, "px,").concat(t.y, "px,0)");
- }
- function P(e, t) {
- e.style["".concat(A, "TransitionDuration")] = null == t ? "" : "".concat(t, "ms");
- }
- function N(e, t) {
- for (; e; ) {
- if (t(e)) return e;
- e = e.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function L(e, t, n) {
- return Math.max(e, Math.min(n, t));
- }
- function H(e) {
- return "px" === e.substr(-2) ? parseFloat(e) : 0;
- }
- function R(e, t) {
- var n = t.displayName || t.name;
- return n ? "".concat(e, "(").concat(n, ")") : e;
- }
- function V(e, t) {
- var n = e.getBoundingClientRect();
- return { top: n.top + t.top, left: n.left + t.left };
- }
- function I(e) {
- return e.touches && e.touches.length
- ? { x: e.touches[0].pageX, y: e.touches[0].pageY }
- : e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length
- ? { x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX, y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY }
- : { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY };
- }
- function F(e, t) {
- var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : { left: 0, top: 0 };
- if (e) {
- var r = { left: n.left + e.offsetLeft, top: n.top + e.offsetTop };
- return e.parentNode === t ? r : F(e.parentNode, t, r);
- }
- }
- function j(e) {
- var t = e.lockOffset,
- n = e.width,
- r = e.height,
- i = t,
- o = t,
- a = "px";
- if ("string" === typeof t) {
- var c = /^[+-]?\d*(?:\.\d*)?(px|%)$/.exec(t);
- E(
- null !== c,
- 'lockOffset value should be a number or a string of a number followed by "px" or "%". Given %s',
- t,
- ),
- (i = parseFloat(t)),
- (o = parseFloat(t)),
- (a = c[1]);
- }
- return (
- E(isFinite(i) && isFinite(o), "lockOffset value should be a finite. Given %s", t),
- "%" === a && ((i = (i * n) / 100), (o = (o * r) / 100)),
- { x: i, y: o }
- );
- }
- function U(e) {
- return e instanceof HTMLElement
- ? (function(e) {
- var t = window.getComputedStyle(e),
- n = /(auto|scroll)/;
- return ["overflow", "overflowX", "overflowY"].find(function(e) {
- return n.test(t[e]);
- });
- })(e)
- ? e
- : U(e.parentNode)
- : null;
- }
- var B = { TAB: 9, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40 },
- K = {
- Anchor: "A",
- Button: "BUTTON",
- Canvas: "CANVAS",
- Input: "INPUT",
- Option: "OPTION",
- Textarea: "TEXTAREA",
- Select: "SELECT",
- };
- function G(e) {
- var n,
- i,
- a = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { withRef: !1 };
- return (
- (i = n = (function(n) {
- function i() {
- return f(this, i), y(this, g(i).apply(this, arguments));
- }
- return (
- T(i, n),
- p(i, [
- {
- key: "componentDidMount",
- value: function() {
- var e = r.findDOMNode(this);
- e.sortableHandle = !0;
- },
- },
- {
- key: "getWrappedInstance",
- value: function() {
- return (
- E(
- a.withRef,
- "To access the wrapped instance, you need to pass in {withRef: true} as the second argument of the SortableHandle() call",
- ),
- this.refs.wrappedInstance
- );
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- var n = a.withRef ? "wrappedInstance" : null;
- return t.createElement(e, o({ ref: n }, this.props));
- },
- },
- ]),
- i
- );
- })(t.Component)),
- u(n, "displayName", R("sortableHandle", e)),
- i
- );
- }
- function W(e) {
- return null != e.sortableHandle;
- }
- var Y = (function() {
- function e(t, n) {
- f(this, e), (this.container = t), (this.onScrollCallback = n);
+ })()),
+ o(t, "displayName", L("sortableList", e)),
+ o(t, "defaultProps", J),
+ o(t, "propTypes", $),
+ o(t, "childContextTypes", { manager: b.a.object.isRequired }),
+ n
+ );
+ }
+ var ne = {
+ index: b.a.number.isRequired,
+ collection: b.a.oneOfType([b.a.number, b.a.string]),
+ disabled: b.a.bool,
+ },
+ re = Object.keys(ne);
+ function ie(e) {
+ var t,
+ n,
+ i = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { withRef: !1 };
+ return (
+ (n = t = (function(t) {
+ function n() {
+ return c(this, n), d(this, p(n).apply(this, arguments));
return (
- p(e, [
+ m(n, y["Component"]),
+ l(n, [
- key: "clear",
+ key: "componentDidMount",
value: function() {
- clearInterval(this.interval), (this.interval = null);
+ this.register();
- key: "update",
+ key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function(e) {
- var t = this,
- n = e.translate,
- r = e.minTranslate,
- i = e.maxTranslate,
- o = e.width,
- a = e.height,
- c = { x: 0, y: 0 },
- s = { x: 1, y: 1 },
- l = { x: 10, y: 10 },
- u = this.container,
- h = u.scrollTop,
- f = u.scrollLeft,
- d = u.scrollHeight,
- p = u.scrollWidth,
- v = u.clientHeight,
- m = u.clientWidth,
- y = 0 === h,
- g = d - h - v === 0,
- b = 0 === f,
- T = p - f - m === 0;
- n.y >= i.y - a / 2 && !g
- ? ((c.y = 1), (s.y = l.y * Math.abs((i.y - a / 2 - n.y) / a)))
- : n.x >= i.x - o / 2 && !T
- ? ((c.x = 1), (s.x = l.x * Math.abs((i.x - o / 2 - n.x) / o)))
- : n.y <= r.y + a / 2 && !y
- ? ((c.y = -1), (s.y = l.y * Math.abs((n.y - a / 2 - r.y) / a)))
- : n.x <= r.x + o / 2 && !b && ((c.x = -1), (s.x = l.x * Math.abs((n.x - o / 2 - r.x) / o))),
- this.interval && (this.clear(), (this.isAutoScrolling = !1)),
- (0 === c.x && 0 === c.y) ||
- (this.interval = setInterval(function() {
- t.isAutoScrolling = !0;
- var e = { left: s.x * c.x, top: s.y * c.y };
- (t.container.scrollTop += e.top), (t.container.scrollLeft += e.left), t.onScrollCallback(e);
- }, 5));
+ this.node &&
+ (e.index !== this.props.index && (this.node.sortableInfo.index = this.props.index),
+ e.disabled !== this.props.disabled && (this.node.sortableInfo.disabled = this.props.disabled)),
+ e.collection !== this.props.collection && (this.unregister(e.collection), this.register());
- ]),
- e
- );
- })(),
- q = {
- axis: n.oneOf(["x", "y", "xy"]),
- contentWindow: n.any,
- disableAutoscroll: n.bool,
- distance: n.number,
- getContainer: n.func,
- getHelperDimensions: n.func,
- helperClass: n.string,
- helperContainer: n.oneOfType([
- n.func,
- "undefined" === typeof HTMLElement ? n.any : n.instanceOf(HTMLElement),
- ]),
- hideSortableGhost: n.bool,
- keyboardSortingTransitionDuration: n.number,
- lockAxis: n.string,
- lockOffset: n.oneOfType([n.number, n.string, n.arrayOf(n.oneOfType([n.number, n.string]))]),
- lockToContainerEdges: n.bool,
- onSortEnd: n.func,
- onSortMove: n.func,
- onSortOver: n.func,
- onSortStart: n.func,
- pressDelay: n.number,
- pressThreshold: n.number,
- shouldCancelStart: n.func,
- transitionDuration: n.number,
- updateBeforeSortStart: n.func,
- useDragHandle: n.bool,
- useWindowAsScrollContainer: n.bool,
- },
- X = {
- axis: "y",
- disableAutoscroll: !1,
- distance: 0,
- getHelperDimensions: function(e) {
- var t = e.node;
- return { height: t.offsetHeight, width: t.offsetWidth };
- },
- hideSortableGhost: !0,
- lockOffset: "50%",
- lockToContainerEdges: !1,
- pressDelay: 0,
- pressThreshold: 5,
- shouldCancelStart: function(e) {
- return (
- -1 !== [K.Input, K.Textarea, K.Select, K.Option, K.Button].indexOf(e.target.tagName) ||
- !!N(e.target, function(e) {
- return "true" === e.contentEditable;
- })
- );
- },
- transitionDuration: 300,
- useWindowAsScrollContainer: !1,
- },
- Q = Object.keys(q);
- function $(e) {
- var i,
- a,
- c = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { withRef: !1 };
- return (
- (a = i = (function(n) {
- function i(e) {
- var t;
- return (
- f(this, i),
- (t = y(this, g(i).call(this, e))),
- u(m(m(t)), "handleStart", function(e) {
- var n = t.props,
- r = n.distance,
- i = n.shouldCancelStart;
- if (2 !== e.button && !i(e)) {
- (t.touched = !0), (t.position = I(e));
- var o = N(e.target, function(e) {
- return null != e.sortableInfo;
- });
- if (o && o.sortableInfo && t.nodeIsChild(o) && !t.state.sorting) {
- var a = t.props.useDragHandle,
- c = o.sortableInfo,
- s = c.index,
- l = c.collection,
- u = c.disabled;
- if (u) return;
- if (a && !N(e.target, W)) return;
- (t.manager.active = { collection: l, index: s }),
- (function(e) {
- return (e.touches && e.touches.length) || (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length);
- })(e) ||
- e.target.tagName !== K.Anchor ||
- e.preventDefault(),
- r ||
- (0 === t.props.pressDelay
- ? t.handlePress(e)
- : (t.pressTimer = setTimeout(function() {
- return t.handlePress(e);
- }, t.props.pressDelay)));
- }
- }
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "nodeIsChild", function(e) {
- return e.sortableInfo.manager === t.manager;
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "handleMove", function(e) {
- var n = t.props,
- r = n.distance,
- i = n.pressThreshold;
- if (!t.state.sorting && t.touched && !t._awaitingUpdateBeforeSortStart) {
- var o = I(e),
- a = { x: t.position.x - o.x, y: t.position.y - o.y },
- c = Math.abs(a.x) + Math.abs(a.y);
- (t.delta = a),
- r || (i && !(c >= i))
- ? r && c >= r && t.manager.isActive() && t.handlePress(e)
- : (clearTimeout(t.cancelTimer), (t.cancelTimer = setTimeout(t.cancel, 0)));
- }
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "handleEnd", function() {
- (t.touched = !1), t.cancel();
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "cancel", function() {
- var e = t.props.distance,
- n = t.state.sorting;
- n || (e || clearTimeout(t.pressTimer), (t.manager.active = null));
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "handlePress", function(e) {
- try {
- var n = t.manager.getActive(),
- r = (function() {
- if (n) {
- var r = function() {
- var n = d.sortableInfo.index,
- r = (function(e) {
- var t = window.getComputedStyle(e);
- return {
- bottom: H(t.marginBottom),
- left: H(t.marginLeft),
- right: H(t.marginRight),
- top: H(t.marginTop),
- };
- })(d),
- i = t.scrollContainer.getBoundingClientRect(),
- l = a({ collection: p, index: n, node: d });
- if (
- ((t.node = d),
- (t.margin = r),
- (t.width = l.width),
- (t.height = l.height),
- (t.marginOffset = {
- x: t.margin.left + t.margin.right,
- y: Math.max(t.margin.top, t.margin.bottom),
- }),
- (t.boundingClientRect = d.getBoundingClientRect()),
- (t.containerBoundingRect = i),
- (t.index = n),
- (t.newIndex = n),
- (t.axis = { x: o.indexOf("x") >= 0, y: o.indexOf("y") >= 0 }),
- (t.offsetEdge = F(d, t.container)),
- (t.initialOffset = I(
- v
- ? h({}, e, { pageX: t.boundingClientRect.left, pageY: t.boundingClientRect.top })
- : e,
- )),
- (t.initialScroll = {
- left: t.scrollContainer.scrollLeft,
- top: t.scrollContainer.scrollTop,
- }),
- (t.initialWindowScroll = { left: window.pageXOffset, top: window.pageYOffset }),
- (t.helper = t.helperContainer.appendChild(
- (function(e) {
- var t = "input, textarea, select, canvas, [contenteditable]",
- n = e.querySelectorAll(t),
- r = e.cloneNode(!0);
- return (
- M(r.querySelectorAll(t)).forEach(function(e, t) {
- "file" !== e.type && (e.value = n[t].value),
- "radio" === e.type &&
- e.name &&
- (e.name = "__sortableClone__".concat(e.name)),
- e.tagName === K.Canvas &&
- n[t].width > 0 &&
- n[t].height > 0 &&
- e.getContext("2d").drawImage(n[t], 0, 0);
- }),
- r
- );
- })(d),
- )),
- z(t.helper, {
- boxSizing: "border-box",
- height: "".concat(t.height, "px"),
- left: "".concat(t.boundingClientRect.left - r.left, "px"),
- pointerEvents: "none",
- position: "fixed",
- top: "".concat(t.boundingClientRect.top - r.top, "px"),
- width: "".concat(t.width, "px"),
- }),
- v && t.helper.focus(),
- s && ((t.sortableGhost = d), z(d, { opacity: 0, visibility: "hidden" })),
- (t.minTranslate = {}),
- (t.maxTranslate = {}),
- v)
- ) {
- var m = f
- ? {
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- width: t.contentWindow.innerWidth,
- height: t.contentWindow.innerHeight,
- }
- : t.containerBoundingRect,
- y = m.top,
- g = m.left,
- b = m.width,
- T = m.height,
- E = y + T,
- _ = g + b;
- t.axis.x &&
- ((t.minTranslate.x = g - t.boundingClientRect.left),
- (t.maxTranslate.x = _ - (t.boundingClientRect.left + t.width))),
- t.axis.y &&
- ((t.minTranslate.y = y - t.boundingClientRect.top),
- (t.maxTranslate.y = E - (t.boundingClientRect.top + t.height)));
- } else
- t.axis.x &&
- ((t.minTranslate.x = (f ? 0 : i.left) - t.boundingClientRect.left - t.width / 2),
- (t.maxTranslate.x =
- (f ? t.contentWindow.innerWidth : i.left + i.width) -
- t.boundingClientRect.left -
- t.width / 2)),
- t.axis.y &&
- ((t.minTranslate.y = (f ? 0 : i.top) - t.boundingClientRect.top - t.height / 2),
- (t.maxTranslate.y =
- (f ? t.contentWindow.innerHeight : i.top + i.height) -
- t.boundingClientRect.top -
- t.height / 2));
- c &&
- c.split(" ").forEach(function(e) {
- return t.helper.classList.add(e);
- }),
- (t.listenerNode = e.touches ? d : t.contentWindow),
- v
- ? (t.listenerNode.addEventListener("wheel", t.handleKeyEnd, !0),
- t.listenerNode.addEventListener("mousedown", t.handleKeyEnd, !0),
- t.listenerNode.addEventListener("keydown", t.handleKeyDown))
- : (x.move.forEach(function(e) {
- return t.listenerNode.addEventListener(e, t.handleSortMove, !1);
- }),
- x.end.forEach(function(e) {
- return t.listenerNode.addEventListener(e, t.handleSortEnd, !1);
- })),
- t.setState({ sorting: !0, sortingIndex: n }),
- u && u({ node: d, index: n, collection: p, isKeySorting: v }, e),
- v && t.keyMove(0);
- },
- i = t.props,
- o = i.axis,
- a = i.getHelperDimensions,
- c = i.helperClass,
- s = i.hideSortableGhost,
- l = i.updateBeforeSortStart,
- u = i.onSortStart,
- f = i.useWindowAsScrollContainer,
- d = n.node,
- p = n.collection,
- v = t.manager.isKeySorting,
- m = (function() {
- if ("function" === typeof l) {
- t._awaitingUpdateBeforeSortStart = !0;
- var n = (function(e, t) {
- try {
- var n = e();
- } catch (r) {
- return t(!0, r);
- }
- return n && n.then ? n.then(t.bind(null, !1), t.bind(null, !0)) : t(!1, value);
- })(
- function() {
- var t = d.sortableInfo.index;
- return Promise.resolve(
- l({ collection: p, index: t, node: d, isKeySorting: v }, e),
- ).then(function() {});
- },
- function(e, n) {
- if (((t._awaitingUpdateBeforeSortStart = !1), e)) throw n;
- return n;
- },
- );
- if (n && n.then) return n.then(function() {});
- }
- })();
- return m && m.then ? m.then(r) : r();
- }
- })();
- return Promise.resolve(r && r.then ? r.then(function() {}) : void 0);
- } catch (i) {
- return Promise.reject(i);
- }
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "handleSortMove", function(e) {
- var n = t.props.onSortMove;
- "function" === typeof e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(),
- t.updateHelperPosition(e),
- t.animateNodes(),
- t.autoscroll(),
- n && n(e);
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "handleSortEnd", function(e) {
- var n = t.props,
- r = n.hideSortableGhost,
- i = n.onSortEnd,
- o = t.manager,
- a = o.active.collection,
- c = o.isKeySorting,
- s = t.manager.refs[a];
- t.listenerNode &&
- (c
- ? (t.listenerNode.removeEventListener("wheel", t.handleKeyEnd, !0),
- t.listenerNode.removeEventListener("mousedown", t.handleKeyEnd, !0),
- t.listenerNode.removeEventListener("keydown", t.handleKeyDown))
- : (x.move.forEach(function(e) {
- return t.listenerNode.removeEventListener(e, t.handleSortMove);
- }),
- x.end.forEach(function(e) {
- return t.listenerNode.removeEventListener(e, t.handleSortEnd);
- }))),
- t.helper.parentNode.removeChild(t.helper),
- r && t.sortableGhost && z(t.sortableGhost, { opacity: "", visibility: "" });
- for (var l = 0, u = s.length; l < u; l++) {
- var h = s[l],
- f = h.node;
- (h.edgeOffset = null),
- (h.boundingClientRect = null),
- D(f, null),
- P(f, null),
- (h.translate = null);
- }
- t.autoScroller.clear(),
- (t.manager.active = null),
- (t.manager.isKeySorting = !1),
- t.setState({ sorting: !1, sortingIndex: null }),
- "function" === typeof i &&
- i({ collection: a, newIndex: t.newIndex, oldIndex: t.index, isKeySorting: c }, e),
- (t.touched = !1);
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "autoscroll", function() {
- var e = t.props.disableAutoscroll,
- n = t.manager.isKeySorting;
- if (!e) {
- if (n) {
- var r = h({}, t.translate),
- i = 0,
- o = 0;
- return (
- t.axis.x &&
- ((r.x = Math.min(t.maxTranslate.x, Math.max(t.minTranslate.x, t.translate.x))),
- (i = t.translate.x - r.x)),
- t.axis.y &&
- ((r.y = Math.min(t.maxTranslate.y, Math.max(t.minTranslate.y, t.translate.y))),
- (o = t.translate.y - r.y)),
- (t.translate = r),
- D(t.helper, t.translate),
- (t.scrollContainer.scrollLeft += i),
- void (t.scrollContainer.scrollTop += o)
- );
- }
- t.autoScroller.update({
- height: t.height,
- maxTranslate: t.maxTranslate,
- minTranslate: t.minTranslate,
- translate: t.translate,
- width: t.width,
- });
- }
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "onAutoScroll", function(e) {
- (t.translate.x += e.left), (t.translate.y += e.top), t.animateNodes();
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "handleKeyDown", function(e) {
- var n = e.keyCode,
- r = t.props.shouldCancelStart;
- if (
- (!t.manager.active || t.manager.isKeySorting) &&
- (t.manager.active || (n === B.SPACE && !r(e) && t.isValidSortingTarget(e)))
- )
- switch ((e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), n)) {
- case B.SPACE:
- t.manager.active ? t.keyDrop(e) : t.keyLift(e);
- break;
- case B.DOWN:
- case B.RIGHT:
- t.keyMove(1);
- break;
- case B.UP:
- case B.LEFT:
- t.keyMove(-1);
- break;
- case B.ESC:
- (t.newIndex = t.manager.active.index), t.keyDrop(e);
- }
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "keyLift", function(e) {
- var n = e.target,
- r = N(n, function(e) {
- return null != e.sortableInfo;
- }),
- i = r.sortableInfo,
- o = i.index,
- a = i.collection;
- (t.initialFocusedNode = n),
- (t.manager.isKeySorting = !0),
- (t.manager.active = { index: o, collection: a }),
- t.handlePress(e);
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "keyMove", function(e) {
- var n = t.manager.getOrderedRefs(),
- r = n[n.length - 1].node.sortableInfo.index,
- i = t.newIndex + e,
- o = t.newIndex;
- if (!(i < 0 || i > r)) {
- (t.prevIndex = o), (t.newIndex = i);
- var a = (function(e, t, n) {
- return e < n && e > t ? e - 1 : e > n && e < t ? e + 1 : e;
- })(t.newIndex, t.prevIndex, t.index),
- c = n.find(function(e) {
- var t = e.node;
- return t.sortableInfo.index === a;
- }),
- s = c.node,
- l = t.containerScrollDelta,
- u = c.boundingClientRect || V(s, l),
- h = c.translate || { x: 0, y: 0 },
- f = { top: u.top + h.y - l.top, left: u.left + h.x - l.left },
- d = o < i,
- p = {
- x: d && t.axis.x ? s.offsetWidth - t.width : 0,
- y: d && t.axis.y ? s.offsetHeight - t.height : 0,
- };
- t.handleSortMove({ pageX: f.left + p.x, pageY: f.top + p.y, ignoreTransition: 0 === e });
- }
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "keyDrop", function(e) {
- t.handleSortEnd(e), t.initialFocusedNode && t.initialFocusedNode.focus();
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "handleKeyEnd", function(e) {
- t.manager.active && t.keyDrop(e);
- }),
- u(m(m(t)), "isValidSortingTarget", function(e) {
- var n = t.props.useDragHandle,
- r = e.target,
- i = N(r, function(e) {
- return null != e.sortableInfo;
- });
- return i && i.sortableInfo && !i.sortableInfo.disabled && (n ? W(r) : r.sortableInfo);
- }),
- (function(e) {
- E(
- !(e.distance && e.pressDelay),
- "Attempted to set both `pressDelay` and `distance` on SortableContainer, you may only use one or the other, not both at the same time.",
- );
- })(e),
- (t.state = {}),
- (t.manager = new _()),
- (t.events = { end: t.handleEnd, move: t.handleMove, start: t.handleStart }),
- t
- );
- }
- return (
- T(i, n),
- p(i, [
- {
- key: "getChildContext",
- value: function() {
- return { manager: this.manager };
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentDidMount",
- value: function() {
- var e = this,
- t = this.props.useWindowAsScrollContainer,
- n = this.getContainer();
- Promise.resolve(n).then(function(n) {
- (e.container = n), (e.document = e.container.ownerDocument || document);
- var r = e.props.contentWindow || e.document.defaultView || window;
- (e.contentWindow = "function" === typeof r ? r() : r),
- (e.scrollContainer = t
- ? e.document.scrollingElement || e.document.documentElement
- : U(e.container) || e.container),
- (e.autoScroller = new Y(e.scrollContainer, e.onAutoScroll)),
- Object.keys(e.events).forEach(function(t) {
- return x[t].forEach(function(n) {
- return e.container.addEventListener(n, e.events[t], !1);
- });
- }),
- e.container.addEventListener("keydown", e.handleKeyDown);
- });
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentWillUnmount",
- value: function() {
- var e = this;
- this.helper && this.helper.parentNode && this.helper.parentNode.removeChild(this.helper),
- this.container &&
- (Object.keys(this.events).forEach(function(t) {
- return x[t].forEach(function(n) {
- return e.container.removeEventListener(n, e.events[t]);
- });
- }),
- this.container.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown));
- },
- },
- {
- key: "updateHelperPosition",
- value: function(e) {
- var t = this.props,
- n = t.lockAxis,
- r = t.lockOffset,
- i = t.lockToContainerEdges,
- o = t.transitionDuration,
- a = t.keyboardSortingTransitionDuration,
- c = void 0 === a ? o : a,
- s = this.manager.isKeySorting,
- u = e.ignoreTransition,
- h = I(e),
- f = { x: h.x - this.initialOffset.x, y: h.y - this.initialOffset.y };
- if (
- ((f.y -= window.pageYOffset - this.initialWindowScroll.top),
- (f.x -= window.pageXOffset - this.initialWindowScroll.left),
- (this.translate = f),
- i)
- ) {
- var d = (function(e) {
- var t = e.height,
- n = e.width,
- r = e.lockOffset,
- i = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r, r];
- E(
- 2 === i.length,
- "lockOffset prop of SortableContainer should be a single value or an array of exactly two values. Given %s",
- r,
- );
- var o = l(i, 2),
- a = o[0],
- c = o[1];
- return [
- j({ height: t, lockOffset: a, width: n }),
- j({ height: t, lockOffset: c, width: n }),
- ];
- })({ height: this.height, lockOffset: r, width: this.width }),
- p = l(d, 2),
- v = p[0],
- m = p[1],
- y = { x: this.width / 2 - v.x, y: this.height / 2 - v.y },
- g = { x: this.width / 2 - m.x, y: this.height / 2 - m.y };
- (f.x = L(this.minTranslate.x + y.x, this.maxTranslate.x - g.x, f.x)),
- (f.y = L(this.minTranslate.y + y.y, this.maxTranslate.y - g.y, f.y));
- }
- "x" === n ? (f.y = 0) : "y" === n && (f.x = 0),
- s && c && !u && P(this.helper, c),
- D(this.helper, f);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "animateNodes",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props,
- t = e.transitionDuration,
- n = e.hideSortableGhost,
- r = e.onSortOver,
- i = this.containerScrollDelta,
- o = this.windowScrollDelta,
- a = this.manager.getOrderedRefs(),
- c = {
- left: this.offsetEdge.left + this.translate.x + i.left,
- top: this.offsetEdge.top + this.translate.y + i.top,
- },
- s = this.manager.isKeySorting,
- l = this.newIndex;
- this.newIndex = null;
- for (var u = 0, h = a.length; u < h; u++) {
- var f = a[u].node,
- d = f.sortableInfo.index,
- p = f.offsetWidth,
- v = f.offsetHeight,
- m = {
- height: this.height > v ? v / 2 : this.height / 2,
- width: this.width > p ? p / 2 : this.width / 2,
- },
- y = s && d > this.index && d <= l,
- g = s && d < this.index && d >= l,
- b = { x: 0, y: 0 },
- T = a[u].edgeOffset;
- T ||
- ((T = F(f, this.container)), (a[u].edgeOffset = T), s && (a[u].boundingClientRect = V(f, i)));
- var E = u < a.length - 1 && a[u + 1],
- _ = u > 0 && a[u - 1];
- E &&
- !E.edgeOffset &&
- ((E.edgeOffset = F(E.node, this.container)), s && (E.boundingClientRect = V(E.node, i))),
- d !== this.index
- ? (t && P(f, t),
- this.axis.x
- ? this.axis.y
- ? g ||
- (d < this.index &&
- ((c.left + o.left - m.width <= T.left && c.top + o.top <= T.top + m.height) ||
- c.top + o.top + m.height <= T.top))
- ? ((b.x = this.width + this.marginOffset.x),
- T.left + b.x > this.containerBoundingRect.width - m.width &&
- E &&
- ((b.x = E.edgeOffset.left - T.left), (b.y = E.edgeOffset.top - T.top)),
- null === this.newIndex && (this.newIndex = d))
- : (y ||
- (d > this.index &&
- ((c.left + o.left + m.width >= T.left && c.top + o.top + m.height >= T.top) ||
- c.top + o.top + m.height >= T.top + v))) &&
- ((b.x = -(this.width + this.marginOffset.x)),
- T.left + b.x < this.containerBoundingRect.left + m.width &&
- _ &&
- ((b.x = _.edgeOffset.left - T.left), (b.y = _.edgeOffset.top - T.top)),
- (this.newIndex = d))
- : y || (d > this.index && c.left + o.left + m.width >= T.left)
- ? ((b.x = -(this.width + this.marginOffset.x)), (this.newIndex = d))
- : (g || (d < this.index && c.left + o.left <= T.left + m.width)) &&
- ((b.x = this.width + this.marginOffset.x),
- null == this.newIndex && (this.newIndex = d))
- : this.axis.y &&
- (y || (d > this.index && c.top + o.top + m.height >= T.top)
- ? ((b.y = -(this.height + this.marginOffset.y)), (this.newIndex = d))
- : (g || (d < this.index && c.top + o.top <= T.top + m.height)) &&
- ((b.y = this.height + this.marginOffset.y),
- null == this.newIndex && (this.newIndex = d))),
- D(f, b),
- (a[u].translate = b))
- : n && ((this.sortableGhost = f), z(f, { opacity: 0, visibility: "hidden" }));
- }
- null == this.newIndex && (this.newIndex = this.index), s && (this.newIndex = l);
- var C = s ? this.prevIndex : l;
- r &&
- this.newIndex !== C &&
- r({
- collection: this.manager.active.collection,
- index: this.index,
- newIndex: this.newIndex,
- oldIndex: C,
- isKeySorting: s,
- });
- },
- },
- {
- key: "getWrappedInstance",
- value: function() {
- return (
- E(
- c.withRef,
- "To access the wrapped instance, you need to pass in {withRef: true} as the second argument of the SortableContainer() call",
- ),
- this.refs.wrappedInstance
- );
- },
- },
- {
- key: "getContainer",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props.getContainer;
- return "function" !== typeof e
- ? r.findDOMNode(this)
- : e(c.withRef ? this.getWrappedInstance() : void 0);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- var n = c.withRef ? "wrappedInstance" : null;
- return t.createElement(e, o({ ref: n }, k(this.props, Q)));
- },
- },
- {
- key: "helperContainer",
- get: function() {
- var e = this.props.helperContainer;
- return "function" === typeof e ? e() : this.props.helperContainer || this.document.body;
- },
- },
- {
- key: "containerScrollDelta",
- get: function() {
- var e = this.props.useWindowAsScrollContainer;
- return e
- ? { left: 0, top: 0 }
- : {
- left: this.scrollContainer.scrollLeft - this.initialScroll.left,
- top: this.scrollContainer.scrollTop - this.initialScroll.top,
- };
- },
- },
- {
- key: "windowScrollDelta",
- get: function() {
- return {
- left: this.contentWindow.pageXOffset - this.initialWindowScroll.left,
- top: this.contentWindow.pageYOffset - this.initialWindowScroll.top,
- };
- },
- },
- ]),
- i
- );
- })(t.Component)),
- u(i, "displayName", R("sortableList", e)),
- u(i, "defaultProps", X),
- u(i, "propTypes", q),
- u(i, "childContextTypes", { manager: n.object.isRequired }),
- a
- );
- }
- var Z = { index: n.number.isRequired, collection: n.oneOfType([n.number, n.string]), disabled: n.bool },
- J = Object.keys(Z);
- function ee(e) {
- var i,
- a,
- c = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : { withRef: !1 };
- return (
- (a = i = (function(n) {
- function i() {
- return f(this, i), y(this, g(i).apply(this, arguments));
- }
- return (
- T(i, n),
- p(i, [
- {
- key: "componentDidMount",
- value: function() {
- this.register();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentDidUpdate",
- value: function(e) {
- this.node &&
- (e.index !== this.props.index && (this.node.sortableInfo.index = this.props.index),
- e.disabled !== this.props.disabled && (this.node.sortableInfo.disabled = this.props.disabled)),
- e.collection !== this.props.collection && (this.unregister(e.collection), this.register());
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentWillUnmount",
- value: function() {
- this.unregister();
- },
+ {
+ key: "componentWillUnmount",
+ value: function() {
+ this.unregister();
- {
- key: "register",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props,
- t = e.collection,
- n = e.disabled,
- i = e.index,
- o = r.findDOMNode(this);
- (o.sortableInfo = { collection: t, disabled: n, index: i, manager: this.context.manager }),
- (this.node = o),
- (this.ref = { node: o }),
- this.context.manager.add(t, this.ref);
- },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "register",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ t = e.collection,
+ n = e.disabled,
+ r = e.index,
+ i = Object(T.findDOMNode)(this);
+ (i.sortableInfo = { collection: t, disabled: n, index: r, manager: this.context.manager }),
+ (this.node = i),
+ (this.ref = { node: i }),
+ this.context.manager.add(t, this.ref);
- {
- key: "unregister",
- value: function() {
- var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.props.collection;
- this.context.manager.remove(e, this.ref);
- },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "unregister",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this.props.collection;
+ this.context.manager.remove(e, this.ref);
- {
- key: "getWrappedInstance",
- value: function() {
- return (
- E(
- c.withRef,
- "To access the wrapped instance, you need to pass in {withRef: true} as the second argument of the SortableElement() call",
- ),
- this.refs.wrappedInstance
- );
- },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getWrappedInstance",
+ value: function() {
+ return (
+ _()(
+ i.withRef,
+ "To access the wrapped instance, you need to pass in {withRef: true} as the second argument of the SortableElement() call",
+ ),
+ this.refs.wrappedInstance
+ );
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- var n = c.withRef ? "wrappedInstance" : null;
- return t.createElement(e, o({ ref: n }, k(this.props, J)));
- },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ var t = i.withRef ? "wrappedInstance" : null;
+ return Object(y.createElement)(e, r({ ref: t }, O(this.props, re)));
- ]),
- i
- );
- })(t.Component)),
- u(i, "displayName", R("sortableElement", e)),
- u(i, "contextTypes", { manager: n.object.isRequired }),
- u(i, "propTypes", Z),
- u(i, "defaultProps", { collection: 0 }),
- a
- );
- }
- (e.SortableContainer = $),
- (e.sortableContainer = $),
- (e.SortableElement = ee),
- (e.sortableElement = ee),
- (e.SortableHandle = G),
- (e.sortableHandle = G),
- (e.arrayMove = function(e, t, n) {
- return (
- "undefined" !== typeof console &&
- console.warn(
- "Deprecation warning: arrayMove will no longer be exported by 'react-sortable-hoc' in the next major release. Please install the `array-move` package locally instead. https://www.npmjs.com/package/array-move",
- ),
- (e = e.slice()).splice(n < 0 ? e.length + n : n, 0, e.splice(t, 1)[0]),
- e
+ },
+ ]),
+ n
- }),
- Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
- })(t, n(0), n(2), n(17));
+ })()),
+ o(t, "displayName", L("sortableElement", e)),
+ o(t, "contextTypes", { manager: b.a.object.isRequired }),
+ o(t, "propTypes", ne),
+ o(t, "defaultProps", { collection: 0 }),
+ n
+ );
+ }
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -11240,9 +11191,9 @@
var r = n(9),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(13),
+ o = n(12),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(25),
+ c = n(24),
s = n.n(c),
l = n(281),
u = n(0);
@@ -11350,16 +11301,38 @@
throw new TypeError("Unknown theme type: " + t + ", name: " + e);
- }.call(this, n(110)));
+ }.call(this, n(111)));
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n, r, i, o, a, c) {
+ if (!e) {
+ var s;
+ if (void 0 === t)
+ s = new Error(
+ "Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.",
+ );
+ else {
+ var l = [n, r, i, o, a, c],
+ u = 0;
+ (s = new Error(
+ t.replace(/%s/g, function() {
+ return l[u++];
+ }),
+ )).name = "Invariant Violation";
+ }
+ throw ((s.framesToPop = 1), s);
+ }
+ };
+ },
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r,
- c = n(174),
+ c = n(162),
s = (t.NAMESPACES = {
HTML: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
MATHML: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML",
@@ -11611,25 +11584,25 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(238),
- i = n(181);
+ var r = n(228),
+ i = n(169);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(i(e));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(429),
- i = n(480),
- o = n(116),
- a = n(42),
- c = n(485);
+ var r = n(428),
+ i = n(479),
+ o = n(117),
+ a = n(33),
+ c = n(484);
e.exports = function(e) {
return "function" == typeof e ? e : null == e ? o : "object" == typeof e ? (a(e) ? i(e[0], e[1]) : r(e)) : c(e);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(441),
- i = n(446);
+ var r = n(440),
+ i = n(445);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = i(e, t);
return r(n) ? n : void 0;
@@ -11643,7 +11616,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(67),
- i = n(88),
+ i = n(89),
o = "[object AsyncFunction]",
a = "[object Function]",
c = "[object GeneratorFunction]",
@@ -11655,9 +11628,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(505),
- i = n(506),
- o = n(507);
+ var r = n(504),
+ i = n(505),
+ o = n(506);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return r(e) || i(e, t) || o();
@@ -11680,7 +11653,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(75),
- i = n(111);
+ i = n(112);
e.exports = n(76)
? function(e, t, n) {
return r.f(e, t, i(1, n));
@@ -11690,7 +11663,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(97);
+ var r = n(98);
e.exports = function(e) {
if (!r(e)) throw TypeError(e + " is not an object!");
return e;
@@ -11717,15 +11690,15 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(470),
- i = n(201),
+ var r = n(469),
+ i = n(189),
o = n(68);
e.exports = function(e) {
return o(e) ? r(e) : i(e);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(140),
+ var r = n(141),
i = 1 / 0;
e.exports = function(e) {
if ("string" == typeof e || r(e)) return e;
@@ -11734,8 +11707,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(488),
- i = n(491)(r);
+ var r = n(487),
+ i = n(490)(r);
e.exports = i;
function(e, t, n) {
@@ -11786,7 +11759,7 @@
"use strict";
t.__esModule = !0;
var r = o(n(0)),
- i = o(n(426));
+ i = o(n(425));
function o(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
@@ -11798,14 +11771,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(201),
- i = n(202),
- o = n(137),
- a = n(42),
+ var r = n(189),
+ i = n(190),
+ o = n(138),
+ a = n(33),
c = n(68),
- s = n(197),
- l = n(255),
- u = n(198),
+ s = n(185),
+ l = n(245),
+ u = n(186),
h = "[object Map]",
f = "[object Set]",
d = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
@@ -11824,7 +11797,7 @@
"use strict";
t.__esModule = !0;
var r,
- i = n(571),
+ i = n(570),
o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
t.default = function(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
@@ -11960,7 +11933,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(181);
+ var r = n(169);
e.exports = function(e) {
return Object(r(e));
@@ -11973,10 +11946,10 @@
e.exports = r;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(42),
- i = n(203),
- o = n(481),
- a = n(141);
+ var r = n(33),
+ i = n(191),
+ o = n(480),
+ a = n(142);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return r(e) ? e : i(e, t) ? [e] : o(a(e));
@@ -11987,15 +11960,15 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(116),
- i = n(266),
- o = n(267);
+ var r = n(117),
+ i = n(256),
+ o = n(257);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return o(i(e, t, r), e + "");
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(270);
+ var r = n(262);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = r(e),
n = t % 1;
@@ -20128,20 +20101,20 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- function r(e) {
- if ("undefined" !== typeof window && window.document && window.document.documentElement) {
- var t = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e],
- n = window.document.documentElement;
- return t.some(function(e) {
- return e in n.style;
- });
- }
- return !1;
- }
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return i;
- var i = r(["flex", "webkitFlex", "Flex", "msFlex"]);
+ var r = function(e) {
+ if ("undefined" !== typeof window && window.document && window.document.documentElement) {
+ var t = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e],
+ n = window.document.documentElement;
+ return t.some(function(e) {
+ return e in n.style;
+ });
+ }
+ return !1;
+ },
+ i = r(["flex", "webkitFlex", "Flex", "msFlex"]);
t.a = r;
function(e, t, n) {
@@ -20202,8 +20175,8 @@
Empty: { description: "No Data" },
Icon: { icon: "icon" },
- Text: { edit: "edit", copy: "copy", copied: "copy success", expand: "expand" },
- PageHeader: { back: "back" },
+ Text: { edit: "Edit", copy: "Copy", copied: "Copied", expand: "Expand" },
+ PageHeader: { back: "Back" },
@@ -20264,12 +20237,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
- o = n(366),
- a = n(175),
- c = n(367),
- s = n(176),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
+ o = n(365),
+ a = n(163),
+ c = n(366),
+ s = n(164),
h = {
@@ -21327,211 +21300,71 @@
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- (this.state = f))
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
- this._createDoctypeToken(null),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- this._emitEOFToken())
- : (this._createDoctypeToken(_(e)), (this.state = "DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE")));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- d(e)
- ? (this.state = "AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE")
- ? ((this.state = f), this._emitCurrentToken())
- : v(e)
- ? (this.currentToken.name += C(e))
- : e === l.NULL
- ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.name += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- this._emitEOFToken())
- : (this.currentToken.name += _(e));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- d(e) ||
- ? ((this.state = f), this._emitCurrentToken())
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- this._emitEOFToken())
- : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(u.PUBLIC_STRING, e, !1)
- : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(u.SYSTEM_STRING, e, !1)
- : this._ensureHibernation() ||
- (this._err(s.invalidCharacterSequenceAfterDoctypeName),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE")));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- d(e)
- : e === l.QUOTATION_MARK
- ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword),
- (this.currentToken.publicId = ""),
- : e === l.APOSTROPHE
- ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword),
- (this.currentToken.publicId = ""),
- ? (this._err(s.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- (this.state = f),
- this._emitCurrentToken())
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- this._emitEOFToken())
- : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE"));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- d(e) ||
- ? ((this.currentToken.publicId = ""),
- : e === l.APOSTROPHE
- ? ((this.currentToken.publicId = ""),
- ? (this._err(s.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- (this.state = f),
- this._emitCurrentToken())
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- this._emitEOFToken())
- : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE")));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- : e === l.NULL
- ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.publicId += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
- ? (this._err(s.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- (this.state = f))
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- this._emitEOFToken())
- : (this.currentToken.publicId += _(e));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- e === l.APOSTROPHE
- : e === l.NULL
- ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.publicId += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
- ? (this._err(s.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- (this.state = f))
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- this._emitEOFToken())
- : (this.currentToken.publicId += _(e));
+ (this.state = f))
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
+ this._createDoctypeToken(null),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ this._emitEOFToken())
+ : (this._createDoctypeToken(_(e)), (this.state = "DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE")));
value: function(e) {
+ ? (this.state = "AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME_STATE")
? ((this.state = f), this._emitCurrentToken())
- : e === l.QUOTATION_MARK
- ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers),
- (this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
- : e === l.APOSTROPHE
- ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers),
- (this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ : v(e)
+ ? (this.currentToken.name += C(e))
+ : e === l.NULL
+ ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.name += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
: e === l.EOF
? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE"));
+ : (this.currentToken.name += _(e));
value: function(e) {
d(e) ||
- ? (this._emitCurrentToken(), (this.state = f))
- : e === l.QUOTATION_MARK
- ? ((this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
- : e === l.APOSTROPHE
- ? ((this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ ? ((this.state = f), this._emitCurrentToken())
: e === l.EOF
? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(u.PUBLIC_STRING, e, !1)
+ : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(u.SYSTEM_STRING, e, !1)
+ : this._ensureHibernation() ||
+ (this._err(s.invalidCharacterSequenceAfterDoctypeName),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
value: function(e) {
- ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword),
- (this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword),
+ (this.currentToken.publicId = ""),
: e === l.APOSTROPHE
- ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword),
- (this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword),
+ (this.currentToken.publicId = ""),
- ? (this._err(s.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ ? (this._err(s.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
(this.state = f),
@@ -21540,23 +21373,23 @@
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
value: function(e) {
d(e) ||
- ? ((this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ ? ((this.currentToken.publicId = ""),
: e === l.APOSTROPHE
- ? ((this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ ? ((this.currentToken.publicId = ""),
- ? (this._err(s.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ ? (this._err(s.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
(this.state = f),
@@ -21565,20 +21398,20 @@
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
value: function(e) {
: e === l.NULL
- ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.systemId += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
+ ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.publicId += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
- ? (this._err(s.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ ? (this._err(s.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
(this.state = f))
@@ -21587,18 +21420,18 @@
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- : (this.currentToken.systemId += _(e));
+ : (this.currentToken.publicId += _(e));
value: function(e) {
: e === l.NULL
- ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.systemId += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
+ ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.publicId += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
- ? (this._err(s.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ ? (this._err(s.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier),
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
(this.state = f))
@@ -21607,1174 +21440,531 @@
(this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- : (this.currentToken.systemId += _(e));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- d(e) ||
- ? (this._emitCurrentToken(), (this.state = f))
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
- (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
- this._emitCurrentToken(),
- this._emitEOFToken())
- : (this._err(s.unexpectedCharacterAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
- this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE")));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- ? (this._emitCurrentToken(), (this.state = f))
- : e === l.NULL
- ? this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter)
- : e === l.EOF && (this._emitCurrentToken(), this._emitEOFToken());
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- ? (this.state = "CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET_STATE")
- : e === l.EOF
- ? (this._err(s.eofInCdata), this._emitEOFToken())
- : this._emitCodePoint(e);
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- ? (this.state = "CDATA_SECTION_END_STATE")
- : (this._emitChars("]"), this._reconsumeInState("CDATA_SECTION_STATE"));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- ? (this.state = f)
- ? this._emitChars("]")
- : (this._emitChars("]]"), this._reconsumeInState("CDATA_SECTION_STATE"));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- (this.tempBuff = [l.AMPERSAND]),
- e === l.NUMBER_SIGN
- ? (this.tempBuff.push(e), (this.state = "NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_STATE"))
- : g(e)
- ? this._reconsumeInState("NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_STATE")
- : (this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(), this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- var t = this._matchNamedCharacterReference(e);
- if (this._ensureHibernation()) this.tempBuff = [l.AMPERSAND];
- else if (t) {
- var n = this.tempBuff[this.tempBuff.length - 1] === l.SEMICOLON;
- this._isCharacterReferenceAttributeQuirk(n) ||
- (n || this._errOnNextCodePoint(s.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference), (this.tempBuff = t)),
- this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(),
- (this.state = this.returnState);
- } else this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(), (this.state = "AMBIGUOS_AMPERSAND_STATE");
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- g(e)
- ? this._isCharacterReferenceInAttribute()
- ? (this.currentAttr.value += _(e))
- : this._emitCodePoint(e)
- : (e === l.SEMICOLON && this._err(s.unknownNamedCharacterReference),
- this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- (this.charRefCode = 0),
- e === l.LATIN_SMALL_X || e === l.LATIN_CAPITAL_X
- ? (this.tempBuff.push(e), (this.state = "HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START_STATE"))
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- !(function(e) {
- return p(e) || b(e) || T(e);
- })(e)
- ? (this._err(s.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference),
- this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(),
- this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState))
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- p(e)
- : (this._err(s.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference),
- this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(),
- this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState));
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- b(e)
- ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 55)
- : T(e)
- ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 87)
- : p(e)
- ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 48)
- : e === l.SEMICOLON
- : (this._err(s.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference),
- },
- },
- {
- value: function(e) {
- p(e)
- ? (this.charRefCode = 10 * this.charRefCode + e - 48)
- : e === l.SEMICOLON
- : (this._err(s.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference),
- },
- },
- {
- value: function() {
- if (this.charRefCode === l.NULL)
- this._err(s.nullCharacterReference), (this.charRefCode = l.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER);
- else if (this.charRefCode > 1114111)
- this._err(s.characterReferenceOutsideUnicodeRange), (this.charRefCode = l.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER);
- else if (a.isSurrogate(this.charRefCode))
- this._err(s.surrogateCharacterReference), (this.charRefCode = l.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER);
- else if (a.isUndefinedCodePoint(this.charRefCode)) this._err(s.noncharacterCharacterReference);
- else if (a.isControlCodePoint(this.charRefCode) || this.charRefCode === l.CARRIAGE_RETURN) {
- this._err(s.controlCharacterReference);
- var e = h[this.charRefCode];
- e && (this.charRefCode = e);
- }
- (this.tempBuff = [this.charRefCode]),
- this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(),
- this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState);
+ : (this.currentToken.publicId += _(e));
- ]),
- e
- );
- })();
- (w.MODE = {
- DATA: f,
- }),
- (w.getTokenAttr = function(e, t) {
- for (var n = e.attrs.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) if (e.attrs[n].name === t) return e.attrs[n].value;
- return null;
- }),
- (e.exports = w);
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(237),
- i = n(185);
- e.exports =
- Object.keys ||
- function(e) {
- return r(e, i);
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = !0;
- },
- function(e, t) {
- var n = 0,
- r = Math.random();
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === e ? "" : e, ")_", (++n + r).toString(36));
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- t.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(431),
- i = n(432),
- o = n(433),
- a = n(434),
- c = n(435);
- function s(e) {
- var t = -1,
- n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
- for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) {
- var r = e[t];
- this.set(r[0], r[1]);
- }
- }
- (s.prototype.clear = r),
- (s.prototype.delete = i),
- (s.prototype.get = o),
- (s.prototype.has = a),
- (s.prototype.set = c),
- (e.exports = s);
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(132);
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- for (var n = e.length; n--; ) if (r(e[n][0], t)) return n;
- return -1;
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- return e === t || (e !== e && t !== t);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(87)(Object, "create");
- e.exports = r;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(455);
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- var n = e.__data__;
- return r(t) ? n["string" == typeof t ? "string" : "hash"] : n.map;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(194),
- i = n(460),
- o = n(461);
- function a(e) {
- var t = -1,
- n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
- for (this.__data__ = new r(); ++t < n; ) this.add(e[t]);
- }
- (a.prototype.add = a.prototype.push = i), (a.prototype.has = o), (e.exports = a);
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- return e.has(t);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(471),
- i = n(63),
- o = Object.prototype,
- a = o.hasOwnProperty,
- c = o.propertyIsEnumerable,
- s = r(
- (function() {
- return arguments;
- })(),
- )
- ? r
- : function(e) {
- return i(e) && a.call(e, "callee") && !c.call(e, "callee");
- };
- e.exports = s;
- },
- function(e, t) {
- var n = 9007199254740991,
- r = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- var i = typeof e;
- return (
- !!(t = null == t ? n : t) && ("number" == i || ("symbol" != i && r.test(e))) && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e < t
- );
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(115),
- i = n(101);
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0, o = (t = r(t, e)).length; null != e && n < o; ) e = e[i(t[n++])];
- return n && n == o ? e : void 0;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(67),
- i = n(63),
- o = "[object Symbol]";
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return "symbol" == typeof e || (i(e) && r(e) == o);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(260);
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return null == e ? "" : r(e);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(68),
- i = n(63);
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return i(e) && r(e);
- };
- },
- ,
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- t.__esModule = !0;
- var r = a(n(396)),
- i = a(n(406)),
- o =
- "function" === typeof i.default && "symbol" === typeof r.default
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof i.default && e.constructor === i.default && e !== i.default.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- };
- function a(e) {
- return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
- }
- t.default =
- "function" === typeof i.default && "symbol" === o(r.default)
- ? function(e) {
- return "undefined" === typeof e ? "undefined" : o(e);
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof i.default && e.constructor === i.default && e !== i.default.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : "undefined" === typeof e
- ? "undefined"
- : o(e);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(67),
- i = n(42),
- o = n(63),
- a = "[object String]";
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return "string" == typeof e || (!i(e) && o(e) && r(e) == a);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(56),
- i = n.n(r);
- t.a = function(e, t) {
- "function" !== typeof e ? null !== e && "object" === i()(e) && (e.current = t) : e(t);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(6),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(20),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(21),
- s = n.n(c),
- l = n(22),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(19),
- f = n.n(h),
- d = n(23),
- p = n.n(d),
- v = n(4),
- m = n.n(v),
- y = n(18),
- g = n.n(y),
- b = (n(55), n(5)),
- T = n.n(b),
- E = (n(2), n(0)),
- _ = n.n(E),
- C = n(38),
- S = n(150),
- w = n(151),
- O = n(154),
- M = n(8);
- function k(e) {
- var t = e.children,
- n = e.className,
- r = e.content,
- o = e.size,
- a = T()(o, "icons", n),
- c = Object(S.a)(k, e),
- s = Object(w.a)(k, e);
- return _.a.createElement(s, i()({}, c, { className: a }), M.a.isNil(t) ? r : t);
- }
- (k.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "content", "size"]),
- (k.propTypes = {}),
- (k.defaultProps = { as: "i" });
- var x = k,
- A = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- return a()(this, t), u()(this, f()(t).apply(this, arguments));
- }
- return (
- p()(t, e),
- s()(t, [
- {
- key: "getIconAriaOptions",
- value: function() {
- var e = {},
- t = this.props,
- n = t["aria-label"],
- r = t["aria-hidden"];
- return (
- g()(n) ? (e["aria-hidden"] = "true") : (e["aria-label"] = n), g()(r) || (e["aria-hidden"] = r), e
- );
- },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ d(e)
+ ? ((this.state = f), this._emitCurrentToken())
+ : e === l.QUOTATION_MARK
+ ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers),
+ (this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ : e === l.APOSTROPHE
+ ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers),
+ (this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ this._emitEOFToken())
+ : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE"));
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props,
- n = e.bordered,
- r = e.circular,
- o = e.className,
- a = e.color,
- c = e.corner,
- s = e.disabled,
- l = e.fitted,
- u = e.flipped,
- h = e.inverted,
- f = e.link,
- d = e.loading,
- p = e.name,
- v = e.rotated,
- m = e.size,
- y = T()(
- a,
- p,
- m,
- Object(C.a)(n, "bordered"),
- Object(C.a)(r, "circular"),
- Object(C.a)(s, "disabled"),
- Object(C.a)(l, "fitted"),
- Object(C.a)(h, "inverted"),
- Object(C.a)(f, "link"),
- Object(C.a)(d, "loading"),
- Object(C.b)(c, "corner"),
- Object(C.d)(u, "flipped"),
- Object(C.d)(v, "rotated"),
- "icon",
- o,
- ),
- g = Object(S.a)(t, this.props),
- b = Object(w.a)(t, this.props),
- E = this.getIconAriaOptions();
- return _.a.createElement(b, i()({}, g, E, { className: y }));
- },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ d(e) ||
+ ? (this._emitCurrentToken(), (this.state = f))
+ : e === l.QUOTATION_MARK
+ ? ((this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ : e === l.APOSTROPHE
+ ? ((this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ this._emitEOFToken())
+ : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE")));
- ]),
- t
- );
- })(E.PureComponent);
- m()(A, "defaultProps", { as: "i" }),
- m()(A, "Group", x),
- m()(A, "handledProps", [
- "aria-hidden",
- "aria-label",
- "as",
- "bordered",
- "circular",
- "className",
- "color",
- "corner",
- "disabled",
- "fitted",
- "flipped",
- "inverted",
- "link",
- "loading",
- "name",
- "rotated",
- "size",
- ]),
- (A.propTypes = {}),
- (A.create = Object(O.e)(A, function(e) {
- return { name: e };
- }));
- t.a = A;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return v;
- });
- var r,
- i = n(0),
- o = n(17),
- a = n(58),
- c = n(53),
- s = n(15);
- function l(e) {
- return (l =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function u(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- }
- }
- function h(e) {
- return (h = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function f(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- }
- function d(e, t) {
- return (d =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- function p(e) {
- return !e || null === e.offsetParent;
- }
- var v = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- var e, n, i;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t),
- (n = this),
- (i = h(t).apply(this, arguments)),
- ((e = !i || ("object" !== l(i) && "function" !== typeof i) ? f(n) : i).animationStart = !1),
- (e.destroy = !1),
- (e.onClick = function(t, n) {
- if (!(!t || p(t) || t.className.indexOf("-leave") >= 0)) {
- var i = e.props.insertExtraNode;
- e.extraNode = document.createElement("div");
- var o = f(e).extraNode;
- o.className = "ant-click-animating-node";
- var c = e.getAttributeName();
- t.setAttribute(c, "true"),
- (r = r || document.createElement("style")),
- n &&
- "#ffffff" !== n &&
- "rgb(255, 255, 255)" !== n &&
- (function(e) {
- var t = (e || "").match(/rgba?\((\d*), (\d*), (\d*)(, [\.\d]*)?\)/);
- return !(t && t[1] && t[2] && t[3]) || !(t[1] === t[2] && t[2] === t[3]);
- })(n) &&
- !/rgba\(\d*, \d*, \d*, 0\)/.test(n) &&
- "transparent" !== n &&
- (e.csp && e.csp.nonce && (r.nonce = e.csp.nonce),
- (o.style.borderColor = n),
- (r.innerHTML = "\n [ant-click-animating-without-extra-node='true']::after, .ant-click-animating-node {\n --antd-wave-shadow-color: ".concat(
- n,
- ";\n }",
- )),
- document.body.contains(r) || document.body.appendChild(r)),
- i && t.appendChild(o),
- a.a.addStartEventListener(t, e.onTransitionStart),
- a.a.addEndEventListener(t, e.onTransitionEnd);
- }
- }),
- (e.onTransitionStart = function(t) {
- if (!e.destroy) {
- var n = Object(o.findDOMNode)(f(e));
- t && t.target === n && (e.animationStart || e.resetEffect(n));
- }
- }),
- (e.onTransitionEnd = function(t) {
- t && "fadeEffect" === t.animationName && e.resetEffect(t.target);
- }),
- (e.bindAnimationEvent = function(t) {
- if (t && t.getAttribute && !t.getAttribute("disabled") && !(t.className.indexOf("disabled") >= 0)) {
- var n = function(n) {
- if ("INPUT" !== n.target.tagName && !p(n.target)) {
- e.resetEffect(t);
- var r =
- getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("border-top-color") ||
- getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("border-color") ||
- getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("background-color");
- (e.clickWaveTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(function() {
- return e.onClick(t, r);
- }, 0)),
- c.a.cancel(e.animationStartId),
- (e.animationStart = !0),
- (e.animationStartId = Object(c.a)(function() {
- e.animationStart = !1;
- }, 10));
- }
- };
- return (
- t.addEventListener("click", n, !0),
- {
- cancel: function() {
- t.removeEventListener("click", n, !0);
- },
- }
- );
- }
- }),
- (e.renderWave = function(t) {
- var n = t.csp,
- r = e.props.children;
- return (e.csp = n), r;
- }),
- e
- );
- }
- var n, v, m;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && d(e, t);
- })(t, i["Component"]),
- (n = t),
- (v = [
+ },
- key: "componentDidMount",
- value: function() {
- var e = Object(o.findDOMNode)(this);
- e && 1 === e.nodeType && (this.instance = this.bindAnimationEvent(e));
+ value: function(e) {
+ d(e)
+ : e === l.QUOTATION_MARK
+ ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword),
+ (this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ : e === l.APOSTROPHE
+ ? (this._err(s.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword),
+ (this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ ? (this._err(s.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ (this.state = f),
+ this._emitCurrentToken())
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ this._emitEOFToken())
+ : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE"));
- key: "componentWillUnmount",
- value: function() {
- this.instance && this.instance.cancel(),
- this.clickWaveTimeoutId && clearTimeout(this.clickWaveTimeoutId),
- (this.destroy = !0);
+ value: function(e) {
+ d(e) ||
+ ? ((this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ : e === l.APOSTROPHE
+ ? ((this.currentToken.systemId = ""),
+ ? (this._err(s.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ (this.state = f),
+ this._emitCurrentToken())
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ this._emitEOFToken())
+ : (this._err(s.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE")));
- key: "getAttributeName",
- value: function() {
- return this.props.insertExtraNode ? "ant-click-animating" : "ant-click-animating-without-extra-node";
+ value: function(e) {
+ : e === l.NULL
+ ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.systemId += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
+ ? (this._err(s.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ (this.state = f))
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ this._emitEOFToken())
+ : (this.currentToken.systemId += _(e));
- key: "resetEffect",
value: function(e) {
- if (e && e !== this.extraNode && e instanceof Element) {
- var t = this.props.insertExtraNode,
- n = this.getAttributeName();
- e.setAttribute(n, "false"),
- r && (r.innerHTML = ""),
- t && this.extraNode && e.contains(this.extraNode) && e.removeChild(this.extraNode),
- a.a.removeStartEventListener(e, this.onTransitionStart),
- a.a.removeEndEventListener(e, this.onTransitionEnd);
- }
+ e === l.APOSTROPHE
+ : e === l.NULL
+ ? (this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentToken.systemId += a.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
+ ? (this._err(s.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ (this.state = f))
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ this._emitEOFToken())
+ : (this.currentToken.systemId += _(e));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ d(e) ||
+ ? (this._emitCurrentToken(), (this.state = f))
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInDoctype),
+ (this.currentToken.forceQuirks = !0),
+ this._emitCurrentToken(),
+ this._emitEOFToken())
+ : (this._err(s.unexpectedCharacterAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier),
+ this._reconsumeInState("BOGUS_DOCTYPE_STATE")));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ ? (this._emitCurrentToken(), (this.state = f))
+ : e === l.NULL
+ ? this._err(s.unexpectedNullCharacter)
+ : e === l.EOF && (this._emitCurrentToken(), this._emitEOFToken());
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ ? (this.state = "CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET_STATE")
+ : e === l.EOF
+ ? (this._err(s.eofInCdata), this._emitEOFToken())
+ : this._emitCodePoint(e);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ ? (this.state = "CDATA_SECTION_END_STATE")
+ : (this._emitChars("]"), this._reconsumeInState("CDATA_SECTION_STATE"));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ ? (this.state = f)
+ ? this._emitChars("]")
+ : (this._emitChars("]]"), this._reconsumeInState("CDATA_SECTION_STATE"));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ (this.tempBuff = [l.AMPERSAND]),
+ e === l.NUMBER_SIGN
+ ? (this.tempBuff.push(e), (this.state = "NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_STATE"))
+ : g(e)
+ ? this._reconsumeInState("NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_STATE")
+ : (this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(), this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = this._matchNamedCharacterReference(e);
+ if (this._ensureHibernation()) this.tempBuff = [l.AMPERSAND];
+ else if (t) {
+ var n = this.tempBuff[this.tempBuff.length - 1] === l.SEMICOLON;
+ this._isCharacterReferenceAttributeQuirk(n) ||
+ (n || this._errOnNextCodePoint(s.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference), (this.tempBuff = t)),
+ this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(),
+ (this.state = this.returnState);
+ } else this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(), (this.state = "AMBIGUOS_AMPERSAND_STATE");
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ g(e)
+ ? this._isCharacterReferenceInAttribute()
+ ? (this.currentAttr.value += _(e))
+ : this._emitCodePoint(e)
+ : (e === l.SEMICOLON && this._err(s.unknownNamedCharacterReference),
+ this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ (this.charRefCode = 0),
+ e === l.LATIN_SMALL_X || e === l.LATIN_CAPITAL_X
+ ? (this.tempBuff.push(e), (this.state = "HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START_STATE"))
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ !(function(e) {
+ return p(e) || b(e) || T(e);
+ })(e)
+ ? (this._err(s.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference),
+ this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(),
+ this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState))
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ p(e)
+ : (this._err(s.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference),
+ this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(),
+ this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ b(e)
+ ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 55)
+ : T(e)
+ ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 87)
+ : p(e)
+ ? (this.charRefCode = 16 * this.charRefCode + e - 48)
+ : e === l.SEMICOLON
+ : (this._err(s.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference),
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ value: function(e) {
+ p(e)
+ ? (this.charRefCode = 10 * this.charRefCode + e - 48)
+ : e === l.SEMICOLON
+ : (this._err(s.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference),
- key: "render",
value: function() {
- return i.createElement(s.a, null, this.renderWave);
+ if (this.charRefCode === l.NULL)
+ this._err(s.nullCharacterReference), (this.charRefCode = l.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER);
+ else if (this.charRefCode > 1114111)
+ this._err(s.characterReferenceOutsideUnicodeRange), (this.charRefCode = l.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER);
+ else if (a.isSurrogate(this.charRefCode))
+ this._err(s.surrogateCharacterReference), (this.charRefCode = l.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER);
+ else if (a.isUndefinedCodePoint(this.charRefCode)) this._err(s.noncharacterCharacterReference);
+ else if (a.isControlCodePoint(this.charRefCode) || this.charRefCode === l.CARRIAGE_RETURN) {
+ this._err(s.controlCharacterReference);
+ var e = h[this.charRefCode];
+ e && (this.charRefCode = e);
+ }
+ (this.tempBuff = [this.charRefCode]),
+ this._flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference(),
+ this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState);
- ]) && u(n.prototype, v),
- m && u(n, m),
- t
+ ]),
+ e
+ (w.MODE = {
+ DATA: f,
+ }),
+ (w.getTokenAttr = function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = e.attrs.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) if (e.attrs[n].name === t) return e.attrs[n].value;
+ return null;
+ }),
+ (e.exports = w);
function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return i;
- });
- var r = n(52),
- i = Object(r.a)(
- "pink",
- "red",
- "yellow",
- "orange",
- "cyan",
- "green",
- "blue",
- "purple",
- "geekblue",
- "magenta",
- "volcano",
- "gold",
- "lime",
- );
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- t.a = function(e, t) {
- var n = e.handledProps,
- r = void 0 === n ? [] : n;
- return Object.keys(t).reduce(function(e, n) {
- return "childKey" === n ? e : (-1 === r.indexOf(n) && (e[n] = t[n]), e);
- }, {});
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- t.a = function(e, t, n) {
- var r = e.defaultProps,
- i = void 0 === r ? {} : r;
- if (t.as && t.as !== i.as) return t.as;
- if (n) {
- var o = n();
- if (o) return o;
- }
- return t.href ? "a" : i.as || "div";
- };
+ var r = n(227),
+ i = n(173);
+ e.exports =
+ Object.keys ||
+ function(e) {
+ return r(e, i);
+ };
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(498)(n(210));
- e.exports = r;
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = !0;
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(67),
- i = n(500),
- o = n(63),
- a = "[object Object]",
- c = Function.prototype,
- s = Object.prototype,
- l = c.toString,
- u = s.hasOwnProperty,
- h = l.call(Object);
+ function(e, t) {
+ var n = 0,
+ r = Math.random();
e.exports = function(e) {
- if (!o(e) || r(e) != a) return !1;
- var t = i(e);
- if (null === t) return !0;
- var n = u.call(t, "constructor") && t.constructor;
- return "function" == typeof n && n instanceof n && l.call(n) == h;
+ return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === e ? "" : e, ")_", (++n + r).toString(36));
+ function(e, t) {
+ t.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;
+ },
function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "d", function() {
- return w;
- }),
- n.d(t, "e", function() {
- return O;
- }),
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return M;
- }),
- n.d(t, "b", function() {
- return k;
- }),
- n.d(t, "c", function() {
- return x;
- });
- var r = n(24),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = (n(56), n(284)),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(42),
- s = n.n(c),
- l = n(153),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(89),
- f = n.n(h),
- d = n(285),
- p = n.n(d),
- v = n(145),
- m = n.n(v),
- y = n(286),
- g = n.n(y),
- b = n(18),
- T = n.n(b),
- E = n(5),
- _ = n.n(E),
- C = n(0),
- S = n.n(C);
- function w(e, t, n) {
- var r = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {};
- if ("function" !== typeof e && "string" !== typeof e)
- throw new Error("createShorthand() Component must be a string or function.");
- if (T()(n) || g()(n)) return null;
- var o = m()(n),
- c = p()(n),
- l = f()(n),
- h = Object(C.isValidElement)(n),
- d = u()(n),
- v = o || c || s()(n);
- if (!l && !h && !d && !v) return null;
- var y = r.defaultProps,
- b = void 0 === y ? {} : y,
- E = (h && n.props) || (d && n) || (v && t(n)),
- w = r.overrideProps,
- O = void 0 === w ? {} : w;
- O = f()(O) ? O(i()({}, b, E)) : O;
- var M = i()({}, b, E, O);
- if (b.className || O.className || E.className) {
- var k = _()(b.className, O.className, E.className);
- M.className = a()(k.split(" ")).join(" ");
- }
- if (((b.style || O.style || E.style) && (M.style = i()({}, b.style, E.style, O.style)), T()(M.key))) {
- var x = M.childKey,
- A = r.autoGenerateKey,
- z = void 0 === A || A;
- T()(x) ? z && (o || c) && (M.key = n) : ((M.key = "function" === typeof x ? x(M) : x), delete M.childKey);
+ var r = n(430),
+ i = n(431),
+ o = n(432),
+ a = n(433),
+ c = n(434);
+ function s(e) {
+ var t = -1,
+ n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
+ for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) {
+ var r = e[t];
+ this.set(r[0], r[1]);
- return h ? Object(C.cloneElement)(n, M) : v || d ? S.a.createElement(e, M) : l ? n(e, M, M.children) : void 0;
- }
- function O(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof e && "string" !== typeof e)
- throw new Error("createShorthandFactory() Component must be a string or function.");
- return function(n, r) {
- return w(e, t, n, r);
- };
- w.handledProps = [];
- O("div", function(e) {
- return { children: e };
- }),
- O("iframe", function(e) {
- return { src: e };
- }),
- O("img", function(e) {
- return { src: e };
- });
- var M = O("input", function(e) {
- return { type: e };
- }),
- k = O("label", function(e) {
- return { children: e };
- }),
- x = O("p", function(e) {
- return { children: e };
- });
+ (s.prototype.clear = r),
+ (s.prototype.delete = i),
+ (s.prototype.get = o),
+ (s.prototype.has = a),
+ (s.prototype.set = c),
+ (e.exports = s);
function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(56),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(18),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = "object" === ("undefined" === typeof document ? "undefined" : i()(document)) && null !== document,
- s =
- "object" === ("undefined" === typeof window ? "undefined" : i()(window)) &&
- null !== window &&
- window.self === window;
- t.a = function e() {
- return a()(e.override) ? c && s : e.override;
+ var r = n(133);
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = e.length; n--; ) if (r(e[n][0], t)) return n;
+ return -1;
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(216),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(287),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(10),
- s = n.n(c),
- l = n(18),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(78),
- f = n.n(h);
- t.a = function(e, t) {
- if (f()([t, e], u.a)) return !1;
- if (
- t.target &&
- (s()(t.target, "setAttribute", "data-suir-click-target", !0),
- document.querySelector("[data-suir-click-target=true]"))
- )
- return s()(t.target, "removeAttribute", "data-suir-click-target"), e.contains(t.target);
- var n = t.clientX,
- r = t.clientY;
- if (f()([n, r], u.a)) return !1;
- var o = e.getClientRects();
- if (!e.offsetWidth || !e.offsetHeight || !o || !o.length) return !1;
- var c = a()(o),
- l = c.top,
- h = c.bottom,
- d = c.left,
- p = c.right;
- return !f()([l, h, d, p], u.a) && i()(r, l, h + 0.001) && i()(n, d, p + 0.001);
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ return e === t || (e !== e && t !== t);
function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(288);
- t.a = r.instance;
+ var r = n(88)(Object, "create");
+ e.exports = r;
function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return w;
- });
- var r = n(24),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(20),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(21),
- s = n.n(c),
- l = n(22),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(19),
- f = n.n(h),
- d = n(23),
- p = n.n(d),
- v = n(3),
- m = n.n(v),
- y = n(4),
- g = n.n(y),
- b = (n(515), n(106)),
- T = n.n(b),
- E = (n(517), n(159), n(107), n(100), n(520), n(276), n(524), n(10)),
- _ = n.n(E),
- C = n(0),
- S = function(e, t, n) {
- var r,
- i = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3],
- o = t[e];
- if (void 0 !== o) return o;
- if (i) {
- var a = t[((r = e), "default".concat(r[0].toUpperCase() + r.slice(1)))];
- if (void 0 !== a) return a;
- if (n) {
- var c = n[e];
- if (void 0 !== c) return c;
- }
- }
- return "checked" !== e && ("value" === e ? (t.multiple ? [] : "") : void 0);
- },
- w = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- var e, n;
- a()(this, t);
- for (var r = arguments.length, o = new Array(r), c = 0; c < r; c++) o[c] = arguments[c];
- (n = u()(this, (e = f()(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(o)))),
- g()(m()(m()(n)), "trySetState", function(e, t) {
- var r = n.constructor.autoControlledProps,
- o = Object.keys(e).reduce(function(t, i) {
- return void 0 !== n.props[i] ? t : -1 === r.indexOf(i) ? t : ((t[i] = e[i]), t);
- }, {});
- t && (o = i()({}, o, t)), Object.keys(o).length > 0 && n.setState(o);
- });
- var s = n.constructor.autoControlledProps,
- l = _()(m()(m()(n)), "getInitialAutoControlledState", n.props) || {},
- h = s.reduce(function(e, t) {
- return (e[t] = S(t, n.props, l, !0)), e;
- }, {});
- return (n.state = i()({}, l, h)), n;
- }
- return (
- p()(t, e),
- s()(t, [
- {
- key: "componentWillReceiveProps",
- value: function(e) {
- var t = this.constructor.autoControlledProps.reduce(function(t, n) {
- return !T()(e[n]) && (t[n] = e[n]), t;
- }, {});
- Object.keys(t).length > 0 && this.setState(t);
- },
- },
- ]),
- t
- );
- })(C.Component);
+ var r = n(454);
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ var n = e.__data__;
+ return r(t) ? n["string" == typeof t ? "string" : "hash"] : n.map;
+ };
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(253),
- i = n(519),
- o = n(86),
- a = n(42);
+ var r = n(182),
+ i = n(459),
+ o = n(460);
+ function a(e) {
+ var t = -1,
+ n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
+ for (this.__data__ = new r(); ++t < n; ) this.add(e[t]);
+ }
+ (a.prototype.add = a.prototype.push = i), (a.prototype.has = o), (e.exports = a);
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
- return (a(e) ? r : i)(e, o(t, 3));
+ return e.has(t);
function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return p;
- });
- var r = n(0),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(17),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(2),
- s = n.n(c);
- function l(e) {
- return (l =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function u(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- }
- }
- function h(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== l(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
- ? (function(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- })(e)
- : t;
- }
- function f(e) {
- return (f = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ var r = n(470),
+ i = n(63),
+ o = Object.prototype,
+ a = o.hasOwnProperty,
+ c = o.propertyIsEnumerable,
+ s = r(
+ (function() {
+ return arguments;
+ })(),
+ )
+ ? r
: function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function d(e, t) {
- return (d =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- var p = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- var e, n;
- !(function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t);
- for (var r = arguments.length, i = new Array(r), o = 0; o < r; o++) i[o] = arguments[o];
- return (
- ((n = h(this, (e = f(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(i)))).removeContainer = function() {
- n.container &&
- (a.a.unmountComponentAtNode(n.container),
- n.container.parentNode.removeChild(n.container),
- (n.container = null));
- }),
- (n.renderComponent = function(e, t) {
- var r = n.props,
- i = r.visible,
- o = r.getComponent,
- c = r.forceRender,
- s = r.getContainer,
- l = r.parent;
- (i || l._component || c) &&
- (n.container || (n.container = s()),
- a.a.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(l, o(e), n.container, function() {
- t && t.call(this);
- }));
- }),
- n
- );
- }
- var n, r, o;
+ return i(e) && a.call(e, "callee") && !c.call(e, "callee");
+ };
+ e.exports = s;
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ var n = 9007199254740991,
+ r = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/;
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ var i = typeof e;
return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && d(e, t);
- })(t, i.a.Component),
- (n = t),
- (r = [
- {
- key: "componentDidMount",
- value: function() {
- this.props.autoMount && this.renderComponent();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentDidUpdate",
- value: function() {
- this.props.autoMount && this.renderComponent();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentWillUnmount",
- value: function() {
- this.props.autoDestroy && this.removeContainer();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return this.props.children({
- renderComponent: this.renderComponent,
- removeContainer: this.removeContainer,
- });
- },
- },
- ]) && u(n.prototype, r),
- o && u(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- (p.propTypes = {
- autoMount: s.a.bool,
- autoDestroy: s.a.bool,
- visible: s.a.bool,
- forceRender: s.a.bool,
- parent: s.a.any,
- getComponent: s.a.func.isRequired,
- getContainer: s.a.func.isRequired,
- children: s.a.func.isRequired,
- }),
- (p.defaultProps = { autoMount: !0, autoDestroy: !0, forceRender: !1 });
+ !!(t = null == t ? n : t) && ("number" == i || ("symbol" != i && r.test(e))) && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e < t
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(116),
+ i = n(102);
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0, o = (t = r(t, e)).length; null != e && n < o; ) e = e[i(t[n++])];
+ return n && n == o ? e : void 0;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(67),
+ i = n(63),
+ o = "[object Symbol]";
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return "symbol" == typeof e || (i(e) && r(e) == o);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(250);
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return null == e ? "" : r(e);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(68),
+ i = n(63);
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return i(e) && r(e);
+ };
+ },
+ ,
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ t.__esModule = !0;
+ var r = a(n(395)),
+ i = a(n(405)),
+ o =
+ "function" === typeof i.default && "symbol" === typeof r.default
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof i.default && e.constructor === i.default && e !== i.default.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ };
+ function a(e) {
+ return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
+ }
+ t.default =
+ "function" === typeof i.default && "symbol" === o(r.default)
+ ? function(e) {
+ return "undefined" === typeof e ? "undefined" : o(e);
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof i.default && e.constructor === i.default && e !== i.default.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : "undefined" === typeof e
+ ? "undefined"
+ : o(e);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(67),
+ i = n(33),
+ o = n(63),
+ a = "[object String]";
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return "string" == typeof e || (!i(e) && o(e) && r(e) == a);
+ };
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return p;
+ return v;
- var r = n(0),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(17),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(2),
- s = n.n(c);
+ var r,
+ i = n(0),
+ o = n(14),
+ a = n(58),
+ c = n(47),
+ s = n(16);
function l(e) {
return (l =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -22796,21 +21986,17 @@
Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- function h(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== l(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
- ? (function(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- })(e)
- : t;
- }
- function f(e) {
- return (f = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ function h(e) {
+ return (h = Object.setPrototypeOf
? Object.getPrototypeOf
: function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ function f(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ }
function d(e, t) {
return (d =
Object.setPrototypeOf ||
@@ -22818,731 +22004,361 @@
return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
})(e, t);
- var p = (function(e) {
+ function p(e) {
+ return !e || null === e.offsetParent;
+ }
+ var v = (function(e) {
function t() {
+ var e, n, i;
return (
(function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
})(this, t),
- h(this, f(t).apply(this, arguments))
- );
- }
- var n, r, o;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && d(e, t);
- })(t, i.a.Component),
- (n = t),
- (r = [
- {
- key: "componentDidMount",
- value: function() {
- this.createContainer();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentDidUpdate",
- value: function(e) {
- var t = this.props.didUpdate;
- t && t(e);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentWillUnmount",
- value: function() {
- this.removeContainer();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "createContainer",
- value: function() {
- (this._container = this.props.getContainer()), this.forceUpdate();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "removeContainer",
- value: function() {
- this._container && this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return this._container ? a.a.createPortal(this.props.children, this._container) : null;
- },
- },
- ]) && u(n.prototype, r),
- o && u(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- p.propTypes = { getContainer: s.a.func.isRequired, children: s.a.node.isRequired, didUpdate: s.a.func };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(105),
- i = n.n(r)()({});
- t.a = i;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(88),
- i = n(531),
- o = n(204),
- a = "Expected a function",
- c = Math.max,
- s = Math.min;
- e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
- var l,
- u,
- h,
- f,
- d,
- p,
- v = 0,
- m = !1,
- y = !1,
- g = !0;
- if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(a);
- function b(t) {
- var n = l,
- r = u;
- return (l = u = void 0), (v = t), (f = e.apply(r, n));
- }
- function T(e) {
- var n = e - p;
- return void 0 === p || n >= t || n < 0 || (y && e - v >= h);
- }
- function E() {
- var e = i();
- if (T(e)) return _(e);
- d = setTimeout(
- E,
- (function(e) {
- var n = t - (e - p);
- return y ? s(n, h - (e - v)) : n;
- })(e),
- );
- }
- function _(e) {
- return (d = void 0), g && l ? b(e) : ((l = u = void 0), f);
- }
- function C() {
- var e = i(),
- n = T(e);
- if (((l = arguments), (u = this), (p = e), n)) {
- if (void 0 === d)
- return (function(e) {
- return (v = e), (d = setTimeout(E, t)), m ? b(e) : f;
- })(p);
- if (y) return clearTimeout(d), (d = setTimeout(E, t)), b(p);
- }
- return void 0 === d && (d = setTimeout(E, t)), f;
- }
- return (
- (t = o(t) || 0),
- r(n) &&
- ((m = !!n.leading),
- (h = (y = "maxWait" in n) ? c(o(n.maxWait) || 0, t) : h),
- (g = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : g)),
- (C.cancel = function() {
- void 0 !== d && clearTimeout(d), (v = 0), (l = p = u = d = void 0);
- }),
- (C.flush = function() {
- return void 0 === d ? f : _(i());
- }),
- C
- );
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- (function(e) {
- var n = (function() {
- if ("undefined" !== typeof Map) return Map;
- function e(e, t) {
- var n = -1;
- return (
- e.some(function(e, r) {
- return e[0] === t && ((n = r), !0);
- }),
- n
- );
- }
- return (function() {
- function t() {
- this.__entries__ = [];
+ (n = this),
+ (i = h(t).apply(this, arguments)),
+ ((e = !i || ("object" !== l(i) && "function" !== typeof i) ? f(n) : i).animationStart = !1),
+ (e.destroy = !1),
+ (e.onClick = function(t, n) {
+ if (!(!t || p(t) || t.className.indexOf("-leave") >= 0)) {
+ var i = e.props.insertExtraNode;
+ e.extraNode = document.createElement("div");
+ var o = f(e).extraNode;
+ o.className = "ant-click-animating-node";
+ var c = e.getAttributeName();
+ t.setAttribute(c, "true"),
+ (r = r || document.createElement("style")),
+ n &&
+ "#ffffff" !== n &&
+ "rgb(255, 255, 255)" !== n &&
+ (function(e) {
+ var t = (e || "").match(/rgba?\((\d*), (\d*), (\d*)(, [\.\d]*)?\)/);
+ return !(t && t[1] && t[2] && t[3]) || !(t[1] === t[2] && t[2] === t[3]);
+ })(n) &&
+ !/rgba\(\d*, \d*, \d*, 0\)/.test(n) &&
+ "transparent" !== n &&
+ (e.csp && e.csp.nonce && (r.nonce = e.csp.nonce),
+ (o.style.borderColor = n),
+ (r.innerHTML = "\n [ant-click-animating-without-extra-node='true']::after, .ant-click-animating-node {\n --antd-wave-shadow-color: ".concat(
+ n,
+ ";\n }",
+ )),
+ document.body.contains(r) || document.body.appendChild(r)),
+ i && t.appendChild(o),
+ a.a.addStartEventListener(t, e.onTransitionStart),
+ a.a.addEndEventListener(t, e.onTransitionEnd);
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "size", {
- get: function() {
- return this.__entries__.length;
- },
- enumerable: !0,
- configurable: !0,
- }),
- (t.prototype.get = function(t) {
- var n = e(this.__entries__, t),
- r = this.__entries__[n];
- return r && r[1];
- }),
- (t.prototype.set = function(t, n) {
- var r = e(this.__entries__, t);
- ~r ? (this.__entries__[r][1] = n) : this.__entries__.push([t, n]);
- }),
- (t.prototype.delete = function(t) {
- var n = this.__entries__,
- r = e(n, t);
- ~r && n.splice(r, 1);
- }),
- (t.prototype.has = function(t) {
- return !!~e(this.__entries__, t);
- }),
- (t.prototype.clear = function() {
- this.__entries__.splice(0);
- }),
- (t.prototype.forEach = function(e, t) {
- void 0 === t && (t = null);
- for (var n = 0, r = this.__entries__; n < r.length; n++) {
- var i = r[n];
- e.call(t, i[1], i[0]);
- }
- }),
- t
- );
- })();
- })(),
- r = "undefined" !== typeof window && "undefined" !== typeof document && window.document === document,
- i =
- "undefined" !== typeof e && e.Math === Math
- ? e
- : "undefined" !== typeof self && self.Math === Math
- ? self
- : "undefined" !== typeof window && window.Math === Math
- ? window
- : Function("return this")(),
- o =
- "function" === typeof requestAnimationFrame
- ? requestAnimationFrame.bind(i)
- : function(e) {
- return setTimeout(function() {
- return e(Date.now());
- }, 1e3 / 60);
- },
- a = 2;
- var c = 20,
- s = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left", "width", "height", "size", "weight"],
- l = "undefined" !== typeof MutationObserver,
- u = (function() {
- function e() {
- (this.connected_ = !1),
- (this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !1),
- (this.mutationsObserver_ = null),
- (this.observers_ = []),
- (this.onTransitionEnd_ = this.onTransitionEnd_.bind(this)),
- (this.refresh = (function(e, t) {
- var n = !1,
- r = !1,
- i = 0;
- function c() {
- n && ((n = !1), e()), r && l();
- }
- function s() {
- o(c);
- }
- function l() {
- var e = Date.now();
- if (n) {
- if (e - i < a) return;
- r = !0;
- } else (n = !0), (r = !1), setTimeout(s, t);
- i = e;
- }
- return l;
- })(this.refresh.bind(this), c));
- }
- return (
- (e.prototype.addObserver = function(e) {
- ~this.observers_.indexOf(e) || this.observers_.push(e), this.connected_ || this.connect_();
- }),
- (e.prototype.removeObserver = function(e) {
- var t = this.observers_,
- n = t.indexOf(e);
- ~n && t.splice(n, 1), !t.length && this.connected_ && this.disconnect_();
- }),
- (e.prototype.refresh = function() {
- this.updateObservers_() && this.refresh();
- }),
- (e.prototype.updateObservers_ = function() {
- var e = this.observers_.filter(function(e) {
- return e.gatherActive(), e.hasActive();
- });
- return (
- e.forEach(function(e) {
- return e.broadcastActive();
- }),
- e.length > 0
- );
- }),
- (e.prototype.connect_ = function() {
- r &&
- !this.connected_ &&
- (document.addEventListener("transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd_),
- window.addEventListener("resize", this.refresh),
- l
- ? ((this.mutationsObserver_ = new MutationObserver(this.refresh)),
- this.mutationsObserver_.observe(document, {
- attributes: !0,
- childList: !0,
- characterData: !0,
- subtree: !0,
- }))
- : (document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this.refresh), (this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !0)),
- (this.connected_ = !0));
- }),
- (e.prototype.disconnect_ = function() {
- r &&
- this.connected_ &&
- (document.removeEventListener("transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd_),
- window.removeEventListener("resize", this.refresh),
- this.mutationsObserver_ && this.mutationsObserver_.disconnect(),
- this.mutationEventsAdded_ && document.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this.refresh),
- (this.mutationsObserver_ = null),
- (this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !1),
- (this.connected_ = !1));
- }),
- (e.prototype.onTransitionEnd_ = function(e) {
- var t = e.propertyName,
- n = void 0 === t ? "" : t;
- s.some(function(e) {
- return !!~n.indexOf(e);
- }) && this.refresh();
- }),
- (e.getInstance = function() {
- return this.instance_ || (this.instance_ = new e()), this.instance_;
- }),
- (e.instance_ = null),
- e
- );
- })(),
- h = function(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0, r = Object.keys(t); n < r.length; n++) {
- var i = r[n];
- Object.defineProperty(e, i, { value: t[i], enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0 });
- }
- return e;
- },
- f = function(e) {
- return (e && e.ownerDocument && e.ownerDocument.defaultView) || i;
- },
- d = b(0, 0, 0, 0);
- function p(e) {
- return parseFloat(e) || 0;
- }
- function v(e) {
- for (var t = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n];
- return t.reduce(function(t, n) {
- return t + p(e["border-" + n + "-width"]);
- }, 0);
- }
- function m(e) {
- var t = e.clientWidth,
- n = e.clientHeight;
- if (!t && !n) return d;
- var r = f(e).getComputedStyle(e),
- i = (function(e) {
- for (var t = {}, n = 0, r = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"]; n < r.length; n++) {
- var i = r[n],
- o = e["padding-" + i];
- t[i] = p(o);
+ }),
+ (e.onTransitionStart = function(t) {
+ if (!e.destroy) {
+ var n = Object(o.findDOMNode)(f(e));
+ t && t.target === n && (e.animationStart || e.resetEffect(n));
- return t;
- })(r),
- o = i.left + i.right,
- a = i.top + i.bottom,
- c = p(r.width),
- s = p(r.height);
- if (
- ("border-box" === r.boxSizing &&
- (Math.round(c + o) !== t && (c -= v(r, "left", "right") + o),
- Math.round(s + a) !== n && (s -= v(r, "top", "bottom") + a)),
- !(function(e) {
- return e === f(e).document.documentElement;
- })(e))
- ) {
- var l = Math.round(c + o) - t,
- u = Math.round(s + a) - n;
- 1 !== Math.abs(l) && (c -= l), 1 !== Math.abs(u) && (s -= u);
- }
- return b(i.left, i.top, c, s);
- }
- var y =
- "undefined" !== typeof SVGGraphicsElement
- ? function(e) {
- return e instanceof f(e).SVGGraphicsElement;
+ }),
+ (e.onTransitionEnd = function(t) {
+ t && "fadeEffect" === t.animationName && e.resetEffect(t.target);
+ }),
+ (e.bindAnimationEvent = function(t) {
+ if (t && t.getAttribute && !t.getAttribute("disabled") && !(t.className.indexOf("disabled") >= 0)) {
+ var n = function(n) {
+ if ("INPUT" !== n.target.tagName && !p(n.target)) {
+ e.resetEffect(t);
+ var r =
+ getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("border-top-color") ||
+ getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("border-color") ||
+ getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("background-color");
+ (e.clickWaveTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(function() {
+ return e.onClick(t, r);
+ }, 0)),
+ c.a.cancel(e.animationStartId),
+ (e.animationStart = !0),
+ (e.animationStartId = Object(c.a)(function() {
+ e.animationStart = !1;
+ }, 10));
+ }
+ };
+ return (
+ t.addEventListener("click", n, !0),
+ {
+ cancel: function() {
+ t.removeEventListener("click", n, !0);
+ },
+ }
+ );
- : function(e) {
- return e instanceof f(e).SVGElement && "function" === typeof e.getBBox;
- };
- function g(e) {
- return r
- ? y(e)
- ? (function(e) {
- var t = e.getBBox();
- return b(0, 0, t.width, t.height);
- })(e)
- : m(e)
- : d;
- }
- function b(e, t, n, r) {
- return { x: e, y: t, width: n, height: r };
+ }),
+ (e.renderWave = function(t) {
+ var n = t.csp,
+ r = e.props.children;
+ return (e.csp = n), r;
+ }),
+ e
+ );
- var T = (function() {
- function e(e) {
- (this.broadcastWidth = 0),
- (this.broadcastHeight = 0),
- (this.contentRect_ = b(0, 0, 0, 0)),
- (this.target = e);
- }
- return (
- (e.prototype.isActive = function() {
- var e = g(this.target);
- return (this.contentRect_ = e), e.width !== this.broadcastWidth || e.height !== this.broadcastHeight;
- }),
- (e.prototype.broadcastRect = function() {
- var e = this.contentRect_;
- return (this.broadcastWidth = e.width), (this.broadcastHeight = e.height), e;
- }),
- e
- );
- })(),
- E = (function() {
- return function(e, t) {
- var n = (function(e) {
- var t = e.x,
- n = e.y,
- r = e.width,
- i = e.height,
- o = "undefined" !== typeof DOMRectReadOnly ? DOMRectReadOnly : Object,
- a = Object.create(o.prototype);
- return h(a, { x: t, y: n, width: r, height: i, top: n, right: t + r, bottom: i + n, left: t }), a;
- })(t);
- h(this, { target: e, contentRect: n });
- };
- })(),
- _ = (function() {
- function e(e, t, r) {
- if (((this.activeObservations_ = []), (this.observations_ = new n()), "function" !== typeof e))
- throw new TypeError("The callback provided as parameter 1 is not a function.");
- (this.callback_ = e), (this.controller_ = t), (this.callbackCtx_ = r);
- }
- return (
- (e.prototype.observe = function(e) {
- if (!arguments.length) throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
- if ("undefined" !== typeof Element && Element instanceof Object) {
- if (!(e instanceof f(e).Element)) throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element".');
- var t = this.observations_;
- t.has(e) || (t.set(e, new T(e)), this.controller_.addObserver(this), this.controller_.refresh());
- }
- }),
- (e.prototype.unobserve = function(e) {
- if (!arguments.length) throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
- if ("undefined" !== typeof Element && Element instanceof Object) {
- if (!(e instanceof f(e).Element)) throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element".');
- var t = this.observations_;
- t.has(e) && (t.delete(e), t.size || this.controller_.removeObserver(this));
- }
- }),
- (e.prototype.disconnect = function() {
- this.clearActive(), this.observations_.clear(), this.controller_.removeObserver(this);
- }),
- (e.prototype.gatherActive = function() {
- var e = this;
- this.clearActive(),
- this.observations_.forEach(function(t) {
- t.isActive() && e.activeObservations_.push(t);
- });
- }),
- (e.prototype.broadcastActive = function() {
- if (this.hasActive()) {
- var e = this.callbackCtx_,
- t = this.activeObservations_.map(function(e) {
- return new E(e.target, e.broadcastRect());
- });
- this.callback_.call(e, t, e), this.clearActive();
+ var n, v, m;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
+ constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
+ })),
+ t && d(e, t);
+ })(t, i["Component"]),
+ (n = t),
+ (v = [
+ {
+ key: "componentDidMount",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = Object(o.findDOMNode)(this);
+ e && 1 === e.nodeType && (this.instance = this.bindAnimationEvent(e));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentWillUnmount",
+ value: function() {
+ this.instance && this.instance.cancel(),
+ this.clickWaveTimeoutId && clearTimeout(this.clickWaveTimeoutId),
+ (this.destroy = !0);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getAttributeName",
+ value: function() {
+ return this.props.insertExtraNode ? "ant-click-animating" : "ant-click-animating-without-extra-node";
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "resetEffect",
+ value: function(e) {
+ if (e && e !== this.extraNode && e instanceof Element) {
+ var t = this.props.insertExtraNode,
+ n = this.getAttributeName();
+ e.setAttribute(n, "false"),
+ r && (r.innerHTML = ""),
+ t && this.extraNode && e.contains(this.extraNode) && e.removeChild(this.extraNode),
+ a.a.removeStartEventListener(e, this.onTransitionStart),
+ a.a.removeEndEventListener(e, this.onTransitionEnd);
- }),
- (e.prototype.clearActive = function() {
- this.activeObservations_.splice(0);
- }),
- (e.prototype.hasActive = function() {
- return this.activeObservations_.length > 0;
- }),
- e
- );
- })(),
- C = "undefined" !== typeof WeakMap ? new WeakMap() : new n(),
- S = (function() {
- return function e(t) {
- if (!(this instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function.");
- if (!arguments.length) throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
- var n = u.getInstance(),
- r = new _(t, n, this);
- C.set(this, r);
- };
- })();
- ["observe", "unobserve", "disconnect"].forEach(function(e) {
- S.prototype[e] = function() {
- var t;
- return (t = C.get(this))[e].apply(t, arguments);
- };
- });
- var w = "undefined" !== typeof i.ResizeObserver ? i.ResizeObserver : S;
- t.a = w;
- }.call(this, n(59)));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ return i.createElement(s.a, null, this.renderWave);
+ },
+ },
+ ]) && u(n.prototype, v),
+ m && u(n, m),
+ t
+ );
+ })();
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return o;
+ return i;
- var r = n(0),
- i = n.n(r);
- function o(e) {
- var t = [];
- return (
- i.a.Children.forEach(e, function(e) {
- t.push(e);
- }),
- t
+ var r = n(52),
+ i = Object(r.a)(
+ "pink",
+ "red",
+ "yellow",
+ "orange",
+ "cyan",
+ "green",
+ "blue",
+ "purple",
+ "geekblue",
+ "magenta",
+ "volcano",
+ "gold",
+ "lime",
- }
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(497)(n(200));
+ e.exports = r;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(67),
+ i = n(499),
+ o = n(63),
+ a = "[object Object]",
+ c = Function.prototype,
+ s = Object.prototype,
+ l = c.toString,
+ u = s.hasOwnProperty,
+ h = l.call(Object);
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ if (!o(e) || r(e) != a) return !1;
+ var t = i(e);
+ if (null === t) return !0;
+ var n = u.call(t, "constructor") && t.constructor;
+ return "function" == typeof n && n instanceof n && l.call(n) == h;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(243),
+ i = n(518),
+ o = n(87),
+ a = n(33);
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ return (a(e) ? r : i)(e, o(t, 3));
+ };
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return p;
+ });
var r = n(0),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(28),
- a = n(9),
- c = n.n(a),
- s = n(34),
- l = n.n(s),
- u = n(13),
- h = n.n(u),
- f = n(12),
- d = n.n(f),
- p = n(14),
- v = n.n(p),
- m = n(2),
- y = n.n(m),
- g = n(340),
- b = { adjustX: 1, adjustY: 1 },
- T = [0, 0],
- E = {
- left: { points: ["cr", "cl"], overflow: b, offset: [-4, 0], targetOffset: T },
- right: { points: ["cl", "cr"], overflow: b, offset: [4, 0], targetOffset: T },
- top: { points: ["bc", "tc"], overflow: b, offset: [0, -4], targetOffset: T },
- bottom: { points: ["tc", "bc"], overflow: b, offset: [0, 4], targetOffset: T },
- topLeft: { points: ["bl", "tl"], overflow: b, offset: [0, -4], targetOffset: T },
- leftTop: { points: ["tr", "tl"], overflow: b, offset: [-4, 0], targetOffset: T },
- topRight: { points: ["br", "tr"], overflow: b, offset: [0, -4], targetOffset: T },
- rightTop: { points: ["tl", "tr"], overflow: b, offset: [4, 0], targetOffset: T },
- bottomRight: { points: ["tr", "br"], overflow: b, offset: [0, 4], targetOffset: T },
- rightBottom: { points: ["bl", "br"], overflow: b, offset: [4, 0], targetOffset: T },
- bottomLeft: { points: ["tl", "bl"], overflow: b, offset: [0, 4], targetOffset: T },
- leftBottom: { points: ["br", "bl"], overflow: b, offset: [-4, 0], targetOffset: T },
- },
- _ = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- return h()(this, t), d()(this, e.apply(this, arguments));
- }
- return (
- v()(t, e),
- (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function() {
- var e = this.props.trigger;
- e && e.forcePopupAlign();
- }),
- (t.prototype.render = function() {
- var e = this.props,
- t = e.overlay,
- n = e.prefixCls,
- r = e.id;
- return i.a.createElement(
- "div",
- { className: n + "-inner", id: r, role: "tooltip" },
- "function" === typeof t ? t() : t,
- );
- }),
- t
- );
- })(i.a.Component);
- _.propTypes = {
- prefixCls: y.a.string,
- overlay: y.a.oneOfType([y.a.node, y.a.func]).isRequired,
- id: y.a.string,
- trigger: y.a.any,
- };
- var C = _,
- S = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- var n, r, o;
- h()(this, t);
- for (var a = arguments.length, c = Array(a), s = 0; s < a; s++) c[s] = arguments[s];
- return (
- (n = r = d()(this, e.call.apply(e, [this].concat(c)))),
- (r.getPopupElement = function() {
- var e = r.props,
- t = e.arrowContent,
- n = e.overlay,
- o = e.prefixCls,
- a = e.id;
- return [
- i.a.createElement("div", { className: o + "-arrow", key: "arrow" }, t),
- i.a.createElement(C, { key: "content", trigger: r.trigger, prefixCls: o, id: a, overlay: n }),
- ];
- }),
- (r.saveTrigger = function(e) {
- r.trigger = e;
- }),
- (o = n),
- d()(r, o)
- );
- }
+ o = n(14),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(2),
+ s = n.n(c);
+ function l(e) {
+ return (l =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function u(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
+ }
+ }
+ function h(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== l(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
+ ? (function(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ })(e)
+ : t;
+ }
+ function f(e) {
+ return (f = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function d(e, t) {
+ return (d =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ var p = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
+ var e, n;
+ !(function(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ })(this, t);
+ for (var r = arguments.length, i = new Array(r), o = 0; o < r; o++) i[o] = arguments[o];
return (
- v()(t, e),
- (t.prototype.getPopupDomNode = function() {
- return this.trigger.getPopupDomNode();
+ ((n = h(this, (e = f(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(i)))).removeContainer = function() {
+ n.container &&
+ (a.a.unmountComponentAtNode(n.container),
+ n.container.parentNode.removeChild(n.container),
+ (n.container = null));
- (t.prototype.render = function() {
- var e = this.props,
- t = e.overlayClassName,
- n = e.trigger,
- r = e.mouseEnterDelay,
- o = e.mouseLeaveDelay,
- a = e.overlayStyle,
- s = e.prefixCls,
- u = e.children,
- h = e.onVisibleChange,
- f = e.afterVisibleChange,
- d = e.transitionName,
- p = e.animation,
- v = e.placement,
- m = e.align,
- y = e.destroyTooltipOnHide,
- b = e.defaultVisible,
- T = e.getTooltipContainer,
- _ = l()(e, [
- "overlayClassName",
- "trigger",
- "mouseEnterDelay",
- "mouseLeaveDelay",
- "overlayStyle",
- "prefixCls",
- "children",
- "onVisibleChange",
- "afterVisibleChange",
- "transitionName",
- "animation",
- "placement",
- "align",
- "destroyTooltipOnHide",
- "defaultVisible",
- "getTooltipContainer",
- ]),
- C = c()({}, _);
- return (
- "visible" in this.props && (C.popupVisible = this.props.visible),
- i.a.createElement(
- g.a,
- c()(
- {
- popupClassName: t,
- ref: this.saveTrigger,
- prefixCls: s,
- popup: this.getPopupElement,
- action: n,
- builtinPlacements: E,
- popupPlacement: v,
- popupAlign: m,
- getPopupContainer: T,
- onPopupVisibleChange: h,
- afterPopupVisibleChange: f,
- popupTransitionName: d,
- popupAnimation: p,
- defaultPopupVisible: b,
- destroyPopupOnHide: y,
- mouseLeaveDelay: o,
- popupStyle: a,
- mouseEnterDelay: r,
- },
- C,
- ),
- u,
- )
- );
+ (n.renderComponent = function(e, t) {
+ var r = n.props,
+ i = r.visible,
+ o = r.getComponent,
+ c = r.forceRender,
+ s = r.getContainer,
+ l = r.parent;
+ (i || l._component || c) &&
+ (n.container || (n.container = s()),
+ a.a.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(l, o(e), n.container, function() {
+ t && t.call(this);
+ }));
- t
+ n
- })(r.Component);
- (S.propTypes = {
- trigger: y.a.any,
- children: y.a.any,
- defaultVisible: y.a.bool,
- visible: y.a.bool,
- placement: y.a.string,
- transitionName: y.a.oneOfType([y.a.string, y.a.object]),
- animation: y.a.any,
- onVisibleChange: y.a.func,
- afterVisibleChange: y.a.func,
- overlay: y.a.oneOfType([y.a.node, y.a.func]).isRequired,
- overlayStyle: y.a.object,
- overlayClassName: y.a.string,
- prefixCls: y.a.string,
- mouseEnterDelay: y.a.number,
- mouseLeaveDelay: y.a.number,
- getTooltipContainer: y.a.func,
- destroyTooltipOnHide: y.a.bool,
- align: y.a.object,
- arrowContent: y.a.any,
- id: y.a.string,
+ }
+ var n, r, o;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
+ constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
+ })),
+ t && d(e, t);
+ })(t, i.a.Component),
+ (n = t),
+ (r = [
+ {
+ key: "componentDidMount",
+ value: function() {
+ this.props.autoMount && this.renderComponent();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentDidUpdate",
+ value: function() {
+ this.props.autoMount && this.renderComponent();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentWillUnmount",
+ value: function() {
+ this.props.autoDestroy && this.removeContainer();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ return this.props.children({
+ renderComponent: this.renderComponent,
+ removeContainer: this.removeContainer,
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ ]) && u(n.prototype, r),
+ o && u(n, o),
+ t
+ );
+ })();
+ (p.propTypes = {
+ autoMount: s.a.bool,
+ autoDestroy: s.a.bool,
+ visible: s.a.bool,
+ forceRender: s.a.bool,
+ parent: s.a.any,
+ getComponent: s.a.func.isRequired,
+ getContainer: s.a.func.isRequired,
+ children: s.a.func.isRequired,
- (S.defaultProps = {
- prefixCls: "rc-tooltip",
- mouseEnterDelay: 0,
- destroyTooltipOnHide: !1,
- mouseLeaveDelay: 0.1,
- align: {},
- placement: "right",
- trigger: ["hover"],
- arrowContent: null,
- });
- var w = S,
- O = n(5),
- M = n.n(O);
- function k() {
- return (k =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- var x = { adjustX: 1, adjustY: 1 },
- A = { adjustX: 0, adjustY: 0 },
- z = [0, 0];
- function D(e) {
- return "boolean" === typeof e ? (e ? x : A) : k({}, A, e);
- }
- var P = n(15);
- function N(e) {
- return (N =
+ (p.defaultProps = { autoMount: !0, autoDestroy: !0, forceRender: !1 });
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return p;
+ });
+ var r = n(0),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(14),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(2),
+ s = n.n(c);
+ function l(e) {
+ return (l =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
? function(e) {
return typeof e;
@@ -23553,7 +22369,7 @@
: typeof e;
- function L(e, t) {
+ function u(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var r = t[n];
(r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
@@ -23562,156 +22378,38 @@
Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- function H(e) {
- return (H = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ function h(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== l(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
+ ? (function(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ })(e)
+ : t;
+ }
+ function f(e) {
+ return (f = Object.setPrototypeOf
? Object.getPrototypeOf
: function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- function R(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- }
- function V(e, t) {
- return (V =
+ function d(e, t) {
+ return (d =
Object.setPrototypeOf ||
function(e, t) {
return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
})(e, t);
- function I() {
- return (I =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- var F = function(e, t) {
- var n = {},
- r = I({}, e);
- return (
- t.forEach(function(t) {
- e && t in e && ((n[t] = e[t]), delete r[t]);
- }),
- { picked: n, omitted: r }
- );
- };
- var j = (function(e) {
- function t(e) {
- var n, i, o;
+ var p = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
return (
(function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
})(this, t),
- (i = this),
- (o = H(t).call(this, e)),
- ((n = !o || ("object" !== N(o) && "function" !== typeof o) ? R(i) : o).onVisibleChange = function(e) {
- var t = n.props.onVisibleChange;
- "visible" in n.props || n.setState({ visible: !n.isNoTitle() && e }), t && !n.isNoTitle() && t(e);
- }),
- (n.saveTooltip = function(e) {
- n.tooltip = e;
- }),
- (n.onPopupAlign = function(e, t) {
- var r = n.getPlacements(),
- i = Object.keys(r).filter(function(e) {
- return r[e].points[0] === t.points[0] && r[e].points[1] === t.points[1];
- })[0];
- if (i) {
- var o = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
- a = { top: "50%", left: "50%" };
- i.indexOf("top") >= 0 || i.indexOf("Bottom") >= 0
- ? (a.top = "".concat(o.height - t.offset[1], "px"))
- : (i.indexOf("Top") >= 0 || i.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) && (a.top = "".concat(-t.offset[1], "px")),
- i.indexOf("left") >= 0 || i.indexOf("Right") >= 0
- ? (a.left = "".concat(o.width - t.offset[0], "px"))
- : (i.indexOf("right") >= 0 || i.indexOf("Left") >= 0) && (a.left = "".concat(-t.offset[0], "px")),
- (e.style.transformOrigin = "".concat(a.left, " ").concat(a.top));
- }
- }),
- (n.renderTooltip = function(e) {
- var t = e.getPopupContainer,
- i = e.getPrefixCls,
- o = R(n),
- a = o.props,
- c = o.state,
- s = a.prefixCls,
- l = a.title,
- u = a.overlay,
- h = a.openClassName,
- f = a.getPopupContainer,
- d = a.getTooltipContainer,
- p = a.children,
- v = i("tooltip", s),
- m = c.visible;
- "visible" in a || !n.isNoTitle() || (m = !1);
- var y,
- g,
- b,
- T = (function(e) {
- var t = e.type;
- if (
- (t.__ANT_BUTTON || t.__ANT_SWITCH || t.__ANT_CHECKBOX || "button" === e.type) &&
- e.props.disabled
- ) {
- var n = F(e.props.style, [
- "position",
- "left",
- "right",
- "top",
- "bottom",
- "float",
- "display",
- "zIndex",
- ]),
- i = n.picked,
- o = n.omitted,
- a = I({ display: "inline-block" }, i, {
- cursor: "not-allowed",
- width: e.props.block ? "100%" : null,
- }),
- c = I({}, o, { pointerEvents: "none" }),
- s = r.cloneElement(e, { style: c, className: null });
- return r.createElement("span", { style: a, className: e.props.className }, s);
- }
- return e;
- })(r.isValidElement(p) ? p : r.createElement("span", null, p)),
- E = T.props,
- _ = M()(
- E.className,
- ((y = {}),
- (g = h || "".concat(v, "-open")),
- (b = !0),
- g in y
- ? Object.defineProperty(y, g, { value: b, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
- : (y[g] = b),
- y),
- );
- return r.createElement(
- w,
- I({}, n.props, {
- prefixCls: v,
- getTooltipContainer: f || d || t,
- ref: n.saveTooltip,
- builtinPlacements: n.getPlacements(),
- overlay: u || l || "",
- visible: m,
- onVisibleChange: n.onVisibleChange,
- onPopupAlign: n.onPopupAlign,
- }),
- m ? r.cloneElement(T, { className: _ }) : T,
- );
- }),
- (n.state = { visible: !!e.visible || !!e.defaultVisible }),
- n
+ h(this, f(t).apply(this, arguments))
- var n, i, o;
+ var n, r, o;
return (
(function(e, t) {
if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
@@ -23719,814 +22417,498 @@
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- t && V(e, t);
- })(t, r["Component"]),
+ t && d(e, t);
+ })(t, i.a.Component),
(n = t),
- (o = [
+ (r = [
- key: "getDerivedStateFromProps",
+ key: "componentDidMount",
+ value: function() {
+ this.createContainer();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function(e) {
- return "visible" in e ? { visible: e.visible } : null;
+ var t = this.props.didUpdate;
+ t && t(e);
- ]),
- (i = [
- key: "getPopupDomNode",
+ key: "componentWillUnmount",
value: function() {
- return this.tooltip.getPopupDomNode();
+ this.removeContainer();
- key: "getPlacements",
+ key: "createContainer",
value: function() {
- var e = this.props,
- t = e.builtinPlacements,
- n = e.arrowPointAtCenter,
- r = e.autoAdjustOverflow;
+ (this._container = this.props.getContainer()), this.forceUpdate();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "removeContainer",
+ value: function() {
+ this._container && this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ return this._container ? a.a.createPortal(this.props.children, this._container) : null;
+ },
+ },
+ ]) && u(n.prototype, r),
+ o && u(n, o),
+ t
+ );
+ })();
+ p.propTypes = { getContainer: s.a.func.isRequired, children: s.a.node.isRequired, didUpdate: s.a.func };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(106),
+ i = n.n(r)()({});
+ t.a = i;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(89),
+ i = n(530),
+ o = n(192),
+ a = "Expected a function",
+ c = Math.max,
+ s = Math.min;
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ var l,
+ u,
+ h,
+ f,
+ d,
+ p,
+ v = 0,
+ m = !1,
+ y = !1,
+ g = !0;
+ if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError(a);
+ function b(t) {
+ var n = l,
+ r = u;
+ return (l = u = void 0), (v = t), (f = e.apply(r, n));
+ }
+ function T(e) {
+ var n = e - p;
+ return void 0 === p || n >= t || n < 0 || (y && e - v >= h);
+ }
+ function E() {
+ var e = i();
+ if (T(e)) return _(e);
+ d = setTimeout(
+ E,
+ (function(e) {
+ var n = t - (e - p);
+ return y ? s(n, h - (e - v)) : n;
+ })(e),
+ );
+ }
+ function _(e) {
+ return (d = void 0), g && l ? b(e) : ((l = u = void 0), f);
+ }
+ function C() {
+ var e = i(),
+ n = T(e);
+ if (((l = arguments), (u = this), (p = e), n)) {
+ if (void 0 === d)
+ return (function(e) {
+ return (v = e), (d = setTimeout(E, t)), m ? b(e) : f;
+ })(p);
+ if (y) return clearTimeout(d), (d = setTimeout(E, t)), b(p);
+ }
+ return void 0 === d && (d = setTimeout(E, t)), f;
+ }
+ return (
+ (t = o(t) || 0),
+ r(n) &&
+ ((m = !!n.leading),
+ (h = (y = "maxWait" in n) ? c(o(n.maxWait) || 0, t) : h),
+ (g = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : g)),
+ (C.cancel = function() {
+ void 0 !== d && clearTimeout(d), (v = 0), (l = p = u = d = void 0);
+ }),
+ (C.flush = function() {
+ return void 0 === d ? f : _(i());
+ }),
+ C
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ (function(e) {
+ var n = (function() {
+ if ("undefined" !== typeof Map) return Map;
+ function e(e, t) {
+ var n = -1;
+ return (
+ e.some(function(e, r) {
+ return e[0] === t && ((n = r), !0);
+ }),
+ n
+ );
+ }
+ return (function() {
+ function t() {
+ this.__entries__ = [];
+ }
+ return (
+ Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "size", {
+ get: function() {
+ return this.__entries__.length;
+ },
+ enumerable: !0,
+ configurable: !0,
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.get = function(t) {
+ var n = e(this.__entries__, t),
+ r = this.__entries__[n];
+ return r && r[1];
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.set = function(t, n) {
+ var r = e(this.__entries__, t);
+ ~r ? (this.__entries__[r][1] = n) : this.__entries__.push([t, n]);
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.delete = function(t) {
+ var n = this.__entries__,
+ r = e(n, t);
+ ~r && n.splice(r, 1);
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.has = function(t) {
+ return !!~e(this.__entries__, t);
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.clear = function() {
+ this.__entries__.splice(0);
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.forEach = function(e, t) {
+ void 0 === t && (t = null);
+ for (var n = 0, r = this.__entries__; n < r.length; n++) {
+ var i = r[n];
+ e.call(t, i[1], i[0]);
+ }
+ }),
+ t
+ );
+ })();
+ })(),
+ r = "undefined" !== typeof window && "undefined" !== typeof document && window.document === document,
+ i =
+ "undefined" !== typeof e && e.Math === Math
+ ? e
+ : "undefined" !== typeof self && self.Math === Math
+ ? self
+ : "undefined" !== typeof window && window.Math === Math
+ ? window
+ : Function("return this")(),
+ o =
+ "function" === typeof requestAnimationFrame
+ ? requestAnimationFrame.bind(i)
+ : function(e) {
+ return setTimeout(function() {
+ return e(Date.now());
+ }, 1e3 / 60);
+ },
+ a = 2;
+ var c = 20,
+ s = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left", "width", "height", "size", "weight"],
+ l = "undefined" !== typeof MutationObserver,
+ u = (function() {
+ function e() {
+ (this.connected_ = !1),
+ (this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !1),
+ (this.mutationsObserver_ = null),
+ (this.observers_ = []),
+ (this.onTransitionEnd_ = this.onTransitionEnd_.bind(this)),
+ (this.refresh = (function(e, t) {
+ var n = !1,
+ r = !1,
+ i = 0;
+ function c() {
+ n && ((n = !1), e()), r && l();
+ }
+ function s() {
+ o(c);
+ }
+ function l() {
+ var e = Date.now();
+ if (n) {
+ if (e - i < a) return;
+ r = !0;
+ } else (n = !0), (r = !1), setTimeout(s, t);
+ i = e;
+ }
+ return l;
+ })(this.refresh.bind(this), c));
+ }
+ return (
+ (e.prototype.addObserver = function(e) {
+ ~this.observers_.indexOf(e) || this.observers_.push(e), this.connected_ || this.connect_();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.removeObserver = function(e) {
+ var t = this.observers_,
+ n = t.indexOf(e);
+ ~n && t.splice(n, 1), !t.length && this.connected_ && this.disconnect_();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ this.updateObservers_() && this.refresh();
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.updateObservers_ = function() {
+ var e = this.observers_.filter(function(e) {
+ return e.gatherActive(), e.hasActive();
+ });
return (
- t ||
- (function() {
- var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
- t = e.arrowWidth,
- n = void 0 === t ? 5 : t,
- r = e.horizontalArrowShift,
- i = void 0 === r ? 16 : r,
- o = e.verticalArrowShift,
- a = void 0 === o ? 12 : o,
- c = e.autoAdjustOverflow,
- s = void 0 === c || c,
- l = {
- left: { points: ["cr", "cl"], offset: [-4, 0] },
- right: { points: ["cl", "cr"], offset: [4, 0] },
- top: { points: ["bc", "tc"], offset: [0, -4] },
- bottom: { points: ["tc", "bc"], offset: [0, 4] },
- topLeft: { points: ["bl", "tc"], offset: [-(i + n), -4] },
- leftTop: { points: ["tr", "cl"], offset: [-4, -(a + n)] },
- topRight: { points: ["br", "tc"], offset: [i + n, -4] },
- rightTop: { points: ["tl", "cr"], offset: [4, -(a + n)] },
- bottomRight: { points: ["tr", "bc"], offset: [i + n, 4] },
- rightBottom: { points: ["bl", "cr"], offset: [4, a + n] },
- bottomLeft: { points: ["tl", "bc"], offset: [-(i + n), 4] },
- leftBottom: { points: ["br", "cl"], offset: [-4, a + n] },
- };
- return (
- Object.keys(l).forEach(function(t) {
- (l[t] = e.arrowPointAtCenter
- ? k({}, l[t], { overflow: D(s), targetOffset: z })
- : k({}, E[t], { overflow: D(s) })),
- (l[t].ignoreShake = !0);
- }),
- l
- );
- })({ arrowPointAtCenter: n, verticalArrowShift: 8, autoAdjustOverflow: r })
+ e.forEach(function(e) {
+ return e.broadcastActive();
+ }),
+ e.length > 0
- },
- },
- {
- key: "isNoTitle",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props,
- t = e.title,
- n = e.overlay;
- return !t && !n;
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return r.createElement(P.a, null, this.renderTooltip);
- },
- },
- ]) && L(n.prototype, i),
- o && L(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- (j.defaultProps = {
- placement: "top",
- transitionName: "zoom-big-fast",
- mouseEnterDelay: 0.1,
- mouseLeaveDelay: 0.1,
- arrowPointAtCenter: !1,
- autoAdjustOverflow: !0,
- }),
- Object(o.a)(j);
- t.a = j;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(0),
- i = n(2),
- o = n(5),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(28),
- s = n(37),
- l = n(35),
- u = n(15),
- h = n(148),
- f = n(52);
- function d() {
- return (d =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.connect_ = function() {
+ r &&
+ !this.connected_ &&
+ (document.addEventListener("transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd_),
+ window.addEventListener("resize", this.refresh),
+ l
+ ? ((this.mutationsObserver_ = new MutationObserver(this.refresh)),
+ this.mutationsObserver_.observe(document, {
+ attributes: !0,
+ childList: !0,
+ characterData: !0,
+ subtree: !0,
+ }))
+ : (document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this.refresh), (this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !0)),
+ (this.connected_ = !0));
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.disconnect_ = function() {
+ r &&
+ this.connected_ &&
+ (document.removeEventListener("transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd_),
+ window.removeEventListener("resize", this.refresh),
+ this.mutationsObserver_ && this.mutationsObserver_.disconnect(),
+ this.mutationEventsAdded_ && document.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this.refresh),
+ (this.mutationsObserver_ = null),
+ (this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !1),
+ (this.connected_ = !1));
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.onTransitionEnd_ = function(e) {
+ var t = e.propertyName,
+ n = void 0 === t ? "" : t;
+ s.some(function(e) {
+ return !!~n.indexOf(e);
+ }) && this.refresh();
+ }),
+ (e.getInstance = function() {
+ return this.instance_ || (this.instance_ = new e()), this.instance_;
+ }),
+ (e.instance_ = null),
+ e
+ );
+ })(),
+ h = function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0, r = Object.keys(t); n < r.length; n++) {
+ var i = r[n];
+ Object.defineProperty(e, i, { value: t[i], enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0 });
return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- function p(e, t, n) {
- return (
- t in e
- ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
- : (e[t] = n),
- e
- );
- }
- function v(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
+ },
+ f = function(e) {
+ return (e && e.ownerDocument && e.ownerDocument.defaultView) || i;
+ },
+ d = b(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ function p(e) {
+ return parseFloat(e) || 0;
- }
- function m(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== b(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
- ? (function(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- })(e)
- : t;
- }
- function y(e) {
- return (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function g(e, t) {
- return (g =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- function b(e) {
- return (b =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
+ function v(e) {
+ for (var t = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n];
+ return t.reduce(function(t, n) {
+ return t + p(e["border-" + n + "-width"]);
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ function m(e) {
+ var t = e.clientWidth,
+ n = e.clientHeight;
+ if (!t && !n) return d;
+ var r = f(e).getComputedStyle(e),
+ i = (function(e) {
+ for (var t = {}, n = 0, r = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"]; n < r.length; n++) {
+ var i = r[n],
+ o = e["padding-" + i];
+ t[i] = p(o);
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- var T = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
- if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = 0;
- for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
- t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
+ return t;
+ })(r),
+ o = i.left + i.right,
+ a = i.top + i.bottom,
+ c = p(r.width),
+ s = p(r.height);
+ if (
+ ("border-box" === r.boxSizing &&
+ (Math.round(c + o) !== t && (c -= v(r, "left", "right") + o),
+ Math.round(s + a) !== n && (s -= v(r, "top", "bottom") + a)),
+ !(function(e) {
+ return e === f(e).document.documentElement;
+ })(e))
+ ) {
+ var l = Math.round(c + o) - t,
+ u = Math.round(s + a) - n;
+ 1 !== Math.abs(l) && (c -= l), 1 !== Math.abs(u) && (s -= u);
- return n;
- },
- E = /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]{2}$/,
- _ = E.test.bind(E);
- function C(e, t) {
- var n = !1,
- i = [];
- return (
- r.Children.forEach(e, function(e) {
- var t = b(e),
- r = "string" === t || "number" === t;
- if (n && r) {
- var o = i.length - 1,
- a = i[o];
- i[o] = "".concat(a).concat(e);
- } else i.push(e);
- n = r;
- }),
- r.Children.map(i, function(e) {
- return (function(e, t) {
- if (null != e) {
- var n = t ? " " : "";
- return "string" !== typeof e &&
- "number" !== typeof e &&
- "string" === typeof e.type &&
- _(e.props.children)
- ? r.cloneElement(e, {}, e.props.children.split("").join(n))
- : "string" === typeof e
- ? (_(e) && (e = e.split("").join(n)), r.createElement("span", null, e))
- : e;
+ return b(i.left, i.top, c, s);
+ }
+ var y =
+ "undefined" !== typeof SVGGraphicsElement
+ ? function(e) {
+ return e instanceof f(e).SVGGraphicsElement;
- })(e, t);
- })
- );
- }
- Object(f.a)("default", "primary", "ghost", "dashed", "danger", "link");
- var S = Object(f.a)("circle", "circle-outline", "round"),
- w = Object(f.a)("large", "default", "small"),
- O = Object(f.a)("submit", "button", "reset"),
- M = (function(e) {
- function t(e) {
- var n;
+ : function(e) {
+ return e instanceof f(e).SVGElement && "function" === typeof e.getBBox;
+ };
+ function g(e) {
+ return r
+ ? y(e)
+ ? (function(e) {
+ var t = e.getBBox();
+ return b(0, 0, t.width, t.height);
+ })(e)
+ : m(e)
+ : d;
+ }
+ function b(e, t, n, r) {
+ return { x: e, y: t, width: n, height: r };
+ }
+ var T = (function() {
+ function e(e) {
+ (this.broadcastWidth = 0),
+ (this.broadcastHeight = 0),
+ (this.contentRect_ = b(0, 0, 0, 0)),
+ (this.target = e);
+ }
return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t),
- ((n = m(this, y(t).call(this, e))).saveButtonRef = function(e) {
- n.buttonNode = e;
- }),
- (n.handleClick = function(e) {
- var t = n.state.loading,
- r = n.props.onClick;
- t || (r && r(e));
+ (e.prototype.isActive = function() {
+ var e = g(this.target);
+ return (this.contentRect_ = e), e.width !== this.broadcastWidth || e.height !== this.broadcastHeight;
- (n.renderButton = function(e) {
- var t,
- i = e.getPrefixCls,
- o = e.autoInsertSpaceInButton,
- c = n.props,
- u = c.prefixCls,
- f = c.type,
- v = c.shape,
- m = c.size,
- y = c.className,
- g = c.children,
- b = c.icon,
- E = c.ghost,
- _ = c.block,
- S = T(c, ["prefixCls", "type", "shape", "size", "className", "children", "icon", "ghost", "block"]),
- w = n.state,
- O = w.loading,
- M = w.hasTwoCNChar,
- k = i("btn", u),
- x = !1 !== o,
- A = "";
- switch (m) {
- case "large":
- A = "lg";
- break;
- case "small":
- A = "sm";
- }
- var z = a()(
- k,
- y,
- (p((t = {}), "".concat(k, "-").concat(f), f),
- p(t, "".concat(k, "-").concat(v), v),
- p(t, "".concat(k, "-").concat(A), A),
- p(t, "".concat(k, "-icon-only"), !g && 0 !== g && b),
- p(t, "".concat(k, "-loading"), O),
- p(t, "".concat(k, "-background-ghost"), E),
- p(t, "".concat(k, "-two-chinese-chars"), M && x),
- p(t, "".concat(k, "-block"), _),
- t),
- ),
- D = O ? "loading" : b,
- P = D ? r.createElement(l.a, { type: D }) : null,
- N = g || 0 === g ? C(g, n.isNeedInserted() && x) : null,
- L = Object(s.a)(S, ["htmlType", "loading"]);
- if (void 0 !== L.href)
- return r.createElement(
- "a",
- d({}, L, { className: z, onClick: n.handleClick, ref: n.saveButtonRef }),
- P,
- N,
- );
- var H = S,
- R = H.htmlType,
- V = T(H, ["htmlType"]),
- I = r.createElement(
- "button",
- d({}, Object(s.a)(V, ["loading"]), {
- type: R,
- className: z,
- onClick: n.handleClick,
- ref: n.saveButtonRef,
- }),
- P,
- N,
- );
- return "link" === f ? I : r.createElement(h.a, null, I);
+ (e.prototype.broadcastRect = function() {
+ var e = this.contentRect_;
+ return (this.broadcastWidth = e.width), (this.broadcastHeight = e.height), e;
- (n.state = { loading: e.loading, hasTwoCNChar: !1 }),
- n
+ e
- }
- var n, i, o;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && g(e, t);
- })(t, r["Component"]),
- (n = t),
- (o = [
- {
- key: "getDerivedStateFromProps",
- value: function(e, t) {
- return e.loading instanceof Boolean ? d({}, t, { loading: e.loading }) : null;
- },
- },
- ]),
- (i = [
- {
- key: "componentDidMount",
- value: function() {
- this.fixTwoCNChar();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentDidUpdate",
- value: function(e) {
- var t = this;
- this.fixTwoCNChar(), e.loading && "boolean" !== typeof e.loading && clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout);
- var n = this.props.loading;
- n && "boolean" !== typeof n && n.delay
- ? (this.delayTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
- return t.setState({ loading: n });
- }, n.delay))
- : e.loading !== this.props.loading && this.setState({ loading: n });
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentWillUnmount",
- value: function() {
- this.delayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "fixTwoCNChar",
- value: function() {
- if (this.buttonNode) {
- var e = this.buttonNode.textContent || this.buttonNode.innerText;
- this.isNeedInserted() && _(e)
- ? this.state.hasTwoCNChar || this.setState({ hasTwoCNChar: !0 })
- : this.state.hasTwoCNChar && this.setState({ hasTwoCNChar: !1 });
- }
- },
- },
- {
- key: "isNeedInserted",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props,
- t = e.icon,
- n = e.children;
- return 1 === r.Children.count(n) && !t;
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return r.createElement(u.a, null, this.renderButton);
- },
- },
- ]) && v(n.prototype, i),
- o && v(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- (M.__ANT_BUTTON = !0),
- (M.defaultProps = { loading: !1, ghost: !1, block: !1, htmlType: "button" }),
- (M.propTypes = {
- type: i.string,
- shape: i.oneOf(S),
- size: i.oneOf(w),
- htmlType: i.oneOf(O),
- onClick: i.func,
- loading: i.oneOfType([i.bool, i.object]),
- className: i.string,
- icon: i.string,
- block: i.bool,
- title: i.string,
- }),
- Object(c.a)(M);
- var k = M;
- function x() {
- return (x =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- var A = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
- if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = 0;
- for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
- t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- return n;
- },
- z = function(e) {
- return r.createElement(u.a, null, function(t) {
- var n = t.getPrefixCls,
- i = e.prefixCls,
- o = e.size,
- c = e.className,
- s = A(e, ["prefixCls", "size", "className"]),
- l = n("btn-group", i),
- u = "";
- switch (o) {
- case "large":
- u = "lg";
- break;
- case "small":
- u = "sm";
+ })(),
+ E = (function() {
+ return function(e, t) {
+ var n = (function(e) {
+ var t = e.x,
+ n = e.y,
+ r = e.width,
+ i = e.height,
+ o = "undefined" !== typeof DOMRectReadOnly ? DOMRectReadOnly : Object,
+ a = Object.create(o.prototype);
+ return h(a, { x: t, y: n, width: r, height: i, top: n, right: t + r, bottom: i + n, left: t }), a;
+ })(t);
+ h(this, { target: e, contentRect: n });
+ };
+ })(),
+ _ = (function() {
+ function e(e, t, r) {
+ if (((this.activeObservations_ = []), (this.observations_ = new n()), "function" !== typeof e))
+ throw new TypeError("The callback provided as parameter 1 is not a function.");
+ (this.callback_ = e), (this.controller_ = t), (this.callbackCtx_ = r);
- var h,
- f,
- d,
- p = a()(
- l,
- ((h = {}),
- (f = "".concat(l, "-").concat(u)),
- (d = u),
- f in h
- ? Object.defineProperty(h, f, { value: d, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
- : (h[f] = d),
- h),
- c,
- );
- return r.createElement("div", x({}, s, { className: p }));
- });
- };
- k.Group = z;
- t.a = k;
+ return (
+ (e.prototype.observe = function(e) {
+ if (!arguments.length) throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
+ if ("undefined" !== typeof Element && Element instanceof Object) {
+ if (!(e instanceof f(e).Element)) throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element".');
+ var t = this.observations_;
+ t.has(e) || (t.set(e, new T(e)), this.controller_.addObserver(this), this.controller_.refresh());
+ }
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.unobserve = function(e) {
+ if (!arguments.length) throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
+ if ("undefined" !== typeof Element && Element instanceof Object) {
+ if (!(e instanceof f(e).Element)) throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element".');
+ var t = this.observations_;
+ t.has(e) && (t.delete(e), t.size || this.controller_.removeObserver(this));
+ }
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.disconnect = function() {
+ this.clearActive(), this.observations_.clear(), this.controller_.removeObserver(this);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.gatherActive = function() {
+ var e = this;
+ this.clearActive(),
+ this.observations_.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.isActive() && e.activeObservations_.push(t);
+ });
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.broadcastActive = function() {
+ if (this.hasActive()) {
+ var e = this.callbackCtx_,
+ t = this.activeObservations_.map(function(e) {
+ return new E(e.target, e.broadcastRect());
+ });
+ this.callback_.call(e, t, e), this.clearActive();
+ }
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.clearActive = function() {
+ this.activeObservations_.splice(0);
+ }),
+ (e.prototype.hasActive = function() {
+ return this.activeObservations_.length > 0;
+ }),
+ e
+ );
+ })(),
+ C = "undefined" !== typeof WeakMap ? new WeakMap() : new n(),
+ S = (function() {
+ return function e(t) {
+ if (!(this instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function.");
+ if (!arguments.length) throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present.");
+ var n = u.getInstance(),
+ r = new _(t, n, this);
+ C.set(this, r);
+ };
+ })();
+ ["observe", "unobserve", "disconnect"].forEach(function(e) {
+ S.prototype[e] = function() {
+ var t;
+ return (t = C.get(this))[e].apply(t, arguments);
+ };
+ });
+ var w = "undefined" !== typeof i.ResizeObserver ? i.ResizeObserver : S;
+ t.a = w;
+ }.call(this, n(59)));
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(6),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(20),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(21),
- s = n.n(c),
- l = n(22),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(19),
- f = n.n(h),
- d = n(23),
- p = n.n(d),
- v = n(3),
- m = n.n(v),
- y = n(4),
- g = n.n(y),
- b = n(106),
- T = n.n(b),
- E = n(10),
- _ = n.n(E),
- C = n(5),
- S = n.n(C),
- w = (n(2), n(0)),
- O = n.n(w),
- M = n(38),
- k = n(150),
- x = n(151),
- A = n(8),
- z = n(154),
- D = n(147),
- P = n(598);
- function N(e) {
- var t = e.children,
- n = e.className,
- r = e.content,
- o = S()("detail", n),
- a = Object(k.a)(N, e),
- c = Object(x.a)(N, e);
- return O.a.createElement(c, i()({}, a, { className: o }), A.a.isNil(t) ? r : t);
- }
- (N.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "content"]),
- (N.propTypes = {}),
- (N.create = Object(z.e)(N, function(e) {
- return { content: e };
- }));
- var L = N;
- function H(e) {
- var t = e.children,
- n = e.circular,
- r = e.className,
- o = e.color,
- a = e.content,
- c = e.size,
- s = e.tag,
- l = S()("ui", o, c, Object(M.a)(n, "circular"), Object(M.a)(s, "tag"), "labels", r),
- u = Object(k.a)(H, e),
- h = Object(x.a)(H, e);
- return O.a.createElement(h, i()({}, u, { className: l }), A.a.isNil(t) ? a : t);
- }
- (H.handledProps = ["as", "children", "circular", "className", "color", "content", "size", "tag"]),
- (H.propTypes = {});
- var R = H;
n.d(t, "a", function() {
- return V;
+ return o;
- var V = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- var e, n;
- a()(this, t);
- for (var r = arguments.length, i = new Array(r), o = 0; o < r; o++) i[o] = arguments[o];
- return (
- (n = u()(this, (e = f()(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(i)))),
- g()(m()(m()(n)), "handleClick", function(e) {
- var t = n.props.onClick;
- t && t(e, n.props);
- }),
- g()(m()(m()(n)), "handleIconOverrides", function(e) {
- return {
- onClick: function(t) {
- _()(e, "onClick", t), _()(n.props, "onRemove", t, n.props);
- },
- };
- }),
- n
- );
- }
+ var r = n(0),
+ i = n.n(r);
+ function o(e) {
+ var t = [];
return (
- p()(t, e),
- s()(t, [
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props,
- n = e.active,
- r = e.attached,
- o = e.basic,
- a = e.children,
- c = e.circular,
- s = e.className,
- l = e.color,
- u = e.content,
- h = e.corner,
- f = e.detail,
- d = e.empty,
- p = e.floating,
- v = e.horizontal,
- m = e.icon,
- y = e.image,
- g = e.onRemove,
- b = e.pointing,
- E = e.removeIcon,
- _ = e.ribbon,
- C = e.size,
- w = e.tag,
- z =
- (!0 === b ? "pointing" : ("left" === b || "right" === b) && "".concat(b, " pointing")) ||
- (("above" === b || "below" === b) && "pointing ".concat(b)),
- N = S()(
- "ui",
- l,
- z,
- C,
- Object(M.a)(n, "active"),
- Object(M.a)(o, "basic"),
- Object(M.a)(c, "circular"),
- Object(M.a)(d, "empty"),
- Object(M.a)(p, "floating"),
- Object(M.a)(v, "horizontal"),
- Object(M.a)(!0 === y, "image"),
- Object(M.a)(w, "tag"),
- Object(M.b)(h, "corner"),
- Object(M.b)(_, "ribbon"),
- Object(M.d)(r, "attached"),
- "label",
- s,
- ),
- H = Object(k.a)(t, this.props),
- R = Object(x.a)(t, this.props);
- if (!A.a.isNil(a))
- return O.a.createElement(R, i()({}, H, { className: N, onClick: this.handleClick }), a);
- var V = T()(E) ? "delete" : E;
- return O.a.createElement(
- R,
- i()({ className: N, onClick: this.handleClick }, H),
- D.a.create(m, { autoGenerateKey: !1 }),
- "boolean" !== typeof y && P.a.create(y, { autoGenerateKey: !1 }),
- u,
- L.create(f, { autoGenerateKey: !1 }),
- g && D.a.create(V, { autoGenerateKey: !1, overrideProps: this.handleIconOverrides }),
- );
- },
- },
- ]),
+ i.a.Children.forEach(e, function(e) {
+ t.push(e);
+ }),
- })(w.Component);
- g()(V, "Detail", L),
- g()(V, "Group", R),
- g()(V, "handledProps", [
- "active",
- "as",
- "attached",
- "basic",
- "children",
- "circular",
- "className",
- "color",
- "content",
- "corner",
- "detail",
- "empty",
- "floating",
- "horizontal",
- "icon",
- "image",
- "onClick",
- "onRemove",
- "pointing",
- "removeIcon",
- "ribbon",
- "size",
- "tag",
- ]),
- (V.propTypes = {}),
- (V.create = Object(z.e)(V, function(e) {
- return { content: e };
- }));
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(34),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(9),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(13),
- s = n.n(c),
- l = n(12),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(14),
- f = n.n(h),
- d = n(0),
- p = n.n(d),
- v = n(2),
- m = n.n(v),
- y = n(5),
- g = n.n(y),
- b = n(28),
- T = (function(e) {
- function t(n) {
- s()(this, t);
- var r = u()(this, e.call(this, n));
- (r.handleChange = function(e) {
- var t = r.props,
- n = t.disabled,
- i = t.onChange;
- n ||
- ("checked" in r.props || r.setState({ checked: e.target.checked }),
- i &&
- i({
- target: a()({}, r.props, { checked: e.target.checked }),
- stopPropagation: function() {
- e.stopPropagation();
- },
- preventDefault: function() {
- e.preventDefault();
- },
- nativeEvent: e.nativeEvent,
- }));
- }),
- (r.saveInput = function(e) {
- r.input = e;
- });
- var i = "checked" in n ? n.checked : n.defaultChecked;
- return (r.state = { checked: i }), r;
- }
- return (
- f()(t, e),
- (t.getDerivedStateFromProps = function(e, t) {
- return "checked" in e ? a()({}, t, { checked: e.checked }) : null;
- }),
- (t.prototype.focus = function() {
- this.input.focus();
- }),
- (t.prototype.blur = function() {
- this.input.blur();
- }),
- (t.prototype.render = function() {
- var e,
- t = this.props,
- n = t.prefixCls,
- r = t.className,
- o = t.style,
- c = t.name,
- s = t.id,
- l = t.type,
- u = t.disabled,
- h = t.readOnly,
- f = t.tabIndex,
- d = t.onClick,
- v = t.onFocus,
- m = t.onBlur,
- y = t.autoFocus,
- b = t.value,
- T = i()(t, [
- "prefixCls",
- "className",
- "style",
- "name",
- "id",
- "type",
- "disabled",
- "readOnly",
- "tabIndex",
- "onClick",
- "onFocus",
- "onBlur",
- "autoFocus",
- "value",
- ]),
- E = Object.keys(T).reduce(function(e, t) {
- return ("aria-" !== t.substr(0, 5) && "data-" !== t.substr(0, 5) && "role" !== t) || (e[t] = T[t]), e;
- }, {}),
- _ = this.state.checked,
- C = g()(n, r, (((e = {})[n + "-checked"] = _), (e[n + "-disabled"] = u), e));
- return p.a.createElement(
- "span",
- { className: C, style: o },
- p.a.createElement(
- "input",
- a()(
- {
- name: c,
- id: s,
- type: l,
- readOnly: h,
- disabled: u,
- tabIndex: f,
- className: n + "-input",
- checked: !!_,
- onClick: d,
- onFocus: v,
- onBlur: m,
- onChange: this.handleChange,
- autoFocus: y,
- ref: this.saveInput,
- value: b,
- },
- E,
- ),
- ),
- p.a.createElement("span", { className: n + "-inner" }),
- );
- }),
- t
- );
- })(d.Component);
- (T.propTypes = {
- prefixCls: m.a.string,
- className: m.a.string,
- style: m.a.object,
- name: m.a.string,
- id: m.a.string,
- type: m.a.string,
- defaultChecked: m.a.oneOfType([m.a.number, m.a.bool]),
- checked: m.a.oneOfType([m.a.number, m.a.bool]),
- disabled: m.a.bool,
- onFocus: m.a.func,
- onBlur: m.a.func,
- onChange: m.a.func,
- onClick: m.a.func,
- tabIndex: m.a.oneOfType([m.a.string, m.a.number]),
- readOnly: m.a.bool,
- autoFocus: m.a.bool,
- value: m.a.any,
- }),
- (T.defaultProps = {
- prefixCls: "rc-checkbox",
- className: "",
- style: {},
- type: "checkbox",
- defaultChecked: !1,
- onFocus: function() {},
- onBlur: function() {},
- onChange: function() {},
- }),
- Object(b.a)(T);
- var E = T;
- t.a = E;
+ }
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.__esModule = !0;
- var r = o(n(565)),
- i = o(n(568));
+ var r = o(n(564)),
+ i = o(n(567));
function o(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
@@ -24914,8 +23296,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = n(71),
a = n(60),
c = n(72),
@@ -24970,7 +23352,7 @@
e.exports = l;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(390);
+ var r = n(389);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
if ((r(e), void 0 === t)) return e;
switch (n) {
@@ -24993,7 +23375,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(97);
+ var r = n(98);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
if (!r(e)) return e;
var n, i;
@@ -25023,21 +23405,21 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(184)("keys"),
- i = n(128);
+ var r = n(172)("keys"),
+ i = n(129);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r[e] || (r[e] = i(e));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(54),
+ var r = n(48),
i = n(74),
o = i["__core-js_shared__"] || (i["__core-js_shared__"] = {});
(e.exports = function(e, t) {
return o[e] || (o[e] = void 0 !== t ? t : {});
})("versions", []).push({
version: r.version,
- mode: n(127) ? "pure" : "global",
+ mode: n(128) ? "pure" : "global",
copyright: "\xa9 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)",
@@ -25050,18 +23432,18 @@
t.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(96),
- i = n(400),
- o = n(185),
- a = n(183)("IE_PROTO"),
+ var r = n(97),
+ i = n(399),
+ o = n(173),
+ a = n(171)("IE_PROTO"),
c = function() {},
s = function() {
var e,
- t = n(236)("iframe"),
+ t = n(226)("iframe"),
r = o.length;
for (
t.style.display = "none",
- n(401).appendChild(t),
+ n(400).appendChild(t),
t.src = "javascript:",
(e = t.contentWindow.document).open(),
@@ -25085,7 +23467,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(75).f,
- i = n(84),
+ i = n(85),
o = n(61)("toStringTag");
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
e && !i((e = n ? e : e.prototype), o) && r(e, o, { configurable: !0, value: t });
@@ -25096,9 +23478,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(74),
- i = n(54),
- o = n(127),
- a = n(189),
+ i = n(48),
+ o = n(128),
+ a = n(177),
c = n(75).f;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = i.Symbol || (i.Symbol = o ? {} : r.Symbol || {});
@@ -25106,12 +23488,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(129),
- i = n(111),
- o = n(85),
- a = n(179),
- c = n(84),
- s = n(235),
+ var r = n(130),
+ i = n(112),
+ o = n(86),
+ a = n(167),
+ c = n(85),
+ s = n(225),
l = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
t.f = n(76)
? l
@@ -25148,15 +23530,15 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(87)(n(62), "Map");
+ var r = n(88)(n(62), "Map");
e.exports = r;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(447),
- i = n(454),
- o = n(456),
- a = n(457),
- c = n(458);
+ var r = n(446),
+ i = n(453),
+ o = n(455),
+ a = n(456),
+ c = n(457);
function s(e) {
var t = -1,
n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
@@ -25173,7 +23555,7 @@
(e.exports = s);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(459),
+ var r = n(458),
i = n(63);
e.exports = function e(t, n, o, a, c) {
return t === n || (null == t || null == n || (!i(t) && !i(n)) ? t !== t && n !== n : r(t, n, o, a, e, c));
@@ -25194,18 +23576,18 @@
function(e, t, n) {
(function(e) {
var r = n(62),
- i = n(472),
+ i = n(471),
o = "object" == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t,
a = o && "object" == typeof e && e && !e.nodeType && e,
c = a && a.exports === o ? r.Buffer : void 0,
s = (c ? c.isBuffer : void 0) || i;
e.exports = s;
- }.call(this, n(192)(e)));
+ }.call(this, n(180)(e)));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(473),
- i = n(200),
- o = n(474),
+ var r = n(472),
+ i = n(188),
+ o = n(473),
a = o && o.isTypedArray,
c = a ? i(a) : r;
e.exports = c;
@@ -25224,8 +23606,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(255),
- i = n(475),
+ var r = n(245),
+ i = n(474),
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e) {
if (!r(e)) return i(e);
@@ -25235,13 +23617,13 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(476),
- i = n(193),
- o = n(477),
- a = n(257),
- c = n(478),
+ var r = n(475),
+ i = n(181),
+ o = n(476),
+ a = n(247),
+ c = n(477),
s = n(67),
- l = n(249),
+ l = n(239),
u = l(r),
h = l(i),
f = l(o),
@@ -25275,8 +23657,8 @@
(e.exports = v);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(42),
- i = n(140),
+ var r = n(33),
+ i = n(141),
o = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/,
a = /^\w*$/;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
@@ -25291,8 +23673,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(88),
- i = n(140),
+ var r = n(89),
+ i = n(141),
o = NaN,
a = /^\s+|\s+$/g,
c = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,
@@ -25313,7 +23695,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(273);
+ var r = n(265);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return !(null == e || !e.length) && r(e, t, 0) > -1;
@@ -25325,8 +23707,16 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(252),
- i = n(516);
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(56),
+ i = n.n(r);
+ t.a = function(e, t) {
+ "function" !== typeof e ? null !== e && "object" === i()(e) && (e.current = t) : e(t);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(242),
+ i = n(515);
e.exports = function e(t, n, o, a, c) {
var s = -1,
l = t.length;
@@ -25364,8 +23754,140 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(365),
- i = n(381);
+ var r = n(6),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(19),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(20),
+ s = n.n(c),
+ l = n(21),
+ u = n.n(l),
+ h = n(18),
+ f = n.n(h),
+ d = n(22),
+ p = n.n(d),
+ v = n(4),
+ m = n.n(v),
+ y = n(17),
+ g = n.n(y),
+ b = (n(55), n(5)),
+ T = n.n(b),
+ E = (n(2), n(0)),
+ _ = n.n(E),
+ C = n(38),
+ S = n(259),
+ w = n(260),
+ O = n(266),
+ M = n(8);
+ function k(e) {
+ var t = e.children,
+ n = e.className,
+ r = e.content,
+ o = e.size,
+ a = T()(o, "icons", n),
+ c = Object(S.a)(k, e),
+ s = Object(w.a)(k, e);
+ return _.a.createElement(s, i()({}, c, { className: a }), M.a.isNil(t) ? r : t);
+ }
+ (k.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "content", "size"]),
+ (k.propTypes = {}),
+ (k.defaultProps = { as: "i" });
+ var x = k,
+ A = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
+ return a()(this, t), u()(this, f()(t).apply(this, arguments));
+ }
+ return (
+ p()(t, e),
+ s()(t, [
+ {
+ key: "getIconAriaOptions",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = {},
+ t = this.props,
+ n = t["aria-label"],
+ r = t["aria-hidden"];
+ return (
+ g()(n) ? (e["aria-hidden"] = "true") : (e["aria-label"] = n), g()(r) || (e["aria-hidden"] = r), e
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ n = e.bordered,
+ r = e.circular,
+ o = e.className,
+ a = e.color,
+ c = e.corner,
+ s = e.disabled,
+ l = e.fitted,
+ u = e.flipped,
+ h = e.inverted,
+ f = e.link,
+ d = e.loading,
+ p = e.name,
+ v = e.rotated,
+ m = e.size,
+ y = T()(
+ a,
+ p,
+ m,
+ Object(C.a)(n, "bordered"),
+ Object(C.a)(r, "circular"),
+ Object(C.a)(s, "disabled"),
+ Object(C.a)(l, "fitted"),
+ Object(C.a)(h, "inverted"),
+ Object(C.a)(f, "link"),
+ Object(C.a)(d, "loading"),
+ Object(C.b)(c, "corner"),
+ Object(C.d)(u, "flipped"),
+ Object(C.d)(v, "rotated"),
+ "icon",
+ o,
+ ),
+ g = Object(S.a)(t, this.props),
+ b = Object(w.a)(t, this.props),
+ E = this.getIconAriaOptions();
+ return _.a.createElement(b, i()({}, g, E, { className: y }));
+ },
+ },
+ ]),
+ t
+ );
+ })(E.PureComponent);
+ m()(A, "defaultProps", { as: "i" }),
+ m()(A, "Group", x),
+ m()(A, "handledProps", [
+ "aria-hidden",
+ "aria-label",
+ "as",
+ "bordered",
+ "circular",
+ "className",
+ "color",
+ "corner",
+ "disabled",
+ "fitted",
+ "flipped",
+ "inverted",
+ "link",
+ "loading",
+ "name",
+ "rotated",
+ "size",
+ ]),
+ (A.propTypes = {}),
+ (A.create = Object(O.e)(A, function(e) {
+ return { name: e };
+ }));
+ t.a = A;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(364),
+ i = n(380);
(t.parse = function(e, t) {
return new r(t).parse(e);
@@ -25377,9 +23899,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(269),
- i = n(86),
- o = n(118),
+ var r = n(261),
+ i = n(87),
+ o = n(119),
a = Math.max;
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var c = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
@@ -25389,10 +23911,10 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(510),
- i = n(102),
- o = n(275),
- a = n(42);
+ var r = n(509),
+ i = n(103),
+ o = n(268),
+ a = n(33);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return (a(e) ? r : i)(e, o(t));
@@ -35089,14 +33611,14 @@
- }.call(this, n(192)(e)));
+ }.call(this, n(180)(e)));
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(t, "b", function() {
return s;
- var r = n(144),
+ var r = n(145),
i = n.n(r),
o = n(58),
a = n(283),
@@ -35190,9 +33712,9 @@
(t.a = p);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(511),
- i = n(270),
- o = n(204);
+ var r = n(510),
+ i = n(262),
+ o = n(192);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
return (t = i(t)), void 0 === n ? ((n = t), (t = 0)) : (n = i(n)), (e = o(e)), r(e, t, n);
@@ -35215,8 +33737,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(544),
- i = n(141),
+ var r = n(543),
+ i = n(142),
o = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g,
a = RegExp("[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff]", "g");
e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -35224,10 +33746,10 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(207),
- i = n(117),
- o = n(274),
- a = n(142),
+ var r = n(196),
+ i = n(118),
+ o = n(267),
+ a = n(143),
c = i(function(e) {
return o(r(e, 1, a, !0));
@@ -35243,19 +33765,19 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r,
- i = n(13),
+ i = n(12),
o = n.n(i),
- a = n(25),
+ a = n(24),
c = n.n(a),
- s = n(12),
+ s = n(11),
l = n.n(s),
- u = n(14),
+ u = n(13),
h = n.n(u),
f = n(0),
d = n.n(f),
p = n(2),
v = n.n(p),
- m = n(17),
+ m = n(14),
y = n.n(m);
function g(e) {
return (g =
@@ -35897,8 +34419,8 @@
(Ee.__getOffsetParent = se), (Ee.__getVisibleRectForElement = ue);
- var Ce = n(47),
- Se = n(91);
+ var Ce = n(50),
+ Se = n(92);
function we(e) {
return e && "object" === typeof e && e.window === e;
@@ -36084,14 +34606,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = n(71),
a = n(60),
c = n(72),
s = n(66),
- l = n(125),
- u = n(231),
+ l = n(126),
+ u = n(221),
h = (function(e) {
function t(e) {
var n;
@@ -36205,8 +34727,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = n(71),
a = n(60),
c = n(72),
@@ -36264,7 +34786,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(83).DOCUMENT_MODE;
+ var r = n(84).DOCUMENT_MODE;
(t.createDocument = function() {
return { nodeName: "#document", mode: r.NO_QUIRKS, childNodes: [] };
@@ -36397,7 +34919,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(83).DOCUMENT_MODE,
+ var r = n(84).DOCUMENT_MODE,
i = [
"+//silmaril//dtd html pro v0r11 19970101//en",
"-//advasoft ltd//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//en",
@@ -36506,10 +35028,10 @@
function(e, t, n) {
e.exports =
!n(76) &&
- !n(98)(function() {
+ !n(99)(function() {
return (
7 !=
- Object.defineProperty(n(236)("div"), "a", {
+ Object.defineProperty(n(226)("div"), "a", {
get: function() {
return 7;
@@ -36518,7 +35040,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(97),
+ var r = n(98),
i = n(74).document,
o = r(i) && r(i.createElement);
e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -36526,10 +35048,10 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(84),
- i = n(85),
- o = n(392)(!1),
- a = n(183)("IE_PROTO");
+ var r = n(85),
+ i = n(86),
+ o = n(391)(!1),
+ a = n(171)("IE_PROTO");
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n,
c = i(e),
@@ -36541,7 +35063,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(180);
+ var r = n(168);
e.exports = Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0)
? Object
: function(e) {
@@ -36549,19 +35071,19 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(182),
+ var r = n(170),
i = Math.min;
e.exports = function(e) {
return e > 0 ? i(r(e), 9007199254740991) : 0;
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(394), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(393), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(398)(!0);
- n(242)(
+ var r = n(397)(!0);
+ n(232)(
function(e) {
@@ -36579,14 +35101,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(127),
+ var r = n(128),
i = n(73),
- o = n(243),
- a = n(95),
- c = n(113),
- s = n(399),
- l = n(188),
- u = n(244),
+ o = n(233),
+ a = n(96),
+ c = n(114),
+ s = n(398),
+ l = n(176),
+ u = n(234),
h = n(61)("iterator"),
f = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()),
d = function() {
@@ -36642,12 +35164,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = n(95);
+ e.exports = n(96);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(84),
- i = n(112),
- o = n(183)("IE_PROTO"),
+ var r = n(85),
+ i = n(113),
+ o = n(171)("IE_PROTO"),
a = Object.prototype;
e.exports =
Object.getPrototypeOf ||
@@ -36665,8 +35187,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(237),
- i = n(185).concat("length", "prototype");
+ var r = n(227),
+ i = n(173).concat("length", "prototype");
t.f =
Object.getOwnPropertyNames ||
function(e) {
@@ -36681,12 +35203,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(130),
- i = n(436),
- o = n(437),
- a = n(438),
- c = n(439),
- s = n(440);
+ var r = n(131),
+ i = n(435),
+ o = n(436),
+ a = n(437),
+ c = n(438),
+ s = n(439);
function l(e) {
var t = (this.__data__ = new r(e));
this.size = t.size;
@@ -36719,9 +35241,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(135),
- i = n(251),
- o = n(136),
+ var r = n(136),
+ i = n(241),
+ o = n(137),
a = 1,
c = 2;
e.exports = function(e, t, n, s, l, u) {
@@ -36794,349 +35316,1632 @@
return e === (("function" == typeof t && t.prototype) || n);
- function(e, t) {
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ return function(n) {
+ return e(t(n));
+ };
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(88)(n(62), "Set");
+ e.exports = r;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(89);
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return e === e && !r(e);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ return function(n) {
+ return null != n && n[e] === t && (void 0 !== t || e in Object(n));
+ };
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(115),
+ i = n(100),
+ o = n(33),
+ a = n(141),
+ c = 1 / 0,
+ s = r ? r.prototype : void 0,
+ l = s ? s.toString : void 0;
+ e.exports = function e(t) {
+ if ("string" == typeof t) return t;
+ if (o(t)) return i(t, e) + "";
+ if (a(t)) return l ? l.call(t) : "";
+ var n = t + "";
+ return "0" == n && 1 / t == -c ? "-0" : n;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(483),
+ i = n(252);
+ e.exports = function(e, t) {
+ return null != e && i(e, t, r);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(116),
+ i = n(138),
+ o = n(33),
+ a = n(139),
+ c = n(187),
+ s = n(102);
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ for (var l = -1, u = (t = r(t, e)).length, h = !1; ++l < u; ) {
+ var f = s(t[l]);
+ if (!(h = null != e && n(e, f))) break;
+ e = e[f];
+ }
+ return h || ++l != u ? h : !!(u = null == e ? 0 : e.length) && c(u) && a(f, u) && (o(e) || i(e));
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return function(t) {
+ return null == t ? void 0 : t[e];
+ };
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ switch (n.length) {
+ case 0:
+ return e.call(t);
+ case 1:
+ return e.call(t, n[0]);
+ case 2:
+ return e.call(t, n[0], n[1]);
+ case 3:
+ return e.call(t, n[0], n[1], n[2]);
+ }
+ return e.apply(t, n);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = -1,
+ i = e.length;
+ t < 0 && (t = -t > i ? 0 : i + t),
+ (n = n > i ? i : n) < 0 && (n += i),
+ (i = t > n ? 0 : (n - t) >>> 0),
+ (t >>>= 0);
+ for (var o = Array(i); ++r < i; ) o[r] = e[r + t];
+ return o;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(254),
+ i = Math.max;
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ return (
+ (t = i(void 0 === t ? e.length - 1 : t, 0)),
+ function() {
+ for (var o = arguments, a = -1, c = i(o.length - t, 0), s = Array(c); ++a < c; ) s[a] = o[t + a];
+ a = -1;
+ for (var l = Array(t + 1); ++a < t; ) l[a] = o[a];
+ return (l[t] = n(s)), r(e, this, l);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(494),
+ i = n(496)(r);
+ e.exports = i;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(88),
+ i = (function() {
+ try {
+ var e = r(Object, "defineProperty");
+ return e({}, "", {}), e;
+ } catch (t) {}
+ })();
+ e.exports = i;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ t.a = function(e, t) {
+ var n = e.handledProps,
+ r = void 0 === n ? [] : n;
+ return Object.keys(t).reduce(function(e, n) {
+ return "childKey" === n ? e : (-1 === r.indexOf(n) && (e[n] = t[n]), e);
+ }, {});
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ t.a = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = e.defaultProps,
+ i = void 0 === r ? {} : r;
+ if (t.as && t.as !== i.as) return t.as;
+ if (n) {
+ var o = n();
+ if (o) return o;
+ }
+ return t.href ? "a" : i.as || "div";
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n, r) {
+ for (var i = e.length, o = n + (r ? 1 : -1); r ? o-- : ++o < i; ) if (t(e[o], o, e)) return o;
+ return -1;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(192),
+ i = 1 / 0,
+ o = 1.7976931348623157e308;
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return e ? ((e = r(e)) === i || e === -i ? (e < 0 ? -1 : 1) * o : e === e ? e : 0) : 0 === e ? e : 0;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(133),
+ i = n(68),
+ o = n(139),
+ a = n(89);
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ if (!a(n)) return !1;
+ var c = typeof t;
+ return !!("number" == c ? i(n) && o(t, n.length) : "string" == c && t in n) && r(n[t], e);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(136),
+ i = n(193),
+ o = n(194),
+ a = n(100),
+ c = n(188),
+ s = n(137),
+ l = 200;
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n, u) {
+ var h = -1,
+ f = i,
+ d = !0,
+ p = e.length,
+ v = [],
+ m = t.length;
+ if (!p) return v;
+ n && (t = a(t, c(n))), u ? ((f = o), (d = !1)) : t.length >= l && ((f = s), (d = !1), (t = new r(t)));
+ e: for (; ++h < p; ) {
+ var y = e[h],
+ g = null == n ? y : n(y);
+ if (((y = u || 0 !== y ? y : 0), d && g === g)) {
+ for (var b = m; b--; ) if (t[b] === g) continue e;
+ v.push(y);
+ } else f(t, g, u) || v.push(y);
+ }
+ return v;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(261),
+ i = n(500),
+ o = n(501);
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ return t === t ? o(e, t, n) : r(e, i, n);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ n.d(t, "d", function() {
+ return w;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "e", function() {
+ return O;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return M;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "b", function() {
+ return k;
+ }),
+ n.d(t, "c", function() {
+ return x;
+ });
+ var r = n(23),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = (n(56), n(284)),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(33),
+ s = n.n(c),
+ l = n(150),
+ u = n.n(l),
+ h = n(90),
+ f = n.n(h),
+ d = n(285),
+ p = n.n(d),
+ v = n(146),
+ m = n.n(v),
+ y = n(286),
+ g = n.n(y),
+ b = n(17),
+ T = n.n(b),
+ E = n(5),
+ _ = n.n(E),
+ C = n(0),
+ S = n.n(C);
+ function w(e, t, n) {
+ var r = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {};
+ if ("function" !== typeof e && "string" !== typeof e)
+ throw new Error("createShorthand() Component must be a string or function.");
+ if (T()(n) || g()(n)) return null;
+ var o = m()(n),
+ c = p()(n),
+ l = f()(n),
+ h = Object(C.isValidElement)(n),
+ d = u()(n),
+ v = o || c || s()(n);
+ if (!l && !h && !d && !v) return null;
+ var y = r.defaultProps,
+ b = void 0 === y ? {} : y,
+ E = (h && n.props) || (d && n) || (v && t(n)),
+ w = r.overrideProps,
+ O = void 0 === w ? {} : w;
+ O = f()(O) ? O(i()({}, b, E)) : O;
+ var M = i()({}, b, E, O);
+ if (b.className || O.className || E.className) {
+ var k = _()(b.className, O.className, E.className);
+ M.className = a()(k.split(" ")).join(" ");
+ }
+ if (((b.style || O.style || E.style) && (M.style = i()({}, b.style, E.style, O.style)), T()(M.key))) {
+ var x = M.childKey,
+ A = r.autoGenerateKey,
+ z = void 0 === A || A;
+ T()(x) ? z && (o || c) && (M.key = n) : ((M.key = "function" === typeof x ? x(M) : x), delete M.childKey);
+ }
+ return h ? Object(C.cloneElement)(n, M) : v || d ? S.a.createElement(e, M) : l ? n(e, M, M.children) : void 0;
+ }
+ function O(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof e && "string" !== typeof e)
+ throw new Error("createShorthandFactory() Component must be a string or function.");
+ return function(n, r) {
+ return w(e, t, n, r);
+ };
+ }
+ w.handledProps = [];
+ O("div", function(e) {
+ return { children: e };
+ }),
+ O("iframe", function(e) {
+ return { src: e };
+ }),
+ O("img", function(e) {
+ return { src: e };
+ });
+ var M = O("input", function(e) {
+ return { type: e };
+ }),
+ k = O("label", function(e) {
+ return { children: e };
+ }),
+ x = O("p", function(e) {
+ return { children: e };
+ });
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(136),
+ i = n(193),
+ o = n(194),
+ a = n(137),
+ c = n(502),
+ s = n(184),
+ l = 200;
+ e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ var u = -1,
+ h = i,
+ f = e.length,
+ d = !0,
+ p = [],
+ v = p;
+ if (n) (d = !1), (h = o);
+ else if (f >= l) {
+ var m = t ? null : c(e);
+ if (m) return s(m);
+ (d = !1), (h = a), (v = new r());
+ } else v = t ? [] : p;
+ e: for (; ++u < f; ) {
+ var y = e[u],
+ g = t ? t(y) : y;
+ if (((y = n || 0 !== y ? y : 0), d && g === g)) {
+ for (var b = v.length; b--; ) if (v[b] === g) continue e;
+ t && v.push(g), p.push(y);
+ } else h(v, g, n) || (v !== p && v.push(g), p.push(y));
+ }
+ return p;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(117);
+ e.exports = function(e) {
+ return "function" == typeof e ? e : r;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(56),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(17),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = "object" === ("undefined" === typeof document ? "undefined" : i()(document)) && null !== document,
+ s =
+ "object" === ("undefined" === typeof window ? "undefined" : i()(window)) &&
+ null !== window &&
+ window.self === window;
+ t.a = function e() {
+ return a()(e.override) ? c && s : e.override;
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(206),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(287),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(10),
+ s = n.n(c),
+ l = n(17),
+ u = n.n(l),
+ h = n(78),
+ f = n.n(h);
+ t.a = function(e, t) {
+ if (f()([t, e], u.a)) return !1;
+ if (
+ t.target &&
+ (s()(t.target, "setAttribute", "data-suir-click-target", !0),
+ document.querySelector("[data-suir-click-target=true]"))
+ )
+ return s()(t.target, "removeAttribute", "data-suir-click-target"), e.contains(t.target);
+ var n = t.clientX,
+ r = t.clientY;
+ if (f()([n, r], u.a)) return !1;
+ var o = e.getClientRects();
+ if (!e.offsetWidth || !e.offsetHeight || !o || !o.length) return !1;
+ var c = a()(o),
+ l = c.top,
+ h = c.bottom,
+ d = c.left,
+ p = c.right;
+ return !f()([l, h, d, p], u.a) && i()(r, l, h + 0.001) && i()(n, d, p + 0.001);
+ };
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(288);
+ t.a = r.instance;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return w;
+ });
+ var r = n(23),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(19),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(20),
+ s = n.n(c),
+ l = n(21),
+ u = n.n(l),
+ h = n(18),
+ f = n.n(h),
+ d = n(22),
+ p = n.n(d),
+ v = n(3),
+ m = n.n(v),
+ y = n(4),
+ g = n.n(y),
+ b = (n(514), n(107)),
+ T = n.n(b),
+ E = (n(516), n(151), n(108), n(101), n(519), n(273), n(523), n(10)),
+ _ = n.n(E),
+ C = n(0),
+ S = function(e, t, n) {
+ var r,
+ i = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3],
+ o = t[e];
+ if (void 0 !== o) return o;
+ if (i) {
+ var a = t[((r = e), "default".concat(r[0].toUpperCase() + r.slice(1)))];
+ if (void 0 !== a) return a;
+ if (n) {
+ var c = n[e];
+ if (void 0 !== c) return c;
+ }
+ }
+ return "checked" !== e && ("value" === e ? (t.multiple ? [] : "") : void 0);
+ },
+ w = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
+ var e, n;
+ a()(this, t);
+ for (var r = arguments.length, o = new Array(r), c = 0; c < r; c++) o[c] = arguments[c];
+ (n = u()(this, (e = f()(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(o)))),
+ g()(m()(m()(n)), "trySetState", function(e, t) {
+ var r = n.constructor.autoControlledProps,
+ o = Object.keys(e).reduce(function(t, i) {
+ return void 0 !== n.props[i] ? t : -1 === r.indexOf(i) ? t : ((t[i] = e[i]), t);
+ }, {});
+ t && (o = i()({}, o, t)), Object.keys(o).length > 0 && n.setState(o);
+ });
+ var s = n.constructor.autoControlledProps,
+ l = _()(m()(m()(n)), "getInitialAutoControlledState", n.props) || {},
+ h = s.reduce(function(e, t) {
+ return (e[t] = S(t, n.props, l, !0)), e;
+ }, {});
+ return (n.state = i()({}, l, h)), n;
+ }
+ return (
+ p()(t, e),
+ s()(t, [
+ {
+ key: "componentWillReceiveProps",
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = this.constructor.autoControlledProps.reduce(function(t, n) {
+ return !T()(e[n]) && (t[n] = e[n]), t;
+ }, {});
+ Object.keys(t).length > 0 && this.setState(t);
+ },
+ },
+ ]),
+ t
+ );
+ })(C.Component);
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(522),
+ i = n(252);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
- return function(n) {
- return e(t(n));
- };
+ return null != e && i(e, t, r);
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(87)(n(62), "Set");
- e.exports = r;
+ function(e, t) {
+ e.exports = {
+ isFunction: function(e) {
+ return "function" === typeof e;
+ },
+ isArray: function(e) {
+ return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(e);
+ },
+ each: function(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r && !1 !== t(e[n], n); n++);
+ },
+ };
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(88);
+ var r = n(535),
+ i = n(536),
+ o = n(537);
e.exports = function(e) {
- return e === e && !r(e);
+ return r(e) || i(e) || o();
- function(e, t) {
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ var r = n(73),
+ i = n(48),
+ o = n(99);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
- return function(n) {
- return null != n && n[e] === t && (void 0 !== t || e in Object(n));
- };
+ var n = (i.Object || {})[e] || Object[e],
+ a = {};
+ (a[e] = t(n)),
+ r(
+ r.S +
+ r.F *
+ o(function() {
+ n(1);
+ }),
+ "Object",
+ a,
+ );
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(114),
- i = n(99),
- o = n(42),
- a = n(140),
- c = 1 / 0,
- s = r ? r.prototype : void 0,
- l = s ? s.toString : void 0;
- e.exports = function e(t) {
- if ("string" == typeof t) return t;
- if (o(t)) return i(t, e) + "";
- if (a(t)) return l ? l.call(t) : "";
- var n = t + "";
- return "0" == n && 1 / t == -c ? "-0" : n;
- };
+ "use strict";
+ (t.__esModule = !0),
+ (t.toggleStrictMode = function(e) {
+ c = e;
+ }),
+ (t.applyNodeProps = function(e, t) {
+ var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {};
+ if (!i && "zIndex" in t) {
+ console.warn(
+ 'ReactKonva: You are using "zIndex" attribute for a Konva node.\nreact-konva may get confused with ordering. Just define correct order of elements in your render function of a component.\nFor more info see: https://github.com/konvajs/react-konva/issues/194\n',
+ ),
+ (i = !0);
+ }
+ if (!o && t.draggable) {
+ var l = void 0 !== t.x || void 0 !== t.y,
+ u = t.onDragEnd || t.onDragMove;
+ if (l && !u) {
+ console.warn(
+ "ReactKonva: You have a Konva node with draggable = true and position defined but no onDragMove or onDragEnd events are handled.\nPosition of a node will be changed during drag&drop, so you should update state of the react app as well.\nConsider to add onDragMove or onDragEnd events.\nFor more info see: https://github.com/konvajs/react-konva/issues/256\n",
+ ),
+ (o = !0);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var h in n)
+ if (!r[h]) {
+ var f = "on" === h.slice(0, 2),
+ d = n[h] !== t[h];
+ if (f && d) {
+ var p = h.substr(2).toLowerCase();
+ "content" === p.substr(0, 7) && (p = "content" + p.substr(7, 1).toUpperCase() + p.substr(8)),
+ e.off(p, n[h]);
+ }
+ var v = !t.hasOwnProperty(h);
+ v && e.setAttr(h, void 0);
+ }
+ var m = c || t._useStrictMode,
+ y = {},
+ g = !1;
+ for (var h in t)
+ if (!r[h]) {
+ var f = "on" === h.slice(0, 2),
+ b = n[h] !== t[h];
+ if (f && b) {
+ var p = h.substr(2).toLowerCase();
+ "content" === p.substr(0, 7) && (p = "content" + p.substr(7, 1).toUpperCase() + p.substr(8)),
+ t[h] && e.on(p + a, t[h]);
+ }
+ !f && (t[h] !== n[h] || (m && t[h] !== e.getAttr(h))) && ((g = !0), (y[h] = t[h]));
+ }
+ g && (e.setAttrs(y), s(e));
+ }),
+ (t.updatePicture = s);
+ var r = {
+ children: !0,
+ ref: !0,
+ key: !0,
+ style: !0,
+ forwardedRef: !0,
+ unstable_applyCache: !0,
+ unstable_applyDrawHitFromCache: !0,
+ },
+ i = !1,
+ o = !1,
+ a = (t.EVENTS_NAMESPACE = ".react-konva-event"),
+ c = !1;
+ function s(e) {
+ var t = e.getLayer() || e.getStage();
+ t && t.batchDraw();
+ }
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(484),
- i = n(262);
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- return null != e && i(e, t, r);
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(0),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(27),
+ a = n(9),
+ c = n.n(a),
+ s = n(31),
+ l = n.n(s),
+ u = n(12),
+ h = n.n(u),
+ f = n(11),
+ d = n.n(f),
+ p = n(13),
+ v = n.n(p),
+ m = n(2),
+ y = n.n(m),
+ g = n(339),
+ b = { adjustX: 1, adjustY: 1 },
+ T = [0, 0],
+ E = {
+ left: { points: ["cr", "cl"], overflow: b, offset: [-4, 0], targetOffset: T },
+ right: { points: ["cl", "cr"], overflow: b, offset: [4, 0], targetOffset: T },
+ top: { points: ["bc", "tc"], overflow: b, offset: [0, -4], targetOffset: T },
+ bottom: { points: ["tc", "bc"], overflow: b, offset: [0, 4], targetOffset: T },
+ topLeft: { points: ["bl", "tl"], overflow: b, offset: [0, -4], targetOffset: T },
+ leftTop: { points: ["tr", "tl"], overflow: b, offset: [-4, 0], targetOffset: T },
+ topRight: { points: ["br", "tr"], overflow: b, offset: [0, -4], targetOffset: T },
+ rightTop: { points: ["tl", "tr"], overflow: b, offset: [4, 0], targetOffset: T },
+ bottomRight: { points: ["tr", "br"], overflow: b, offset: [0, 4], targetOffset: T },
+ rightBottom: { points: ["bl", "br"], overflow: b, offset: [4, 0], targetOffset: T },
+ bottomLeft: { points: ["tl", "bl"], overflow: b, offset: [0, 4], targetOffset: T },
+ leftBottom: { points: ["br", "bl"], overflow: b, offset: [-4, 0], targetOffset: T },
+ },
+ _ = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
+ return h()(this, t), d()(this, e.apply(this, arguments));
+ }
+ return (
+ v()(t, e),
+ (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function() {
+ var e = this.props.trigger;
+ e && e.forcePopupAlign();
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.render = function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ t = e.overlay,
+ n = e.prefixCls,
+ r = e.id;
+ return i.a.createElement(
+ "div",
+ { className: n + "-inner", id: r, role: "tooltip" },
+ "function" === typeof t ? t() : t,
+ );
+ }),
+ t
+ );
+ })(i.a.Component);
+ _.propTypes = {
+ prefixCls: y.a.string,
+ overlay: y.a.oneOfType([y.a.node, y.a.func]).isRequired,
+ id: y.a.string,
+ trigger: y.a.any,
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(115),
- i = n(137),
- o = n(42),
- a = n(138),
- c = n(199),
- s = n(101);
- e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
- for (var l = -1, u = (t = r(t, e)).length, h = !1; ++l < u; ) {
- var f = s(t[l]);
- if (!(h = null != e && n(e, f))) break;
- e = e[f];
+ var C = _,
+ S = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
+ var n, r, o;
+ h()(this, t);
+ for (var a = arguments.length, c = Array(a), s = 0; s < a; s++) c[s] = arguments[s];
+ return (
+ (n = r = d()(this, e.call.apply(e, [this].concat(c)))),
+ (r.getPopupElement = function() {
+ var e = r.props,
+ t = e.arrowContent,
+ n = e.overlay,
+ o = e.prefixCls,
+ a = e.id;
+ return [
+ i.a.createElement("div", { className: o + "-arrow", key: "arrow" }, t),
+ i.a.createElement(C, { key: "content", trigger: r.trigger, prefixCls: o, id: a, overlay: n }),
+ ];
+ }),
+ (r.saveTrigger = function(e) {
+ r.trigger = e;
+ }),
+ (o = n),
+ d()(r, o)
+ );
+ }
+ return (
+ v()(t, e),
+ (t.prototype.getPopupDomNode = function() {
+ return this.trigger.getPopupDomNode();
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.render = function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ t = e.overlayClassName,
+ n = e.trigger,
+ r = e.mouseEnterDelay,
+ o = e.mouseLeaveDelay,
+ a = e.overlayStyle,
+ s = e.prefixCls,
+ u = e.children,
+ h = e.onVisibleChange,
+ f = e.afterVisibleChange,
+ d = e.transitionName,
+ p = e.animation,
+ v = e.placement,
+ m = e.align,
+ y = e.destroyTooltipOnHide,
+ b = e.defaultVisible,
+ T = e.getTooltipContainer,
+ _ = l()(e, [
+ "overlayClassName",
+ "trigger",
+ "mouseEnterDelay",
+ "mouseLeaveDelay",
+ "overlayStyle",
+ "prefixCls",
+ "children",
+ "onVisibleChange",
+ "afterVisibleChange",
+ "transitionName",
+ "animation",
+ "placement",
+ "align",
+ "destroyTooltipOnHide",
+ "defaultVisible",
+ "getTooltipContainer",
+ ]),
+ C = c()({}, _);
+ return (
+ "visible" in this.props && (C.popupVisible = this.props.visible),
+ i.a.createElement(
+ g.a,
+ c()(
+ {
+ popupClassName: t,
+ ref: this.saveTrigger,
+ prefixCls: s,
+ popup: this.getPopupElement,
+ action: n,
+ builtinPlacements: E,
+ popupPlacement: v,
+ popupAlign: m,
+ getPopupContainer: T,
+ onPopupVisibleChange: h,
+ afterPopupVisibleChange: f,
+ popupTransitionName: d,
+ popupAnimation: p,
+ defaultPopupVisible: b,
+ destroyPopupOnHide: y,
+ mouseLeaveDelay: o,
+ popupStyle: a,
+ mouseEnterDelay: r,
+ },
+ C,
+ ),
+ u,
+ )
+ );
+ }),
+ t
+ );
+ })(r.Component);
+ (S.propTypes = {
+ trigger: y.a.any,
+ children: y.a.any,
+ defaultVisible: y.a.bool,
+ visible: y.a.bool,
+ placement: y.a.string,
+ transitionName: y.a.oneOfType([y.a.string, y.a.object]),
+ animation: y.a.any,
+ onVisibleChange: y.a.func,
+ afterVisibleChange: y.a.func,
+ overlay: y.a.oneOfType([y.a.node, y.a.func]).isRequired,
+ overlayStyle: y.a.object,
+ overlayClassName: y.a.string,
+ prefixCls: y.a.string,
+ mouseEnterDelay: y.a.number,
+ mouseLeaveDelay: y.a.number,
+ getTooltipContainer: y.a.func,
+ destroyTooltipOnHide: y.a.bool,
+ align: y.a.object,
+ arrowContent: y.a.any,
+ id: y.a.string,
+ }),
+ (S.defaultProps = {
+ prefixCls: "rc-tooltip",
+ mouseEnterDelay: 0,
+ destroyTooltipOnHide: !1,
+ mouseLeaveDelay: 0.1,
+ align: {},
+ placement: "right",
+ trigger: ["hover"],
+ arrowContent: null,
+ });
+ var w = S,
+ O = n(5),
+ M = n.n(O);
+ function k() {
+ return (k =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ var x = { adjustX: 1, adjustY: 1 },
+ A = { adjustX: 0, adjustY: 0 },
+ z = [0, 0];
+ function D(e) {
+ return "boolean" === typeof e ? (e ? x : A) : k(k({}, A), e);
+ }
+ var P = n(16);
+ function N(e) {
+ return (N =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function L(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- return h || ++l != u ? h : !!(u = null == e ? 0 : e.length) && c(u) && a(f, u) && (o(e) || i(e));
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return function(t) {
- return null == t ? void 0 : t[e];
- };
+ }
+ function H(e) {
+ return (H = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function R(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ }
+ function V(e, t) {
+ return (V =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ function I() {
+ return (I =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ var F = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {},
+ r = I({}, e);
+ return (
+ t.forEach(function(t) {
+ e && t in e && ((n[t] = e[t]), delete r[t]);
+ }),
+ { picked: n, omitted: r }
+ );
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
- switch (n.length) {
- case 0:
- return e.call(t);
- case 1:
- return e.call(t, n[0]);
- case 2:
- return e.call(t, n[0], n[1]);
- case 3:
- return e.call(t, n[0], n[1], n[2]);
+ var j = (function(e) {
+ function t(e) {
+ var n, i, o;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ })(this, t),
+ (i = this),
+ (o = H(t).call(this, e)),
+ ((n = !o || ("object" !== N(o) && "function" !== typeof o) ? R(i) : o).onVisibleChange = function(e) {
+ var t = n.props.onVisibleChange;
+ "visible" in n.props || n.setState({ visible: !n.isNoTitle() && e }), t && !n.isNoTitle() && t(e);
+ }),
+ (n.saveTooltip = function(e) {
+ n.tooltip = e;
+ }),
+ (n.onPopupAlign = function(e, t) {
+ var r = n.getPlacements(),
+ i = Object.keys(r).filter(function(e) {
+ return r[e].points[0] === t.points[0] && r[e].points[1] === t.points[1];
+ })[0];
+ if (i) {
+ var o = e.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ a = { top: "50%", left: "50%" };
+ i.indexOf("top") >= 0 || i.indexOf("Bottom") >= 0
+ ? (a.top = "".concat(o.height - t.offset[1], "px"))
+ : (i.indexOf("Top") >= 0 || i.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) && (a.top = "".concat(-t.offset[1], "px")),
+ i.indexOf("left") >= 0 || i.indexOf("Right") >= 0
+ ? (a.left = "".concat(o.width - t.offset[0], "px"))
+ : (i.indexOf("right") >= 0 || i.indexOf("Left") >= 0) && (a.left = "".concat(-t.offset[0], "px")),
+ (e.style.transformOrigin = "".concat(a.left, " ").concat(a.top));
+ }
+ }),
+ (n.renderTooltip = function(e) {
+ var t = e.getPopupContainer,
+ i = e.getPrefixCls,
+ o = R(n),
+ a = o.props,
+ c = o.state,
+ s = a.prefixCls,
+ l = a.title,
+ u = a.overlay,
+ h = a.openClassName,
+ f = a.getPopupContainer,
+ d = a.getTooltipContainer,
+ p = a.children,
+ v = i("tooltip", s),
+ m = c.visible;
+ "visible" in a || !n.isNoTitle() || (m = !1);
+ var y,
+ g,
+ b,
+ T = (function(e) {
+ var t = e.type;
+ if (
+ (t.__ANT_BUTTON || t.__ANT_SWITCH || t.__ANT_CHECKBOX || "button" === e.type) &&
+ e.props.disabled
+ ) {
+ var n = F(e.props.style, [
+ "position",
+ "left",
+ "right",
+ "top",
+ "bottom",
+ "float",
+ "display",
+ "zIndex",
+ ]),
+ i = n.picked,
+ o = n.omitted,
+ a = I(I({ display: "inline-block" }, i), {
+ cursor: "not-allowed",
+ width: e.props.block ? "100%" : null,
+ }),
+ c = I(I({}, o), { pointerEvents: "none" }),
+ s = r.cloneElement(e, { style: c, className: null });
+ return r.createElement("span", { style: a, className: e.props.className }, s);
+ }
+ return e;
+ })(r.isValidElement(p) ? p : r.createElement("span", null, p)),
+ E = T.props,
+ _ = M()(
+ E.className,
+ ((y = {}),
+ (g = h || "".concat(v, "-open")),
+ (b = !0),
+ g in y
+ ? Object.defineProperty(y, g, { value: b, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
+ : (y[g] = b),
+ y),
+ );
+ return r.createElement(
+ w,
+ I({}, n.props, {
+ prefixCls: v,
+ getTooltipContainer: f || d || t,
+ ref: n.saveTooltip,
+ builtinPlacements: n.getPlacements(),
+ overlay: u || l || "",
+ visible: m,
+ onVisibleChange: n.onVisibleChange,
+ onPopupAlign: n.onPopupAlign,
+ }),
+ m ? r.cloneElement(T, { className: _ }) : T,
+ );
+ }),
+ (n.state = { visible: !!e.visible || !!e.defaultVisible }),
+ n
+ );
- return e.apply(t, n);
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
- var r = -1,
- i = e.length;
- t < 0 && (t = -t > i ? 0 : i + t),
- (n = n > i ? i : n) < 0 && (n += i),
- (i = t > n ? 0 : (n - t) >>> 0),
- (t >>>= 0);
- for (var o = Array(i); ++r < i; ) o[r] = e[r + t];
- return o;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(264),
- i = Math.max;
- e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
+ var n, i, o;
return (
- (t = i(void 0 === t ? e.length - 1 : t, 0)),
- function() {
- for (var o = arguments, a = -1, c = i(o.length - t, 0), s = Array(c); ++a < c; ) s[a] = o[t + a];
- a = -1;
- for (var l = Array(t + 1); ++a < t; ) l[a] = o[a];
- return (l[t] = n(s)), r(e, this, l);
- }
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
+ constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
+ })),
+ t && V(e, t);
+ })(t, r["Component"]),
+ (n = t),
+ (o = [
+ {
+ key: "getDerivedStateFromProps",
+ value: function(e) {
+ return "visible" in e ? { visible: e.visible } : null;
+ },
+ },
+ ]),
+ (i = [
+ {
+ key: "getPopupDomNode",
+ value: function() {
+ return this.tooltip.getPopupDomNode();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getPlacements",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ t = e.builtinPlacements,
+ n = e.arrowPointAtCenter,
+ r = e.autoAdjustOverflow;
+ return (
+ t ||
+ (function() {
+ var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
+ t = e.arrowWidth,
+ n = void 0 === t ? 5 : t,
+ r = e.horizontalArrowShift,
+ i = void 0 === r ? 16 : r,
+ o = e.verticalArrowShift,
+ a = void 0 === o ? 12 : o,
+ c = e.autoAdjustOverflow,
+ s = void 0 === c || c,
+ l = {
+ left: { points: ["cr", "cl"], offset: [-4, 0] },
+ right: { points: ["cl", "cr"], offset: [4, 0] },
+ top: { points: ["bc", "tc"], offset: [0, -4] },
+ bottom: { points: ["tc", "bc"], offset: [0, 4] },
+ topLeft: { points: ["bl", "tc"], offset: [-(i + n), -4] },
+ leftTop: { points: ["tr", "cl"], offset: [-4, -(a + n)] },
+ topRight: { points: ["br", "tc"], offset: [i + n, -4] },
+ rightTop: { points: ["tl", "cr"], offset: [4, -(a + n)] },
+ bottomRight: { points: ["tr", "bc"], offset: [i + n, 4] },
+ rightBottom: { points: ["bl", "cr"], offset: [4, a + n] },
+ bottomLeft: { points: ["tl", "bc"], offset: [-(i + n), 4] },
+ leftBottom: { points: ["br", "cl"], offset: [-4, a + n] },
+ };
+ return (
+ Object.keys(l).forEach(function(t) {
+ (l[t] = e.arrowPointAtCenter
+ ? k(k({}, l[t]), { overflow: D(s), targetOffset: z })
+ : k(k({}, E[t]), { overflow: D(s) })),
+ (l[t].ignoreShake = !0);
+ }),
+ l
+ );
+ })({ arrowPointAtCenter: n, verticalArrowShift: 8, autoAdjustOverflow: r })
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "isNoTitle",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ t = e.title,
+ n = e.overlay;
+ return !t && !n;
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ return r.createElement(P.a, null, this.renderTooltip);
+ },
+ },
+ ]) && L(n.prototype, i),
+ o && L(n, o),
+ t
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(495),
- i = n(497)(r);
- e.exports = i;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(87),
- i = (function() {
- try {
- var e = r(Object, "defineProperty");
- return e({}, "", {}), e;
- } catch (t) {}
- })();
- e.exports = i;
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = function(e, t, n, r) {
- for (var i = e.length, o = n + (r ? 1 : -1); r ? o-- : ++o < i; ) if (t(e[o], o, e)) return o;
- return -1;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(204),
- i = 1 / 0,
- o = 1.7976931348623157e308;
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return e ? ((e = r(e)) === i || e === -i ? (e < 0 ? -1 : 1) * o : e === e ? e : 0) : 0 === e ? e : 0;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(132),
- i = n(68),
- o = n(138),
- a = n(88);
- e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
- if (!a(n)) return !1;
- var c = typeof t;
- return !!("number" == c ? i(n) && o(t, n.length) : "string" == c && t in n) && r(n[t], e);
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(135),
- i = n(205),
- o = n(206),
- a = n(99),
- c = n(200),
- s = n(136),
- l = 200;
- e.exports = function(e, t, n, u) {
- var h = -1,
- f = i,
- d = !0,
- p = e.length,
- v = [],
- m = t.length;
- if (!p) return v;
- n && (t = a(t, c(n))), u ? ((f = o), (d = !1)) : t.length >= l && ((f = s), (d = !1), (t = new r(t)));
- e: for (; ++h < p; ) {
- var y = e[h],
- g = null == n ? y : n(y);
- if (((y = u || 0 !== y ? y : 0), d && g === g)) {
- for (var b = m; b--; ) if (t[b] === g) continue e;
- v.push(y);
- } else f(t, g, u) || v.push(y);
- }
- return v;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(269),
- i = n(501),
- o = n(502);
- e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
- return t === t ? o(e, t, n) : r(e, i, n);
- };
+ })();
+ (j.defaultProps = {
+ placement: "top",
+ transitionName: "zoom-big-fast",
+ mouseEnterDelay: 0.1,
+ mouseLeaveDelay: 0.1,
+ arrowPointAtCenter: !1,
+ autoAdjustOverflow: !0,
+ }),
+ Object(o.a)(j);
+ t.a = j;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(135),
- i = n(205),
- o = n(206),
- a = n(136),
- c = n(503),
- s = n(196),
- l = 200;
- e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
- var u = -1,
- h = i,
- f = e.length,
- d = !0,
- p = [],
- v = p;
- if (n) (d = !1), (h = o);
- else if (f >= l) {
- var m = t ? null : c(e);
- if (m) return s(m);
- (d = !1), (h = a), (v = new r());
- } else v = t ? [] : p;
- e: for (; ++u < f; ) {
- var y = e[u],
- g = t ? t(y) : y;
- if (((y = n || 0 !== y ? y : 0), d && g === g)) {
- for (var b = v.length; b--; ) if (v[b] === g) continue e;
- t && v.push(g), p.push(y);
- } else h(v, g, n) || (v !== p && v.push(g), p.push(y));
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(0),
+ i = n(2),
+ o = n(5),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(27),
+ s = n(37),
+ l = n(34),
+ u = n(16),
+ h = n(147),
+ f = n(52);
+ function d() {
+ return (d =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function p(e, t, n) {
+ return (
+ t in e
+ ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
+ : (e[t] = n),
+ e
+ );
+ }
+ function v(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- return p;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(116);
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return "function" == typeof e ? e : r;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(523),
- i = n(262);
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- return null != e && i(e, t, r);
- };
- },
- function(e, t) {
- e.exports = {
- isFunction: function(e) {
- return "function" === typeof e;
- },
- isArray: function(e) {
- return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(e);
- },
- each: function(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r && !1 !== t(e[n], n); n++);
+ }
+ function m(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== b(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
+ ? (function(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ })(e)
+ : t;
+ }
+ function y(e) {
+ return (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function g(e, t) {
+ return (g =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ function b(e) {
+ return (b =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ })(e);
+ }
+ var T = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {};
+ for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
+ if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
+ t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
+ }
+ return n;
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(536),
- i = n(537),
- o = n(538);
- e.exports = function(e) {
- return r(e) || i(e) || o();
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(73),
- i = n(54),
- o = n(98);
- e.exports = function(e, t) {
- var n = (i.Object || {})[e] || Object[e],
- a = {};
- (a[e] = t(n)),
- r(
- r.S +
- r.F *
- o(function() {
- n(1);
- }),
- "Object",
- a,
+ E = /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]{2}$/,
+ _ = E.test.bind(E);
+ function C(e, t) {
+ var n = !1,
+ i = [];
+ return (
+ r.Children.forEach(e, function(e) {
+ var t = b(e),
+ r = "string" === t || "number" === t;
+ if (n && r) {
+ var o = i.length - 1,
+ a = i[o];
+ i[o] = "".concat(a).concat(e);
+ } else i.push(e);
+ n = r;
+ }),
+ r.Children.map(i, function(e) {
+ return (function(e, t) {
+ if (null != e) {
+ var n = t ? " " : "";
+ return "string" !== typeof e &&
+ "number" !== typeof e &&
+ "string" === typeof e.type &&
+ _(e.props.children)
+ ? r.cloneElement(e, {}, e.props.children.split("").join(n))
+ : "string" === typeof e
+ ? (_(e) && (e = e.split("").join(n)), r.createElement("span", null, e))
+ : e;
+ }
+ })(e, t);
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ Object(f.a)("default", "primary", "ghost", "dashed", "danger", "link");
+ var S = Object(f.a)("circle", "circle-outline", "round"),
+ w = Object(f.a)("large", "default", "small"),
+ O = Object(f.a)("submit", "button", "reset"),
+ M = (function(e) {
+ function t(e) {
+ var n;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ })(this, t),
+ ((n = m(this, y(t).call(this, e))).saveButtonRef = function(e) {
+ n.buttonNode = e;
+ }),
+ (n.handleClick = function(e) {
+ var t = n.state.loading,
+ r = n.props.onClick;
+ t || (r && r(e));
+ }),
+ (n.renderButton = function(e) {
+ var t,
+ i = e.getPrefixCls,
+ o = e.autoInsertSpaceInButton,
+ c = n.props,
+ u = c.prefixCls,
+ f = c.type,
+ v = c.shape,
+ m = c.size,
+ y = c.className,
+ g = c.children,
+ b = c.icon,
+ E = c.ghost,
+ _ = c.block,
+ S = T(c, ["prefixCls", "type", "shape", "size", "className", "children", "icon", "ghost", "block"]),
+ w = n.state,
+ O = w.loading,
+ M = w.hasTwoCNChar,
+ k = i("btn", u),
+ x = !1 !== o,
+ A = "";
+ switch (m) {
+ case "large":
+ A = "lg";
+ break;
+ case "small":
+ A = "sm";
+ }
+ var z = O ? "loading" : b,
+ D = a()(
+ k,
+ y,
+ (p((t = {}), "".concat(k, "-").concat(f), f),
+ p(t, "".concat(k, "-").concat(v), v),
+ p(t, "".concat(k, "-").concat(A), A),
+ p(t, "".concat(k, "-icon-only"), !g && 0 !== g && z),
+ p(t, "".concat(k, "-loading"), !!O),
+ p(t, "".concat(k, "-background-ghost"), E),
+ p(t, "".concat(k, "-two-chinese-chars"), M && x),
+ p(t, "".concat(k, "-block"), _),
+ t),
+ ),
+ P = z ? r.createElement(l.a, { type: z }) : null,
+ N = g || 0 === g ? C(g, n.isNeedInserted() && x) : null,
+ L = Object(s.a)(S, ["htmlType", "loading"]);
+ if (void 0 !== L.href)
+ return r.createElement(
+ "a",
+ d({}, L, { className: D, onClick: n.handleClick, ref: n.saveButtonRef }),
+ P,
+ N,
+ );
+ var H = S,
+ R = H.htmlType,
+ V = T(H, ["htmlType"]),
+ I = r.createElement(
+ "button",
+ d({}, Object(s.a)(V, ["loading"]), {
+ type: R,
+ className: D,
+ onClick: n.handleClick,
+ ref: n.saveButtonRef,
+ }),
+ P,
+ N,
+ );
+ return "link" === f ? I : r.createElement(h.a, null, I);
+ }),
+ (n.state = { loading: e.loading, hasTwoCNChar: !1 }),
+ n
+ );
+ }
+ var n, i, o;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
+ constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
+ })),
+ t && g(e, t);
+ })(t, r["Component"]),
+ (n = t),
+ (i = [
+ {
+ key: "componentDidMount",
+ value: function() {
+ this.fixTwoCNChar();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentDidUpdate",
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = this;
+ this.fixTwoCNChar(), e.loading && "boolean" !== typeof e.loading && clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout);
+ var n = this.props.loading;
+ n && "boolean" !== typeof n && n.delay
+ ? (this.delayTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
+ t.setState({ loading: n });
+ }, n.delay))
+ : e.loading !== n && this.setState({ loading: n });
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentWillUnmount",
+ value: function() {
+ this.delayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.delayTimeout);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "fixTwoCNChar",
+ value: function() {
+ if (this.buttonNode) {
+ var e = this.buttonNode.textContent || this.buttonNode.innerText;
+ this.isNeedInserted() && _(e)
+ ? this.state.hasTwoCNChar || this.setState({ hasTwoCNChar: !0 })
+ : this.state.hasTwoCNChar && this.setState({ hasTwoCNChar: !1 });
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "isNeedInserted",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ t = e.icon,
+ n = e.children,
+ i = e.type;
+ return 1 === r.Children.count(n) && !t && "link" !== i;
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ return r.createElement(u.a, null, this.renderButton);
+ },
+ },
+ ]) && v(n.prototype, i),
+ o && v(n, o),
+ t
- };
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- (t.__esModule = !0),
- (t.toggleStrictMode = function(e) {
- c = e;
+ })();
+ (M.__ANT_BUTTON = !0),
+ (M.defaultProps = { loading: !1, ghost: !1, block: !1, htmlType: "button" }),
+ (M.propTypes = {
+ type: i.string,
+ shape: i.oneOf(S),
+ size: i.oneOf(w),
+ htmlType: i.oneOf(O),
+ onClick: i.func,
+ loading: i.oneOfType([i.bool, i.object]),
+ className: i.string,
+ icon: i.string,
+ block: i.bool,
+ title: i.string,
- (t.applyNodeProps = function(e, t) {
- var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {};
- if (!i && "zIndex" in t) {
- console.warn(
- 'ReactKonva: You are using "zIndex" attribute for a Konva node.\nreact-konva may get confused with ordering. Just define correct order of elements in your render function of a component.\nFor more info see: https://github.com/konvajs/react-konva/issues/194\n',
- ),
- (i = !0);
- }
- if (!o && t.draggable) {
- var l = void 0 !== t.x || void 0 !== t.y,
- u = t.onDragEnd || t.onDragMove;
- if (l && !u) {
- console.warn(
- "ReactKonva: You have a Konva node with draggable = true and position defined but no onDragMove or onDragEnd events are handled.\nPosition of a node will be changed during drag&drop, so you should update state of the react app as well.\nConsider to add onDragMove or onDragEnd events.\nFor more info see: https://github.com/konvajs/react-konva/issues/256\n",
- ),
- (o = !0);
+ Object(c.a)(M);
+ var k = M;
+ function x() {
+ return (x =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ var A = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {};
+ for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
+ if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
+ t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- for (var h in n)
- if (!r[h]) {
- var f = "on" === h.slice(0, 2),
- d = n[h] !== t[h];
- if (f && d) {
- var p = h.substr(2).toLowerCase();
- "content" === p.substr(0, 7) && (p = "content" + p.substr(7, 1).toUpperCase() + p.substr(8)),
- e.off(p, n[h]);
- }
- var v = !t.hasOwnProperty(h);
- v && e.setAttr(h, void 0);
- }
- var m = c || t._useStrictMode,
- y = {},
- g = !1;
- for (var h in t)
- if (!r[h]) {
- var f = "on" === h.slice(0, 2),
- b = n[h] !== t[h];
- if (f && b) {
- var p = h.substr(2).toLowerCase();
- "content" === p.substr(0, 7) && (p = "content" + p.substr(7, 1).toUpperCase() + p.substr(8)),
- t[h] && e.on(p + a, t[h]);
- }
- !f && (t[h] !== n[h] || (m && t[h] !== e.getAttr(h))) && ((g = !0), (y[h] = t[h]));
- }
- g && (e.setAttrs(y), s(e));
- }),
- (t.updatePicture = s);
- var r = {
- children: !0,
- ref: !0,
- key: !0,
- style: !0,
- forwardedRef: !0,
- unstable_applyCache: !0,
- unstable_applyDrawHitFromCache: !0,
+ return n;
- i = !1,
- o = !1,
- a = (t.EVENTS_NAMESPACE = ".react-konva-event"),
- c = !1;
- function s(e) {
- var t = e.getLayer() || e.getStage();
- t && t.batchDraw();
+ z = function(e) {
+ return r.createElement(u.a, null, function(t) {
+ var n = t.getPrefixCls,
+ i = e.prefixCls,
+ o = e.size,
+ c = e.className,
+ s = A(e, ["prefixCls", "size", "className"]),
+ l = n("btn-group", i),
+ u = "";
+ switch (o) {
+ case "large":
+ u = "lg";
+ break;
+ case "small":
+ u = "sm";
+ }
+ var h,
+ f,
+ d,
+ p = a()(
+ l,
+ ((h = {}),
+ (f = "".concat(l, "-").concat(u)),
+ (d = u),
+ f in h
+ ? Object.defineProperty(h, f, { value: d, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
+ : (h[f] = d),
+ h),
+ c,
+ );
+ return r.createElement("div", x({}, s, { className: p }));
+ });
+ };
+ k.Group = z;
+ t.a = k;
+ },
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(6),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(19),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(20),
+ s = n.n(c),
+ l = n(21),
+ u = n.n(l),
+ h = n(18),
+ f = n.n(h),
+ d = n(22),
+ p = n.n(d),
+ v = n(3),
+ m = n.n(v),
+ y = n(4),
+ g = n.n(y),
+ b = n(107),
+ T = n.n(b),
+ E = n(10),
+ _ = n.n(E),
+ C = n(5),
+ S = n.n(C),
+ w = (n(2), n(0)),
+ O = n.n(w),
+ M = n(38),
+ k = n(259),
+ x = n(260),
+ A = n(8),
+ z = n(266),
+ D = n(198),
+ P = n(598);
+ function N(e) {
+ var t = e.children,
+ n = e.className,
+ r = e.content,
+ o = S()("detail", n),
+ a = Object(k.a)(N, e),
+ c = Object(x.a)(N, e);
+ return O.a.createElement(c, i()({}, a, { className: o }), A.a.isNil(t) ? r : t);
+ }
+ (N.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "content"]),
+ (N.propTypes = {}),
+ (N.create = Object(z.e)(N, function(e) {
+ return { content: e };
+ }));
+ var L = N;
+ function H(e) {
+ var t = e.children,
+ n = e.circular,
+ r = e.className,
+ o = e.color,
+ a = e.content,
+ c = e.size,
+ s = e.tag,
+ l = S()("ui", o, c, Object(M.a)(n, "circular"), Object(M.a)(s, "tag"), "labels", r),
+ u = Object(k.a)(H, e),
+ h = Object(x.a)(H, e);
+ return O.a.createElement(h, i()({}, u, { className: l }), A.a.isNil(t) ? a : t);
+ (H.handledProps = ["as", "children", "circular", "className", "color", "content", "size", "tag"]),
+ (H.propTypes = {});
+ var R = H;
+ n.d(t, "a", function() {
+ return V;
+ });
+ var V = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
+ var e, n;
+ a()(this, t);
+ for (var r = arguments.length, i = new Array(r), o = 0; o < r; o++) i[o] = arguments[o];
+ return (
+ (n = u()(this, (e = f()(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(i)))),
+ g()(m()(m()(n)), "handleClick", function(e) {
+ var t = n.props.onClick;
+ t && t(e, n.props);
+ }),
+ g()(m()(m()(n)), "handleIconOverrides", function(e) {
+ return {
+ onClick: function(t) {
+ _()(e, "onClick", t), _()(n.props, "onRemove", t, n.props);
+ },
+ };
+ }),
+ n
+ );
+ }
+ return (
+ p()(t, e),
+ s()(t, [
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props,
+ n = e.active,
+ r = e.attached,
+ o = e.basic,
+ a = e.children,
+ c = e.circular,
+ s = e.className,
+ l = e.color,
+ u = e.content,
+ h = e.corner,
+ f = e.detail,
+ d = e.empty,
+ p = e.floating,
+ v = e.horizontal,
+ m = e.icon,
+ y = e.image,
+ g = e.onRemove,
+ b = e.pointing,
+ E = e.removeIcon,
+ _ = e.ribbon,
+ C = e.size,
+ w = e.tag,
+ z =
+ (!0 === b ? "pointing" : ("left" === b || "right" === b) && "".concat(b, " pointing")) ||
+ (("above" === b || "below" === b) && "pointing ".concat(b)),
+ N = S()(
+ "ui",
+ l,
+ z,
+ C,
+ Object(M.a)(n, "active"),
+ Object(M.a)(o, "basic"),
+ Object(M.a)(c, "circular"),
+ Object(M.a)(d, "empty"),
+ Object(M.a)(p, "floating"),
+ Object(M.a)(v, "horizontal"),
+ Object(M.a)(!0 === y, "image"),
+ Object(M.a)(w, "tag"),
+ Object(M.b)(h, "corner"),
+ Object(M.b)(_, "ribbon"),
+ Object(M.d)(r, "attached"),
+ "label",
+ s,
+ ),
+ H = Object(k.a)(t, this.props),
+ R = Object(x.a)(t, this.props);
+ if (!A.a.isNil(a))
+ return O.a.createElement(R, i()({}, H, { className: N, onClick: this.handleClick }), a);
+ var V = T()(E) ? "delete" : E;
+ return O.a.createElement(
+ R,
+ i()({ className: N, onClick: this.handleClick }, H),
+ D.a.create(m, { autoGenerateKey: !1 }),
+ "boolean" !== typeof y && P.a.create(y, { autoGenerateKey: !1 }),
+ u,
+ L.create(f, { autoGenerateKey: !1 }),
+ g && D.a.create(V, { autoGenerateKey: !1, overrideProps: this.handleIconOverrides }),
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ ]),
+ t
+ );
+ })(w.Component);
+ g()(V, "Detail", L),
+ g()(V, "Group", R),
+ g()(V, "handledProps", [
+ "active",
+ "as",
+ "attached",
+ "basic",
+ "children",
+ "circular",
+ "className",
+ "color",
+ "content",
+ "corner",
+ "detail",
+ "empty",
+ "floating",
+ "horizontal",
+ "icon",
+ "image",
+ "onClick",
+ "onRemove",
+ "pointing",
+ "removeIcon",
+ "ribbon",
+ "size",
+ "tag",
+ ]),
+ (V.propTypes = {}),
+ (V.create = Object(z.e)(V, function(e) {
+ return { content: e };
+ }));
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -37146,7 +36951,7 @@
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
- var i = r(n(423));
+ var i = r(n(422));
t.generate = i.default;
var o = {
red: "#F5222D",
@@ -37175,24 +36980,26 @@
t.volcano = s;
var l = a.gold;
t.gold = l;
- var u = a.yellow;
- t.yellow = u;
- var h = a.lime;
- t.lime = h;
- var f = a.green;
- t.green = f;
- var d = a.cyan;
- t.cyan = d;
- var p = a.blue;
- t.blue = p;
- var v = a.geekblue;
- t.geekblue = v;
- var m = a.purple;
- t.purple = m;
- var y = a.magenta;
- t.magenta = y;
- var g = a.grey;
- t.grey = g;
+ var u = a.orange;
+ t.orange = u;
+ var h = a.yellow;
+ t.yellow = h;
+ var f = a.lime;
+ t.lime = f;
+ var d = a.green;
+ t.green = d;
+ var p = a.cyan;
+ t.cyan = p;
+ var v = a.blue;
+ t.blue = v;
+ var m = a.geekblue;
+ t.geekblue = m;
+ var y = a.purple;
+ t.purple = y;
+ var g = a.magenta;
+ t.magenta = g;
+ var b = a.grey;
+ t.grey = b;
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -37227,9 +37034,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
try {
- var r = n(246);
+ var r = n(236);
} catch (c) {
- r = n(246);
+ r = n(236);
var i = /\s+/,
o = Object.prototype.toString;
@@ -37278,7 +37085,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(274);
+ var r = n(267);
e.exports = function(e) {
return e && e.length ? r(e) : [];
@@ -37300,12 +37107,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = n(512);
+ e.exports = n(511);
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r;
- (r = n(513)), (e.exports = r.default), (e.exports.instance = r.instance);
+ (r = n(512)), (e.exports = r.default), (e.exports.instance = r.instance);
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -37342,7 +37149,7 @@
var r,
- i = n(525),
+ i = n(524),
o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
e.exports = t.default;
@@ -37381,13 +37188,13 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(0),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(17),
+ o = n(14),
a = n.n(o),
c = n(2),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(28),
- u = n(160),
- h = n(161);
+ l = n(27),
+ u = n(152),
+ h = n(153);
function f(e, t) {
var n = Object.keys(e);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
@@ -37603,7 +37410,7 @@
(t.a = Object(l.a)(_));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(539);
+ var r = n(538);
function i(t, n, o) {
return (
"undefined" !== typeof Reflect && Reflect.get
@@ -37630,22 +37437,22 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(540),
- i = n(541),
- o = n(86),
- a = n(42),
- c = n(271);
+ var r = n(539),
+ i = n(540),
+ o = n(87),
+ a = n(33),
+ c = n(263);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var s = a(e) ? r : i;
return n && c(e, t, n) && (t = void 0), s(e, o(t, 3));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(542),
- i = n(102),
- o = n(86),
- a = n(543),
- c = n(42);
+ var r = n(541),
+ i = n(103),
+ o = n(87),
+ a = n(542),
+ c = n(33);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var s = c(e) ? r : a,
l = arguments.length < 3;
@@ -37653,7 +37460,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(141),
+ var r = n(142),
i = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g,
o = RegExp(i.source);
e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -37661,26 +37468,26 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(546),
- i = n(551)(function(e, t) {
+ var r = n(545),
+ i = n(550)(function(e, t) {
return null == e ? {} : r(e, t);
e.exports = i;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(265),
- i = n(118);
+ var r = n(255),
+ i = n(119);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var o = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
return o ? ((t = n || void 0 === t ? 1 : i(t)), r(e, 0, (t = o - t) < 0 ? 0 : t)) : [];
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(201),
- i = n(202),
+ var r = n(189),
+ i = n(190),
o = n(68),
- a = n(145),
- c = n(553),
+ a = n(146),
+ c = n(552),
s = "[object Map]",
l = "[object Set]";
e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -37691,14 +37498,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(195);
+ var r = n(183);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return r(e, t);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(557),
- i = n(116);
+ var r = n(556),
+ i = n(117);
e.exports = function(e) {
return e && e.length ? r(e, i) : 0;
@@ -37707,7 +37514,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(562),
+ var r = n(561),
i = "Copy to clipboard: #{key}, Enter";
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n,
@@ -42181,9 +41988,9 @@
(e.exports = r());
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(254),
- i = n(275),
- o = n(118),
+ var r = n(244),
+ i = n(268),
+ o = n(119),
a = 9007199254740991,
c = 4294967295,
s = Math.min;
@@ -42196,7 +42003,6 @@
return u;
- ,
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e) {
@@ -42267,23 +42073,23 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(9),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(13),
+ o = n(12),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(12),
+ c = n(11),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(14),
+ l = n(13),
u = n.n(l),
h = n(0),
f = n.n(h),
d = n(2),
p = n.n(d),
- v = n(17),
+ v = n(14),
m = n.n(v),
- y = n(28),
- g = n(91),
- b = n(47),
- T = n(160),
- E = n(161),
+ y = n(27),
+ g = n(92),
+ b = n(50),
+ T = n(152),
+ E = n(153),
_ = n(5),
C = n.n(_);
function S(e, t, n) {
@@ -42292,9 +42098,9 @@
function w(e, t) {
this[e] = t;
- var O = n(223),
+ var O = n(213),
M = n(70),
- k = n(34),
+ k = n(31),
x = n.n(k),
A = (function(e) {
function t() {
@@ -43131,7 +42937,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(124),
+ var r = n(125),
i = "function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.for,
o = i ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103,
a = i ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106,
@@ -43464,8 +43270,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(0),
- i = n(124),
- o = n(357);
+ i = n(125),
+ o = n(356);
function a(e) {
for (
var t = e.message, n = "https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=" + t, r = 1;
@@ -49404,7 +49210,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- e.exports = n(358);
+ e.exports = n(357);
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -49812,22 +49618,22 @@
- x = n(48),
- A = n(50),
- z = n(174),
- D = n(125),
- P = n(368),
- N = n(369),
- L = n(370),
- H = n(375),
+ x = n(44),
+ A = n(46),
+ z = n(162),
+ D = n(126),
+ P = n(367),
+ N = n(368),
+ L = n(369),
+ H = n(374),
R = n(66),
- V = n(232),
- I = n(233),
- F = n(234),
- j = n(380),
- U = n(176),
- B = n(175),
- K = n(83),
+ V = n(222),
+ I = n(223),
+ F = n(224),
+ j = n(379),
+ U = n(164),
+ B = n(163),
+ K = n(84),
@@ -51797,10 +51603,10 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
- o = n(175),
- a = n(176),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
+ o = n(163),
+ a = n(164),
s = 65536,
l = (function() {
@@ -71416,9 +71222,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
- o = n(83),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
+ o = n(84),
a = o.TAG_NAMES,
function s(e) {
@@ -71809,8 +71615,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = (function() {
function e(t) {
r(this, e), (this.length = 0), (this.entries = []), (this.treeAdapter = t), (this.bookmark = null);
@@ -71934,16 +71740,16 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = n(71),
a = n(60),
c = n(72),
s = n(66),
- l = n(125),
- u = n(230),
- h = n(374),
- f = n(83).TAG_NAMES,
+ l = n(126),
+ u = n(220),
+ h = n(373),
+ f = n(84).TAG_NAMES,
d = (function(e) {
function t(e) {
var n;
@@ -72148,8 +71954,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = n(71),
a = n(60),
c = n(72),
@@ -72187,14 +71993,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = n(71),
a = n(60),
c = n(72),
- s = n(177),
- l = n(376),
- u = n(230),
+ s = n(165),
+ l = n(375),
+ u = n(220),
h = n(66),
f = (function(e) {
function t(e, n) {
@@ -72242,12 +72048,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
+ var r = n(44),
i = n(71),
o = n(60),
a = n(72),
- c = n(177),
- s = n(377),
+ c = n(165),
+ s = n(376),
l = n(66),
u = (function(e) {
function t(e, n) {
@@ -72262,14 +72068,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
o = n(71),
a = n(60),
- c = n(378),
+ c = n(377),
s = n(72),
- l = n(177),
- u = n(231),
+ l = n(165),
+ u = n(221),
h = n(66),
f = (function(e) {
function t(e, n) {
@@ -72297,7 +72103,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(379);
+ var r = n(378);
function i(t, n, o) {
return (
"undefined" !== typeof Reflect && Reflect.get
@@ -72324,9 +72130,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r,
- i = n(174),
- o = n(125),
- a = n(83),
+ i = n(162),
+ o = n(126),
+ a = n(84),
c = a.TAG_NAMES,
l = a.ATTRS,
@@ -72548,12 +72354,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(48),
- i = n(50),
- o = n(232),
- a = n(233),
- c = n(234),
- s = n(83),
+ var r = n(44),
+ i = n(46),
+ o = n(222),
+ a = n(223),
+ c = n(224),
+ s = n(84),
l = s.TAG_NAMES,
h = { treeAdapter: o },
@@ -72726,7 +72532,7 @@
e._onTimeout && e._onTimeout();
}, t));
- n(383),
+ n(382),
(t.setImmediate =
("undefined" !== typeof self && self.setImmediate) ||
("undefined" !== typeof e && e.setImmediate) ||
@@ -72851,12 +72657,12 @@
})("undefined" === typeof self ? ("undefined" === typeof e ? this : e) : self);
- }.call(this, n(59), n(110)));
+ }.call(this, n(59), n(111)));
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(386);
+ var r = n(385);
function i() {}
function o() {}
(o.resetWarningCache = i),
@@ -72903,14 +72709,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(388), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(387), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
- n(389), (e.exports = n(54).Object.assign);
+ n(388), (e.exports = n(48).Object.assign);
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(73);
- r(r.S + r.F, "Object", { assign: n(391) });
+ r(r.S + r.F, "Object", { assign: n(390) });
function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -72921,15 +72727,15 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(76),
- i = n(126),
- o = n(186),
- a = n(129),
- c = n(112),
- s = n(238),
+ i = n(127),
+ o = n(174),
+ a = n(130),
+ c = n(113),
+ s = n(228),
l = Object.assign;
e.exports =
!l ||
- n(98)(function() {
+ n(99)(function() {
var e = {},
t = {},
n = Symbol(),
@@ -72951,9 +72757,9 @@
: l;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(85),
- i = n(239),
- o = n(393);
+ var r = n(86),
+ i = n(229),
+ o = n(392);
e.exports = function(e) {
return function(t, n, a) {
var c,
@@ -72968,7 +72774,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(182),
+ var r = n(170),
i = Math.max,
o = Math.min;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
@@ -72976,8 +72782,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- n(395);
- var r = n(54).Object;
+ n(394);
+ var r = n(48).Object;
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
return r.defineProperty(e, t, n);
@@ -72987,14 +72793,14 @@
r(r.S + r.F * !n(76), "Object", { defineProperty: n(75).f });
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(397), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(396), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
- n(241), n(402), (e.exports = n(189).f("iterator"));
+ n(231), n(401), (e.exports = n(177).f("iterator"));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(182),
- i = n(181);
+ var r = n(170),
+ i = n(169);
e.exports = function(e) {
return function(t, n) {
var o,
@@ -73022,11 +72828,11 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(187),
- i = n(111),
- o = n(188),
+ var r = n(175),
+ i = n(112),
+ o = n(176),
a = {};
- n(95)(a, n(61)("iterator"), function() {
+ n(96)(a, n(61)("iterator"), function() {
return this;
(e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
@@ -73035,8 +72841,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(75),
- i = n(96),
- o = n(126);
+ i = n(97),
+ o = n(127);
e.exports = n(76)
? Object.defineProperties
: function(e, t) {
@@ -73050,11 +72856,11 @@
e.exports = r && r.documentElement;
function(e, t, n) {
- n(403);
+ n(402);
for (
var r = n(74),
- i = n(95),
- o = n(113),
+ i = n(96),
+ o = n(114),
a = n(61)("toStringTag"),
c = "CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,TextTrackList,TouchList".split(
@@ -73071,11 +72877,11 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(404),
- i = n(405),
- o = n(113),
- a = n(85);
- (e.exports = n(242)(
+ var r = n(403),
+ i = n(404),
+ o = n(114),
+ a = n(86);
+ (e.exports = n(232)(
function(e, t) {
@@ -73105,40 +72911,40 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(407), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(406), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
- n(408), n(413), n(414), n(415), (e.exports = n(54).Symbol);
+ n(407), n(412), n(413), n(414), (e.exports = n(48).Symbol);
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(74),
- i = n(84),
+ i = n(85),
o = n(76),
a = n(73),
- c = n(243),
- s = n(409).KEY,
- l = n(98),
- u = n(184),
- h = n(188),
- f = n(128),
+ c = n(233),
+ s = n(408).KEY,
+ l = n(99),
+ u = n(172),
+ h = n(176),
+ f = n(129),
d = n(61),
- p = n(189),
- v = n(190),
- m = n(410),
- y = n(411),
- g = n(96),
- b = n(97),
- T = n(112),
- E = n(85),
- _ = n(179),
- C = n(111),
- S = n(187),
- w = n(412),
- O = n(191),
- M = n(186),
+ p = n(177),
+ v = n(178),
+ m = n(409),
+ y = n(410),
+ g = n(97),
+ b = n(98),
+ T = n(113),
+ E = n(86),
+ _ = n(167),
+ C = n(112),
+ S = n(175),
+ w = n(411),
+ O = n(179),
+ M = n(174),
k = n(75),
- x = n(126),
+ x = n(127),
A = O.f,
z = k.f,
D = w.f,
@@ -73250,10 +73056,10 @@
(O.f = Z),
(k.f = X),
- (n(245).f = w.f = J),
- (n(129).f = $),
+ (n(235).f = w.f = J),
+ (n(130).f = $),
(M.f = ee),
- o && !n(127) && c(U, "propertyIsEnumerable", $, !0),
+ o && !n(128) && c(U, "propertyIsEnumerable", $, !0),
(p.f = function(e) {
return Y(d(e));
@@ -73326,15 +73132,15 @@
- P.prototype[R] || n(95)(P.prototype, R, P.prototype.valueOf),
+ P.prototype[R] || n(96)(P.prototype, R, P.prototype.valueOf),
h(P, "Symbol"),
h(Math, "Math", !0),
h(r.JSON, "JSON", !0);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(128)("meta"),
- i = n(97),
- o = n(84),
+ var r = n(129)("meta"),
+ i = n(98),
+ o = n(85),
a = n(75).f,
c = 0,
s =
@@ -73342,7 +73148,7 @@
function() {
return !0;
- l = !n(98)(function() {
+ l = !n(99)(function() {
return s(Object.preventExtensions({}));
u = function(e) {
@@ -73374,9 +73180,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(126),
- i = n(186),
- o = n(129);
+ var r = n(127),
+ i = n(174),
+ o = n(130);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = r(e),
n = i.f;
@@ -73385,7 +73191,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(180);
+ var r = n(168);
e.exports =
Array.isArray ||
function(e) {
@@ -73393,8 +73199,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(85),
- i = n(245).f,
+ var r = n(86),
+ i = n(235).f,
o = {}.toString,
a = "object" == typeof window && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];
e.exports.f = function(e) {
@@ -73411,24 +73217,24 @@
function(e, t) {},
function(e, t, n) {
- n(190)("asyncIterator");
+ n(178)("asyncIterator");
function(e, t, n) {
- n(190)("observable");
+ n(178)("observable");
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(417), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(416), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
- n(418), (e.exports = n(54).Object.setPrototypeOf);
+ n(417), (e.exports = n(48).Object.setPrototypeOf);
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(73);
- r(r.S, "Object", { setPrototypeOf: n(419).set });
+ r(r.S, "Object", { setPrototypeOf: n(418).set });
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(97),
- i = n(96),
+ var r = n(98),
+ i = n(97),
o = function(e, t) {
if ((i(e), !r(t) && null !== t)) throw TypeError(t + ": can't set as prototype!");
@@ -73438,7 +73244,7 @@
("__proto__" in {}
? (function(e, t, r) {
try {
- (r = n(178)(Function.call, n(191).f(Object.prototype, "__proto__").set, 2))(e, []),
+ (r = n(166)(Function.call, n(179).f(Object.prototype, "__proto__").set, 2))(e, []),
(t = !(e instanceof Array));
} catch (i) {
t = !0;
@@ -73452,18 +73258,18 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(421), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(420), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
- n(422);
- var r = n(54).Object;
+ n(421);
+ var r = n(48).Object;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return r.create(e, t);
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(73);
- r(r.S, "Object", { create: n(187) });
+ r(r.S, "Object", { create: n(175) });
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -73473,7 +73279,7 @@
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
- var i = r(n(424)),
+ var i = r(n(423)),
o = 2,
a = 16,
c = 5,
@@ -74319,15 +74125,15 @@
(i = new Date().getTime()));
- }.call(this, n(110)));
+ }.call(this, n(111)));
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
t.__esModule = !0;
var r = n(0),
i = (a(r), a(n(2))),
- o = a(n(427));
- a(n(51));
+ o = a(n(426));
+ a(n(54));
function a(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
@@ -74474,9 +74280,9 @@
e.exports = n;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(430),
- i = n(479),
- o = n(259);
+ var r = n(429),
+ i = n(478),
+ o = n(249);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = i(e);
return 1 == t.length && t[0][2]
@@ -74487,8 +74293,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(247),
- i = n(195),
+ var r = n(237),
+ i = n(183),
o = 1,
a = 2;
e.exports = function(e, t, n, c) {
@@ -74521,7 +74327,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(131),
+ var r = n(132),
i = Array.prototype.splice;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.__data__,
@@ -74530,7 +74336,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(131);
+ var r = n(132);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.__data__,
n = r(t, e);
@@ -74538,13 +74344,13 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(131);
+ var r = n(132);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(this.__data__, e) > -1;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(131);
+ var r = n(132);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = this.__data__,
i = r(n, e);
@@ -74552,7 +74358,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(130);
+ var r = n(131);
e.exports = function() {
(this.__data__ = new r()), (this.size = 0);
@@ -74575,9 +74381,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(130),
- i = n(193),
- o = n(194),
+ var r = n(131),
+ i = n(181),
+ o = n(182),
a = 200;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = this.__data__;
@@ -74590,10 +74396,10 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(89),
- i = n(444),
- o = n(88),
- a = n(249),
+ var r = n(90),
+ i = n(443),
+ o = n(89),
+ a = n(239),
c = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/,
s = Function.prototype,
l = Object.prototype,
@@ -74612,7 +74418,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(114),
+ var r = n(115),
i = Object.prototype,
o = i.hasOwnProperty,
a = i.toString,
@@ -74635,7 +74441,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(445),
+ var r = n(444),
i = (function() {
var e = /[^.]+$/.exec((r && r.keys && r.keys.IE_PROTO) || "");
return e ? "Symbol(src)_1." + e : "";
@@ -74654,19 +74460,19 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(448),
- i = n(130),
- o = n(193);
+ var r = n(447),
+ i = n(131),
+ o = n(181);
e.exports = function() {
(this.size = 0), (this.__data__ = { hash: new r(), map: new (o || i)(), string: new r() });
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(449),
- i = n(450),
- o = n(451),
- a = n(452),
- c = n(453);
+ var r = n(448),
+ i = n(449),
+ o = n(450),
+ a = n(451),
+ c = n(452);
function s(e) {
var t = -1,
n = null == e ? 0 : e.length;
@@ -74683,7 +74489,7 @@
(e.exports = s);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(133);
+ var r = n(134);
e.exports = function() {
(this.__data__ = r ? r(null) : {}), (this.size = 0);
@@ -74695,7 +74501,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(133),
+ var r = n(134),
i = "__lodash_hash_undefined__",
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -74708,7 +74514,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(133),
+ var r = n(134),
i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = this.__data__;
@@ -74716,7 +74522,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(133),
+ var r = n(134),
i = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = this.__data__;
@@ -74724,7 +74530,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(134);
+ var r = n(135);
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = r(this, e).delete(e);
return (this.size -= t ? 1 : 0), t;
@@ -74737,19 +74543,19 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(134);
+ var r = n(135);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(this, e).get(e);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(134);
+ var r = n(135);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(this, e).has(e);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(134);
+ var r = n(135);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = r(this, e),
i = n.size;
@@ -74757,14 +74563,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(247),
- i = n(250),
- o = n(462),
- a = n(465),
- c = n(202),
- s = n(42),
- l = n(197),
- u = n(198),
+ var r = n(237),
+ i = n(240),
+ o = n(461),
+ a = n(464),
+ c = n(190),
+ s = n(33),
+ l = n(185),
+ u = n(186),
h = 1,
f = "[object Arguments]",
d = "[object Array]",
@@ -74807,12 +74613,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(114),
- i = n(463),
- o = n(132),
- a = n(250),
- c = n(464),
- s = n(196),
+ var r = n(115),
+ i = n(462),
+ o = n(133),
+ a = n(240),
+ c = n(463),
+ s = n(184),
l = 1,
u = 2,
h = "[object Boolean]",
@@ -74877,7 +74683,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(466),
+ var r = n(465),
i = 1,
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e, t, n, a, c, s) {
@@ -74916,24 +74722,24 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(467),
- i = n(468),
- o = n(100);
+ var r = n(466),
+ i = n(467),
+ o = n(101);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(e, o, i);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(252),
- i = n(42);
+ var r = n(242),
+ i = n(33);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var o = t(e);
return i(e) ? o : r(o, n(e));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(253),
- i = n(469),
+ var r = n(243),
+ i = n(468),
o = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,
a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,
c = a
@@ -74954,12 +74760,12 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(254),
- i = n(137),
- o = n(42),
- a = n(197),
- c = n(138),
- s = n(198),
+ var r = n(244),
+ i = n(138),
+ o = n(33),
+ a = n(185),
+ c = n(139),
+ s = n(186),
l = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = o(e),
@@ -74995,7 +74801,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
var r = n(67),
- i = n(199),
+ i = n(187),
o = n(63),
a = {};
(a["[object Float32Array]"] = a["[object Float64Array]"] = a["[object Int8Array]"] = a["[object Int16Array]"] = a[
@@ -75016,7 +74822,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
(function(e) {
- var r = n(248),
+ var r = n(238),
i = "object" == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t,
o = i && "object" == typeof e && e && !e.nodeType && e,
a = o && o.exports === i && r.process,
@@ -75027,27 +74833,27 @@
} catch (t) {}
e.exports = c;
- }.call(this, n(192)(e)));
+ }.call(this, n(180)(e)));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(256)(Object.keys, Object);
+ var r = n(246)(Object.keys, Object);
e.exports = r;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(87)(n(62), "DataView");
+ var r = n(88)(n(62), "DataView");
e.exports = r;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(87)(n(62), "Promise");
+ var r = n(88)(n(62), "Promise");
e.exports = r;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(87)(n(62), "WeakMap");
+ var r = n(88)(n(62), "WeakMap");
e.exports = r;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(258),
- i = n(100);
+ var r = n(248),
+ i = n(101);
e.exports = function(e) {
for (var t = i(e), n = t.length; n--; ) {
var o = t[n],
@@ -75058,13 +74864,13 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(195),
- i = n(46),
- o = n(261),
- a = n(203),
- c = n(258),
- s = n(259),
- l = n(101),
+ var r = n(183),
+ i = n(43),
+ o = n(251),
+ a = n(191),
+ c = n(248),
+ s = n(249),
+ l = n(102),
u = 1,
h = 2;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
@@ -75077,7 +74883,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(482),
+ var r = n(481),
i = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g,
o = /\\(\\)?/g,
a = r(function(e) {
@@ -75093,7 +74899,7 @@
e.exports = a;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(483),
+ var r = n(482),
i = 500;
e.exports = function(e) {
var t = r(e, function(e) {
@@ -75104,7 +74910,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(194),
+ var r = n(182),
i = "Expected a function";
function o(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof e || (null != t && "function" != typeof t)) throw new TypeError(i);
@@ -75126,16 +74932,16 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(263),
- i = n(486),
- o = n(203),
- a = n(101);
+ var r = n(253),
+ i = n(485),
+ o = n(191),
+ a = n(102);
e.exports = function(e) {
return o(e) ? r(a(e)) : i(e);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(139);
+ var r = n(140);
e.exports = function(e) {
return function(t) {
return r(t, e);
@@ -75143,7 +74949,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(102),
+ var r = n(103),
i = n(68);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = -1,
@@ -75157,14 +74963,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(489),
- i = n(100);
+ var r = n(488),
+ i = n(101);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return e && r(e, t, i);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(490)();
+ var r = n(489)();
e.exports = r;
function(e, t) {
@@ -75190,11 +74996,11 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(264),
- i = n(115),
- o = n(493),
- a = n(494),
- c = n(101);
+ var r = n(254),
+ i = n(116),
+ o = n(492),
+ a = n(493),
+ c = n(102);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
t = i(t, e);
var s = null == (e = a(e, t)) ? e : e[c(o(t))];
@@ -75208,16 +75014,16 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(139),
- i = n(265);
+ var r = n(140),
+ i = n(255);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return t.length < 2 ? e : r(e, i(t, 0, -1));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(496),
- i = n(268),
- o = n(116),
+ var r = n(495),
+ i = n(258),
+ o = n(117),
a = i
? function(e, t) {
return i(e, "toString", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: r(t), writable: !0 });
@@ -75250,9 +75056,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(86),
+ var r = n(87),
i = n(68),
- o = n(100);
+ o = n(101);
e.exports = function(e) {
return function(t, n, a) {
var c = Object(t);
@@ -75269,7 +75075,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(102);
+ var r = n(103);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n;
return (
@@ -75281,7 +75087,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(256)(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object);
+ var r = n(246)(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object);
e.exports = r;
function(e, t) {
@@ -75296,9 +75102,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(257),
- i = n(504),
- o = n(196),
+ var r = n(247),
+ i = n(503),
+ o = n(184),
a =
r && 1 / o(new r([, -0]))[1] == 1 / 0
? function(e) {
@@ -75317,26 +75123,28 @@
function(e, t) {
e.exports = function(e, t) {
- var n = [],
- r = !0,
- i = !1,
- o = void 0;
- try {
- for (
- var a, c = e[Symbol.iterator]();
- !(r = (a = c.next()).done) && (n.push(a.value), !t || n.length !== t);
- r = !0
- );
- } catch (s) {
- (i = !0), (o = s);
- } finally {
+ if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) {
+ var n = [],
+ r = !0,
+ i = !1,
+ o = void 0;
try {
- r || null == c.return || c.return();
+ for (
+ var a, c = e[Symbol.iterator]();
+ !(r = (a = c.next()).done) && (n.push(a.value), !t || n.length !== t);
+ r = !0
+ );
+ } catch (s) {
+ (i = !0), (o = s);
} finally {
- if (i) throw o;
+ try {
+ r || null == c.return || c.return();
+ } finally {
+ if (i) throw o;
+ }
+ return n;
- return n;
function(e, t) {
@@ -75345,14 +75153,14 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(509),
- i = n(100);
+ var r = n(508),
+ i = n(101);
e.exports = function(e) {
return null == e ? [] : r(e, i(e));
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(99);
+ var r = n(100);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return r(t, function(t) {
return e[t];
@@ -75380,7 +75188,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
- var r = n(514);
+ var r = n(513);
var i = n(0);
function o(e) {
@@ -75749,29 +75557,29 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(272),
- i = n(207),
- o = n(117),
- a = n(142),
+ var r = n(264),
+ i = n(196),
+ o = n(118),
+ a = n(143),
c = o(function(e, t) {
return a(e) ? r(e, i(t, 1, a, !0)) : [];
e.exports = c;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(114),
- i = n(137),
- o = n(42),
+ var r = n(115),
+ i = n(138),
+ o = n(33),
a = r ? r.isConcatSpreadable : void 0;
e.exports = function(e) {
return o(e) || i(e) || !!(a && e && e[a]);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(518),
- i = n(260),
- o = n(118),
- a = n(141);
+ var r = n(517),
+ i = n(250),
+ o = n(119),
+ a = n(142);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
return (e = a(e)), (n = null == n ? 0 : r(o(n), 0, e.length)), (t = i(t)), e.slice(n, n + t.length) == t;
@@ -75782,7 +75590,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(102);
+ var r = n(103);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = [];
return (
@@ -75794,10 +75602,10 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(99),
- i = n(521),
- o = n(117),
- a = n(522),
+ var r = n(100),
+ i = n(520),
+ o = n(118),
+ a = n(521),
c = o(function(e) {
var t = r(e, a);
return t.length && t[0] === e[0] ? i(t) : [];
@@ -75805,12 +75613,12 @@
e.exports = c;
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(135),
- i = n(205),
- o = n(206),
- a = n(99),
- c = n(200),
- s = n(136),
+ var r = n(136),
+ i = n(193),
+ o = n(194),
+ a = n(100),
+ c = n(188),
+ s = n(137),
l = Math.min;
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
for (var u = n ? o : i, h = e[0].length, f = e.length, d = f, p = Array(f), v = 1 / 0, m = []; d--; ) {
@@ -75837,7 +75645,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(142);
+ var r = n(143);
e.exports = function(e) {
return r(e) ? e : [];
@@ -75849,7 +75657,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = n(211);
+ e.exports = n(201);
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -75857,8 +75665,8 @@
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
- var i = r(n(526)),
- o = r(n(124)),
+ var i = r(n(525)),
+ o = r(n(125)),
a = !0,
c = !1,
s = [
@@ -76051,12 +75859,12 @@
(e.exports = t.default);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(528);
+ var r = n(527);
e.exports = new r();
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(529),
- i = n(277),
+ var r = n(528),
+ i = n(274),
o = i.each,
a = i.isFunction,
c = i.isArray;
@@ -76087,8 +75895,8 @@
(e.exports = s);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(530),
- i = n(277).each;
+ var r = n(529),
+ i = n(274).each;
function o(e, t) {
(this.query = e), (this.isUnconditional = t), (this.handlers = []), (this.mql = window.matchMedia(e));
var n = this;
@@ -76182,7 +75990,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(19);
+ var r = n(18);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
for (; !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) && null !== (e = r(e)); );
return e;
@@ -76195,7 +76003,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(102);
+ var r = n(103);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
var n = !0;
return (
@@ -76225,7 +76033,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(545)({
+ var r = n(544)({
À: "A",
Á: "A",
Â: "A",
@@ -76427,8 +76235,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(547),
- i = n(261);
+ var r = n(546),
+ i = n(251);
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return r(e, t, function(t, n) {
return i(e, n);
@@ -76436,9 +76244,9 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(139),
- i = n(548),
- o = n(115);
+ var r = n(140),
+ i = n(547),
+ o = n(116);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
for (var a = -1, c = t.length, s = {}; ++a < c; ) {
var l = t[a],
@@ -76449,11 +76257,11 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(549),
- i = n(115),
- o = n(138),
- a = n(88),
- c = n(101);
+ var r = n(548),
+ i = n(116),
+ o = n(139),
+ a = n(89),
+ c = n(102);
e.exports = function(e, t, n, s) {
if (!a(e)) return e;
for (var l = -1, u = (t = i(t, e)).length, h = u - 1, f = e; null != f && ++l < u; ) {
@@ -76469,8 +76277,8 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(550),
- i = n(132),
+ var r = n(549),
+ i = n(133),
o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
var a = e[t];
@@ -76478,35 +76286,35 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(268);
+ var r = n(258);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
"__proto__" == t && r ? r(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: n, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = n);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(552),
- i = n(266),
- o = n(267);
+ var r = n(551),
+ i = n(256),
+ o = n(257);
e.exports = function(e) {
return o(i(e, void 0, r), e + "");
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(207);
+ var r = n(196);
e.exports = function(e) {
return null != e && e.length ? r(e, 1) : [];
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(554),
- i = n(555),
- o = n(556);
+ var r = n(553),
+ i = n(554),
+ o = n(555);
e.exports = function(e) {
return i(e) ? o(e) : r(e);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(263)("length");
+ var r = n(253)("length");
e.exports = r;
function(e, t) {
@@ -76573,59 +76381,59 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(566), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(565), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
- n(567), (e.exports = n(54).Object.getPrototypeOf);
+ n(566), (e.exports = n(48).Object.getPrototypeOf);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(112),
- i = n(244);
- n(279)("getPrototypeOf", function() {
+ var r = n(113),
+ i = n(234);
+ n(276)("getPrototypeOf", function() {
return function(e) {
return i(r(e));
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(569), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(568), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
- n(570);
- var r = n(54).Object;
+ n(569);
+ var r = n(48).Object;
e.exports = function(e, t) {
return r.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(85),
- i = n(191).f;
- n(279)("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", function() {
+ var r = n(86),
+ i = n(179).f;
+ n(276)("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", function() {
return function(e, t) {
return i(r(e), t);
function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { default: n(572), __esModule: !0 };
+ e.exports = { default: n(571), __esModule: !0 };
function(e, t, n) {
- n(241), n(573), (e.exports = n(54).Array.from);
+ n(231), n(572), (e.exports = n(48).Array.from);
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- var r = n(178),
+ var r = n(166),
i = n(73),
- o = n(112),
- a = n(574),
- c = n(575),
- s = n(239),
- l = n(576),
- u = n(577);
+ o = n(113),
+ a = n(573),
+ c = n(574),
+ s = n(229),
+ l = n(575),
+ u = n(576);
i.S +
i.F *
- !n(579)(function(e) {
+ !n(578)(function(e) {
@@ -76653,7 +76461,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(96);
+ var r = n(97);
e.exports = function(e, t, n, i) {
try {
return i ? t(r(n)[0], n[1]) : t(n);
@@ -76664,7 +76472,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(113),
+ var r = n(114),
i = n(61)("iterator"),
o = Array.prototype;
e.exports = function(e) {
@@ -76674,21 +76482,21 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(75),
- i = n(111);
+ i = n(112);
e.exports = function(e, t, n) {
t in e ? r.f(e, t, i(0, n)) : (e[t] = n);
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(578),
+ var r = n(577),
i = n(61)("iterator"),
- o = n(113);
- e.exports = n(54).getIteratorMethod = function(e) {
+ o = n(114);
+ e.exports = n(48).getIteratorMethod = function(e) {
if (void 0 != e) return e[i] || e["@@iterator"] || o[r(e)];
function(e, t, n) {
- var r = n(180),
+ var r = n(168),
i = n(61)("toStringTag"),
o =
"Arguments" ==
@@ -76747,6 +76555,7 @@
+ ,
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
e.exports = n(582);
@@ -76754,7 +76563,7 @@
function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = function t(r) {
"use strict";
- var i = n(124),
+ var i = n(125),
o = n(0),
a = n(583);
function c(e) {
@@ -80656,9 +80465,9 @@
(null == t.visible || t.visible) && e.show();
(t.unhideTextInstance = function(e, t) {});
- var a = l(n(119)),
- c = n(280),
- s = l(n(208));
+ var a = l(n(120)),
+ c = n(277),
+ s = l(n(197));
function l(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e };
@@ -80677,7 +80486,7 @@
(t.__esModule = !0),
(t.createHiddenTextInstance = t.cloneUnhiddenInstance = t.cloneHiddenInstance = t.replaceContainerChildren = t.finalizeContainerChildren = t.appendChildToContainerChildSet = t.createContainerChildSet = t.cloneInstance = t.supportsPersistence = void 0);
var r,
- i = n(208),
+ i = n(197),
o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
function a() {
(0, o.default)(
@@ -80700,7 +80509,7 @@
(t.__esModule = !0),
(t.didNotFindHydratableTextInstance = t.didNotFindHydratableInstance = t.didNotFindHydratableContainerTextInstance = t.didNotFindHydratableContainerInstance = t.didNotHydrateInstance = t.didNotHydrateContainerInstance = t.didNotMatchHydratedTextInstance = t.didNotMatchHydratedContainerTextInstance = t.hydrateTextInstance = t.hydrateInstance = t.getFirstHydratableChild = t.getNextHydratableSibling = t.canHydrateTextInstance = t.canHydrateInstance = t.supportsHydration = void 0);
var r,
- i = n(208),
+ i = n(197),
o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r };
function a() {
(0, o.default)(
@@ -81409,20 +81218,20 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(0),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(17),
+ o = n(14),
a = n(9),
c = n.n(a),
- s = n(16),
+ s = n(15),
l = n.n(s),
- u = n(34),
+ u = n(31),
h = n.n(u),
- f = n(13),
+ f = n(12),
d = n.n(f),
- p = n(25),
+ p = n(24),
v = n.n(p),
- m = n(12),
+ m = n(11),
y = n.n(m),
- g = n(14),
+ g = n(13),
b = n.n(g),
T = n(2),
E = n.n(T),
@@ -81430,7 +81239,7 @@
C = n.n(_),
S = n(79),
w = n.n(S),
- O = n(28),
+ O = n(27),
M = 37,
k = 38,
x = 39,
@@ -81491,8 +81300,8 @@
- var I = n(32),
- F = n(105),
+ var I = n(35),
+ F = n(106),
j = n.n(F)()({}),
U = j.Provider,
B = j.Consumer,
@@ -81813,8 +81622,7 @@
- },
- Z = Q;
+ };
(Q.propTypes = {
destroyInactiveTabPane: E.a.bool,
renderTabBar: E.a.func.isRequired,
@@ -81840,9 +81648,10 @@
children: null,
style: {},
- Object(O.a)(q),
- (Q.TabPane = q);
- var J = (function(e) {
+ (Q.TabPane = q),
+ Object(O.a)(Q);
+ var Z = Q,
+ J = (function(e) {
function t() {
return d()(this, t), y()(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).apply(this, arguments));
@@ -82040,7 +81849,7 @@
oe = ie;
(ie.propTypes = { prefixCls: E.a.string, styles: E.a.object, inkBarAnimated: E.a.bool, saveRef: E.a.func }),
(ie.defaultProps = { prefixCls: "", inkBarAnimated: !0, styles: {}, saveRef: function() {} });
- var ae = n(51),
+ var ae = n(54),
ce = n.n(ae),
se = (function(e) {
function t() {
@@ -82202,9 +82011,9 @@
onKeyDown: function() {},
saveRef: function() {},
- var fe = n(163),
+ var fe = n(155),
de = n.n(fe),
- pe = n(164),
+ pe = n(156),
ve = (function(e) {
function t(e) {
d()(this, t);
@@ -82552,7 +82361,7 @@
Te = be;
be.propTypes = { children: E.a.func };
- var Ee = n(35);
+ var Ee = n(34);
function _e() {
return (_e =
Object.assign ||
@@ -82672,7 +82481,7 @@
- T = _e({}, this.props, {
+ T = _e(_e({}, this.props), {
children: null,
inkBarAnimated: d,
extraContent: c,
@@ -82690,9 +82499,9 @@
xe.defaultProps = { animated: !0, type: "line" };
- var Ae = n(15),
- ze = n(33),
- De = n(120);
+ var Ae = n(16),
+ ze = n(40),
+ De = n(121);
function Pe() {
return (Pe =
Object.assign ||
@@ -82922,46 +82731,46 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(6),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(90),
+ o = n(91),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(18),
+ c = n(17),
s = n.n(c),
l = n(5),
u = n.n(l),
h = (n(2), n(0)),
f = n.n(h),
d = n(38),
- p = n(150),
- v = n(39),
- m = n(151),
+ p = n(259),
+ v = n(49),
+ m = n(260),
y = n(8),
- g = n(154),
- b = n(20),
+ g = n(266),
+ b = n(19),
T = n.n(b),
- E = n(21),
+ E = n(20),
_ = n.n(E),
- C = n(22),
+ C = n(21),
S = n.n(C),
- w = n(19),
+ w = n(18),
O = n.n(w),
- M = n(23),
+ M = n(22),
k = n.n(M),
x = n(3),
A = n.n(x),
z = n(4),
D = n.n(z),
- P = n(155),
- N = n(24),
+ P = n(269),
+ N = n(23),
L = n.n(N),
H = n(10),
R = n.n(H),
- V = n(40),
+ V = n(41),
I = n.n(V),
- F = n(156),
- j = n(157),
- U = n(146),
- B = n(158),
- K = n(17),
+ F = n(270),
+ j = n(271),
+ U = n(195),
+ B = n(272),
+ K = n(14),
G = (function(e) {
function t() {
return T()(this, t), S()(this, O()(t).apply(this, arguments));
@@ -83425,7 +83234,7 @@
(J.create = Object(g.e)(J, function(e) {
return { content: e };
- var ee = n(168);
+ var ee = n(280);
function te(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = e.className,
@@ -83537,7 +83346,7 @@
var r = n(0),
i = n(5),
o = n.n(i),
- a = n(15),
+ a = n(16),
c = n(64),
s = function() {
return r.createElement(
@@ -83696,8 +83505,8 @@
o = n(5),
a = n.n(o),
c = n(2),
- s = n(15),
- l = n(162),
+ s = n(16),
+ l = n(154),
u = n(52);
function h(e, t, n) {
return (
@@ -83719,12 +83528,11 @@
}).apply(this, arguments);
if ("undefined" !== typeof window) {
- (window.matchMedia =
- window.matchMedia ||
- function(e) {
+ window.matchMedia ||
+ (window.matchMedia = function(e) {
return { media: e, matches: !1, addListener: function() {}, removeListener: function() {} };
- (r = n(527));
+ (r = n(526));
var d = ["xxl", "xl", "lg", "md", "sm", "xs"],
p = {
@@ -83770,11 +83578,11 @@
Object.keys(p).map(function(t) {
return r.register(p[t], {
match: function() {
- var n = f({}, y, h({}, t, !0));
+ var n = f(f({}, y), h({}, t, !0));
unmatch: function() {
- var n = f({}, y, h({}, t, !1));
+ var n = f(f({}, y), h({}, t, !1));
destroy: function() {},
@@ -83982,8 +83790,8 @@
i = n(2),
o = n(5),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(162),
- s = n(15);
+ c = n(154),
+ s = n(16);
function l(e, t, n) {
return (
t in e
@@ -84084,8 +83892,7 @@
"number" === typeof r ? (n.span = r) : "object" === h(r) && (n = r || {}),
delete E[e],
(C = u(
- {},
- C,
+ u({}, C),
(t = {}),
@@ -84205,19 +84012,19 @@
var r = n(6),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(90),
+ o = n(91),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(24),
+ c = n(23),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(20),
+ l = n(19),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(21),
+ h = n(20),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(22),
+ d = n(21),
p = n.n(d),
- v = n(19),
+ v = n(18),
m = n.n(v),
- y = n(23),
+ y = n(22),
g = n.n(y),
b = n(3),
T = n.n(b),
@@ -84225,17 +84032,17 @@
_ = n.n(E),
C = n(10),
S = n.n(C),
- w = n(18),
+ w = n(17),
O = n.n(w),
M = n(5),
k = n.n(M),
x = (n(2), n(0)),
A = n.n(x),
z = n(38),
- D = n(150),
- P = n(151),
- N = n(39),
- L = n(154),
+ D = n(259),
+ P = n(260),
+ N = n(49),
+ L = n(266),
H = (function(e) {
function t() {
var e, n;
@@ -84383,7 +84190,7 @@
- })(n(158).a);
+ })(n(272).a);
_()(H, "defaultProps", { type: "checkbox" }),
_()(H, "autoControlledProps", ["checked", "indeterminate"]),
_()(H, "handledProps", [
@@ -84417,7 +84224,7 @@
var r = n(0),
i = n(5),
o = n.n(i),
- a = n(15);
+ a = n(16);
function c() {
return (c =
Object.assign ||
@@ -84483,9 +84290,9 @@
o = n(5),
a = n.n(o),
c = n(37),
- s = n(163),
+ s = n(155),
l = n.n(s),
- u = n(15),
+ u = n(16),
h = n(52);
function f(e) {
return (f =
@@ -84718,15 +84525,15 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(6),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(20),
+ o = n(19),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(21),
+ c = n(20),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(22),
+ l = n(21),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(19),
+ h = n(18),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(23),
+ d = n(22),
p = n.n(d),
v = n(3),
m = n.n(v),
@@ -84741,17 +84548,17 @@
w = (n(2), n(0)),
O = n.n(w),
M = n(38),
- k = n(150),
- x = n(151),
+ k = n(259),
+ x = n(260),
A = n(621),
- z = n(24),
+ z = n(23),
D = n.n(z),
- P = n(46),
+ P = n(43),
N = n.n(P),
- L = n(18),
+ L = n(17),
H = n.n(L),
R = n(8),
- V = n(154),
+ V = n(266),
I = n(608);
function F(e) {
var t = e.slider,
@@ -84842,13 +84649,13 @@
X = n.n(q),
Q = n(294),
$ = n.n(Q),
- Z = n(45),
+ Z = n(42),
J = n.n(Z),
ee = n(295),
te = n.n(ee),
- ne = n(210),
+ ne = n(200),
re = n.n(ne),
- ie = n(152),
+ ie = n(149),
oe = n.n(ie),
ae = n(296),
ce = n.n(ae),
@@ -84856,37 +84663,37 @@
le = n.n(se),
ue = n(297),
he = n.n(ue),
- fe = n(219),
+ fe = n(209),
de = n.n(fe),
- pe = n(89),
+ pe = n(90),
ve = n.n(pe),
- me = n(159),
+ me = n(151),
ye = n.n(me),
ge = n(298),
be = n.n(ge),
Te = n(299),
Ee = n.n(Te),
- _e = n(107),
+ _e = n(108),
Ce = n.n(_e),
Se = n(300),
we = n.n(Se),
- Oe = n(220),
+ Oe = n(210),
Me = n.n(Oe),
ke = n(69),
xe = n.n(ke),
- Ae = n(106),
+ Ae = n(107),
ze = n.n(Ae),
De = n(301),
Pe = n.n(De),
- Ne = (n(276), n(40)),
+ Ne = (n(273), n(41)),
Le = n.n(Ne),
- He = n(41),
+ He = n(53),
Re = n.n(He),
- Ve = n(156),
- Ie = n(157),
- Fe = n(158),
- je = n(147),
- Ue = n(168);
+ Ve = n(270),
+ Ie = n(271),
+ Fe = n(272),
+ je = n(198),
+ Ue = n(280);
function Be(e) {
var t = e.className,
n = S()("divider", t),
@@ -85064,7 +84871,7 @@
(Ze.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "content", "direction", "open", "scrolling"]),
(Ze.propTypes = {});
var Je = Ze,
- et = n(146),
+ et = n(195),
tt = (function(e) {
function t() {
var e, n;
@@ -85906,7 +85713,7 @@
(ot.propTypes = {}),
(ot.defaultProps = { as: B, control: it });
var at = ot;
- n(278);
+ n(275);
function ct(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = e.className,
@@ -85929,9 +85736,9 @@
(ct.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "grouped", "inline", "unstackable", "widths"]),
(ct.propTypes = {});
var st = ct,
- lt = n(90),
+ lt = n(91),
ut = n.n(lt),
- ht = n(39),
+ ht = n(49),
ft = (function(e) {
function t() {
var e, n;
@@ -86322,7 +86129,7 @@
var r = n(0),
i = n(5),
o = n.n(i),
- a = n(15);
+ a = n(16);
function c() {
return (c =
Object.assign ||
@@ -86360,14 +86167,14 @@
return r.createElement(a, c({ className: o()(s, l), "aria-label": u, ref: h }, d), f);
- u = n(33),
- h = n(28),
- f = n(165),
+ u = n(40),
+ h = n(27),
+ f = n(157),
d = n(305),
p = n.n(d),
v = n(37),
m = n(64),
- y = n(32);
+ y = n(35);
function g(e) {
return (g =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -86490,7 +86297,7 @@
b({ role: "button", tabIndex: 0, ref: this.setRef }, i, {
onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown,
onKeyUp: this.onKeyUp,
- style: b({}, n ? null : w, t),
+ style: b(b({}, n ? null : w), t),
@@ -86500,8 +86307,8 @@
- M = n(17),
- k = n(164);
+ M = n(14),
+ k = n(156);
function x(e) {
return (x =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -86625,10 +86432,10 @@
- H = n(53),
- R = n(120),
- V = n(35),
- I = n(166),
+ H = n(47),
+ R = n(121),
+ V = n(34),
+ I = n(278),
F =
"\n min-height:0 !important;\n max-height:none !important;\n height:0 !important;\n visibility:hidden !important;\n overflow:hidden !important;\n position:absolute !important;\n z-index:-1000 !important;\n top:0 !important;\n right:0 !important\n",
j = [
@@ -86829,7 +86636,7 @@
: (n[i] = a),
- E = G({}, y.style, l, u ? { overflow: "hidden" } : null);
+ E = G(G(G({}, y.style), l), u ? { overflow: "hidden" } : null);
return (
"value" in g && (g.value = g.value || ""),
@@ -86872,7 +86679,7 @@
key: "componentDidUpdate",
value: function(e) {
- e.value !== this.props.value && this.resizeOnNextFrame();
+ e.value !== this.props.value && this.resizeTextarea();
@@ -87629,7 +87436,7 @@
fe(n, "".concat(d, "-ellipsis-multiple-line"), S),
- style: ve({}, g, { WebkitLineClamp: S ? T : null }),
+ style: ve(ve({}, g), { WebkitLineClamp: S ? T : null }),
component: u,
setContentRef: e.setContentRef,
"aria-label": O,
@@ -87699,7 +87506,7 @@
r.createElement(Se, we({}, n, { ellipsis: !!t, component: "span" }))
- xe = n(51),
+ xe = n(54),
Ae = n.n(xe),
ze = n(52);
function De() {
@@ -87760,17 +87567,17 @@
i = n.n(r),
o = n(9),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(13),
+ c = n(12),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(25),
+ l = n(24),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(12),
+ h = n(11),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(14),
+ d = n(13),
p = n.n(d),
v = n(2),
m = n.n(v),
- y = n(51),
+ y = n(54),
g = n.n(y),
b = function(e) {
var t = e.className,
@@ -87783,13 +87590,13 @@
u = a()({}, s, l);
return n ? i.a.createElement("div", { className: t, style: u }) : null;
- T = n(34),
+ T = n(31),
E = n.n(T),
- _ = n(16),
+ _ = n(15),
C = n.n(_),
- S = n(170),
+ S = n(158),
w = n.n(S),
- O = n(47),
+ O = n(50),
M = n(5),
k = n.n(M),
x = function(e) {
@@ -88035,10 +87842,10 @@
value: m.a.number,
tabIndex: m.a.number,
- var L = n(108),
+ var L = n(109),
H = n.n(L),
- R = n(17),
- V = n(32);
+ R = n(14),
+ V = n(35);
function I(e, t) {
try {
return Object.keys(t).some(function(n) {
@@ -88643,7 +88450,7 @@
max: m.a.number,
var ee = Z(J),
- te = n(41),
+ te = n(53),
ne = n.n(te),
re = (function(e) {
function t(e) {
@@ -88993,8 +88800,8 @@
(re.defaultProps = { count: 1, allowCross: !0, pushable: !1, tabIndex: [] });
var ie = Z(re),
- oe = n(166),
- ae = n(15);
+ oe = n(278),
+ ae = n(16);
function ce(e) {
return (ce =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -89074,8 +88881,7 @@
var r, i, o;
return {
visibles: se(
- {},
- n.visibles,
+ se({}, n.visibles),
((r = {}),
(i = e),
(o = t),
@@ -89210,42 +89016,346 @@
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(6),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = (n(55), n(42)),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(5),
+ s = n.n(c),
+ l = (n(2), n(0)),
+ u = n.n(l),
+ h = n(38),
+ f = n(259),
+ d = n(260),
+ p = n(8);
+ function v(e) {
+ var t = e.children,
+ n = e.className,
+ r = s()(n),
+ o = Object(f.a)(v, e),
+ a = Object(d.a)(v, e);
+ return u.a.createElement(a, i()({}, o, { className: r }), t);
+ }
+ (v.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className"]), (v.defaultProps = { as: "tbody" }), (v.propTypes = {});
+ var m = v,
+ y = n(266),
+ g = n(198);
+ function b(e) {
+ var t = e.active,
+ n = e.children,
+ r = e.className,
+ o = e.collapsing,
+ a = e.content,
+ c = e.disabled,
+ l = e.error,
+ v = e.icon,
+ m = e.negative,
+ y = e.positive,
+ T = e.selectable,
+ E = e.singleLine,
+ _ = e.textAlign,
+ C = e.verticalAlign,
+ S = e.warning,
+ w = e.width,
+ O = s()(
+ Object(h.a)(t, "active"),
+ Object(h.a)(o, "collapsing"),
+ Object(h.a)(c, "disabled"),
+ Object(h.a)(l, "error"),
+ Object(h.a)(m, "negative"),
+ Object(h.a)(y, "positive"),
+ Object(h.a)(T, "selectable"),
+ Object(h.a)(E, "single line"),
+ Object(h.a)(S, "warning"),
+ Object(h.c)(_),
+ Object(h.e)(C),
+ Object(h.f)(w, "wide"),
+ r,
+ ),
+ M = Object(f.a)(b, e),
+ k = Object(d.a)(b, e);
+ return p.a.isNil(n)
+ ? u.a.createElement(k, i()({}, M, { className: O }), g.a.create(v), a)
+ : u.a.createElement(k, i()({}, M, { className: O }), n);
+ }
+ (b.handledProps = [
+ "active",
+ "as",
+ "children",
+ "className",
+ "collapsing",
+ "content",
+ "disabled",
+ "error",
+ "icon",
+ "negative",
+ "positive",
+ "selectable",
+ "singleLine",
+ "textAlign",
+ "verticalAlign",
+ "warning",
+ "width",
+ ]),
+ (b.defaultProps = { as: "td" }),
+ (b.propTypes = {}),
+ (b.create = Object(y.e)(b, function(e) {
+ return { content: e };
+ }));
+ var T = b;
+ function E(e) {
+ var t = e.children,
+ n = e.className,
+ r = e.content,
+ o = e.fullWidth,
+ a = s()(Object(h.a)(o, "full-width"), n),
+ c = Object(f.a)(E, e),
+ l = Object(d.a)(E, e);
+ return u.a.createElement(l, i()({}, c, { className: a }), p.a.isNil(t) ? r : t);
+ }
+ (E.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "content", "fullWidth"]),
+ (E.defaultProps = { as: "thead" }),
+ (E.propTypes = {});
+ var _ = E;
+ function C(e) {
+ var t = e.as,
+ n = Object(f.a)(C, e);
+ return u.a.createElement(_, i()({}, n, { as: t }));
+ }
+ (C.handledProps = ["as"]), (C.propTypes = {}), (C.defaultProps = { as: "tfoot" });
+ var S = C;
+ function w(e) {
+ var t = e.as,
+ n = e.className,
+ r = e.sorted,
+ o = s()(Object(h.d)(r, "sorted"), n),
+ a = Object(f.a)(w, e);
+ return u.a.createElement(T, i()({}, a, { as: t, className: o }));
+ }
+ (w.handledProps = ["as", "className", "sorted"]), (w.propTypes = {}), (w.defaultProps = { as: "th" });
+ var O = w;
+ function M(e) {
+ var t = e.active,
+ n = e.cellAs,
+ r = e.cells,
+ o = e.children,
+ c = e.className,
+ l = e.disabled,
+ v = e.error,
+ m = e.negative,
+ y = e.positive,
+ g = e.textAlign,
+ b = e.verticalAlign,
+ E = e.warning,
+ _ = s()(
+ Object(h.a)(t, "active"),
+ Object(h.a)(l, "disabled"),
+ Object(h.a)(v, "error"),
+ Object(h.a)(m, "negative"),
+ Object(h.a)(y, "positive"),
+ Object(h.a)(E, "warning"),
+ Object(h.c)(g),
+ Object(h.e)(b),
+ c,
+ ),
+ C = Object(f.a)(M, e),
+ S = Object(d.a)(M, e);
+ return p.a.isNil(o)
+ ? u.a.createElement(
+ S,
+ i()({}, C, { className: _ }),
+ a()(r, function(e) {
+ return T.create(e, { defaultProps: { as: n } });
+ }),
+ )
+ : u.a.createElement(S, i()({}, C, { className: _ }), o);
+ }
+ (M.handledProps = [
+ "active",
+ "as",
+ "cellAs",
+ "cells",
+ "children",
+ "className",
+ "disabled",
+ "error",
+ "negative",
+ "positive",
+ "textAlign",
+ "verticalAlign",
+ "warning",
+ ]),
+ (M.defaultProps = { as: "tr", cellAs: "td" }),
+ (M.propTypes = {}),
+ (M.create = Object(y.e)(M, function(e) {
+ return { cells: e };
+ }));
+ var k = M;
+ function x(e) {
+ var t = e.attached,
+ n = e.basic,
+ r = e.celled,
+ o = e.children,
+ c = e.className,
+ l = e.collapsing,
+ v = e.color,
+ y = e.columns,
+ g = e.compact,
+ b = e.definition,
+ T = e.fixed,
+ E = e.footerRow,
+ C = e.headerRow,
+ w = e.inverted,
+ O = e.padded,
+ M = e.renderBodyRow,
+ A = e.selectable,
+ z = e.singleLine,
+ D = e.size,
+ P = e.sortable,
+ N = e.stackable,
+ L = e.striped,
+ H = e.structured,
+ R = e.tableData,
+ V = e.textAlign,
+ I = e.unstackable,
+ F = e.verticalAlign,
+ j = s()(
+ "ui",
+ v,
+ D,
+ Object(h.a)(r, "celled"),
+ Object(h.a)(l, "collapsing"),
+ Object(h.a)(b, "definition"),
+ Object(h.a)(T, "fixed"),
+ Object(h.a)(w, "inverted"),
+ Object(h.a)(A, "selectable"),
+ Object(h.a)(z, "single line"),
+ Object(h.a)(P, "sortable"),
+ Object(h.a)(N, "stackable"),
+ Object(h.a)(L, "striped"),
+ Object(h.a)(H, "structured"),
+ Object(h.a)(I, "unstackable"),
+ Object(h.b)(t, "attached"),
+ Object(h.b)(n, "basic"),
+ Object(h.b)(g, "compact"),
+ Object(h.b)(O, "padded"),
+ Object(h.c)(V),
+ Object(h.e)(F),
+ Object(h.f)(y, "column"),
+ "table",
+ c,
+ ),
+ U = Object(f.a)(x, e),
+ B = Object(d.a)(x, e);
+ return p.a.isNil(o)
+ ? u.a.createElement(
+ B,
+ i()({}, U, { className: j }),
+ C && u.a.createElement(_, null, k.create(C, { defaultProps: { cellAs: "th" } })),
+ u.a.createElement(
+ m,
+ null,
+ M &&
+ a()(R, function(e, t) {
+ return k.create(M(e, t));
+ }),
+ ),
+ E && u.a.createElement(S, null, k.create(E)),
+ )
+ : u.a.createElement(B, i()({}, U, { className: j }), o);
+ }
+ (x.handledProps = [
+ "as",
+ "attached",
+ "basic",
+ "celled",
+ "children",
+ "className",
+ "collapsing",
+ "color",
+ "columns",
+ "compact",
+ "definition",
+ "fixed",
+ "footerRow",
+ "headerRow",
+ "inverted",
+ "padded",
+ "renderBodyRow",
+ "selectable",
+ "singleLine",
+ "size",
+ "sortable",
+ "stackable",
+ "striped",
+ "structured",
+ "tableData",
+ "textAlign",
+ "unstackable",
+ "verticalAlign",
+ ]),
+ (x.defaultProps = { as: "table" }),
+ (x.propTypes = {}),
+ (x.Body = m),
+ (x.Cell = T),
+ (x.Footer = S),
+ (x.Header = _),
+ (x.HeaderCell = O),
+ (x.Row = k);
+ t.a = x;
+ },
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(0),
i = n(9),
o = n.n(i),
- a = n(13),
+ a = n(12),
c = n.n(a),
- s = n(12),
+ s = n(11),
l = n.n(s),
- u = n(14),
+ u = n(13),
h = n.n(u),
- f = n(17),
- d = n(32),
- p = n(91),
- v = n(218),
+ f = n(14),
+ d = n(35),
+ p = n(92),
+ v = n(208),
m = n(70),
- y = (function(e) {
+ y = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {};
+ for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
+ if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++) t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
+ }
+ return n;
+ },
+ g = (function(e) {
function t() {
return c()(this, t), l()(this, e.apply(this, arguments));
return (
h()(t, e),
(t.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function(e) {
- return !!e.hiddenClassName || !!e.visible;
+ return !!e.forceRender || (!!e.hiddenClassName || !!e.visible);
(t.prototype.render = function() {
- var e = this.props.className;
- this.props.hiddenClassName && !this.props.visible && (e += " " + this.props.hiddenClassName);
- var t = o()({}, this.props);
- return delete t.hiddenClassName, delete t.visible, (t.className = e), r.createElement("div", o()({}, t));
+ var e = this.props,
+ t = e.className,
+ n = e.hiddenClassName,
+ i = e.visible,
+ a = (e.forceRender, y(e, ["className", "hiddenClassName", "visible", "forceRender"])),
+ c = t;
+ return (
+ n && !i && (c += " " + this.props.hiddenClassName), r.createElement("div", o()({}, a, { className: c }))
+ );
- g = 0;
- function b(e, t) {
+ b = 0;
+ function T(e, t) {
var n = e["page" + (t ? "Y" : "X") + "Offset"],
r = "scroll" + (t ? "Top" : "Left");
if ("number" !== typeof n) {
@@ -89254,14 +89364,14 @@
return n;
- function T(e, t) {
+ function E(e, t) {
var n = e.style;
["Webkit", "Moz", "Ms", "ms"].forEach(function(e) {
n[e + "TransformOrigin"] = t;
(n.transformOrigin = t);
- var E = (function(e) {
+ var _ = (function(e) {
function t(n) {
c()(this, t);
var i = l()(this, e.call(this, n));
@@ -89319,7 +89429,7 @@
h = { width: 0, height: 0, overflow: "hidden" },
f = i.getTransitionName(),
d = r.createElement(
- y,
+ g,
key: "dialog-element",
role: "document",
@@ -89327,6 +89437,7 @@
style: u,
className: n + " " + (e.className || ""),
visible: e.visible,
+ forceRender: e.forceRender,
onMouseDown: i.onDialogMouseDown,
r.createElement("div", {
@@ -89384,7 +89495,7 @@
if (e.mask) {
var n = i.getMaskTransitionName();
(t = r.createElement(
- y,
+ g,
style: i.getMaskStyle(),
@@ -89432,7 +89543,7 @@
i[e] = t;
- (i.titleId = "rcDialogTitle" + g++),
+ (i.titleId = "rcDialogTitle" + b++),
@@ -89457,10 +89568,10 @@
n = { left: t.left, top: t.top },
r = e.ownerDocument,
i = r.defaultView || r.parentWindow;
- return (n.left += b(i)), (n.top += b(i, !0)), n;
+ return (n.left += T(i)), (n.top += T(i, !0)), n;
- T(r, n.x - i.left + "px " + (n.y - i.top) + "px");
- } else T(r, "");
+ E(r, n.x - i.left + "px " + (n.y - i.top) + "px");
+ } else E(r, "");
} else if (e.visible && ((this.inTransition = !0), t.mask && this.lastOutSideFocusNode)) {
try {
@@ -89516,8 +89627,8 @@
- _ = E;
- E.defaultProps = {
+ C = _;
+ _.defaultProps = {
className: "",
mask: !0,
visible: !1,
@@ -89527,35 +89638,35 @@
destroyOnClose: !1,
prefixCls: "rc-dialog",
- var C = n(292),
- S = function(e) {
+ var S = n(292),
+ w = function(e) {
var t = e.visible,
n = e.getContainer,
i = e.forceRender;
return !1 === n
? r.createElement(
- _,
+ C,
o()({}, e, {
getOpenCount: function() {
return 2;
- : r.createElement(C.a, { visible: t, forceRender: i, getContainer: n }, function(t) {
- return r.createElement(_, o()({}, e, t));
+ : r.createElement(S.a, { visible: t, forceRender: i, getContainer: n }, function(t) {
+ return r.createElement(C, o()({}, e, t));
- w = n(2),
- O = n(5),
- M = n.n(O),
- k = n(47),
- x = n(77),
- A = n(35),
- z = n(167),
- D = n(64),
- P = n(15);
- function N(e) {
- return (N =
+ O = n(2),
+ M = n(5),
+ k = n.n(M),
+ x = n(50),
+ A = n(77),
+ z = n(34),
+ D = n(279),
+ P = n(64),
+ N = n(16);
+ function L(e) {
+ return (L =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
? function(e) {
return typeof e;
@@ -89566,8 +89677,8 @@
: typeof e;
- function L() {
- return (L =
+ function H() {
+ return (H =
Object.assign ||
function(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
@@ -89577,7 +89688,7 @@
return e;
}).apply(this, arguments);
- function H(e, t) {
+ function R(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var r = t[n];
(r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
@@ -89586,30 +89697,30 @@
Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- function R(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== N(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
+ function V(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== L(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
? (function(e) {
if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return e;
: t;
- function V(e) {
- return (V = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ function I(e) {
+ return (I = Object.setPrototypeOf
? Object.getPrototypeOf
: function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- function I(e, t) {
- return (I =
+ function F(e, t) {
+ return (F =
Object.setPrototypeOf ||
function(e, t) {
return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
})(e, t);
- var F,
- j = function(e, t) {
+ var j,
+ U = function(e, t) {
var n = {};
for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
@@ -89619,24 +89730,24 @@
return n;
- U = [];
+ B = [];
"undefined" !== typeof window &&
window.document &&
window.document.documentElement &&
- Object(k.a)(document.documentElement, "click", function(e) {
- (F = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }),
+ Object(x.a)(document.documentElement, "click", function(e) {
+ (j = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }),
setTimeout(function() {
- return (F = null);
+ return (j = null);
}, 100);
- var B = (function(e) {
+ var K = (function(e) {
function t() {
var e;
return (
(function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
})(this, t),
- ((e = R(this, V(t).apply(this, arguments))).handleCancel = function(t) {
+ ((e = V(this, I(t).apply(this, arguments))).handleCancel = function(t) {
var n = e.props.onCancel;
n && n(t);
@@ -89653,10 +89764,10 @@
return r.createElement(
- r.createElement(z.a, L({ onClick: e.handleCancel }, e.props.cancelButtonProps), a || t.cancelText),
+ r.createElement(D.a, H({ onClick: e.handleCancel }, e.props.cancelButtonProps), a || t.cancelText),
- z.a,
- L({ type: o, loading: c, onClick: e.handleOk }, e.props.okButtonProps),
+ D.a,
+ H({ type: o, loading: c, onClick: e.handleOk }, e.props.okButtonProps),
i || t.okText,
@@ -89675,20 +89786,20 @@
d = s.centered,
p = s.getContainer,
v = s.closeIcon,
- m = j(s, ["prefixCls", "footer", "visible", "wrapClassName", "centered", "getContainer", "closeIcon"]),
+ m = U(s, ["prefixCls", "footer", "visible", "wrapClassName", "centered", "getContainer", "closeIcon"]),
y = c("modal", l),
- g = r.createElement(D.a, { componentName: "Modal", defaultLocale: Object(x.b)() }, e.renderFooter),
+ g = r.createElement(P.a, { componentName: "Modal", defaultLocale: Object(A.b)() }, e.renderFooter),
b = r.createElement(
{ className: "".concat(y, "-close-x") },
- v || r.createElement(A.a, { className: "".concat(y, "-close-icon"), type: "close" }),
+ v || r.createElement(z.a, { className: "".concat(y, "-close-icon"), type: "close" }),
return r.createElement(
- S,
- L({}, m, {
+ w,
+ H({}, m, {
getContainer: void 0 === p ? a : p,
prefixCls: y,
- wrapClassName: M()(
+ wrapClassName: k()(
((n = {}),
(i = "".concat(y, "-centered")),
(o = !!d),
@@ -89700,7 +89811,7 @@
footer: void 0 === u ? g : u,
visible: h,
- mousePosition: F,
+ mousePosition: j,
onClose: e.handleCancel,
closeIcon: b,
@@ -89717,23 +89828,23 @@
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- t && I(e, t);
+ t && F(e, t);
})(t, r["Component"]),
(n = t),
(i = [
key: "render",
value: function() {
- return r.createElement(P.a, null, this.renderModal);
+ return r.createElement(N.a, null, this.renderModal);
- ]) && H(n.prototype, i),
- o && H(n, o),
+ ]) && R(n.prototype, i),
+ o && R(n, o),
- function K(e) {
- return (K =
+ function G(e) {
+ return (G =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
? function(e) {
return typeof e;
@@ -89744,8 +89855,8 @@
: typeof e;
- function G() {
- return (G =
+ function W() {
+ return (W =
Object.assign ||
function(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
@@ -89755,7 +89866,7 @@
return e;
}).apply(this, arguments);
- function W(e, t) {
+ function Y(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var r = t[n];
(r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
@@ -89764,29 +89875,29 @@
Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- function Y(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== K(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
+ function q(e, t) {
+ return !t || ("object" !== G(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
? (function(e) {
if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return e;
: t;
- function q(e) {
- return (q = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ function X(e) {
+ return (X = Object.setPrototypeOf
? Object.getPrototypeOf
: function(e) {
return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- function X(e, t) {
- return (X =
+ function Q(e, t) {
+ return (Q =
Object.setPrototypeOf ||
function(e, t) {
return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
})(e, t);
- (B.defaultProps = {
+ (K.defaultProps = {
width: 520,
transitionName: "zoom",
maskTransitionName: "fade",
@@ -89794,29 +89905,29 @@
visible: !1,
okType: "primary",
- (B.propTypes = {
- prefixCls: w.string,
- onOk: w.func,
- onCancel: w.func,
- okText: w.node,
- cancelText: w.node,
- centered: w.bool,
- width: w.oneOfType([w.number, w.string]),
- confirmLoading: w.bool,
- visible: w.bool,
- footer: w.node,
- title: w.node,
- closable: w.bool,
- closeIcon: w.node,
+ (K.propTypes = {
+ prefixCls: O.string,
+ onOk: O.func,
+ onCancel: O.func,
+ okText: O.node,
+ cancelText: O.node,
+ centered: O.bool,
+ width: O.oneOfType([O.number, O.string]),
+ confirmLoading: O.bool,
+ visible: O.bool,
+ footer: O.node,
+ title: O.node,
+ closable: O.bool,
+ closeIcon: O.node,
- var Q = (function(e) {
+ var $ = (function(e) {
function t(e) {
var n;
return (
(function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
})(this, t),
- ((n = Y(this, q(t).call(this, e))).onClick = function() {
+ ((n = q(this, X(t).call(this, e))).onClick = function() {
var e,
t = n.props,
r = t.actionFn,
@@ -89848,7 +89959,7 @@
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- t && X(e, t);
+ t && Q(e, t);
})(t, r["Component"]),
(n = t),
(i = [
@@ -89877,17 +89988,17 @@
n = e.children,
i = e.buttonProps,
o = this.state.loading;
- return r.createElement(z.a, G({ type: t, onClick: this.onClick, loading: o }, i), n);
+ return r.createElement(D.a, W({ type: t, onClick: this.onClick, loading: o }, i), n);
- ]) && W(n.prototype, i),
- o && W(n, o),
+ ]) && Y(n.prototype, i),
+ o && Y(n, o),
- $ = n(33);
- function Z() {
- return (Z =
+ Z = n(40);
+ function J() {
+ return (J =
Object.assign ||
function(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
@@ -89897,8 +90008,8 @@
return e;
}).apply(this, arguments);
- var J = !!f.createPortal,
- ee = function(e) {
+ var ee = !!f.createPortal,
+ te = function(e) {
var t = e.onCancel,
n = e.onOk,
i = e.close,
@@ -89913,7 +90024,7 @@
d = e.cancelButtonProps,
p = e.iconType,
v = void 0 === p ? "question-circle" : p;
- Object($.a)(
+ Object(Z.a)(
!("iconType" in e),
"The property 'iconType' is deprecated. Use the property 'icon' instead.",
@@ -89929,22 +90040,22 @@
S = e.width || 416,
w = e.style || {},
O = void 0 === e.mask || e.mask,
- k = void 0 !== e.maskClosable && e.maskClosable,
- z = Object(x.b)(),
- D = e.okText || (C ? z.okText : z.justOkText),
- P = e.cancelText || z.cancelText,
+ M = void 0 !== e.maskClosable && e.maskClosable,
+ x = Object(A.b)(),
+ D = e.okText || (C ? x.okText : x.justOkText),
+ P = e.cancelText || x.cancelText,
N = null !== e.autoFocusButton && (e.autoFocusButton || "ok"),
L = e.transitionName || "zoom",
H = e.maskTransitionName || "fade",
- R = M()(_, "".concat(_, "-").concat(e.type), e.className),
- V = C && r.createElement(Q, { actionFn: t, closeModal: i, autoFocus: "cancel" === N, buttonProps: d }, P),
- I = "string" === typeof b ? r.createElement(A.a, { type: b }) : b;
+ R = k()(_, "".concat(_, "-").concat(e.type), e.className),
+ V = C && r.createElement($, { actionFn: t, closeModal: i, autoFocus: "cancel" === N, buttonProps: d }, P),
+ I = "string" === typeof b ? r.createElement(z.a, { type: b }) : b;
return r.createElement(
- B,
+ K,
prefixCls: E,
className: R,
- wrapClassName: M()(
+ wrapClassName: k()(
((m = {}),
(y = "".concat(_, "-centered")),
(g = !!e.centered),
@@ -89962,7 +90073,7 @@
footer: "",
maskTransitionName: H,
mask: O,
- maskClosable: k,
+ maskClosable: M,
maskStyle: h,
style: w,
width: S,
@@ -89986,15 +90097,15 @@
{ className: "".concat(_, "-btns") },
- r.createElement(Q, { type: T, actionFn: n, closeModal: i, autoFocus: "ok" === N, buttonProps: f }, D),
+ r.createElement($, { type: T, actionFn: n, closeModal: i, autoFocus: "ok" === N, buttonProps: f }, D),
- function te(e) {
+ function ne(e) {
var t = document.createElement("div");
- var n = Z({}, e, { close: a, visible: !0 });
+ var n = J(J({}, e), { close: a, visible: !0 });
function i() {
f.unmountComponentAtNode(t) && t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t);
for (var n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n), i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = arguments[i];
@@ -90002,33 +90113,34 @@
return e && e.triggerCancel;
e.onCancel && o && e.onCancel.apply(e, r);
- for (var c = 0; c < U.length; c++) {
- if (U[c] === a) {
- U.splice(c, 1);
+ for (var c = 0; c < B.length; c++) {
+ if (B[c] === a) {
+ B.splice(c, 1);
function o(e) {
- f.render(r.createElement(ee, Z({ getContainer: !1 }, e)), t);
+ f.render(r.createElement(te, J({ getContainer: !1 }, e)), t);
function a() {
for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) t[r] = arguments[r];
- (n = Z({}, n, { visible: !1, afterClose: i.bind.apply(i, [this].concat(t)) })), J ? o(n) : i.apply(void 0, t);
+ (n = J(J({}, n), { visible: !1, afterClose: i.bind.apply(i, [this].concat(t)) })),
+ ee ? o(n) : i.apply(void 0, t);
return (
- U.push(a),
+ B.push(a),
destroy: a,
update: function(e) {
- o((n = Z({}, n, e)));
+ o((n = J(J({}, n), e)));
- function ne() {
- return (ne =
+ function re() {
+ return (re =
Object.assign ||
function(e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
@@ -90038,340 +90150,50 @@
return e;
}).apply(this, arguments);
- function re(e) {
- return te(ne({ type: "warning", icon: r.createElement(A.a, { type: "exclamation-circle" }), okCancel: !1 }, e));
+ function ie(e) {
+ return ne(re({ type: "warning", icon: r.createElement(z.a, { type: "exclamation-circle" }), okCancel: !1 }, e));
- (B.info = function(e) {
- return te(ne({ type: "info", icon: r.createElement(A.a, { type: "info-circle" }), okCancel: !1 }, e));
+ (K.info = function(e) {
+ return ne(re({ type: "info", icon: r.createElement(z.a, { type: "info-circle" }), okCancel: !1 }, e));
- (B.success = function(e) {
- return te(ne({ type: "success", icon: r.createElement(A.a, { type: "check-circle" }), okCancel: !1 }, e));
+ (K.success = function(e) {
+ return ne(re({ type: "success", icon: r.createElement(z.a, { type: "check-circle" }), okCancel: !1 }, e));
- (B.error = function(e) {
- return te(ne({ type: "error", icon: r.createElement(A.a, { type: "close-circle" }), okCancel: !1 }, e));
+ (K.error = function(e) {
+ return ne(re({ type: "error", icon: r.createElement(z.a, { type: "close-circle" }), okCancel: !1 }, e));
- (B.warning = re),
- (B.warn = re),
- (B.confirm = function(e) {
- return te(ne({ type: "confirm", okCancel: !0 }, e));
+ (K.warning = ie),
+ (K.warn = ie),
+ (K.confirm = function(e) {
+ return ne(re({ type: "confirm", okCancel: !0 }, e));
- (B.destroyAll = function() {
- for (; U.length; ) {
- var e = U.pop();
+ (K.destroyAll = function() {
+ for (; B.length; ) {
+ var e = B.pop();
e && e();
- t.a = B;
+ t.a = K;
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(6),
i = n.n(r),
- o = (n(55), n(45)),
+ o = n(19),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(5),
- s = n.n(c),
- l = (n(2), n(0)),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(38),
- f = n(150),
- d = n(151),
- p = n(8);
- function v(e) {
- var t = e.children,
- n = e.className,
- r = s()(n),
- o = Object(f.a)(v, e),
- a = Object(d.a)(v, e);
- return u.a.createElement(a, i()({}, o, { className: r }), t);
- }
- (v.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className"]), (v.defaultProps = { as: "tbody" }), (v.propTypes = {});
- var m = v,
- y = n(154),
- g = n(147);
- function b(e) {
- var t = e.active,
- n = e.children,
- r = e.className,
- o = e.collapsing,
- a = e.content,
- c = e.disabled,
- l = e.error,
- v = e.icon,
- m = e.negative,
- y = e.positive,
- T = e.selectable,
- E = e.singleLine,
- _ = e.textAlign,
- C = e.verticalAlign,
- S = e.warning,
- w = e.width,
- O = s()(
- Object(h.a)(t, "active"),
- Object(h.a)(o, "collapsing"),
- Object(h.a)(c, "disabled"),
- Object(h.a)(l, "error"),
- Object(h.a)(m, "negative"),
- Object(h.a)(y, "positive"),
- Object(h.a)(T, "selectable"),
- Object(h.a)(E, "single line"),
- Object(h.a)(S, "warning"),
- Object(h.c)(_),
- Object(h.e)(C),
- Object(h.f)(w, "wide"),
- r,
- ),
- M = Object(f.a)(b, e),
- k = Object(d.a)(b, e);
- return p.a.isNil(n)
- ? u.a.createElement(k, i()({}, M, { className: O }), g.a.create(v), a)
- : u.a.createElement(k, i()({}, M, { className: O }), n);
- }
- (b.handledProps = [
- "active",
- "as",
- "children",
- "className",
- "collapsing",
- "content",
- "disabled",
- "error",
- "icon",
- "negative",
- "positive",
- "selectable",
- "singleLine",
- "textAlign",
- "verticalAlign",
- "warning",
- "width",
- ]),
- (b.defaultProps = { as: "td" }),
- (b.propTypes = {}),
- (b.create = Object(y.e)(b, function(e) {
- return { content: e };
- }));
- var T = b;
- function E(e) {
- var t = e.children,
- n = e.className,
- r = e.content,
- o = e.fullWidth,
- a = s()(Object(h.a)(o, "full-width"), n),
- c = Object(f.a)(E, e),
- l = Object(d.a)(E, e);
- return u.a.createElement(l, i()({}, c, { className: a }), p.a.isNil(t) ? r : t);
- }
- (E.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "content", "fullWidth"]),
- (E.defaultProps = { as: "thead" }),
- (E.propTypes = {});
- var _ = E;
- function C(e) {
- var t = e.as,
- n = Object(f.a)(C, e);
- return u.a.createElement(_, i()({}, n, { as: t }));
- }
- (C.handledProps = ["as"]), (C.propTypes = {}), (C.defaultProps = { as: "tfoot" });
- var S = C;
- function w(e) {
- var t = e.as,
- n = e.className,
- r = e.sorted,
- o = s()(Object(h.d)(r, "sorted"), n),
- a = Object(f.a)(w, e);
- return u.a.createElement(T, i()({}, a, { as: t, className: o }));
- }
- (w.handledProps = ["as", "className", "sorted"]), (w.propTypes = {}), (w.defaultProps = { as: "th" });
- var O = w;
- function M(e) {
- var t = e.active,
- n = e.cellAs,
- r = e.cells,
- o = e.children,
- c = e.className,
- l = e.disabled,
- v = e.error,
- m = e.negative,
- y = e.positive,
- g = e.textAlign,
- b = e.verticalAlign,
- E = e.warning,
- _ = s()(
- Object(h.a)(t, "active"),
- Object(h.a)(l, "disabled"),
- Object(h.a)(v, "error"),
- Object(h.a)(m, "negative"),
- Object(h.a)(y, "positive"),
- Object(h.a)(E, "warning"),
- Object(h.c)(g),
- Object(h.e)(b),
- c,
- ),
- C = Object(f.a)(M, e),
- S = Object(d.a)(M, e);
- return p.a.isNil(o)
- ? u.a.createElement(
- S,
- i()({}, C, { className: _ }),
- a()(r, function(e) {
- return T.create(e, { defaultProps: { as: n } });
- }),
- )
- : u.a.createElement(S, i()({}, C, { className: _ }), o);
- }
- (M.handledProps = [
- "active",
- "as",
- "cellAs",
- "cells",
- "children",
- "className",
- "disabled",
- "error",
- "negative",
- "positive",
- "textAlign",
- "verticalAlign",
- "warning",
- ]),
- (M.defaultProps = { as: "tr", cellAs: "td" }),
- (M.propTypes = {}),
- (M.create = Object(y.e)(M, function(e) {
- return { cells: e };
- }));
- var k = M;
- function x(e) {
- var t = e.attached,
- n = e.basic,
- r = e.celled,
- o = e.children,
- c = e.className,
- l = e.collapsing,
- v = e.color,
- y = e.columns,
- g = e.compact,
- b = e.definition,
- T = e.fixed,
- E = e.footerRow,
- C = e.headerRow,
- w = e.inverted,
- O = e.padded,
- M = e.renderBodyRow,
- A = e.selectable,
- z = e.singleLine,
- D = e.size,
- P = e.sortable,
- N = e.stackable,
- L = e.striped,
- H = e.structured,
- R = e.tableData,
- V = e.textAlign,
- I = e.unstackable,
- F = e.verticalAlign,
- j = s()(
- "ui",
- v,
- D,
- Object(h.a)(r, "celled"),
- Object(h.a)(l, "collapsing"),
- Object(h.a)(b, "definition"),
- Object(h.a)(T, "fixed"),
- Object(h.a)(w, "inverted"),
- Object(h.a)(A, "selectable"),
- Object(h.a)(z, "single line"),
- Object(h.a)(P, "sortable"),
- Object(h.a)(N, "stackable"),
- Object(h.a)(L, "striped"),
- Object(h.a)(H, "structured"),
- Object(h.a)(I, "unstackable"),
- Object(h.b)(t, "attached"),
- Object(h.b)(n, "basic"),
- Object(h.b)(g, "compact"),
- Object(h.b)(O, "padded"),
- Object(h.c)(V),
- Object(h.e)(F),
- Object(h.f)(y, "column"),
- "table",
- c,
- ),
- U = Object(f.a)(x, e),
- B = Object(d.a)(x, e);
- return p.a.isNil(o)
- ? u.a.createElement(
- B,
- i()({}, U, { className: j }),
- C && u.a.createElement(_, null, k.create(C, { defaultProps: { cellAs: "th" } })),
- u.a.createElement(
- m,
- null,
- M &&
- a()(R, function(e, t) {
- return k.create(M(e, t));
- }),
- ),
- E && u.a.createElement(S, null, k.create(E)),
- )
- : u.a.createElement(B, i()({}, U, { className: j }), o);
- }
- (x.handledProps = [
- "as",
- "attached",
- "basic",
- "celled",
- "children",
- "className",
- "collapsing",
- "color",
- "columns",
- "compact",
- "definition",
- "fixed",
- "footerRow",
- "headerRow",
- "inverted",
- "padded",
- "renderBodyRow",
- "selectable",
- "singleLine",
- "size",
- "sortable",
- "stackable",
- "striped",
- "structured",
- "tableData",
- "textAlign",
- "unstackable",
- "verticalAlign",
- ]),
- (x.defaultProps = { as: "table" }),
- (x.propTypes = {}),
- (x.Body = m),
- (x.Cell = T),
- (x.Footer = S),
- (x.Header = _),
- (x.HeaderCell = O),
- (x.Row = k);
- t.a = x;
- },
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(6),
- i = n.n(r),
- o = n(20),
- a = n.n(o),
- c = n(21),
+ c = n(20),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(22),
+ l = n(21),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(19),
+ h = n(18),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(23),
+ d = n(22),
p = n.n(d),
v = n(3),
m = n.n(v),
y = n(4),
g = n.n(y),
- b = n(45),
+ b = n(42),
T = n.n(b),
E = n(10),
_ = n.n(E),
@@ -90380,10 +90202,10 @@
w = (n(2), n(0)),
O = n.n(w),
M = n(38),
- k = n(150),
- x = n(151),
+ k = n(259),
+ x = n(260),
A = n(8),
- z = n(154);
+ z = n(266);
function D(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = e.className,
@@ -90444,7 +90266,7 @@
return { content: e };
var R = H,
- V = n(147);
+ V = n(198);
function I(e) {
var t = e.className,
n = e.verticalAlign,
@@ -90458,7 +90280,7 @@
return { name: e };
var F = I,
- j = n(153),
+ j = n(150),
U = n.n(j),
B = n(598),
K = (function(e) {
@@ -90671,26 +90493,634 @@
(q.propTypes = {});
t.a = q;
+ function(e, t, n) {
+ "use strict";
+ var r = n(0),
+ i = n.n(r),
+ o = n(2),
+ a = n.n(o),
+ c = n(27),
+ s = n(5),
+ l = n.n(s),
+ u = n(31),
+ h = n.n(u),
+ f = n(9),
+ d = n.n(f),
+ p = n(12),
+ v = n.n(p),
+ m = n(11),
+ y = n.n(m),
+ g = n(13),
+ b = n.n(g),
+ T = (function(e) {
+ function t(n) {
+ v()(this, t);
+ var r = y()(this, e.call(this, n));
+ (r.handleChange = function(e) {
+ var t = r.props,
+ n = t.disabled,
+ i = t.onChange;
+ n ||
+ ("checked" in r.props || r.setState({ checked: e.target.checked }),
+ i &&
+ i({
+ target: d()({}, r.props, { checked: e.target.checked }),
+ stopPropagation: function() {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ },
+ preventDefault: function() {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ nativeEvent: e.nativeEvent,
+ }));
+ }),
+ (r.saveInput = function(e) {
+ r.input = e;
+ });
+ var i = "checked" in n ? n.checked : n.defaultChecked;
+ return (r.state = { checked: i }), r;
+ }
+ return (
+ b()(t, e),
+ (t.getDerivedStateFromProps = function(e, t) {
+ return "checked" in e ? d()({}, t, { checked: e.checked }) : null;
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.focus = function() {
+ this.input.focus();
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.blur = function() {
+ this.input.blur();
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.render = function() {
+ var e,
+ t = this.props,
+ n = t.prefixCls,
+ r = t.className,
+ o = t.style,
+ a = t.name,
+ c = t.id,
+ s = t.type,
+ u = t.disabled,
+ f = t.readOnly,
+ p = t.tabIndex,
+ v = t.onClick,
+ m = t.onFocus,
+ y = t.onBlur,
+ g = t.autoFocus,
+ b = t.value,
+ T = h()(t, [
+ "prefixCls",
+ "className",
+ "style",
+ "name",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "disabled",
+ "readOnly",
+ "tabIndex",
+ "onClick",
+ "onFocus",
+ "onBlur",
+ "autoFocus",
+ "value",
+ ]),
+ E = Object.keys(T).reduce(function(e, t) {
+ return ("aria-" !== t.substr(0, 5) && "data-" !== t.substr(0, 5) && "role" !== t) || (e[t] = T[t]), e;
+ }, {}),
+ _ = this.state.checked,
+ C = l()(n, r, (((e = {})[n + "-checked"] = _), (e[n + "-disabled"] = u), e));
+ return i.a.createElement(
+ "span",
+ { className: C, style: o },
+ i.a.createElement(
+ "input",
+ d()(
+ {
+ name: a,
+ id: c,
+ type: s,
+ readOnly: f,
+ disabled: u,
+ tabIndex: p,
+ className: n + "-input",
+ checked: !!_,
+ onClick: v,
+ onFocus: m,
+ onBlur: y,
+ onChange: this.handleChange,
+ autoFocus: g,
+ ref: this.saveInput,
+ value: b,
+ },
+ E,
+ ),
+ ),
+ i.a.createElement("span", { className: n + "-inner" }),
+ );
+ }),
+ t
+ );
+ })(r.Component);
+ (T.propTypes = {
+ prefixCls: a.a.string,
+ className: a.a.string,
+ style: a.a.object,
+ name: a.a.string,
+ id: a.a.string,
+ type: a.a.string,
+ defaultChecked: a.a.oneOfType([a.a.number, a.a.bool]),
+ checked: a.a.oneOfType([a.a.number, a.a.bool]),
+ disabled: a.a.bool,
+ onFocus: a.a.func,
+ onBlur: a.a.func,
+ onChange: a.a.func,
+ onClick: a.a.func,
+ tabIndex: a.a.oneOfType([a.a.string, a.a.number]),
+ readOnly: a.a.bool,
+ autoFocus: a.a.bool,
+ value: a.a.any,
+ }),
+ (T.defaultProps = {
+ prefixCls: "rc-checkbox",
+ className: "",
+ style: {},
+ type: "checkbox",
+ defaultChecked: !1,
+ onFocus: function() {},
+ onBlur: function() {},
+ onChange: function() {},
+ }),
+ Object(c.a)(T);
+ var E = T,
+ _ = n(53),
+ C = n.n(_),
+ S = n(16),
+ w = n(40);
+ function O(e) {
+ return (O =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function M(e, t, n) {
+ return (
+ t in e
+ ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
+ : (e[t] = n),
+ e
+ );
+ }
+ function k() {
+ return (k =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function x(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
+ }
+ }
+ function A(e) {
+ return (A = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function z(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ }
+ function D(e, t) {
+ return (D =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ var P = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {};
+ for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
+ if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
+ t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
+ }
+ return n;
+ },
+ N = (function(e) {
+ function t() {
+ var e, n, i;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ })(this, t),
+ (n = this),
+ (i = A(t).apply(this, arguments)),
+ ((e = !i || ("object" !== O(i) && "function" !== typeof i) ? z(n) : i).saveCheckbox = function(t) {
+ e.rcCheckbox = t;
+ }),
+ (e.renderCheckbox = function(t) {
+ var n,
+ i = t.getPrefixCls,
+ o = z(e),
+ a = o.props,
+ c = o.context,
+ s = a.prefixCls,
+ u = a.className,
+ h = a.children,
+ f = a.indeterminate,
+ d = a.style,
+ p = a.onMouseEnter,
+ v = a.onMouseLeave,
+ m = P(a, [
+ "prefixCls",
+ "className",
+ "children",
+ "indeterminate",
+ "style",
+ "onMouseEnter",
+ "onMouseLeave",
+ ]),
+ y = c.checkboxGroup,
+ g = i("checkbox", s),
+ b = k({}, m);
+ y &&
+ ((b.onChange = function() {
+ m.onChange && m.onChange.apply(m, arguments), y.toggleOption({ label: h, value: a.value });
+ }),
+ (b.name = y.name),
+ (b.checked = -1 !== y.value.indexOf(a.value)),
+ (b.disabled = a.disabled || y.disabled));
+ var T = l()(
+ u,
+ (M((n = {}), "".concat(g, "-wrapper"), !0),
+ M(n, "".concat(g, "-wrapper-checked"), b.checked),
+ M(n, "".concat(g, "-wrapper-disabled"), b.disabled),
+ n),
+ ),
+ _ = l()(M({}, "".concat(g, "-indeterminate"), f));
+ return r.createElement(
+ "label",
+ { className: T, style: d, onMouseEnter: p, onMouseLeave: v },
+ r.createElement(E, k({}, b, { prefixCls: g, className: _, ref: e.saveCheckbox })),
+ void 0 !== h && r.createElement("span", null, h),
+ );
+ }),
+ e
+ );
+ }
+ var n, i, o;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
+ constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
+ })),
+ t && D(e, t);
+ })(t, r["Component"]),
+ (n = t),
+ (i = [
+ {
+ key: "componentDidMount",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props.value,
+ t = (this.context || {}).checkboxGroup,
+ n = void 0 === t ? {} : t;
+ n.registerValue && n.registerValue(e),
+ Object(w.a)(
+ "checked" in this.props || (this.context || {}).checkboxGroup || !("value" in this.props),
+ "Checkbox",
+ "`value` is not validate prop, do you mean `checked`?",
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "shouldComponentUpdate",
+ value: function(e, t, n) {
+ return (
+ !C()(this.props, e) || !C()(this.state, t) || !C()(this.context.checkboxGroup, n.checkboxGroup)
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentDidUpdate",
+ value: function(e) {
+ var t = e.value,
+ n = this.props.value,
+ r = (this.context || {}).checkboxGroup,
+ i = void 0 === r ? {} : r;
+ n !== t && i.registerValue && i.cancelValue && (i.cancelValue(t), i.registerValue(n));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "componentWillUnmount",
+ value: function() {
+ var e = this.props.value,
+ t = (this.context || {}).checkboxGroup,
+ n = void 0 === t ? {} : t;
+ n.cancelValue && n.cancelValue(e);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "focus",
+ value: function() {
+ this.rcCheckbox.focus();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "blur",
+ value: function() {
+ this.rcCheckbox.blur();
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ return r.createElement(S.a, null, this.renderCheckbox);
+ },
+ },
+ ]) && x(n.prototype, i),
+ o && x(n, o),
+ t
+ );
+ })();
+ (N.__ANT_CHECKBOX = !0),
+ (N.defaultProps = { indeterminate: !1 }),
+ (N.contextTypes = { checkboxGroup: o.any }),
+ Object(c.a)(N);
+ var L = N,
+ H = n(37);
+ function R(e) {
+ return (R =
+ "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
+ ? function(e) {
+ return typeof e;
+ }
+ : function(e) {
+ return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
+ ? "symbol"
+ : typeof e;
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function V() {
+ return (V =
+ Object.assign ||
+ function(e) {
+ for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
+ var n = arguments[t];
+ for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }).apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function I(e) {
+ return (
+ (function(e) {
+ if (Array.isArray(e)) {
+ for (var t = 0, n = new Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t];
+ return n;
+ }
+ })(e) ||
+ (function(e) {
+ if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e))
+ return Array.from(e);
+ })(e) ||
+ (function() {
+ throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
+ })()
+ );
+ }
+ function F(e, t) {
+ for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
+ var r = t[n];
+ (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
+ (r.configurable = !0),
+ "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
+ Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
+ }
+ }
+ function j(e) {
+ return (j = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.getPrototypeOf
+ : function(e) {
+ return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
+ })(e);
+ }
+ function U(e) {
+ if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
+ return e;
+ }
+ function B(e, t) {
+ return (B =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ function(e, t) {
+ return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
+ })(e, t);
+ }
+ var K = function(e, t) {
+ var n = {};
+ for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
+ if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
+ var i = 0;
+ for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
+ t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
+ }
+ return n;
+ },
+ G = (function(e) {
+ function t(e) {
+ var n, i, o;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+ })(this, t),
+ (i = this),
+ (o = j(t).call(this, e)),
+ ((n = !o || ("object" !== R(o) && "function" !== typeof o) ? U(i) : o).cancelValue = function(e) {
+ n.setState(function(t) {
+ return {
+ registeredValues: t.registeredValues.filter(function(t) {
+ return t !== e;
+ }),
+ };
+ });
+ }),
+ (n.registerValue = function(e) {
+ n.setState(function(t) {
+ var n = t.registeredValues;
+ return { registeredValues: [].concat(I(n), [e]) };
+ });
+ }),
+ (n.toggleOption = function(e) {
+ var t = n.state.registeredValues,
+ r = n.state.value.indexOf(e.value),
+ i = I(n.state.value);
+ -1 === r ? i.push(e.value) : i.splice(r, 1), "value" in n.props || n.setState({ value: i });
+ var o = n.props.onChange;
+ if (o) {
+ var a = n.getOptions();
+ o(
+ i
+ .filter(function(e) {
+ return -1 !== t.indexOf(e);
+ })
+ .sort(function(e, t) {
+ return (
+ a.findIndex(function(t) {
+ return t.value === e;
+ }) -
+ a.findIndex(function(e) {
+ return e.value === t;
+ })
+ );
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ }),
+ (n.renderGroup = function(e) {
+ var t = e.getPrefixCls,
+ i = U(n),
+ o = i.props,
+ a = i.state,
+ c = o.prefixCls,
+ s = o.className,
+ u = o.style,
+ h = o.options,
+ f = K(o, ["prefixCls", "className", "style", "options"]),
+ d = t("checkbox", c),
+ p = "".concat(d, "-group"),
+ v = Object(H.a)(f, ["children", "defaultValue", "value", "onChange", "disabled"]),
+ m = o.children;
+ h &&
+ h.length > 0 &&
+ (m = n.getOptions().map(function(e) {
+ return r.createElement(
+ L,
+ {
+ prefixCls: d,
+ key: e.value.toString(),
+ disabled: "disabled" in e ? e.disabled : o.disabled,
+ value: e.value,
+ checked: -1 !== a.value.indexOf(e.value),
+ onChange: e.onChange,
+ className: "".concat(p, "-item"),
+ },
+ e.label,
+ );
+ }));
+ var y = l()(p, s);
+ return r.createElement("div", V({ className: y, style: u }, v), m);
+ }),
+ (n.state = { value: e.value || e.defaultValue || [], registeredValues: [] }),
+ n
+ );
+ }
+ var n, i, o;
+ return (
+ (function(e, t) {
+ if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
+ throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
+ (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
+ constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
+ })),
+ t && B(e, t);
+ })(t, r["Component"]),
+ (n = t),
+ (o = [
+ {
+ key: "getDerivedStateFromProps",
+ value: function(e) {
+ return "value" in e ? { value: e.value || [] } : null;
+ },
+ },
+ ]),
+ (i = [
+ {
+ key: "getChildContext",
+ value: function() {
+ return {
+ checkboxGroup: {
+ toggleOption: this.toggleOption,
+ value: this.state.value,
+ disabled: this.props.disabled,
+ name: this.props.name,
+ registerValue: this.registerValue,
+ cancelValue: this.cancelValue,
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "shouldComponentUpdate",
+ value: function(e, t) {
+ return !C()(this.props, e) || !C()(this.state, t);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "getOptions",
+ value: function() {
+ return this.props.options.map(function(e) {
+ return "string" === typeof e ? { label: e, value: e } : e;
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ key: "render",
+ value: function() {
+ return r.createElement(S.a, null, this.renderGroup);
+ },
+ },
+ ]) && F(n.prototype, i),
+ o && F(n, o),
+ t
+ );
+ })();
+ (G.defaultProps = { options: [] }),
+ (G.propTypes = { defaultValue: o.array, value: o.array, options: o.array.isRequired, onChange: o.func }),
+ (G.childContextTypes = { checkboxGroup: o.any }),
+ Object(c.a)(G);
+ var W = G;
+ L.Group = W;
+ t.a = L;
+ },
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(0),
i = n.n(r),
o = n(5),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(34),
+ c = n(31),
s = n.n(c),
l = n(9),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(13),
+ h = n(12),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(12),
+ d = n(11),
p = n.n(d),
- v = n(14),
+ v = n(13),
m = n.n(v),
y = n(2),
g = n.n(y),
- b = n(32),
- T = n(25),
+ b = n(35),
+ T = n(24),
E = n.n(T),
_ = (function(e) {
function t() {
@@ -90821,36 +91251,33 @@
var r = p()(this, e.call(this, n));
var i = void 0;
- return (
- (i = "value" in n ? n.value : n.defaultValue),
- (r.state = {}),
- (i = r.toNumber(i)),
- (i = r.getValidValue(i)),
- (r.state = { inputValue: r.toPrecisionAsStep(i), value: i, focused: n.autoFocus }),
- r
- );
+ (i = "value" in n ? n.value : n.defaultValue), (r.state = { focused: n.autoFocus });
+ var o = r.getValidValue(r.toNumber(i));
+ return (r.state = u()({}, r.state, { inputValue: r.toPrecisionAsStep(o), value: o })), r;
return (
m()(t, e),
(t.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {
- (t.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function(e) {
- if ("value" in e && e.value !== this.props.value) {
- var t = this.state.focused ? e.value : this.getValidValue(e.value, e.min, e.max),
- n = void 0;
- (n = this.pressingUpOrDown ? t : this.inputting ? this.rawInput : this.toPrecisionAsStep(t)),
- this.setState({ value: t, inputValue: n });
+ (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function(e) {
+ var t = this.props,
+ n = t.value,
+ r = t.onChange,
+ i = t.max,
+ o = t.min,
+ a = this.state.focused;
+ if (e) {
+ if (e.value !== n) {
+ var c = a ? n : this.getValidValue(n),
+ s = void 0;
+ (s = this.pressingUpOrDown ? c : this.inputting ? this.rawInput : this.toPrecisionAsStep(c)),
+ this.setState({ value: c, inputValue: s });
+ }
+ var l = "value" in this.props ? n : this.state.value;
+ "max" in this.props && e.max !== i && "number" === typeof l && l > i && r && r(i),
+ "min" in this.props && e.min !== o && "number" === typeof l && l < o && r && r(o);
- var r = "value" in e ? e.value : this.state.value,
- i = this.props,
- o = i.onChange,
- a = i.max,
- c = i.min;
- "max" in e && e.max !== a && "number" === typeof r && r > e.max && o && o(e.max),
- "min" in e && e.min !== c && "number" === typeof r && r < e.min && o && o(e.min);
- }),
- (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function() {
try {
if (void 0 !== this.cursorStart && this.state.focused)
if (this.partRestoreByAfter(this.cursorAfter) || this.state.value === this.props.value) {
@@ -90863,15 +91290,15 @@
this.fixCaret(this.cursorStart + 1, this.cursorStart + 1);
} else {
- var e = this.cursorStart + 1;
+ var u = this.cursorStart + 1;
? this.lastKeyCode === b.a.BACKSPACE
- ? (e = this.cursorStart - 1)
- : this.lastKeyCode === b.a.DELETE && (e = this.cursorStart)
- : (e = this.input.value.length),
- this.fixCaret(e, e);
+ ? (u = this.cursorStart - 1)
+ : this.lastKeyCode === b.a.DELETE && (u = this.cursorStart)
+ : (u = this.input.value.length),
+ this.fixCaret(u, u);
- } catch (t) {}
+ } catch (h) {}
(this.lastKeyCode = null),
this.pressingUpOrDown &&
(this.props.focusOnUpDown &&
@@ -90919,10 +91346,13 @@
s = void 0 === c ? null : c,
l = "number" === typeof r ? r.toFixed(n) : "" + r,
u = r !== a || l !== "" + s;
- "value" in this.props
- ? this.setState({ inputValue: this.toPrecisionAsStep(this.state.value) }, t)
- : this.setState({ value: r, inputValue: this.toPrecisionAsStep(e) }, t),
- u && this.props.onChange(r);
+ return (
+ "value" in this.props
+ ? this.setState({ inputValue: this.toPrecisionAsStep(this.state.value) }, t)
+ : this.setState({ value: r, inputValue: this.toPrecisionAsStep(e) }, t),
+ u && this.props.onChange(r),
+ r
+ );
(t.prototype.getPrecision = function(e) {
if (x(this.props.precision)) return this.props.precision;
@@ -90973,11 +91403,13 @@
return isNaN(e) || "" === e || null === e || (e && e.toString().indexOf(".") === e.toString().length - 1);
(t.prototype.toNumber = function(e) {
- var t = e && e.length > 16 && this.state.focused;
- return this.isNotCompleteNumber(e) || t
+ var t = this.props.precision,
+ n = this.state.focused,
+ r = e && e.length > 16 && n;
+ return this.isNotCompleteNumber(e) || r
? e
- : x(this.props.precision)
- ? Number(Number(e).toFixed(this.props.precision))
+ : x(t)
+ ? Math.round(e * Math.pow(10, t)) / Math.pow(10, t)
: Number(e);
(t.prototype.upStep = function(e, t) {
@@ -91068,10 +91500,8 @@
(C = { onTouchStart: T && !v ? this.down : O, onTouchEnd: this.stop }))
: ((_ = { onMouseDown: T && !p ? this.up : O, onMouseUp: this.stop, onMouseLeave: this.stop }),
(C = { onMouseDown: T && !v ? this.down : O, onMouseUp: this.stop, onMouseLeave: this.stop }));
- var S = this.formatWrapper(E);
- x(this.props.decimalSeparator) && (S = S.toString().replace(".", this.props.decimalSeparator));
- var k = !!p || r || o,
- A = !!v || r || o;
+ var S = !!p || r || o,
+ k = !!v || r || o;
return i.a.createElement(
@@ -91088,10 +91518,10 @@
{ className: n + "-handler-wrap" },
- u()({ ref: this.saveUp, disabled: k, prefixCls: n, unselectable: "unselectable" }, _, {
+ u()({ ref: this.saveUp, disabled: S, prefixCls: n, unselectable: "unselectable" }, _, {
role: "button",
"aria-label": "Increase Value",
- "aria-disabled": !!k,
+ "aria-disabled": !!S,
className: n + "-handler " + n + "-handler-up " + p,
h ||
@@ -91103,10 +91533,10 @@
- u()({ ref: this.saveDown, disabled: A, prefixCls: n, unselectable: "unselectable" }, C, {
+ u()({ ref: this.saveDown, disabled: k, prefixCls: n, unselectable: "unselectable" }, C, {
role: "button",
"aria-label": "Decrease Value",
- "aria-disabled": !!A,
+ "aria-disabled": !!k,
className: n + "-handler " + n + "-handler-down " + v,
f ||
@@ -91153,7 +91583,7 @@
id: t.id,
onChange: this.onChange,
ref: this.saveInput,
- value: S,
+ value: E,
pattern: t.pattern,
@@ -91171,6 +91601,7 @@
focusOnUpDown: g.a.bool,
autoFocus: g.a.bool,
onChange: g.a.func,
+ onPressEnter: g.a.func,
onKeyDown: g.a.func,
onKeyUp: g.a.func,
prefixCls: g.a.string,
@@ -91206,6 +91637,7 @@
style: {},
onChange: O,
onKeyDown: O,
+ onPressEnter: O,
onFocus: O,
onBlur: O,
parser: function(e) {
@@ -91218,15 +91650,17 @@
var e = this;
(this.onKeyDown = function(t) {
for (var n = arguments.length, r = Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++) r[i - 1] = arguments[i];
- var o = e.props.onKeyDown;
+ var o = e.props,
+ a = o.onKeyDown,
+ c = o.onPressEnter;
if (t.keyCode === b.a.UP) {
- var a = e.getRatio(t);
- e.up(t, a), e.stop();
+ var s = e.getRatio(t);
+ e.up(t, s), e.stop();
} else if (t.keyCode === b.a.DOWN) {
- var c = e.getRatio(t);
- e.down(t, c), e.stop();
- }
- e.recordCursorPosition(), (e.lastKeyCode = t.keyCode), o && o.apply(void 0, [t].concat(r));
+ var l = e.getRatio(t);
+ e.down(t, l), e.stop();
+ } else t.keyCode === b.a.ENTER && c && c(t);
+ e.recordCursorPosition(), (e.lastKeyCode = t.keyCode), a && a.apply(void 0, [t].concat(r));
(this.onKeyUp = function(t) {
for (var n = arguments.length, r = Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++) r[i - 1] = arguments[i];
@@ -91250,21 +91684,26 @@
(this.onBlur = function(t) {
for (var n = arguments.length, r = Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < n; i++) r[i - 1] = arguments[i];
+ var o = e.props.onBlur;
(e.inputting = !1), e.setState({ focused: !1 });
- var o = e.getCurrentValidValue(e.state.inputValue);
- t.persist(),
- e.setValue(o, function() {
- var n;
- (n = e.props).onBlur.apply(n, [t].concat(r));
- });
+ var a = e.getCurrentValidValue(e.state.inputValue);
+ t.persist();
+ var c = e.setValue(a);
+ if (o) {
+ var s = e.input.value,
+ l = e.getInputDisplayValue({ focus: !1, value: c });
+ (e.input.value = l), o.apply(void 0, [t].concat(r)), (e.input.value = s);
+ }
- (this.getInputDisplayValue = function() {
- var t = e.state,
- n = t.focused,
- r = t.inputValue,
- i = t.value,
- o = void 0;
- return (void 0 !== (o = n ? r : e.toPrecisionAsStep(i)) && null !== o) || (o = ""), o;
+ (this.getInputDisplayValue = function(t) {
+ var n = t || e.state,
+ r = n.focused,
+ i = n.inputValue,
+ o = n.value,
+ a = void 0;
+ (void 0 !== (a = r ? i : e.toPrecisionAsStep(o)) && null !== a) || (a = "");
+ var c = e.formatWrapper(a);
+ return x(e.props.decimalSeparator) && (c = c.toString().replace(".", e.props.decimalSeparator)), c;
(this.recordCursorPosition = function() {
try {
@@ -91310,8 +91749,8 @@
D = A,
- P = n(35),
- N = n(15);
+ P = n(34),
+ N = n(16);
function L(e) {
return (L =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -91461,32 +91900,32 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(6),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(20),
+ o = n(19),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(21),
+ c = n(20),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(22),
+ l = n(21),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(19),
+ h = n(18),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(23),
+ d = n(22),
p = n.n(d),
v = n(3),
m = n.n(v),
y = n(4),
g = n.n(y),
- b = n(18),
+ b = n(17),
T = n.n(b),
E = (n(55), n(5)),
_ = n.n(E),
C = (n(2), n(0)),
S = n.n(C),
w = n(38),
- O = n(150),
- M = n(151),
+ O = n(259),
+ M = n(260),
k = n(8),
- x = n(154),
- A = n(147);
+ x = n(266),
+ A = n(198);
function z(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = e.className,
@@ -91513,7 +91952,7 @@
return { content: e };
var N = P,
- L = n(45),
+ L = n(42),
H = n.n(L);
function R(e) {
var t = e.children,
@@ -91664,489 +92103,13 @@
(j.propTypes = {});
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(0),
- i = n(2),
- o = n(169),
- a = n(5),
- c = n.n(a),
- s = n(41),
- l = n.n(s),
- u = n(15);
- function h(e) {
- return (h =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function f(e, t, n) {
- return (
- t in e
- ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
- : (e[t] = n),
- e
- );
- }
- function d() {
- return (d =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- function p(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- }
- }
- function v(e) {
- return (v = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function m(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- }
- function y(e, t) {
- return (y =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- var g = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
- if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = 0;
- for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
- t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- return n;
- },
- b = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- var e, n, i;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t),
- (n = this),
- (i = v(t).apply(this, arguments)),
- ((e = !i || ("object" !== h(i) && "function" !== typeof i) ? m(n) : i).saveCheckbox = function(t) {
- e.rcCheckbox = t;
- }),
- (e.onChange = function(t) {
- e.props.onChange && e.props.onChange(t),
- e.context.radioGroup && e.context.radioGroup.onChange && e.context.radioGroup.onChange(t);
- }),
- (e.renderRadio = function(t) {
- var n,
- i = t.getPrefixCls,
- a = m(e),
- s = a.props,
- l = a.context,
- u = s.prefixCls,
- h = s.className,
- p = s.children,
- v = s.style,
- y = g(s, ["prefixCls", "className", "children", "style"]),
- b = l.radioGroup,
- T = i("radio", u),
- E = d({}, y);
- b &&
- ((E.name = b.name),
- (E.onChange = e.onChange),
- (E.checked = s.value === b.value),
- (E.disabled = s.disabled || b.disabled));
- var _ = c()(
- h,
- (f((n = {}), "".concat(T, "-wrapper"), !0),
- f(n, "".concat(T, "-wrapper-checked"), E.checked),
- f(n, "".concat(T, "-wrapper-disabled"), E.disabled),
- n),
- );
- return r.createElement(
- "label",
- { className: _, style: v, onMouseEnter: s.onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave: s.onMouseLeave },
- r.createElement(o.a, d({}, E, { prefixCls: T, ref: e.saveCheckbox })),
- void 0 !== p ? r.createElement("span", null, p) : null,
- );
- }),
- e
- );
- }
- var n, i, a;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && y(e, t);
- })(t, r["Component"]),
- (n = t),
- (i = [
- {
- key: "shouldComponentUpdate",
- value: function(e, t, n) {
- return !l()(this.props, e) || !l()(this.state, t) || !l()(this.context.radioGroup, n.radioGroup);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "focus",
- value: function() {
- this.rcCheckbox.focus();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "blur",
- value: function() {
- this.rcCheckbox.blur();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return r.createElement(u.a, null, this.renderRadio);
- },
- },
- ]) && p(n.prototype, i),
- a && p(n, a),
- t
- );
- })();
- (b.defaultProps = { type: "radio" }), (b.contextTypes = { radioGroup: i.any });
- var T = n(28);
- function E(e) {
- return (E =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function _(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- }
- }
- function C(e) {
- return (C = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function S(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- }
- function w(e, t) {
- return (w =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- function O(e) {
- var t = null,
- n = !1;
- return (
- r.Children.forEach(e, function(e) {
- e && e.props && e.props.checked && ((t = e.props.value), (n = !0));
- }),
- n ? { value: t } : void 0
- );
- }
- var M = (function(e) {
- function t(e) {
- var n, i, o, a;
- if (
- ((function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t),
- (i = this),
- (o = C(t).call(this, e)),
- ((n = !o || ("object" !== E(o) && "function" !== typeof o) ? S(i) : o).onRadioChange = function(e) {
- var t = n.state.value,
- r = e.target.value;
- "value" in n.props || n.setState({ value: r });
- var i = n.props.onChange;
- i && r !== t && i(e);
- }),
- (n.renderGroup = function(e) {
- var t,
- i,
- o,
- a = e.getPrefixCls,
- s = S(n).props,
- l = s.prefixCls,
- u = s.className,
- h = void 0 === u ? "" : u,
- f = s.options,
- d = s.buttonStyle,
- p = a("radio", l),
- v = "".concat(p, "-group"),
- m = c()(
- v,
- "".concat(v, "-").concat(d),
- ((t = {}),
- (i = "".concat(v, "-").concat(s.size)),
- (o = s.size),
- i in t
- ? Object.defineProperty(t, i, { value: o, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
- : (t[i] = o),
- t),
- h,
- ),
- y = s.children;
- return (
- f &&
- f.length > 0 &&
- (y = f.map(function(e) {
- return "string" === typeof e
- ? r.createElement(
- b,
- { key: e, prefixCls: p, disabled: n.props.disabled, value: e, checked: n.state.value === e },
- e,
- )
- : r.createElement(
- b,
- {
- key: "radio-group-value-options-".concat(e.value),
- prefixCls: p,
- disabled: e.disabled || n.props.disabled,
- value: e.value,
- checked: n.state.value === e.value,
- },
- e.label,
- );
- })),
- r.createElement(
- "div",
- {
- className: m,
- style: s.style,
- onMouseEnter: s.onMouseEnter,
- onMouseLeave: s.onMouseLeave,
- id: s.id,
- },
- y,
- )
- );
- }),
- "value" in e)
- )
- a = e.value;
- else if ("defaultValue" in e) a = e.defaultValue;
- else {
- var s = O(e.children);
- a = s && s.value;
- }
- return (n.state = { value: a }), n;
- }
- var n, i, o;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && w(e, t);
- })(t, r["Component"]),
- (n = t),
- (o = [
- {
- key: "getDerivedStateFromProps",
- value: function(e) {
- if ("value" in e) return { value: e.value };
- var t = O(e.children);
- return t ? { value: t.value } : null;
- },
- },
- ]),
- (i = [
- {
- key: "getChildContext",
- value: function() {
- return {
- radioGroup: {
- onChange: this.onRadioChange,
- value: this.state.value,
- disabled: this.props.disabled,
- name: this.props.name,
- },
- };
- },
- },
- {
- key: "shouldComponentUpdate",
- value: function(e, t) {
- return !l()(this.props, e) || !l()(this.state, t);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return r.createElement(u.a, null, this.renderGroup);
- },
- },
- ]) && _(n.prototype, i),
- o && _(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- (M.defaultProps = { buttonStyle: "outline" }), (M.childContextTypes = { radioGroup: i.any }), Object(T.a)(M);
- var k = M;
- function x(e) {
- return (x =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function A() {
- return (A =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- function z(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- }
- }
- function D(e, t) {
- return !t || ("object" !== x(t) && "function" !== typeof t)
- ? (function(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- })(e)
- : t;
- }
- function P(e) {
- return (P = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function N(e, t) {
- return (N =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- var L = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
- if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = 0;
- for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
- t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- return n;
- },
- H = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- var e;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t),
- ((e = D(this, P(t).apply(this, arguments))).renderRadioButton = function(t) {
- var n = t.getPrefixCls,
- i = e.props,
- o = i.prefixCls,
- a = L(i, ["prefixCls"]),
- c = n("radio-button", o);
- return (
- e.context.radioGroup &&
- ((a.checked = e.props.value === e.context.radioGroup.value),
- (a.disabled = e.props.disabled || e.context.radioGroup.disabled)),
- r.createElement(b, A({ prefixCls: c }, a))
- );
- }),
- e
- );
- }
- var n, i, o;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && N(e, t);
- })(t, r["Component"]),
- (n = t),
- (i = [
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return r.createElement(u.a, null, this.renderRadioButton);
- },
- },
- ]) && z(n.prototype, i),
- o && z(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- (H.contextTypes = { radioGroup: i.any }), (b.Button = H), (b.Group = k);
- t.a = b;
- },
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(0),
i = n(5),
o = n.n(i),
- a = n(15),
- c = n(35),
+ a = n(16),
+ c = n(34),
s = { success: "check-circle", error: "close-circle", info: "exclamation-circle", warning: "warning" },
l = {
404: function() {
@@ -93229,18 +93192,18 @@
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
- n(278);
+ n(275);
var r = n(6),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(20),
+ o = n(19),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(21),
+ c = n(20),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(22),
+ l = n(21),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(19),
+ h = n(18),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(23),
+ d = n(22),
p = n.n(d),
v = n(3),
m = n.n(v),
@@ -93248,7 +93211,7 @@
g = n.n(y),
b = n(10),
T = n.n(b),
- E = n(18),
+ E = n(17),
_ = n.n(E),
C = n(5),
S = n.n(C),
@@ -93256,11 +93219,11 @@
O = n.n(w),
M = n(8),
k = n(38),
- x = n(150),
- A = n(151),
- z = n(154),
- D = n(147),
- P = n(168);
+ x = n(259),
+ A = n(260),
+ z = n(266),
+ D = n(198),
+ P = n(280);
function N(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = e.className,
@@ -93274,7 +93237,7 @@
(N.handledProps = ["as", "children", "className", "content", "hidden", "visible"]), (N.propTypes = {});
var L = N,
- H = n(45),
+ H = n(42),
R = n.n(H);
function V(e) {
var t = e.attached,
@@ -93566,7 +93529,7 @@
i = n(5),
o = n.n(i),
a = n(37),
- c = n(15);
+ c = n(16);
function s() {
return (s =
Object.assign ||
@@ -93590,13 +93553,28 @@
u = function(e) {
return r.createElement(c.a, null, function(t) {
- var n = t.getPrefixCls,
- i = e.prefixCls,
- a = e.className,
- c = l(e, ["prefixCls", "className"]),
- u = n("card", i),
- h = o()("".concat(u, "-grid"), a);
- return r.createElement("div", s({}, c, { className: h }));
+ var n,
+ i,
+ a,
+ c = t.getPrefixCls,
+ u = e.prefixCls,
+ h = e.className,
+ f = e.hoverable,
+ d = void 0 === f || f,
+ p = l(e, ["prefixCls", "className", "hoverable"]),
+ v = c("card", u),
+ m = o()(
+ "".concat(v, "-grid"),
+ h,
+ ((n = {}),
+ (i = "".concat(v, "-grid-hoverable")),
+ (a = d),
+ i in n
+ ? Object.defineProperty(n, i, { value: a, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
+ : (n[i] = a),
+ n),
+ );
+ return r.createElement("div", s({}, p, { className: m }));
function h() {
@@ -93641,7 +93619,7 @@
p = n(597),
v = n(600),
m = n(601),
- y = n(33);
+ y = n(40);
function g(e) {
return (g =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -93730,29 +93708,31 @@
(e.renderCard = function(t) {
var n,
- c = t.getPrefixCls,
- s = e.props,
- l = s.prefixCls,
- u = s.className,
- h = s.extra,
- f = s.headStyle,
- d = void 0 === f ? {} : f,
- y = s.bodyStyle,
- g = void 0 === y ? {} : y,
- E = s.title,
- _ = s.loading,
- C = s.bordered,
- S = void 0 === C || C,
- O = s.size,
- M = void 0 === O ? "default" : O,
- k = s.type,
- x = s.cover,
- A = s.actions,
- z = s.tabList,
- D = s.children,
- P = s.activeTabKey,
- N = s.defaultActiveTabKey,
- L = w(s, [
+ c,
+ s = t.getPrefixCls,
+ l = e.props,
+ u = l.prefixCls,
+ h = l.className,
+ f = l.extra,
+ d = l.headStyle,
+ y = void 0 === d ? {} : d,
+ g = l.bodyStyle,
+ E = void 0 === g ? {} : g,
+ _ = l.title,
+ C = l.loading,
+ S = l.bordered,
+ O = void 0 === S || S,
+ M = l.size,
+ k = void 0 === M ? "default" : M,
+ x = l.type,
+ A = l.cover,
+ z = l.actions,
+ D = l.tabList,
+ P = l.children,
+ N = l.activeTabKey,
+ L = l.defaultActiveTabKey,
+ H = l.tabBarExtraContent,
+ R = w(l, [
@@ -93769,31 +93749,32 @@
+ "tabBarExtraContent",
- H = c("card", l),
- R = o()(
- H,
- u,
- (T((n = {}), "".concat(H, "-loading"), _),
- T(n, "".concat(H, "-bordered"), S),
- T(n, "".concat(H, "-hoverable"), e.getCompatibleHoverable()),
- T(n, "".concat(H, "-contain-grid"), e.isContainGrid()),
- T(n, "".concat(H, "-contain-tabs"), z && z.length),
- T(n, "".concat(H, "-").concat(M), "default" !== M),
- T(n, "".concat(H, "-type-").concat(k), !!k),
+ V = s("card", u),
+ I = o()(
+ V,
+ h,
+ (T((n = {}), "".concat(V, "-loading"), C),
+ T(n, "".concat(V, "-bordered"), O),
+ T(n, "".concat(V, "-hoverable"), e.getCompatibleHoverable()),
+ T(n, "".concat(V, "-contain-grid"), e.isContainGrid()),
+ T(n, "".concat(V, "-contain-tabs"), D && D.length),
+ T(n, "".concat(V, "-").concat(k), "default" !== k),
+ T(n, "".concat(V, "-type-").concat(x), !!x),
- V = 0 === g.padding || "0px" === g.padding ? { padding: 24 } : void 0,
- I = r.createElement(
+ F = 0 === E.padding || "0px" === E.padding ? { padding: 24 } : void 0,
+ j = r.createElement(
- { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-content"), style: V },
+ { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-content"), style: F },
{ gutter: 8 },
{ span: 22 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
@@ -93802,12 +93783,12 @@
{ span: 8 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
{ span: 15 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
@@ -93816,12 +93797,12 @@
{ span: 6 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
{ span: 18 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
@@ -93830,12 +93811,12 @@
{ span: 13 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
{ span: 9 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
@@ -93844,51 +93825,51 @@
{ span: 4 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
{ span: 3 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
{ span: 16 },
- r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-loading-block") }),
+ r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-loading-block") }),
- F = void 0 !== P,
- j = T({}, F ? "activeKey" : "defaultActiveKey", F ? P : N),
- U =
- z && z.length
+ U = void 0 !== N,
+ B = (T((i = {}), U ? "activeKey" : "defaultActiveKey", U ? N : L), T(i, "tabBarExtraContent", H), i),
+ K =
+ D && D.length
? r.createElement(
- b({}, j, { className: "".concat(H, "-head-tabs"), size: "large", onChange: e.onTabChange }),
- z.map(function(e) {
+ b({}, B, { className: "".concat(V, "-head-tabs"), size: "large", onChange: e.onTabChange }),
+ D.map(function(e) {
return r.createElement(p.a.TabPane, { tab: e.tab, disabled: e.disabled, key: e.key });
: null;
- (E || h || U) &&
- (i = r.createElement(
+ (_ || f || K) &&
+ (c = r.createElement(
- { className: "".concat(H, "-head"), style: d },
+ { className: "".concat(V, "-head"), style: y },
- { className: "".concat(H, "-head-wrapper") },
- E && r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-head-title") }, E),
- h && r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-extra") }, h),
+ { className: "".concat(V, "-head-wrapper") },
+ _ && r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-head-title") }, _),
+ f && r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-extra") }, f),
- U,
+ K,
- var B = x ? r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-cover") }, x) : null,
- K = r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(H, "-body"), style: g }, _ ? I : D),
- G =
- A && A.length
+ var G = A ? r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-cover") }, A) : null,
+ W = r.createElement("div", { className: "".concat(V, "-body"), style: E }, C ? j : P),
+ Y =
+ z && z.length
? r.createElement(
- { className: "".concat(H, "-actions") },
+ { className: "".concat(V, "-actions") },
(function(e) {
return e.map(function(t, n) {
return r.createElement(
@@ -93897,11 +93878,11 @@
r.createElement("span", null, t),
- })(A),
+ })(z),
: null,
- W = Object(a.a)(L, ["onTabChange", "noHovering", "hoverable"]);
- return r.createElement("div", b({}, W, { className: R }), i, B, K, G);
+ q = Object(a.a)(R, ["onTabChange", "noHovering", "hoverable"]);
+ return r.createElement("div", b({}, q, { className: I }), c, G, W, Y);
@@ -93968,457 +93949,6 @@
(O.Grid = u), (O.Meta = d);
- function(e, t, n) {
- "use strict";
- var r = n(0),
- i = n(2),
- o = n(28),
- a = n(5),
- c = n.n(a),
- s = n(169),
- l = n(41),
- u = n.n(l),
- h = n(15);
- function f(e) {
- return (f =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function d(e, t, n) {
- return (
- t in e
- ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 })
- : (e[t] = n),
- e
- );
- }
- function p() {
- return (p =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- function v(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- }
- }
- function m(e) {
- return (m = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function y(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- }
- function g(e, t) {
- return (g =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- var b = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
- if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = 0;
- for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
- t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- return n;
- },
- T = (function(e) {
- function t() {
- var e, n, i;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t),
- (n = this),
- (i = m(t).apply(this, arguments)),
- ((e = !i || ("object" !== f(i) && "function" !== typeof i) ? y(n) : i).saveCheckbox = function(t) {
- e.rcCheckbox = t;
- }),
- (e.renderCheckbox = function(t) {
- var n,
- i = t.getPrefixCls,
- o = y(e),
- a = o.props,
- l = o.context,
- u = a.prefixCls,
- h = a.className,
- f = a.children,
- v = a.indeterminate,
- m = a.style,
- g = a.onMouseEnter,
- T = a.onMouseLeave,
- E = b(a, [
- "prefixCls",
- "className",
- "children",
- "indeterminate",
- "style",
- "onMouseEnter",
- "onMouseLeave",
- ]),
- _ = l.checkboxGroup,
- C = i("checkbox", u),
- S = p({}, E);
- _ &&
- ((S.onChange = function() {
- E.onChange && E.onChange.apply(E, arguments), _.toggleOption({ label: f, value: a.value });
- }),
- (S.name = _.name),
- (S.checked = -1 !== _.value.indexOf(a.value)),
- (S.disabled = a.disabled || _.disabled));
- var w = c()(
- h,
- (d((n = {}), "".concat(C, "-wrapper"), !0),
- d(n, "".concat(C, "-wrapper-checked"), S.checked),
- d(n, "".concat(C, "-wrapper-disabled"), S.disabled),
- n),
- ),
- O = c()(d({}, "".concat(C, "-indeterminate"), v));
- return r.createElement(
- "label",
- { className: w, style: m, onMouseEnter: g, onMouseLeave: T },
- r.createElement(s.a, p({}, S, { prefixCls: C, className: O, ref: e.saveCheckbox })),
- void 0 !== f && r.createElement("span", null, f),
- );
- }),
- e
- );
- }
- var n, i, o;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && g(e, t);
- })(t, r["Component"]),
- (n = t),
- (i = [
- {
- key: "componentDidMount",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props.value,
- t = (this.context || {}).checkboxGroup,
- n = void 0 === t ? {} : t;
- n.registerValue && n.registerValue(e);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "shouldComponentUpdate",
- value: function(e, t, n) {
- return (
- !u()(this.props, e) || !u()(this.state, t) || !u()(this.context.checkboxGroup, n.checkboxGroup)
- );
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentDidUpdate",
- value: function(e) {
- var t = e.value,
- n = this.props.value,
- r = (this.context || {}).checkboxGroup,
- i = void 0 === r ? {} : r;
- n !== t && i.registerValue && i.cancelValue && (i.cancelValue(t), i.registerValue(n));
- },
- },
- {
- key: "componentWillUnmount",
- value: function() {
- var e = this.props.value,
- t = (this.context || {}).checkboxGroup,
- n = void 0 === t ? {} : t;
- n.cancelValue && n.cancelValue(e);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "focus",
- value: function() {
- this.rcCheckbox.focus();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "blur",
- value: function() {
- this.rcCheckbox.blur();
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return r.createElement(h.a, null, this.renderCheckbox);
- },
- },
- ]) && v(n.prototype, i),
- o && v(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- (T.__ANT_CHECKBOX = !0),
- (T.defaultProps = { indeterminate: !1 }),
- (T.contextTypes = { checkboxGroup: i.any }),
- Object(o.a)(T);
- var E = T,
- _ = n(37);
- function C(e) {
- return (C =
- "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
- ? function(e) {
- return typeof e;
- }
- : function(e) {
- return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype
- ? "symbol"
- : typeof e;
- })(e);
- }
- function S() {
- return (S =
- Object.assign ||
- function(e) {
- for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
- var n = arguments[t];
- for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]);
- }
- return e;
- }).apply(this, arguments);
- }
- function w(e) {
- return (
- (function(e) {
- if (Array.isArray(e)) {
- for (var t = 0, n = new Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t];
- return n;
- }
- })(e) ||
- (function(e) {
- if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e))
- return Array.from(e);
- })(e) ||
- (function() {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance");
- })()
- );
- }
- function O(e, t) {
- for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
- var r = t[n];
- (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1),
- (r.configurable = !0),
- "value" in r && (r.writable = !0),
- Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r);
- }
- }
- function M(e) {
- return (M = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.getPrototypeOf
- : function(e) {
- return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e);
- })(e);
- }
- function k(e) {
- if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
- return e;
- }
- function x(e, t) {
- return (x =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- function(e, t) {
- return (e.__proto__ = t), e;
- })(e, t);
- }
- var A = function(e, t) {
- var n = {};
- for (var r in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]);
- if (null != e && "function" === typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
- var i = 0;
- for (r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++)
- t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]);
- }
- return n;
- },
- z = (function(e) {
- function t(e) {
- var n, i, o;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- })(this, t),
- (i = this),
- (o = M(t).call(this, e)),
- ((n = !o || ("object" !== C(o) && "function" !== typeof o) ? k(i) : o).cancelValue = function(e) {
- n.setState(function(t) {
- return {
- registeredValues: t.registeredValues.filter(function(t) {
- return t !== e;
- }),
- };
- });
- }),
- (n.registerValue = function(e) {
- n.setState(function(t) {
- var n = t.registeredValues;
- return { registeredValues: [].concat(w(n), [e]) };
- });
- }),
- (n.toggleOption = function(e) {
- var t = n.state.registeredValues,
- r = n.state.value.indexOf(e.value),
- i = w(n.state.value);
- -1 === r ? i.push(e.value) : i.splice(r, 1), "value" in n.props || n.setState({ value: i });
- var o = n.props.onChange;
- if (o) {
- var a = n.getOptions();
- o(
- i
- .filter(function(e) {
- return -1 !== t.indexOf(e);
- })
- .sort(function(e, t) {
- return (
- a.findIndex(function(t) {
- return t.value === e;
- }) -
- a.findIndex(function(e) {
- return e.value === t;
- })
- );
- }),
- );
- }
- }),
- (n.renderGroup = function(e) {
- var t = e.getPrefixCls,
- i = k(n),
- o = i.props,
- a = i.state,
- s = o.prefixCls,
- l = o.className,
- u = o.style,
- h = o.options,
- f = A(o, ["prefixCls", "className", "style", "options"]),
- d = t("checkbox", s),
- p = "".concat(d, "-group"),
- v = Object(_.a)(f, ["children", "defaultValue", "value", "onChange", "disabled"]),
- m = o.children;
- h &&
- h.length > 0 &&
- (m = n.getOptions().map(function(e) {
- return r.createElement(
- E,
- {
- prefixCls: d,
- key: e.value.toString(),
- disabled: "disabled" in e ? e.disabled : o.disabled,
- value: e.value,
- checked: -1 !== a.value.indexOf(e.value),
- onChange: e.onChange,
- className: "".concat(p, "-item"),
- },
- e.label,
- );
- }));
- var y = c()(p, l);
- return r.createElement("div", S({ className: y, style: u }, v), m);
- }),
- (n.state = { value: e.value || e.defaultValue || [], registeredValues: [] }),
- n
- );
- }
- var n, i, o;
- return (
- (function(e, t) {
- if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t)
- throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
- (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
- constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 },
- })),
- t && x(e, t);
- })(t, r["Component"]),
- (n = t),
- (o = [
- {
- key: "getDerivedStateFromProps",
- value: function(e) {
- return "value" in e ? { value: e.value || [] } : null;
- },
- },
- ]),
- (i = [
- {
- key: "getChildContext",
- value: function() {
- return {
- checkboxGroup: {
- toggleOption: this.toggleOption,
- value: this.state.value,
- disabled: this.props.disabled,
- name: this.props.name,
- registerValue: this.registerValue,
- cancelValue: this.cancelValue,
- },
- };
- },
- },
- {
- key: "shouldComponentUpdate",
- value: function(e, t) {
- return !u()(this.props, e) || !u()(this.state, t);
- },
- },
- {
- key: "getOptions",
- value: function() {
- return this.props.options.map(function(e) {
- return "string" === typeof e ? { label: e, value: e } : e;
- });
- },
- },
- {
- key: "render",
- value: function() {
- return r.createElement(h.a, null, this.renderGroup);
- },
- },
- ]) && O(n.prototype, i),
- o && O(n, o),
- t
- );
- })();
- (z.defaultProps = { options: [] }),
- (z.propTypes = { defaultValue: i.array, value: i.array, options: i.array.isRequired, onChange: i.func }),
- (z.childContextTypes = { checkboxGroup: i.any }),
- Object(o.a)(z);
- var D = z;
- E.Group = D;
- t.a = E;
- },
function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = n(6),
@@ -94428,12 +93958,12 @@
c = (n(2), n(0)),
s = n.n(c),
l = n(38),
- u = n(150),
- h = n(151),
+ u = n(259),
+ h = n(260),
f = n(8),
- d = n(147),
+ d = n(198),
p = n(598),
- v = n(154);
+ v = n(266);
function m(e) {
var t = e.children,
n = e.className,
@@ -94536,8 +94066,8 @@
a = n(37),
c = n(5),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(28),
- u = n(15);
+ l = n(27),
+ u = n(16);
function h(e) {
return (h =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -94627,9 +94157,11 @@
p = i.displayComponent,
v = Object(a.a)(n.props, ["count", "onAnimated", "component", "prefixCls", "displayComponent"]),
m = t("scroll-number", o),
- y = f({}, v, { className: s()(m, c), title: u });
+ y = f(f({}, v), { className: s()(m, c), title: u });
return (
- l && l.borderColor && (y.style = f({}, l, { boxShadow: "0 0 0 1px ".concat(l.borderColor, " inset") })),
+ l &&
+ l.borderColor &&
+ (y.style = f(f({}, l), { boxShadow: "0 0 0 1px ".concat(l.borderColor, " inset") })),
? r.cloneElement(p, {
className: s()("".concat(m, "-custom-component"), p.props && p.props.className),
@@ -94739,7 +94271,7 @@
(g.defaultProps = { count: null, onAnimated: function() {} }), Object(l.a)(g);
var b = g,
- T = n(149);
+ T = n(148);
function E(e) {
return (E =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -94985,7 +94517,7 @@
value: function() {
var e = this.props.count;
if (e && "object" === E(e))
- return r.cloneElement(e, { style: _({}, this.getStyleWithOffset(), e.props && e.props.style) });
+ return r.cloneElement(e, { style: _(_({}, this.getStyleWithOffset()), e.props && e.props.style) });
@@ -95037,17 +94569,17 @@
"use strict";
var r = n(6),
i = n.n(r),
- o = n(24),
+ o = n(23),
a = n.n(o),
- c = n(20),
+ c = n(19),
s = n.n(c),
- l = n(21),
+ l = n(20),
u = n.n(l),
- h = n(22),
+ h = n(21),
f = n.n(h),
- d = n(19),
+ d = n(18),
p = n.n(d),
- v = n(23),
+ v = n(22),
m = n.n(v),
y = n(3),
g = n.n(y),
@@ -95062,10 +94594,10 @@
M = (n(2), n(0)),
k = n.n(M),
x = n(38),
- A = n(150),
- z = n(151),
- D = n(158),
- P = n(40),
+ A = n(259),
+ z = n(260),
+ D = n(272),
+ P = n(41),
N = n.n(P),
L = (function(e) {
function t() {
@@ -95248,9 +94780,9 @@
i = n(5),
o = n.n(i),
a = n(37),
- c = n(28),
- s = n(35),
- l = n(15);
+ c = n(27),
+ s = n(34),
+ l = n(16);
function u(e) {
return (u =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
@@ -95378,9 +94910,9 @@
- b = n(149),
- T = n(33),
- E = n(148);
+ b = n(148),
+ T = n(40),
+ E = n(147);
function _(e) {
return (_ =
"function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator
diff --git a/build/static/js/main.66607591.chunk.js b/build/static/js/main.be8de488.chunk.js
similarity index 92%
rename from build/static/js/main.66607591.chunk.js
rename to build/static/js/main.be8de488.chunk.js
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--- a/build/static/js/main.66607591.chunk.js
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@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([
- 122: function(e, t, n) {
+ 123: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = {
container: "Panel_container__1UbGz",
block: "Panel_block__35uxJ",
block__controls: "Panel_block__controls__386dF",
- 123: function(e, t, n) {
+ 124: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = {
block: "Relations_block__3ojdZ",
section: "Relations_section__3MAqx",
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
delete: "Relations_delete__3qe_f",
- 171: function(e, t, n) {
+ 159: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = {
editor: "App_editor__ZA0wp",
menu: "App_menu__3cWjU",
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
common: "App_common__2vqlZ",
- 217: function(e, t, n) {
+ 207: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = { main: "Hint_main__2bVzl" };
- 221: function(e, t, n) {
+ 211: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = { progress: "Waveform_progress__3BwkI", wave: "Waveform_wave__3tQFG", menu: "Waveform_menu__ToCwx" };
290: function(e, t, n) {
@@ -37,19 +37,16 @@
e.exports = { item: "Entities_item__215D0" };
304: function(e, t, n) {},
- 311: function(e, t, n) {
- e.exports = { play: "AudioPlus_play__3_Ds7" };
- },
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e.exports = { block: "TextHighlight_block__2-3wy" };
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+ 313: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = { state: "TextRegion_state__1J2X6" };
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+ 315: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n.p + "static/media/config.34f6aa9f.xml";
- 317: function(e) {
+ 316: function(e) {
e.exports = [
reviewerID: "A2IBPI20UZIR0U",
@@ -1249,7 +1246,7 @@
- 318: function(e) {
+ 317: function(e) {
e.exports = {
completions: [
@@ -1296,16 +1293,16 @@
task_path: "../examples/sentiment_analysis/tasks.json",
- 319: function(e, t, n) {
+ 318: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n.p + "static/media/config.c5233796.xml";
- 320: function(e) {
+ 319: function(e) {
e.exports = [
{ url: "https://go.heartex.net/static/samples/game.wav" },
{ url: "https://go.heartex.net/static/samples/game.wav" },
- 321: function(e) {
+ 320: function(e) {
e.exports = {
completions: [
@@ -1325,16 +1322,16 @@
task_path: "../examples/audio_classification/tasks.json",
- 322: function(e, t, n) {
+ 321: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n.p + "static/media/config.66767299.xml";
- 323: function(e) {
+ 322: function(e) {
e.exports = [
{ url: "https://go.heartex.net/static/samples/game.wav" },
{ url: "https://go.heartex.net/static/samples/game.wav" },
- 324: function(e) {
+ 323: function(e) {
e.exports = {
completions: [
@@ -1377,10 +1374,10 @@
task_path: "../examples/audio_regions/tasks.json",
- 325: function(e, t, n) {
+ 324: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n.p + "static/media/config.0e2a1e7f.xml";
- 326: function(e) {
+ 325: function(e) {
e.exports = [
@@ -1388,7 +1385,7 @@
- 327: function(e) {
+ 326: function(e) {
e.exports = {
completions: [
@@ -1412,13 +1409,13 @@
task_path: "../examples/chatbot_analysis/tasks.json",
- 328: function(e, t, n) {
+ 327: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n.p + "static/media/config.2a6054fe.xml";
- 329: function(e) {
+ 328: function(e) {
e.exports = [{ image: "https://user.fm/files/v2-901310d5cb3fa90e0616ca10590bacb3/spacexmoon-800x501.jpg" }];
- 330: function(e) {
+ 329: function(e) {
e.exports = {
completions: [
@@ -1461,10 +1458,10 @@
task_path: "../examples/image_bbox/tasks.json",
- 331: function(e, t, n) {
+ 330: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n.p + "static/media/config.bb22cd0c.xml";
- 332: function(e) {
+ 331: function(e) {
e.exports = [
@@ -1472,7 +1469,7 @@
- 333: function(e) {
+ 332: function(e) {
e.exports = {
completions: [
@@ -1504,13 +1501,13 @@
task_path: "../examples/named_entity/tasks.json",
- 334: function(e, t, n) {
+ 333: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n.p + "static/media/config.32729adf.xml";
- 335: function(e) {
+ 334: function(e) {
e.exports = [{ text: "To have faith is to trust yourself to the water" }];
- 336: function(e) {
+ 335: function(e) {
e.exports = {
completions: [
@@ -1531,13 +1528,13 @@
task_path: "../examples/references/tasks.json",
- 337: function(e, t, n) {
+ 336: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n.p + "static/media/config.1890026d.xml";
- 338: function(e) {
+ 337: function(e) {
e.exports = [{ url: "https://go.heartex.net/static/samples/game.wav" }];
- 339: function(e) {
+ 338: function(e) {
e.exports = {
completions: [
@@ -1551,10 +1548,13 @@
task_path: "../examples/transcribe_audio/tasks.json",
- 354: function(e, t, n) {
+ 353: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = n(596);
- 362: function(e, t, n) {},
+ 361: function(e, t, n) {},
+ 579: function(e, t, n) {
+ e.exports = { play: "AudioPlus_play__3_Ds7" };
+ },
596: function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
@@ -1605,15 +1605,15 @@
var i = n(0),
l = n.n(i),
- s = n(17),
+ s = n(14),
c = n.n(s),
u = n(7),
- m = (n(359), n(362), n(26)),
- d = n(27),
- h = n(30),
- p = n(29),
- f = n(31),
- g = n(209),
+ m = (n(358), n(361), n(25)),
+ d = n(26),
+ h = n(29),
+ p = n(28),
+ f = n(30),
+ g = n(199),
v = n.n(g),
y = n(1),
b = n(620),
@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@
S = n(36),
- N = n(212),
+ N = n(202),
I = n.n(N);
function E(e) {
var t = I()(10);
@@ -1756,7 +1756,15 @@
return t;
- return (t.id = E()), (t.type = e.nodeName), "img" === t.type && (t.type = "image"), t;
+ return (
+ (t.id = E()),
+ (t.type = e.nodeName),
+ Object.keys(t).forEach(function(e) {
+ "value" === e || ("true" !== this[e] && "false" !== this[e]) || (t[e] = JSON.parse(this[e]));
+ }, t),
+ "img" === t.type && (t.type = "image"),
+ t
+ );
var n = (function(e) {
for (var t = e.split("/>"), n = "", a = 0; a < t.length - 1; a++) {
@@ -1914,10 +1922,10 @@
j = n(616),
- A = n(167),
- D = n(625),
- M = n(166),
- B = n(35),
+ A = n(279),
+ D = n(624),
+ M = n(278),
+ B = n(34),
P = n(622),
H = function(e) {
return "string" === typeof e || e instanceof String;
@@ -2151,7 +2159,7 @@
var e = 6e4 * new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
return new Date(Date.now() - e).toISOString().slice(0, -1);
- var Q = n(104);
+ var Q = n(105);
var $ = {
Checkers: a,
Colors: o,
@@ -2265,7 +2273,7 @@
e.preventDefault(), n.removeHoneypot();
- "Honeypot",
+ "Ground Truth",
: l.a.createElement(
@@ -2276,7 +2284,7 @@
e.preventDefault(), n.setHoneypot();
- "Honeypot",
+ "Ground Truth",
@@ -2314,7 +2322,7 @@
return (
- e.completionStore.savedCompletions.map(function(n) {
+ e.completionStore.savedCompletions.forEach(function(n) {
n && t.push(l.a.createElement(ne, { key: n.pk, item: n, store: e }));
@@ -2414,7 +2422,7 @@
le = Object(u.c)(ie),
- se = n(217),
+ se = n(207),
ce = n.n(se),
ue = (function(e) {
function t() {
@@ -2443,7 +2451,7 @@
- me = n(92),
+ me = n(93),
de = n.n(me),
he = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
@@ -2500,7 +2508,7 @@
return (!r.completionStore.predictSelect || r.explore) && p;
- pe = n(122),
+ pe = n(123),
fe = n.n(pe),
ge = n(290),
ve = n.n(ge),
@@ -2612,9 +2620,9 @@
- we = n(614),
+ we = n(615),
ke = n(597),
- xe = n(623),
+ xe = n(617),
Te = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.store;
return l.a.createElement(
@@ -2659,7 +2667,7 @@
- Se = n(624),
+ Se = n(623),
Ne = n(621),
Ie = n(611),
Ee = (function(e) {
@@ -2872,7 +2880,7 @@
: void 0;
- _e = n(123),
+ _e = n(124),
je = n.n(_e),
Ae = function(e) {
var t = e.store,
@@ -2980,7 +2988,7 @@
- He = n(627),
+ He = n(626),
ze = n(82),
We = n.n(ze),
Le = function(e) {
@@ -3247,7 +3255,7 @@
k.addTag("view", Ke, Ze);
- var Qe = n(615);
+ var Qe = n(614);
function $e(e, t) {
return "$" === e.charAt(0)
? (function e(t, n, a) {
@@ -3409,7 +3417,7 @@
k.addTag("hypertext", mt, dt);
var ht = n(599),
pt = n(609),
- ft = n(93),
+ ft = n(94),
gt = n.n(ft),
vt = (function(e) {
function t() {
@@ -3537,21 +3545,81 @@
k.addTag("dialog", kt, xt);
- var Tt = n(306),
- St = n.n(Tt),
- Nt = n(307),
- It = n.n(Nt),
- Et = n(308),
- Ot = n.n(Et),
- Rt = n(309),
- Ct = n.n(Rt),
- _t = n(600),
- jt = n(601),
- At = n(617),
- Dt = n(613),
- Mt = n(221),
- Bt = n.n(Mt);
- function Pt(e, t) {
+ var Tt = y.m.model({
+ name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
+ value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
+ zoom: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
+ volume: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
+ speed: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
+ }),
+ St = y.m
+ .model({
+ id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
+ type: "audio",
+ _value: y.m.optional(y.m.string, ""),
+ playing: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
+ height: y.m.optional(y.m.number, 20),
+ })
+ .views(function(e) {
+ return {
+ get completion() {
+ return Object(y.g)(e).completionStore.selected;
+ },
+ };
+ })
+ .actions(function(e) {
+ return {
+ wsCreated: function(t) {
+ e._ws = t;
+ },
+ handlePlay: function() {
+ e.playing = !e.playing;
+ },
+ };
+ }),
+ Nt = y.m.compose(
+ "AudioHOCModel",
+ Tt,
+ St,
+ tt,
+ ),
+ It = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ var t = e.item;
+ e.store;
+ return l.a.createElement(
+ "div",
+ { style: { display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", marginTop: "1em" } },
+ l.a.createElement(
+ A.a,
+ {
+ type: "primary",
+ onClick: function(e) {
+ t._ws.playPause();
+ },
+ },
+ t.playing &&
+ l.a.createElement(i.Fragment, null, l.a.createElement(B.a, { type: "pause-circle" }), " Pause"),
+ !t.playing &&
+ l.a.createElement(i.Fragment, null, l.a.createElement(B.a, { type: "play-circle" }), " Play"),
+ ),
+ );
+ }),
+ Et = Object(u.c)(It),
+ Ot = n(306),
+ Rt = n.n(Ot),
+ Ct = n(307),
+ _t = n.n(Ct),
+ jt = n(308),
+ At = n.n(jt),
+ Dt = n(309),
+ Mt = n.n(Dt),
+ Bt = n(600),
+ Pt = n(601),
+ Ht = n(618),
+ zt = n(613),
+ Wt = n(211),
+ Lt = n.n(Wt);
+ function Ft(e, t) {
e = Number(e);
var n = Math.floor(e / 60);
e %= 60;
@@ -3561,7 +3629,7 @@
n > 0 ? (e < 10 && (a = "0" + a), "".concat(n, ":").concat(a)) : a
- function Ht(e) {
+ function Jt(e) {
return e >= 2500
? 0.01
: e >= 1e3
@@ -3578,7 +3646,7 @@
? 15
: 60 * Math.ceil(0.5 / e);
- function zt(e) {
+ function Gt(e) {
return e >= 2500
? 10
: e >= 1e3
@@ -3595,10 +3663,10 @@
? 15
: 60 * Math.ceil(0.5 / e);
- function Wt(e) {
- return Math.floor(10 / Ht(e));
+ function Ut(e) {
+ return Math.floor(10 / Jt(e));
- var Lt = (function(e) {
+ var Vt = (function(e) {
function t(e) {
var n;
return (
@@ -3641,22 +3709,22 @@
this.props.regions &&
(t = Object(S.a)({}, t, {
plugins: [
- It.a.create({ dragSelection: { slop: 5 } }),
- Ot.a.create({
+ _t.a.create({ dragSelection: { slop: 5 } }),
+ At.a.create({
container: "#timeline",
- formatTimeCallback: Pt,
- timeInterval: Ht,
- primaryLabelInterval: zt,
- secondaryLabelInterval: Wt,
+ formatTimeCallback: Ft,
+ timeInterval: Jt,
+ primaryLabelInterval: Gt,
+ secondaryLabelInterval: Ut,
primaryColor: "blue",
secondaryColor: "blue",
primaryFontColor: "#000",
secondaryFontColor: "#000",
- Ct.a.create({ wrapper: this.$waveform, showTime: !0, opacity: 1 }),
+ Mt.a.create({ wrapper: this.$waveform, showTime: !0, opacity: 1 }),
- (this.wavesurfer = St.a.create(t)),
+ (this.wavesurfer = Rt.a.create(t)),
var n = this;
@@ -3704,21 +3772,21 @@
return l.a.createElement(
- l.a.createElement("div", { id: "wave", className: Bt.a.wave }),
+ l.a.createElement("div", { id: "wave", className: Lt.a.wave }),
l.a.createElement("div", { id: "timeline" }),
- _t.a,
- { className: Bt.a.menu },
+ Bt.a,
+ { className: Lt.a.menu },
this.props.speed &&
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 24 },
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 12 },
" ",
- l.a.createElement(At.a, {
+ l.a.createElement(Ht.a, {
min: 0.5,
max: 3,
value: this.state.speed,
@@ -3728,9 +3796,9 @@
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 24 },
- l.a.createElement(Dt.a, {
+ l.a.createElement(zt.a, {
min: 0.5,
max: 3,
step: 0.1,
@@ -3743,14 +3811,14 @@
this.props.volume &&
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 24 },
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 12 },
" ",
- l.a.createElement(At.a, {
+ l.a.createElement(Ht.a, {
min: 0,
max: 1,
value: this.state.volume,
@@ -3761,9 +3829,9 @@
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 24 },
- l.a.createElement(Dt.a, {
+ l.a.createElement(zt.a, {
min: 0,
max: 1,
step: 0.1,
@@ -3776,14 +3844,14 @@
this.props.zoom &&
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 24 },
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 12 },
" ",
- l.a.createElement(At.a, {
+ l.a.createElement(Ht.a, {
min: 20,
max: 500,
value: this.state.zoom,
@@ -3793,9 +3861,9 @@
- jt.a,
+ Pt.a,
{ span: 24 },
- l.a.createElement(Dt.a, {
+ l.a.createElement(zt.a, {
min: 20,
step: 10,
max: 500,
@@ -3814,59 +3882,29 @@
- Ft = y.m.model({
- name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- zoom: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
- volume: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
- speed: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
+ Yt = Nt.named("AudioModel").actions(function(e) {
+ return {
+ fromStateJSON: function(t, n) {
+ t.value.choices && e.completion.names.get(t.from_name).fromStateJSON(t),
+ t.value.text && e.completion.names.get(t.from_name).fromStateJSON(t);
+ },
+ onLoad: function(t) {
+ e._ws = t;
+ },
+ };
- Jt = y.m
- .model({
- id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
- type: "audio",
- _value: y.m.optional(y.m.string, ""),
- playing: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- height: y.m.optional(y.m.number, 20),
- })
- .views(function(e) {
- return {
- get completion() {
- return Object(y.g)(e).completionStore.selected;
- },
- };
- })
- .actions(function(e) {
- return {
- fromStateJSON: function(t, n) {
- t.value.choices && e.completion.names.get(t.from_name).fromStateJSON(t),
- t.value.text && e.completion.names.get(t.from_name).fromStateJSON(t);
- },
- handlePlay: function() {
- e.playing = !e.playing;
- },
- onLoad: function(t) {
- e._ws = t;
- },
- wsCreated: function(t) {
- e._ws = t;
- },
- };
- }),
- Gt = y.m.compose(
+ qt = y.m.compose(
- Ft,
- Jt,
- tt,
+ Yt,
- Ut = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ Xt = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item;
return t._value
? l.a.createElement(
- l.a.createElement(Lt, {
+ l.a.createElement(Vt, {
src: t._value,
onCreate: t.wsCreated,
onLoad: t.onLoad,
@@ -3877,29 +3915,13 @@
regions: !1,
height: t.height,
- l.a.createElement(
- "div",
- { style: { display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", marginTop: "1em" } },
- l.a.createElement(
- A.a,
- {
- type: "primary",
- onClick: function(e) {
- console.log(t), t._ws.playPause();
- },
- },
- t.playing &&
- l.a.createElement(i.Fragment, null, l.a.createElement(B.a, { type: "pause-circle" }), " Pause"),
- !t.playing &&
- l.a.createElement(i.Fragment, null, l.a.createElement(B.a, { type: "play-circle" }), " Play"),
- ),
- ),
+ l.a.createElement(Et, { item: t }),
: null;
- Vt = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(Ut));
- k.addTag("audio", Gt, Vt);
- var Yt = y.m
+ Kt = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(Xt));
+ k.addTag("audio", qt, Kt);
+ var Zt = y.m
.model({ selected: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1), highlighted: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1) })
.actions(function(e) {
return {
@@ -3932,7 +3954,7 @@
- qt = y.m
+ Qt = y.m
.model({ normInput: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string), normalization: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string) })
.actions(function(e) {
return {
@@ -3947,18 +3969,18 @@
- Xt = y.m.model({
+ $t = y.m.model({
value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
selected: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
alias: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
hotkey: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- showalias: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "false"),
+ showalias: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
aliasstyle: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "opacity: 0.6"),
size: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "medium"),
background: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "#36B37E"),
selectedcolor: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "white"),
- Kt = y.m
+ en = y.m
.model({ id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E), type: "label", _value: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "") })
.actions(function(e) {
return {
@@ -3976,13 +3998,13 @@
- Zt = y.m.compose(
+ tn = y.m.compose(
- Xt,
- Kt,
+ $t,
+ en,
- Qt = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ nn = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item,
n = e.store,
@@ -4002,7 +4024,7 @@
size: t.size,
- "true" === t.showalias &&
+ !0 === t.showalias &&
t.alias &&
l.a.createElement("span", { style: $.styleToProp(t.aliasstyle) }, "\xa0", t.alias),
n.settings.enableTooltips &&
@@ -4012,8 +4034,8 @@
- k.addTag("label", Zt, Qt);
- var $t = y.m
+ k.addTag("label", tn, nn);
+ var an = y.m
.views(function(e) {
return {
@@ -4049,18 +4071,18 @@
- en = y.m.model({
+ on = y.m.model({
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
choice: y.m.optional(y.m.enumeration(["single", "multiple"]), "single"),
selectionstyle: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.optional(y.m.string, "basic", "border", "bottom")),
- tn = y.m
+ rn = y.m
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
type: "labels",
- children: Ye.unionArray(["labels", "label", "choice"]),
+ children: Ye.unionArray(["labels", "label", "choices", "choice"]),
.views(function(e) {
return {
@@ -4093,13 +4115,13 @@
- nn = y.m.compose(
+ ln = y.m.compose(
- en,
- tn,
- $t,
+ on,
+ rn,
+ an,
- an = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ sn = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item;
return l.a.createElement(
@@ -4116,9 +4138,9 @@
- k.addTag("labels", nn, an);
- var on = n(626),
- rn = y.m.model({
+ k.addTag("labels", ln, sn);
+ var cn = n(625),
+ un = y.m.model({
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
maxrating: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "5"),
@@ -4126,7 +4148,7 @@
size: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "large"),
hotkey: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- ln = y.m
+ mn = y.m
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
@@ -4173,19 +4195,19 @@
- sn = y.m.compose(
+ dn = y.m.compose(
- rn,
- ln,
+ un,
+ mn,
- cn = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ hn = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item,
n = e.store;
return l.a.createElement(
- l.a.createElement(on.a, {
+ l.a.createElement(cn.a, {
icon: "star",
size: t.size,
defaultRating: 0,
@@ -4201,20 +4223,20 @@
- k.addTag("rating", sn, cn);
- var un = y.m
+ k.addTag("rating", dn, hn);
+ var pn = y.m
.model("AudioRegionModel", {
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
start: y.m.number,
end: y.m.number,
- states: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.array(y.m.union(nn, sn))),
+ states: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.array(y.m.union(ln, dn))),
selectedregionbg: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"),
.views(function(e) {
return {
get parent() {
- return Object(y.f)(e, gn);
+ return Object(y.f)(e, yn);
get completion() {
return Object(y.g)(e).completionStore.selected;
@@ -4281,28 +4303,29 @@
- mn = y.m.compose(
+ fn = y.m.compose(
- Yt,
- qt,
- un,
+ Zt,
+ Qt,
+ pn,
- dn = n(311),
- hn = n.n(dn),
- pn = y.m.model({
- name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- zoom: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
- volume: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
- speed: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
- }),
- fn = y.m
+ gn =
+ (n(579),
+ y.m.model({
+ name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
+ value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
+ zoom: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
+ volume: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
+ speed: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
+ regs: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
+ })),
+ vn = y.m
.model("AudioPlusModel", {
id: y.m.identifier,
type: "audio",
_value: y.m.optional(y.m.string, ""),
playing: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- regions: y.m.array(mn),
+ regions: y.m.array(fn),
height: y.m.optional(y.m.number, 128),
.views(function(e) {
@@ -4369,7 +4392,7 @@
o = e.findRegion(t.start, t.end);
if (e.findRegion(t.start, t.end)) return (o._ws_region = t), o;
var r = n && n[0] ? $.Colors.convertToRGBA(n[0].getSelectedColor(), 0.3) : e.selectedregionbg,
- i = mn.create({
+ i = fn.create({
id: t.id ? t.id : E(),
pid: t.pid ? t.pid : E(),
start: t.start,
@@ -4403,20 +4426,20 @@
- gn = y.m.compose(
+ yn = y.m.compose(
- pn,
- fn,
+ gn,
+ vn,
- vn = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ bn = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item;
return t._value
? l.a.createElement(
- l.a.createElement(Lt, {
+ l.a.createElement(Vt, {
src: t._value,
selectRegion: t.selectRegion,
handlePlay: t.handlePlay,
@@ -4426,35 +4449,18 @@
speed: t.speed,
zoom: t.zoom,
volume: t.volume,
- regions: !0,
+ regions: t.regs,
height: t.height,
- l.a.createElement(
- "div",
- { style: { display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", marginTop: "1em" } },
- l.a.createElement(
- A.a,
- {
- type: "primary",
- className: hn.a.play,
- onClick: function(e) {
- t._ws.playPause();
- },
- },
- t.playing &&
- l.a.createElement(i.Fragment, null, l.a.createElement(B.a, { type: "pause-circle" }), " Pause"),
- !t.playing &&
- l.a.createElement(i.Fragment, null, l.a.createElement(B.a, { type: "play-circle" }), " Play"),
- ),
- ),
+ l.a.createElement(Et, { item: t }),
: null;
- yn = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(vn));
- k.addTag("audioplus", gn, yn);
- var bn = n(57),
- wn =
- (n(119),
+ wn = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(bn));
+ k.addTag("audioplus", yn, wn);
+ var kn = n(57),
+ xn =
+ (n(120),
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
@@ -4464,7 +4470,7 @@
strokecolor: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "#f48a42"),
canrotate: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "true"),
- kn = y.m
+ Tn = y.m
.model({ id: y.m.identifier, type: "rectangle" })
.views(function(e) {
return {
@@ -4480,24 +4486,38 @@
.actions(function(e) {
return { fromStateJSON: function(e) {} };
- xn = y.m.compose(
+ Sn = y.m.compose(
- wn,
- kn,
+ xn,
+ Tn,
- k.addTag("rectangle", xn, function() {
+ k.addTag("rectangle", Sn, function() {
return null;
- var Tn = y.m.model({ name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string), toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string) }),
- Sn = y.m
+ var Nn = y.m.model({ name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string), toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string) }),
+ In = y.m
.model("RectangleLabelsModel", {
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
type: "rectanglelabels",
children: Ye.unionArray(["labels", "label", "choice"]),
+ .views(function(e) {
+ return {
+ get shouldBeUnselected() {
+ return "single" === e.choice;
+ },
+ };
+ })
.actions(function(e) {
return {
+ getSelectedColor: function() {
+ var t = e.children.find(function(e) {
+ return !0 === e.selected;
+ });
+ return t && t.background;
+ },
+ toStateJSON: function() {},
fromStateJSON: function(t, n) {
if ((e.unselectAll(), !t.value.rectanglelabels)) throw new Error("No labels param");
t.id && (e.pid = t.id),
@@ -4509,23 +4529,23 @@
- Nn = y.m.compose(
- nn,
- xn,
- Tn,
+ En = y.m.compose(
+ ln,
- $t,
+ Nn,
+ In,
+ an,
- In = y.m.compose(
+ On = y.m.compose(
- Nn,
+ En,
- En = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ Rn = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item;
- return l.a.createElement(an, { item: t });
+ return l.a.createElement(sn, { item: t });
- k.addTag("rectanglelabels", In, En);
- var On = y.m
+ k.addTag("rectanglelabels", On, Rn);
+ var Cn = y.m
id: y.m.identifier,
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
@@ -4540,8 +4560,8 @@
opacity: y.m.number,
strokewidth: y.m.number,
fillcolor: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- strokecolor: y.m.string,
- states: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.array(y.m.union(nn, sn, In))),
+ strokecolor: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "blue"),
+ states: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.array(y.m.union(ln, dn, On))),
wp: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.number),
hp: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.number),
sw: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.number),
@@ -4551,7 +4571,7 @@
.views(function(e) {
return {
get parent() {
- return Object(y.f)(e, qn);
+ return Object(y.f)(e, Kn);
get completion() {
return Object(y.g)(e).completionStore.selected;
@@ -4599,24 +4619,28 @@
toStateJSON: function() {
var t = e.parent,
- n = t.states()[0],
- a = function(a) {
- var o = {
- id: e.id,
- from_name: n.name,
- to_name: t.name,
- source: t.value,
- type: "rectangle",
- value: {
- x: (100 * e.x) / e.parent.stageWidth,
- y: (100 * e.y) / e.parent.stageHeight,
- width: (e.width * (e.scaleX || 1) * 100) / e.parent.stageWidth,
- height: (e.height * (e.scaleY || 1) * 100) / e.parent.stageHeight,
- rotation: e.rotation,
- },
- };
- return e.normalization && (o.normalization = e.normalization), o;
+ n = t.states()[0];
+ t.states().length > 1 &&
+ t.states().forEach(function(e) {
+ "rectanglelabels" === e.type && (n = e);
+ });
+ var a = function(a) {
+ var o = {
+ id: e.id,
+ from_name: n.name,
+ to_name: t.name,
+ source: t.value,
+ type: "rectangle",
+ value: {
+ x: (100 * e.x) / e.parent.stageWidth,
+ y: (100 * e.y) / e.parent.stageHeight,
+ width: (e.width * (e.scaleX || 1) * 100) / e.parent.stageWidth,
+ height: (e.height * (e.scaleY || 1) * 100) / e.parent.stageHeight,
+ rotation: e.rotation,
+ },
+ return e.normalization && (o.normalization = e.normalization), o;
+ };
return e.states && e.states.length
? e.states.map(function(e) {
var t = a();
@@ -4626,13 +4650,13 @@
- Rn = y.m.compose(
+ _n = y.m.compose(
- Yt,
- qt,
- On,
+ Zt,
+ Qt,
+ Cn,
- Cn = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ jn = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.store,
n = e.item,
@@ -4660,7 +4684,7 @@
- bn.Rect,
+ kn.Rect,
x: a,
@@ -4726,10 +4750,10 @@
- k.addTag("rectangleregion", Rn, Cn);
- n(341);
- var _n = n(312),
- jn = y.m
+ k.addTag("rectangleregion", _n, jn);
+ n(340);
+ var An = n(311),
+ Dn = y.m
init_x: y.m.optional(y.m.number, 0),
init_y: y.m.optional(y.m.number, 0),
@@ -4777,7 +4801,7 @@
- An = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ Mn = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item,
n = e.index,
a = { small: 1, medium: 2, large: 3 },
@@ -4807,7 +4831,7 @@
return "circle" == t.style
? l.a.createElement(
- bn.Circle,
+ kn.Circle,
key: n,
@@ -4824,7 +4848,7 @@
: l.a.createElement(
- bn.Rect,
+ kn.Rect,
key: n,
@@ -4843,7 +4867,7 @@
- Dn = y.m.model({
+ Bn = y.m.model({
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
opacity: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "0.6"),
@@ -4853,7 +4877,7 @@
pointsize: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "medium"),
pointstyle: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "rectangle"),
- Mn = y.m
+ Pn = y.m
.model({ id: y.m.identifier, type: "polygon", _value: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "") })
.views(function(e) {
return {
@@ -4880,20 +4904,20 @@
.actions(function(e) {
return {};
- Bn = y.m.compose(
+ Hn = y.m.compose(
- Dn,
- Mn,
+ Bn,
+ Pn,
- Pn = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ zn = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
e.store, e.item;
return null;
- k.addTag("polygon", Bn, Pn);
- var Hn = y.m.model({ name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string), toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string) }),
- zn = y.m
+ k.addTag("polygon", Hn, zn);
+ var Wn = y.m.model({ name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string), toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string) }),
+ Ln = y.m
.model("PolygonLabelsModel", {
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
@@ -4913,23 +4937,23 @@
- Wn = y.m.compose(
- nn,
- Bn,
+ Fn = y.m.compose(
+ ln,
- zn,
- $t,
+ Wn,
+ Ln,
+ an,
- Ln = y.m.compose(
+ Jn = y.m.compose(
- Wn,
+ Fn,
- Fn = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ Gn = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item;
- return l.a.createElement(an, { item: t });
+ return l.a.createElement(sn, { item: t });
- k.addTag("polygonlabels", Ln, Fn);
- var Jn = y.m
+ k.addTag("polygonlabels", Jn, Gn);
+ var Un = y.m
id: y.m.identifier,
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
@@ -4941,8 +4965,8 @@
pointsize: y.m.string,
pointstyle: y.m.string,
closed: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- points: y.m.array(jn, []),
- states: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.array(y.m.union(nn, sn, Ln))),
+ points: y.m.array(Dn, []),
+ states: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.array(y.m.union(ln, dn, Jn))),
mouseOverStartPoint: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
fromName: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
wp: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.number),
@@ -4951,7 +4975,7 @@
.views(function(e) {
return {
get parent() {
- return Object(y.f)(e, qn);
+ return Object(y.f)(e, Kn);
get completion() {
return Object(y.g)(e).completionStore.selected;
@@ -4997,7 +5021,7 @@
s = o[r][1],
c = o[i][0],
u = o[i][1];
- s > n != u > n && t < ((c - l) * (n - s)) / (u - s) + l && (Object(_n.a)("inside"), (a = !a));
+ s > n != u > n && t < ((c - l) * (n - s)) / (u - s) + l && (Object(An.a)("inside"), (a = !a));
return a;
@@ -5074,13 +5098,13 @@
- Gn = y.m.compose(
+ Vn = y.m.compose(
- Yt,
- qt,
- Jn,
+ Zt,
+ Qt,
+ Un,
- var Un = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ var Yn = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.store,
n = e.item,
@@ -5107,7 +5131,7 @@
- bn.Line,
+ kn.Line,
points: n.linePoints(),
@@ -5167,26 +5191,26 @@
!n.closed &&
n.points.map(function(e, t) {
- return l.a.createElement(An, { item: e, index: t });
+ return l.a.createElement(Mn, { item: e, index: t });
n.closed &&
n.selected &&
n.points.map(function(e, t) {
- return l.a.createElement(An, { item: e, index: t });
+ return l.a.createElement(Mn, { item: e, index: t });
- k.addTag("polygonregion", Gn, Un);
- var Vn = y.m.model({
+ k.addTag("polygonregion", Vn, Yn);
+ var qn = y.m.model({
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
resize: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
width: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "100%"),
maxwidth: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "750px"),
- Yn = y.m
+ Xn = y.m
id: y.m.identifier,
type: "image",
@@ -5195,9 +5219,9 @@
stageHeight: y.m.optional(y.m.integer, 1),
naturalWidth: y.m.optional(y.m.integer, 1),
naturalHeight: y.m.optional(y.m.integer, 1),
- selectedShape: y.m.safeReference(y.m.union(Rn, Gn)),
- activePolygon: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.safeReference(Gn)),
- shapes: y.m.array(y.m.union(Rn, Gn), []),
+ selectedShape: y.m.safeReference(y.m.union(_n, Vn)),
+ activePolygon: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.safeReference(Vn)),
+ shapes: y.m.array(y.m.union(_n, Vn), []),
.views(function(e) {
return {
@@ -5212,7 +5236,14 @@
return e.completion.toNames.get(e.name);
controlButton: function() {
- return e.completion.toNames.get(e.name)[0];
+ var t = e.completion.toNames.get(e.name),
+ n = t[0];
+ return (
+ t.forEach(function(e) {
+ "rectanglelabels" === e.type && (n = e);
+ }),
+ n
+ );
controlButtonType: function() {
var t = e.controlButton();
@@ -5289,16 +5320,18 @@
: null;
if (0 === l.length) return;
- e._addRect(t, l),
+ l.forEach(function(n) {
+ "choices" !== n.type && n.isSelected && e._addRect(t, n);
+ }),
i &&
i.forEach(function(e) {
- return e.unselectAll();
+ console.log(e), "choices" !== e.type && e.unselectAll();
_addRect: function(t, n) {
var a = e.controlButton().rectstrokecolor;
- n && n.length && (a = n[0].getSelectedColor());
+ n && (a = n.getSelectedColor());
e.stageWidth, e.naturalWidth, e.stageHeight, e.naturalHeight;
var o = t.evt.offsetX,
r = t.evt.offsetY;
@@ -5306,20 +5339,22 @@
__addRect: function(t, n, a, o, r, i, l) {
var s = e.controlButton(),
- c = Rn.create({
- id: E(),
- x: t,
- y: n,
- width: a,
- height: o,
- opacity: parseFloat(s.opacity),
- fillcolor: s.fillcolor,
- strokewidth: parseInt(s.strokewidth),
- strokecolor: r,
- states: i,
- coordstype: l,
- });
- e._addShape(c);
+ c = i;
+ i.length || (c = [i]);
+ var u = _n.create({
+ id: E(),
+ x: t,
+ y: n,
+ width: a,
+ height: o,
+ opacity: parseFloat(s.opacity),
+ fillcolor: s.fillcolor,
+ strokewidth: parseInt(s.strokewidth),
+ strokecolor: r,
+ states: c,
+ coordstype: l,
+ });
+ e._addShape(u);
onResizeSize: function(t, n) {
(e.stageHeight = n), (e.stageWidth = t);
@@ -5332,7 +5367,7 @@
if (e.activePolygon) a = e.activePolygon;
else {
var r = e.controlButton();
- (a = Gn.create({
+ (a = Vn.create({
id: E(),
x: t.evt.offsetX - 5,
y: t.evt.offsetY - 5,
@@ -5375,13 +5410,13 @@
- qn = y.m.compose(
+ Kn = y.m.compose(
- Vn,
- Yn,
+ qn,
+ Xn,
- Xn = (function(e) {
+ Zn = (function(e) {
function t() {
return Object(m.a)(this, t), Object(h.a)(this, Object(p.a)(t).apply(this, arguments));
@@ -5416,7 +5451,7 @@
key: "render",
value: function() {
var e = this;
- return l.a.createElement(bn.Transformer, {
+ return l.a.createElement(kn.Transformer, {
resizeEnabled: !0,
rotateEnabled: this.props.rotateEnabled,
anchorSize: 8,
@@ -5430,7 +5465,7 @@
- Kn = (function(e) {
+ Qn = (function(e) {
function t() {
var e, n;
Object(m.a)(this, t);
@@ -5483,7 +5518,7 @@
l.a.createElement("img", { style: o, src: n._value, onLoad: n.updateIE }),
- bn.Stage,
+ kn.Stage,
ref: function(e) {
@@ -5496,12 +5531,12 @@
style: { position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0 },
- bn.Layer,
+ kn.Layer,
n.shapes.map(function(e) {
return _.renderItem(e);
- l.a.createElement(Xn, { rotateEnabled: r, selectedShapeName: this.props.item.selectedShape }),
+ l.a.createElement(Zn, { rotateEnabled: r, selectedShapeName: this.props.item.selectedShape }),
@@ -5520,16 +5555,16 @@
- Zn = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(Kn));
- k.addTag("image", qn, Zn);
- var Qn = n(173),
- $n = n(222),
- ea = n.n($n),
- ta = function e(t, n, a) {
+ $n = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(Qn));
+ k.addTag("image", Kn, $n);
+ var ea = n(161),
+ ta = n(212),
+ na = n.n(ta),
+ aa = function e(t, n, a) {
var o = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {};
Object(m.a)(this, e), (this.start = t), (this.end = n), (this.text = a), (this.data = o);
- na = (function(e) {
+ oa = (function(e) {
function t() {
return Object(m.a)(this, t), Object(h.a)(this, Object(p.a)(t).apply(this, arguments));
@@ -5555,7 +5590,7 @@
- aa = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ ra = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t,
n = e.store,
@@ -5601,7 +5636,7 @@
(h = u.reduceRight(function(e, n) {
return l.a.createElement(
- na,
+ oa,
{ style: { background: t, padding: "2px 0" }, position: s, overlap: n, keyNode: d(a) },
@@ -5609,10 +5644,10 @@
return h;
- oa = function(e) {
+ ia = function(e) {
var t = { wordWrap: "break-word" };
return l.a.createElement(
- aa,
+ ra,
id: e.id,
highlightStyle: Object.assign({}, t, e.highlightStyle),
@@ -5628,16 +5663,16 @@
- ra = function(e) {
+ la = function(e) {
return l.a.createElement(
- aa,
+ ra,
{ id: e.id, highlightStyle: e.highlightStyle, charIndex: e.charIndex, range: e.range, overlap: e.overlap },
"".concat(e.text[e.charIndex]).concat(e.text[e.charIndex + 1]),
- ia = n(313),
- la = n.n(ia),
- sa = (function(e) {
+ sa = n(312),
+ ca = n.n(sa),
+ ua = (function(e) {
function t() {
var e;
return Object(m.a)(this, t), ((e = Object(h.a)(this, Object(p.a)(t).call(this))).dismissMouseUp = 0), e;
@@ -5670,10 +5705,10 @@
return (
this.props.ranges &&
this.props.ranges.map(function(t) {
- return e >= t.start && e <= t.end ? (o = [].concat(Object(Qn.a)(o), [t.id])) : o;
+ return e >= t.start && e <= t.end ? (o = [].concat(Object(ea.a)(o), [t.id])) : o;
- aa,
+ ra,
id: this.props.id,
overlap: o,
@@ -5694,9 +5729,9 @@
return (
this.props.ranges &&
this.props.ranges.map(function(t) {
- return e >= t.start && e <= t.end ? (n = [].concat(Object(Qn.a)(n), [t.id])) : n;
+ return e >= t.start && e <= t.end ? (n = [].concat(Object(ea.a)(n), [t.id])) : n;
- l.a.createElement(ra, {
+ l.a.createElement(la, {
text: this.props.text,
id: this.props.id,
overlap: n,
@@ -5715,9 +5750,9 @@
return (
this.props.ranges &&
this.props.ranges.map(function(t) {
- return e >= t.start && e <= t.end ? (a = [].concat(Object(Qn.a)(a), [t.id])) : a;
+ return e >= t.start && e <= t.end ? (a = [].concat(Object(ea.a)(a), [t.id])) : a;
- l.a.createElement(oa, {
+ l.a.createElement(ia, {
url: n,
id: this.props.id,
overlap: a,
@@ -5757,7 +5792,7 @@
if (!r.startContainer.parentNode.dataset.hint && !r.endContainer.parentNode.dataset.hint) {
var i = parseInt(r.startContainer.parentNode.dataset.position),
l = parseInt(r.endContainer.parentNode.dataset.position),
- s = new ta(i < l ? i : l, i < l ? l : i, e, Object(S.a)({}, this.props, { ranges: void 0 }));
+ s = new aa(i < l ? i : l, i < l ? l : i, e, Object(S.a)({}, this.props, { ranges: void 0 }));
@@ -5789,12 +5824,12 @@
for (var e, t = [], n = 0; n < this.props.text.length; n++) {
var a = this.getRange(n),
o = $.Checkers.getUrl(n, this.props.text),
- r = ea()().test(this.props.text[n] + this.props.text[n + 1]),
+ r = na()().test(this.props.text[n] + this.props.text[n + 1]),
i = this.getNode(n, a, this.props.text, o, r);
if ((o.length ? (n += o.length - 1) : r && n++, a)) {
e = a;
for (var l = [i], s = n + 1; s < parseInt(a.end) + 1; s++) {
- ea()().test("".concat(this.props.text[s]).concat(this.props.text[s + 1]))
+ na()().test("".concat(this.props.text[s]).concat(this.props.text[s + 1]))
? (l.push(this.getEmojiNode(s, a)), s++)
: l.push(this.getLetterNode(s, a)),
(n = s);
@@ -5812,7 +5847,7 @@
return l.a.createElement(
- className: la.a.block,
+ className: ca.a.block,
style: this.props.style,
onMouseUp: this.onMouseUp.bind(this),
onMouseDown: this.onMouseDown.bind(this),
@@ -5827,10 +5862,10 @@
- ca = Object(u.c)(sa),
- ua = n(314),
- ma = n.n(ua),
- da = y.m
+ ma = Object(u.c)(ua),
+ da = n(313),
+ ha = n.n(da),
+ pa = y.m
.model("TextRegionModel", {
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
@@ -5838,12 +5873,12 @@
start: y.m.integer,
end: y.m.integer,
text: y.m.string,
- states: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.array(y.m.union(nn, sn))),
+ states: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.array(y.m.union(ln, dn))),
.views(function(e) {
return {
get parent() {
- return Object(y.f)(e, ya);
+ return Object(y.f)(e, wa);
get completion() {
return Object(y.g)(e).completionStore.selected;
@@ -5875,13 +5910,13 @@
- ha = y.m.compose(
+ fa = y.m.compose(
- Yt,
- qt,
- da,
+ Zt,
+ Qt,
+ pa,
- pa = function(e) {
+ ga = function(e) {
var t = e.state,
n = t.getSelectedString(),
a = { background: $.Colors.convertToRGBA(t.getSelectedColor(), 0.3) };
@@ -5889,12 +5924,12 @@
e.style && (a = Object(S.a)({}, a, { outline: e.style.outline })),
- { className: ma.a.state, style: a },
+ { className: ha.a.state, style: a },
l.a.createElement("span", { "data-hint": !0 }, "\xa0[", n, "]"),
- fa = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ va = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.store,
n = (e.item, e.letterGroup),
@@ -5916,7 +5951,7 @@
(a.states && a.states.length) > 0 &&
a.states.map(function(e) {
- l.a.createElement(pa, {
+ l.a.createElement(ga, {
key: a.id,
state: e,
bg: o,
@@ -5945,8 +5980,8 @@
- k.addTag("textrange", ha, fa);
- var ga = y.m.model("TextModel", {
+ k.addTag("textrange", fa, va);
+ var ya = y.m.model("TextModel", {
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
selelectwithoutlabel: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "false"),
@@ -5954,11 +5989,11 @@
adjustselection: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "true"),
selectionenabled: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "true"),
- va = y.m
+ ba = y.m
.model("TextModel", {
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
type: "text",
- regions: y.m.array(ha),
+ regions: y.m.array(fa),
_value: y.m.optional(y.m.string, ""),
.views(function(e) {
@@ -5997,7 +6032,7 @@
e._value = et(e.value, t.task.dataObj);
_addRegion: function(t) {
- var n = ha.create(t);
+ var n = fa.create(t);
return e.regions.push(n), e.completion.addRegion(n), n;
addRegion: function(t) {
@@ -6044,12 +6079,12 @@
- ya = y.m.compose(
+ wa = y.m.compose(
- ga,
- va,
+ ya,
+ ba,
- ba = (function(e) {
+ ka = (function(e) {
function t() {
return Object(m.a)(this, t), Object(h.a)(this, Object(p.a)(t).apply(this, arguments));
@@ -6059,7 +6094,7 @@
key: "renderRegion",
value: function(e, t, n, a) {
- return l.a.createElement(fa, {
+ return l.a.createElement(va, {
key: t.id,
store: this.props.store,
item: this.props.item,
@@ -6081,7 +6116,7 @@
{ style: t },
- l.a.createElement(ca, {
+ l.a.createElement(ma, {
id: e.id,
key: e.id,
text: e._value,
@@ -6101,36 +6136,33 @@
- wa = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(ba));
- k.addTag("text", ya, wa);
- var ka = n(608),
- xa = n(619),
- Ta =
- (l.a.Component,
- y.m.model({
- selected: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- alias: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- hotkey: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- style: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- })),
- Sa = y.m
+ xa = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(ka));
+ k.addTag("text", wa, xa);
+ var Ta = n(608),
+ Sa = y.m.model({
+ selected: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
+ alias: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
+ value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
+ hotkey: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
+ style: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
+ }),
+ Na = y.m
.model({ type: "choice", _value: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "") })
.views(function(e) {
return {
get isCheckbox() {
- var t = Object(y.f)(e, Ra).choice;
+ var t = Object(y.f)(e, _a).choice;
return "multiple" === t || "single" === t;
get name() {
- return Object(y.f)(e, Ra).name;
+ return Object(y.f)(e, _a).name;
.actions(function(e) {
return {
toggleSelected: function() {
- var t = Object(y.f)(e, Ra);
+ var t = Object(y.f)(e, _a);
t.shouldBeUnselected && t.unselectAll(), e.markSelected(!e.selected);
markSelected: function(t) {
@@ -6141,13 +6173,13 @@
- Na = y.m.compose(
+ Ia = y.m.compose(
- Ta,
+ Na,
- Ia = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ Ea = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item,
n = e.store,
@@ -6160,7 +6192,7 @@
return l.a.createElement(
{ style: o },
- l.a.createElement(ka.a, {
+ l.a.createElement(Ta.a, {
name: t._value,
label: t._value,
onChange: function(e) {
@@ -6198,19 +6230,19 @@
- k.addTag("choice", Na, Ia);
- var Ea = y.m.model({
+ k.addTag("choice", Ia, Ea);
+ var Oa = y.m.model({
name: y.m.string,
toname: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- showinline: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "false"),
+ showinline: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
choice: y.m.optional(y.m.enumeration(["single", "single-radio", "multiple"]), "single"),
- Oa = y.m
+ Ra = y.m
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
type: "choices",
- children: Ye.unionArray(["choice"]),
+ children: Ye.unionArray(["choice", "choices", "labels", "label"]),
.views(function(e) {
return {
@@ -6245,13 +6277,18 @@
- Ra = y.m.compose(
- "ChoicesModel",
- Ea,
+ Ca = y.m.compose(
+ ln,
+ Sn,
- $t,
+ Ra,
+ an,
- Ca = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ _a = y.m.compose(
+ "ChoicesModel",
+ Ca,
+ ),
+ ja = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item;
return l.a.createElement(
@@ -6259,15 +6296,15 @@
- "true" === t.showinline
+ t.showinline
? l.a.createElement(Ie.a.Group, { inline: !0, style: { flexWrap: "wrap" } }, _.renderChildren(t))
: l.a.createElement(Ie.a.Group, { grouped: !0 }, _.renderChildren(t)),
- k.addTag("choices", Ra, Ca);
- var _a = n(618),
- ja = y.m
+ k.addTag("choices", _a, ja);
+ var Aa = n(619),
+ Da = y.m
.model("TextAreaRegionModel", {
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
pid: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E),
@@ -6277,20 +6314,20 @@
.views(function(e) {
return {
get parent() {
- return Object(y.f)(e, Pa);
+ return Object(y.f)(e, za);
get completion() {
return Object(y.g)(e).completionStore.selected;
- Aa = y.m.compose(
+ Ma = y.m.compose(
- Yt,
- qt,
- ja,
+ Zt,
+ Qt,
+ Da,
- Da = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ Ba = Object(u.b)("store")(
Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.store,
n = e.item,
@@ -6300,7 +6337,7 @@
? (a = Object(S.a)({}, a, { border: "1px solid red" }))
: n.highlighted && (a = Object(S.a)({}, a, { border: "2px solid red" })),
- _a.a,
+ Aa.a,
className: "warning",
style: a,
@@ -6317,8 +6354,8 @@
- k.addTag("textarearegion", Aa, Da);
- var Ma = y.m.model({
+ k.addTag("textarearegion", Ma, Ba);
+ var Pa = y.m.model({
allowSubmit: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "true"),
label: y.m.optional(y.m.string, ""),
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
@@ -6327,11 +6364,11 @@
placeholder: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
maxsubmissions: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- Ba = y.m
+ Ha = y.m
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
type: "textarea",
- regions: y.m.array(Aa),
+ regions: y.m.array(Ma),
_value: y.m.optional(y.m.string, ""),
.views(function(e) {
@@ -6357,7 +6394,7 @@
e._value = t;
addText: function(t, n) {
- var a = Aa.create({ pid: n, _value: t });
+ var a = Ma.create({ pid: n, _value: t });
return e.regions.push(a), e.completion.addRegion(a), a;
beforeSend: function() {
@@ -6379,13 +6416,13 @@
- Pa = y.m.compose(
+ za = y.m.compose(
- Ma,
- Ba,
+ Pa,
+ Ha,
- Ha = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ Wa = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item;
return l.a.createElement(
@@ -6395,7 +6432,7 @@
{ style: { marginTop: "1em", marginBottom: "1em" } },
t.regions.map(function(e) {
- return l.a.createElement(Da, { item: e });
+ return l.a.createElement(Ba, { item: e });
t.showSubmit &&
@@ -6419,11 +6456,11 @@
- k.addTag("textarea", Pa, Ha);
- var za = n(80),
- Wa = n(109),
- La = n.n(Wa),
- Fa = y.m
+ k.addTag("textarea", za, Wa);
+ var La = n(80),
+ Fa = n(110),
+ Ja = n.n(Fa),
+ Ga = y.m
backgroundColor: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "transparent"),
value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
@@ -6447,7 +6484,7 @@
- Ja = y.m.model({
+ Ua = y.m.model({
axis: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "y"),
lockaxis: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
elementvalue: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
@@ -6456,12 +6493,12 @@
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- Ga = y.m
+ Va = y.m
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
type: "list",
update: y.m.optional(y.m.number, 1),
- regions: y.m.array(Fa),
+ regions: y.m.array(Ga),
.views(function(e) {
return {};
@@ -6472,7 +6509,7 @@
e.update = e.update + 1;
addRegion: function(t, n) {
- var a = Fa.create({ value: e.elementvalue, idx: n, _value: $e(e.elementvalue, t[n]) });
+ var a = Ga.create({ value: e.elementvalue, idx: n, _value: $e(e.elementvalue, t[n]) });
updateValue: function(t) {
@@ -6493,8 +6530,8 @@
n !== a &&
(e.sortedhighlightcolor && e.regions[n].setBG(e.sortedhighlightcolor),
- e._value && (e._value = La()(e._value, n, a)),
- (e.regions = La()(e.regions, n, a)),
+ e._value && (e._value = Ja()(e._value, n, a)),
+ (e.regions = Ja()(e.regions, n, a)),
toStateJSON: function() {
@@ -6543,26 +6580,26 @@
- Ua = y.m.compose(
+ Ya = y.m.compose(
- Ja,
- Ga,
+ Ua,
+ Va,
- Va = Object(za.sortableHandle)(function() {
+ qa = Object(La.c)(function() {
return l.a.createElement("div", { className: "drag-handle" });
- function Ya() {
+ function Xa() {
try {
return "undefined" !== typeof window.orientation || -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf("IEMobile");
} catch (e) {
return !1;
- var qa = Object(za.SortableElement)(function(e) {
+ var Ka = Object(La.b)(function(e) {
var t,
n = e.item,
a = e.value;
- Ya && (t = "noselect");
+ Xa && (t = "noselect");
var o = {
text: function(e) {
return l.a.createElement("span", { className: t }, e._value);
@@ -6593,18 +6630,18 @@
- l.a.createElement(Va, null),
+ l.a.createElement(qa, null),
- Xa = Object(za.SortableContainer)(function(e) {
+ Za = Object(La.a)(function(e) {
var t = e.item,
n = e.items;
return l.a.createElement(
{ celled: !0 },
n.map(function(e, n) {
- return l.a.createElement(qa, {
+ return l.a.createElement(Ka, {
key: "item-".concat(n),
index: n,
value: e,
@@ -6615,25 +6652,25 @@
- Ka = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ Qa = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item,
n = {};
return (
- Ya() ? (n.pressDelay = 100) : (n.distance = 7),
+ Xa() ? (n.pressDelay = 100) : (n.distance = 7),
- Xa,
+ Za,
Object.assign({ update: t.update, item: t, items: t.regions, onSortEnd: t.moveItems }, n),
- Za = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(Ka));
- k.addTag("list", Ua, Za);
- var Qa = y.m
+ $a = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(Qa));
+ k.addTag("list", Ya, $a);
+ var eo = y.m
backgroundColor: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "transparent"),
value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
@@ -6657,7 +6694,7 @@
- $a = y.m.model({
+ to = y.m.model({
axis: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "y"),
lockaxis: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
elementtag: y.m.optional(y.m.string, "Text"),
@@ -6667,12 +6704,12 @@
name: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
value: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
- eo = y.m
+ no = y.m
id: y.m.optional(y.m.identifier, E),
type: "ranker",
update: y.m.optional(y.m.number, 1),
- regions: y.m.array(Qa),
+ regions: y.m.array(eo),
.views(function(e) {
return {};
@@ -6683,7 +6720,7 @@
e.update = e.update + 1;
_addRegion: function(t, n) {
- var a = Qa.create({ value: t, idx: n, _value: t });
+ var a = eo.create({ value: t, idx: n, _value: t });
moveItems: function(t) {
@@ -6692,8 +6729,8 @@
n != a &&
(e.sortedhighlightcolor && e.regions[n].setBG(e.sortedhighlightcolor),
- e._value && (e._value = La()(e._value, n, a)),
- (e.regions = La()(e.regions, n, a)),
+ e._value && (e._value = Ja()(e._value, n, a)),
+ (e.regions = Ja()(e.regions, n, a)),
toStateJSON: function() {
@@ -6718,26 +6755,26 @@
- to = y.m.compose(
+ ao = y.m.compose(
- $a,
- eo,
+ to,
+ no,
- no = Object(za.sortableHandle)(function() {
+ oo = Object(La.c)(function() {
return l.a.createElement("div", { className: "drag-handle" });
- function ao() {
+ function ro() {
try {
return "undefined" !== typeof window.orientation || -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf("IEMobile");
} catch (e) {
return !1;
- var oo = Object(za.SortableElement)(function(e) {
+ var io = Object(La.b)(function(e) {
var t,
n = e.item,
a = e.value;
- ao && (t = "noselect");
+ ro && (t = "noselect");
var o = {
text: function(e) {
return l.a.createElement("span", { className: t }, e._value);
@@ -6768,18 +6805,18 @@
- l.a.createElement(no, null),
+ l.a.createElement(oo, null),
- ro = Object(za.SortableContainer)(function(e) {
+ lo = Object(La.a)(function(e) {
var t = e.item,
n = e.items;
return l.a.createElement(
{ celled: !0 },
n.map(function(e, n) {
- return l.a.createElement(oo, {
+ return l.a.createElement(io, {
key: "item-".concat(n),
index: n,
value: e,
@@ -6790,27 +6827,27 @@
- io = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
+ so = Object(u.c)(function(e) {
var t = e.item,
n = {};
return (
- ao() ? (n.pressDelay = 100) : (n.distance = 7),
+ ro() ? (n.pressDelay = 100) : (n.distance = 7),
- ro,
+ lo,
Object.assign({ update: t.update, item: t, items: t.regions, onSortEnd: t.moveItems }, n),
- lo = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(io));
- k.addTag("ranker", to, lo);
- var so = n(171),
- co = n.n(so),
- uo = Object(u.b)("store")(
+ co = Object(u.b)("store")(Object(u.c)(so));
+ k.addTag("ranker", ao, co);
+ var uo = n(159),
+ mo = n.n(uo),
+ ho = Object(u.b)("store")(
(function(e) {
function t() {
@@ -6864,7 +6901,7 @@
: t.completionStore.currentCompletion || t.completionStore.currentPrediction
? l.a.createElement(
- { className: co.a.editor },
+ { className: mo.a.editor },
l.a.createElement(Te, { store: t }),
@@ -6881,7 +6918,7 @@
- { className: co.a.common },
+ { className: mo.a.common },
@@ -6890,7 +6927,7 @@
- { className: co.a.menu },
+ { className: mo.a.menu },
t.hasInterface("completions:menu") && l.a.createElement(oe, { store: t }),
t.hasInterface("predictions:menu") && l.a.createElement(le, { store: t }),
t.hasInterface("side-column") && l.a.createElement(Ue, { store: t }),
@@ -6915,9 +6952,9 @@
"[::1]" === window.location.hostname ||
- var mo = n(49),
- ho = n.n(mo),
- po = y.m
+ var po = n(45),
+ fo = n.n(po),
+ go = y.m
.model("Task", {
id: y.m.identifierNumber,
data: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
@@ -6937,33 +6974,33 @@
- fo = y.m.model("UserStore", { pk: y.m.integer, firstName: y.m.string, lastName: y.m.string }),
- go = n(172),
- vo = n.n(go),
- yo = {};
- var bo = {
+ vo = y.m.model("UserStore", { pk: y.m.integer, firstName: y.m.string, lastName: y.m.string }),
+ yo = n(160),
+ bo = n.n(yo),
+ wo = {};
+ var ko = {
addKey: function(e, t) {
- yo[e] || ((yo[e] = !0), vo()(e, "main", t));
+ wo[e] || ((wo[e] = !0), bo()(e, "main", t));
unbindAll: function() {
- for (var e = 0, t = Object.keys(yo); e < t.length; e++) {
+ for (var e = 0, t = Object.keys(wo); e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
- vo.a.unbind(n);
+ bo.a.unbind(n);
- yo = {};
+ wo = {};
makeComb: function() {
for (var e = "1234567890qwertasdfgzxcvbyuiophjklnm".split(""), t = 0; t <= e.length; t++) {
var n = void 0;
- if (((n = e[t]), !yo.hasOwnProperty(n))) return n;
+ if (((n = e[t]), !wo.hasOwnProperty(n))) return n;
return null;
setScope: function(e) {
- vo.a.setScope(e);
+ bo.a.setScope(e);
- wo = y.m
+ xo = y.m
.model("SettingsModel", {
enableHotkeys: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
enablePanelHotkeys: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
@@ -6972,7 +7009,7 @@
.actions(function(e) {
return {
toggleHotkeys: function() {
- (e.enableHotkeys = !e.enableHotkeys), e.enableHotkeys ? bo.setScope("main") : bo.setScope("none");
+ (e.enableHotkeys = !e.enableHotkeys), e.enableHotkeys ? ko.setScope("main") : ko.setScope("none");
togglePanelHotkeys: function() {
e.enablePanelHotkeys = !e.enablePanelHotkeys;
@@ -6982,8 +7019,8 @@
- ko =
- (n(11),
+ To =
+ (n(39),
.model("TimeTraveller", {
history: y.m.array(y.m.frozen()),
@@ -7046,10 +7083,10 @@
- xo = y.m
+ So = y.m
.model("Relation", {
- node1: y.m.reference(y.m.union(ha, Rn, mn, Aa, Gn)),
- node2: y.m.reference(y.m.union(ha, Rn, mn, Aa, Gn)),
+ node1: y.m.reference(y.m.union(fa, _n, fn, Ma, Vn)),
+ node2: y.m.reference(y.m.union(fa, _n, fn, Ma, Vn)),
.actions(function(e) {
return {
@@ -7060,7 +7097,7 @@
- To = y.m.model("RelationStore", { relations: y.m.array(xo) }).actions(function(e) {
+ No = y.m.model("RelationStore", { relations: y.m.array(So) }).actions(function(e) {
return {
findRelations: function(t, n) {
return n
@@ -7076,7 +7113,7 @@
addRelation: function(t, n) {
if (!e.nodesRelated(t, n)) {
- var a = xo.create({ node1: t, node2: n });
+ var a = So.create({ node1: t, node2: n });
return e.relations.push(a), a;
@@ -7097,10 +7134,10 @@
- So = y.m
+ Io = y.m
.model("Normalization", {
- node1: y.m.union(y.m.reference(ha), y.m.reference(Rn), y.m.reference(mn)),
- node2: y.m.union(y.m.reference(ha), y.m.reference(Rn), y.m.reference(mn)),
+ node1: y.m.union(y.m.reference(fa), y.m.reference(_n), y.m.reference(fn)),
+ node2: y.m.union(y.m.reference(fa), y.m.reference(_n), y.m.reference(fn)),
.actions(function(e) {
return {
@@ -7111,7 +7148,7 @@
- No = y.m.model("NormalizationStore", { normalizations: y.m.array(So) }).actions(function(e) {
+ Eo = y.m.model("NormalizationStore", { normalizations: y.m.array(Io) }).actions(function(e) {
return {
findNormalization: function(t, n) {
return n
@@ -7124,7 +7161,7 @@
addNormalization: function(t, n) {
if (!e.findNormalization(t, n)) {
- var a = So.create({ node1: t, node2: n });
+ var a = Io.create({ node1: t, node2: n });
return e.normalizations.unshift(a), a;
@@ -7137,8 +7174,8 @@
- Io = y.m
- .model("RegionStore", { regions: y.m.array(y.m.safeReference(y.m.union(ha, Rn, Gn, mn, Aa))) })
+ Oo = y.m
+ .model("RegionStore", { regions: y.m.array(y.m.safeReference(y.m.union(fa, _n, Vn, fn, Ma))) })
.actions(function(e) {
return {
addRegion: function(t) {
@@ -7165,7 +7202,7 @@
- Eo = y.m
+ Ro = y.m
.model("Completion", {
id: y.m.identifier,
pk: y.m.optional(y.m.string, E(5)),
@@ -7180,21 +7217,21 @@
root: Ye.allModelsTypes(),
names: y.m.map(y.m.reference(Ye.allModelsTypes())),
toNames: y.m.map(y.m.array(y.m.reference(Ye.allModelsTypes()))),
- history: y.m.optional(ko, { targetPath: "../root" }),
+ history: y.m.optional(To, { targetPath: "../root" }),
dragMode: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
relationMode: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- relationStore: y.m.optional(To, { relations: [] }),
+ relationStore: y.m.optional(No, { relations: [] }),
normalizationMode: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- normalizationStore: y.m.optional(No, { normalizations: [] }),
- regionStore: y.m.optional(Io, { regions: [] }),
+ normalizationStore: y.m.optional(Eo, { normalizations: [] }),
+ regionStore: y.m.optional(Oo, { regions: [] }),
highlightedNode: y.m.maybeNull(
- y.m.safeReference(ha),
- y.m.safeReference(Rn),
- y.m.safeReference(mn),
- y.m.safeReference(Aa),
- y.m.safeReference(Gn),
- y.m.safeReference(xn),
+ y.m.safeReference(fa),
+ y.m.safeReference(_n),
+ y.m.safeReference(fn),
+ y.m.safeReference(Ma),
+ y.m.safeReference(Vn),
+ y.m.safeReference(Sn),
@@ -7284,18 +7321,18 @@
n ? n.push(t.id) : e.toNames.set(t.toname, [t.id]);
- bo.unbindAll(),
+ ko.unbindAll(),
e.traverseTree(function(e) {
- e && e.onHotKey && e.hotkey && bo.addKey(e.hotkey, e.onHotKey);
+ e && e.onHotKey && e.hotkey && ko.addKey(e.hotkey, e.onHotKey);
e.traverseTree(function(e) {
if (e && e.onHotKey && !e.hotkey) {
- var t = bo.makeComb();
+ var t = ko.makeComb();
if (!t) return;
- (e.hotkey = t), bo.addKey(e.hotkey, e.onHotKey);
+ (e.hotkey = t), ko.addKey(e.hotkey, e.onHotKey);
- bo.setScope("main");
+ ko.setScope("main");
serializeCompletion: function() {
var t = [];
@@ -7306,7 +7343,7 @@
var n = e.relationStore.serializeCompletion();
- t.push(n);
+ n && t.push(n);
return (function e(t) {
return t.reduce(function(t, n) {
return t.concat(Array.isArray(n) ? e(n) : n);
@@ -7333,11 +7370,11 @@
- Oo = y.m
+ Co = y.m
.model("CompletionStore", {
- completions: y.m.array(Eo),
- selected: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.reference(Eo)),
- predictions: y.m.array(Eo),
+ completions: y.m.array(Ro),
+ selected: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.reference(Ro)),
+ predictions: y.m.array(Ro),
predictSelect: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
.views(function(e) {
@@ -7370,8 +7407,8 @@
.actions(function(e) {
var t = Object(y.c)(
- ho.a.mark(function t(n) {
- return ho.a.wrap(
+ fo.a.mark(function t(n) {
+ return fo.a.wrap(
function(t) {
for (;;)
switch ((t.prev = t.next)) {
@@ -7427,7 +7464,7 @@
(e.predictSelect = !0), (n.selected = !0), (e.selected = n);
addCompletion: function(t, n) {
- var a = Eo.create(t);
+ var a = Ro.create(t);
return (
e.store.task &&
"initial" === n &&
@@ -7484,7 +7521,7 @@
return e.addPredictionItem(o, "list");
addPredictionItem: function(t, n) {
- var a = Eo.create(t);
+ var a = Ro.create(t);
return (
e.store.task &&
"initial" === n &&
@@ -7497,7 +7534,7 @@
- Ro = y.m
+ _o = y.m
.model("Prediction", {
id: y.m.identifier,
selected: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
@@ -7507,21 +7544,21 @@
root: Ye.allModelsTypes(),
names: y.m.map(y.m.reference(Ye.allModelsTypes())),
toNames: y.m.map(y.m.array(y.m.reference(Ye.allModelsTypes()))),
- history: y.m.optional(ko, { targetPath: "../root" }),
+ history: y.m.optional(To, { targetPath: "../root" }),
dragMode: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
relationMode: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- relationStore: y.m.optional(To, { relations: [] }),
+ relationStore: y.m.optional(No, { relations: [] }),
normalizationMode: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- normalizationStore: y.m.optional(No, { normalizations: [] }),
- regionStore: y.m.optional(Io, { regions: [] }),
+ normalizationStore: y.m.optional(Eo, { normalizations: [] }),
+ regionStore: y.m.optional(Oo, { regions: [] }),
highlightedNode: y.m.maybeNull(
- y.m.safeReference(ha),
- y.m.safeReference(Rn),
- y.m.safeReference(mn),
- y.m.safeReference(Aa),
- y.m.safeReference(Gn),
- y.m.safeReference(xn),
+ y.m.safeReference(fa),
+ y.m.safeReference(_n),
+ y.m.safeReference(fn),
+ y.m.safeReference(Ma),
+ y.m.safeReference(Vn),
+ y.m.safeReference(Sn),
@@ -7607,9 +7644,9 @@
- Co =
+ jo =
- .model("PredictionStore", { predictions: y.m.array(Ro), selected: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.reference(Ro)) })
+ .model("PredictionStore", { predictions: y.m.array(_o), selected: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.reference(_o)) })
.views(function(e) {
return {
get currentPrediction() {
@@ -7643,7 +7680,7 @@
(n.selected = !0), (e.selected = n);
addPredictionItem: function(t, n) {
- var a = Ro.create(t);
+ var a = _o.create(t);
return (
e.store.task &&
"initial" === n &&
@@ -7683,18 +7720,18 @@
NEXT: "/next",
EXPERT_INSRUCTIONS: "/expert_instruction",
- _o = y.m
+ Ao = y.m
.model("AppStore", {
config: y.m.string,
- task: y.m.maybeNull(po),
+ task: y.m.maybeNull(go),
taskID: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.number),
interfaces: y.m.array(y.m.string),
explore: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
- completionStore: y.m.optional(Oo, { completions: [], predictions: [] }),
+ completionStore: y.m.optional(Co, { completions: [], predictions: [] }),
projectID: y.m.integer,
- expert: fo,
+ expert: vo,
debug: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !0),
- settings: y.m.optional(wo, {}),
+ settings: y.m.optional(xo, {}),
showingSettings: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
showingDescription: y.m.optional(y.m.boolean, !1),
description: y.m.maybeNull(y.m.string),
@@ -7717,18 +7754,18 @@
.actions(function(e) {
var t = Object(y.c)(
- ho.a.mark(function t() {
+ fo.a.mark(function t() {
var n, a;
- return ho.a.wrap(function(t) {
+ return fo.a.wrap(function(t) {
for (;;)
switch ((t.prev = t.next)) {
case 0:
return (
(n = ""
- .concat(Co.MAIN)
- .concat(Co.PROJECTS, "/")
+ .concat(jo.MAIN)
+ .concat(jo.PROJECTS, "/")
+ .concat(jo.EXPERT_INSRUCTIONS)),
(t.next = 3),
@@ -7755,24 +7792,24 @@
return e.taskID
? o(
- .concat(Co.MAIN)
- .concat(Co.TASKS, "/")
+ .concat(jo.MAIN)
+ .concat(jo.TASKS, "/")
.concat(e.taskID, "/"),
: e.explore && e.projectID
? o(
- .concat(Co.MAIN)
- .concat(Co.PROJECTS, "/")
+ .concat(jo.MAIN)
+ .concat(jo.PROJECTS, "/")
- .concat(Co.NEXT),
+ .concat(jo.NEXT),
: void 0;
var o = Object(y.c)(
- ho.a.mark(function t(n) {
+ fo.a.mark(function t(n) {
var a;
- return ho.a.wrap(
+ return fo.a.wrap(
function(t) {
for (;;)
switch ((t.prev = t.next)) {
@@ -7842,8 +7879,8 @@
r = Object(y.c)(
- ho.a.mark(function t() {
- return ho.a.wrap(
+ fo.a.mark(function t() {
+ return fo.a.wrap(
function(t) {
for (;;)
switch ((t.prev = t.next)) {
@@ -7854,10 +7891,10 @@
(t.next = 4),
- .concat(Co.MAIN)
- .concat(Co.TASKS, "/")
+ .concat(jo.MAIN)
+ .concat(jo.TASKS, "/")
- .concat(Co.CANCEL),
+ .concat(jo.CANCEL),
JSON.stringify({ data: JSON.stringify({ error: "cancelled" }) }),
@@ -7878,9 +7915,9 @@
i = function(t) {
return Object(y.c)(
- ho.a.mark(function o() {
+ fo.a.mark(function o() {
var r, i, l, s, c, u;
- return ho.a.wrap(
+ return fo.a.wrap(
function(o) {
for (;;)
switch ((o.prev = o.next)) {
@@ -7909,10 +7946,10 @@
(o.next = 13),
- .concat(Co.MAIN)
- .concat(Co.TASKS, "/")
+ .concat(jo.MAIN)
+ .concat(jo.TASKS, "/")
- .concat(Co.COMPLETIONS, "/")
+ .concat(jo.COMPLETIONS, "/")
.concat(r.pk, "/"),
@@ -7929,17 +7966,17 @@
(o.next = 18),
- .concat(Co.MAIN)
- .concat(Co.TASKS, "/")
+ .concat(jo.MAIN)
+ .concat(jo.TASKS, "/")
- .concat(Co.COMPLETIONS, "/"),
+ .concat(jo.COMPLETIONS, "/"),
case 18:
return (c = o.sent), (o.next = 21), c.json();
case 21:
- (u = o.sent), e.completionStore.selected.updatePersonalKey(u.id.toString());
+ (u = o.sent) && u.id && e.completionStore.selected.updatePersonalKey(u.id.toString());
case 23:
if (!n("load")) {
o.next = 28;
@@ -7971,21 +8008,21 @@
return {
afterCreate: function() {
- bo.addKey("ctrl+enter", e.sendTask),
- e.hasInterface("skip") && bo.addKey("ctrl+space", e.skipTask),
- e.hasInterface("update") && bo.addKey("alt+enter", e.updateTask),
- bo.addKey("ctrl+backspace", function() {
+ ko.addKey("ctrl+enter", e.sendTask),
+ e.hasInterface("skip") && ko.addKey("ctrl+space", e.skipTask),
+ e.hasInterface("update") && ko.addKey("alt+enter", e.updateTask),
+ ko.addKey("ctrl+backspace", function() {
- bo.addKey("ctrl+z", function() {
+ ko.addKey("ctrl+z", function() {
var t = e.completionStore.selected.history;
t && t.canUndo && t.undo();
- bo.addKey("escape", function() {
+ ko.addKey("escape", function() {
var t = e.completionStore.selected;
t && t.relationMode && t.stopRelationMode();
- bo.addKey("backspace", function() {
+ ko.addKey("backspace", function() {
var t = e.completionStore.selected;
t && t.highlightedNode && t.highlightedNode.deleteRegion();
@@ -7995,7 +8032,7 @@
t &&
!$.Checkers.isString(t.data) &&
(t = Object(S.a)({}, t, Object(Q.a)({}, t.data, JSON.stringify(t.data)))),
- (e.task = po.create(t));
+ (e.task = go.create(t));
hasInterface: n,
skipTask: r,
@@ -8005,7 +8042,7 @@
e.isLoading = t;
resetState: function() {
- e.completionStore = Oo.create({ completions: [] });
+ e.completionStore = Co.create({ completions: [] });
var t = e.completionStore.addInitialCompletion();
@@ -8066,7 +8103,7 @@
- var jo = {
+ var Do = {
getData: function() {
window.taskData && window.taskData.data && (window.taskData.data = JSON.stringify(window.taskData.data));
var e = {
@@ -8100,28 +8137,28 @@
return (t.innerHTML = ""), t.appendChild(e), e;
- Ao = n(315),
- Do = n(316),
- Mo = n.n(Do),
- Bo = n(317),
- Po = n(318),
- Ho = { config: Mo.a, tasks: Bo, completion: Po },
- zo = n(319),
- Wo = n.n(zo),
- Lo = (n(320), n(321), Wo.a, n(322)),
+ Mo = n(314),
+ Bo = n(315),
+ Po = n.n(Bo),
+ Ho = n(316),
+ zo = n(317),
+ Wo = { config: Po.a, tasks: Ho, completion: zo },
+ Lo = n(318),
Fo = n.n(Lo),
- Jo = (n(323), n(324), Fo.a, n(325)),
+ Jo = (n(319), n(320), Fo.a, n(321)),
Go = n.n(Jo),
- Uo = (n(326), n(327), Go.a, n(328)),
+ Uo = (n(322), n(323), Go.a, n(324)),
Vo = n.n(Uo),
- Yo = (n(329), n(330), Vo.a, n(331)),
+ Yo = (n(325), n(326), Vo.a, n(327)),
qo = n.n(Yo),
- Xo = (n(332), n(333), qo.a, n(334)),
+ Xo = (n(328), n(329), qo.a, n(330)),
Ko = n.n(Xo),
- Zo = (n(335), n(336), Ko.a, n(337)),
+ Zo = (n(331), n(332), Ko.a, n(333)),
Qo = n.n(Zo),
- $o = (n(338), n(339), Qo.a, Ho);
- function er() {
+ $o = (n(334), n(335), Qo.a, n(336)),
+ er = n.n($o),
+ tr = (n(337), n(338), er.a, Wo);
+ function nr() {
return (function() {
var e = {
developmentEnv: !0,
@@ -8143,18 +8180,18 @@
- task: { data: JSON.stringify($o.tasks[0]), project: 10, id: 100, completions: [], predictions: [] },
+ task: { data: JSON.stringify(tr.tasks[0]), project: 10, id: 100, completions: [], predictions: [] },
return (
e.viewCompletion &&
- $o.completion &&
+ tr.completion &&
(e = Object(S.a)({}, e, {
task: Object(S.a)({}, e.task, {
- completions: $o.completion.completions,
- predictions: $o.completion.predictions,
+ completions: tr.completion.completions,
+ predictions: tr.completion.predictions,
- fetch($o.config)
+ fetch(tr.config)
.then(function(e) {
return e.text();
@@ -8164,15 +8201,15 @@
- function tr() {
- return (tr = Object(Ao.a)(
- ho.a.mark(function e() {
+ function ar() {
+ return (ar = Object(Mo.a)(
+ fo.a.mark(function e() {
var t, n, a;
- return ho.a.wrap(function(e) {
+ return fo.a.wrap(function(e) {
for (;;)
switch ((e.prev = e.next)) {
case 0:
- return (e.next = 2), er();
+ return (e.next = 2), nr();
case 2:
return (
(t = e.sent),
@@ -8188,19 +8225,19 @@
)).apply(this, arguments);
- var nr = {
+ var or = {
getState: function() {
- return tr.apply(this, arguments);
+ return ar.apply(this, arguments);
- getData: er,
+ getData: nr,
rootElement: function() {
var e = document.createElement("div"),
t = document.getElementById("label-studio");
return (t.innerHTML = ""), t.appendChild(e), (t.style.margin = "0 auto"), e;
- nr = jo;
- var ar = _o.create(nr.getData(), {
+ or = Do;
+ var rr = Ao.create(or.getData(), {
fetch: T.fetcher,
patch: T.patch,
post: T.poster,
@@ -8209,9 +8246,9 @@
return console.log(e);
- ar.initializeStore(nr.getState()),
- (window.Htx = ar),
- c.a.render(l.a.createElement(u.a, { store: ar }, l.a.createElement(uo, null)), nr.rootElement()),
+ rr.initializeStore(or.getState()),
+ (window.Htx = rr),
+ c.a.render(l.a.createElement(u.a, { store: rr }, l.a.createElement(ho, null)), or.rootElement()),
"serviceWorker" in navigator &&
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(e) {
@@ -8233,7 +8270,7 @@
tag: "Entity_tag__35G8T",
- 92: function(e, t, n) {
+ 93: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = {
skip: "Controls_skip__10Js5",
task: "Controls_task__15i-O",
@@ -8243,7 +8280,7 @@
rewrite: "Controls_rewrite__3zE7C",
- 93: function(e, t, n) {
+ 94: function(e, t, n) {
e.exports = {
block: "Dialog_block__1YBml",
block_selected: "Dialog_block_selected__3zZ50",
@@ -8253,5 +8290,5 @@
- [[354, 2, 1]],
+ [[353, 2, 1]],
diff --git a/docs/themes/htx/source/js/common.js b/docs/themes/htx/source/js/common.js
index a9ebfd339ad4..9618c81a5c65 100644
--- a/docs/themes/htx/source/js/common.js
+++ b/docs/themes/htx/source/js/common.js
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
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- initVideoModal()
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// Most redirects should be specified in Hexo's
@@ -21,181 +21,160 @@
// another page, we need this.
function initHashLevelRedirects() {
checkForHashRedirect(/list\.html$/, {
- key: '/v2/guide/list.html#Maintaining-State'
- })
+ key: "/v2/guide/list.html#Maintaining-State",
+ });
checkForHashRedirect(/components\.html$/, {
- 'What-are-Components': '/v2/guide/components.html',
- 'Using-Components': '/v2/guide/components-registration.html',
- 'Global-Registration':
- '/v2/guide/components-registration.html#Global-Registration',
- 'Local-Registration':
- '/v2/guide/components-registration.html#Local-Registration',
- 'Composing-Components':
- '/v2/guide/components.html#Organizing-Components',
- Props:
- '/v2/guide/components.html#Passing-Data-to-Child-Components-with-Props',
- 'Passing-Data-with-Props':
- '/v2/guide/components.html#Passing-Data-to-Child-Components-with-Props',
- 'camelCase-vs-kebab-case':
- '/v2/guide/components-props.html#Prop-Casing-camelCase-vs-kebab-case',
- 'Dynamic-Props':
- '/v2/guide/components-props.html#Static-and-Dynamic-Props',
- 'Literal-vs-Dynamic':
- '/v2/guide/components-props.html#Static-and-Dynamic-Props',
- 'One-Way-Data-Flow':
- '/v2/guide/components-props.html#One-Way-Data-Flow',
- 'Prop-Validation': '/v2/guide/components-props.html#Prop-Validation',
- 'Non-Prop-Attributes':
- '/v2/guide/components-props.html#Non-Prop-Attributes',
- 'Replacing-Merging-with-Existing-Attributes':
- '/v2/guide/components-props.html#Replacing-Merging-with-Existing-Attributes',
- 'Custom-Events':
- '/v2/guide/components.html#Listening-to-Child-Components-Events',
- 'Using-v-on-with-Custom-Events':
- '/v2/guide/components.html#Listening-to-Child-Components-Events',
- 'Binding-Native-Events-to-Components':
- '/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html#Binding-Native-Events-to-Components',
- 'sync-Modifier':
- '/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html#sync-Modifier',
- 'Form-Input-Components-using-Custom-Events':
- '/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html#Binding-Native-Events-to-Components',
- 'Customizing-Component-v-model':
- '/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html#Customizing-Component-v-model',
- 'Non-Parent-Child-Communication': '/v2/guide/state-management.html',
- 'Compilation-Scope':
- '/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Compilation-Scope',
- 'Single-Slot': '/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Slot-Content',
- 'Named-Slots': '/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Named-Slots',
- 'Scoped-Slots': '/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Scoped-Slots',
- 'Dynamic-Components': '/v2/guide/components.html#Dynamic-Components',
- 'keep-alive':
- '/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html#keep-alive-with-Dynamic-Components',
- Misc: '/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html',
- 'Authoring-Reusable-Components':
- '/v2/guide/components.html#Organizing-Components',
- 'Child-Component-Refs':
- '/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Accessing-Child-Component-Instances-amp-Child-Elements',
- 'Async-Components':
- '/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html#Async-Components',
- 'Advanced-Async-Components':
- '/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html#Handling-Loading-State',
- 'Component-Naming-Conventions':
- '/v2/guide/components-registration.html#Component-Names',
- 'Recursive-Components':
- '/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Recursive-Components',
- 'Circular-References-Between-Components':
- '/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Circular-References-Between-Components',
- 'Inline-Templates':
- '/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Inline-Templates',
- 'X-Templates': '/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#X-Templates',
- 'Cheap-Static-Components-with-v-once':
- '/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Cheap-Static-Components-with-v-once'
- })
+ "What-are-Components": "/v2/guide/components.html",
+ "Using-Components": "/v2/guide/components-registration.html",
+ "Global-Registration": "/v2/guide/components-registration.html#Global-Registration",
+ "Local-Registration": "/v2/guide/components-registration.html#Local-Registration",
+ "Composing-Components": "/v2/guide/components.html#Organizing-Components",
+ Props: "/v2/guide/components.html#Passing-Data-to-Child-Components-with-Props",
+ "Passing-Data-with-Props": "/v2/guide/components.html#Passing-Data-to-Child-Components-with-Props",
+ "camelCase-vs-kebab-case": "/v2/guide/components-props.html#Prop-Casing-camelCase-vs-kebab-case",
+ "Dynamic-Props": "/v2/guide/components-props.html#Static-and-Dynamic-Props",
+ "Literal-vs-Dynamic": "/v2/guide/components-props.html#Static-and-Dynamic-Props",
+ "One-Way-Data-Flow": "/v2/guide/components-props.html#One-Way-Data-Flow",
+ "Prop-Validation": "/v2/guide/components-props.html#Prop-Validation",
+ "Non-Prop-Attributes": "/v2/guide/components-props.html#Non-Prop-Attributes",
+ "Replacing-Merging-with-Existing-Attributes":
+ "/v2/guide/components-props.html#Replacing-Merging-with-Existing-Attributes",
+ "Custom-Events": "/v2/guide/components.html#Listening-to-Child-Components-Events",
+ "Using-v-on-with-Custom-Events": "/v2/guide/components.html#Listening-to-Child-Components-Events",
+ "Binding-Native-Events-to-Components":
+ "/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html#Binding-Native-Events-to-Components",
+ "sync-Modifier": "/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html#sync-Modifier",
+ "Form-Input-Components-using-Custom-Events":
+ "/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html#Binding-Native-Events-to-Components",
+ "Customizing-Component-v-model": "/v2/guide/components-custom-events.html#Customizing-Component-v-model",
+ "Non-Parent-Child-Communication": "/v2/guide/state-management.html",
+ "Compilation-Scope": "/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Compilation-Scope",
+ "Single-Slot": "/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Slot-Content",
+ "Named-Slots": "/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Named-Slots",
+ "Scoped-Slots": "/v2/guide/components-slots.html#Scoped-Slots",
+ "Dynamic-Components": "/v2/guide/components.html#Dynamic-Components",
+ "keep-alive": "/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html#keep-alive-with-Dynamic-Components",
+ Misc: "/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html",
+ "Authoring-Reusable-Components": "/v2/guide/components.html#Organizing-Components",
+ "Child-Component-Refs":
+ "/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Accessing-Child-Component-Instances-amp-Child-Elements",
+ "Async-Components": "/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html#Async-Components",
+ "Advanced-Async-Components": "/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html#Handling-Loading-State",
+ "Component-Naming-Conventions": "/v2/guide/components-registration.html#Component-Names",
+ "Recursive-Components": "/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Recursive-Components",
+ "Circular-References-Between-Components":
+ "/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Circular-References-Between-Components",
+ "Inline-Templates": "/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Inline-Templates",
+ "X-Templates": "/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#X-Templates",
+ "Cheap-Static-Components-with-v-once": "/v2/guide/components-edge-cases.html#Cheap-Static-Components-with-v-once",
+ });
function checkForHashRedirect(pageRegex, redirects) {
// Abort if the current page doesn't match the page regex
- if (!pageRegex.test(window.location.pathname)) return
+ if (!pageRegex.test(window.location.pathname)) return;
- var redirectPath = redirects[window.location.hash.slice(1)]
+ var redirectPath = redirects[window.location.hash.slice(1)];
if (redirectPath) {
- window.location.href = window.location.origin + redirectPath
+ window.location.href = window.location.origin + redirectPath;
- function initApiSpecLinks () {
- var apiContent = document.querySelector('.content.api')
+ function initApiSpecLinks() {
+ var apiContent = document.querySelector(".content.api");
if (apiContent) {
- var apiTitles = [].slice.call(apiContent.querySelectorAll('h3'))
- apiTitles.forEach(function (titleNode) {
- var methodMatch = titleNode.textContent.match(/^([^(]+)\(/)
+ var apiTitles = [].slice.call(apiContent.querySelectorAll("h3"));
+ apiTitles.forEach(function(titleNode) {
+ var methodMatch = titleNode.textContent.match(/^([^(]+)\(/);
if (methodMatch) {
- var idWithoutArguments = slugize(methodMatch[1])
- titleNode.setAttribute('id', idWithoutArguments)
- titleNode.querySelector('a').setAttribute('href', '#' + idWithoutArguments)
+ var idWithoutArguments = slugize(methodMatch[1]);
+ titleNode.setAttribute("id", idWithoutArguments);
+ titleNode.querySelector("a").setAttribute("href", "#" + idWithoutArguments);
- var ulNode = titleNode.parentNode.nextSibling
- if (ulNode.tagName !== 'UL') {
- ulNode = ulNode.nextSibling
- if (!ulNode) return
+ var ulNode = titleNode.parentNode.nextSibling;
+ if (ulNode.tagName !== "UL") {
+ ulNode = ulNode.nextSibling;
+ if (!ulNode) return;
- if (ulNode.tagName === 'UL') {
- var specNode = document.createElement('li')
- var specLink = createSourceSearchPath(titleNode.textContent)
- specNode.innerHTML = 'Source'
- ulNode.appendChild(specNode)
+ if (ulNode.tagName === "UL") {
+ var specNode = document.createElement("li");
+ var specLink = createSourceSearchPath(titleNode.textContent);
+ specNode.innerHTML = 'Source';
+ ulNode.appendChild(specNode);
- })
+ });
- function createSourceSearchPath (query) {
+ function createSourceSearchPath(query) {
query = query
- .replace(/\([^\)]*?\)/g, '')
+ .replace(/\([^\)]*?\)/g, "")
.replace(/(Vue\.)(\w+)/g, '$1$2" OR "$2')
- .replace(/vm\./g, 'Vue.prototype.')
- return 'https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=repo%3Avuejs%2Fvue+extension%3Ajs+' + encodeURIComponent('"' + query + '"') + '&type=Code'
+ .replace(/vm\./g, "Vue.prototype.");
+ return (
+ "https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=repo%3Avuejs%2Fvue+extension%3Ajs+" +
+ encodeURIComponent('"' + query + '"') +
+ "&type=Code"
+ );
- function parseRawHash (hash) {
+ function parseRawHash(hash) {
// Remove leading hash
- if (hash.charAt(0) === '#') {
- hash = hash.substr(1)
+ if (hash.charAt(0) === "#") {
+ hash = hash.substr(1);
// Escape characters
try {
- hash = decodeURIComponent(hash)
+ hash = decodeURIComponent(hash);
} catch (e) {}
- return CSS.escape(hash)
+ return CSS.escape(hash);
- function initLocationHashFuzzyMatching () {
- var rawHash = window.location.hash
- if (!rawHash) return
- var hash = parseRawHash(rawHash)
- var hashTarget = document.getElementById(hash)
+ function initLocationHashFuzzyMatching() {
+ var rawHash = window.location.hash;
+ if (!rawHash) return;
+ var hash = parseRawHash(rawHash);
+ var hashTarget = document.getElementById(hash);
if (!hashTarget) {
- var normalizedHash = normalizeHash(hash)
+ var normalizedHash = normalizeHash(hash);
var edgeCases = {
- 'vue-set-target-key-value': 'vue-set'
- }
+ "vue-set-target-key-value": "vue-set",
+ };
if (edgeCases.hasOwnProperty(normalizedHash)) {
normalizedHash = edgeCases[normalizedHash];
- var possibleHashes = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('[id]'))
- .map(function (el) { return el.id })
- possibleHashes.sort(function (hashA, hashB) {
- var distanceA = levenshteinDistance(normalizedHash, normalizeHash(hashA))
- var distanceB = levenshteinDistance(normalizedHash, normalizeHash(hashB))
- if (distanceA < distanceB) return -1
- if (distanceA > distanceB) return 1
- return 0
- })
- window.location.hash = '#' + possibleHashes[0]
+ var possibleHashes = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("[id]")).map(function(el) {
+ return el.id;
+ });
+ possibleHashes.sort(function(hashA, hashB) {
+ var distanceA = levenshteinDistance(normalizedHash, normalizeHash(hashA));
+ var distanceB = levenshteinDistance(normalizedHash, normalizeHash(hashB));
+ if (distanceA < distanceB) return -1;
+ if (distanceA > distanceB) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ });
+ window.location.hash = "#" + possibleHashes[0];
- function normalizeHash (rawHash) {
- return rawHash
- .toLowerCase()
- .replace(/\-(?:deprecated|removed|replaced|changed|obsolete)$/, '')
+ function normalizeHash(rawHash) {
+ return rawHash.toLowerCase().replace(/\-(?:deprecated|removed|replaced|changed|obsolete)$/, "");
- function levenshteinDistance (a, b) {
- var m = []
- if (!(a && b)) return (b || a).length
+ function levenshteinDistance(a, b) {
+ var m = [];
+ if (!(a && b)) return (b || a).length;
for (var i = 0; i <= b.length; m[i] = [i++]) {}
for (var j = 0; j <= a.length; m[0][j] = j++) {}
for (var i = 1; i <= b.length; i++) {
for (var j = 1; j <= a.length; j++) {
- m[i][j] = b.charAt(i - 1) === a.charAt(j - 1)
- ? m[i - 1][j - 1]
- : m[i][j] = Math.min(
- m[i - 1][j - 1] + 1,
- Math.min(m[i][j - 1] + 1, m[i - 1][j] + 1))
+ m[i][j] =
+ b.charAt(i - 1) === a.charAt(j - 1)
+ ? m[i - 1][j - 1]
+ : (m[i][j] = Math.min(m[i - 1][j - 1] + 1, Math.min(m[i][j - 1] + 1, m[i - 1][j] + 1)));
- return m[b.length][a.length]
+ return m[b.length][a.length];
@@ -204,354 +183,345 @@
function initNewNavLinks() {
- var linkExpirePeriod = 60 * 24 * 3600 * 1000 // 2 months
+ var linkExpirePeriod = 60 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; // 2 months
var links = [
- title: 'Learn',
- updatedOn: new Date("Fri Mar 1 2019")
+ title: "Learn",
+ updatedOn: new Date("Fri Mar 1 2019"),
- title: 'Examples',
- updatedOn: new Date("Fri Mar 1 2019")
- }
- ]
- var today = new Date().getTime()
+ title: "Examples",
+ updatedOn: new Date("Fri Mar 1 2019"),
+ },
+ ];
+ var today = new Date().getTime();
var updatedLinks = links
- .filter(function (link) {
- return link.updatedOn.getTime() + linkExpirePeriod > today
- })
- .map(function (link) {
- return link.title
+ .filter(function(link) {
+ return link.updatedOn.getTime() + linkExpirePeriod > today;
+ .map(function(link) {
+ return link.title;
+ });
- var navLinks = document.querySelectorAll('#nav a.nav-link')
- var newLinks = []
- navLinks.forEach(function (link) {
+ var navLinks = document.querySelectorAll("#nav a.nav-link");
+ var newLinks = [];
+ navLinks.forEach(function(link) {
if (updatedLinks.indexOf(link.textContent) !== -1) {
- newLinks.push(link)
+ newLinks.push(link);
- })
- newLinks.forEach(function (link) {
- var classes = link.classList
- var linkKey = `visisted-${link.textContent}`
- if (localStorage.getItem(linkKey) || classes.contains('current')) {
- classes.remove('updated-link')
- localStorage.setItem(linkKey, 'true')
+ });
+ newLinks.forEach(function(link) {
+ var classes = link.classList;
+ var linkKey = `visisted-${link.textContent}`;
+ if (localStorage.getItem(linkKey) || classes.contains("current")) {
+ classes.remove("updated-link");
+ localStorage.setItem(linkKey, "true");
} else {
- classes.add('new')
+ classes.add("new");
- })
+ });
* Mobile burger menu button and gesture for toggling sidebar
- function initMobileMenu () {
- var mobileBar = document.getElementById('mobile-bar')
- var sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar')
- var menuButton = mobileBar.querySelector('.menu-button')
+ function initMobileMenu() {
+ var mobileBar = document.getElementById("mobile-bar");
+ var sidebar = document.querySelector(".sidebar");
+ var menuButton = mobileBar.querySelector(".menu-button");
- menuButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
- sidebar.classList.toggle('open')
- })
+ menuButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ sidebar.classList.toggle("open");
+ });
- document.body.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
+ document.body.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
if (e.target !== menuButton && !sidebar.contains(e.target)) {
- sidebar.classList.remove('open')
+ sidebar.classList.remove("open");
- })
+ });
// Toggle sidebar on swipe
- var start = {}, end = {}
+ var start = {},
+ end = {};
- document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', function (e) {
- start.x = e.changedTouches[0].clientX
- start.y = e.changedTouches[0].clientY
- })
+ document.body.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
+ start.x = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
+ start.y = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
+ });
- document.body.addEventListener('touchend', function (e) {
- end.y = e.changedTouches[0].clientY
- end.x = e.changedTouches[0].clientX
+ document.body.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
+ end.y = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
+ end.x = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
- var xDiff = end.x - start.x
- var yDiff = end.y - start.y
+ var xDiff = end.x - start.x;
+ var yDiff = end.y - start.y;
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) {
- if (xDiff > 0 && start.x <= 80) sidebar.classList.add('open')
- else sidebar.classList.remove('open')
+ if (xDiff > 0 && start.x <= 80) sidebar.classList.add("open");
+ else sidebar.classList.remove("open");
- })
+ });
- * Modal Video Player
- */
- function initVideoModal () {
- var modalButton = document.getElementById('modal-player')
- var videoModal = document.getElementById('video-modal')
+ * Modal Video Player
+ */
+ function initVideoModal() {
+ var modalButton = document.getElementById("modal-player");
+ var videoModal = document.getElementById("video-modal");
if (!modalButton || !videoModal) {
- return
+ return;
- var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe')
- var player = new Vimeo.Player(iframe)
- var overlay = document.createElement('div')
- overlay.className = 'overlay'
- var isOpen = false
- modalButton.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
- event.stopPropagation()
- videoModal.classList.toggle('open')
- document.body.classList.toggle('stop-scroll')
- document.body.appendChild(overlay)
- player.play()
- isOpen = true
- })
- document.body.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+ var iframe = document.querySelector("iframe");
+ var player = new Vimeo.Player(iframe);
+ var overlay = document.createElement("div");
+ overlay.className = "overlay";
+ var isOpen = false;
+ modalButton.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ videoModal.classList.toggle("open");
+ document.body.classList.toggle("stop-scroll");
+ document.body.appendChild(overlay);
+ player.play();
+ isOpen = true;
+ });
+ document.body.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
if (isOpen && e.target !== modalButton && !videoModal.contains(e.target)) {
- videoModal.classList.remove('open')
- document.body.classList.remove('stop-scroll')
- document.body.removeChild(overlay)
- player.unload()
- isOpen = false
+ videoModal.classList.remove("open");
+ document.body.classList.remove("stop-scroll");
+ document.body.removeChild(overlay);
+ player.unload();
+ isOpen = false;
- })
+ });
* Doc version select
- function initVersionSelect () {
+ function initVersionSelect() {
// version select
- var versionSelect = document.querySelector('.version-select')
- versionSelect && versionSelect.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
- var version = e.target.value
- var section = window.location.pathname.match(/\/v\d\/(\w+?)\//)[1]
- if (version === 'SELF') return
- window.location.assign(
- 'https://' +
- version +
- (version && '.') +
- 'vuejs.org/' + section + '/'
- )
- })
+ var versionSelect = document.querySelector(".version-select");
+ versionSelect &&
+ versionSelect.addEventListener("change", function(e) {
+ var version = e.target.value;
+ var section = window.location.pathname.match(/\/v\d\/(\w+?)\//)[1];
+ if (version === "SELF") return;
+ window.location.assign("https://" + version + (version && ".") + "vuejs.org/" + section + "/");
+ });
* Sub headers in sidebar
- function initSubHeaders () {
- var each = [].forEach
- var main = document.getElementById('main')
- var header = document.getElementById('header')
- var sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar')
- var content = document.querySelector('.content')
+ function initSubHeaders() {
+ var each = [].forEach;
+ var main = document.getElementById("main");
+ var header = document.getElementById("header");
+ var sidebar = document.querySelector(".sidebar");
+ var content = document.querySelector(".content");
// build sidebar
- var currentPageAnchor = sidebar.querySelector('.sidebar-link.current')
- var contentClasses = document.querySelector('.content').classList
- var isAPIOrStyleGuide = (
- contentClasses.contains('api') ||
- contentClasses.contains('style-guide')
- )
+ var currentPageAnchor = sidebar.querySelector(".sidebar-link.current");
+ var contentClasses = document.querySelector(".content").classList;
+ var isAPIOrStyleGuide = contentClasses.contains("api") || contentClasses.contains("style-guide");
if (currentPageAnchor || isAPIOrStyleGuide) {
- var allHeaders = []
- var sectionContainer
+ var allHeaders = [];
+ var sectionContainer;
if (isAPIOrStyleGuide) {
- sectionContainer = document.querySelector('.menu-root')
+ sectionContainer = document.querySelector(".menu-root");
} else {
- sectionContainer = document.createElement('ul')
- sectionContainer.className = 'menu-sub'
- currentPageAnchor.parentNode.appendChild(sectionContainer)
+ sectionContainer = document.createElement("ul");
+ sectionContainer.className = "menu-sub";
+ currentPageAnchor.parentNode.appendChild(sectionContainer);
- var headers = content.querySelectorAll('h2')
+ var headers = content.querySelectorAll("h2");
if (headers.length) {
- each.call(headers, function (h) {
- sectionContainer.appendChild(makeLink(h))
- var h3s = collectH3s(h)
- allHeaders.push(h)
- allHeaders.push.apply(allHeaders, h3s)
+ each.call(headers, function(h) {
+ sectionContainer.appendChild(makeLink(h));
+ var h3s = collectH3s(h);
+ allHeaders.push(h);
+ allHeaders.push.apply(allHeaders, h3s);
if (h3s.length) {
- sectionContainer.appendChild(makeSubLinks(h3s, isAPIOrStyleGuide))
+ sectionContainer.appendChild(makeSubLinks(h3s, isAPIOrStyleGuide));
- })
+ });
} else {
- headers = content.querySelectorAll('h3')
- each.call(headers, function (h) {
- sectionContainer.appendChild(makeLink(h))
- allHeaders.push(h)
- })
+ headers = content.querySelectorAll("h3");
+ each.call(headers, function(h) {
+ sectionContainer.appendChild(makeLink(h));
+ allHeaders.push(h);
+ });
- var animating = false
- sectionContainer.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
- // Not prevent hashchange for smooth-scroll
- // e.preventDefault()
- if (e.target.classList.contains('section-link')) {
- sidebar.classList.remove('open')
- setActive(e.target)
- animating = true
- setTimeout(function () {
- animating = false
- }, 400)
- }
- }, true)
+ var animating = false;
+ sectionContainer.addEventListener(
+ "click",
+ function(e) {
+ // Not prevent hashchange for smooth-scroll
+ // e.preventDefault()
+ if (e.target.classList.contains("section-link")) {
+ sidebar.classList.remove("open");
+ setActive(e.target);
+ animating = true;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ animating = false;
+ }, 400);
+ }
+ },
+ true,
+ );
// make links clickable
.filter(function(el) {
- if (!el.querySelector('a')) {
- return false
+ if (!el.querySelector("a")) {
+ return false;
- var demos = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('demo'))
+ var demos = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("demo"));
return !demos.some(function(demoEl) {
- return demoEl.contains(el)
- })
+ return demoEl.contains(el);
+ });
- .forEach(makeHeaderClickable)
+ .forEach(makeHeaderClickable);
new SmoothScroll('a[href*="#"]', {
speed: 400,
speedAsDuration: true,
- offset: function (anchor, toggle) {
- let dataTypeAttr = anchor.attributes['data-type']
- if(dataTypeAttr && dataTypeAttr.nodeValue === 'theme-product-title') {
- return 300
+ offset: function(anchor, toggle) {
+ let dataTypeAttr = anchor.attributes["data-type"];
+ if (dataTypeAttr && dataTypeAttr.nodeValue === "theme-product-title") {
+ return 300;
- return 0
- }
- })
+ return 0;
+ },
+ });
- var hoveredOverSidebar = false
- sidebar.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
- hoveredOverSidebar = true
- })
- sidebar.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () {
- hoveredOverSidebar = false
- })
+ var hoveredOverSidebar = false;
+ sidebar.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
+ hoveredOverSidebar = true;
+ });
+ sidebar.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() {
+ hoveredOverSidebar = false;
+ });
// listen for scroll event to do positioning & highlights
- window.addEventListener('scroll', updateSidebar)
- window.addEventListener('resize', updateSidebar)
- function updateSidebar () {
- var doc = document.documentElement
- var top = doc && doc.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
- if (animating || !allHeaders) return
- var last
+ window.addEventListener("scroll", updateSidebar);
+ window.addEventListener("resize", updateSidebar);
+ function updateSidebar() {
+ var doc = document.documentElement;
+ var top = (doc && doc.scrollTop) || document.body.scrollTop;
+ if (animating || !allHeaders) return;
+ var last;
for (var i = 0; i < allHeaders.length; i++) {
- var link = allHeaders[i]
+ var link = allHeaders[i];
if (link.offsetTop > top) {
- if (!last) last = link
- break
+ if (!last) last = link;
+ break;
} else {
- last = link
+ last = link;
- if (last)
- setActive(last.id, !hoveredOverSidebar)
+ if (last) setActive(last.id, !hoveredOverSidebar);
- function makeLink (h) {
- var link = document.createElement('li')
- window.arst = h
- var text = [].slice.call(h.childNodes).map(function (node) {
- if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
- return node.nodeValue
- } else if (['CODE', 'SPAN'].indexOf(node.tagName) !== -1) {
- return node.textContent
- } else {
- return ''
- }
- }).join('').replace(/\(.*\)$/, '')
- link.innerHTML =
- '' +
- htmlEscape(text) +
- ''
- return link
+ function makeLink(h) {
+ var link = document.createElement("li");
+ window.arst = h;
+ var text = [].slice
+ .call(h.childNodes)
+ .map(function(node) {
+ if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+ return node.nodeValue;
+ } else if (["CODE", "SPAN"].indexOf(node.tagName) !== -1) {
+ return node.textContent;
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+ })
+ .join("")
+ .replace(/\(.*\)$/, "");
+ link.innerHTML = '' + htmlEscape(text) + "";
+ return link;
- function htmlEscape (text) {
+ function htmlEscape(text) {
return text
- .replace(/&/g, '&')
- .replace(/"/g, '"')
- .replace(/'/g, ''')
- .replace(//g, '>')
+ .replace(/&/g, "&")
+ .replace(/"/g, """)
+ .replace(/'/g, "'")
+ .replace(//g, ">");
- function collectH3s (h) {
- var h3s = []
- var next = h.nextSibling
- while (next && next.tagName !== 'H2') {
- if (next.tagName === 'H3') {
- h3s.push(next)
+ function collectH3s(h) {
+ var h3s = [];
+ var next = h.nextSibling;
+ while (next && next.tagName !== "H2") {
+ if (next.tagName === "H3") {
+ h3s.push(next);
- next = next.nextSibling
+ next = next.nextSibling;
- return h3s
+ return h3s;
- function makeSubLinks (h3s, small) {
- var container = document.createElement('ul')
+ function makeSubLinks(h3s, small) {
+ var container = document.createElement("ul");
if (small) {
- container.className = 'menu-sub'
+ container.className = "menu-sub";
- h3s.forEach(function (h) {
- container.appendChild(makeLink(h))
- })
- return container
+ h3s.forEach(function(h) {
+ container.appendChild(makeLink(h));
+ });
+ return container;
- function setActive (id, shouldScrollIntoView) {
- var previousActive = sidebar.querySelector('.section-link.active')
- var currentActive = typeof id === 'string'
- ? sidebar.querySelector('.section-link[href="#' + id + '"]')
- : id
+ function setActive(id, shouldScrollIntoView) {
+ var previousActive = sidebar.querySelector(".section-link.active");
+ var currentActive = typeof id === "string" ? sidebar.querySelector('.section-link[href="#' + id + '"]') : id;
if (currentActive !== previousActive) {
- if (previousActive) previousActive.classList.remove('active')
- currentActive.classList.add('active')
+ if (previousActive) previousActive.classList.remove("active");
+ currentActive.classList.add("active");
if (shouldScrollIntoView) {
- var currentPageOffset = currentPageAnchor
- ? currentPageAnchor.offsetTop - 8
- : 0
- var currentActiveOffset = currentActive.offsetTop + currentActive.parentNode.clientHeight
- var sidebarHeight = sidebar.clientHeight
- var currentActiveIsInView = (
- currentActive.offsetTop >= sidebar.scrollTop &&
- currentActiveOffset <= sidebar.scrollTop + sidebarHeight
- )
- var linkNotFurtherThanSidebarHeight = currentActiveOffset - currentPageOffset < sidebarHeight
+ var currentPageOffset = currentPageAnchor ? currentPageAnchor.offsetTop - 8 : 0;
+ var currentActiveOffset = currentActive.offsetTop + currentActive.parentNode.clientHeight;
+ var sidebarHeight = sidebar.clientHeight;
+ var currentActiveIsInView =
+ currentActive.offsetTop >= sidebar.scrollTop && currentActiveOffset <= sidebar.scrollTop + sidebarHeight;
+ var linkNotFurtherThanSidebarHeight = currentActiveOffset - currentPageOffset < sidebarHeight;
var newScrollTop = currentActiveIsInView
? sidebar.scrollTop
: linkNotFurtherThanSidebarHeight
- ? currentPageOffset
- : currentActiveOffset - sidebarHeight
- sidebar.scrollTop = newScrollTop
+ ? currentPageOffset
+ : currentActiveOffset - sidebarHeight;
+ sidebar.scrollTop = newScrollTop;
- function makeHeaderClickable (header) {
- var link = header.querySelector('a')
- link.setAttribute('data-scroll', '')
+ function makeHeaderClickable(header) {
+ var link = header.querySelector("a");
+ link.setAttribute("data-scroll", "");
// transform DOM structure from
// `Header` to `
// to make the header clickable
- var nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(header.childNodes)
+ var nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(header.childNodes);
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
- var node = nodes[i]
+ var node = nodes[i];
if (node !== link) {
- link.appendChild(node)
+ link.appendChild(node);
@@ -559,39 +529,39 @@
// Stolen from: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-util/blob/master/lib/escape_regexp.js
function escapeRegExp(str) {
- if (typeof str !== 'string') throw new TypeError('str must be a string!');
+ if (typeof str !== "string") throw new TypeError("str must be a string!");
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/6969486
- return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&');
+ return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
// Stolen from: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-util/blob/master/lib/slugize.js
function slugize(str, options) {
- if (typeof str !== 'string') throw new TypeError('str must be a string!')
- options = options || {}
+ if (typeof str !== "string") throw new TypeError("str must be a string!");
+ options = options || {};
- var rControl = /[\u0000-\u001f]/g
- var rSpecial = /[\s~`!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\-_\+=\[\]\{\}\|\\;:"'<>,\.\?\/]+/g
- var separator = options.separator || '-'
- var escapedSep = escapeRegExp(separator)
+ var rControl = /[\u0000-\u001f]/g;
+ var rSpecial = /[\s~`!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\-_\+=\[\]\{\}\|\\;:"'<>,\.\?\/]+/g;
+ var separator = options.separator || "-";
+ var escapedSep = escapeRegExp(separator);
var result = str
// Remove control characters
- .replace(rControl, '')
+ .replace(rControl, "")
// Replace special characters
.replace(rSpecial, separator)
// Remove continuous separators
- .replace(new RegExp(escapedSep + '{2,}', 'g'), separator)
+ .replace(new RegExp(escapedSep + "{2,}", "g"), separator)
// Remove prefixing and trailing separators
- .replace(new RegExp('^' + escapedSep + '+|' + escapedSep + '+$', 'g'), '')
+ .replace(new RegExp("^" + escapedSep + "+|" + escapedSep + "+$", "g"), "");
switch (options.transform) {
case 1:
- return result.toLowerCase()
+ return result.toLowerCase();
case 2:
- return result.toUpperCase()
+ return result.toUpperCase();
- return result
+ return result;
diff --git a/docs/themes/htx/source/js/css.escape.js b/docs/themes/htx/source/js/css.escape.js
index 397cf88d318d..70ef8c18fcef 100644
--- a/docs/themes/htx/source/js/css.escape.js
+++ b/docs/themes/htx/source/js/css.escape.js
@@ -1,106 +1,100 @@
/*! https://mths.be/cssescape v1.5.1 by @mathias | MIT license */
-;(function(root, factory) {
- // https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/returnExports.js
- if (typeof exports == 'object') {
- // For Node.js.
- module.exports = factory(root);
- } else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) {
- // For AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define([], factory.bind(root, root));
- } else {
- // For browser globals (not exposing the function separately).
- factory(root);
- }
-}(typeof global != 'undefined' ? global : this, function(root) {
+(function(root, factory) {
+ // https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/returnExports.js
+ if (typeof exports == "object") {
+ // For Node.js.
+ module.exports = factory(root);
+ } else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
+ // For AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define([], factory.bind(root, root));
+ } else {
+ // For browser globals (not exposing the function separately).
+ factory(root);
+ }
+})(typeof global != "undefined" ? global : this, function(root) {
+ if (root.CSS && root.CSS.escape) {
+ return root.CSS.escape;
+ }
- if (root.CSS && root.CSS.escape) {
- return root.CSS.escape;
- }
+ // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#serialize-an-identifier
+ var cssEscape = function(value) {
+ if (arguments.length == 0) {
+ throw new TypeError("`CSS.escape` requires an argument.");
+ }
+ var string = String(value);
+ var length = string.length;
+ var index = -1;
+ var codeUnit;
+ var result = "";
+ var firstCodeUnit = string.charCodeAt(0);
+ while (++index < length) {
+ codeUnit = string.charCodeAt(index);
+ // Note: there’s no need to special-case astral symbols, surrogate
+ // pairs, or lone surrogates.
- // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#serialize-an-identifier
- var cssEscape = function(value) {
- if (arguments.length == 0) {
- throw new TypeError('`CSS.escape` requires an argument.');
- }
- var string = String(value);
- var length = string.length;
- var index = -1;
- var codeUnit;
- var result = '';
- var firstCodeUnit = string.charCodeAt(0);
- while (++index < length) {
- codeUnit = string.charCodeAt(index);
- // Note: there’s no need to special-case astral symbols, surrogate
- // pairs, or lone surrogates.
+ // If the character is NULL (U+0000), then the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
+ // (U+FFFD).
+ if (codeUnit == 0x0000) {
+ result += "\uFFFD";
+ continue;
+ }
- // If the character is NULL (U+0000), then the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
- // (U+FFFD).
- if (codeUnit == 0x0000) {
- result += '\uFFFD';
- continue;
- }
+ if (
+ // If the character is in the range [\1-\1F] (U+0001 to U+001F) or is
+ // U+007F, […]
+ (codeUnit >= 0x0001 && codeUnit <= 0x001f) ||
+ codeUnit == 0x007f ||
+ // If the character is the first character and is in the range [0-9]
+ // (U+0030 to U+0039), […]
+ (index == 0 && codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039) ||
+ // If the character is the second character and is in the range [0-9]
+ // (U+0030 to U+0039) and the first character is a `-` (U+002D), […]
+ (index == 1 && codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039 && firstCodeUnit == 0x002d)
+ ) {
+ // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#escape-a-character-as-code-point
+ result += "\\" + codeUnit.toString(16) + " ";
+ continue;
+ }
- if (
- // If the character is in the range [\1-\1F] (U+0001 to U+001F) or is
- // U+007F, […]
- (codeUnit >= 0x0001 && codeUnit <= 0x001F) || codeUnit == 0x007F ||
- // If the character is the first character and is in the range [0-9]
- // (U+0030 to U+0039), […]
- (index == 0 && codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039) ||
- // If the character is the second character and is in the range [0-9]
- // (U+0030 to U+0039) and the first character is a `-` (U+002D), […]
- (
- index == 1 &&
- codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039 &&
- firstCodeUnit == 0x002D
- )
- ) {
- // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#escape-a-character-as-code-point
- result += '\\' + codeUnit.toString(16) + ' ';
- continue;
- }
+ if (
+ // If the character is the first character and is a `-` (U+002D), and
+ // there is no second character, […]
+ index == 0 &&
+ length == 1 &&
+ codeUnit == 0x002d
+ ) {
+ result += "\\" + string.charAt(index);
+ continue;
+ }
- if (
- // If the character is the first character and is a `-` (U+002D), and
- // there is no second character, […]
- index == 0 &&
- length == 1 &&
- codeUnit == 0x002D
- ) {
- result += '\\' + string.charAt(index);
- continue;
- }
+ // If the character is not handled by one of the above rules and is
+ // greater than or equal to U+0080, is `-` (U+002D) or `_` (U+005F), or
+ // is in one of the ranges [0-9] (U+0030 to U+0039), [A-Z] (U+0041 to
+ // U+005A), or [a-z] (U+0061 to U+007A), […]
+ if (
+ codeUnit >= 0x0080 ||
+ codeUnit == 0x002d ||
+ codeUnit == 0x005f ||
+ (codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039) ||
+ (codeUnit >= 0x0041 && codeUnit <= 0x005a) ||
+ (codeUnit >= 0x0061 && codeUnit <= 0x007a)
+ ) {
+ // the character itself
+ result += string.charAt(index);
+ continue;
+ }
- // If the character is not handled by one of the above rules and is
- // greater than or equal to U+0080, is `-` (U+002D) or `_` (U+005F), or
- // is in one of the ranges [0-9] (U+0030 to U+0039), [A-Z] (U+0041 to
- // U+005A), or [a-z] (U+0061 to U+007A), […]
- if (
- codeUnit >= 0x0080 ||
- codeUnit == 0x002D ||
- codeUnit == 0x005F ||
- codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039 ||
- codeUnit >= 0x0041 && codeUnit <= 0x005A ||
- codeUnit >= 0x0061 && codeUnit <= 0x007A
- ) {
- // the character itself
- result += string.charAt(index);
- continue;
- }
+ // Otherwise, the escaped character.
+ // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#escape-a-character
+ result += "\\" + string.charAt(index);
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
- // Otherwise, the escaped character.
- // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#escape-a-character
- result += '\\' + string.charAt(index);
+ if (!root.CSS) {
+ root.CSS = {};
+ }
- }
- return result;
- };
- if (!root.CSS) {
- root.CSS = {};
- }
- root.CSS.escape = cssEscape;
- return cssEscape;
+ root.CSS.escape = cssEscape;
+ return cssEscape;
diff --git a/docs/themes/htx/source/js/smooth-scroll.min.js b/docs/themes/htx/source/js/smooth-scroll.min.js
index f831786ae22f..b8875cd542e8 100644
--- a/docs/themes/htx/source/js/smooth-scroll.min.js
+++ b/docs/themes/htx/source/js/smooth-scroll.min.js
@@ -1,2 +1,251 @@
/*! smooth-scroll v15.2.1 | (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi | MIT License | http://github.com/cferdinandi/smooth-scroll */
-!(function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],(function(){return e(t)})):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=e(t):t.SmoothScroll=e(t)})("undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:this,(function(C){"use strict";var L={ignore:"[data-scroll-ignore]",header:null,topOnEmptyHash:!0,speed:500,speedAsDuration:!1,durationMax:null,durationMin:null,clip:!0,offset:0,easing:"easeInOutCubic",customEasing:null,updateURL:!0,popstate:!0,emitEvents:!0},H=function(){var n={};return Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments,(function(t){for(var e in t){if(!t.hasOwnProperty(e))return;n[e]=t[e]}})),n},r=function(t){"#"===t.charAt(0)&&(t=t.substr(1));for(var e,n=String(t),o=n.length,a=-1,r="",i=n.charCodeAt(0);++ao.durationMax?o.durationMax:o.durationMin&&a=S)return w.cancelScroll(!0),o=e,a=u,0===(n=i)&&document.body.focus(),a||(n.focus(),document.activeElement!==n&&(n.setAttribute("tabindex","-1"),n.focus(),n.style.outline="none"),C.scrollTo(0,o)),Q("scrollStop",c,i,s),!(A=d=null)},O=function(t){var e,n,o;d||(d=t),v+=t-d,f=l+y*(n=r=1<(r=0===E?0:v/E)?1:r,"easeInQuad"===(e=c).easing&&(o=n*n),"easeOutQuad"===e.easing&&(o=n*(2-n)),"easeInOutQuad"===e.easing&&(o=n<.5?2*n*n:(4-2*n)*n-1),"easeInCubic"===e.easing&&(o=n*n*n),"easeOutCubic"===e.easing&&(o=--n*n*n+1),"easeInOutCubic"===e.easing&&(o=n<.5?4*n*n*n:(n-1)*(2*n-2)*(2*n-2)+1),"easeInQuart"===e.easing&&(o=n*n*n*n),"easeOutQuart"===e.easing&&(o=1- --n*n*n*n),"easeInOutQuart"===e.easing&&(o=n<.5?8*n*n*n*n:1-8*--n*n*n*n),"easeInQuint"===e.easing&&(o=n*n*n*n*n),"easeOutQuint"===e.easing&&(o=1+--n*n*n*n*n),"easeInOutQuint"===e.easing&&(o=n<.5?16*n*n*n*n*n:1+16*--n*n*n*n*n),e.customEasing&&(o=e.customEasing(n)),o||n),C.scrollTo(0,Math.floor(f)),b(f,g)||(A=C.requestAnimationFrame(O),d=t)};0===C.pageYOffset&&C.scrollTo(0,0),m=i,h=c,u||history.pushState&&h.updateURL&&history.pushState({smoothScroll:JSON.stringify(h),anchor:m.id},document.title,m===document.documentElement?"#top":"#"+m.id),Q("scrollStart",c,i,s),w.cancelScroll(!0),C.requestAnimationFrame(O)}};var e=function(t){if(!("matchMedia"in C&&C.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)").matches)&&0===t.button&&!t.metaKey&&!t.ctrlKey&&"closest"in t.target&&(a=t.target.closest(o))&&"a"===a.tagName.toLowerCase()&&!t.target.closest(I.ignore)&&a.hostname===C.location.hostname&&a.pathname===C.location.pathname&&/#/.test(a.href)){var e=r(a.hash),n=I.topOnEmptyHash&&"#"===e?document.documentElement:document.querySelector(e);(n=n||"#top"!==e?n:document.documentElement)&&(t.preventDefault(),(function(t){if(history.replaceState&&t.updateURL&&!history.state){var e=C.location.hash;e=e||"",history.replaceState({smoothScroll:JSON.stringify(t),anchor:e||C.pageYOffset},document.title,e||C.location.href)}})(I),w.animateScroll(n,a))}},n=function(t){if(null!==history.state&&history.state.smoothScroll&&history.state.smoothScroll===JSON.stringify(I)){var e=history.state.anchor;"string"==typeof e&&e&&!(e=document.querySelector(r(history.state.anchor)))||w.animateScroll(e,null,{updateURL:!1})}};return w.destroy=function(){I&&(document.removeEventListener("click",e,!1),C.removeEventListener("popstate",n,!1),w.cancelScroll(),A=M=a=I=null)},w.init=function(t){if(!("querySelector"in document&&"addEventListener"in C&&"requestAnimationFrame"in C&&"closest"in C.Element.prototype))throw"Smooth Scroll: This browser does not support the required JavaScript methods and browser APIs.";w.destroy(),I=H(L,t||{}),M=I.header?document.querySelector(I.header):null,document.addEventListener("click",e,!1),I.updateURL&&I.popstate&&C.addEventListener("popstate",n,!1)},w.init(t),w}}));
+!(function(t, e) {
+ "function" == typeof define && define.amd
+ ? define([], function() {
+ return e(t);
+ })
+ : "object" == typeof exports
+ ? (module.exports = e(t))
+ : (t.SmoothScroll = e(t));
+})("undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function(C) {
+ "use strict";
+ var L = {
+ ignore: "[data-scroll-ignore]",
+ header: null,
+ topOnEmptyHash: !0,
+ speed: 500,
+ speedAsDuration: !1,
+ durationMax: null,
+ durationMin: null,
+ clip: !0,
+ offset: 0,
+ easing: "easeInOutCubic",
+ customEasing: null,
+ updateURL: !0,
+ popstate: !0,
+ emitEvents: !0,
+ },
+ H = function() {
+ var n = {};
+ return (
+ Array.prototype.forEach.call(arguments, function(t) {
+ for (var e in t) {
+ if (!t.hasOwnProperty(e)) return;
+ n[e] = t[e];
+ }
+ }),
+ n
+ );
+ },
+ r = function(t) {
+ "#" === t.charAt(0) && (t = t.substr(1));
+ for (var e, n = String(t), o = n.length, a = -1, r = "", i = n.charCodeAt(0); ++a < o; ) {
+ if (0 === (e = n.charCodeAt(a)))
+ throw new InvalidCharacterError("Invalid character: the input contains U+0000.");
+ (1 <= e && e <= 31) ||
+ 127 == e ||
+ (0 === a && 48 <= e && e <= 57) ||
+ (1 === a && 48 <= e && e <= 57 && 45 === i)
+ ? (r += "\\" + e.toString(16) + " ")
+ : (r +=
+ 128 <= e || 45 === e || 95 === e || (48 <= e && e <= 57) || (65 <= e && e <= 90) || (97 <= e && e <= 122)
+ ? n.charAt(a)
+ : "\\" + n.charAt(a));
+ }
+ return "#" + r;
+ },
+ q = function() {
+ return Math.max(
+ document.body.scrollHeight,
+ document.documentElement.scrollHeight,
+ document.body.offsetHeight,
+ document.documentElement.offsetHeight,
+ document.body.clientHeight,
+ document.documentElement.clientHeight,
+ );
+ },
+ x = function(t) {
+ return t ? ((e = t), parseInt(C.getComputedStyle(e).height, 10) + t.offsetTop) : 0;
+ var e;
+ },
+ Q = function(t, e, n, o) {
+ if (e.emitEvents && "function" == typeof C.CustomEvent) {
+ var a = new CustomEvent(t, { bubbles: !0, detail: { anchor: n, toggle: o } });
+ document.dispatchEvent(a);
+ }
+ };
+ return function(o, t) {
+ var I,
+ a,
+ M,
+ A,
+ w = {};
+ (w.cancelScroll = function(t) {
+ cancelAnimationFrame(A), (A = null), t || Q("scrollCancel", I);
+ }),
+ (w.animateScroll = function(i, s, t) {
+ w.cancelScroll();
+ var c = H(I || L, t || {}),
+ u = "[object Number]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(i),
+ e = u || !i.tagName ? null : i;
+ if (u || e) {
+ var l = C.pageYOffset;
+ c.header && !M && (M = document.querySelector(c.header));
+ var n,
+ o,
+ a,
+ d,
+ r,
+ f,
+ m,
+ h,
+ p = x(M),
+ g = u
+ ? i
+ : (function(t, e, n, o) {
+ var a = 0;
+ if (t.offsetParent) for (; (a += t.offsetTop), (t = t.offsetParent); );
+ return (a = Math.max(a - e - n, 0)), o && (a = Math.min(a, q() - C.innerHeight)), a;
+ })(e, p, parseInt("function" == typeof c.offset ? c.offset(i, s) : c.offset, 10), c.clip),
+ y = g - l,
+ S = q(),
+ v = 0,
+ E =
+ ((n = y),
+ (a = (o = c).speedAsDuration ? o.speed : Math.abs((n / 1e3) * o.speed)),
+ o.durationMax && a > o.durationMax
+ ? o.durationMax
+ : o.durationMin && a < o.durationMin
+ ? o.durationMin
+ : parseInt(a, 10)),
+ b = function(t, e) {
+ var n,
+ o,
+ a,
+ r = C.pageYOffset;
+ if (t == e || r == e || (l < e && C.innerHeight + r) >= S)
+ return (
+ w.cancelScroll(!0),
+ (o = e),
+ (a = u),
+ 0 === (n = i) && document.body.focus(),
+ a ||
+ (n.focus(),
+ document.activeElement !== n &&
+ (n.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"), n.focus(), (n.style.outline = "none")),
+ C.scrollTo(0, o)),
+ Q("scrollStop", c, i, s),
+ !(A = d = null)
+ );
+ },
+ O = function(t) {
+ var e, n, o;
+ d || (d = t),
+ (v += t - d),
+ (f =
+ l +
+ y *
+ ((n = r = 1 < (r = 0 === E ? 0 : v / E) ? 1 : r),
+ "easeInQuad" === (e = c).easing && (o = n * n),
+ "easeOutQuad" === e.easing && (o = n * (2 - n)),
+ "easeInOutQuad" === e.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 2 * n * n : (4 - 2 * n) * n - 1),
+ "easeInCubic" === e.easing && (o = n * n * n),
+ "easeOutCubic" === e.easing && (o = --n * n * n + 1),
+ "easeInOutCubic" === e.easing &&
+ (o = n < 0.5 ? 4 * n * n * n : (n - 1) * (2 * n - 2) * (2 * n - 2) + 1),
+ "easeInQuart" === e.easing && (o = n * n * n * n),
+ "easeOutQuart" === e.easing && (o = 1 - --n * n * n * n),
+ "easeInOutQuart" === e.easing && (o = n < 0.5 ? 8 * n * n * n * n : 1 - 8 * --n * n * n * n),
+ "easeInQuint" === e.easing && (o = n * n * n * n * n),
+ "easeOutQuint" === e.easing && (o = 1 + --n * n * n * n * n),
+ "easeInOutQuint" === e.easing &&
+ (o = n < 0.5 ? 16 * n * n * n * n * n : 1 + 16 * --n * n * n * n * n),
+ e.customEasing && (o = e.customEasing(n)),
+ o || n)),
+ C.scrollTo(0, Math.floor(f)),
+ b(f, g) || ((A = C.requestAnimationFrame(O)), (d = t));
+ };
+ 0 === C.pageYOffset && C.scrollTo(0, 0),
+ (m = i),
+ (h = c),
+ u ||
+ (history.pushState &&
+ h.updateURL &&
+ history.pushState(
+ { smoothScroll: JSON.stringify(h), anchor: m.id },
+ document.title,
+ m === document.documentElement ? "#top" : "#" + m.id,
+ )),
+ Q("scrollStart", c, i, s),
+ w.cancelScroll(!0),
+ C.requestAnimationFrame(O);
+ }
+ });
+ var e = function(t) {
+ if (
+ !("matchMedia" in C && C.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)").matches) &&
+ 0 === t.button &&
+ !t.metaKey &&
+ !t.ctrlKey &&
+ "closest" in t.target &&
+ (a = t.target.closest(o)) &&
+ "a" === a.tagName.toLowerCase() &&
+ !t.target.closest(I.ignore) &&
+ a.hostname === C.location.hostname &&
+ a.pathname === C.location.pathname &&
+ /#/.test(a.href)
+ ) {
+ var e = r(a.hash),
+ n = I.topOnEmptyHash && "#" === e ? document.documentElement : document.querySelector(e);
+ (n = n || "#top" !== e ? n : document.documentElement) &&
+ (t.preventDefault(),
+ (function(t) {
+ if (history.replaceState && t.updateURL && !history.state) {
+ var e = C.location.hash;
+ (e = e || ""),
+ history.replaceState(
+ { smoothScroll: JSON.stringify(t), anchor: e || C.pageYOffset },
+ document.title,
+ e || C.location.href,
+ );
+ }
+ })(I),
+ w.animateScroll(n, a));
+ }
+ },
+ n = function(t) {
+ if (null !== history.state && history.state.smoothScroll && history.state.smoothScroll === JSON.stringify(I)) {
+ var e = history.state.anchor;
+ ("string" == typeof e && e && !(e = document.querySelector(r(history.state.anchor)))) ||
+ w.animateScroll(e, null, { updateURL: !1 });
+ }
+ };
+ return (
+ (w.destroy = function() {
+ I &&
+ (document.removeEventListener("click", e, !1),
+ C.removeEventListener("popstate", n, !1),
+ w.cancelScroll(),
+ (A = M = a = I = null));
+ }),
+ (w.init = function(t) {
+ if (
+ !(
+ "querySelector" in document &&
+ "addEventListener" in C &&
+ "requestAnimationFrame" in C &&
+ "closest" in C.Element.prototype
+ )
+ )
+ throw "Smooth Scroll: This browser does not support the required JavaScript methods and browser APIs.";
+ w.destroy(),
+ (I = H(L, t || {})),
+ (M = I.header ? document.querySelector(I.header) : null),
+ document.addEventListener("click", e, !1),
+ I.updateURL && I.popstate && C.addEventListener("popstate", n, !1);
+ }),
+ w.init(t),
+ w
+ );
+ };
diff --git a/docs/themes/htx/source/js/vue.js b/docs/themes/htx/source/js/vue.js
index bb8e3ca593d3..c4f93b18898e 100644
--- a/docs/themes/htx/source/js/vue.js
+++ b/docs/themes/htx/source/js/vue.js
@@ -3,10945 +3,10756 @@
* (c) 2014-2018 Evan You
* Released under the MIT License.
-(function (global, factory) {
- typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
- typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
- (global.Vue = factory());
-}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
+(function(global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined"
+ ? (module.exports = factory())
+ : typeof define === "function" && define.amd
+ ? define(factory)
+ : (global.Vue = factory());
+})(this, function() {
+ "use strict";
-/* */
+ /* */
-var emptyObject = Object.freeze({});
+ var emptyObject = Object.freeze({});
-// these helpers produces better vm code in JS engines due to their
-// explicitness and function inlining
-function isUndef (v) {
- return v === undefined || v === null
-function isDef (v) {
- return v !== undefined && v !== null
-function isTrue (v) {
- return v === true
-function isFalse (v) {
- return v === false
- * Check if value is primitive
- */
-function isPrimitive (value) {
- return (
- typeof value === 'string' ||
- typeof value === 'number' ||
- // $flow-disable-line
- typeof value === 'symbol' ||
- typeof value === 'boolean'
- )
- * Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell
- * Objects from primitive values when we know the value
- * is a JSON-compliant type.
- */
-function isObject (obj) {
- return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'
- * Get the raw type string of a value e.g. [object Object]
- */
-var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-function toRawType (value) {
- return _toString.call(value).slice(8, -1)
- * Strict object type check. Only returns true
- * for plain JavaScript objects.
- */
-function isPlainObject (obj) {
- return _toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]'
-function isRegExp (v) {
- return _toString.call(v) === '[object RegExp]'
- * Check if val is a valid array index.
- */
-function isValidArrayIndex (val) {
- var n = parseFloat(String(val));
- return n >= 0 && Math.floor(n) === n && isFinite(val)
- * Convert a value to a string that is actually rendered.
- */
-function toString (val) {
- return val == null
- ? ''
- : typeof val === 'object'
- ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2)
- : String(val)
- * Convert a input value to a number for persistence.
- * If the conversion fails, return original string.
- */
-function toNumber (val) {
- var n = parseFloat(val);
- return isNaN(n) ? val : n
- * Make a map and return a function for checking if a key
- * is in that map.
- */
-function makeMap (
- str,
- expectsLowerCase
-) {
- var map = Object.create(null);
- var list = str.split(',');
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- map[list[i]] = true;
- }
- return expectsLowerCase
- ? function (val) { return map[val.toLowerCase()]; }
- : function (val) { return map[val]; }
- * Check if a tag is a built-in tag.
- */
-var isBuiltInTag = makeMap('slot,component', true);
+ // these helpers produces better vm code in JS engines due to their
+ // explicitness and function inlining
+ function isUndef(v) {
+ return v === undefined || v === null;
+ }
- * Check if a attribute is a reserved attribute.
- */
-var isReservedAttribute = makeMap('key,ref,slot,slot-scope,is');
+ function isDef(v) {
+ return v !== undefined && v !== null;
+ }
- * Remove an item from an array
- */
-function remove (arr, item) {
- if (arr.length) {
- var index = arr.indexOf(item);
- if (index > -1) {
- return arr.splice(index, 1)
- }
+ function isTrue(v) {
+ return v === true;
- * Check whether the object has the property.
- */
-var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-function hasOwn (obj, key) {
- return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)
+ function isFalse(v) {
+ return v === false;
+ }
- * Create a cached version of a pure function.
- */
-function cached (fn) {
- var cache = Object.create(null);
- return (function cachedFn (str) {
- var hit = cache[str];
- return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str))
- })
- * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string.
- */
-var camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
-var camelize = cached(function (str) {
- return str.replace(camelizeRE, function (_, c) { return c ? c.toUpperCase() : ''; })
+ /**
+ * Check if value is primitive
+ */
+ function isPrimitive(value) {
+ return (
+ typeof value === "string" ||
+ typeof value === "number" ||
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ typeof value === "symbol" ||
+ typeof value === "boolean"
+ );
+ }
- * Capitalize a string.
- */
-var capitalize = cached(function (str) {
- return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
+ /**
+ * Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell
+ * Objects from primitive values when we know the value
+ * is a JSON-compliant type.
+ */
+ function isObject(obj) {
+ return obj !== null && typeof obj === "object";
+ }
- * Hyphenate a camelCase string.
- */
-var hyphenateRE = /\B([A-Z])/g;
-var hyphenate = cached(function (str) {
- return str.replace(hyphenateRE, '-$1').toLowerCase()
+ /**
+ * Get the raw type string of a value e.g. [object Object]
+ */
+ var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
- * Simple bind polyfill for environments that do not support it... e.g.
- * PhantomJS 1.x. Technically we don't need this anymore since native bind is
- * now more performant in most browsers, but removing it would be breaking for
- * code that was able to run in PhantomJS 1.x, so this must be kept for
- * backwards compatibility.
- */
+ function toRawType(value) {
+ return _toString.call(value).slice(8, -1);
+ }
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-function polyfillBind (fn, ctx) {
- function boundFn (a) {
- var l = arguments.length;
- return l
- ? l > 1
- ? fn.apply(ctx, arguments)
- : fn.call(ctx, a)
- : fn.call(ctx)
+ /**
+ * Strict object type check. Only returns true
+ * for plain JavaScript objects.
+ */
+ function isPlainObject(obj) {
+ return _toString.call(obj) === "[object Object]";
- boundFn._length = fn.length;
- return boundFn
+ function isRegExp(v) {
+ return _toString.call(v) === "[object RegExp]";
+ }
-function nativeBind (fn, ctx) {
- return fn.bind(ctx)
+ /**
+ * Check if val is a valid array index.
+ */
+ function isValidArrayIndex(val) {
+ var n = parseFloat(String(val));
+ return n >= 0 && Math.floor(n) === n && isFinite(val);
+ }
-var bind = Function.prototype.bind
- ? nativeBind
- : polyfillBind;
+ /**
+ * Convert a value to a string that is actually rendered.
+ */
+ function toString(val) {
+ return val == null ? "" : typeof val === "object" ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2) : String(val);
+ }
- * Convert an Array-like object to a real Array.
- */
-function toArray (list, start) {
- start = start || 0;
- var i = list.length - start;
- var ret = new Array(i);
- while (i--) {
- ret[i] = list[i + start];
- }
- return ret
- * Mix properties into target object.
- */
-function extend (to, _from) {
- for (var key in _from) {
- to[key] = _from[key];
+ /**
+ * Convert a input value to a number for persistence.
+ * If the conversion fails, return original string.
+ */
+ function toNumber(val) {
+ var n = parseFloat(val);
+ return isNaN(n) ? val : n;
- return to
- * Merge an Array of Objects into a single Object.
- */
-function toObject (arr) {
- var res = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
- if (arr[i]) {
- extend(res, arr[i]);
+ /**
+ * Make a map and return a function for checking if a key
+ * is in that map.
+ */
+ function makeMap(str, expectsLowerCase) {
+ var map = Object.create(null);
+ var list = str.split(",");
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ map[list[i]] = true;
+ return expectsLowerCase
+ ? function(val) {
+ return map[val.toLowerCase()];
+ }
+ : function(val) {
+ return map[val];
+ };
- return res
- * Perform no operation.
- * Stubbing args to make Flow happy without leaving useless transpiled code
- * with ...rest (https://flow.org/blog/2017/05/07/Strict-Function-Call-Arity/)
- */
-function noop (a, b, c) {}
- * Always return false.
- */
-var no = function (a, b, c) { return false; };
+ /**
+ * Check if a tag is a built-in tag.
+ */
+ var isBuiltInTag = makeMap("slot,component", true);
- * Return same value
- */
-var identity = function (_) { return _; };
+ /**
+ * Check if a attribute is a reserved attribute.
+ */
+ var isReservedAttribute = makeMap("key,ref,slot,slot-scope,is");
- * Generate a static keys string from compiler modules.
- */
-function genStaticKeys (modules) {
- return modules.reduce(function (keys, m) {
- return keys.concat(m.staticKeys || [])
- }, []).join(',')
- * Check if two values are loosely equal - that is,
- * if they are plain objects, do they have the same shape?
- */
-function looseEqual (a, b) {
- if (a === b) { return true }
- var isObjectA = isObject(a);
- var isObjectB = isObject(b);
- if (isObjectA && isObjectB) {
- try {
- var isArrayA = Array.isArray(a);
- var isArrayB = Array.isArray(b);
- if (isArrayA && isArrayB) {
- return a.length === b.length && a.every(function (e, i) {
- return looseEqual(e, b[i])
- })
- } else if (!isArrayA && !isArrayB) {
- var keysA = Object.keys(a);
- var keysB = Object.keys(b);
- return keysA.length === keysB.length && keysA.every(function (key) {
- return looseEqual(a[key], b[key])
- })
- } else {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- return false
+ /**
+ * Remove an item from an array
+ */
+ function remove(arr, item) {
+ if (arr.length) {
+ var index = arr.indexOf(item);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ return arr.splice(index, 1);
- } catch (e) {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- return false
- } else if (!isObjectA && !isObjectB) {
- return String(a) === String(b)
- } else {
- return false
-function looseIndexOf (arr, val) {
- for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
- if (looseEqual(arr[i], val)) { return i }
+ /**
+ * Check whether the object has the property.
+ */
+ var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ function hasOwn(obj, key) {
+ return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
- return -1
- * Ensure a function is called only once.
- */
-function once (fn) {
- var called = false;
- return function () {
- if (!called) {
- called = true;
- fn.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- }
-var SSR_ATTR = 'data-server-rendered';
-var ASSET_TYPES = [
- 'component',
- 'directive',
- 'filter'
- 'beforeCreate',
- 'created',
- 'beforeMount',
- 'mounted',
- 'beforeUpdate',
- 'updated',
- 'beforeDestroy',
- 'destroyed',
- 'activated',
- 'deactivated',
- 'errorCaptured'
-/* */
-var config = ({
- * Option merge strategies (used in core/util/options)
+ * Create a cached version of a pure function.
- // $flow-disable-line
- optionMergeStrategies: Object.create(null),
+ function cached(fn) {
+ var cache = Object.create(null);
+ return function cachedFn(str) {
+ var hit = cache[str];
+ return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str));
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string.
+ */
+ var camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
+ var camelize = cached(function(str) {
+ return str.replace(camelizeRE, function(_, c) {
+ return c ? c.toUpperCase() : "";
+ });
+ });
- * Whether to suppress warnings.
+ * Capitalize a string.
- silent: false,
+ var capitalize = cached(function(str) {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
+ });
- * Show production mode tip message on boot?
+ * Hyphenate a camelCase string.
- productionTip: "development" !== 'production',
+ var hyphenateRE = /\B([A-Z])/g;
+ var hyphenate = cached(function(str) {
+ return str.replace(hyphenateRE, "-$1").toLowerCase();
+ });
- * Whether to enable devtools
+ * Simple bind polyfill for environments that do not support it... e.g.
+ * PhantomJS 1.x. Technically we don't need this anymore since native bind is
+ * now more performant in most browsers, but removing it would be breaking for
+ * code that was able to run in PhantomJS 1.x, so this must be kept for
+ * backwards compatibility.
- devtools: "development" !== 'production',
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ function polyfillBind(fn, ctx) {
+ function boundFn(a) {
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ return l ? (l > 1 ? fn.apply(ctx, arguments) : fn.call(ctx, a)) : fn.call(ctx);
+ }
+ boundFn._length = fn.length;
+ return boundFn;
+ }
+ function nativeBind(fn, ctx) {
+ return fn.bind(ctx);
+ }
+ var bind = Function.prototype.bind ? nativeBind : polyfillBind;
- * Whether to record perf
+ * Convert an Array-like object to a real Array.
- performance: false,
+ function toArray(list, start) {
+ start = start || 0;
+ var i = list.length - start;
+ var ret = new Array(i);
+ while (i--) {
+ ret[i] = list[i + start];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
- * Error handler for watcher errors
+ * Mix properties into target object.
- errorHandler: null,
+ function extend(to, _from) {
+ for (var key in _from) {
+ to[key] = _from[key];
+ }
+ return to;
+ }
- * Warn handler for watcher warns
+ * Merge an Array of Objects into a single Object.
- warnHandler: null,
+ function toObject(arr) {
+ var res = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ if (arr[i]) {
+ extend(res, arr[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
- * Ignore certain custom elements
+ * Perform no operation.
+ * Stubbing args to make Flow happy without leaving useless transpiled code
+ * with ...rest (https://flow.org/blog/2017/05/07/Strict-Function-Call-Arity/)
- ignoredElements: [],
+ function noop(a, b, c) {}
- * Custom user key aliases for v-on
+ * Always return false.
- // $flow-disable-line
- keyCodes: Object.create(null),
+ var no = function(a, b, c) {
+ return false;
+ };
- * Check if a tag is reserved so that it cannot be registered as a
- * component. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten.
+ * Return same value
- isReservedTag: no,
+ var identity = function(_) {
+ return _;
+ };
- * Check if an attribute is reserved so that it cannot be used as a component
- * prop. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten.
+ * Generate a static keys string from compiler modules.
- isReservedAttr: no,
+ function genStaticKeys(modules) {
+ return modules
+ .reduce(function(keys, m) {
+ return keys.concat(m.staticKeys || []);
+ }, [])
+ .join(",");
+ }
- * Check if a tag is an unknown element.
- * Platform-dependent.
+ * Check if two values are loosely equal - that is,
+ * if they are plain objects, do they have the same shape?
- isUnknownElement: no,
+ function looseEqual(a, b) {
+ if (a === b) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var isObjectA = isObject(a);
+ var isObjectB = isObject(b);
+ if (isObjectA && isObjectB) {
+ try {
+ var isArrayA = Array.isArray(a);
+ var isArrayB = Array.isArray(b);
+ if (isArrayA && isArrayB) {
+ return (
+ a.length === b.length &&
+ a.every(function(e, i) {
+ return looseEqual(e, b[i]);
+ })
+ );
+ } else if (!isArrayA && !isArrayB) {
+ var keysA = Object.keys(a);
+ var keysB = Object.keys(b);
+ return (
+ keysA.length === keysB.length &&
+ keysA.every(function(key) {
+ return looseEqual(a[key], b[key]);
+ })
+ );
+ } else {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (!isObjectA && !isObjectB) {
+ return String(a) === String(b);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function looseIndexOf(arr, val) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ if (looseEqual(arr[i], val)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
- * Get the namespace of an element
+ * Ensure a function is called only once.
- getTagNamespace: noop,
+ function once(fn) {
+ var called = false;
+ return function() {
+ if (!called) {
+ called = true;
+ fn.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ var SSR_ATTR = "data-server-rendered";
+ var ASSET_TYPES = ["component", "directive", "filter"];
+ "beforeCreate",
+ "created",
+ "beforeMount",
+ "mounted",
+ "beforeUpdate",
+ "updated",
+ "beforeDestroy",
+ "destroyed",
+ "activated",
+ "deactivated",
+ "errorCaptured",
+ ];
+ /* */
+ var config = {
+ /**
+ * Option merge strategies (used in core/util/options)
+ */
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ optionMergeStrategies: Object.create(null),
+ /**
+ * Whether to suppress warnings.
+ */
+ silent: false,
+ /**
+ * Show production mode tip message on boot?
+ */
+ productionTip: "development" !== "production",
+ /**
+ * Whether to enable devtools
+ */
+ devtools: "development" !== "production",
+ /**
+ * Whether to record perf
+ */
+ performance: false,
+ /**
+ * Error handler for watcher errors
+ */
+ errorHandler: null,
+ /**
+ * Warn handler for watcher warns
+ */
+ warnHandler: null,
+ /**
+ * Ignore certain custom elements
+ */
+ ignoredElements: [],
+ /**
+ * Custom user key aliases for v-on
+ */
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ keyCodes: Object.create(null),
+ /**
+ * Check if a tag is reserved so that it cannot be registered as a
+ * component. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten.
+ */
+ isReservedTag: no,
+ /**
+ * Check if an attribute is reserved so that it cannot be used as a component
+ * prop. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten.
+ */
+ isReservedAttr: no,
+ /**
+ * Check if a tag is an unknown element.
+ * Platform-dependent.
+ */
+ isUnknownElement: no,
+ /**
+ * Get the namespace of an element
+ */
+ getTagNamespace: noop,
+ /**
+ * Parse the real tag name for the specific platform.
+ */
+ parsePlatformTagName: identity,
+ /**
+ * Check if an attribute must be bound using property, e.g. value
+ * Platform-dependent.
+ */
+ mustUseProp: no,
+ /**
+ * Exposed for legacy reasons
+ */
+ _lifecycleHooks: LIFECYCLE_HOOKS,
+ };
+ /* */
- * Parse the real tag name for the specific platform.
+ * Check if a string starts with $ or _
- parsePlatformTagName: identity,
+ function isReserved(str) {
+ var c = (str + "").charCodeAt(0);
+ return c === 0x24 || c === 0x5f;
+ }
- * Check if an attribute must be bound using property, e.g. value
- * Platform-dependent.
+ * Define a property.
- mustUseProp: no,
+ function def(obj, key, val, enumerable) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
+ value: val,
+ enumerable: !!enumerable,
+ writable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ });
+ }
- * Exposed for legacy reasons
+ * Parse simple path.
- _lifecycleHooks: LIFECYCLE_HOOKS
+ var bailRE = /[^\w.$]/;
+ function parsePath(path) {
+ if (bailRE.test(path)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var segments = path.split(".");
+ return function(obj) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
+ if (!obj) {
+ return;
+ }
+ obj = obj[segments[i]];
+ }
+ return obj;
+ };
+ }
-/* */
+ /* */
- * Check if a string starts with $ or _
- */
-function isReserved (str) {
- var c = (str + '').charCodeAt(0);
- return c === 0x24 || c === 0x5F
+ // can we use __proto__?
+ var hasProto = "__proto__" in {};
- * Define a property.
- */
-function def (obj, key, val, enumerable) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
- value: val,
- enumerable: !!enumerable,
- writable: true,
- configurable: true
- });
+ // Browser environment sniffing
+ var inBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined";
+ var inWeex = typeof WXEnvironment !== "undefined" && !!WXEnvironment.platform;
+ var weexPlatform = inWeex && WXEnvironment.platform.toLowerCase();
+ var UA = inBrowser && window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+ var isIE = UA && /msie|trident/.test(UA);
+ var isIE9 = UA && UA.indexOf("msie 9.0") > 0;
+ var isEdge = UA && UA.indexOf("edge/") > 0;
+ var isAndroid = (UA && UA.indexOf("android") > 0) || weexPlatform === "android";
+ var isIOS = (UA && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(UA)) || weexPlatform === "ios";
+ var isChrome = UA && /chrome\/\d+/.test(UA) && !isEdge;
- * Parse simple path.
- */
-var bailRE = /[^\w.$]/;
-function parsePath (path) {
- if (bailRE.test(path)) {
- return
- }
- var segments = path.split('.');
- return function (obj) {
- for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
- if (!obj) { return }
- obj = obj[segments[i]];
- }
- return obj
- }
-/* */
-// can we use __proto__?
-var hasProto = '__proto__' in {};
-// Browser environment sniffing
-var inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
-var inWeex = typeof WXEnvironment !== 'undefined' && !!WXEnvironment.platform;
-var weexPlatform = inWeex && WXEnvironment.platform.toLowerCase();
-var UA = inBrowser && window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
-var isIE = UA && /msie|trident/.test(UA);
-var isIE9 = UA && UA.indexOf('msie 9.0') > 0;
-var isEdge = UA && UA.indexOf('edge/') > 0;
-var isAndroid = (UA && UA.indexOf('android') > 0) || (weexPlatform === 'android');
-var isIOS = (UA && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(UA)) || (weexPlatform === 'ios');
-var isChrome = UA && /chrome\/\d+/.test(UA) && !isEdge;
-// Firefox has a "watch" function on Object.prototype...
-var nativeWatch = ({}).watch;
-var supportsPassive = false;
-if (inBrowser) {
- try {
- var opts = {};
- Object.defineProperty(opts, 'passive', ({
- get: function get () {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- supportsPassive = true;
- }
- })); // https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/285
- window.addEventListener('test-passive', null, opts);
- } catch (e) {}
-// this needs to be lazy-evaled because vue may be required before
-// vue-server-renderer can set VUE_ENV
-var _isServer;
-var isServerRendering = function () {
- if (_isServer === undefined) {
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (!inBrowser && !inWeex && typeof global !== 'undefined') {
- // detect presence of vue-server-renderer and avoid
- // Webpack shimming the process
- _isServer = global['process'].env.VUE_ENV === 'server';
- } else {
- _isServer = false;
+ // Firefox has a "watch" function on Object.prototype...
+ var nativeWatch = {}.watch;
+ var supportsPassive = false;
+ if (inBrowser) {
+ try {
+ var opts = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(opts, "passive", {
+ get: function get() {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ supportsPassive = true;
+ },
+ }); // https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/285
+ window.addEventListener("test-passive", null, opts);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ // this needs to be lazy-evaled because vue may be required before
+ // vue-server-renderer can set VUE_ENV
+ var _isServer;
+ var isServerRendering = function() {
+ if (_isServer === undefined) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!inBrowser && !inWeex && typeof global !== "undefined") {
+ // detect presence of vue-server-renderer and avoid
+ // Webpack shimming the process
+ _isServer = global["process"].env.VUE_ENV === "server";
+ } else {
+ _isServer = false;
+ }
+ return _isServer;
+ };
+ // detect devtools
+ var devtools = inBrowser && window.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ function isNative(Ctor) {
+ return typeof Ctor === "function" && /native code/.test(Ctor.toString());
- return _isServer
-// detect devtools
-var devtools = inBrowser && window.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
+ var hasSymbol =
+ typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && isNative(Symbol) && typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && isNative(Reflect.ownKeys);
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-function isNative (Ctor) {
- return typeof Ctor === 'function' && /native code/.test(Ctor.toString())
+ var _Set; // $flow-disable-line
+ /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof Set !== "undefined" && isNative(Set)) {
+ // use native Set when available.
+ _Set = Set;
+ } else {
+ // a non-standard Set polyfill that only works with primitive keys.
+ _Set = (function() {
+ function Set() {
+ this.set = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ Set.prototype.has = function has(key) {
+ return this.set[key] === true;
+ };
+ Set.prototype.add = function add(key) {
+ this.set[key] = true;
+ };
+ Set.prototype.clear = function clear() {
+ this.set = Object.create(null);
+ };
+ return Set;
+ })();
+ }
-var hasSymbol =
- typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && isNative(Symbol) &&
- typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && isNative(Reflect.ownKeys);
+ /* */
-var _Set;
-/* istanbul ignore if */ // $flow-disable-line
-if (typeof Set !== 'undefined' && isNative(Set)) {
- // use native Set when available.
- _Set = Set;
-} else {
- // a non-standard Set polyfill that only works with primitive keys.
- _Set = (function () {
- function Set () {
- this.set = Object.create(null);
- }
- Set.prototype.has = function has (key) {
- return this.set[key] === true
+ var warn = noop;
+ var tip = noop;
+ var generateComponentTrace = noop; // work around flow check
+ var formatComponentName = noop;
+ {
+ var hasConsole = typeof console !== "undefined";
+ var classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g;
+ var classify = function(str) {
+ return str
+ .replace(classifyRE, function(c) {
+ return c.toUpperCase();
+ })
+ .replace(/[-_]/g, "");
- Set.prototype.add = function add (key) {
- this.set[key] = true;
+ warn = function(msg, vm) {
+ var trace = vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : "";
+ if (config.warnHandler) {
+ config.warnHandler.call(null, msg, vm, trace);
+ } else if (hasConsole && !config.silent) {
+ console.error("[Vue warn]: " + msg + trace);
+ }
- Set.prototype.clear = function clear () {
- this.set = Object.create(null);
+ tip = function(msg, vm) {
+ if (hasConsole && !config.silent) {
+ console.warn("[Vue tip]: " + msg + (vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : ""));
+ }
- return Set;
- }());
+ formatComponentName = function(vm, includeFile) {
+ if (vm.$root === vm) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ var options =
+ typeof vm === "function" && vm.cid != null
+ ? vm.options
+ : vm._isVue
+ ? vm.$options || vm.constructor.options
+ : vm || {};
+ var name = options.name || options._componentTag;
+ var file = options.__file;
+ if (!name && file) {
+ var match = file.match(/([^/\\]+)\.vue$/);
+ name = match && match[1];
+ }
+ return (name ? "<" + classify(name) + ">" : "") + (file && includeFile !== false ? " at " + file : "");
+ };
-/* */
+ var repeat = function(str, n) {
+ var res = "";
+ while (n) {
+ if (n % 2 === 1) {
+ res += str;
+ }
+ if (n > 1) {
+ str += str;
+ }
+ n >>= 1;
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
-var warn = noop;
-var tip = noop;
-var generateComponentTrace = (noop); // work around flow check
-var formatComponentName = (noop);
+ generateComponentTrace = function(vm) {
+ if (vm._isVue && vm.$parent) {
+ var tree = [];
+ var currentRecursiveSequence = 0;
+ while (vm) {
+ if (tree.length > 0) {
+ var last = tree[tree.length - 1];
+ if (last.constructor === vm.constructor) {
+ currentRecursiveSequence++;
+ vm = vm.$parent;
+ continue;
+ } else if (currentRecursiveSequence > 0) {
+ tree[tree.length - 1] = [last, currentRecursiveSequence];
+ currentRecursiveSequence = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ tree.push(vm);
+ vm = vm.$parent;
+ }
+ return (
+ "\n\nfound in\n\n" +
+ tree
+ .map(function(vm, i) {
+ return (
+ "" +
+ (i === 0 ? "---> " : repeat(" ", 5 + i * 2)) +
+ (Array.isArray(vm)
+ ? formatComponentName(vm[0]) + "... (" + vm[1] + " recursive calls)"
+ : formatComponentName(vm))
+ );
+ })
+ .join("\n")
+ );
+ } else {
+ return "\n\n(found in " + formatComponentName(vm) + ")";
+ }
+ };
+ }
- var hasConsole = typeof console !== 'undefined';
- var classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g;
- var classify = function (str) { return str
- .replace(classifyRE, function (c) { return c.toUpperCase(); })
- .replace(/[-_]/g, ''); };
+ /* */
- warn = function (msg, vm) {
- var trace = vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : '';
+ var uid = 0;
- if (config.warnHandler) {
- config.warnHandler.call(null, msg, vm, trace);
- } else if (hasConsole && (!config.silent)) {
- console.error(("[Vue warn]: " + msg + trace));
- }
+ /**
+ * A dep is an observable that can have multiple
+ * directives subscribing to it.
+ */
+ var Dep = function Dep() {
+ this.id = uid++;
+ this.subs = [];
- tip = function (msg, vm) {
- if (hasConsole && (!config.silent)) {
- console.warn("[Vue tip]: " + msg + (
- vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : ''
- ));
- }
+ Dep.prototype.addSub = function addSub(sub) {
+ this.subs.push(sub);
- formatComponentName = function (vm, includeFile) {
- if (vm.$root === vm) {
- return ''
- }
- var options = typeof vm === 'function' && vm.cid != null
- ? vm.options
- : vm._isVue
- ? vm.$options || vm.constructor.options
- : vm || {};
- var name = options.name || options._componentTag;
- var file = options.__file;
- if (!name && file) {
- var match = file.match(/([^/\\]+)\.vue$/);
- name = match && match[1];
- }
- return (
- (name ? ("<" + (classify(name)) + ">") : "") +
- (file && includeFile !== false ? (" at " + file) : '')
- )
+ Dep.prototype.removeSub = function removeSub(sub) {
+ remove(this.subs, sub);
- var repeat = function (str, n) {
- var res = '';
- while (n) {
- if (n % 2 === 1) { res += str; }
- if (n > 1) { str += str; }
- n >>= 1;
+ Dep.prototype.depend = function depend() {
+ if (Dep.target) {
+ Dep.target.addDep(this);
- return res
- generateComponentTrace = function (vm) {
- if (vm._isVue && vm.$parent) {
- var tree = [];
- var currentRecursiveSequence = 0;
- while (vm) {
- if (tree.length > 0) {
- var last = tree[tree.length - 1];
- if (last.constructor === vm.constructor) {
- currentRecursiveSequence++;
- vm = vm.$parent;
- continue
- } else if (currentRecursiveSequence > 0) {
- tree[tree.length - 1] = [last, currentRecursiveSequence];
- currentRecursiveSequence = 0;
- }
- }
- tree.push(vm);
- vm = vm.$parent;
- }
- return '\n\nfound in\n\n' + tree
- .map(function (vm, i) { return ("" + (i === 0 ? '---> ' : repeat(' ', 5 + i * 2)) + (Array.isArray(vm)
- ? ((formatComponentName(vm[0])) + "... (" + (vm[1]) + " recursive calls)")
- : formatComponentName(vm))); })
- .join('\n')
- } else {
- return ("\n\n(found in " + (formatComponentName(vm)) + ")")
+ Dep.prototype.notify = function notify() {
+ // stabilize the subscriber list first
+ var subs = this.subs.slice();
+ for (var i = 0, l = subs.length; i < l; i++) {
+ subs[i].update();
-/* */
+ // the current target watcher being evaluated.
+ // this is globally unique because there could be only one
+ // watcher being evaluated at any time.
+ Dep.target = null;
+ var targetStack = [];
+ function pushTarget(_target) {
+ if (Dep.target) {
+ targetStack.push(Dep.target);
+ }
+ Dep.target = _target;
+ }
+ function popTarget() {
+ Dep.target = targetStack.pop();
+ }
+ /* */
+ var VNode = function VNode(tag, data, children, text, elm, context, componentOptions, asyncFactory) {
+ this.tag = tag;
+ this.data = data;
+ this.children = children;
+ this.text = text;
+ this.elm = elm;
+ this.ns = undefined;
+ this.context = context;
+ this.fnContext = undefined;
+ this.fnOptions = undefined;
+ this.fnScopeId = undefined;
+ this.key = data && data.key;
+ this.componentOptions = componentOptions;
+ this.componentInstance = undefined;
+ this.parent = undefined;
+ this.raw = false;
+ this.isStatic = false;
+ this.isRootInsert = true;
+ this.isComment = false;
+ this.isCloned = false;
+ this.isOnce = false;
+ this.asyncFactory = asyncFactory;
+ this.asyncMeta = undefined;
+ this.isAsyncPlaceholder = false;
+ };
+ var prototypeAccessors = { child: { configurable: true } };
-var uid = 0;
+ // DEPRECATED: alias for componentInstance for backwards compat.
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ prototypeAccessors.child.get = function() {
+ return this.componentInstance;
+ };
- * A dep is an observable that can have multiple
- * directives subscribing to it.
- */
-var Dep = function Dep () {
- this.id = uid++;
- this.subs = [];
-Dep.prototype.addSub = function addSub (sub) {
- this.subs.push(sub);
-Dep.prototype.removeSub = function removeSub (sub) {
- remove(this.subs, sub);
-Dep.prototype.depend = function depend () {
- if (Dep.target) {
- Dep.target.addDep(this);
- }
-Dep.prototype.notify = function notify () {
- // stabilize the subscriber list first
- var subs = this.subs.slice();
- for (var i = 0, l = subs.length; i < l; i++) {
- subs[i].update();
- }
-// the current target watcher being evaluated.
-// this is globally unique because there could be only one
-// watcher being evaluated at any time.
-Dep.target = null;
-var targetStack = [];
-function pushTarget (_target) {
- if (Dep.target) { targetStack.push(Dep.target); }
- Dep.target = _target;
-function popTarget () {
- Dep.target = targetStack.pop();
-/* */
-var VNode = function VNode (
- tag,
- data,
- children,
- text,
- elm,
- context,
- componentOptions,
- asyncFactory
-) {
- this.tag = tag;
- this.data = data;
- this.children = children;
- this.text = text;
- this.elm = elm;
- this.ns = undefined;
- this.context = context;
- this.fnContext = undefined;
- this.fnOptions = undefined;
- this.fnScopeId = undefined;
- this.key = data && data.key;
- this.componentOptions = componentOptions;
- this.componentInstance = undefined;
- this.parent = undefined;
- this.raw = false;
- this.isStatic = false;
- this.isRootInsert = true;
- this.isComment = false;
- this.isCloned = false;
- this.isOnce = false;
- this.asyncFactory = asyncFactory;
- this.asyncMeta = undefined;
- this.isAsyncPlaceholder = false;
-var prototypeAccessors = { child: { configurable: true } };
-// DEPRECATED: alias for componentInstance for backwards compat.
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-prototypeAccessors.child.get = function () {
- return this.componentInstance
-Object.defineProperties( VNode.prototype, prototypeAccessors );
-var createEmptyVNode = function (text) {
- if ( text === void 0 ) text = '';
- var node = new VNode();
- node.text = text;
- node.isComment = true;
- return node
-function createTextVNode (val) {
- return new VNode(undefined, undefined, undefined, String(val))
-// optimized shallow clone
-// used for static nodes and slot nodes because they may be reused across
-// multiple renders, cloning them avoids errors when DOM manipulations rely
-// on their elm reference.
-function cloneVNode (vnode) {
- var cloned = new VNode(
- vnode.tag,
- vnode.data,
- vnode.children,
- vnode.text,
- vnode.elm,
- vnode.context,
- vnode.componentOptions,
- vnode.asyncFactory
- );
- cloned.ns = vnode.ns;
- cloned.isStatic = vnode.isStatic;
- cloned.key = vnode.key;
- cloned.isComment = vnode.isComment;
- cloned.fnContext = vnode.fnContext;
- cloned.fnOptions = vnode.fnOptions;
- cloned.fnScopeId = vnode.fnScopeId;
- cloned.isCloned = true;
- return cloned
- * not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with
- * dynamically accessing methods on Array prototype
- */
+ Object.defineProperties(VNode.prototype, prototypeAccessors);
-var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
-var arrayMethods = Object.create(arrayProto);
-var methodsToPatch = [
- 'push',
- 'pop',
- 'shift',
- 'unshift',
- 'splice',
- 'sort',
- 'reverse'
- * Intercept mutating methods and emit events
- */
-methodsToPatch.forEach(function (method) {
- // cache original method
- var original = arrayProto[method];
- def(arrayMethods, method, function mutator () {
- var args = [], len = arguments.length;
- while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
- var result = original.apply(this, args);
- var ob = this.__ob__;
- var inserted;
- switch (method) {
- case 'push':
- case 'unshift':
- inserted = args;
- break
- case 'splice':
- inserted = args.slice(2);
- break
- }
- if (inserted) { ob.observeArray(inserted); }
- // notify change
- ob.dep.notify();
- return result
- });
+ var createEmptyVNode = function(text) {
+ if (text === void 0) text = "";
-/* */
+ var node = new VNode();
+ node.text = text;
+ node.isComment = true;
+ return node;
+ };
-var arrayKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayMethods);
+ function createTextVNode(val) {
+ return new VNode(undefined, undefined, undefined, String(val));
+ }
+ // optimized shallow clone
+ // used for static nodes and slot nodes because they may be reused across
+ // multiple renders, cloning them avoids errors when DOM manipulations rely
+ // on their elm reference.
+ function cloneVNode(vnode) {
+ var cloned = new VNode(
+ vnode.tag,
+ vnode.data,
+ vnode.children,
+ vnode.text,
+ vnode.elm,
+ vnode.context,
+ vnode.componentOptions,
+ vnode.asyncFactory,
+ );
+ cloned.ns = vnode.ns;
+ cloned.isStatic = vnode.isStatic;
+ cloned.key = vnode.key;
+ cloned.isComment = vnode.isComment;
+ cloned.fnContext = vnode.fnContext;
+ cloned.fnOptions = vnode.fnOptions;
+ cloned.fnScopeId = vnode.fnScopeId;
+ cloned.isCloned = true;
+ return cloned;
+ }
+ /*
+ * not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with
+ * dynamically accessing methods on Array prototype
+ */
- * In some cases we may want to disable observation inside a component's
- * update computation.
- */
-var shouldObserve = true;
+ var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
+ var arrayMethods = Object.create(arrayProto);
-function toggleObserving (value) {
- shouldObserve = value;
+ var methodsToPatch = ["push", "pop", "shift", "unshift", "splice", "sort", "reverse"];
- * Observer class that is attached to each observed
- * object. Once attached, the observer converts the target
- * object's property keys into getter/setters that
- * collect dependencies and dispatch updates.
- */
-var Observer = function Observer (value) {
- this.value = value;
- this.dep = new Dep();
- this.vmCount = 0;
- def(value, '__ob__', this);
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- var augment = hasProto
- ? protoAugment
- : copyAugment;
- augment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys);
- this.observeArray(value);
- } else {
- this.walk(value);
- }
+ /**
+ * Intercept mutating methods and emit events
+ */
+ methodsToPatch.forEach(function(method) {
+ // cache original method
+ var original = arrayProto[method];
+ def(arrayMethods, method, function mutator() {
+ var args = [],
+ len = arguments.length;
+ while (len--) args[len] = arguments[len];
+ var result = original.apply(this, args);
+ var ob = this.__ob__;
+ var inserted;
+ switch (method) {
+ case "push":
+ case "unshift":
+ inserted = args;
+ break;
+ case "splice":
+ inserted = args.slice(2);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (inserted) {
+ ob.observeArray(inserted);
+ }
+ // notify change
+ ob.dep.notify();
+ return result;
+ });
+ });
- * Walk through each property and convert them into
- * getter/setters. This method should only be called when
- * value type is Object.
- */
-Observer.prototype.walk = function walk (obj) {
- var keys = Object.keys(obj);
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- defineReactive(obj, keys[i]);
- }
+ /* */
- * Observe a list of Array items.
- */
-Observer.prototype.observeArray = function observeArray (items) {
- for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
- observe(items[i]);
- }
+ var arrayKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayMethods);
-// helpers
+ /**
+ * In some cases we may want to disable observation inside a component's
+ * update computation.
+ */
+ var shouldObserve = true;
- * Augment an target Object or Array by intercepting
- * the prototype chain using __proto__
- */
-function protoAugment (target, src, keys) {
- /* eslint-disable no-proto */
- target.__proto__ = src;
- /* eslint-enable no-proto */
- * Augment an target Object or Array by defining
- * hidden properties.
- */
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-function copyAugment (target, src, keys) {
- for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
- var key = keys[i];
- def(target, key, src[key]);
- }
- * Attempt to create an observer instance for a value,
- * returns the new observer if successfully observed,
- * or the existing observer if the value already has one.
- */
-function observe (value, asRootData) {
- if (!isObject(value) || value instanceof VNode) {
- return
- }
- var ob;
- if (hasOwn(value, '__ob__') && value.__ob__ instanceof Observer) {
- ob = value.__ob__;
- } else if (
- shouldObserve &&
- !isServerRendering() &&
- (Array.isArray(value) || isPlainObject(value)) &&
- Object.isExtensible(value) &&
- !value._isVue
- ) {
- ob = new Observer(value);
+ function toggleObserving(value) {
+ shouldObserve = value;
- if (asRootData && ob) {
- ob.vmCount++;
- }
- return ob
- * Define a reactive property on an Object.
- */
-function defineReactive (
- obj,
- key,
- val,
- customSetter,
- shallow
-) {
- var dep = new Dep();
- var property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
- if (property && property.configurable === false) {
- return
- }
+ /**
+ * Observer class that is attached to each observed
+ * object. Once attached, the observer converts the target
+ * object's property keys into getter/setters that
+ * collect dependencies and dispatch updates.
+ */
+ var Observer = function Observer(value) {
+ this.value = value;
+ this.dep = new Dep();
+ this.vmCount = 0;
+ def(value, "__ob__", this);
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ var augment = hasProto ? protoAugment : copyAugment;
+ augment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys);
+ this.observeArray(value);
+ } else {
+ this.walk(value);
+ }
+ };
- // cater for pre-defined getter/setters
- var getter = property && property.get;
- if (!getter && arguments.length === 2) {
- val = obj[key];
- }
- var setter = property && property.set;
+ /**
+ * Walk through each property and convert them into
+ * getter/setters. This method should only be called when
+ * value type is Object.
+ */
+ Observer.prototype.walk = function walk(obj) {
+ var keys = Object.keys(obj);
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ defineReactive(obj, keys[i]);
+ }
+ };
- var childOb = !shallow && observe(val);
- Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get: function reactiveGetter () {
- var value = getter ? getter.call(obj) : val;
- if (Dep.target) {
- dep.depend();
- if (childOb) {
- childOb.dep.depend();
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- dependArray(value);
- }
- }
- }
- return value
- },
- set: function reactiveSetter (newVal) {
- var value = getter ? getter.call(obj) : val;
- /* eslint-disable no-self-compare */
- if (newVal === value || (newVal !== newVal && value !== value)) {
- return
- }
- /* eslint-enable no-self-compare */
- if ("development" !== 'production' && customSetter) {
- customSetter();
- }
- if (setter) {
- setter.call(obj, newVal);
- } else {
- val = newVal;
- }
- childOb = !shallow && observe(newVal);
- dep.notify();
+ /**
+ * Observe a list of Array items.
+ */
+ Observer.prototype.observeArray = function observeArray(items) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
+ observe(items[i]);
- });
+ };
- * Set a property on an object. Adds the new property and
- * triggers change notification if the property doesn't
- * already exist.
- */
-function set (target, key, val) {
- if ("development" !== 'production' &&
- (isUndef(target) || isPrimitive(target))
- ) {
- warn(("Cannot set reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: " + ((target))));
- }
- if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(key)) {
- target.length = Math.max(target.length, key);
- target.splice(key, 1, val);
- return val
- }
- if (key in target && !(key in Object.prototype)) {
- target[key] = val;
- return val
- }
- var ob = (target).__ob__;
- if (target._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- 'Avoid adding reactive properties to a Vue instance or its root $data ' +
- 'at runtime - declare it upfront in the data option.'
- );
- return val
- }
- if (!ob) {
- target[key] = val;
- return val
+ // helpers
+ /**
+ * Augment an target Object or Array by intercepting
+ * the prototype chain using __proto__
+ */
+ function protoAugment(target, src, keys) {
+ /* eslint-disable no-proto */
+ target.__proto__ = src;
+ /* eslint-enable no-proto */
- defineReactive(ob.value, key, val);
- ob.dep.notify();
- return val
- * Delete a property and trigger change if necessary.
- */
-function del (target, key) {
- if ("development" !== 'production' &&
- (isUndef(target) || isPrimitive(target))
- ) {
- warn(("Cannot delete reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: " + ((target))));
+ /**
+ * Augment an target Object or Array by defining
+ * hidden properties.
+ */
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ function copyAugment(target, src, keys) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var key = keys[i];
+ def(target, key, src[key]);
+ }
- if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(key)) {
- target.splice(key, 1);
- return
+ /**
+ * Attempt to create an observer instance for a value,
+ * returns the new observer if successfully observed,
+ * or the existing observer if the value already has one.
+ */
+ function observe(value, asRootData) {
+ if (!isObject(value) || value instanceof VNode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var ob;
+ if (hasOwn(value, "__ob__") && value.__ob__ instanceof Observer) {
+ ob = value.__ob__;
+ } else if (
+ shouldObserve &&
+ !isServerRendering() &&
+ (Array.isArray(value) || isPlainObject(value)) &&
+ Object.isExtensible(value) &&
+ !value._isVue
+ ) {
+ ob = new Observer(value);
+ }
+ if (asRootData && ob) {
+ ob.vmCount++;
+ }
+ return ob;
- var ob = (target).__ob__;
- if (target._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- 'Avoid deleting properties on a Vue instance or its root $data ' +
- '- just set it to null.'
- );
- return
+ /**
+ * Define a reactive property on an Object.
+ */
+ function defineReactive(obj, key, val, customSetter, shallow) {
+ var dep = new Dep();
+ var property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
+ if (property && property.configurable === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // cater for pre-defined getter/setters
+ var getter = property && property.get;
+ if (!getter && arguments.length === 2) {
+ val = obj[key];
+ }
+ var setter = property && property.set;
+ var childOb = !shallow && observe(val);
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ get: function reactiveGetter() {
+ var value = getter ? getter.call(obj) : val;
+ if (Dep.target) {
+ dep.depend();
+ if (childOb) {
+ childOb.dep.depend();
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ dependArray(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ set: function reactiveSetter(newVal) {
+ var value = getter ? getter.call(obj) : val;
+ /* eslint-disable no-self-compare */
+ if (newVal === value || (newVal !== newVal && value !== value)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* eslint-enable no-self-compare */
+ if ("development" !== "production" && customSetter) {
+ customSetter();
+ }
+ if (setter) {
+ setter.call(obj, newVal);
+ } else {
+ val = newVal;
+ }
+ childOb = !shallow && observe(newVal);
+ dep.notify();
+ },
+ });
- if (!hasOwn(target, key)) {
- return
+ /**
+ * Set a property on an object. Adds the new property and
+ * triggers change notification if the property doesn't
+ * already exist.
+ */
+ function set(target, key, val) {
+ if ("development" !== "production" && (isUndef(target) || isPrimitive(target))) {
+ warn("Cannot set reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: " + target);
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(key)) {
+ target.length = Math.max(target.length, key);
+ target.splice(key, 1, val);
+ return val;
+ }
+ if (key in target && !(key in Object.prototype)) {
+ target[key] = val;
+ return val;
+ }
+ var ob = target.__ob__;
+ if (target._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) {
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn(
+ "Avoid adding reactive properties to a Vue instance or its root $data " +
+ "at runtime - declare it upfront in the data option.",
+ );
+ return val;
+ }
+ if (!ob) {
+ target[key] = val;
+ return val;
+ }
+ defineReactive(ob.value, key, val);
+ ob.dep.notify();
+ return val;
- delete target[key];
- if (!ob) {
- return
+ /**
+ * Delete a property and trigger change if necessary.
+ */
+ function del(target, key) {
+ if ("development" !== "production" && (isUndef(target) || isPrimitive(target))) {
+ warn("Cannot delete reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: " + target);
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(key)) {
+ target.splice(key, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ var ob = target.__ob__;
+ if (target._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) {
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn("Avoid deleting properties on a Vue instance or its root $data " + "- just set it to null.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!hasOwn(target, key)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ delete target[key];
+ if (!ob) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ob.dep.notify();
- ob.dep.notify();
- * Collect dependencies on array elements when the array is touched, since
- * we cannot intercept array element access like property getters.
- */
-function dependArray (value) {
- for (var e = (void 0), i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
- e = value[i];
- e && e.__ob__ && e.__ob__.dep.depend();
- if (Array.isArray(e)) {
- dependArray(e);
+ /**
+ * Collect dependencies on array elements when the array is touched, since
+ * we cannot intercept array element access like property getters.
+ */
+ function dependArray(value) {
+ for (var e = void 0, i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
+ e = value[i];
+ e && e.__ob__ && e.__ob__.dep.depend();
+ if (Array.isArray(e)) {
+ dependArray(e);
+ }
-/* */
+ /* */
- * Option overwriting strategies are functions that handle
- * how to merge a parent option value and a child option
- * value into the final value.
- */
-var strats = config.optionMergeStrategies;
+ /**
+ * Option overwriting strategies are functions that handle
+ * how to merge a parent option value and a child option
+ * value into the final value.
+ */
+ var strats = config.optionMergeStrategies;
- * Options with restrictions
- */
- strats.el = strats.propsData = function (parent, child, vm, key) {
- if (!vm) {
- warn(
- "option \"" + key + "\" can only be used during instance " +
- 'creation with the `new` keyword.'
- );
- }
- return defaultStrat(parent, child)
- };
+ /**
+ * Options with restrictions
+ */
+ {
+ strats.el = strats.propsData = function(parent, child, vm, key) {
+ if (!vm) {
+ warn('option "' + key + '" can only be used during instance ' + "creation with the `new` keyword.");
+ }
+ return defaultStrat(parent, child);
+ };
+ }
- * Helper that recursively merges two data objects together.
- */
-function mergeData (to, from) {
- if (!from) { return to }
- var key, toVal, fromVal;
- var keys = Object.keys(from);
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- key = keys[i];
- toVal = to[key];
- fromVal = from[key];
- if (!hasOwn(to, key)) {
- set(to, key, fromVal);
- } else if (isPlainObject(toVal) && isPlainObject(fromVal)) {
- mergeData(toVal, fromVal);
- }
- }
- return to
- * Data
- */
-function mergeDataOrFn (
- parentVal,
- childVal,
- vm
-) {
- if (!vm) {
- // in a Vue.extend merge, both should be functions
- if (!childVal) {
- return parentVal
- }
- if (!parentVal) {
- return childVal
- }
- // when parentVal & childVal are both present,
- // we need to return a function that returns the
- // merged result of both functions... no need to
- // check if parentVal is a function here because
- // it has to be a function to pass previous merges.
- return function mergedDataFn () {
- return mergeData(
- typeof childVal === 'function' ? childVal.call(this, this) : childVal,
- typeof parentVal === 'function' ? parentVal.call(this, this) : parentVal
- )
+ /**
+ * Helper that recursively merges two data objects together.
+ */
+ function mergeData(to, from) {
+ if (!from) {
+ return to;
- } else {
- return function mergedInstanceDataFn () {
- // instance merge
- var instanceData = typeof childVal === 'function'
- ? childVal.call(vm, vm)
- : childVal;
- var defaultData = typeof parentVal === 'function'
- ? parentVal.call(vm, vm)
- : parentVal;
- if (instanceData) {
- return mergeData(instanceData, defaultData)
- } else {
- return defaultData
+ var key, toVal, fromVal;
+ var keys = Object.keys(from);
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ toVal = to[key];
+ fromVal = from[key];
+ if (!hasOwn(to, key)) {
+ set(to, key, fromVal);
+ } else if (isPlainObject(toVal) && isPlainObject(fromVal)) {
+ mergeData(toVal, fromVal);
+ return to;
-strats.data = function (
- parentVal,
- childVal,
- vm
-) {
- if (!vm) {
- if (childVal && typeof childVal !== 'function') {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- 'The "data" option should be a function ' +
- 'that returns a per-instance value in component ' +
- 'definitions.',
- vm
- );
- return parentVal
+ /**
+ * Data
+ */
+ function mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal, vm) {
+ if (!vm) {
+ // in a Vue.extend merge, both should be functions
+ if (!childVal) {
+ return parentVal;
+ }
+ if (!parentVal) {
+ return childVal;
+ }
+ // when parentVal & childVal are both present,
+ // we need to return a function that returns the
+ // merged result of both functions... no need to
+ // check if parentVal is a function here because
+ // it has to be a function to pass previous merges.
+ return function mergedDataFn() {
+ return mergeData(
+ typeof childVal === "function" ? childVal.call(this, this) : childVal,
+ typeof parentVal === "function" ? parentVal.call(this, this) : parentVal,
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ return function mergedInstanceDataFn() {
+ // instance merge
+ var instanceData = typeof childVal === "function" ? childVal.call(vm, vm) : childVal;
+ var defaultData = typeof parentVal === "function" ? parentVal.call(vm, vm) : parentVal;
+ if (instanceData) {
+ return mergeData(instanceData, defaultData);
+ } else {
+ return defaultData;
+ }
+ };
- return mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal)
- return mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal, vm)
+ strats.data = function(parentVal, childVal, vm) {
+ if (!vm) {
+ if (childVal && typeof childVal !== "function") {
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn(
+ 'The "data" option should be a function ' +
+ "that returns a per-instance value in component " +
+ "definitions.",
+ vm,
+ );
+ return parentVal;
+ }
+ return mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal);
+ }
+ return mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal, vm);
+ };
- * Hooks and props are merged as arrays.
- */
-function mergeHook (
- parentVal,
- childVal
-) {
- return childVal
- ? parentVal
- ? parentVal.concat(childVal)
- : Array.isArray(childVal)
+ /**
+ * Hooks and props are merged as arrays.
+ */
+ function mergeHook(parentVal, childVal) {
+ return childVal
+ ? parentVal
+ ? parentVal.concat(childVal)
+ : Array.isArray(childVal)
? childVal
: [childVal]
- : parentVal
-LIFECYCLE_HOOKS.forEach(function (hook) {
- strats[hook] = mergeHook;
- * Assets
- *
- * When a vm is present (instance creation), we need to do
- * a three-way merge between constructor options, instance
- * options and parent options.
- */
-function mergeAssets (
- parentVal,
- childVal,
- vm,
- key
-) {
- var res = Object.create(parentVal || null);
- if (childVal) {
- "development" !== 'production' && assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
- return extend(res, childVal)
- } else {
- return res
+ : parentVal;
-ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
- strats[type + 's'] = mergeAssets;
+ LIFECYCLE_HOOKS.forEach(function(hook) {
+ strats[hook] = mergeHook;
+ });
- * Watchers.
- *
- * Watchers hashes should not overwrite one
- * another, so we merge them as arrays.
- */
-strats.watch = function (
- parentVal,
- childVal,
- vm,
- key
-) {
- // work around Firefox's Object.prototype.watch...
- if (parentVal === nativeWatch) { parentVal = undefined; }
- if (childVal === nativeWatch) { childVal = undefined; }
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (!childVal) { return Object.create(parentVal || null) }
- {
- assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
- }
- if (!parentVal) { return childVal }
- var ret = {};
- extend(ret, parentVal);
- for (var key$1 in childVal) {
- var parent = ret[key$1];
- var child = childVal[key$1];
- if (parent && !Array.isArray(parent)) {
- parent = [parent];
- }
- ret[key$1] = parent
- ? parent.concat(child)
- : Array.isArray(child) ? child : [child];
- }
- return ret
- * Other object hashes.
- */
-strats.props =
-strats.methods =
-strats.inject =
-strats.computed = function (
- parentVal,
- childVal,
- vm,
- key
-) {
- if (childVal && "development" !== 'production') {
- assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
- }
- if (!parentVal) { return childVal }
- var ret = Object.create(null);
- extend(ret, parentVal);
- if (childVal) { extend(ret, childVal); }
- return ret
-strats.provide = mergeDataOrFn;
- * Default strategy.
- */
-var defaultStrat = function (parentVal, childVal) {
- return childVal === undefined
- ? parentVal
- : childVal
- * Validate component names
- */
-function checkComponents (options) {
- for (var key in options.components) {
- validateComponentName(key);
- }
-function validateComponentName (name) {
- if (!/^[a-zA-Z][\w-]*$/.test(name)) {
- warn(
- 'Invalid component name: "' + name + '". Component names ' +
- 'can only contain alphanumeric characters and the hyphen, ' +
- 'and must start with a letter.'
- );
- }
- if (isBuiltInTag(name) || config.isReservedTag(name)) {
- warn(
- 'Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component ' +
- 'id: ' + name
- );
+ /**
+ * Assets
+ *
+ * When a vm is present (instance creation), we need to do
+ * a three-way merge between constructor options, instance
+ * options and parent options.
+ */
+ function mergeAssets(parentVal, childVal, vm, key) {
+ var res = Object.create(parentVal || null);
+ if (childVal) {
+ "development" !== "production" && assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
+ return extend(res, childVal);
+ } else {
+ return res;
+ }
- * Ensure all props option syntax are normalized into the
- * Object-based format.
- */
-function normalizeProps (options, vm) {
- var props = options.props;
- if (!props) { return }
- var res = {};
- var i, val, name;
- if (Array.isArray(props)) {
- i = props.length;
- while (i--) {
- val = props[i];
- if (typeof val === 'string') {
- name = camelize(val);
- res[name] = { type: null };
- } else {
- warn('props must be strings when using array syntax.');
+ ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function(type) {
+ strats[type + "s"] = mergeAssets;
+ });
+ /**
+ * Watchers.
+ *
+ * Watchers hashes should not overwrite one
+ * another, so we merge them as arrays.
+ */
+ strats.watch = function(parentVal, childVal, vm, key) {
+ // work around Firefox's Object.prototype.watch...
+ if (parentVal === nativeWatch) {
+ parentVal = undefined;
+ }
+ if (childVal === nativeWatch) {
+ childVal = undefined;
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!childVal) {
+ return Object.create(parentVal || null);
+ }
+ {
+ assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
+ }
+ if (!parentVal) {
+ return childVal;
+ }
+ var ret = {};
+ extend(ret, parentVal);
+ for (var key$1 in childVal) {
+ var parent = ret[key$1];
+ var child = childVal[key$1];
+ if (parent && !Array.isArray(parent)) {
+ parent = [parent];
+ ret[key$1] = parent ? parent.concat(child) : Array.isArray(child) ? child : [child];
- } else if (isPlainObject(props)) {
- for (var key in props) {
- val = props[key];
- name = camelize(key);
- res[name] = isPlainObject(val)
- ? val
- : { type: val };
+ return ret;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Other object hashes.
+ */
+ strats.props = strats.methods = strats.inject = strats.computed = function(parentVal, childVal, vm, key) {
+ if (childVal && "development" !== "production") {
+ assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm);
+ }
+ if (!parentVal) {
+ return childVal;
+ }
+ var ret = Object.create(null);
+ extend(ret, parentVal);
+ if (childVal) {
+ extend(ret, childVal);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ strats.provide = mergeDataOrFn;
+ /**
+ * Default strategy.
+ */
+ var defaultStrat = function(parentVal, childVal) {
+ return childVal === undefined ? parentVal : childVal;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Validate component names
+ */
+ function checkComponents(options) {
+ for (var key in options.components) {
+ validateComponentName(key);
- } else {
- warn(
- "Invalid value for option \"props\": expected an Array or an Object, " +
- "but got " + (toRawType(props)) + ".",
- vm
- );
- options.props = res;
- * Normalize all injections into Object-based format
- */
-function normalizeInject (options, vm) {
- var inject = options.inject;
- if (!inject) { return }
- var normalized = options.inject = {};
- if (Array.isArray(inject)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < inject.length; i++) {
- normalized[inject[i]] = { from: inject[i] };
- }
- } else if (isPlainObject(inject)) {
- for (var key in inject) {
- var val = inject[key];
- normalized[key] = isPlainObject(val)
- ? extend({ from: key }, val)
- : { from: val };
+ function validateComponentName(name) {
+ if (!/^[a-zA-Z][\w-]*$/.test(name)) {
+ warn(
+ 'Invalid component name: "' +
+ name +
+ '". Component names ' +
+ "can only contain alphanumeric characters and the hyphen, " +
+ "and must start with a letter.",
+ );
+ }
+ if (isBuiltInTag(name) || config.isReservedTag(name)) {
+ warn("Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component " + "id: " + name);
- } else {
- warn(
- "Invalid value for option \"inject\": expected an Array or an Object, " +
- "but got " + (toRawType(inject)) + ".",
- vm
- );
- * Normalize raw function directives into object format.
- */
-function normalizeDirectives (options) {
- var dirs = options.directives;
- if (dirs) {
- for (var key in dirs) {
- var def = dirs[key];
- if (typeof def === 'function') {
- dirs[key] = { bind: def, update: def };
+ /**
+ * Ensure all props option syntax are normalized into the
+ * Object-based format.
+ */
+ function normalizeProps(options, vm) {
+ var props = options.props;
+ if (!props) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var res = {};
+ var i, val, name;
+ if (Array.isArray(props)) {
+ i = props.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ val = props[i];
+ if (typeof val === "string") {
+ name = camelize(val);
+ res[name] = { type: null };
+ } else {
+ warn("props must be strings when using array syntax.");
+ }
+ } else if (isPlainObject(props)) {
+ for (var key in props) {
+ val = props[key];
+ name = camelize(key);
+ res[name] = isPlainObject(val) ? val : { type: val };
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn(
+ 'Invalid value for option "props": expected an Array or an Object, ' + "but got " + toRawType(props) + ".",
+ vm,
+ );
+ options.props = res;
-function assertObjectType (name, value, vm) {
- if (!isPlainObject(value)) {
- warn(
- "Invalid value for option \"" + name + "\": expected an Object, " +
- "but got " + (toRawType(value)) + ".",
- vm
- );
+ /**
+ * Normalize all injections into Object-based format
+ */
+ function normalizeInject(options, vm) {
+ var inject = options.inject;
+ if (!inject) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var normalized = (options.inject = {});
+ if (Array.isArray(inject)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < inject.length; i++) {
+ normalized[inject[i]] = { from: inject[i] };
+ }
+ } else if (isPlainObject(inject)) {
+ for (var key in inject) {
+ var val = inject[key];
+ normalized[key] = isPlainObject(val) ? extend({ from: key }, val) : { from: val };
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn(
+ 'Invalid value for option "inject": expected an Array or an Object, ' + "but got " + toRawType(inject) + ".",
+ vm,
+ );
+ }
- * Merge two option objects into a new one.
- * Core utility used in both instantiation and inheritance.
- */
-function mergeOptions (
- parent,
- child,
- vm
-) {
- {
- checkComponents(child);
+ /**
+ * Normalize raw function directives into object format.
+ */
+ function normalizeDirectives(options) {
+ var dirs = options.directives;
+ if (dirs) {
+ for (var key in dirs) {
+ var def = dirs[key];
+ if (typeof def === "function") {
+ dirs[key] = { bind: def, update: def };
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (typeof child === 'function') {
- child = child.options;
+ function assertObjectType(name, value, vm) {
+ if (!isPlainObject(value)) {
+ warn('Invalid value for option "' + name + '": expected an Object, ' + "but got " + toRawType(value) + ".", vm);
+ }
- normalizeProps(child, vm);
- normalizeInject(child, vm);
- normalizeDirectives(child);
- var extendsFrom = child.extends;
- if (extendsFrom) {
- parent = mergeOptions(parent, extendsFrom, vm);
- }
- if (child.mixins) {
- for (var i = 0, l = child.mixins.length; i < l; i++) {
- parent = mergeOptions(parent, child.mixins[i], vm);
+ /**
+ * Merge two option objects into a new one.
+ * Core utility used in both instantiation and inheritance.
+ */
+ function mergeOptions(parent, child, vm) {
+ {
+ checkComponents(child);
- }
- var options = {};
- var key;
- for (key in parent) {
- mergeField(key);
- }
- for (key in child) {
- if (!hasOwn(parent, key)) {
+ if (typeof child === "function") {
+ child = child.options;
+ }
+ normalizeProps(child, vm);
+ normalizeInject(child, vm);
+ normalizeDirectives(child);
+ var extendsFrom = child.extends;
+ if (extendsFrom) {
+ parent = mergeOptions(parent, extendsFrom, vm);
+ }
+ if (child.mixins) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = child.mixins.length; i < l; i++) {
+ parent = mergeOptions(parent, child.mixins[i], vm);
+ }
+ }
+ var options = {};
+ var key;
+ for (key in parent) {
+ for (key in child) {
+ if (!hasOwn(parent, key)) {
+ mergeField(key);
+ }
+ }
+ function mergeField(key) {
+ var strat = strats[key] || defaultStrat;
+ options[key] = strat(parent[key], child[key], vm, key);
+ }
+ return options;
- function mergeField (key) {
- var strat = strats[key] || defaultStrat;
- options[key] = strat(parent[key], child[key], vm, key);
- }
- return options
- * Resolve an asset.
- * This function is used because child instances need access
- * to assets defined in its ancestor chain.
- */
-function resolveAsset (
- options,
- type,
- id,
- warnMissing
-) {
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (typeof id !== 'string') {
- return
- }
- var assets = options[type];
- // check local registration variations first
- if (hasOwn(assets, id)) { return assets[id] }
- var camelizedId = camelize(id);
- if (hasOwn(assets, camelizedId)) { return assets[camelizedId] }
- var PascalCaseId = capitalize(camelizedId);
- if (hasOwn(assets, PascalCaseId)) { return assets[PascalCaseId] }
- // fallback to prototype chain
- var res = assets[id] || assets[camelizedId] || assets[PascalCaseId];
- if ("development" !== 'production' && warnMissing && !res) {
- warn(
- 'Failed to resolve ' + type.slice(0, -1) + ': ' + id,
- options
- );
- }
- return res
-/* */
-function validateProp (
- key,
- propOptions,
- propsData,
- vm
-) {
- var prop = propOptions[key];
- var absent = !hasOwn(propsData, key);
- var value = propsData[key];
- // boolean casting
- var booleanIndex = getTypeIndex(Boolean, prop.type);
- if (booleanIndex > -1) {
- if (absent && !hasOwn(prop, 'default')) {
- value = false;
- } else if (value === '' || value === hyphenate(key)) {
- // only cast empty string / same name to boolean if
- // boolean has higher priority
- var stringIndex = getTypeIndex(String, prop.type);
- if (stringIndex < 0 || booleanIndex < stringIndex) {
- value = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // check default value
- if (value === undefined) {
- value = getPropDefaultValue(vm, prop, key);
- // since the default value is a fresh copy,
- // make sure to observe it.
- var prevShouldObserve = shouldObserve;
- toggleObserving(true);
- observe(value);
- toggleObserving(prevShouldObserve);
- }
- {
- assertProp(prop, key, value, vm, absent);
+ /**
+ * Resolve an asset.
+ * This function is used because child instances need access
+ * to assets defined in its ancestor chain.
+ */
+ function resolveAsset(options, type, id, warnMissing) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (typeof id !== "string") {
+ return;
+ }
+ var assets = options[type];
+ // check local registration variations first
+ if (hasOwn(assets, id)) {
+ return assets[id];
+ }
+ var camelizedId = camelize(id);
+ if (hasOwn(assets, camelizedId)) {
+ return assets[camelizedId];
+ }
+ var PascalCaseId = capitalize(camelizedId);
+ if (hasOwn(assets, PascalCaseId)) {
+ return assets[PascalCaseId];
+ }
+ // fallback to prototype chain
+ var res = assets[id] || assets[camelizedId] || assets[PascalCaseId];
+ if ("development" !== "production" && warnMissing && !res) {
+ warn("Failed to resolve " + type.slice(0, -1) + ": " + id, options);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* */
+ function validateProp(key, propOptions, propsData, vm) {
+ var prop = propOptions[key];
+ var absent = !hasOwn(propsData, key);
+ var value = propsData[key];
+ // boolean casting
+ var booleanIndex = getTypeIndex(Boolean, prop.type);
+ if (booleanIndex > -1) {
+ if (absent && !hasOwn(prop, "default")) {
+ value = false;
+ } else if (value === "" || value === hyphenate(key)) {
+ // only cast empty string / same name to boolean if
+ // boolean has higher priority
+ var stringIndex = getTypeIndex(String, prop.type);
+ if (stringIndex < 0 || booleanIndex < stringIndex) {
+ value = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check default value
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ value = getPropDefaultValue(vm, prop, key);
+ // since the default value is a fresh copy,
+ // make sure to observe it.
+ var prevShouldObserve = shouldObserve;
+ toggleObserving(true);
+ observe(value);
+ toggleObserving(prevShouldObserve);
+ }
+ {
+ assertProp(prop, key, value, vm, absent);
+ }
+ return value;
- return value
- * Get the default value of a prop.
- */
-function getPropDefaultValue (vm, prop, key) {
- // no default, return undefined
- if (!hasOwn(prop, 'default')) {
- return undefined
- }
- var def = prop.default;
- // warn against non-factory defaults for Object & Array
- if ("development" !== 'production' && isObject(def)) {
- warn(
- 'Invalid default value for prop "' + key + '": ' +
- 'Props with type Object/Array must use a factory function ' +
- 'to return the default value.',
- vm
- );
+ /**
+ * Get the default value of a prop.
+ */
+ function getPropDefaultValue(vm, prop, key) {
+ // no default, return undefined
+ if (!hasOwn(prop, "default")) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ var def = prop.default;
+ // warn against non-factory defaults for Object & Array
+ if ("development" !== "production" && isObject(def)) {
+ warn(
+ 'Invalid default value for prop "' +
+ key +
+ '": ' +
+ "Props with type Object/Array must use a factory function " +
+ "to return the default value.",
+ vm,
+ );
+ }
+ // the raw prop value was also undefined from previous render,
+ // return previous default value to avoid unnecessary watcher trigger
+ if (vm && vm.$options.propsData && vm.$options.propsData[key] === undefined && vm._props[key] !== undefined) {
+ return vm._props[key];
+ }
+ // call factory function for non-Function types
+ // a value is Function if its prototype is function even across different execution context
+ return typeof def === "function" && getType(prop.type) !== "Function" ? def.call(vm) : def;
- // the raw prop value was also undefined from previous render,
- // return previous default value to avoid unnecessary watcher trigger
- if (vm && vm.$options.propsData &&
- vm.$options.propsData[key] === undefined &&
- vm._props[key] !== undefined
+ /**
+ * Assert whether a prop is valid.
+ */
+ function assertProp(prop, name, value, vm, absent) {
+ if (prop.required && absent) {
+ warn('Missing required prop: "' + name + '"', vm);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (value == null && !prop.required) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var type = prop.type;
+ var valid = !type || type === true;
+ var expectedTypes = [];
+ if (type) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(type)) {
+ type = [type];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < type.length && !valid; i++) {
+ var assertedType = assertType(value, type[i]);
+ expectedTypes.push(assertedType.expectedType || "");
+ valid = assertedType.valid;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ warn(
+ 'Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "' +
+ name +
+ '".' +
+ " Expected " +
+ expectedTypes.map(capitalize).join(", ") +
+ ", got " +
+ toRawType(value) +
+ ".",
+ vm,
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ var validator = prop.validator;
+ if (validator) {
+ if (!validator(value)) {
+ warn('Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "' + name + '".', vm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var simpleCheckRE = /^(String|Number|Boolean|Function|Symbol)$/;
+ function assertType(value, type) {
+ var valid;
+ var expectedType = getType(type);
+ if (simpleCheckRE.test(expectedType)) {
+ var t = typeof value;
+ valid = t === expectedType.toLowerCase();
+ // for primitive wrapper objects
+ if (!valid && t === "object") {
+ valid = value instanceof type;
+ }
+ } else if (expectedType === "Object") {
+ valid = isPlainObject(value);
+ } else if (expectedType === "Array") {
+ valid = Array.isArray(value);
+ } else {
+ valid = value instanceof type;
+ }
+ return {
+ valid: valid,
+ expectedType: expectedType,
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use function string name to check built-in types,
+ * because a simple equality check will fail when running
+ * across different vms / iframes.
+ */
+ function getType(fn) {
+ var match = fn && fn.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/);
+ return match ? match[1] : "";
+ }
+ function isSameType(a, b) {
+ return getType(a) === getType(b);
+ }
+ function getTypeIndex(type, expectedTypes) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(expectedTypes)) {
+ return isSameType(expectedTypes, type) ? 0 : -1;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, len = expectedTypes.length; i < len; i++) {
+ if (isSameType(expectedTypes[i], type)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* */
+ function handleError(err, vm, info) {
+ if (vm) {
+ var cur = vm;
+ while ((cur = cur.$parent)) {
+ var hooks = cur.$options.errorCaptured;
+ if (hooks) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {
+ try {
+ var capture = hooks[i].call(cur, err, vm, info) === false;
+ if (capture) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ globalHandleError(e, cur, "errorCaptured hook");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ globalHandleError(err, vm, info);
+ }
+ function globalHandleError(err, vm, info) {
+ if (config.errorHandler) {
+ try {
+ return config.errorHandler.call(null, err, vm, info);
+ } catch (e) {
+ logError(e, null, "config.errorHandler");
+ }
+ }
+ logError(err, vm, info);
+ }
+ function logError(err, vm, info) {
+ {
+ warn("Error in " + info + ': "' + err.toString() + '"', vm);
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ if ((inBrowser || inWeex) && typeof console !== "undefined") {
+ console.error(err);
+ } else {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ /* globals MessageChannel */
+ var callbacks = [];
+ var pending = false;
+ function flushCallbacks() {
+ pending = false;
+ var copies = callbacks.slice(0);
+ callbacks.length = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) {
+ copies[i]();
+ }
+ }
+ // Here we have async deferring wrappers using both microtasks and (macro) tasks.
+ // In < 2.4 we used microtasks everywhere, but there are some scenarios where
+ // microtasks have too high a priority and fire in between supposedly
+ // sequential events (e.g. #4521, #6690) or even between bubbling of the same
+ // event (#6566). However, using (macro) tasks everywhere also has subtle problems
+ // when state is changed right before repaint (e.g. #6813, out-in transitions).
+ // Here we use microtask by default, but expose a way to force (macro) task when
+ // needed (e.g. in event handlers attached by v-on).
+ var microTimerFunc;
+ var macroTimerFunc;
+ var useMacroTask = false;
+ // Determine (macro) task defer implementation.
+ // Technically setImmediate should be the ideal choice, but it's only available
+ // in IE. The only polyfill that consistently queues the callback after all DOM
+ // events triggered in the same loop is by using MessageChannel.
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (typeof setImmediate !== "undefined" && isNative(setImmediate)) {
+ macroTimerFunc = function() {
+ setImmediate(flushCallbacks);
+ };
+ } else if (
+ typeof MessageChannel !== "undefined" &&
+ (isNative(MessageChannel) ||
+ // PhantomJS
+ MessageChannel.toString() === "[object MessageChannelConstructor]")
) {
- return vm._props[key]
+ var channel = new MessageChannel();
+ var port = channel.port2;
+ channel.port1.onmessage = flushCallbacks;
+ macroTimerFunc = function() {
+ port.postMessage(1);
+ };
+ } else {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ macroTimerFunc = function() {
+ setTimeout(flushCallbacks, 0);
+ };
- // call factory function for non-Function types
- // a value is Function if its prototype is function even across different execution context
- return typeof def === 'function' && getType(prop.type) !== 'Function'
- ? def.call(vm)
- : def
- * Assert whether a prop is valid.
- */
-function assertProp (
- prop,
- name,
- value,
- vm,
- absent
-) {
- if (prop.required && absent) {
- warn(
- 'Missing required prop: "' + name + '"',
- vm
- );
- return
- }
- if (value == null && !prop.required) {
- return
- }
- var type = prop.type;
- var valid = !type || type === true;
- var expectedTypes = [];
- if (type) {
- if (!Array.isArray(type)) {
- type = [type];
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < type.length && !valid; i++) {
- var assertedType = assertType(value, type[i]);
- expectedTypes.push(assertedType.expectedType || '');
- valid = assertedType.valid;
- }
- }
- if (!valid) {
- warn(
- "Invalid prop: type check failed for prop \"" + name + "\"." +
- " Expected " + (expectedTypes.map(capitalize).join(', ')) +
- ", got " + (toRawType(value)) + ".",
- vm
+ // Determine microtask defer implementation.
+ /* istanbul ignore next, $flow-disable-line */
+ if (typeof Promise !== "undefined" && isNative(Promise)) {
+ var p = Promise.resolve();
+ microTimerFunc = function() {
+ p.then(flushCallbacks);
+ // in problematic UIWebViews, Promise.then doesn't completely break, but
+ // it can get stuck in a weird state where callbacks are pushed into the
+ // microtask queue but the queue isn't being flushed, until the browser
+ // needs to do some other work, e.g. handle a timer. Therefore we can
+ // "force" the microtask queue to be flushed by adding an empty timer.
+ if (isIOS) {
+ setTimeout(noop);
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ // fallback to macro
+ microTimerFunc = macroTimerFunc;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wrap a function so that if any code inside triggers state change,
+ * the changes are queued using a (macro) task instead of a microtask.
+ */
+ function withMacroTask(fn) {
+ return (
+ fn._withTask ||
+ (fn._withTask = function() {
+ useMacroTask = true;
+ var res = fn.apply(null, arguments);
+ useMacroTask = false;
+ return res;
+ })
- return
- var validator = prop.validator;
- if (validator) {
- if (!validator(value)) {
+ function nextTick(cb, ctx) {
+ var _resolve;
+ callbacks.push(function() {
+ if (cb) {
+ try {
+ cb.call(ctx);
+ } catch (e) {
+ handleError(e, ctx, "nextTick");
+ }
+ } else if (_resolve) {
+ _resolve(ctx);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!pending) {
+ pending = true;
+ if (useMacroTask) {
+ macroTimerFunc();
+ } else {
+ microTimerFunc();
+ }
+ }
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ if (!cb && typeof Promise !== "undefined") {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve) {
+ _resolve = resolve;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ var mark;
+ var measure;
+ {
+ var perf = inBrowser && window.performance;
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (perf && perf.mark && perf.measure && perf.clearMarks && perf.clearMeasures) {
+ mark = function(tag) {
+ return perf.mark(tag);
+ };
+ measure = function(name, startTag, endTag) {
+ perf.measure(name, startTag, endTag);
+ perf.clearMarks(startTag);
+ perf.clearMarks(endTag);
+ perf.clearMeasures(name);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ /* not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with Proxy */
+ var initProxy;
+ {
+ var allowedGlobals = makeMap(
+ "Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN," +
+ "parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent," +
+ "Math,Number,Date,Array,Object,Boolean,String,RegExp,Map,Set,JSON,Intl," +
+ "require", // for Webpack/Browserify
+ );
+ var warnNonPresent = function(target, key) {
- 'Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "' + name + '".',
- vm
+ 'Property or method "' +
+ key +
+ '" is not defined on the instance but ' +
+ "referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, " +
+ "either in the data option, or for class-based components, by " +
+ "initializing the property. " +
+ "See: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Reactive-Properties.",
+ target,
+ };
+ var hasProxy = typeof Proxy !== "undefined" && isNative(Proxy);
+ if (hasProxy) {
+ var isBuiltInModifier = makeMap("stop,prevent,self,ctrl,shift,alt,meta,exact");
+ config.keyCodes = new Proxy(config.keyCodes, {
+ set: function set(target, key, value) {
+ if (isBuiltInModifier(key)) {
+ warn("Avoid overwriting built-in modifier in config.keyCodes: ." + key);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ target[key] = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ var hasHandler = {
+ has: function has(target, key) {
+ var has = key in target;
+ var isAllowed = allowedGlobals(key) || key.charAt(0) === "_";
+ if (!has && !isAllowed) {
+ warnNonPresent(target, key);
+ }
+ return has || !isAllowed;
+ },
+ };
+ var getHandler = {
+ get: function get(target, key) {
+ if (typeof key === "string" && !(key in target)) {
+ warnNonPresent(target, key);
+ }
+ return target[key];
+ },
+ };
+ initProxy = function initProxy(vm) {
+ if (hasProxy) {
+ // determine which proxy handler to use
+ var options = vm.$options;
+ var handlers = options.render && options.render._withStripped ? getHandler : hasHandler;
+ vm._renderProxy = new Proxy(vm, handlers);
+ } else {
+ vm._renderProxy = vm;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /* */
+ var seenObjects = new _Set();
+ /**
+ * Recursively traverse an object to evoke all converted
+ * getters, so that every nested property inside the object
+ * is collected as a "deep" dependency.
+ */
+ function traverse(val) {
+ _traverse(val, seenObjects);
+ seenObjects.clear();
+ }
+ function _traverse(val, seen) {
+ var i, keys;
+ var isA = Array.isArray(val);
+ if ((!isA && !isObject(val)) || Object.isFrozen(val) || val instanceof VNode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (val.__ob__) {
+ var depId = val.__ob__.dep.id;
+ if (seen.has(depId)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ seen.add(depId);
+ }
+ if (isA) {
+ i = val.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ _traverse(val[i], seen);
+ }
+ } else {
+ keys = Object.keys(val);
+ i = keys.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ _traverse(val[keys[i]], seen);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ var normalizeEvent = cached(function(name) {
+ var passive = name.charAt(0) === "&";
+ name = passive ? name.slice(1) : name;
+ var once$$1 = name.charAt(0) === "~"; // Prefixed last, checked first
+ name = once$$1 ? name.slice(1) : name;
+ var capture = name.charAt(0) === "!";
+ name = capture ? name.slice(1) : name;
+ return {
+ name: name,
+ once: once$$1,
+ capture: capture,
+ passive: passive,
+ };
+ });
+ function createFnInvoker(fns) {
+ function invoker() {
+ var arguments$1 = arguments;
+ var fns = invoker.fns;
+ if (Array.isArray(fns)) {
+ var cloned = fns.slice();
+ for (var i = 0; i < cloned.length; i++) {
+ cloned[i].apply(null, arguments$1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // return handler return value for single handlers
+ return fns.apply(null, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ invoker.fns = fns;
+ return invoker;
+ }
+ function updateListeners(on, oldOn, add, remove$$1, vm) {
+ var name, def, cur, old, event;
+ for (name in on) {
+ def = cur = on[name];
+ old = oldOn[name];
+ event = normalizeEvent(name);
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (isUndef(cur)) {
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn('Invalid handler for event "' + event.name + '": got ' + String(cur), vm);
+ } else if (isUndef(old)) {
+ if (isUndef(cur.fns)) {
+ cur = on[name] = createFnInvoker(cur);
+ }
+ add(event.name, cur, event.once, event.capture, event.passive, event.params);
+ } else if (cur !== old) {
+ old.fns = cur;
+ on[name] = old;
+ }
+ }
+ for (name in oldOn) {
+ if (isUndef(on[name])) {
+ event = normalizeEvent(name);
+ remove$$1(event.name, oldOn[name], event.capture);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ function mergeVNodeHook(def, hookKey, hook) {
+ if (def instanceof VNode) {
+ def = def.data.hook || (def.data.hook = {});
+ }
+ var invoker;
+ var oldHook = def[hookKey];
+ function wrappedHook() {
+ hook.apply(this, arguments);
+ // important: remove merged hook to ensure it's called only once
+ // and prevent memory leak
+ remove(invoker.fns, wrappedHook);
+ }
+ if (isUndef(oldHook)) {
+ // no existing hook
+ invoker = createFnInvoker([wrappedHook]);
+ } else {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (isDef(oldHook.fns) && isTrue(oldHook.merged)) {
+ // already a merged invoker
+ invoker = oldHook;
+ invoker.fns.push(wrappedHook);
+ } else {
+ // existing plain hook
+ invoker = createFnInvoker([oldHook, wrappedHook]);
+ }
+ }
+ invoker.merged = true;
+ def[hookKey] = invoker;
+ }
+ /* */
+ function extractPropsFromVNodeData(data, Ctor, tag) {
+ // we are only extracting raw values here.
+ // validation and default values are handled in the child
+ // component itself.
+ var propOptions = Ctor.options.props;
+ if (isUndef(propOptions)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var res = {};
+ var attrs = data.attrs;
+ var props = data.props;
+ if (isDef(attrs) || isDef(props)) {
+ for (var key in propOptions) {
+ var altKey = hyphenate(key);
+ {
+ var keyInLowerCase = key.toLowerCase();
+ if (key !== keyInLowerCase && attrs && hasOwn(attrs, keyInLowerCase)) {
+ tip(
+ 'Prop "' +
+ keyInLowerCase +
+ '" is passed to component ' +
+ formatComponentName(tag || Ctor) +
+ ", but the declared prop name is" +
+ ' "' +
+ key +
+ '". ' +
+ "Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and camelCased " +
+ "props need to use their kebab-case equivalents when using in-DOM " +
+ 'templates. You should probably use "' +
+ altKey +
+ '" instead of "' +
+ key +
+ '".',
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ checkProp(res, props, key, altKey, true) || checkProp(res, attrs, key, altKey, false);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function checkProp(res, hash, key, altKey, preserve) {
+ if (isDef(hash)) {
+ if (hasOwn(hash, key)) {
+ res[key] = hash[key];
+ if (!preserve) {
+ delete hash[key];
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else if (hasOwn(hash, altKey)) {
+ res[key] = hash[altKey];
+ if (!preserve) {
+ delete hash[altKey];
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* */
+ // The template compiler attempts to minimize the need for normalization by
+ // statically analyzing the template at compile time.
+ //
+ // For plain HTML markup, normalization can be completely skipped because the
+ // generated render function is guaranteed to return Array. There are
+ // two cases where extra normalization is needed:
+ // 1. When the children contains components - because a functional component
+ // may return an Array instead of a single root. In this case, just a simple
+ // normalization is needed - if any child is an Array, we flatten the whole
+ // thing with Array.prototype.concat. It is guaranteed to be only 1-level deep
+ // because functional components already normalize their own children.
+ function simpleNormalizeChildren(children) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ if (Array.isArray(children[i])) {
+ return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], children);
+ }
+ }
+ return children;
+ }
+ // 2. When the children contains constructs that always generated nested Arrays,
+ // e.g. , , v-for, or when the children is provided by user
+ // with hand-written render functions / JSX. In such cases a full normalization
+ // is needed to cater to all possible types of children values.
+ function normalizeChildren(children) {
+ return isPrimitive(children)
+ ? [createTextVNode(children)]
+ : Array.isArray(children)
+ ? normalizeArrayChildren(children)
+ : undefined;
+ }
+ function isTextNode(node) {
+ return isDef(node) && isDef(node.text) && isFalse(node.isComment);
+ }
+ function normalizeArrayChildren(children, nestedIndex) {
+ var res = [];
+ var i, c, lastIndex, last;
+ for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ c = children[i];
+ if (isUndef(c) || typeof c === "boolean") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ lastIndex = res.length - 1;
+ last = res[lastIndex];
+ // nested
+ if (Array.isArray(c)) {
+ if (c.length > 0) {
+ c = normalizeArrayChildren(c, (nestedIndex || "") + "_" + i);
+ // merge adjacent text nodes
+ if (isTextNode(c[0]) && isTextNode(last)) {
+ res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + c[0].text);
+ c.shift();
+ }
+ res.push.apply(res, c);
+ }
+ } else if (isPrimitive(c)) {
+ if (isTextNode(last)) {
+ // merge adjacent text nodes
+ // this is necessary for SSR hydration because text nodes are
+ // essentially merged when rendered to HTML strings
+ res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + c);
+ } else if (c !== "") {
+ // convert primitive to vnode
+ res.push(createTextVNode(c));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (isTextNode(c) && isTextNode(last)) {
+ // merge adjacent text nodes
+ res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + c.text);
+ } else {
+ // default key for nested array children (likely generated by v-for)
+ if (isTrue(children._isVList) && isDef(c.tag) && isUndef(c.key) && isDef(nestedIndex)) {
+ c.key = "__vlist" + nestedIndex + "_" + i + "__";
+ }
+ res.push(c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* */
+ function ensureCtor(comp, base) {
+ if (comp.__esModule || (hasSymbol && comp[Symbol.toStringTag] === "Module")) {
+ comp = comp.default;
+ }
+ return isObject(comp) ? base.extend(comp) : comp;
+ }
+ function createAsyncPlaceholder(factory, data, context, children, tag) {
+ var node = createEmptyVNode();
+ node.asyncFactory = factory;
+ node.asyncMeta = { data: data, context: context, children: children, tag: tag };
+ return node;
+ }
+ function resolveAsyncComponent(factory, baseCtor, context) {
+ if (isTrue(factory.error) && isDef(factory.errorComp)) {
+ return factory.errorComp;
+ }
+ if (isDef(factory.resolved)) {
+ return factory.resolved;
+ }
+ if (isTrue(factory.loading) && isDef(factory.loadingComp)) {
+ return factory.loadingComp;
+ }
+ if (isDef(factory.contexts)) {
+ // already pending
+ factory.contexts.push(context);
+ } else {
+ var contexts = (factory.contexts = [context]);
+ var sync = true;
+ var forceRender = function() {
+ for (var i = 0, l = contexts.length; i < l; i++) {
+ contexts[i].$forceUpdate();
+ }
+ };
+ var resolve = once(function(res) {
+ // cache resolved
+ factory.resolved = ensureCtor(res, baseCtor);
+ // invoke callbacks only if this is not a synchronous resolve
+ // (async resolves are shimmed as synchronous during SSR)
+ if (!sync) {
+ forceRender();
+ }
+ });
+ var reject = once(function(reason) {
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn("Failed to resolve async component: " + String(factory) + (reason ? "\nReason: " + reason : ""));
+ if (isDef(factory.errorComp)) {
+ factory.error = true;
+ forceRender();
+ }
+ });
+ var res = factory(resolve, reject);
+ if (isObject(res)) {
+ if (typeof res.then === "function") {
+ // () => Promise
+ if (isUndef(factory.resolved)) {
+ res.then(resolve, reject);
+ }
+ } else if (isDef(res.component) && typeof res.component.then === "function") {
+ res.component.then(resolve, reject);
+ if (isDef(res.error)) {
+ factory.errorComp = ensureCtor(res.error, baseCtor);
+ }
+ if (isDef(res.loading)) {
+ factory.loadingComp = ensureCtor(res.loading, baseCtor);
+ if (res.delay === 0) {
+ factory.loading = true;
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if (isUndef(factory.resolved) && isUndef(factory.error)) {
+ factory.loading = true;
+ forceRender();
+ }
+ }, res.delay || 200);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isDef(res.timeout)) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ if (isUndef(factory.resolved)) {
+ reject("timeout (" + res.timeout + "ms)");
+ }
+ }, res.timeout);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sync = false;
+ // return in case resolved synchronously
+ return factory.loading ? factory.loadingComp : factory.resolved;
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ function isAsyncPlaceholder(node) {
+ return node.isComment && node.asyncFactory;
+ }
+ /* */
+ function getFirstComponentChild(children) {
+ if (Array.isArray(children)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ var c = children[i];
+ if (isDef(c) && (isDef(c.componentOptions) || isAsyncPlaceholder(c))) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ function initEvents(vm) {
+ vm._events = Object.create(null);
+ vm._hasHookEvent = false;
+ // init parent attached events
+ var listeners = vm.$options._parentListeners;
+ if (listeners) {
+ updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners);
+ }
+ }
+ var target;
+ function add(event, fn, once) {
+ if (once) {
+ target.$once(event, fn);
+ } else {
+ target.$on(event, fn);
+ }
+ }
+ function remove$1(event, fn) {
+ target.$off(event, fn);
+ }
+ function updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners, oldListeners) {
+ target = vm;
+ updateListeners(listeners, oldListeners || {}, add, remove$1, vm);
+ target = undefined;
+ }
+ function eventsMixin(Vue) {
+ var hookRE = /^hook:/;
+ Vue.prototype.$on = function(event, fn) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var vm = this;
+ if (Array.isArray(event)) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = event.length; i < l; i++) {
+ this$1.$on(event[i], fn);
+ }
+ } else {
+ (vm._events[event] || (vm._events[event] = [])).push(fn);
+ // optimize hook:event cost by using a boolean flag marked at registration
+ // instead of a hash lookup
+ if (hookRE.test(event)) {
+ vm._hasHookEvent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return vm;
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$once = function(event, fn) {
+ var vm = this;
+ function on() {
+ vm.$off(event, on);
+ fn.apply(vm, arguments);
+ }
+ on.fn = fn;
+ vm.$on(event, on);
+ return vm;
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$off = function(event, fn) {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var vm = this;
+ // all
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ vm._events = Object.create(null);
+ return vm;
+ }
+ // array of events
+ if (Array.isArray(event)) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = event.length; i < l; i++) {
+ this$1.$off(event[i], fn);
+ }
+ return vm;
+ }
+ // specific event
+ var cbs = vm._events[event];
+ if (!cbs) {
+ return vm;
+ }
+ if (!fn) {
+ vm._events[event] = null;
+ return vm;
+ }
+ if (fn) {
+ // specific handler
+ var cb;
+ var i$1 = cbs.length;
+ while (i$1--) {
+ cb = cbs[i$1];
+ if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) {
+ cbs.splice(i$1, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vm;
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$emit = function(event) {
+ var vm = this;
+ {
+ var lowerCaseEvent = event.toLowerCase();
+ if (lowerCaseEvent !== event && vm._events[lowerCaseEvent]) {
+ tip(
+ 'Event "' +
+ lowerCaseEvent +
+ '" is emitted in component ' +
+ formatComponentName(vm) +
+ ' but the handler is registered for "' +
+ event +
+ '". ' +
+ "Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and you cannot use " +
+ "v-on to listen to camelCase events when using in-DOM templates. " +
+ 'You should probably use "' +
+ hyphenate(event) +
+ '" instead of "' +
+ event +
+ '".',
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ var cbs = vm._events[event];
+ if (cbs) {
+ cbs = cbs.length > 1 ? toArray(cbs) : cbs;
+ var args = toArray(arguments, 1);
+ for (var i = 0, l = cbs.length; i < l; i++) {
+ try {
+ cbs[i].apply(vm, args);
+ } catch (e) {
+ handleError(e, vm, 'event handler for "' + event + '"');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vm;
+ };
+ }
+ /* */
+ /**
+ * Runtime helper for resolving raw children VNodes into a slot object.
+ */
+ function resolveSlots(children, context) {
+ var slots = {};
+ if (!children) {
+ return slots;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var child = children[i];
+ var data = child.data;
+ // remove slot attribute if the node is resolved as a Vue slot node
+ if (data && data.attrs && data.attrs.slot) {
+ delete data.attrs.slot;
+ }
+ // named slots should only be respected if the vnode was rendered in the
+ // same context.
+ if ((child.context === context || child.fnContext === context) && data && data.slot != null) {
+ var name = data.slot;
+ var slot = slots[name] || (slots[name] = []);
+ if (child.tag === "template") {
+ slot.push.apply(slot, child.children || []);
+ } else {
+ slot.push(child);
+ }
+ } else {
+ (slots.default || (slots.default = [])).push(child);
+ }
+ }
+ // ignore slots that contains only whitespace
+ for (var name$1 in slots) {
+ if (slots[name$1].every(isWhitespace)) {
+ delete slots[name$1];
+ }
+ }
+ return slots;
+ }
+ function isWhitespace(node) {
+ return (node.isComment && !node.asyncFactory) || node.text === " ";
+ }
+ function resolveScopedSlots(
+ fns, // see flow/vnode
+ res,
+ ) {
+ res = res || {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
+ if (Array.isArray(fns[i])) {
+ resolveScopedSlots(fns[i], res);
+ } else {
+ res[fns[i].key] = fns[i].fn;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* */
+ var activeInstance = null;
+ var isUpdatingChildComponent = false;
+ function initLifecycle(vm) {
+ var options = vm.$options;
+ // locate first non-abstract parent
+ var parent = options.parent;
+ if (parent && !options.abstract) {
+ while (parent.$options.abstract && parent.$parent) {
+ parent = parent.$parent;
+ }
+ parent.$children.push(vm);
+ }
+ vm.$parent = parent;
+ vm.$root = parent ? parent.$root : vm;
+ vm.$children = [];
+ vm.$refs = {};
+ vm._watcher = null;
+ vm._inactive = null;
+ vm._directInactive = false;
+ vm._isMounted = false;
+ vm._isDestroyed = false;
+ vm._isBeingDestroyed = false;
+ }
+ function lifecycleMixin(Vue) {
+ Vue.prototype._update = function(vnode, hydrating) {
+ var vm = this;
+ if (vm._isMounted) {
+ callHook(vm, "beforeUpdate");
+ }
+ var prevEl = vm.$el;
+ var prevVnode = vm._vnode;
+ var prevActiveInstance = activeInstance;
+ activeInstance = vm;
+ vm._vnode = vnode;
+ // Vue.prototype.__patch__ is injected in entry points
+ // based on the rendering backend used.
+ if (!prevVnode) {
+ // initial render
+ vm.$el = vm.__patch__(
+ vm.$el,
+ vnode,
+ hydrating,
+ false /* removeOnly */,
+ vm.$options._parentElm,
+ vm.$options._refElm,
+ );
+ // no need for the ref nodes after initial patch
+ // this prevents keeping a detached DOM tree in memory (#5851)
+ vm.$options._parentElm = vm.$options._refElm = null;
+ } else {
+ // updates
+ vm.$el = vm.__patch__(prevVnode, vnode);
+ }
+ activeInstance = prevActiveInstance;
+ // update __vue__ reference
+ if (prevEl) {
+ prevEl.__vue__ = null;
+ }
+ if (vm.$el) {
+ vm.$el.__vue__ = vm;
+ }
+ // if parent is an HOC, update its $el as well
+ if (vm.$vnode && vm.$parent && vm.$vnode === vm.$parent._vnode) {
+ vm.$parent.$el = vm.$el;
+ }
+ // updated hook is called by the scheduler to ensure that children are
+ // updated in a parent's updated hook.
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$forceUpdate = function() {
+ var vm = this;
+ if (vm._watcher) {
+ vm._watcher.update();
+ }
+ };
+ Vue.prototype.$destroy = function() {
+ var vm = this;
+ if (vm._isBeingDestroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ callHook(vm, "beforeDestroy");
+ vm._isBeingDestroyed = true;
+ // remove self from parent
+ var parent = vm.$parent;
+ if (parent && !parent._isBeingDestroyed && !vm.$options.abstract) {
+ remove(parent.$children, vm);
+ }
+ // teardown watchers
+ if (vm._watcher) {
+ vm._watcher.teardown();
+ }
+ var i = vm._watchers.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ vm._watchers[i].teardown();
+ }
+ // remove reference from data ob
+ // frozen object may not have observer.
+ if (vm._data.__ob__) {
+ vm._data.__ob__.vmCount--;
+ }
+ // call the last hook...
+ vm._isDestroyed = true;
+ // invoke destroy hooks on current rendered tree
+ vm.__patch__(vm._vnode, null);
+ // fire destroyed hook
+ callHook(vm, "destroyed");
+ // turn off all instance listeners.
+ vm.$off();
+ // remove __vue__ reference
+ if (vm.$el) {
+ vm.$el.__vue__ = null;
+ }
+ // release circular reference (#6759)
+ if (vm.$vnode) {
+ vm.$vnode.parent = null;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function mountComponent(vm, el, hydrating) {
+ vm.$el = el;
+ if (!vm.$options.render) {
+ vm.$options.render = createEmptyVNode;
+ {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ((vm.$options.template && vm.$options.template.charAt(0) !== "#") || vm.$options.el || el) {
+ warn(
+ "You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template " +
+ "compiler is not available. Either pre-compile the templates into " +
+ "render functions, or use the compiler-included build.",
+ vm,
+ );
+ } else {
+ warn("Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.", vm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ callHook(vm, "beforeMount");
+ var updateComponent;
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ("development" !== "production" && config.performance && mark) {
+ updateComponent = function() {
+ var name = vm._name;
+ var id = vm._uid;
+ var startTag = "vue-perf-start:" + id;
+ var endTag = "vue-perf-end:" + id;
+ mark(startTag);
+ var vnode = vm._render();
+ mark(endTag);
+ measure("vue " + name + " render", startTag, endTag);
+ mark(startTag);
+ vm._update(vnode, hydrating);
+ mark(endTag);
+ measure("vue " + name + " patch", startTag, endTag);
+ };
+ } else {
+ updateComponent = function() {
+ vm._update(vm._render(), hydrating);
+ };
+ }
+ // we set this to vm._watcher inside the watcher's constructor
+ // since the watcher's initial patch may call $forceUpdate (e.g. inside child
+ // component's mounted hook), which relies on vm._watcher being already defined
+ new Watcher(vm, updateComponent, noop, null, true /* isRenderWatcher */);
+ hydrating = false;
+ // manually mounted instance, call mounted on self
+ // mounted is called for render-created child components in its inserted hook
+ if (vm.$vnode == null) {
+ vm._isMounted = true;
+ callHook(vm, "mounted");
+ }
+ return vm;
+ }
+ function updateChildComponent(vm, propsData, listeners, parentVnode, renderChildren) {
+ {
+ isUpdatingChildComponent = true;
+ }
+ // determine whether component has slot children
+ // we need to do this before overwriting $options._renderChildren
+ var hasChildren = !!(
+ renderChildren || // has new static slots
+ vm.$options._renderChildren || // has old static slots
+ parentVnode.data.scopedSlots || // has new scoped slots
+ vm.$scopedSlots !== emptyObject
+ ); // has old scoped slots
+ vm.$options._parentVnode = parentVnode;
+ vm.$vnode = parentVnode; // update vm's placeholder node without re-render
+ if (vm._vnode) {
+ // update child tree's parent
+ vm._vnode.parent = parentVnode;
+ }
+ vm.$options._renderChildren = renderChildren;
+ // update $attrs and $listeners hash
+ // these are also reactive so they may trigger child update if the child
+ // used them during render
+ vm.$attrs = parentVnode.data.attrs || emptyObject;
+ vm.$listeners = listeners || emptyObject;
+ // update props
+ if (propsData && vm.$options.props) {
+ toggleObserving(false);
+ var props = vm._props;
+ var propKeys = vm.$options._propKeys || [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < propKeys.length; i++) {
+ var key = propKeys[i];
+ var propOptions = vm.$options.props; // wtf flow?
+ props[key] = validateProp(key, propOptions, propsData, vm);
+ }
+ toggleObserving(true);
+ // keep a copy of raw propsData
+ vm.$options.propsData = propsData;
+ }
+ // update listeners
+ listeners = listeners || emptyObject;
+ var oldListeners = vm.$options._parentListeners;
+ vm.$options._parentListeners = listeners;
+ updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners, oldListeners);
+ // resolve slots + force update if has children
+ if (hasChildren) {
+ vm.$slots = resolveSlots(renderChildren, parentVnode.context);
+ vm.$forceUpdate();
+ }
+ {
+ isUpdatingChildComponent = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function isInInactiveTree(vm) {
+ while (vm && (vm = vm.$parent)) {
+ if (vm._inactive) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function activateChildComponent(vm, direct) {
+ if (direct) {
+ vm._directInactive = false;
+ if (isInInactiveTree(vm)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (vm._directInactive) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (vm._inactive || vm._inactive === null) {
+ vm._inactive = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < vm.$children.length; i++) {
+ activateChildComponent(vm.$children[i]);
+ }
+ callHook(vm, "activated");
+ }
+ }
+ function deactivateChildComponent(vm, direct) {
+ if (direct) {
+ vm._directInactive = true;
+ if (isInInactiveTree(vm)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!vm._inactive) {
+ vm._inactive = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < vm.$children.length; i++) {
+ deactivateChildComponent(vm.$children[i]);
+ }
+ callHook(vm, "deactivated");
+ }
+ }
+ function callHook(vm, hook) {
+ // #7573 disable dep collection when invoking lifecycle hooks
+ pushTarget();
+ var handlers = vm.$options[hook];
+ if (handlers) {
+ for (var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++) {
+ try {
+ handlers[i].call(vm);
+ } catch (e) {
+ handleError(e, vm, hook + " hook");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (vm._hasHookEvent) {
+ vm.$emit("hook:" + hook);
+ }
+ popTarget();
+ }
+ /* */
+ var MAX_UPDATE_COUNT = 100;
+ var queue = [];
+ var activatedChildren = [];
+ var has = {};
+ var circular = {};
+ var waiting = false;
+ var flushing = false;
+ var index = 0;
+ /**
+ * Reset the scheduler's state.
+ */
+ function resetSchedulerState() {
+ index = queue.length = activatedChildren.length = 0;
+ has = {};
+ {
+ circular = {};
+ }
+ waiting = flushing = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Flush both queues and run the watchers.
+ */
+ function flushSchedulerQueue() {
+ flushing = true;
+ var watcher, id;
+ // Sort queue before flush.
+ // This ensures that:
+ // 1. Components are updated from parent to child. (because parent is always
+ // created before the child)
+ // 2. A component's user watchers are run before its render watcher (because
+ // user watchers are created before the render watcher)
+ // 3. If a component is destroyed during a parent component's watcher run,
+ // its watchers can be skipped.
+ queue.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return a.id - b.id;
+ });
+ // do not cache length because more watchers might be pushed
+ // as we run existing watchers
+ for (index = 0; index < queue.length; index++) {
+ watcher = queue[index];
+ id = watcher.id;
+ has[id] = null;
+ watcher.run();
+ // in dev build, check and stop circular updates.
+ if ("development" !== "production" && has[id] != null) {
+ circular[id] = (circular[id] || 0) + 1;
+ if (circular[id] > MAX_UPDATE_COUNT) {
+ warn(
+ "You may have an infinite update loop " +
+ (watcher.user
+ ? 'in watcher with expression "' + watcher.expression + '"'
+ : "in a component render function."),
+ watcher.vm,
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // keep copies of post queues before resetting state
+ var activatedQueue = activatedChildren.slice();
+ var updatedQueue = queue.slice();
+ resetSchedulerState();
+ // call component updated and activated hooks
+ callActivatedHooks(activatedQueue);
+ callUpdatedHooks(updatedQueue);
+ // devtool hook
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (devtools && config.devtools) {
+ devtools.emit("flush");
+ }
+ }
+ function callUpdatedHooks(queue) {
+ var i = queue.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var watcher = queue[i];
+ var vm = watcher.vm;
+ if (vm._watcher === watcher && vm._isMounted) {
+ callHook(vm, "updated");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Queue a kept-alive component that was activated during patch.
+ * The queue will be processed after the entire tree has been patched.
+ */
+ function queueActivatedComponent(vm) {
+ // setting _inactive to false here so that a render function can
+ // rely on checking whether it's in an inactive tree (e.g. router-view)
+ vm._inactive = false;
+ activatedChildren.push(vm);
+ }
+ function callActivatedHooks(queue) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
+ queue[i]._inactive = true;
+ activateChildComponent(queue[i], true /* true */);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Push a watcher into the watcher queue.
+ * Jobs with duplicate IDs will be skipped unless it's
+ * pushed when the queue is being flushed.
+ */
+ function queueWatcher(watcher) {
+ var id = watcher.id;
+ if (has[id] == null) {
+ has[id] = true;
+ if (!flushing) {
+ queue.push(watcher);
+ } else {
+ // if already flushing, splice the watcher based on its id
+ // if already past its id, it will be run next immediately.
+ var i = queue.length - 1;
+ while (i > index && queue[i].id > watcher.id) {
+ i--;
+ }
+ queue.splice(i + 1, 0, watcher);
+ }
+ // queue the flush
+ if (!waiting) {
+ waiting = true;
+ nextTick(flushSchedulerQueue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ var uid$1 = 0;
+ /**
+ * A watcher parses an expression, collects dependencies,
+ * and fires callback when the expression value changes.
+ * This is used for both the $watch() api and directives.
+ */
+ var Watcher = function Watcher(vm, expOrFn, cb, options, isRenderWatcher) {
+ this.vm = vm;
+ if (isRenderWatcher) {
+ vm._watcher = this;
+ }
+ vm._watchers.push(this);
+ // options
+ if (options) {
+ this.deep = !!options.deep;
+ this.user = !!options.user;
+ this.lazy = !!options.lazy;
+ this.sync = !!options.sync;
+ } else {
+ this.deep = this.user = this.lazy = this.sync = false;
+ }
+ this.cb = cb;
+ this.id = ++uid$1; // uid for batching
+ this.active = true;
+ this.dirty = this.lazy; // for lazy watchers
+ this.deps = [];
+ this.newDeps = [];
+ this.depIds = new _Set();
+ this.newDepIds = new _Set();
+ this.expression = expOrFn.toString();
+ // parse expression for getter
+ if (typeof expOrFn === "function") {
+ this.getter = expOrFn;
+ } else {
+ this.getter = parsePath(expOrFn);
+ if (!this.getter) {
+ this.getter = function() {};
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn(
+ 'Failed watching path: "' +
+ expOrFn +
+ '" ' +
+ "Watcher only accepts simple dot-delimited paths. " +
+ "For full control, use a function instead.",
+ vm,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ this.value = this.lazy ? undefined : this.get();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Evaluate the getter, and re-collect dependencies.
+ */
+ Watcher.prototype.get = function get() {
+ pushTarget(this);
+ var value;
+ var vm = this.vm;
+ try {
+ value = this.getter.call(vm, vm);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (this.user) {
+ handleError(e, vm, 'getter for watcher "' + this.expression + '"');
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ // "touch" every property so they are all tracked as
+ // dependencies for deep watching
+ if (this.deep) {
+ traverse(value);
+ }
+ popTarget();
+ this.cleanupDeps();
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Add a dependency to this directive.
+ */
+ Watcher.prototype.addDep = function addDep(dep) {
+ var id = dep.id;
+ if (!this.newDepIds.has(id)) {
+ this.newDepIds.add(id);
+ this.newDeps.push(dep);
+ if (!this.depIds.has(id)) {
+ dep.addSub(this);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Clean up for dependency collection.
+ */
+ Watcher.prototype.cleanupDeps = function cleanupDeps() {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var i = this.deps.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var dep = this$1.deps[i];
+ if (!this$1.newDepIds.has(dep.id)) {
+ dep.removeSub(this$1);
+ }
+ }
+ var tmp = this.depIds;
+ this.depIds = this.newDepIds;
+ this.newDepIds = tmp;
+ this.newDepIds.clear();
+ tmp = this.deps;
+ this.deps = this.newDeps;
+ this.newDeps = tmp;
+ this.newDeps.length = 0;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Subscriber interface.
+ * Will be called when a dependency changes.
+ */
+ Watcher.prototype.update = function update() {
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ if (this.lazy) {
+ this.dirty = true;
+ } else if (this.sync) {
+ this.run();
+ } else {
+ queueWatcher(this);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Scheduler job interface.
+ * Will be called by the scheduler.
+ */
+ Watcher.prototype.run = function run() {
+ if (this.active) {
+ var value = this.get();
+ if (
+ value !== this.value ||
+ // Deep watchers and watchers on Object/Arrays should fire even
+ // when the value is the same, because the value may
+ // have mutated.
+ isObject(value) ||
+ this.deep
+ ) {
+ // set new value
+ var oldValue = this.value;
+ this.value = value;
+ if (this.user) {
+ try {
+ this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldValue);
+ } catch (e) {
+ handleError(e, this.vm, 'callback for watcher "' + this.expression + '"');
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Evaluate the value of the watcher.
+ * This only gets called for lazy watchers.
+ */
+ Watcher.prototype.evaluate = function evaluate() {
+ this.value = this.get();
+ this.dirty = false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Depend on all deps collected by this watcher.
+ */
+ Watcher.prototype.depend = function depend() {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ var i = this.deps.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ this$1.deps[i].depend();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove self from all dependencies' subscriber list.
+ */
+ Watcher.prototype.teardown = function teardown() {
+ var this$1 = this;
+ if (this.active) {
+ // remove self from vm's watcher list
+ // this is a somewhat expensive operation so we skip it
+ // if the vm is being destroyed.
+ if (!this.vm._isBeingDestroyed) {
+ remove(this.vm._watchers, this);
+ }
+ var i = this.deps.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ this$1.deps[i].removeSub(this$1);
+ }
+ this.active = false;
+ }
+ };
+ /* */
+ var sharedPropertyDefinition = {
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ get: noop,
+ set: noop,
+ };
+ function proxy(target, sourceKey, key) {
+ sharedPropertyDefinition.get = function proxyGetter() {
+ return this[sourceKey][key];
+ };
+ sharedPropertyDefinition.set = function proxySetter(val) {
+ this[sourceKey][key] = val;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition);
+ }
+ function initState(vm) {
+ vm._watchers = [];
+ var opts = vm.$options;
+ if (opts.props) {
+ initProps(vm, opts.props);
+ }
+ if (opts.methods) {
+ initMethods(vm, opts.methods);
+ }
+ if (opts.data) {
+ initData(vm);
+ } else {
+ observe((vm._data = {}), true /* asRootData */);
+ }
+ if (opts.computed) {
+ initComputed(vm, opts.computed);
+ }
+ if (opts.watch && opts.watch !== nativeWatch) {
+ initWatch(vm, opts.watch);
+ }
+ }
+ function initProps(vm, propsOptions) {
+ var propsData = vm.$options.propsData || {};
+ var props = (vm._props = {});
+ // cache prop keys so that future props updates can iterate using Array
+ // instead of dynamic object key enumeration.
+ var keys = (vm.$options._propKeys = []);
+ var isRoot = !vm.$parent;
+ // root instance props should be converted
+ if (!isRoot) {
+ toggleObserving(false);
+ }
+ var loop = function(key) {
+ keys.push(key);
+ var value = validateProp(key, propsOptions, propsData, vm);
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ {
+ var hyphenatedKey = hyphenate(key);
+ if (isReservedAttribute(hyphenatedKey) || config.isReservedAttr(hyphenatedKey)) {
+ warn('"' + hyphenatedKey + '" is a reserved attribute and cannot be used as component prop.', vm);
+ }
+ defineReactive(props, key, value, function() {
+ if (vm.$parent && !isUpdatingChildComponent) {
+ warn(
+ "Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be " +
+ "overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. " +
+ "Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's " +
+ 'value. Prop being mutated: "' +
+ key +
+ '"',
+ vm,
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // static props are already proxied on the component's prototype
+ // during Vue.extend(). We only need to proxy props defined at
+ // instantiation here.
+ if (!(key in vm)) {
+ proxy(vm, "_props", key);
+ }
+ };
+ for (var key in propsOptions) loop(key);
+ toggleObserving(true);
+ }
+ function initData(vm) {
+ var data = vm.$options.data;
+ data = vm._data = typeof data === "function" ? getData(data, vm) : data || {};
+ if (!isPlainObject(data)) {
+ data = {};
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn(
+ "data functions should return an object:\n" +
+ "https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#data-Must-Be-a-Function",
+ vm,
+ );
+ }
+ // proxy data on instance
+ var keys = Object.keys(data);
+ var props = vm.$options.props;
+ var methods = vm.$options.methods;
+ var i = keys.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var key = keys[i];
+ {
+ if (methods && hasOwn(methods, key)) {
+ warn('Method "' + key + '" has already been defined as a data property.', vm);
+ }
+ }
+ if (props && hasOwn(props, key)) {
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn(
+ 'The data property "' + key + '" is already declared as a prop. ' + "Use prop default value instead.",
+ vm,
+ );
+ } else if (!isReserved(key)) {
+ proxy(vm, "_data", key);
+ }
+ }
+ // observe data
+ observe(data, true /* asRootData */);
+ }
+ function getData(data, vm) {
+ // #7573 disable dep collection when invoking data getters
+ pushTarget();
+ try {
+ return data.call(vm, vm);
+ } catch (e) {
+ handleError(e, vm, "data()");
+ return {};
+ } finally {
+ popTarget();
-var simpleCheckRE = /^(String|Number|Boolean|Function|Symbol)$/;
+ var computedWatcherOptions = { lazy: true };
-function assertType (value, type) {
- var valid;
- var expectedType = getType(type);
- if (simpleCheckRE.test(expectedType)) {
- var t = typeof value;
- valid = t === expectedType.toLowerCase();
- // for primitive wrapper objects
- if (!valid && t === 'object') {
- valid = value instanceof type;
- }
- } else if (expectedType === 'Object') {
- valid = isPlainObject(value);
- } else if (expectedType === 'Array') {
- valid = Array.isArray(value);
- } else {
- valid = value instanceof type;
- }
- return {
- valid: valid,
- expectedType: expectedType
- }
+ function initComputed(vm, computed) {
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ var watchers = (vm._computedWatchers = Object.create(null));
+ // computed properties are just getters during SSR
+ var isSSR = isServerRendering();
- * Use function string name to check built-in types,
- * because a simple equality check will fail when running
- * across different vms / iframes.
- */
-function getType (fn) {
- var match = fn && fn.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/);
- return match ? match[1] : ''
+ for (var key in computed) {
+ var userDef = computed[key];
+ var getter = typeof userDef === "function" ? userDef : userDef.get;
+ if ("development" !== "production" && getter == null) {
+ warn('Getter is missing for computed property "' + key + '".', vm);
+ }
-function isSameType (a, b) {
- return getType(a) === getType(b)
+ if (!isSSR) {
+ // create internal watcher for the computed property.
+ watchers[key] = new Watcher(vm, getter || noop, noop, computedWatcherOptions);
+ }
-function getTypeIndex (type, expectedTypes) {
- if (!Array.isArray(expectedTypes)) {
- return isSameType(expectedTypes, type) ? 0 : -1
+ // component-defined computed properties are already defined on the
+ // component prototype. We only need to define computed properties defined
+ // at instantiation here.
+ if (!(key in vm)) {
+ defineComputed(vm, key, userDef);
+ } else {
+ if (key in vm.$data) {
+ warn('The computed property "' + key + '" is already defined in data.', vm);
+ } else if (vm.$options.props && key in vm.$options.props) {
+ warn('The computed property "' + key + '" is already defined as a prop.', vm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- for (var i = 0, len = expectedTypes.length; i < len; i++) {
- if (isSameType(expectedTypes[i], type)) {
- return i
+ function defineComputed(target, key, userDef) {
+ var shouldCache = !isServerRendering();
+ if (typeof userDef === "function") {
+ sharedPropertyDefinition.get = shouldCache ? createComputedGetter(key) : userDef;
+ sharedPropertyDefinition.set = noop;
+ } else {
+ sharedPropertyDefinition.get = userDef.get
+ ? shouldCache && userDef.cache !== false
+ ? createComputedGetter(key)
+ : userDef.get
+ : noop;
+ sharedPropertyDefinition.set = userDef.set ? userDef.set : noop;
+ }
+ if ("development" !== "production" && sharedPropertyDefinition.set === noop) {
+ sharedPropertyDefinition.set = function() {
+ warn('Computed property "' + key + '" was assigned to but it has no setter.', this);
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition);
- return -1
-/* */
+ function createComputedGetter(key) {
+ return function computedGetter() {
+ var watcher = this._computedWatchers && this._computedWatchers[key];
+ if (watcher) {
+ if (watcher.dirty) {
+ watcher.evaluate();
+ }
+ if (Dep.target) {
+ watcher.depend();
+ }
+ return watcher.value;
+ }
+ };
+ }
-function handleError (err, vm, info) {
- if (vm) {
- var cur = vm;
- while ((cur = cur.$parent)) {
- var hooks = cur.$options.errorCaptured;
- if (hooks) {
- for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {
- try {
- var capture = hooks[i].call(cur, err, vm, info) === false;
- if (capture) { return }
- } catch (e) {
- globalHandleError(e, cur, 'errorCaptured hook');
- }
+ function initMethods(vm, methods) {
+ var props = vm.$options.props;
+ for (var key in methods) {
+ {
+ if (methods[key] == null) {
+ warn(
+ 'Method "' +
+ key +
+ '" has an undefined value in the component definition. ' +
+ "Did you reference the function correctly?",
+ vm,
+ );
+ }
+ if (props && hasOwn(props, key)) {
+ warn('Method "' + key + '" has already been defined as a prop.', vm);
+ }
+ if (key in vm && isReserved(key)) {
+ warn(
+ 'Method "' +
+ key +
+ '" conflicts with an existing Vue instance method. ' +
+ "Avoid defining component methods that start with _ or $.",
+ );
+ vm[key] = methods[key] == null ? noop : bind(methods[key], vm);
- globalHandleError(err, vm, info);
-function globalHandleError (err, vm, info) {
- if (config.errorHandler) {
- try {
- return config.errorHandler.call(null, err, vm, info)
- } catch (e) {
- logError(e, null, 'config.errorHandler');
+ function initWatch(vm, watch) {
+ for (var key in watch) {
+ var handler = watch[key];
+ if (Array.isArray(handler)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < handler.length; i++) {
+ createWatcher(vm, key, handler[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ createWatcher(vm, key, handler);
+ }
- logError(err, vm, info);
-function logError (err, vm, info) {
- {
- warn(("Error in " + info + ": \"" + (err.toString()) + "\""), vm);
- }
- /* istanbul ignore else */
- if ((inBrowser || inWeex) && typeof console !== 'undefined') {
- console.error(err);
- } else {
- throw err
- }
-/* */
-/* globals MessageChannel */
-var callbacks = [];
-var pending = false;
-function flushCallbacks () {
- pending = false;
- var copies = callbacks.slice(0);
- callbacks.length = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) {
- copies[i]();
- }
-// Here we have async deferring wrappers using both microtasks and (macro) tasks.
-// In < 2.4 we used microtasks everywhere, but there are some scenarios where
-// microtasks have too high a priority and fire in between supposedly
-// sequential events (e.g. #4521, #6690) or even between bubbling of the same
-// event (#6566). However, using (macro) tasks everywhere also has subtle problems
-// when state is changed right before repaint (e.g. #6813, out-in transitions).
-// Here we use microtask by default, but expose a way to force (macro) task when
-// needed (e.g. in event handlers attached by v-on).
-var microTimerFunc;
-var macroTimerFunc;
-var useMacroTask = false;
-// Determine (macro) task defer implementation.
-// Technically setImmediate should be the ideal choice, but it's only available
-// in IE. The only polyfill that consistently queues the callback after all DOM
-// events triggered in the same loop is by using MessageChannel.
-/* istanbul ignore if */
-if (typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined' && isNative(setImmediate)) {
- macroTimerFunc = function () {
- setImmediate(flushCallbacks);
- };
-} else if (typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined' && (
- isNative(MessageChannel) ||
- // PhantomJS
- MessageChannel.toString() === '[object MessageChannelConstructor]'
-)) {
- var channel = new MessageChannel();
- var port = channel.port2;
- channel.port1.onmessage = flushCallbacks;
- macroTimerFunc = function () {
- port.postMessage(1);
- };
-} else {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- macroTimerFunc = function () {
- setTimeout(flushCallbacks, 0);
- };
-// Determine microtask defer implementation.
-/* istanbul ignore next, $flow-disable-line */
-if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && isNative(Promise)) {
- var p = Promise.resolve();
- microTimerFunc = function () {
- p.then(flushCallbacks);
- // in problematic UIWebViews, Promise.then doesn't completely break, but
- // it can get stuck in a weird state where callbacks are pushed into the
- // microtask queue but the queue isn't being flushed, until the browser
- // needs to do some other work, e.g. handle a timer. Therefore we can
- // "force" the microtask queue to be flushed by adding an empty timer.
- if (isIOS) { setTimeout(noop); }
- };
-} else {
- // fallback to macro
- microTimerFunc = macroTimerFunc;
- * Wrap a function so that if any code inside triggers state change,
- * the changes are queued using a (macro) task instead of a microtask.
- */
-function withMacroTask (fn) {
- return fn._withTask || (fn._withTask = function () {
- useMacroTask = true;
- var res = fn.apply(null, arguments);
- useMacroTask = false;
- return res
- })
-function nextTick (cb, ctx) {
- var _resolve;
- callbacks.push(function () {
- if (cb) {
- try {
- cb.call(ctx);
- } catch (e) {
- handleError(e, ctx, 'nextTick');
- }
- } else if (_resolve) {
- _resolve(ctx);
+ function createWatcher(vm, expOrFn, handler, options) {
+ if (isPlainObject(handler)) {
+ options = handler;
+ handler = handler.handler;
- });
- if (!pending) {
- pending = true;
- if (useMacroTask) {
- macroTimerFunc();
- } else {
- microTimerFunc();
+ if (typeof handler === "string") {
+ handler = vm[handler];
+ return vm.$watch(expOrFn, handler, options);
- // $flow-disable-line
- if (!cb && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') {
- return new Promise(function (resolve) {
- _resolve = resolve;
- })
- }
-/* */
+ function stateMixin(Vue) {
+ // flow somehow has problems with directly declared definition object
+ // when using Object.defineProperty, so we have to procedurally build up
+ // the object here.
+ var dataDef = {};
+ dataDef.get = function() {
+ return this._data;
+ };
+ var propsDef = {};
+ propsDef.get = function() {
+ return this._props;
+ };
+ {
+ dataDef.set = function(newData) {
+ warn("Avoid replacing instance root $data. " + "Use nested data properties instead.", this);
+ };
+ propsDef.set = function() {
+ warn("$props is readonly.", this);
+ };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, "$data", dataDef);
+ Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, "$props", propsDef);
-var mark;
-var measure;
+ Vue.prototype.$set = set;
+ Vue.prototype.$delete = del;
- var perf = inBrowser && window.performance;
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (
- perf &&
- perf.mark &&
- perf.measure &&
- perf.clearMarks &&
- perf.clearMeasures
- ) {
- mark = function (tag) { return perf.mark(tag); };
- measure = function (name, startTag, endTag) {
- perf.measure(name, startTag, endTag);
- perf.clearMarks(startTag);
- perf.clearMarks(endTag);
- perf.clearMeasures(name);
+ Vue.prototype.$watch = function(expOrFn, cb, options) {
+ var vm = this;
+ if (isPlainObject(cb)) {
+ return createWatcher(vm, expOrFn, cb, options);
+ }
+ options = options || {};
+ options.user = true;
+ var watcher = new Watcher(vm, expOrFn, cb, options);
+ if (options.immediate) {
+ cb.call(vm, watcher.value);
+ }
+ return function unwatchFn() {
+ watcher.teardown();
+ };
-/* not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with Proxy */
-var initProxy;
+ /* */
- var allowedGlobals = makeMap(
- 'Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN,' +
- 'parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,' +
- 'Math,Number,Date,Array,Object,Boolean,String,RegExp,Map,Set,JSON,Intl,' +
- 'require' // for Webpack/Browserify
- );
- var warnNonPresent = function (target, key) {
- warn(
- "Property or method \"" + key + "\" is not defined on the instance but " +
- 'referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, ' +
- 'either in the data option, or for class-based components, by ' +
- 'initializing the property. ' +
- 'See: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Reactive-Properties.',
- target
- );
- };
- var hasProxy =
- typeof Proxy !== 'undefined' && isNative(Proxy);
+ function initProvide(vm) {
+ var provide = vm.$options.provide;
+ if (provide) {
+ vm._provided = typeof provide === "function" ? provide.call(vm) : provide;
+ }
+ }
- if (hasProxy) {
- var isBuiltInModifier = makeMap('stop,prevent,self,ctrl,shift,alt,meta,exact');
- config.keyCodes = new Proxy(config.keyCodes, {
- set: function set (target, key, value) {
- if (isBuiltInModifier(key)) {
- warn(("Avoid overwriting built-in modifier in config.keyCodes: ." + key));
- return false
- } else {
- target[key] = value;
- return true
+ function initInjections(vm) {
+ var result = resolveInject(vm.$options.inject, vm);
+ if (result) {
+ toggleObserving(false);
+ Object.keys(result).forEach(function(key) {
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ {
+ defineReactive(vm, key, result[key], function() {
+ warn(
+ "Avoid mutating an injected value directly since the changes will be " +
+ "overwritten whenever the provided component re-renders. " +
+ 'injection being mutated: "' +
+ key +
+ '"',
+ vm,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ toggleObserving(true);
+ }
+ }
+ function resolveInject(inject, vm) {
+ if (inject) {
+ // inject is :any because flow is not smart enough to figure out cached
+ var result = Object.create(null);
+ var keys = hasSymbol
+ ? Reflect.ownKeys(inject).filter(function(key) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(inject, key).enumerable;
+ })
+ : Object.keys(inject);
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ var key = keys[i];
+ var provideKey = inject[key].from;
+ var source = vm;
+ while (source) {
+ if (source._provided && hasOwn(source._provided, provideKey)) {
+ result[key] = source._provided[provideKey];
+ break;
+ }
+ source = source.$parent;
+ }
+ if (!source) {
+ if ("default" in inject[key]) {
+ var provideDefault = inject[key].default;
+ result[key] = typeof provideDefault === "function" ? provideDefault.call(vm) : provideDefault;
+ } else {
+ warn('Injection "' + key + '" not found', vm);
+ }
- });
+ return result;
+ }
- var hasHandler = {
- has: function has (target, key) {
- var has = key in target;
- var isAllowed = allowedGlobals(key) || key.charAt(0) === '_';
- if (!has && !isAllowed) {
- warnNonPresent(target, key);
+ /* */
+ /**
+ * Runtime helper for rendering v-for lists.
+ */
+ function renderList(val, render) {
+ var ret, i, l, keys, key;
+ if (Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === "string") {
+ ret = new Array(val.length);
+ for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
+ ret[i] = render(val[i], i);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof val === "number") {
+ ret = new Array(val);
+ for (i = 0; i < val; i++) {
+ ret[i] = render(i + 1, i);
+ }
+ } else if (isObject(val)) {
+ keys = Object.keys(val);
+ ret = new Array(keys.length);
+ for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ ret[i] = render(val[key], key, i);
- return has || !isAllowed
- };
+ if (isDef(ret)) {
+ ret._isVList = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
- var getHandler = {
- get: function get (target, key) {
- if (typeof key === 'string' && !(key in target)) {
- warnNonPresent(target, key);
+ /* */
+ /**
+ * Runtime helper for rendering
+ */
+ function renderSlot(name, fallback, props, bindObject) {
+ var scopedSlotFn = this.$scopedSlots[name];
+ var nodes;
+ if (scopedSlotFn) {
+ // scoped slot
+ props = props || {};
+ if (bindObject) {
+ if ("development" !== "production" && !isObject(bindObject)) {
+ warn("slot v-bind without argument expects an Object", this);
+ }
+ props = extend(extend({}, bindObject), props);
- return target[key]
+ nodes = scopedSlotFn(props) || fallback;
+ } else {
+ var slotNodes = this.$slots[name];
+ // warn duplicate slot usage
+ if (slotNodes) {
+ if ("development" !== "production" && slotNodes._rendered) {
+ warn(
+ 'Duplicate presence of slot "' +
+ name +
+ '" found in the same render tree ' +
+ "- this will likely cause render errors.",
+ this,
+ );
+ }
+ slotNodes._rendered = true;
+ }
+ nodes = slotNodes || fallback;
- };
- initProxy = function initProxy (vm) {
- if (hasProxy) {
- // determine which proxy handler to use
- var options = vm.$options;
- var handlers = options.render && options.render._withStripped
- ? getHandler
- : hasHandler;
- vm._renderProxy = new Proxy(vm, handlers);
+ var target = props && props.slot;
+ if (target) {
+ return this.$createElement("template", { slot: target }, nodes);
} else {
- vm._renderProxy = vm;
+ return nodes;
- };
-/* */
+ }
-var seenObjects = new _Set();
+ /* */
- * Recursively traverse an object to evoke all converted
- * getters, so that every nested property inside the object
- * is collected as a "deep" dependency.
- */
-function traverse (val) {
- _traverse(val, seenObjects);
- seenObjects.clear();
-function _traverse (val, seen) {
- var i, keys;
- var isA = Array.isArray(val);
- if ((!isA && !isObject(val)) || Object.isFrozen(val) || val instanceof VNode) {
- return
- }
- if (val.__ob__) {
- var depId = val.__ob__.dep.id;
- if (seen.has(depId)) {
- return
- }
- seen.add(depId);
- }
- if (isA) {
- i = val.length;
- while (i--) { _traverse(val[i], seen); }
- } else {
- keys = Object.keys(val);
- i = keys.length;
- while (i--) { _traverse(val[keys[i]], seen); }
- }
-/* */
-var normalizeEvent = cached(function (name) {
- var passive = name.charAt(0) === '&';
- name = passive ? name.slice(1) : name;
- var once$$1 = name.charAt(0) === '~'; // Prefixed last, checked first
- name = once$$1 ? name.slice(1) : name;
- var capture = name.charAt(0) === '!';
- name = capture ? name.slice(1) : name;
- return {
- name: name,
- once: once$$1,
- capture: capture,
- passive: passive
+ /**
+ * Runtime helper for resolving filters
+ */
+ function resolveFilter(id) {
+ return resolveAsset(this.$options, "filters", id, true) || identity;
-function createFnInvoker (fns) {
- function invoker () {
- var arguments$1 = arguments;
+ /* */
- var fns = invoker.fns;
- if (Array.isArray(fns)) {
- var cloned = fns.slice();
- for (var i = 0; i < cloned.length; i++) {
- cloned[i].apply(null, arguments$1);
- }
+ function isKeyNotMatch(expect, actual) {
+ if (Array.isArray(expect)) {
+ return expect.indexOf(actual) === -1;
} else {
- // return handler return value for single handlers
- return fns.apply(null, arguments)
- }
- }
- invoker.fns = fns;
- return invoker
-function updateListeners (
- on,
- oldOn,
- add,
- remove$$1,
- vm
-) {
- var name, def, cur, old, event;
- for (name in on) {
- def = cur = on[name];
- old = oldOn[name];
- event = normalizeEvent(name);
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (isUndef(cur)) {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- "Invalid handler for event \"" + (event.name) + "\": got " + String(cur),
- vm
- );
- } else if (isUndef(old)) {
- if (isUndef(cur.fns)) {
- cur = on[name] = createFnInvoker(cur);
- }
- add(event.name, cur, event.once, event.capture, event.passive, event.params);
- } else if (cur !== old) {
- old.fns = cur;
- on[name] = old;
+ return expect !== actual;
- for (name in oldOn) {
- if (isUndef(on[name])) {
- event = normalizeEvent(name);
- remove$$1(event.name, oldOn[name], event.capture);
+ /**
+ * Runtime helper for checking keyCodes from config.
+ * exposed as Vue.prototype._k
+ * passing in eventKeyName as last argument separately for backwards compat
+ */
+ function checkKeyCodes(eventKeyCode, key, builtInKeyCode, eventKeyName, builtInKeyName) {
+ var mappedKeyCode = config.keyCodes[key] || builtInKeyCode;
+ if (builtInKeyName && eventKeyName && !config.keyCodes[key]) {
+ return isKeyNotMatch(builtInKeyName, eventKeyName);
+ } else if (mappedKeyCode) {
+ return isKeyNotMatch(mappedKeyCode, eventKeyCode);
+ } else if (eventKeyName) {
+ return hyphenate(eventKeyName) !== key;
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ /**
+ * Runtime helper for merging v-bind="object" into a VNode's data.
+ */
+ function bindObjectProps(data, tag, value, asProp, isSync) {
+ if (value) {
+ if (!isObject(value)) {
+ "development" !== "production" && warn("v-bind without argument expects an Object or Array value", this);
+ } else {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ value = toObject(value);
+ }
+ var hash;
+ var loop = function(key) {
+ if (key === "class" || key === "style" || isReservedAttribute(key)) {
+ hash = data;
+ } else {
+ var type = data.attrs && data.attrs.type;
+ hash =
+ asProp || config.mustUseProp(tag, type, key)
+ ? data.domProps || (data.domProps = {})
+ : data.attrs || (data.attrs = {});
+ }
+ if (!(key in hash)) {
+ hash[key] = value[key];
+ if (isSync) {
+ var on = data.on || (data.on = {});
+ on["update:" + key] = function($event) {
+ value[key] = $event;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ for (var key in value) loop(key);
+ }
+ return data;
-/* */
+ /* */
-function mergeVNodeHook (def, hookKey, hook) {
- if (def instanceof VNode) {
- def = def.data.hook || (def.data.hook = {});
+ /**
+ * Runtime helper for rendering static trees.
+ */
+ function renderStatic(index, isInFor) {
+ var cached = this._staticTrees || (this._staticTrees = []);
+ var tree = cached[index];
+ // if has already-rendered static tree and not inside v-for,
+ // we can reuse the same tree.
+ if (tree && !isInFor) {
+ return tree;
+ }
+ // otherwise, render a fresh tree.
+ tree = cached[index] = this.$options.staticRenderFns[index].call(
+ this._renderProxy,
+ null,
+ this, // for render fns generated for functional component templates
+ );
+ markStatic(tree, "__static__" + index, false);
+ return tree;
- var invoker;
- var oldHook = def[hookKey];
- function wrappedHook () {
- hook.apply(this, arguments);
- // important: remove merged hook to ensure it's called only once
- // and prevent memory leak
- remove(invoker.fns, wrappedHook);
+ /**
+ * Runtime helper for v-once.
+ * Effectively it means marking the node as static with a unique key.
+ */
+ function markOnce(tree, index, key) {
+ markStatic(tree, "__once__" + index + (key ? "_" + key : ""), true);
+ return tree;
- if (isUndef(oldHook)) {
- // no existing hook
- invoker = createFnInvoker([wrappedHook]);
- } else {
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (isDef(oldHook.fns) && isTrue(oldHook.merged)) {
- // already a merged invoker
- invoker = oldHook;
- invoker.fns.push(wrappedHook);
- } else {
- // existing plain hook
- invoker = createFnInvoker([oldHook, wrappedHook]);
- }
- }
- invoker.merged = true;
- def[hookKey] = invoker;
-/* */
-function extractPropsFromVNodeData (
- data,
- Ctor,
- tag
-) {
- // we are only extracting raw values here.
- // validation and default values are handled in the child
- // component itself.
- var propOptions = Ctor.options.props;
- if (isUndef(propOptions)) {
- return
- }
- var res = {};
- var attrs = data.attrs;
- var props = data.props;
- if (isDef(attrs) || isDef(props)) {
- for (var key in propOptions) {
- var altKey = hyphenate(key);
- {
- var keyInLowerCase = key.toLowerCase();
- if (
- key !== keyInLowerCase &&
- attrs && hasOwn(attrs, keyInLowerCase)
- ) {
- tip(
- "Prop \"" + keyInLowerCase + "\" is passed to component " +
- (formatComponentName(tag || Ctor)) + ", but the declared prop name is" +
- " \"" + key + "\". " +
- "Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and camelCased " +
- "props need to use their kebab-case equivalents when using in-DOM " +
- "templates. You should probably use \"" + altKey + "\" instead of \"" + key + "\"."
- );
+ function markStatic(tree, key, isOnce) {
+ if (Array.isArray(tree)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
+ if (tree[i] && typeof tree[i] !== "string") {
+ markStaticNode(tree[i], key + "_" + i, isOnce);
- checkProp(res, props, key, altKey, true) ||
- checkProp(res, attrs, key, altKey, false);
- }
- }
- return res
-function checkProp (
- res,
- hash,
- key,
- altKey,
- preserve
-) {
- if (isDef(hash)) {
- if (hasOwn(hash, key)) {
- res[key] = hash[key];
- if (!preserve) {
- delete hash[key];
- }
- return true
- } else if (hasOwn(hash, altKey)) {
- res[key] = hash[altKey];
- if (!preserve) {
- delete hash[altKey];
- }
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-/* */
-// The template compiler attempts to minimize the need for normalization by
-// statically analyzing the template at compile time.
-// For plain HTML markup, normalization can be completely skipped because the
-// generated render function is guaranteed to return Array. There are
-// two cases where extra normalization is needed:
-// 1. When the children contains components - because a functional component
-// may return an Array instead of a single root. In this case, just a simple
-// normalization is needed - if any child is an Array, we flatten the whole
-// thing with Array.prototype.concat. It is guaranteed to be only 1-level deep
-// because functional components already normalize their own children.
-function simpleNormalizeChildren (children) {
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- if (Array.isArray(children[i])) {
- return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], children)
- }
- }
- return children
-// 2. When the children contains constructs that always generated nested Arrays,
-// e.g. , , v-for, or when the children is provided by user
-// with hand-written render functions / JSX. In such cases a full normalization
-// is needed to cater to all possible types of children values.
-function normalizeChildren (children) {
- return isPrimitive(children)
- ? [createTextVNode(children)]
- : Array.isArray(children)
- ? normalizeArrayChildren(children)
- : undefined
-function isTextNode (node) {
- return isDef(node) && isDef(node.text) && isFalse(node.isComment)
-function normalizeArrayChildren (children, nestedIndex) {
- var res = [];
- var i, c, lastIndex, last;
- for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- c = children[i];
- if (isUndef(c) || typeof c === 'boolean') { continue }
- lastIndex = res.length - 1;
- last = res[lastIndex];
- // nested
- if (Array.isArray(c)) {
- if (c.length > 0) {
- c = normalizeArrayChildren(c, ((nestedIndex || '') + "_" + i));
- // merge adjacent text nodes
- if (isTextNode(c[0]) && isTextNode(last)) {
- res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + (c[0]).text);
- c.shift();
- }
- res.push.apply(res, c);
- }
- } else if (isPrimitive(c)) {
- if (isTextNode(last)) {
- // merge adjacent text nodes
- // this is necessary for SSR hydration because text nodes are
- // essentially merged when rendered to HTML strings
- res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + c);
- } else if (c !== '') {
- // convert primitive to vnode
- res.push(createTextVNode(c));
- }
} else {
- if (isTextNode(c) && isTextNode(last)) {
- // merge adjacent text nodes
- res[lastIndex] = createTextVNode(last.text + c.text);
- } else {
- // default key for nested array children (likely generated by v-for)
- if (isTrue(children._isVList) &&
- isDef(c.tag) &&
- isUndef(c.key) &&
- isDef(nestedIndex)) {
- c.key = "__vlist" + nestedIndex + "_" + i + "__";
- }
- res.push(c);
- }
+ markStaticNode(tree, key, isOnce);
- return res
-/* */
+ function markStaticNode(node, key, isOnce) {
+ node.isStatic = true;
+ node.key = key;
+ node.isOnce = isOnce;
+ }
-function ensureCtor (comp, base) {
- if (
- comp.__esModule ||
- (hasSymbol && comp[Symbol.toStringTag] === 'Module')
- ) {
- comp = comp.default;
- }
- return isObject(comp)
- ? base.extend(comp)
- : comp
-function createAsyncPlaceholder (
- factory,
- data,
- context,
- children,
- tag
-) {
- var node = createEmptyVNode();
- node.asyncFactory = factory;
- node.asyncMeta = { data: data, context: context, children: children, tag: tag };
- return node
-function resolveAsyncComponent (
- factory,
- baseCtor,
- context
-) {
- if (isTrue(factory.error) && isDef(factory.errorComp)) {
- return factory.errorComp
- }
- if (isDef(factory.resolved)) {
- return factory.resolved
- }
- if (isTrue(factory.loading) && isDef(factory.loadingComp)) {
- return factory.loadingComp
- }
- if (isDef(factory.contexts)) {
- // already pending
- factory.contexts.push(context);
- } else {
- var contexts = factory.contexts = [context];
- var sync = true;
+ /* */
- var forceRender = function () {
- for (var i = 0, l = contexts.length; i < l; i++) {
- contexts[i].$forceUpdate();
+ function bindObjectListeners(data, value) {
+ if (value) {
+ if (!isPlainObject(value)) {
+ "development" !== "production" && warn("v-on without argument expects an Object value", this);
+ } else {
+ var on = (data.on = data.on ? extend({}, data.on) : {});
+ for (var key in value) {
+ var existing = on[key];
+ var ours = value[key];
+ on[key] = existing ? [].concat(existing, ours) : ours;
+ }
- };
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
- var resolve = once(function (res) {
- // cache resolved
- factory.resolved = ensureCtor(res, baseCtor);
- // invoke callbacks only if this is not a synchronous resolve
- // (async resolves are shimmed as synchronous during SSR)
- if (!sync) {
- forceRender();
- }
- });
+ /* */
- var reject = once(function (reason) {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- "Failed to resolve async component: " + (String(factory)) +
- (reason ? ("\nReason: " + reason) : '')
- );
- if (isDef(factory.errorComp)) {
- factory.error = true;
- forceRender();
- }
- });
+ function installRenderHelpers(target) {
+ target._o = markOnce;
+ target._n = toNumber;
+ target._s = toString;
+ target._l = renderList;
+ target._t = renderSlot;
+ target._q = looseEqual;
+ target._i = looseIndexOf;
+ target._m = renderStatic;
+ target._f = resolveFilter;
+ target._k = checkKeyCodes;
+ target._b = bindObjectProps;
+ target._v = createTextVNode;
+ target._e = createEmptyVNode;
+ target._u = resolveScopedSlots;
+ target._g = bindObjectListeners;
+ }
- var res = factory(resolve, reject);
+ /* */
- if (isObject(res)) {
- if (typeof res.then === 'function') {
- // () => Promise
- if (isUndef(factory.resolved)) {
- res.then(resolve, reject);
- }
- } else if (isDef(res.component) && typeof res.component.then === 'function') {
- res.component.then(resolve, reject);
+ function FunctionalRenderContext(data, props, children, parent, Ctor) {
+ var options = Ctor.options;
+ // ensure the createElement function in functional components
+ // gets a unique context - this is necessary for correct named slot check
+ var contextVm;
+ if (hasOwn(parent, "_uid")) {
+ contextVm = Object.create(parent);
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ contextVm._original = parent;
+ } else {
+ // the context vm passed in is a functional context as well.
+ // in this case we want to make sure we are able to get a hold to the
+ // real context instance.
+ contextVm = parent;
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ parent = parent._original;
+ }
+ var isCompiled = isTrue(options._compiled);
+ var needNormalization = !isCompiled;
+ this.data = data;
+ this.props = props;
+ this.children = children;
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.listeners = data.on || emptyObject;
+ this.injections = resolveInject(options.inject, parent);
+ this.slots = function() {
+ return resolveSlots(children, parent);
+ };
- if (isDef(res.error)) {
- factory.errorComp = ensureCtor(res.error, baseCtor);
+ // support for compiled functional template
+ if (isCompiled) {
+ // exposing $options for renderStatic()
+ this.$options = options;
+ // pre-resolve slots for renderSlot()
+ this.$slots = this.slots();
+ this.$scopedSlots = data.scopedSlots || emptyObject;
+ }
+ if (options._scopeId) {
+ this._c = function(a, b, c, d) {
+ var vnode = createElement(contextVm, a, b, c, d, needNormalization);
+ if (vnode && !Array.isArray(vnode)) {
+ vnode.fnScopeId = options._scopeId;
+ vnode.fnContext = parent;
+ return vnode;
+ };
+ } else {
+ this._c = function(a, b, c, d) {
+ return createElement(contextVm, a, b, c, d, needNormalization);
+ };
+ }
+ }
- if (isDef(res.loading)) {
- factory.loadingComp = ensureCtor(res.loading, baseCtor);
- if (res.delay === 0) {
- factory.loading = true;
- } else {
- setTimeout(function () {
- if (isUndef(factory.resolved) && isUndef(factory.error)) {
- factory.loading = true;
- forceRender();
- }
- }, res.delay || 200);
- }
- }
+ installRenderHelpers(FunctionalRenderContext.prototype);
- if (isDef(res.timeout)) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- if (isUndef(factory.resolved)) {
- reject(
- "timeout (" + (res.timeout) + "ms)"
- );
- }
- }, res.timeout);
- }
+ function createFunctionalComponent(Ctor, propsData, data, contextVm, children) {
+ var options = Ctor.options;
+ var props = {};
+ var propOptions = options.props;
+ if (isDef(propOptions)) {
+ for (var key in propOptions) {
+ props[key] = validateProp(key, propOptions, propsData || emptyObject);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (isDef(data.attrs)) {
+ mergeProps(props, data.attrs);
+ }
+ if (isDef(data.props)) {
+ mergeProps(props, data.props);
- sync = false;
- // return in case resolved synchronously
- return factory.loading
- ? factory.loadingComp
- : factory.resolved
- }
+ var renderContext = new FunctionalRenderContext(data, props, children, contextVm, Ctor);
-/* */
+ var vnode = options.render.call(null, renderContext._c, renderContext);
-function isAsyncPlaceholder (node) {
- return node.isComment && node.asyncFactory
+ if (vnode instanceof VNode) {
+ return cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult(vnode, data, renderContext.parent, options);
+ } else if (Array.isArray(vnode)) {
+ var vnodes = normalizeChildren(vnode) || [];
+ var res = new Array(vnodes.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < vnodes.length; i++) {
+ res[i] = cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult(vnodes[i], data, renderContext.parent, options);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
-/* */
+ function cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult(vnode, data, contextVm, options) {
+ // #7817 clone node before setting fnContext, otherwise if the node is reused
+ // (e.g. it was from a cached normal slot) the fnContext causes named slots
+ // that should not be matched to match.
+ var clone = cloneVNode(vnode);
+ clone.fnContext = contextVm;
+ clone.fnOptions = options;
+ if (data.slot) {
+ (clone.data || (clone.data = {})).slot = data.slot;
+ }
+ return clone;
+ }
-function getFirstComponentChild (children) {
- if (Array.isArray(children)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- var c = children[i];
- if (isDef(c) && (isDef(c.componentOptions) || isAsyncPlaceholder(c))) {
- return c
- }
+ function mergeProps(to, from) {
+ for (var key in from) {
+ to[camelize(key)] = from[key];
-/* */
+ /* */
-/* */
+ // Register the component hook to weex native render engine.
+ // The hook will be triggered by native, not javascript.
-function initEvents (vm) {
- vm._events = Object.create(null);
- vm._hasHookEvent = false;
- // init parent attached events
- var listeners = vm.$options._parentListeners;
- if (listeners) {
- updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners);
- }
+ // Updates the state of the component to weex native render engine.
-var target;
+ /* */
-function add (event, fn, once) {
- if (once) {
- target.$once(event, fn);
- } else {
- target.$on(event, fn);
- }
-function remove$1 (event, fn) {
- target.$off(event, fn);
-function updateComponentListeners (
- vm,
- listeners,
- oldListeners
-) {
- target = vm;
- updateListeners(listeners, oldListeners || {}, add, remove$1, vm);
- target = undefined;
-function eventsMixin (Vue) {
- var hookRE = /^hook:/;
- Vue.prototype.$on = function (event, fn) {
- var this$1 = this;
+ // https://github.com/Hanks10100/weex-native-directive/tree/master/component
+ // listening on native callback
+ /* */
+ /* */
- var vm = this;
- if (Array.isArray(event)) {
- for (var i = 0, l = event.length; i < l; i++) {
- this$1.$on(event[i], fn);
+ // inline hooks to be invoked on component VNodes during patch
+ var componentVNodeHooks = {
+ init: function init(vnode, hydrating, parentElm, refElm) {
+ if (vnode.componentInstance && !vnode.componentInstance._isDestroyed && vnode.data.keepAlive) {
+ // kept-alive components, treat as a patch
+ var mountedNode = vnode; // work around flow
+ componentVNodeHooks.prepatch(mountedNode, mountedNode);
+ } else {
+ var child = (vnode.componentInstance = createComponentInstanceForVnode(
+ vnode,
+ activeInstance,
+ parentElm,
+ refElm,
+ ));
+ child.$mount(hydrating ? vnode.elm : undefined, hydrating);
- } else {
- (vm._events[event] || (vm._events[event] = [])).push(fn);
- // optimize hook:event cost by using a boolean flag marked at registration
- // instead of a hash lookup
- if (hookRE.test(event)) {
- vm._hasHookEvent = true;
+ },
+ prepatch: function prepatch(oldVnode, vnode) {
+ var options = vnode.componentOptions;
+ var child = (vnode.componentInstance = oldVnode.componentInstance);
+ updateChildComponent(
+ child,
+ options.propsData, // updated props
+ options.listeners, // updated listeners
+ vnode, // new parent vnode
+ options.children, // new children
+ );
+ },
+ insert: function insert(vnode) {
+ var context = vnode.context;
+ var componentInstance = vnode.componentInstance;
+ if (!componentInstance._isMounted) {
+ componentInstance._isMounted = true;
+ callHook(componentInstance, "mounted");
+ }
+ if (vnode.data.keepAlive) {
+ if (context._isMounted) {
+ // vue-router#1212
+ // During updates, a kept-alive component's child components may
+ // change, so directly walking the tree here may call activated hooks
+ // on incorrect children. Instead we push them into a queue which will
+ // be processed after the whole patch process ended.
+ queueActivatedComponent(componentInstance);
+ } else {
+ activateChildComponent(componentInstance, true /* direct */);
+ }
- }
- return vm
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy(vnode) {
+ var componentInstance = vnode.componentInstance;
+ if (!componentInstance._isDestroyed) {
+ if (!vnode.data.keepAlive) {
+ componentInstance.$destroy();
+ } else {
+ deactivateChildComponent(componentInstance, true /* direct */);
+ }
+ }
+ },
- Vue.prototype.$once = function (event, fn) {
- var vm = this;
- function on () {
- vm.$off(event, on);
- fn.apply(vm, arguments);
+ var hooksToMerge = Object.keys(componentVNodeHooks);
+ function createComponent(Ctor, data, context, children, tag) {
+ if (isUndef(Ctor)) {
+ return;
- on.fn = fn;
- vm.$on(event, on);
- return vm
- };
- Vue.prototype.$off = function (event, fn) {
- var this$1 = this;
+ var baseCtor = context.$options._base;
- var vm = this;
- // all
- if (!arguments.length) {
- vm._events = Object.create(null);
- return vm
+ // plain options object: turn it into a constructor
+ if (isObject(Ctor)) {
+ Ctor = baseCtor.extend(Ctor);
- // array of events
- if (Array.isArray(event)) {
- for (var i = 0, l = event.length; i < l; i++) {
- this$1.$off(event[i], fn);
+ // if at this stage it's not a constructor or an async component factory,
+ // reject.
+ if (typeof Ctor !== "function") {
+ {
+ warn("Invalid Component definition: " + String(Ctor), context);
- return vm
- }
- // specific event
- var cbs = vm._events[event];
- if (!cbs) {
- return vm
- }
- if (!fn) {
- vm._events[event] = null;
- return vm
+ return;
- if (fn) {
- // specific handler
- var cb;
- var i$1 = cbs.length;
- while (i$1--) {
- cb = cbs[i$1];
- if (cb === fn || cb.fn === fn) {
- cbs.splice(i$1, 1);
- break
- }
+ // async component
+ var asyncFactory;
+ if (isUndef(Ctor.cid)) {
+ asyncFactory = Ctor;
+ Ctor = resolveAsyncComponent(asyncFactory, baseCtor, context);
+ if (Ctor === undefined) {
+ // return a placeholder node for async component, which is rendered
+ // as a comment node but preserves all the raw information for the node.
+ // the information will be used for async server-rendering and hydration.
+ return createAsyncPlaceholder(asyncFactory, data, context, children, tag);
- return vm
- };
- Vue.prototype.$emit = function (event) {
- var vm = this;
- {
- var lowerCaseEvent = event.toLowerCase();
- if (lowerCaseEvent !== event && vm._events[lowerCaseEvent]) {
- tip(
- "Event \"" + lowerCaseEvent + "\" is emitted in component " +
- (formatComponentName(vm)) + " but the handler is registered for \"" + event + "\". " +
- "Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and you cannot use " +
- "v-on to listen to camelCase events when using in-DOM templates. " +
- "You should probably use \"" + (hyphenate(event)) + "\" instead of \"" + event + "\"."
- );
- }
+ data = data || {};
+ // resolve constructor options in case global mixins are applied after
+ // component constructor creation
+ resolveConstructorOptions(Ctor);
+ // transform component v-model data into props & events
+ if (isDef(data.model)) {
+ transformModel(Ctor.options, data);
- var cbs = vm._events[event];
- if (cbs) {
- cbs = cbs.length > 1 ? toArray(cbs) : cbs;
- var args = toArray(arguments, 1);
- for (var i = 0, l = cbs.length; i < l; i++) {
- try {
- cbs[i].apply(vm, args);
- } catch (e) {
- handleError(e, vm, ("event handler for \"" + event + "\""));
- }
+ // extract props
+ var propsData = extractPropsFromVNodeData(data, Ctor, tag);
+ // functional component
+ if (isTrue(Ctor.options.functional)) {
+ return createFunctionalComponent(Ctor, propsData, data, context, children);
+ }
+ // extract listeners, since these needs to be treated as
+ // child component listeners instead of DOM listeners
+ var listeners = data.on;
+ // replace with listeners with .native modifier
+ // so it gets processed during parent component patch.
+ data.on = data.nativeOn;
+ if (isTrue(Ctor.options.abstract)) {
+ // abstract components do not keep anything
+ // other than props & listeners & slot
+ // work around flow
+ var slot = data.slot;
+ data = {};
+ if (slot) {
+ data.slot = slot;
- return vm
- };
-/* */
+ // install component management hooks onto the placeholder node
+ installComponentHooks(data);
+ // return a placeholder vnode
+ var name = Ctor.options.name || tag;
+ var vnode = new VNode(
+ "vue-component-" + Ctor.cid + (name ? "-" + name : ""),
+ data,
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ context,
+ { Ctor: Ctor, propsData: propsData, listeners: listeners, tag: tag, children: children },
+ asyncFactory,
+ );
+ // Weex specific: invoke recycle-list optimized @render function for
+ // extracting cell-slot template.
+ // https://github.com/Hanks10100/weex-native-directive/tree/master/component
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ return vnode;
+ }
+ function createComponentInstanceForVnode(
+ vnode, // we know it's MountedComponentVNode but flow doesn't
+ parent, // activeInstance in lifecycle state
+ parentElm,
+ refElm,
+ ) {
+ var options = {
+ _isComponent: true,
+ parent: parent,
+ _parentVnode: vnode,
+ _parentElm: parentElm || null,
+ _refElm: refElm || null,
+ };
+ // check inline-template render functions
+ var inlineTemplate = vnode.data.inlineTemplate;
+ if (isDef(inlineTemplate)) {
+ options.render = inlineTemplate.render;
+ options.staticRenderFns = inlineTemplate.staticRenderFns;
+ }
+ return new vnode.componentOptions.Ctor(options);
+ }
+ function installComponentHooks(data) {
+ var hooks = data.hook || (data.hook = {});
+ for (var i = 0; i < hooksToMerge.length; i++) {
+ var key = hooksToMerge[i];
+ hooks[key] = componentVNodeHooks[key];
+ }
+ }
- * Runtime helper for resolving raw children VNodes into a slot object.
- */
-function resolveSlots (
- children,
- context
-) {
- var slots = {};
- if (!children) {
- return slots
- }
- for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {
- var child = children[i];
- var data = child.data;
- // remove slot attribute if the node is resolved as a Vue slot node
- if (data && data.attrs && data.attrs.slot) {
- delete data.attrs.slot;
- }
- // named slots should only be respected if the vnode was rendered in the
- // same context.
- if ((child.context === context || child.fnContext === context) &&
- data && data.slot != null
- ) {
- var name = data.slot;
- var slot = (slots[name] || (slots[name] = []));
- if (child.tag === 'template') {
- slot.push.apply(slot, child.children || []);
- } else {
- slot.push(child);
- }
+ // transform component v-model info (value and callback) into
+ // prop and event handler respectively.
+ function transformModel(options, data) {
+ var prop = (options.model && options.model.prop) || "value";
+ var event = (options.model && options.model.event) || "input";
+ (data.props || (data.props = {}))[prop] = data.model.value;
+ var on = data.on || (data.on = {});
+ if (isDef(on[event])) {
+ on[event] = [data.model.callback].concat(on[event]);
} else {
- (slots.default || (slots.default = [])).push(child);
+ on[event] = data.model.callback;
- // ignore slots that contains only whitespace
- for (var name$1 in slots) {
- if (slots[name$1].every(isWhitespace)) {
- delete slots[name$1];
+ /* */
+ // wrapper function for providing a more flexible interface
+ // without getting yelled at by flow
+ function createElement(context, tag, data, children, normalizationType, alwaysNormalize) {
+ if (Array.isArray(data) || isPrimitive(data)) {
+ normalizationType = children;
+ children = data;
+ data = undefined;
+ }
+ if (isTrue(alwaysNormalize)) {
+ normalizationType = ALWAYS_NORMALIZE;
+ return _createElement(context, tag, data, children, normalizationType);
- return slots
-function isWhitespace (node) {
- return (node.isComment && !node.asyncFactory) || node.text === ' '
-function resolveScopedSlots (
- fns, // see flow/vnode
- res
-) {
- res = res || {};
- for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
- if (Array.isArray(fns[i])) {
- resolveScopedSlots(fns[i], res);
- } else {
- res[fns[i].key] = fns[i].fn;
- }
- }
- return res
-/* */
-var activeInstance = null;
-var isUpdatingChildComponent = false;
-function initLifecycle (vm) {
- var options = vm.$options;
- // locate first non-abstract parent
- var parent = options.parent;
- if (parent && !options.abstract) {
- while (parent.$options.abstract && parent.$parent) {
- parent = parent.$parent;
- }
- parent.$children.push(vm);
- }
- vm.$parent = parent;
- vm.$root = parent ? parent.$root : vm;
- vm.$children = [];
- vm.$refs = {};
- vm._watcher = null;
- vm._inactive = null;
- vm._directInactive = false;
- vm._isMounted = false;
- vm._isDestroyed = false;
- vm._isBeingDestroyed = false;
-function lifecycleMixin (Vue) {
- Vue.prototype._update = function (vnode, hydrating) {
- var vm = this;
- if (vm._isMounted) {
- callHook(vm, 'beforeUpdate');
- }
- var prevEl = vm.$el;
- var prevVnode = vm._vnode;
- var prevActiveInstance = activeInstance;
- activeInstance = vm;
- vm._vnode = vnode;
- // Vue.prototype.__patch__ is injected in entry points
- // based on the rendering backend used.
- if (!prevVnode) {
- // initial render
- vm.$el = vm.__patch__(
- vm.$el, vnode, hydrating, false /* removeOnly */,
- vm.$options._parentElm,
- vm.$options._refElm
- );
- // no need for the ref nodes after initial patch
- // this prevents keeping a detached DOM tree in memory (#5851)
- vm.$options._parentElm = vm.$options._refElm = null;
- } else {
- // updates
- vm.$el = vm.__patch__(prevVnode, vnode);
+ function _createElement(context, tag, data, children, normalizationType) {
+ if (isDef(data) && isDef(data.__ob__)) {
+ "development" !== "production" &&
+ warn(
+ "Avoid using observed data object as vnode data: " +
+ JSON.stringify(data) +
+ "\n" +
+ "Always create fresh vnode data objects in each render!",
+ context,
+ );
+ return createEmptyVNode();
- activeInstance = prevActiveInstance;
- // update __vue__ reference
- if (prevEl) {
- prevEl.__vue__ = null;
+ // object syntax in v-bind
+ if (isDef(data) && isDef(data.is)) {
+ tag = data.is;
- if (vm.$el) {
- vm.$el.__vue__ = vm;
+ if (!tag) {
+ // in case of component :is set to falsy value
+ return createEmptyVNode();
- // if parent is an HOC, update its $el as well
- if (vm.$vnode && vm.$parent && vm.$vnode === vm.$parent._vnode) {
- vm.$parent.$el = vm.$el;
+ // warn against non-primitive key
+ if ("development" !== "production" && isDef(data) && isDef(data.key) && !isPrimitive(data.key)) {
+ {
+ warn("Avoid using non-primitive value as key, " + "use string/number value instead.", context);
+ }
+ }
+ // support single function children as default scoped slot
+ if (Array.isArray(children) && typeof children[0] === "function") {
+ data = data || {};
+ data.scopedSlots = { default: children[0] };
+ children.length = 0;
+ }
+ if (normalizationType === ALWAYS_NORMALIZE) {
+ children = normalizeChildren(children);
+ } else if (normalizationType === SIMPLE_NORMALIZE) {
+ children = simpleNormalizeChildren(children);
+ }
+ var vnode, ns;
+ if (typeof tag === "string") {
+ var Ctor;
+ ns = (context.$vnode && context.$vnode.ns) || config.getTagNamespace(tag);
+ if (config.isReservedTag(tag)) {
+ // platform built-in elements
+ vnode = new VNode(config.parsePlatformTagName(tag), data, children, undefined, undefined, context);
+ } else if (isDef((Ctor = resolveAsset(context.$options, "components", tag)))) {
+ // component
+ vnode = createComponent(Ctor, data, context, children, tag);
+ } else {
+ // unknown or unlisted namespaced elements
+ // check at runtime because it may get assigned a namespace when its
+ // parent normalizes children
+ vnode = new VNode(tag, data, children, undefined, undefined, context);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // direct component options / constructor
+ vnode = createComponent(tag, data, context, children);
- // updated hook is called by the scheduler to ensure that children are
- // updated in a parent's updated hook.
- };
- Vue.prototype.$forceUpdate = function () {
- var vm = this;
- if (vm._watcher) {
- vm._watcher.update();
+ if (Array.isArray(vnode)) {
+ return vnode;
+ } else if (isDef(vnode)) {
+ if (isDef(ns)) {
+ applyNS(vnode, ns);
+ }
+ if (isDef(data)) {
+ registerDeepBindings(data);
+ }
+ return vnode;
+ } else {
+ return createEmptyVNode();
- };
+ }
- Vue.prototype.$destroy = function () {
- var vm = this;
- if (vm._isBeingDestroyed) {
- return
+ function applyNS(vnode, ns, force) {
+ vnode.ns = ns;
+ if (vnode.tag === "foreignObject") {
+ // use default namespace inside foreignObject
+ ns = undefined;
+ force = true;
- callHook(vm, 'beforeDestroy');
- vm._isBeingDestroyed = true;
- // remove self from parent
- var parent = vm.$parent;
- if (parent && !parent._isBeingDestroyed && !vm.$options.abstract) {
- remove(parent.$children, vm);
- }
- // teardown watchers
- if (vm._watcher) {
- vm._watcher.teardown();
+ if (isDef(vnode.children)) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = vnode.children.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var child = vnode.children[i];
+ if (isDef(child.tag) && (isUndef(child.ns) || (isTrue(force) && child.tag !== "svg"))) {
+ applyNS(child, ns, force);
+ }
+ }
- var i = vm._watchers.length;
- while (i--) {
- vm._watchers[i].teardown();
- }
- // remove reference from data ob
- // frozen object may not have observer.
- if (vm._data.__ob__) {
- vm._data.__ob__.vmCount--;
- }
- // call the last hook...
- vm._isDestroyed = true;
- // invoke destroy hooks on current rendered tree
- vm.__patch__(vm._vnode, null);
- // fire destroyed hook
- callHook(vm, 'destroyed');
- // turn off all instance listeners.
- vm.$off();
- // remove __vue__ reference
- if (vm.$el) {
- vm.$el.__vue__ = null;
- }
- // release circular reference (#6759)
- if (vm.$vnode) {
- vm.$vnode.parent = null;
+ }
+ // ref #5318
+ // necessary to ensure parent re-render when deep bindings like :style and
+ // :class are used on slot nodes
+ function registerDeepBindings(data) {
+ if (isObject(data.style)) {
+ traverse(data.style);
- };
-function mountComponent (
- vm,
- el,
- hydrating
-) {
- vm.$el = el;
- if (!vm.$options.render) {
- vm.$options.render = createEmptyVNode;
- {
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if ((vm.$options.template && vm.$options.template.charAt(0) !== '#') ||
- vm.$options.el || el) {
- warn(
- 'You are using the runtime-only build of Vue where the template ' +
- 'compiler is not available. Either pre-compile the templates into ' +
- 'render functions, or use the compiler-included build.',
- vm
- );
- } else {
- warn(
- 'Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.',
- vm
- );
- }
+ if (isObject(data.class)) {
+ traverse(data.class);
- callHook(vm, 'beforeMount');
- var updateComponent;
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if ("development" !== 'production' && config.performance && mark) {
- updateComponent = function () {
- var name = vm._name;
- var id = vm._uid;
- var startTag = "vue-perf-start:" + id;
- var endTag = "vue-perf-end:" + id;
- mark(startTag);
- var vnode = vm._render();
- mark(endTag);
- measure(("vue " + name + " render"), startTag, endTag);
- mark(startTag);
- vm._update(vnode, hydrating);
- mark(endTag);
- measure(("vue " + name + " patch"), startTag, endTag);
+ /* */
+ function initRender(vm) {
+ vm._vnode = null; // the root of the child tree
+ vm._staticTrees = null; // v-once cached trees
+ var options = vm.$options;
+ var parentVnode = (vm.$vnode = options._parentVnode); // the placeholder node in parent tree
+ var renderContext = parentVnode && parentVnode.context;
+ vm.$slots = resolveSlots(options._renderChildren, renderContext);
+ vm.$scopedSlots = emptyObject;
+ // bind the createElement fn to this instance
+ // so that we get proper render context inside it.
+ // args order: tag, data, children, normalizationType, alwaysNormalize
+ // internal version is used by render functions compiled from templates
+ vm._c = function(a, b, c, d) {
+ return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, false);
- } else {
- updateComponent = function () {
- vm._update(vm._render(), hydrating);
+ // normalization is always applied for the public version, used in
+ // user-written render functions.
+ vm.$createElement = function(a, b, c, d) {
+ return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, true);
- }
- // we set this to vm._watcher inside the watcher's constructor
- // since the watcher's initial patch may call $forceUpdate (e.g. inside child
- // component's mounted hook), which relies on vm._watcher being already defined
- new Watcher(vm, updateComponent, noop, null, true /* isRenderWatcher */);
- hydrating = false;
- // manually mounted instance, call mounted on self
- // mounted is called for render-created child components in its inserted hook
- if (vm.$vnode == null) {
- vm._isMounted = true;
- callHook(vm, 'mounted');
- }
- return vm
-function updateChildComponent (
- vm,
- propsData,
- listeners,
- parentVnode,
- renderChildren
-) {
- {
- isUpdatingChildComponent = true;
+ // $attrs & $listeners are exposed for easier HOC creation.
+ // they need to be reactive so that HOCs using them are always updated
+ var parentData = parentVnode && parentVnode.data;
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ {
+ defineReactive(
+ vm,
+ "$attrs",
+ (parentData && parentData.attrs) || emptyObject,
+ function() {
+ !isUpdatingChildComponent && warn("$attrs is readonly.", vm);
+ },
+ true,
+ );
+ defineReactive(
+ vm,
+ "$listeners",
+ options._parentListeners || emptyObject,
+ function() {
+ !isUpdatingChildComponent && warn("$listeners is readonly.", vm);
+ },
+ true,
+ );
+ }
- // determine whether component has slot children
- // we need to do this before overwriting $options._renderChildren
- var hasChildren = !!(
- renderChildren || // has new static slots
- vm.$options._renderChildren || // has old static slots
- parentVnode.data.scopedSlots || // has new scoped slots
- vm.$scopedSlots !== emptyObject // has old scoped slots
- );
+ function renderMixin(Vue) {
+ // install runtime convenience helpers
+ installRenderHelpers(Vue.prototype);
- vm.$options._parentVnode = parentVnode;
- vm.$vnode = parentVnode; // update vm's placeholder node without re-render
+ Vue.prototype.$nextTick = function(fn) {
+ return nextTick(fn, this);
+ };
- if (vm._vnode) { // update child tree's parent
- vm._vnode.parent = parentVnode;
- }
- vm.$options._renderChildren = renderChildren;
+ Vue.prototype._render = function() {
+ var vm = this;
+ var ref = vm.$options;
+ var render = ref.render;
+ var _parentVnode = ref._parentVnode;
- // update $attrs and $listeners hash
- // these are also reactive so they may trigger child update if the child
- // used them during render
- vm.$attrs = parentVnode.data.attrs || emptyObject;
- vm.$listeners = listeners || emptyObject;
+ // reset _rendered flag on slots for duplicate slot check
+ {
+ for (var key in vm.$slots) {
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ vm.$slots[key]._rendered = false;
+ }
+ }
- // update props
- if (propsData && vm.$options.props) {
- toggleObserving(false);
- var props = vm._props;
- var propKeys = vm.$options._propKeys || [];
- for (var i = 0; i < propKeys.length; i++) {
- var key = propKeys[i];
- var propOptions = vm.$options.props; // wtf flow?
- props[key] = validateProp(key, propOptions, propsData, vm);
- }
- toggleObserving(true);
- // keep a copy of raw propsData
- vm.$options.propsData = propsData;
+ if (_parentVnode) {
+ vm.$scopedSlots = _parentVnode.data.scopedSlots || emptyObject;
+ }
+ // set parent vnode. this allows render functions to have access
+ // to the data on the placeholder node.
+ vm.$vnode = _parentVnode;
+ // render self
+ var vnode;
+ try {
+ vnode = render.call(vm._renderProxy, vm.$createElement);
+ } catch (e) {
+ handleError(e, vm, "render");
+ // return error render result,
+ // or previous vnode to prevent render error causing blank component
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ {
+ if (vm.$options.renderError) {
+ try {
+ vnode = vm.$options.renderError.call(vm._renderProxy, vm.$createElement, e);
+ } catch (e) {
+ handleError(e, vm, "renderError");
+ vnode = vm._vnode;
+ }
+ } else {
+ vnode = vm._vnode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // return empty vnode in case the render function errored out
+ if (!(vnode instanceof VNode)) {
+ if ("development" !== "production" && Array.isArray(vnode)) {
+ warn(
+ "Multiple root nodes returned from render function. Render function " + "should return a single root node.",
+ vm,
+ );
+ }
+ vnode = createEmptyVNode();
+ }
+ // set parent
+ vnode.parent = _parentVnode;
+ return vnode;
+ };
- // update listeners
- listeners = listeners || emptyObject;
- var oldListeners = vm.$options._parentListeners;
- vm.$options._parentListeners = listeners;
- updateComponentListeners(vm, listeners, oldListeners);
+ /* */
- // resolve slots + force update if has children
- if (hasChildren) {
- vm.$slots = resolveSlots(renderChildren, parentVnode.context);
- vm.$forceUpdate();
- }
+ var uid$3 = 0;
- {
- isUpdatingChildComponent = false;
- }
+ function initMixin(Vue) {
+ Vue.prototype._init = function(options) {
+ var vm = this;
+ // a uid
+ vm._uid = uid$3++;
-function isInInactiveTree (vm) {
- while (vm && (vm = vm.$parent)) {
- if (vm._inactive) { return true }
- }
- return false
+ var startTag, endTag;
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ("development" !== "production" && config.performance && mark) {
+ startTag = "vue-perf-start:" + vm._uid;
+ endTag = "vue-perf-end:" + vm._uid;
+ mark(startTag);
+ }
+ // a flag to avoid this being observed
+ vm._isVue = true;
+ // merge options
+ if (options && options._isComponent) {
+ // optimize internal component instantiation
+ // since dynamic options merging is pretty slow, and none of the
+ // internal component options needs special treatment.
+ initInternalComponent(vm, options);
+ } else {
+ vm.$options = mergeOptions(resolveConstructorOptions(vm.constructor), options || {}, vm);
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore else */
+ {
+ initProxy(vm);
+ }
+ // expose real self
+ vm._self = vm;
+ initLifecycle(vm);
+ initEvents(vm);
+ initRender(vm);
+ callHook(vm, "beforeCreate");
+ initInjections(vm); // resolve injections before data/props
+ initState(vm);
+ initProvide(vm); // resolve provide after data/props
+ callHook(vm, "created");
-function activateChildComponent (vm, direct) {
- if (direct) {
- vm._directInactive = false;
- if (isInInactiveTree(vm)) {
- return
- }
- } else if (vm._directInactive) {
- return
- }
- if (vm._inactive || vm._inactive === null) {
- vm._inactive = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < vm.$children.length; i++) {
- activateChildComponent(vm.$children[i]);
- }
- callHook(vm, 'activated');
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ("development" !== "production" && config.performance && mark) {
+ vm._name = formatComponentName(vm, false);
+ mark(endTag);
+ measure("vue " + vm._name + " init", startTag, endTag);
+ }
+ if (vm.$options.el) {
+ vm.$mount(vm.$options.el);
+ }
+ };
-function deactivateChildComponent (vm, direct) {
- if (direct) {
- vm._directInactive = true;
- if (isInInactiveTree(vm)) {
- return
+ function initInternalComponent(vm, options) {
+ var opts = (vm.$options = Object.create(vm.constructor.options));
+ // doing this because it's faster than dynamic enumeration.
+ var parentVnode = options._parentVnode;
+ opts.parent = options.parent;
+ opts._parentVnode = parentVnode;
+ opts._parentElm = options._parentElm;
+ opts._refElm = options._refElm;
+ var vnodeComponentOptions = parentVnode.componentOptions;
+ opts.propsData = vnodeComponentOptions.propsData;
+ opts._parentListeners = vnodeComponentOptions.listeners;
+ opts._renderChildren = vnodeComponentOptions.children;
+ opts._componentTag = vnodeComponentOptions.tag;
+ if (options.render) {
+ opts.render = options.render;
+ opts.staticRenderFns = options.staticRenderFns;
+ }
+ }
+ function resolveConstructorOptions(Ctor) {
+ var options = Ctor.options;
+ if (Ctor.super) {
+ var superOptions = resolveConstructorOptions(Ctor.super);
+ var cachedSuperOptions = Ctor.superOptions;
+ if (superOptions !== cachedSuperOptions) {
+ // super option changed,
+ // need to resolve new options.
+ Ctor.superOptions = superOptions;
+ // check if there are any late-modified/attached options (#4976)
+ var modifiedOptions = resolveModifiedOptions(Ctor);
+ // update base extend options
+ if (modifiedOptions) {
+ extend(Ctor.extendOptions, modifiedOptions);
+ }
+ options = Ctor.options = mergeOptions(superOptions, Ctor.extendOptions);
+ if (options.name) {
+ options.components[options.name] = Ctor;
+ }
+ }
+ return options;
- if (!vm._inactive) {
- vm._inactive = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < vm.$children.length; i++) {
- deactivateChildComponent(vm.$children[i]);
+ function resolveModifiedOptions(Ctor) {
+ var modified;
+ var latest = Ctor.options;
+ var extended = Ctor.extendOptions;
+ var sealed = Ctor.sealedOptions;
+ for (var key in latest) {
+ if (latest[key] !== sealed[key]) {
+ if (!modified) {
+ modified = {};
+ }
+ modified[key] = dedupe(latest[key], extended[key], sealed[key]);
+ }
- callHook(vm, 'deactivated');
+ return modified;
-function callHook (vm, hook) {
- // #7573 disable dep collection when invoking lifecycle hooks
- pushTarget();
- var handlers = vm.$options[hook];
- if (handlers) {
- for (var i = 0, j = handlers.length; i < j; i++) {
- try {
- handlers[i].call(vm);
- } catch (e) {
- handleError(e, vm, (hook + " hook"));
+ function dedupe(latest, extended, sealed) {
+ // compare latest and sealed to ensure lifecycle hooks won't be duplicated
+ // between merges
+ if (Array.isArray(latest)) {
+ var res = [];
+ sealed = Array.isArray(sealed) ? sealed : [sealed];
+ extended = Array.isArray(extended) ? extended : [extended];
+ for (var i = 0; i < latest.length; i++) {
+ // push original options and not sealed options to exclude duplicated options
+ if (extended.indexOf(latest[i]) >= 0 || sealed.indexOf(latest[i]) < 0) {
+ res.push(latest[i]);
+ }
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ return latest;
- if (vm._hasHookEvent) {
- vm.$emit('hook:' + hook);
+ function Vue(options) {
+ if ("development" !== "production" && !(this instanceof Vue)) {
+ warn("Vue is a constructor and should be called with the `new` keyword");
+ }
+ this._init(options);
- popTarget();
-/* */
+ initMixin(Vue);
+ stateMixin(Vue);
+ eventsMixin(Vue);
+ lifecycleMixin(Vue);
+ renderMixin(Vue);
+ /* */
-var MAX_UPDATE_COUNT = 100;
+ function initUse(Vue) {
+ Vue.use = function(plugin) {
+ var installedPlugins = this._installedPlugins || (this._installedPlugins = []);
+ if (installedPlugins.indexOf(plugin) > -1) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // additional parameters
+ var args = toArray(arguments, 1);
+ args.unshift(this);
+ if (typeof plugin.install === "function") {
+ plugin.install.apply(plugin, args);
+ } else if (typeof plugin === "function") {
+ plugin.apply(null, args);
+ }
+ installedPlugins.push(plugin);
+ return this;
+ };
+ }
-var queue = [];
-var activatedChildren = [];
-var has = {};
-var circular = {};
-var waiting = false;
-var flushing = false;
-var index = 0;
+ /* */
- * Reset the scheduler's state.
- */
-function resetSchedulerState () {
- index = queue.length = activatedChildren.length = 0;
- has = {};
- {
- circular = {};
+ function initMixin$1(Vue) {
+ Vue.mixin = function(mixin) {
+ this.options = mergeOptions(this.options, mixin);
+ return this;
+ };
- waiting = flushing = false;
- * Flush both queues and run the watchers.
- */
-function flushSchedulerQueue () {
- flushing = true;
- var watcher, id;
- // Sort queue before flush.
- // This ensures that:
- // 1. Components are updated from parent to child. (because parent is always
- // created before the child)
- // 2. A component's user watchers are run before its render watcher (because
- // user watchers are created before the render watcher)
- // 3. If a component is destroyed during a parent component's watcher run,
- // its watchers can be skipped.
- queue.sort(function (a, b) { return a.id - b.id; });
- // do not cache length because more watchers might be pushed
- // as we run existing watchers
- for (index = 0; index < queue.length; index++) {
- watcher = queue[index];
- id = watcher.id;
- has[id] = null;
- watcher.run();
- // in dev build, check and stop circular updates.
- if ("development" !== 'production' && has[id] != null) {
- circular[id] = (circular[id] || 0) + 1;
- if (circular[id] > MAX_UPDATE_COUNT) {
- warn(
- 'You may have an infinite update loop ' + (
- watcher.user
- ? ("in watcher with expression \"" + (watcher.expression) + "\"")
- : "in a component render function."
- ),
- watcher.vm
- );
- break
+ /* */
+ function initExtend(Vue) {
+ /**
+ * Each instance constructor, including Vue, has a unique
+ * cid. This enables us to create wrapped "child
+ * constructors" for prototypal inheritance and cache them.
+ */
+ Vue.cid = 0;
+ var cid = 1;
+ /**
+ * Class inheritance
+ */
+ Vue.extend = function(extendOptions) {
+ extendOptions = extendOptions || {};
+ var Super = this;
+ var SuperId = Super.cid;
+ var cachedCtors = extendOptions._Ctor || (extendOptions._Ctor = {});
+ if (cachedCtors[SuperId]) {
+ return cachedCtors[SuperId];
- }
- }
- // keep copies of post queues before resetting state
- var activatedQueue = activatedChildren.slice();
- var updatedQueue = queue.slice();
+ var name = extendOptions.name || Super.options.name;
+ if ("development" !== "production" && name) {
+ validateComponentName(name);
+ }
- resetSchedulerState();
+ var Sub = function VueComponent(options) {
+ this._init(options);
+ };
+ Sub.prototype = Object.create(Super.prototype);
+ Sub.prototype.constructor = Sub;
+ Sub.cid = cid++;
+ Sub.options = mergeOptions(Super.options, extendOptions);
+ Sub["super"] = Super;
+ // For props and computed properties, we define the proxy getters on
+ // the Vue instances at extension time, on the extended prototype. This
+ // avoids Object.defineProperty calls for each instance created.
+ if (Sub.options.props) {
+ initProps$1(Sub);
+ }
+ if (Sub.options.computed) {
+ initComputed$1(Sub);
+ }
+ // allow further extension/mixin/plugin usage
+ Sub.extend = Super.extend;
+ Sub.mixin = Super.mixin;
+ Sub.use = Super.use;
+ // create asset registers, so extended classes
+ // can have their private assets too.
+ ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function(type) {
+ Sub[type] = Super[type];
+ });
+ // enable recursive self-lookup
+ if (name) {
+ Sub.options.components[name] = Sub;
+ }
- // call component updated and activated hooks
- callActivatedHooks(activatedQueue);
- callUpdatedHooks(updatedQueue);
+ // keep a reference to the super options at extension time.
+ // later at instantiation we can check if Super's options have
+ // been updated.
+ Sub.superOptions = Super.options;
+ Sub.extendOptions = extendOptions;
+ Sub.sealedOptions = extend({}, Sub.options);
- // devtool hook
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (devtools && config.devtools) {
- devtools.emit('flush');
+ // cache constructor
+ cachedCtors[SuperId] = Sub;
+ return Sub;
+ };
-function callUpdatedHooks (queue) {
- var i = queue.length;
- while (i--) {
- var watcher = queue[i];
- var vm = watcher.vm;
- if (vm._watcher === watcher && vm._isMounted) {
- callHook(vm, 'updated');
+ function initProps$1(Comp) {
+ var props = Comp.options.props;
+ for (var key in props) {
+ proxy(Comp.prototype, "_props", key);
- * Queue a kept-alive component that was activated during patch.
- * The queue will be processed after the entire tree has been patched.
- */
-function queueActivatedComponent (vm) {
- // setting _inactive to false here so that a render function can
- // rely on checking whether it's in an inactive tree (e.g. router-view)
- vm._inactive = false;
- activatedChildren.push(vm);
-function callActivatedHooks (queue) {
- for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
- queue[i]._inactive = true;
- activateChildComponent(queue[i], true /* true */);
- }
- * Push a watcher into the watcher queue.
- * Jobs with duplicate IDs will be skipped unless it's
- * pushed when the queue is being flushed.
- */
-function queueWatcher (watcher) {
- var id = watcher.id;
- if (has[id] == null) {
- has[id] = true;
- if (!flushing) {
- queue.push(watcher);
- } else {
- // if already flushing, splice the watcher based on its id
- // if already past its id, it will be run next immediately.
- var i = queue.length - 1;
- while (i > index && queue[i].id > watcher.id) {
- i--;
- }
- queue.splice(i + 1, 0, watcher);
- }
- // queue the flush
- if (!waiting) {
- waiting = true;
- nextTick(flushSchedulerQueue);
+ function initComputed$1(Comp) {
+ var computed = Comp.options.computed;
+ for (var key in computed) {
+ defineComputed(Comp.prototype, key, computed[key]);
-/* */
+ /* */
+ function initAssetRegisters(Vue) {
+ /**
+ * Create asset registration methods.
+ */
+ ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function(type) {
+ Vue[type] = function(id, definition) {
+ if (!definition) {
+ return this.options[type + "s"][id];
+ } else {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ("development" !== "production" && type === "component") {
+ validateComponentName(id);
+ }
+ if (type === "component" && isPlainObject(definition)) {
+ definition.name = definition.name || id;
+ definition = this.options._base.extend(definition);
+ }
+ if (type === "directive" && typeof definition === "function") {
+ definition = { bind: definition, update: definition };
+ }
+ this.options[type + "s"][id] = definition;
+ return definition;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ }
-var uid$1 = 0;
+ /* */
- * A watcher parses an expression, collects dependencies,
- * and fires callback when the expression value changes.
- * This is used for both the $watch() api and directives.
- */
-var Watcher = function Watcher (
- vm,
- expOrFn,
- cb,
- options,
- isRenderWatcher
-) {
- this.vm = vm;
- if (isRenderWatcher) {
- vm._watcher = this;
- }
- vm._watchers.push(this);
- // options
- if (options) {
- this.deep = !!options.deep;
- this.user = !!options.user;
- this.lazy = !!options.lazy;
- this.sync = !!options.sync;
- } else {
- this.deep = this.user = this.lazy = this.sync = false;
- }
- this.cb = cb;
- this.id = ++uid$1; // uid for batching
- this.active = true;
- this.dirty = this.lazy; // for lazy watchers
- this.deps = [];
- this.newDeps = [];
- this.depIds = new _Set();
- this.newDepIds = new _Set();
- this.expression = expOrFn.toString();
- // parse expression for getter
- if (typeof expOrFn === 'function') {
- this.getter = expOrFn;
- } else {
- this.getter = parsePath(expOrFn);
- if (!this.getter) {
- this.getter = function () {};
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- "Failed watching path: \"" + expOrFn + "\" " +
- 'Watcher only accepts simple dot-delimited paths. ' +
- 'For full control, use a function instead.',
- vm
- );
- }
+ function getComponentName(opts) {
+ return opts && (opts.Ctor.options.name || opts.tag);
- this.value = this.lazy
- ? undefined
- : this.get();
- * Evaluate the getter, and re-collect dependencies.
- */
-Watcher.prototype.get = function get () {
- pushTarget(this);
- var value;
- var vm = this.vm;
- try {
- value = this.getter.call(vm, vm);
- } catch (e) {
- if (this.user) {
- handleError(e, vm, ("getter for watcher \"" + (this.expression) + "\""));
- } else {
- throw e
+ function matches(pattern, name) {
+ if (Array.isArray(pattern)) {
+ return pattern.indexOf(name) > -1;
+ } else if (typeof pattern === "string") {
+ return pattern.split(",").indexOf(name) > -1;
+ } else if (isRegExp(pattern)) {
+ return pattern.test(name);
- } finally {
- // "touch" every property so they are all tracked as
- // dependencies for deep watching
- if (this.deep) {
- traverse(value);
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return false;
+ }
+ function pruneCache(keepAliveInstance, filter) {
+ var cache = keepAliveInstance.cache;
+ var keys = keepAliveInstance.keys;
+ var _vnode = keepAliveInstance._vnode;
+ for (var key in cache) {
+ var cachedNode = cache[key];
+ if (cachedNode) {
+ var name = getComponentName(cachedNode.componentOptions);
+ if (name && !filter(name)) {
+ pruneCacheEntry(cache, key, keys, _vnode);
+ }
+ }
- popTarget();
- this.cleanupDeps();
- return value
- * Add a dependency to this directive.
- */
-Watcher.prototype.addDep = function addDep (dep) {
- var id = dep.id;
- if (!this.newDepIds.has(id)) {
- this.newDepIds.add(id);
- this.newDeps.push(dep);
- if (!this.depIds.has(id)) {
- dep.addSub(this);
+ function pruneCacheEntry(cache, key, keys, current) {
+ var cached$$1 = cache[key];
+ if (cached$$1 && (!current || cached$$1.tag !== current.tag)) {
+ cached$$1.componentInstance.$destroy();
+ cache[key] = null;
+ remove(keys, key);
- * Clean up for dependency collection.
- */
-Watcher.prototype.cleanupDeps = function cleanupDeps () {
- var this$1 = this;
+ var patternTypes = [String, RegExp, Array];
- var i = this.deps.length;
- while (i--) {
- var dep = this$1.deps[i];
- if (!this$1.newDepIds.has(dep.id)) {
- dep.removeSub(this$1);
- }
- }
- var tmp = this.depIds;
- this.depIds = this.newDepIds;
- this.newDepIds = tmp;
- this.newDepIds.clear();
- tmp = this.deps;
- this.deps = this.newDeps;
- this.newDeps = tmp;
- this.newDeps.length = 0;
- * Subscriber interface.
- * Will be called when a dependency changes.
- */
-Watcher.prototype.update = function update () {
- /* istanbul ignore else */
- if (this.lazy) {
- this.dirty = true;
- } else if (this.sync) {
- this.run();
- } else {
- queueWatcher(this);
- }
+ var KeepAlive = {
+ name: "keep-alive",
+ abstract: true,
- * Scheduler job interface.
- * Will be called by the scheduler.
- */
-Watcher.prototype.run = function run () {
- if (this.active) {
- var value = this.get();
- if (
- value !== this.value ||
- // Deep watchers and watchers on Object/Arrays should fire even
- // when the value is the same, because the value may
- // have mutated.
- isObject(value) ||
- this.deep
- ) {
- // set new value
- var oldValue = this.value;
- this.value = value;
- if (this.user) {
- try {
- this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldValue);
- } catch (e) {
- handleError(e, this.vm, ("callback for watcher \"" + (this.expression) + "\""));
- }
- } else {
- this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldValue);
- }
- }
- }
+ props: {
+ include: patternTypes,
+ exclude: patternTypes,
+ max: [String, Number],
+ },
- * Evaluate the value of the watcher.
- * This only gets called for lazy watchers.
- */
-Watcher.prototype.evaluate = function evaluate () {
- this.value = this.get();
- this.dirty = false;
+ created: function created() {
+ this.cache = Object.create(null);
+ this.keys = [];
+ },
- * Depend on all deps collected by this watcher.
- */
-Watcher.prototype.depend = function depend () {
- var this$1 = this;
+ destroyed: function destroyed() {
+ var this$1 = this;
- var i = this.deps.length;
- while (i--) {
- this$1.deps[i].depend();
- }
+ for (var key in this$1.cache) {
+ pruneCacheEntry(this$1.cache, key, this$1.keys);
+ }
+ },
- * Remove self from all dependencies' subscriber list.
- */
-Watcher.prototype.teardown = function teardown () {
- var this$1 = this;
+ mounted: function mounted() {
+ var this$1 = this;
- if (this.active) {
- // remove self from vm's watcher list
- // this is a somewhat expensive operation so we skip it
- // if the vm is being destroyed.
- if (!this.vm._isBeingDestroyed) {
- remove(this.vm._watchers, this);
- }
- var i = this.deps.length;
- while (i--) {
- this$1.deps[i].removeSub(this$1);
- }
- this.active = false;
- }
+ this.$watch("include", function(val) {
+ pruneCache(this$1, function(name) {
+ return matches(val, name);
+ });
+ });
+ this.$watch("exclude", function(val) {
+ pruneCache(this$1, function(name) {
+ return !matches(val, name);
+ });
+ });
+ },
-/* */
+ render: function render() {
+ var slot = this.$slots.default;
+ var vnode = getFirstComponentChild(slot);
+ var componentOptions = vnode && vnode.componentOptions;
+ if (componentOptions) {
+ // check pattern
+ var name = getComponentName(componentOptions);
+ var ref = this;
+ var include = ref.include;
+ var exclude = ref.exclude;
+ if (
+ // not included
+ (include && (!name || !matches(include, name))) ||
+ // excluded
+ (exclude && name && matches(exclude, name))
+ ) {
+ return vnode;
+ }
-var sharedPropertyDefinition = {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get: noop,
- set: noop
+ var ref$1 = this;
+ var cache = ref$1.cache;
+ var keys = ref$1.keys;
+ var key =
+ vnode.key == null
+ ? // same constructor may get registered as different local components
+ // so cid alone is not enough (#3269)
+ componentOptions.Ctor.cid + (componentOptions.tag ? "::" + componentOptions.tag : "")
+ : vnode.key;
+ if (cache[key]) {
+ vnode.componentInstance = cache[key].componentInstance;
+ // make current key freshest
+ remove(keys, key);
+ keys.push(key);
+ } else {
+ cache[key] = vnode;
+ keys.push(key);
+ // prune oldest entry
+ if (this.max && keys.length > parseInt(this.max)) {
+ pruneCacheEntry(cache, keys[0], keys, this._vnode);
+ }
+ }
-function proxy (target, sourceKey, key) {
- sharedPropertyDefinition.get = function proxyGetter () {
- return this[sourceKey][key]
- };
- sharedPropertyDefinition.set = function proxySetter (val) {
- this[sourceKey][key] = val;
- };
- Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition);
-function initState (vm) {
- vm._watchers = [];
- var opts = vm.$options;
- if (opts.props) { initProps(vm, opts.props); }
- if (opts.methods) { initMethods(vm, opts.methods); }
- if (opts.data) {
- initData(vm);
- } else {
- observe(vm._data = {}, true /* asRootData */);
- }
- if (opts.computed) { initComputed(vm, opts.computed); }
- if (opts.watch && opts.watch !== nativeWatch) {
- initWatch(vm, opts.watch);
- }
-function initProps (vm, propsOptions) {
- var propsData = vm.$options.propsData || {};
- var props = vm._props = {};
- // cache prop keys so that future props updates can iterate using Array
- // instead of dynamic object key enumeration.
- var keys = vm.$options._propKeys = [];
- var isRoot = !vm.$parent;
- // root instance props should be converted
- if (!isRoot) {
- toggleObserving(false);
- }
- var loop = function ( key ) {
- keys.push(key);
- var value = validateProp(key, propsOptions, propsData, vm);
- /* istanbul ignore else */
- {
- var hyphenatedKey = hyphenate(key);
- if (isReservedAttribute(hyphenatedKey) ||
- config.isReservedAttr(hyphenatedKey)) {
- warn(
- ("\"" + hyphenatedKey + "\" is a reserved attribute and cannot be used as component prop."),
- vm
- );
+ vnode.data.keepAlive = true;
- defineReactive(props, key, value, function () {
- if (vm.$parent && !isUpdatingChildComponent) {
- warn(
- "Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be " +
- "overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. " +
- "Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's " +
- "value. Prop being mutated: \"" + key + "\"",
- vm
- );
- }
- });
- }
- // static props are already proxied on the component's prototype
- // during Vue.extend(). We only need to proxy props defined at
- // instantiation here.
- if (!(key in vm)) {
- proxy(vm, "_props", key);
- }
+ return vnode || (slot && slot[0]);
+ },
- for (var key in propsOptions) loop( key );
- toggleObserving(true);
-function initData (vm) {
- var data = vm.$options.data;
- data = vm._data = typeof data === 'function'
- ? getData(data, vm)
- : data || {};
- if (!isPlainObject(data)) {
- data = {};
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- 'data functions should return an object:\n' +
- 'https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#data-Must-Be-a-Function',
- vm
- );
- }
- // proxy data on instance
- var keys = Object.keys(data);
- var props = vm.$options.props;
- var methods = vm.$options.methods;
- var i = keys.length;
- while (i--) {
- var key = keys[i];
+ var builtInComponents = {
+ KeepAlive: KeepAlive,
+ };
+ /* */
+ function initGlobalAPI(Vue) {
+ // config
+ var configDef = {};
+ configDef.get = function() {
+ return config;
+ };
- if (methods && hasOwn(methods, key)) {
- warn(
- ("Method \"" + key + "\" has already been defined as a data property."),
- vm
- );
- }
+ configDef.set = function() {
+ warn("Do not replace the Vue.config object, set individual fields instead.");
+ };
- if (props && hasOwn(props, key)) {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- "The data property \"" + key + "\" is already declared as a prop. " +
- "Use prop default value instead.",
- vm
- );
- } else if (!isReserved(key)) {
- proxy(vm, "_data", key);
- }
- }
- // observe data
- observe(data, true /* asRootData */);
-function getData (data, vm) {
- // #7573 disable dep collection when invoking data getters
- pushTarget();
- try {
- return data.call(vm, vm)
- } catch (e) {
- handleError(e, vm, "data()");
- return {}
- } finally {
- popTarget();
+ Object.defineProperty(Vue, "config", configDef);
+ // exposed util methods.
+ // NOTE: these are not considered part of the public API - avoid relying on
+ // them unless you are aware of the risk.
+ Vue.util = {
+ warn: warn,
+ extend: extend,
+ mergeOptions: mergeOptions,
+ defineReactive: defineReactive,
+ };
+ Vue.set = set;
+ Vue.delete = del;
+ Vue.nextTick = nextTick;
+ Vue.options = Object.create(null);
+ ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function(type) {
+ Vue.options[type + "s"] = Object.create(null);
+ });
+ // this is used to identify the "base" constructor to extend all plain-object
+ // components with in Weex's multi-instance scenarios.
+ Vue.options._base = Vue;
+ extend(Vue.options.components, builtInComponents);
+ initUse(Vue);
+ initMixin$1(Vue);
+ initExtend(Vue);
+ initAssetRegisters(Vue);
-var computedWatcherOptions = { lazy: true };
+ initGlobalAPI(Vue);
+ Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, "$isServer", {
+ get: isServerRendering,
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, "$ssrContext", {
+ get: function get() {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext;
+ },
+ });
+ // expose FunctionalRenderContext for ssr runtime helper installation
+ Object.defineProperty(Vue, "FunctionalRenderContext", {
+ value: FunctionalRenderContext,
+ });
+ Vue.version = "2.5.16";
+ /* */
+ // these are reserved for web because they are directly compiled away
+ // during template compilation
+ var isReservedAttr = makeMap("style,class");
+ // attributes that should be using props for binding
+ var acceptValue = makeMap("input,textarea,option,select,progress");
+ var mustUseProp = function(tag, type, attr) {
+ return (
+ (attr === "value" && acceptValue(tag) && type !== "button") ||
+ (attr === "selected" && tag === "option") ||
+ (attr === "checked" && tag === "input") ||
+ (attr === "muted" && tag === "video")
+ );
+ };
+ var isEnumeratedAttr = makeMap("contenteditable,draggable,spellcheck");
-function initComputed (vm, computed) {
- // $flow-disable-line
- var watchers = vm._computedWatchers = Object.create(null);
- // computed properties are just getters during SSR
- var isSSR = isServerRendering();
+ var isBooleanAttr = makeMap(
+ "allowfullscreen,async,autofocus,autoplay,checked,compact,controls,declare," +
+ "default,defaultchecked,defaultmuted,defaultselected,defer,disabled," +
+ "enabled,formnovalidate,hidden,indeterminate,inert,ismap,itemscope,loop,multiple," +
+ "muted,nohref,noresize,noshade,novalidate,nowrap,open,pauseonexit,readonly," +
+ "required,reversed,scoped,seamless,selected,sortable,translate," +
+ "truespeed,typemustmatch,visible",
+ );
- for (var key in computed) {
- var userDef = computed[key];
- var getter = typeof userDef === 'function' ? userDef : userDef.get;
- if ("development" !== 'production' && getter == null) {
- warn(
- ("Getter is missing for computed property \"" + key + "\"."),
- vm
- );
- }
+ var xlinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
- if (!isSSR) {
- // create internal watcher for the computed property.
- watchers[key] = new Watcher(
- vm,
- getter || noop,
- noop,
- computedWatcherOptions
- );
- }
+ var isXlink = function(name) {
+ return name.charAt(5) === ":" && name.slice(0, 5) === "xlink";
+ };
- // component-defined computed properties are already defined on the
- // component prototype. We only need to define computed properties defined
- // at instantiation here.
- if (!(key in vm)) {
- defineComputed(vm, key, userDef);
- } else {
- if (key in vm.$data) {
- warn(("The computed property \"" + key + "\" is already defined in data."), vm);
- } else if (vm.$options.props && key in vm.$options.props) {
- warn(("The computed property \"" + key + "\" is already defined as a prop."), vm);
- }
- }
- }
-function defineComputed (
- target,
- key,
- userDef
-) {
- var shouldCache = !isServerRendering();
- if (typeof userDef === 'function') {
- sharedPropertyDefinition.get = shouldCache
- ? createComputedGetter(key)
- : userDef;
- sharedPropertyDefinition.set = noop;
- } else {
- sharedPropertyDefinition.get = userDef.get
- ? shouldCache && userDef.cache !== false
- ? createComputedGetter(key)
- : userDef.get
- : noop;
- sharedPropertyDefinition.set = userDef.set
- ? userDef.set
- : noop;
- }
- if ("development" !== 'production' &&
- sharedPropertyDefinition.set === noop) {
- sharedPropertyDefinition.set = function () {
- warn(
- ("Computed property \"" + key + "\" was assigned to but it has no setter."),
- this
- );
- };
- }
- Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition);
+ var getXlinkProp = function(name) {
+ return isXlink(name) ? name.slice(6, name.length) : "";
+ };
-function createComputedGetter (key) {
- return function computedGetter () {
- var watcher = this._computedWatchers && this._computedWatchers[key];
- if (watcher) {
- if (watcher.dirty) {
- watcher.evaluate();
- }
- if (Dep.target) {
- watcher.depend();
- }
- return watcher.value
- }
- }
+ var isFalsyAttrValue = function(val) {
+ return val == null || val === false;
+ };
-function initMethods (vm, methods) {
- var props = vm.$options.props;
- for (var key in methods) {
- {
- if (methods[key] == null) {
- warn(
- "Method \"" + key + "\" has an undefined value in the component definition. " +
- "Did you reference the function correctly?",
- vm
- );
- }
- if (props && hasOwn(props, key)) {
- warn(
- ("Method \"" + key + "\" has already been defined as a prop."),
- vm
- );
+ /* */
+ function genClassForVnode(vnode) {
+ var data = vnode.data;
+ var parentNode = vnode;
+ var childNode = vnode;
+ while (isDef(childNode.componentInstance)) {
+ childNode = childNode.componentInstance._vnode;
+ if (childNode && childNode.data) {
+ data = mergeClassData(childNode.data, data);
- if ((key in vm) && isReserved(key)) {
- warn(
- "Method \"" + key + "\" conflicts with an existing Vue instance method. " +
- "Avoid defining component methods that start with _ or $."
- );
+ }
+ while (isDef((parentNode = parentNode.parent))) {
+ if (parentNode && parentNode.data) {
+ data = mergeClassData(data, parentNode.data);
- vm[key] = methods[key] == null ? noop : bind(methods[key], vm);
+ return renderClass(data.staticClass, data.class);
-function initWatch (vm, watch) {
- for (var key in watch) {
- var handler = watch[key];
- if (Array.isArray(handler)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < handler.length; i++) {
- createWatcher(vm, key, handler[i]);
- }
- } else {
- createWatcher(vm, key, handler);
- }
- }
-function createWatcher (
- vm,
- expOrFn,
- handler,
- options
-) {
- if (isPlainObject(handler)) {
- options = handler;
- handler = handler.handler;
- }
- if (typeof handler === 'string') {
- handler = vm[handler];
- }
- return vm.$watch(expOrFn, handler, options)
-function stateMixin (Vue) {
- // flow somehow has problems with directly declared definition object
- // when using Object.defineProperty, so we have to procedurally build up
- // the object here.
- var dataDef = {};
- dataDef.get = function () { return this._data };
- var propsDef = {};
- propsDef.get = function () { return this._props };
- {
- dataDef.set = function (newData) {
- warn(
- 'Avoid replacing instance root $data. ' +
- 'Use nested data properties instead.',
- this
- );
- };
- propsDef.set = function () {
- warn("$props is readonly.", this);
+ function mergeClassData(child, parent) {
+ return {
+ staticClass: concat(child.staticClass, parent.staticClass),
+ class: isDef(child.class) ? [child.class, parent.class] : parent.class,
- Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$data', dataDef);
- Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$props', propsDef);
- Vue.prototype.$set = set;
- Vue.prototype.$delete = del;
- Vue.prototype.$watch = function (
- expOrFn,
- cb,
- options
- ) {
- var vm = this;
- if (isPlainObject(cb)) {
- return createWatcher(vm, expOrFn, cb, options)
+ function renderClass(staticClass, dynamicClass) {
+ if (isDef(staticClass) || isDef(dynamicClass)) {
+ return concat(staticClass, stringifyClass(dynamicClass));
- options = options || {};
- options.user = true;
- var watcher = new Watcher(vm, expOrFn, cb, options);
- if (options.immediate) {
- cb.call(vm, watcher.value);
- }
- return function unwatchFn () {
- watcher.teardown();
- }
- };
-/* */
-function initProvide (vm) {
- var provide = vm.$options.provide;
- if (provide) {
- vm._provided = typeof provide === 'function'
- ? provide.call(vm)
- : provide;
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return "";
-function initInjections (vm) {
- var result = resolveInject(vm.$options.inject, vm);
- if (result) {
- toggleObserving(false);
- Object.keys(result).forEach(function (key) {
- /* istanbul ignore else */
- {
- defineReactive(vm, key, result[key], function () {
- warn(
- "Avoid mutating an injected value directly since the changes will be " +
- "overwritten whenever the provided component re-renders. " +
- "injection being mutated: \"" + key + "\"",
- vm
- );
- });
- }
- });
- toggleObserving(true);
+ function concat(a, b) {
+ return a ? (b ? a + " " + b : a) : b || "";
-function resolveInject (inject, vm) {
- if (inject) {
- // inject is :any because flow is not smart enough to figure out cached
- var result = Object.create(null);
- var keys = hasSymbol
- ? Reflect.ownKeys(inject).filter(function (key) {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(inject, key).enumerable
- })
- : Object.keys(inject);
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- var key = keys[i];
- var provideKey = inject[key].from;
- var source = vm;
- while (source) {
- if (source._provided && hasOwn(source._provided, provideKey)) {
- result[key] = source._provided[provideKey];
- break
- }
- source = source.$parent;
- }
- if (!source) {
- if ('default' in inject[key]) {
- var provideDefault = inject[key].default;
- result[key] = typeof provideDefault === 'function'
- ? provideDefault.call(vm)
- : provideDefault;
- } else {
- warn(("Injection \"" + key + "\" not found"), vm);
- }
- }
+ function stringifyClass(value) {
+ if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+ return stringifyArray(value);
- return result
- }
-/* */
- * Runtime helper for rendering v-for lists.
- */
-function renderList (
- val,
- render
-) {
- var ret, i, l, keys, key;
- if (Array.isArray(val) || typeof val === 'string') {
- ret = new Array(val.length);
- for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) {
- ret[i] = render(val[i], i);
- }
- } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
- ret = new Array(val);
- for (i = 0; i < val; i++) {
- ret[i] = render(i + 1, i);
- }
- } else if (isObject(val)) {
- keys = Object.keys(val);
- ret = new Array(keys.length);
- for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
- key = keys[i];
- ret[i] = render(val[key], key, i);
+ if (isObject(value)) {
+ return stringifyObject(value);
+ if (typeof value === "string") {
+ return value;
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return "";
- if (isDef(ret)) {
- (ret)._isVList = true;
- }
- return ret
-/* */
- * Runtime helper for rendering
- */
-function renderSlot (
- name,
- fallback,
- props,
- bindObject
-) {
- var scopedSlotFn = this.$scopedSlots[name];
- var nodes;
- if (scopedSlotFn) { // scoped slot
- props = props || {};
- if (bindObject) {
- if ("development" !== 'production' && !isObject(bindObject)) {
- warn(
- 'slot v-bind without argument expects an Object',
- this
- );
+ function stringifyArray(value) {
+ var res = "";
+ var stringified;
+ for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (isDef((stringified = stringifyClass(value[i]))) && stringified !== "") {
+ if (res) {
+ res += " ";
+ }
+ res += stringified;
- props = extend(extend({}, bindObject), props);
- nodes = scopedSlotFn(props) || fallback;
- } else {
- var slotNodes = this.$slots[name];
- // warn duplicate slot usage
- if (slotNodes) {
- if ("development" !== 'production' && slotNodes._rendered) {
- warn(
- "Duplicate presence of slot \"" + name + "\" found in the same render tree " +
- "- this will likely cause render errors.",
- this
- );
+ return res;
+ }
+ function stringifyObject(value) {
+ var res = "";
+ for (var key in value) {
+ if (value[key]) {
+ if (res) {
+ res += " ";
+ }
+ res += key;
- slotNodes._rendered = true;
- nodes = slotNodes || fallback;
+ return res;
- var target = props && props.slot;
- if (target) {
- return this.$createElement('template', { slot: target }, nodes)
- } else {
- return nodes
- }
+ /* */
-/* */
+ var namespaceMap = {
+ svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
+ math: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML",
+ };
- * Runtime helper for resolving filters
- */
-function resolveFilter (id) {
- return resolveAsset(this.$options, 'filters', id, true) || identity
+ var isHTMLTag = makeMap(
+ "html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title," +
+ "address,article,aside,footer,header,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hgroup,nav,section," +
+ "div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul," +
+ "a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,rtc,ruby," +
+ "s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video," +
+ "embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins," +
+ "caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr," +
+ "button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option," +
+ "output,progress,select,textarea," +
+ "details,dialog,menu,menuitem,summary," +
+ "content,element,shadow,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot",
+ );
-/* */
+ // this map is intentionally selective, only covering SVG elements that may
+ // contain child elements.
+ var isSVG = makeMap(
+ "svg,animate,circle,clippath,cursor,defs,desc,ellipse,filter,font-face," +
+ "foreignObject,g,glyph,image,line,marker,mask,missing-glyph,path,pattern," +
+ "polygon,polyline,rect,switch,symbol,text,textpath,tspan,use,view",
+ true,
+ );
-function isKeyNotMatch (expect, actual) {
- if (Array.isArray(expect)) {
- return expect.indexOf(actual) === -1
- } else {
- return expect !== actual
- }
+ var isPreTag = function(tag) {
+ return tag === "pre";
+ };
- * Runtime helper for checking keyCodes from config.
- * exposed as Vue.prototype._k
- * passing in eventKeyName as last argument separately for backwards compat
- */
-function checkKeyCodes (
- eventKeyCode,
- key,
- builtInKeyCode,
- eventKeyName,
- builtInKeyName
-) {
- var mappedKeyCode = config.keyCodes[key] || builtInKeyCode;
- if (builtInKeyName && eventKeyName && !config.keyCodes[key]) {
- return isKeyNotMatch(builtInKeyName, eventKeyName)
- } else if (mappedKeyCode) {
- return isKeyNotMatch(mappedKeyCode, eventKeyCode)
- } else if (eventKeyName) {
- return hyphenate(eventKeyName) !== key
- }
-/* */
- * Runtime helper for merging v-bind="object" into a VNode's data.
- */
-function bindObjectProps (
- data,
- tag,
- value,
- asProp,
- isSync
-) {
- if (value) {
- if (!isObject(value)) {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- 'v-bind without argument expects an Object or Array value',
- this
- );
- } else {
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- value = toObject(value);
- }
- var hash;
- var loop = function ( key ) {
- if (
- key === 'class' ||
- key === 'style' ||
- isReservedAttribute(key)
- ) {
- hash = data;
- } else {
- var type = data.attrs && data.attrs.type;
- hash = asProp || config.mustUseProp(tag, type, key)
- ? data.domProps || (data.domProps = {})
- : data.attrs || (data.attrs = {});
- }
- if (!(key in hash)) {
- hash[key] = value[key];
- if (isSync) {
- var on = data.on || (data.on = {});
- on[("update:" + key)] = function ($event) {
- value[key] = $event;
- };
- }
- }
- };
+ var isReservedTag = function(tag) {
+ return isHTMLTag(tag) || isSVG(tag);
+ };
- for (var key in value) loop( key );
+ function getTagNamespace(tag) {
+ if (isSVG(tag)) {
+ return "svg";
+ }
+ // basic support for MathML
+ // note it doesn't support other MathML elements being component roots
+ if (tag === "math") {
+ return "math";
- return data
-/* */
- * Runtime helper for rendering static trees.
- */
-function renderStatic (
- index,
- isInFor
-) {
- var cached = this._staticTrees || (this._staticTrees = []);
- var tree = cached[index];
- // if has already-rendered static tree and not inside v-for,
- // we can reuse the same tree.
- if (tree && !isInFor) {
- return tree
- }
- // otherwise, render a fresh tree.
- tree = cached[index] = this.$options.staticRenderFns[index].call(
- this._renderProxy,
- null,
- this // for render fns generated for functional component templates
- );
- markStatic(tree, ("__static__" + index), false);
- return tree
- * Runtime helper for v-once.
- * Effectively it means marking the node as static with a unique key.
- */
-function markOnce (
- tree,
- index,
- key
-) {
- markStatic(tree, ("__once__" + index + (key ? ("_" + key) : "")), true);
- return tree
-function markStatic (
- tree,
- key,
- isOnce
-) {
- if (Array.isArray(tree)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
- if (tree[i] && typeof tree[i] !== 'string') {
- markStaticNode(tree[i], (key + "_" + i), isOnce);
- }
+ var unknownElementCache = Object.create(null);
+ function isUnknownElement(tag) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (!inBrowser) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (isReservedTag(tag)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ tag = tag.toLowerCase();
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if (unknownElementCache[tag] != null) {
+ return unknownElementCache[tag];
+ }
+ var el = document.createElement(tag);
+ if (tag.indexOf("-") > -1) {
+ // http://stackoverflow.com/a/28210364/1070244
+ return (unknownElementCache[tag] =
+ el.constructor === window.HTMLUnknownElement || el.constructor === window.HTMLElement);
+ } else {
+ return (unknownElementCache[tag] = /HTMLUnknownElement/.test(el.toString()));
- } else {
- markStaticNode(tree, key, isOnce);
-function markStaticNode (node, key, isOnce) {
- node.isStatic = true;
- node.key = key;
- node.isOnce = isOnce;
+ var isTextInputType = makeMap("text,number,password,search,email,tel,url");
-/* */
+ /* */
-function bindObjectListeners (data, value) {
- if (value) {
- if (!isPlainObject(value)) {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- 'v-on without argument expects an Object value',
- this
- );
+ /**
+ * Query an element selector if it's not an element already.
+ */
+ function query(el) {
+ if (typeof el === "string") {
+ var selected = document.querySelector(el);
+ if (!selected) {
+ "development" !== "production" && warn("Cannot find element: " + el);
+ return document.createElement("div");
+ }
+ return selected;
} else {
- var on = data.on = data.on ? extend({}, data.on) : {};
- for (var key in value) {
- var existing = on[key];
- var ours = value[key];
- on[key] = existing ? [].concat(existing, ours) : ours;
- }
- }
- }
- return data
-/* */
-function installRenderHelpers (target) {
- target._o = markOnce;
- target._n = toNumber;
- target._s = toString;
- target._l = renderList;
- target._t = renderSlot;
- target._q = looseEqual;
- target._i = looseIndexOf;
- target._m = renderStatic;
- target._f = resolveFilter;
- target._k = checkKeyCodes;
- target._b = bindObjectProps;
- target._v = createTextVNode;
- target._e = createEmptyVNode;
- target._u = resolveScopedSlots;
- target._g = bindObjectListeners;
-/* */
-function FunctionalRenderContext (
- data,
- props,
- children,
- parent,
- Ctor
-) {
- var options = Ctor.options;
- // ensure the createElement function in functional components
- // gets a unique context - this is necessary for correct named slot check
- var contextVm;
- if (hasOwn(parent, '_uid')) {
- contextVm = Object.create(parent);
- // $flow-disable-line
- contextVm._original = parent;
- } else {
- // the context vm passed in is a functional context as well.
- // in this case we want to make sure we are able to get a hold to the
- // real context instance.
- contextVm = parent;
- // $flow-disable-line
- parent = parent._original;
- }
- var isCompiled = isTrue(options._compiled);
- var needNormalization = !isCompiled;
- this.data = data;
- this.props = props;
- this.children = children;
- this.parent = parent;
- this.listeners = data.on || emptyObject;
- this.injections = resolveInject(options.inject, parent);
- this.slots = function () { return resolveSlots(children, parent); };
- // support for compiled functional template
- if (isCompiled) {
- // exposing $options for renderStatic()
- this.$options = options;
- // pre-resolve slots for renderSlot()
- this.$slots = this.slots();
- this.$scopedSlots = data.scopedSlots || emptyObject;
- }
- if (options._scopeId) {
- this._c = function (a, b, c, d) {
- var vnode = createElement(contextVm, a, b, c, d, needNormalization);
- if (vnode && !Array.isArray(vnode)) {
- vnode.fnScopeId = options._scopeId;
- vnode.fnContext = parent;
- }
- return vnode
- };
- } else {
- this._c = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(contextVm, a, b, c, d, needNormalization); };
- }
-function createFunctionalComponent (
- Ctor,
- propsData,
- data,
- contextVm,
- children
-) {
- var options = Ctor.options;
- var props = {};
- var propOptions = options.props;
- if (isDef(propOptions)) {
- for (var key in propOptions) {
- props[key] = validateProp(key, propOptions, propsData || emptyObject);
+ return el;
- } else {
- if (isDef(data.attrs)) { mergeProps(props, data.attrs); }
- if (isDef(data.props)) { mergeProps(props, data.props); }
- var renderContext = new FunctionalRenderContext(
- data,
- props,
- children,
- contextVm,
- Ctor
- );
- var vnode = options.render.call(null, renderContext._c, renderContext);
+ /* */
- if (vnode instanceof VNode) {
- return cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult(vnode, data, renderContext.parent, options)
- } else if (Array.isArray(vnode)) {
- var vnodes = normalizeChildren(vnode) || [];
- var res = new Array(vnodes.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < vnodes.length; i++) {
- res[i] = cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult(vnodes[i], data, renderContext.parent, options);
+ function createElement$1(tagName, vnode) {
+ var elm = document.createElement(tagName);
+ if (tagName !== "select") {
+ return elm;
+ }
+ // false or null will remove the attribute but undefined will not
+ if (vnode.data && vnode.data.attrs && vnode.data.attrs.multiple !== undefined) {
+ elm.setAttribute("multiple", "multiple");
- return res
+ return elm;
-function cloneAndMarkFunctionalResult (vnode, data, contextVm, options) {
- // #7817 clone node before setting fnContext, otherwise if the node is reused
- // (e.g. it was from a cached normal slot) the fnContext causes named slots
- // that should not be matched to match.
- var clone = cloneVNode(vnode);
- clone.fnContext = contextVm;
- clone.fnOptions = options;
- if (data.slot) {
- (clone.data || (clone.data = {})).slot = data.slot;
+ function createElementNS(namespace, tagName) {
+ return document.createElementNS(namespaceMap[namespace], tagName);
- return clone
-function mergeProps (to, from) {
- for (var key in from) {
- to[camelize(key)] = from[key];
+ function createTextNode(text) {
+ return document.createTextNode(text);
-/* */
+ function createComment(text) {
+ return document.createComment(text);
+ }
+ function insertBefore(parentNode, newNode, referenceNode) {
+ parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode);
+ }
+ function removeChild(node, child) {
+ node.removeChild(child);
+ }
-// Register the component hook to weex native render engine.
-// The hook will be triggered by native, not javascript.
+ function appendChild(node, child) {
+ node.appendChild(child);
+ }
+ function parentNode(node) {
+ return node.parentNode;
+ }
-// Updates the state of the component to weex native render engine.
+ function nextSibling(node) {
+ return node.nextSibling;
+ }
-/* */
+ function tagName(node) {
+ return node.tagName;
+ }
-// https://github.com/Hanks10100/weex-native-directive/tree/master/component
+ function setTextContent(node, text) {
+ node.textContent = text;
+ }
-// listening on native callback
+ function setStyleScope(node, scopeId) {
+ node.setAttribute(scopeId, "");
+ }
-/* */
+ var nodeOps = Object.freeze({
+ createElement: createElement$1,
+ createElementNS: createElementNS,
+ createTextNode: createTextNode,
+ createComment: createComment,
+ insertBefore: insertBefore,
+ removeChild: removeChild,
+ appendChild: appendChild,
+ parentNode: parentNode,
+ nextSibling: nextSibling,
+ tagName: tagName,
+ setTextContent: setTextContent,
+ setStyleScope: setStyleScope,
+ });
-/* */
+ /* */
-// inline hooks to be invoked on component VNodes during patch
-var componentVNodeHooks = {
- init: function init (
- vnode,
- hydrating,
- parentElm,
- refElm
- ) {
- if (
- vnode.componentInstance &&
- !vnode.componentInstance._isDestroyed &&
- vnode.data.keepAlive
- ) {
- // kept-alive components, treat as a patch
- var mountedNode = vnode; // work around flow
- componentVNodeHooks.prepatch(mountedNode, mountedNode);
- } else {
- var child = vnode.componentInstance = createComponentInstanceForVnode(
- vnode,
- activeInstance,
- parentElm,
- refElm
- );
- child.$mount(hydrating ? vnode.elm : undefined, hydrating);
- }
- },
- prepatch: function prepatch (oldVnode, vnode) {
- var options = vnode.componentOptions;
- var child = vnode.componentInstance = oldVnode.componentInstance;
- updateChildComponent(
- child,
- options.propsData, // updated props
- options.listeners, // updated listeners
- vnode, // new parent vnode
- options.children // new children
- );
- },
- insert: function insert (vnode) {
- var context = vnode.context;
- var componentInstance = vnode.componentInstance;
- if (!componentInstance._isMounted) {
- componentInstance._isMounted = true;
- callHook(componentInstance, 'mounted');
- }
- if (vnode.data.keepAlive) {
- if (context._isMounted) {
- // vue-router#1212
- // During updates, a kept-alive component's child components may
- // change, so directly walking the tree here may call activated hooks
- // on incorrect children. Instead we push them into a queue which will
- // be processed after the whole patch process ended.
- queueActivatedComponent(componentInstance);
- } else {
- activateChildComponent(componentInstance, true /* direct */);
+ var ref = {
+ create: function create(_, vnode) {
+ registerRef(vnode);
+ },
+ update: function update(oldVnode, vnode) {
+ if (oldVnode.data.ref !== vnode.data.ref) {
+ registerRef(oldVnode, true);
+ registerRef(vnode);
+ },
+ destroy: function destroy(vnode) {
+ registerRef(vnode, true);
+ },
+ };
+ function registerRef(vnode, isRemoval) {
+ var key = vnode.data.ref;
+ if (!isDef(key)) {
+ return;
- },
- destroy: function destroy (vnode) {
- var componentInstance = vnode.componentInstance;
- if (!componentInstance._isDestroyed) {
- if (!vnode.data.keepAlive) {
- componentInstance.$destroy();
+ var vm = vnode.context;
+ var ref = vnode.componentInstance || vnode.elm;
+ var refs = vm.$refs;
+ if (isRemoval) {
+ if (Array.isArray(refs[key])) {
+ remove(refs[key], ref);
+ } else if (refs[key] === ref) {
+ refs[key] = undefined;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (vnode.data.refInFor) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(refs[key])) {
+ refs[key] = [ref];
+ } else if (refs[key].indexOf(ref) < 0) {
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ refs[key].push(ref);
+ }
} else {
- deactivateChildComponent(componentInstance, true /* direct */);
+ refs[key] = ref;
-var hooksToMerge = Object.keys(componentVNodeHooks);
+ /**
+ * Virtual DOM patching algorithm based on Snabbdom by
+ * Simon Friis Vindum (@paldepind)
+ * Licensed under the MIT License
+ * https://github.com/paldepind/snabbdom/blob/master/LICENSE
+ *
+ * modified by Evan You (@yyx990803)
+ *
+ * Not type-checking this because this file is perf-critical and the cost
+ * of making flow understand it is not worth it.
+ */
-function createComponent (
- Ctor,
- data,
- context,
- children,
- tag
-) {
- if (isUndef(Ctor)) {
- return
- }
+ var emptyNode = new VNode("", {}, []);
- var baseCtor = context.$options._base;
+ var hooks = ["create", "activate", "update", "remove", "destroy"];
- // plain options object: turn it into a constructor
- if (isObject(Ctor)) {
- Ctor = baseCtor.extend(Ctor);
+ function sameVnode(a, b) {
+ return (
+ a.key === b.key &&
+ ((a.tag === b.tag && a.isComment === b.isComment && isDef(a.data) === isDef(b.data) && sameInputType(a, b)) ||
+ (isTrue(a.isAsyncPlaceholder) && a.asyncFactory === b.asyncFactory && isUndef(b.asyncFactory.error)))
+ );
- // if at this stage it's not a constructor or an async component factory,
- // reject.
- if (typeof Ctor !== 'function') {
- {
- warn(("Invalid Component definition: " + (String(Ctor))), context);
- }
- return
- }
- // async component
- var asyncFactory;
- if (isUndef(Ctor.cid)) {
- asyncFactory = Ctor;
- Ctor = resolveAsyncComponent(asyncFactory, baseCtor, context);
- if (Ctor === undefined) {
- // return a placeholder node for async component, which is rendered
- // as a comment node but preserves all the raw information for the node.
- // the information will be used for async server-rendering and hydration.
- return createAsyncPlaceholder(
- asyncFactory,
- data,
- context,
- children,
- tag
- )
+ function sameInputType(a, b) {
+ if (a.tag !== "input") {
+ return true;
+ var i;
+ var typeA = isDef((i = a.data)) && isDef((i = i.attrs)) && i.type;
+ var typeB = isDef((i = b.data)) && isDef((i = i.attrs)) && i.type;
+ return typeA === typeB || (isTextInputType(typeA) && isTextInputType(typeB));
- data = data || {};
- // resolve constructor options in case global mixins are applied after
- // component constructor creation
- resolveConstructorOptions(Ctor);
- // transform component v-model data into props & events
- if (isDef(data.model)) {
- transformModel(Ctor.options, data);
- }
- // extract props
- var propsData = extractPropsFromVNodeData(data, Ctor, tag);
- // functional component
- if (isTrue(Ctor.options.functional)) {
- return createFunctionalComponent(Ctor, propsData, data, context, children)
+ function createKeyToOldIdx(children, beginIdx, endIdx) {
+ var i, key;
+ var map = {};
+ for (i = beginIdx; i <= endIdx; ++i) {
+ key = children[i].key;
+ if (isDef(key)) {
+ map[key] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return map;
- // extract listeners, since these needs to be treated as
- // child component listeners instead of DOM listeners
- var listeners = data.on;
- // replace with listeners with .native modifier
- // so it gets processed during parent component patch.
- data.on = data.nativeOn;
+ function createPatchFunction(backend) {
+ var i, j;
+ var cbs = {};
- if (isTrue(Ctor.options.abstract)) {
- // abstract components do not keep anything
- // other than props & listeners & slot
+ var modules = backend.modules;
+ var nodeOps = backend.nodeOps;
- // work around flow
- var slot = data.slot;
- data = {};
- if (slot) {
- data.slot = slot;
+ for (i = 0; i < hooks.length; ++i) {
+ cbs[hooks[i]] = [];
+ for (j = 0; j < modules.length; ++j) {
+ if (isDef(modules[j][hooks[i]])) {
+ cbs[hooks[i]].push(modules[j][hooks[i]]);
+ }
+ }
- }
- // install component management hooks onto the placeholder node
- installComponentHooks(data);
+ function emptyNodeAt(elm) {
+ return new VNode(nodeOps.tagName(elm).toLowerCase(), {}, [], undefined, elm);
+ }
- // return a placeholder vnode
- var name = Ctor.options.name || tag;
- var vnode = new VNode(
- ("vue-component-" + (Ctor.cid) + (name ? ("-" + name) : '')),
- data, undefined, undefined, undefined, context,
- { Ctor: Ctor, propsData: propsData, listeners: listeners, tag: tag, children: children },
- asyncFactory
- );
+ function createRmCb(childElm, listeners) {
+ function remove() {
+ if (--remove.listeners === 0) {
+ removeNode(childElm);
+ }
+ }
+ remove.listeners = listeners;
+ return remove;
+ }
- // Weex specific: invoke recycle-list optimized @render function for
- // extracting cell-slot template.
- // https://github.com/Hanks10100/weex-native-directive/tree/master/component
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- return vnode
-function createComponentInstanceForVnode (
- vnode, // we know it's MountedComponentVNode but flow doesn't
- parent, // activeInstance in lifecycle state
- parentElm,
- refElm
-) {
- var options = {
- _isComponent: true,
- parent: parent,
- _parentVnode: vnode,
- _parentElm: parentElm || null,
- _refElm: refElm || null
- };
- // check inline-template render functions
- var inlineTemplate = vnode.data.inlineTemplate;
- if (isDef(inlineTemplate)) {
- options.render = inlineTemplate.render;
- options.staticRenderFns = inlineTemplate.staticRenderFns;
- }
- return new vnode.componentOptions.Ctor(options)
-function installComponentHooks (data) {
- var hooks = data.hook || (data.hook = {});
- for (var i = 0; i < hooksToMerge.length; i++) {
- var key = hooksToMerge[i];
- hooks[key] = componentVNodeHooks[key];
- }
-// transform component v-model info (value and callback) into
-// prop and event handler respectively.
-function transformModel (options, data) {
- var prop = (options.model && options.model.prop) || 'value';
- var event = (options.model && options.model.event) || 'input';(data.props || (data.props = {}))[prop] = data.model.value;
- var on = data.on || (data.on = {});
- if (isDef(on[event])) {
- on[event] = [data.model.callback].concat(on[event]);
- } else {
- on[event] = data.model.callback;
- }
-/* */
-// wrapper function for providing a more flexible interface
-// without getting yelled at by flow
-function createElement (
- context,
- tag,
- data,
- children,
- normalizationType,
- alwaysNormalize
-) {
- if (Array.isArray(data) || isPrimitive(data)) {
- normalizationType = children;
- children = data;
- data = undefined;
- }
- if (isTrue(alwaysNormalize)) {
- normalizationType = ALWAYS_NORMALIZE;
- }
- return _createElement(context, tag, data, children, normalizationType)
-function _createElement (
- context,
- tag,
- data,
- children,
- normalizationType
-) {
- if (isDef(data) && isDef((data).__ob__)) {
- "development" !== 'production' && warn(
- "Avoid using observed data object as vnode data: " + (JSON.stringify(data)) + "\n" +
- 'Always create fresh vnode data objects in each render!',
- context
- );
- return createEmptyVNode()
- }
- // object syntax in v-bind
- if (isDef(data) && isDef(data.is)) {
- tag = data.is;
- }
- if (!tag) {
- // in case of component :is set to falsy value
- return createEmptyVNode()
- }
- // warn against non-primitive key
- if ("development" !== 'production' &&
- isDef(data) && isDef(data.key) && !isPrimitive(data.key)
- ) {
- {
- warn(
- 'Avoid using non-primitive value as key, ' +
- 'use string/number value instead.',
- context
- );
+ function removeNode(el) {
+ var parent = nodeOps.parentNode(el);
+ // element may have already been removed due to v-html / v-text
+ if (isDef(parent)) {
+ nodeOps.removeChild(parent, el);
+ }
- }
- // support single function children as default scoped slot
- if (Array.isArray(children) &&
- typeof children[0] === 'function'
- ) {
- data = data || {};
- data.scopedSlots = { default: children[0] };
- children.length = 0;
- }
- if (normalizationType === ALWAYS_NORMALIZE) {
- children = normalizeChildren(children);
- } else if (normalizationType === SIMPLE_NORMALIZE) {
- children = simpleNormalizeChildren(children);
- }
- var vnode, ns;
- if (typeof tag === 'string') {
- var Ctor;
- ns = (context.$vnode && context.$vnode.ns) || config.getTagNamespace(tag);
- if (config.isReservedTag(tag)) {
- // platform built-in elements
- vnode = new VNode(
- config.parsePlatformTagName(tag), data, children,
- undefined, undefined, context
- );
- } else if (isDef(Ctor = resolveAsset(context.$options, 'components', tag))) {
- // component
- vnode = createComponent(Ctor, data, context, children, tag);
- } else {
- // unknown or unlisted namespaced elements
- // check at runtime because it may get assigned a namespace when its
- // parent normalizes children
- vnode = new VNode(
- tag, data, children,
- undefined, undefined, context
+ function isUnknownElement$$1(vnode, inVPre) {
+ return (
+ !inVPre &&
+ !vnode.ns &&
+ !(
+ config.ignoredElements.length &&
+ config.ignoredElements.some(function(ignore) {
+ return isRegExp(ignore) ? ignore.test(vnode.tag) : ignore === vnode.tag;
+ })
+ ) &&
+ config.isUnknownElement(vnode.tag)
- } else {
- // direct component options / constructor
- vnode = createComponent(tag, data, context, children);
- }
- if (Array.isArray(vnode)) {
- return vnode
- } else if (isDef(vnode)) {
- if (isDef(ns)) { applyNS(vnode, ns); }
- if (isDef(data)) { registerDeepBindings(data); }
- return vnode
- } else {
- return createEmptyVNode()
- }
-function applyNS (vnode, ns, force) {
- vnode.ns = ns;
- if (vnode.tag === 'foreignObject') {
- // use default namespace inside foreignObject
- ns = undefined;
- force = true;
- }
- if (isDef(vnode.children)) {
- for (var i = 0, l = vnode.children.length; i < l; i++) {
- var child = vnode.children[i];
- if (isDef(child.tag) && (
- isUndef(child.ns) || (isTrue(force) && child.tag !== 'svg'))) {
- applyNS(child, ns, force);
- }
- }
- }
-// ref #5318
-// necessary to ensure parent re-render when deep bindings like :style and
-// :class are used on slot nodes
-function registerDeepBindings (data) {
- if (isObject(data.style)) {
- traverse(data.style);
- }
- if (isObject(data.class)) {
- traverse(data.class);
- }
-/* */
-function initRender (vm) {
- vm._vnode = null; // the root of the child tree
- vm._staticTrees = null; // v-once cached trees
- var options = vm.$options;
- var parentVnode = vm.$vnode = options._parentVnode; // the placeholder node in parent tree
- var renderContext = parentVnode && parentVnode.context;
- vm.$slots = resolveSlots(options._renderChildren, renderContext);
- vm.$scopedSlots = emptyObject;
- // bind the createElement fn to this instance
- // so that we get proper render context inside it.
- // args order: tag, data, children, normalizationType, alwaysNormalize
- // internal version is used by render functions compiled from templates
- vm._c = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, false); };
- // normalization is always applied for the public version, used in
- // user-written render functions.
- vm.$createElement = function (a, b, c, d) { return createElement(vm, a, b, c, d, true); };
- // $attrs & $listeners are exposed for easier HOC creation.
- // they need to be reactive so that HOCs using them are always updated
- var parentData = parentVnode && parentVnode.data;
- /* istanbul ignore else */
- {
- defineReactive(vm, '$attrs', parentData && parentData.attrs || emptyObject, function () {
- !isUpdatingChildComponent && warn("$attrs is readonly.", vm);
- }, true);
- defineReactive(vm, '$listeners', options._parentListeners || emptyObject, function () {
- !isUpdatingChildComponent && warn("$listeners is readonly.", vm);
- }, true);
- }
-function renderMixin (Vue) {
- // install runtime convenience helpers
- installRenderHelpers(Vue.prototype);
+ var creatingElmInVPre = 0;
- Vue.prototype.$nextTick = function (fn) {
- return nextTick(fn, this)
- };
+ function createElm(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, refElm, nested, ownerArray, index) {
+ if (isDef(vnode.elm) && isDef(ownerArray)) {
+ // This vnode was used in a previous render!
+ // now it's used as a new node, overwriting its elm would cause
+ // potential patch errors down the road when it's used as an insertion
+ // reference node. Instead, we clone the node on-demand before creating
+ // associated DOM element for it.
+ vnode = ownerArray[index] = cloneVNode(vnode);
+ }
- Vue.prototype._render = function () {
- var vm = this;
- var ref = vm.$options;
- var render = ref.render;
- var _parentVnode = ref._parentVnode;
+ vnode.isRootInsert = !nested; // for transition enter check
+ if (createComponent(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, refElm)) {
+ return;
+ }
- // reset _rendered flag on slots for duplicate slot check
- {
- for (var key in vm.$slots) {
- // $flow-disable-line
- vm.$slots[key]._rendered = false;
+ var data = vnode.data;
+ var children = vnode.children;
+ var tag = vnode.tag;
+ if (isDef(tag)) {
+ {
+ if (data && data.pre) {
+ creatingElmInVPre++;
+ }
+ if (isUnknownElement$$1(vnode, creatingElmInVPre)) {
+ warn(
+ "Unknown custom element: <" +
+ tag +
+ "> - did you " +
+ "register the component correctly? For recursive components, " +
+ 'make sure to provide the "name" option.',
+ vnode.context,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ vnode.elm = vnode.ns ? nodeOps.createElementNS(vnode.ns, tag) : nodeOps.createElement(tag, vnode);
+ setScope(vnode);
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ {
+ createChildren(vnode, children, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ if (isDef(data)) {
+ invokeCreateHooks(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ }
+ insert(parentElm, vnode.elm, refElm);
+ }
+ if ("development" !== "production" && data && data.pre) {
+ creatingElmInVPre--;
+ }
+ } else if (isTrue(vnode.isComment)) {
+ vnode.elm = nodeOps.createComment(vnode.text);
+ insert(parentElm, vnode.elm, refElm);
+ } else {
+ vnode.elm = nodeOps.createTextNode(vnode.text);
+ insert(parentElm, vnode.elm, refElm);
- if (_parentVnode) {
- vm.$scopedSlots = _parentVnode.data.scopedSlots || emptyObject;
+ function createComponent(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, refElm) {
+ var i = vnode.data;
+ if (isDef(i)) {
+ var isReactivated = isDef(vnode.componentInstance) && i.keepAlive;
+ if (isDef((i = i.hook)) && isDef((i = i.init))) {
+ i(vnode, false /* hydrating */, parentElm, refElm);
+ }
+ // after calling the init hook, if the vnode is a child component
+ // it should've created a child instance and mounted it. the child
+ // component also has set the placeholder vnode's elm.
+ // in that case we can just return the element and be done.
+ if (isDef(vnode.componentInstance)) {
+ initComponent(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ if (isTrue(isReactivated)) {
+ reactivateComponent(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, refElm);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
- // set parent vnode. this allows render functions to have access
- // to the data on the placeholder node.
- vm.$vnode = _parentVnode;
- // render self
- var vnode;
- try {
- vnode = render.call(vm._renderProxy, vm.$createElement);
- } catch (e) {
- handleError(e, vm, "render");
- // return error render result,
- // or previous vnode to prevent render error causing blank component
- /* istanbul ignore else */
- {
- if (vm.$options.renderError) {
- try {
- vnode = vm.$options.renderError.call(vm._renderProxy, vm.$createElement, e);
- } catch (e) {
- handleError(e, vm, "renderError");
- vnode = vm._vnode;
+ function initComponent(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue) {
+ if (isDef(vnode.data.pendingInsert)) {
+ insertedVnodeQueue.push.apply(insertedVnodeQueue, vnode.data.pendingInsert);
+ vnode.data.pendingInsert = null;
+ }
+ vnode.elm = vnode.componentInstance.$el;
+ if (isPatchable(vnode)) {
+ invokeCreateHooks(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ setScope(vnode);
+ } else {
+ // empty component root.
+ // skip all element-related modules except for ref (#3455)
+ registerRef(vnode);
+ // make sure to invoke the insert hook
+ insertedVnodeQueue.push(vnode);
+ }
+ }
+ function reactivateComponent(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, refElm) {
+ var i;
+ // hack for #4339: a reactivated component with inner transition
+ // does not trigger because the inner node's created hooks are not called
+ // again. It's not ideal to involve module-specific logic in here but
+ // there doesn't seem to be a better way to do it.
+ var innerNode = vnode;
+ while (innerNode.componentInstance) {
+ innerNode = innerNode.componentInstance._vnode;
+ if (isDef((i = innerNode.data)) && isDef((i = i.transition))) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cbs.activate.length; ++i) {
+ cbs.activate[i](emptyNode, innerNode);
+ }
+ insertedVnodeQueue.push(innerNode);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // unlike a newly created component,
+ // a reactivated keep-alive component doesn't insert itself
+ insert(parentElm, vnode.elm, refElm);
+ }
+ function insert(parent, elm, ref$$1) {
+ if (isDef(parent)) {
+ if (isDef(ref$$1)) {
+ if (ref$$1.parentNode === parent) {
+ nodeOps.insertBefore(parent, elm, ref$$1);
} else {
- vnode = vm._vnode;
+ nodeOps.appendChild(parent, elm);
- // return empty vnode in case the render function errored out
- if (!(vnode instanceof VNode)) {
- if ("development" !== 'production' && Array.isArray(vnode)) {
- warn(
- 'Multiple root nodes returned from render function. Render function ' +
- 'should return a single root node.',
- vm
- );
+ function createChildren(vnode, children, insertedVnodeQueue) {
+ if (Array.isArray(children)) {
+ {
+ checkDuplicateKeys(children);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
+ createElm(children[i], insertedVnodeQueue, vnode.elm, null, true, children, i);
+ }
+ } else if (isPrimitive(vnode.text)) {
+ nodeOps.appendChild(vnode.elm, nodeOps.createTextNode(String(vnode.text)));
- vnode = createEmptyVNode();
- // set parent
- vnode.parent = _parentVnode;
- return vnode
- };
-/* */
-var uid$3 = 0;
-function initMixin (Vue) {
- Vue.prototype._init = function (options) {
- var vm = this;
- // a uid
- vm._uid = uid$3++;
- var startTag, endTag;
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if ("development" !== 'production' && config.performance && mark) {
- startTag = "vue-perf-start:" + (vm._uid);
- endTag = "vue-perf-end:" + (vm._uid);
- mark(startTag);
- }
- // a flag to avoid this being observed
- vm._isVue = true;
- // merge options
- if (options && options._isComponent) {
- // optimize internal component instantiation
- // since dynamic options merging is pretty slow, and none of the
- // internal component options needs special treatment.
- initInternalComponent(vm, options);
- } else {
- vm.$options = mergeOptions(
- resolveConstructorOptions(vm.constructor),
- options || {},
- vm
- );
+ function isPatchable(vnode) {
+ while (vnode.componentInstance) {
+ vnode = vnode.componentInstance._vnode;
+ }
+ return isDef(vnode.tag);
- /* istanbul ignore else */
- {
- initProxy(vm);
- }
- // expose real self
- vm._self = vm;
- initLifecycle(vm);
- initEvents(vm);
- initRender(vm);
- callHook(vm, 'beforeCreate');
- initInjections(vm); // resolve injections before data/props
- initState(vm);
- initProvide(vm); // resolve provide after data/props
- callHook(vm, 'created');
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if ("development" !== 'production' && config.performance && mark) {
- vm._name = formatComponentName(vm, false);
- mark(endTag);
- measure(("vue " + (vm._name) + " init"), startTag, endTag);
+ function invokeCreateHooks(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue) {
+ for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < cbs.create.length; ++i$1) {
+ cbs.create[i$1](emptyNode, vnode);
+ }
+ i = vnode.data.hook; // Reuse variable
+ if (isDef(i)) {
+ if (isDef(i.create)) {
+ i.create(emptyNode, vnode);
+ }
+ if (isDef(i.insert)) {
+ insertedVnodeQueue.push(vnode);
+ }
+ }
- if (vm.$options.el) {
- vm.$mount(vm.$options.el);
- }
- };
-function initInternalComponent (vm, options) {
- var opts = vm.$options = Object.create(vm.constructor.options);
- // doing this because it's faster than dynamic enumeration.
- var parentVnode = options._parentVnode;
- opts.parent = options.parent;
- opts._parentVnode = parentVnode;
- opts._parentElm = options._parentElm;
- opts._refElm = options._refElm;
- var vnodeComponentOptions = parentVnode.componentOptions;
- opts.propsData = vnodeComponentOptions.propsData;
- opts._parentListeners = vnodeComponentOptions.listeners;
- opts._renderChildren = vnodeComponentOptions.children;
- opts._componentTag = vnodeComponentOptions.tag;
- if (options.render) {
- opts.render = options.render;
- opts.staticRenderFns = options.staticRenderFns;
- }
-function resolveConstructorOptions (Ctor) {
- var options = Ctor.options;
- if (Ctor.super) {
- var superOptions = resolveConstructorOptions(Ctor.super);
- var cachedSuperOptions = Ctor.superOptions;
- if (superOptions !== cachedSuperOptions) {
- // super option changed,
- // need to resolve new options.
- Ctor.superOptions = superOptions;
- // check if there are any late-modified/attached options (#4976)
- var modifiedOptions = resolveModifiedOptions(Ctor);
- // update base extend options
- if (modifiedOptions) {
- extend(Ctor.extendOptions, modifiedOptions);
- }
- options = Ctor.options = mergeOptions(superOptions, Ctor.extendOptions);
- if (options.name) {
- options.components[options.name] = Ctor;
- }
- }
- }
- return options
-function resolveModifiedOptions (Ctor) {
- var modified;
- var latest = Ctor.options;
- var extended = Ctor.extendOptions;
- var sealed = Ctor.sealedOptions;
- for (var key in latest) {
- if (latest[key] !== sealed[key]) {
- if (!modified) { modified = {}; }
- modified[key] = dedupe(latest[key], extended[key], sealed[key]);
- }
- }
- return modified
-function dedupe (latest, extended, sealed) {
- // compare latest and sealed to ensure lifecycle hooks won't be duplicated
- // between merges
- if (Array.isArray(latest)) {
- var res = [];
- sealed = Array.isArray(sealed) ? sealed : [sealed];
- extended = Array.isArray(extended) ? extended : [extended];
- for (var i = 0; i < latest.length; i++) {
- // push original options and not sealed options to exclude duplicated options
- if (extended.indexOf(latest[i]) >= 0 || sealed.indexOf(latest[i]) < 0) {
- res.push(latest[i]);
+ // set scope id attribute for scoped CSS.
+ // this is implemented as a special case to avoid the overhead
+ // of going through the normal attribute patching process.
+ function setScope(vnode) {
+ var i;
+ if (isDef((i = vnode.fnScopeId))) {
+ nodeOps.setStyleScope(vnode.elm, i);
+ } else {
+ var ancestor = vnode;
+ while (ancestor) {
+ if (isDef((i = ancestor.context)) && isDef((i = i.$options._scopeId))) {
+ nodeOps.setStyleScope(vnode.elm, i);
+ }
+ ancestor = ancestor.parent;
+ }
+ }
+ // for slot content they should also get the scopeId from the host instance.
+ if (
+ isDef((i = activeInstance)) &&
+ i !== vnode.context &&
+ i !== vnode.fnContext &&
+ isDef((i = i.$options._scopeId))
+ ) {
+ nodeOps.setStyleScope(vnode.elm, i);
- return res
- } else {
- return latest
- }
-function Vue (options) {
- if ("development" !== 'production' &&
- !(this instanceof Vue)
- ) {
- warn('Vue is a constructor and should be called with the `new` keyword');
- }
- this._init(options);
-/* */
-function initUse (Vue) {
- Vue.use = function (plugin) {
- var installedPlugins = (this._installedPlugins || (this._installedPlugins = []));
- if (installedPlugins.indexOf(plugin) > -1) {
- return this
+ function addVnodes(parentElm, refElm, vnodes, startIdx, endIdx, insertedVnodeQueue) {
+ for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) {
+ createElm(vnodes[startIdx], insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, refElm, false, vnodes, startIdx);
+ }
- // additional parameters
- var args = toArray(arguments, 1);
- args.unshift(this);
- if (typeof plugin.install === 'function') {
- plugin.install.apply(plugin, args);
- } else if (typeof plugin === 'function') {
- plugin.apply(null, args);
+ function invokeDestroyHook(vnode) {
+ var i, j;
+ var data = vnode.data;
+ if (isDef(data)) {
+ if (isDef((i = data.hook)) && isDef((i = i.destroy))) {
+ i(vnode);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < cbs.destroy.length; ++i) {
+ cbs.destroy[i](vnode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isDef((i = vnode.children))) {
+ for (j = 0; j < vnode.children.length; ++j) {
+ invokeDestroyHook(vnode.children[j]);
+ }
+ }
- installedPlugins.push(plugin);
- return this
- };
-/* */
-function initMixin$1 (Vue) {
- Vue.mixin = function (mixin) {
- this.options = mergeOptions(this.options, mixin);
- return this
- };
-/* */
-function initExtend (Vue) {
- /**
- * Each instance constructor, including Vue, has a unique
- * cid. This enables us to create wrapped "child
- * constructors" for prototypal inheritance and cache them.
- */
- Vue.cid = 0;
- var cid = 1;
- /**
- * Class inheritance
- */
- Vue.extend = function (extendOptions) {
- extendOptions = extendOptions || {};
- var Super = this;
- var SuperId = Super.cid;
- var cachedCtors = extendOptions._Ctor || (extendOptions._Ctor = {});
- if (cachedCtors[SuperId]) {
- return cachedCtors[SuperId]
+ function removeVnodes(parentElm, vnodes, startIdx, endIdx) {
+ for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) {
+ var ch = vnodes[startIdx];
+ if (isDef(ch)) {
+ if (isDef(ch.tag)) {
+ removeAndInvokeRemoveHook(ch);
+ invokeDestroyHook(ch);
+ } else {
+ // Text node
+ removeNode(ch.elm);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- var name = extendOptions.name || Super.options.name;
- if ("development" !== 'production' && name) {
- validateComponentName(name);
+ function removeAndInvokeRemoveHook(vnode, rm) {
+ if (isDef(rm) || isDef(vnode.data)) {
+ var i;
+ var listeners = cbs.remove.length + 1;
+ if (isDef(rm)) {
+ // we have a recursively passed down rm callback
+ // increase the listeners count
+ rm.listeners += listeners;
+ } else {
+ // directly removing
+ rm = createRmCb(vnode.elm, listeners);
+ }
+ // recursively invoke hooks on child component root node
+ if (isDef((i = vnode.componentInstance)) && isDef((i = i._vnode)) && isDef(i.data)) {
+ removeAndInvokeRemoveHook(i, rm);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < cbs.remove.length; ++i) {
+ cbs.remove[i](vnode, rm);
+ }
+ if (isDef((i = vnode.data.hook)) && isDef((i = i.remove))) {
+ i(vnode, rm);
+ } else {
+ rm();
+ }
+ } else {
+ removeNode(vnode.elm);
+ }
- var Sub = function VueComponent (options) {
- this._init(options);
- };
- Sub.prototype = Object.create(Super.prototype);
- Sub.prototype.constructor = Sub;
- Sub.cid = cid++;
- Sub.options = mergeOptions(
- Super.options,
- extendOptions
- );
- Sub['super'] = Super;
+ function updateChildren(parentElm, oldCh, newCh, insertedVnodeQueue, removeOnly) {
+ var oldStartIdx = 0;
+ var newStartIdx = 0;
+ var oldEndIdx = oldCh.length - 1;
+ var oldStartVnode = oldCh[0];
+ var oldEndVnode = oldCh[oldEndIdx];
+ var newEndIdx = newCh.length - 1;
+ var newStartVnode = newCh[0];
+ var newEndVnode = newCh[newEndIdx];
+ var oldKeyToIdx, idxInOld, vnodeToMove, refElm;
- // For props and computed properties, we define the proxy getters on
- // the Vue instances at extension time, on the extended prototype. This
- // avoids Object.defineProperty calls for each instance created.
- if (Sub.options.props) {
- initProps$1(Sub);
- }
- if (Sub.options.computed) {
- initComputed$1(Sub);
+ // removeOnly is a special flag used only by
+ // to ensure removed elements stay in correct relative positions
+ // during leaving transitions
+ var canMove = !removeOnly;
+ {
+ checkDuplicateKeys(newCh);
+ }
+ while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
+ if (isUndef(oldStartVnode)) {
+ oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx]; // Vnode has been moved left
+ } else if (isUndef(oldEndVnode)) {
+ oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
+ } else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode)) {
+ patchVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];
+ newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
+ } else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode)) {
+ patchVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
+ newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];
+ } else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode)) {
+ // Vnode moved right
+ patchVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ canMove && nodeOps.insertBefore(parentElm, oldStartVnode.elm, nodeOps.nextSibling(oldEndVnode.elm));
+ oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];
+ newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];
+ } else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode)) {
+ // Vnode moved left
+ patchVnode(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ canMove && nodeOps.insertBefore(parentElm, oldEndVnode.elm, oldStartVnode.elm);
+ oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];
+ newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
+ } else {
+ if (isUndef(oldKeyToIdx)) {
+ oldKeyToIdx = createKeyToOldIdx(oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx);
+ }
+ idxInOld = isDef(newStartVnode.key)
+ ? oldKeyToIdx[newStartVnode.key]
+ : findIdxInOld(newStartVnode, oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx);
+ if (isUndef(idxInOld)) {
+ // New element
+ createElm(newStartVnode, insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, oldStartVnode.elm, false, newCh, newStartIdx);
+ } else {
+ vnodeToMove = oldCh[idxInOld];
+ if (sameVnode(vnodeToMove, newStartVnode)) {
+ patchVnode(vnodeToMove, newStartVnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ oldCh[idxInOld] = undefined;
+ canMove && nodeOps.insertBefore(parentElm, vnodeToMove.elm, oldStartVnode.elm);
+ } else {
+ // same key but different element. treat as new element
+ createElm(newStartVnode, insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, oldStartVnode.elm, false, newCh, newStartIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];
+ }
+ }
+ if (oldStartIdx > oldEndIdx) {
+ refElm = isUndef(newCh[newEndIdx + 1]) ? null : newCh[newEndIdx + 1].elm;
+ addVnodes(parentElm, refElm, newCh, newStartIdx, newEndIdx, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ } else if (newStartIdx > newEndIdx) {
+ removeVnodes(parentElm, oldCh, oldStartIdx, oldEndIdx);
+ }
- // allow further extension/mixin/plugin usage
- Sub.extend = Super.extend;
- Sub.mixin = Super.mixin;
- Sub.use = Super.use;
+ function checkDuplicateKeys(children) {
+ var seenKeys = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ var vnode = children[i];
+ var key = vnode.key;
+ if (isDef(key)) {
+ if (seenKeys[key]) {
+ warn("Duplicate keys detected: '" + key + "'. This may cause an update error.", vnode.context);
+ } else {
+ seenKeys[key] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // create asset registers, so extended classes
- // can have their private assets too.
- ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
- Sub[type] = Super[type];
- });
- // enable recursive self-lookup
- if (name) {
- Sub.options.components[name] = Sub;
+ function findIdxInOld(node, oldCh, start, end) {
+ for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ var c = oldCh[i];
+ if (isDef(c) && sameVnode(node, c)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
- // keep a reference to the super options at extension time.
- // later at instantiation we can check if Super's options have
- // been updated.
- Sub.superOptions = Super.options;
- Sub.extendOptions = extendOptions;
- Sub.sealedOptions = extend({}, Sub.options);
+ function patchVnode(oldVnode, vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, removeOnly) {
+ if (oldVnode === vnode) {
+ return;
+ }
- // cache constructor
- cachedCtors[SuperId] = Sub;
- return Sub
- };
+ var elm = (vnode.elm = oldVnode.elm);
-function initProps$1 (Comp) {
- var props = Comp.options.props;
- for (var key in props) {
- proxy(Comp.prototype, "_props", key);
- }
+ if (isTrue(oldVnode.isAsyncPlaceholder)) {
+ if (isDef(vnode.asyncFactory.resolved)) {
+ hydrate(oldVnode.elm, vnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ } else {
+ vnode.isAsyncPlaceholder = true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
-function initComputed$1 (Comp) {
- var computed = Comp.options.computed;
- for (var key in computed) {
- defineComputed(Comp.prototype, key, computed[key]);
- }
+ // reuse element for static trees.
+ // note we only do this if the vnode is cloned -
+ // if the new node is not cloned it means the render functions have been
+ // reset by the hot-reload-api and we need to do a proper re-render.
+ if (
+ isTrue(vnode.isStatic) &&
+ isTrue(oldVnode.isStatic) &&
+ vnode.key === oldVnode.key &&
+ (isTrue(vnode.isCloned) || isTrue(vnode.isOnce))
+ ) {
+ vnode.componentInstance = oldVnode.componentInstance;
+ return;
+ }
-/* */
+ var i;
+ var data = vnode.data;
+ if (isDef(data) && isDef((i = data.hook)) && isDef((i = i.prepatch))) {
+ i(oldVnode, vnode);
+ }
-function initAssetRegisters (Vue) {
- /**
- * Create asset registration methods.
- */
- ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
- Vue[type] = function (
- id,
- definition
- ) {
- if (!definition) {
- return this.options[type + 's'][id]
- } else {
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if ("development" !== 'production' && type === 'component') {
- validateComponentName(id);
+ var oldCh = oldVnode.children;
+ var ch = vnode.children;
+ if (isDef(data) && isPatchable(vnode)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cbs.update.length; ++i) {
+ cbs.update[i](oldVnode, vnode);
- if (type === 'component' && isPlainObject(definition)) {
- definition.name = definition.name || id;
- definition = this.options._base.extend(definition);
+ if (isDef((i = data.hook)) && isDef((i = i.update))) {
+ i(oldVnode, vnode);
- if (type === 'directive' && typeof definition === 'function') {
- definition = { bind: definition, update: definition };
+ }
+ if (isUndef(vnode.text)) {
+ if (isDef(oldCh) && isDef(ch)) {
+ if (oldCh !== ch) {
+ updateChildren(elm, oldCh, ch, insertedVnodeQueue, removeOnly);
+ }
+ } else if (isDef(ch)) {
+ if (isDef(oldVnode.text)) {
+ nodeOps.setTextContent(elm, "");
+ }
+ addVnodes(elm, null, ch, 0, ch.length - 1, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ } else if (isDef(oldCh)) {
+ removeVnodes(elm, oldCh, 0, oldCh.length - 1);
+ } else if (isDef(oldVnode.text)) {
+ nodeOps.setTextContent(elm, "");
- this.options[type + 's'][id] = definition;
- return definition
+ } else if (oldVnode.text !== vnode.text) {
+ nodeOps.setTextContent(elm, vnode.text);
- };
- });
-/* */
-function getComponentName (opts) {
- return opts && (opts.Ctor.options.name || opts.tag)
-function matches (pattern, name) {
- if (Array.isArray(pattern)) {
- return pattern.indexOf(name) > -1
- } else if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
- return pattern.split(',').indexOf(name) > -1
- } else if (isRegExp(pattern)) {
- return pattern.test(name)
- }
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- return false
-function pruneCache (keepAliveInstance, filter) {
- var cache = keepAliveInstance.cache;
- var keys = keepAliveInstance.keys;
- var _vnode = keepAliveInstance._vnode;
- for (var key in cache) {
- var cachedNode = cache[key];
- if (cachedNode) {
- var name = getComponentName(cachedNode.componentOptions);
- if (name && !filter(name)) {
- pruneCacheEntry(cache, key, keys, _vnode);
- }
- }
- }
-function pruneCacheEntry (
- cache,
- key,
- keys,
- current
-) {
- var cached$$1 = cache[key];
- if (cached$$1 && (!current || cached$$1.tag !== current.tag)) {
- cached$$1.componentInstance.$destroy();
- }
- cache[key] = null;
- remove(keys, key);
-var patternTypes = [String, RegExp, Array];
-var KeepAlive = {
- name: 'keep-alive',
- abstract: true,
- props: {
- include: patternTypes,
- exclude: patternTypes,
- max: [String, Number]
- },
- created: function created () {
- this.cache = Object.create(null);
- this.keys = [];
- },
- destroyed: function destroyed () {
- var this$1 = this;
- for (var key in this$1.cache) {
- pruneCacheEntry(this$1.cache, key, this$1.keys);
- }
- },
- mounted: function mounted () {
- var this$1 = this;
- this.$watch('include', function (val) {
- pruneCache(this$1, function (name) { return matches(val, name); });
- });
- this.$watch('exclude', function (val) {
- pruneCache(this$1, function (name) { return !matches(val, name); });
- });
- },
- render: function render () {
- var slot = this.$slots.default;
- var vnode = getFirstComponentChild(slot);
- var componentOptions = vnode && vnode.componentOptions;
- if (componentOptions) {
- // check pattern
- var name = getComponentName(componentOptions);
- var ref = this;
- var include = ref.include;
- var exclude = ref.exclude;
- if (
- // not included
- (include && (!name || !matches(include, name))) ||
- // excluded
- (exclude && name && matches(exclude, name))
- ) {
- return vnode
+ if (isDef(data)) {
+ if (isDef((i = data.hook)) && isDef((i = i.postpatch))) {
+ i(oldVnode, vnode);
+ }
+ }
- var ref$1 = this;
- var cache = ref$1.cache;
- var keys = ref$1.keys;
- var key = vnode.key == null
- // same constructor may get registered as different local components
- // so cid alone is not enough (#3269)
- ? componentOptions.Ctor.cid + (componentOptions.tag ? ("::" + (componentOptions.tag)) : '')
- : vnode.key;
- if (cache[key]) {
- vnode.componentInstance = cache[key].componentInstance;
- // make current key freshest
- remove(keys, key);
- keys.push(key);
+ function invokeInsertHook(vnode, queue, initial) {
+ // delay insert hooks for component root nodes, invoke them after the
+ // element is really inserted
+ if (isTrue(initial) && isDef(vnode.parent)) {
+ vnode.parent.data.pendingInsert = queue;
} else {
- cache[key] = vnode;
- keys.push(key);
- // prune oldest entry
- if (this.max && keys.length > parseInt(this.max)) {
- pruneCacheEntry(cache, keys[0], keys, this._vnode);
+ for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i) {
+ queue[i].data.hook.insert(queue[i]);
- vnode.data.keepAlive = true;
- return vnode || (slot && slot[0])
- }
-var builtInComponents = {
- KeepAlive: KeepAlive
+ var hydrationBailed = false;
+ // list of modules that can skip create hook during hydration because they
+ // are already rendered on the client or has no need for initialization
+ // Note: style is excluded because it relies on initial clone for future
+ // deep updates (#7063).
+ var isRenderedModule = makeMap("attrs,class,staticClass,staticStyle,key");
-/* */
-function initGlobalAPI (Vue) {
- // config
- var configDef = {};
- configDef.get = function () { return config; };
- {
- configDef.set = function () {
- warn(
- 'Do not replace the Vue.config object, set individual fields instead.'
- );
- };
- }
- Object.defineProperty(Vue, 'config', configDef);
+ // Note: this is a browser-only function so we can assume elms are DOM nodes.
+ function hydrate(elm, vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, inVPre) {
+ var i;
+ var tag = vnode.tag;
+ var data = vnode.data;
+ var children = vnode.children;
+ inVPre = inVPre || (data && data.pre);
+ vnode.elm = elm;
- // exposed util methods.
- // NOTE: these are not considered part of the public API - avoid relying on
- // them unless you are aware of the risk.
- Vue.util = {
- warn: warn,
- extend: extend,
- mergeOptions: mergeOptions,
- defineReactive: defineReactive
- };
+ if (isTrue(vnode.isComment) && isDef(vnode.asyncFactory)) {
+ vnode.isAsyncPlaceholder = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // assert node match
+ {
+ if (!assertNodeMatch(elm, vnode, inVPre)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isDef(data)) {
+ if (isDef((i = data.hook)) && isDef((i = i.init))) {
+ i(vnode, true /* hydrating */);
+ }
+ if (isDef((i = vnode.componentInstance))) {
+ // child component. it should have hydrated its own tree.
+ initComponent(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isDef(tag)) {
+ if (isDef(children)) {
+ // empty element, allow client to pick up and populate children
+ if (!elm.hasChildNodes()) {
+ createChildren(vnode, children, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ } else {
+ // v-html and domProps: innerHTML
+ if (isDef((i = data)) && isDef((i = i.domProps)) && isDef((i = i.innerHTML))) {
+ if (i !== elm.innerHTML) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ("development" !== "production" && typeof console !== "undefined" && !hydrationBailed) {
+ hydrationBailed = true;
+ console.warn("Parent: ", elm);
+ console.warn("server innerHTML: ", i);
+ console.warn("client innerHTML: ", elm.innerHTML);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // iterate and compare children lists
+ var childrenMatch = true;
+ var childNode = elm.firstChild;
+ for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < children.length; i$1++) {
+ if (!childNode || !hydrate(childNode, children[i$1], insertedVnodeQueue, inVPre)) {
+ childrenMatch = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ childNode = childNode.nextSibling;
+ }
+ // if childNode is not null, it means the actual childNodes list is
+ // longer than the virtual children list.
+ if (!childrenMatch || childNode) {
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ("development" !== "production" && typeof console !== "undefined" && !hydrationBailed) {
+ hydrationBailed = true;
+ console.warn("Parent: ", elm);
+ console.warn("Mismatching childNodes vs. VNodes: ", elm.childNodes, children);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isDef(data)) {
+ var fullInvoke = false;
+ for (var key in data) {
+ if (!isRenderedModule(key)) {
+ fullInvoke = true;
+ invokeCreateHooks(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fullInvoke && data["class"]) {
+ // ensure collecting deps for deep class bindings for future updates
+ traverse(data["class"]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (elm.data !== vnode.text) {
+ elm.data = vnode.text;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
- Vue.set = set;
- Vue.delete = del;
- Vue.nextTick = nextTick;
+ function assertNodeMatch(node, vnode, inVPre) {
+ if (isDef(vnode.tag)) {
+ return (
+ vnode.tag.indexOf("vue-component") === 0 ||
+ (!isUnknownElement$$1(vnode, inVPre) &&
+ vnode.tag.toLowerCase() === (node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase()))
+ );
+ } else {
+ return node.nodeType === (vnode.isComment ? 8 : 3);
+ }
+ }
- Vue.options = Object.create(null);
- ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) {
- Vue.options[type + 's'] = Object.create(null);
- });
+ return function patch(oldVnode, vnode, hydrating, removeOnly, parentElm, refElm) {
+ if (isUndef(vnode)) {
+ if (isDef(oldVnode)) {
+ invokeDestroyHook(oldVnode);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
- // this is used to identify the "base" constructor to extend all plain-object
- // components with in Weex's multi-instance scenarios.
- Vue.options._base = Vue;
+ var isInitialPatch = false;
+ var insertedVnodeQueue = [];
- extend(Vue.options.components, builtInComponents);
+ if (isUndef(oldVnode)) {
+ // empty mount (likely as component), create new root element
+ isInitialPatch = true;
+ createElm(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, parentElm, refElm);
+ } else {
+ var isRealElement = isDef(oldVnode.nodeType);
+ if (!isRealElement && sameVnode(oldVnode, vnode)) {
+ // patch existing root node
+ patchVnode(oldVnode, vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, removeOnly);
+ } else {
+ if (isRealElement) {
+ // mounting to a real element
+ // check if this is server-rendered content and if we can perform
+ // a successful hydration.
+ if (oldVnode.nodeType === 1 && oldVnode.hasAttribute(SSR_ATTR)) {
+ oldVnode.removeAttribute(SSR_ATTR);
+ hydrating = true;
+ }
+ if (isTrue(hydrating)) {
+ if (hydrate(oldVnode, vnode, insertedVnodeQueue)) {
+ invokeInsertHook(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, true);
+ return oldVnode;
+ } else {
+ warn(
+ "The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching " +
+ "server-rendered content. This is likely caused by incorrect " +
+ "HTML markup, for example nesting block-level elements inside " +
+ ", or missing
. Bailing hydration and performing " +
+ "full client-side render.",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // either not server-rendered, or hydration failed.
+ // create an empty node and replace it
+ oldVnode = emptyNodeAt(oldVnode);
+ }
- initUse(Vue);
- initMixin$1(Vue);
- initExtend(Vue);
- initAssetRegisters(Vue);
+ // replacing existing element
+ var oldElm = oldVnode.elm;
+ var parentElm$1 = nodeOps.parentNode(oldElm);
+ // create new node
+ createElm(
+ vnode,
+ insertedVnodeQueue,
+ // extremely rare edge case: do not insert if old element is in a
+ // leaving transition. Only happens when combining transition +
+ // keep-alive + HOCs. (#4590)
+ oldElm._leaveCb ? null : parentElm$1,
+ nodeOps.nextSibling(oldElm),
+ );
+ // update parent placeholder node element, recursively
+ if (isDef(vnode.parent)) {
+ var ancestor = vnode.parent;
+ var patchable = isPatchable(vnode);
+ while (ancestor) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < cbs.destroy.length; ++i) {
+ cbs.destroy[i](ancestor);
+ }
+ ancestor.elm = vnode.elm;
+ if (patchable) {
+ for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < cbs.create.length; ++i$1) {
+ cbs.create[i$1](emptyNode, ancestor);
+ }
+ // #6513
+ // invoke insert hooks that may have been merged by create hooks.
+ // e.g. for directives that uses the "inserted" hook.
+ var insert = ancestor.data.hook.insert;
+ if (insert.merged) {
+ // start at index 1 to avoid re-invoking component mounted hook
+ for (var i$2 = 1; i$2 < insert.fns.length; i$2++) {
+ insert.fns[i$2]();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ registerRef(ancestor);
+ }
+ ancestor = ancestor.parent;
+ }
+ }
-Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$isServer', {
- get: isServerRendering
+ // destroy old node
+ if (isDef(parentElm$1)) {
+ removeVnodes(parentElm$1, [oldVnode], 0, 0);
+ } else if (isDef(oldVnode.tag)) {
+ invokeDestroyHook(oldVnode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
-Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$ssrContext', {
- get: function get () {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- return this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext
+ invokeInsertHook(vnode, insertedVnodeQueue, isInitialPatch);
+ return vnode.elm;
+ };
-// expose FunctionalRenderContext for ssr runtime helper installation
-Object.defineProperty(Vue, 'FunctionalRenderContext', {
- value: FunctionalRenderContext
-Vue.version = '2.5.16';
-/* */
+ /* */
-// these are reserved for web because they are directly compiled away
-// during template compilation
-var isReservedAttr = makeMap('style,class');
+ var directives = {
+ create: updateDirectives,
+ update: updateDirectives,
+ destroy: function unbindDirectives(vnode) {
+ updateDirectives(vnode, emptyNode);
+ },
+ };
-// attributes that should be using props for binding
-var acceptValue = makeMap('input,textarea,option,select,progress');
-var mustUseProp = function (tag, type, attr) {
- return (
- (attr === 'value' && acceptValue(tag)) && type !== 'button' ||
- (attr === 'selected' && tag === 'option') ||
- (attr === 'checked' && tag === 'input') ||
- (attr === 'muted' && tag === 'video')
- )
+ function updateDirectives(oldVnode, vnode) {
+ if (oldVnode.data.directives || vnode.data.directives) {
+ _update(oldVnode, vnode);
+ }
+ }
-var isEnumeratedAttr = makeMap('contenteditable,draggable,spellcheck');
+ function _update(oldVnode, vnode) {
+ var isCreate = oldVnode === emptyNode;
+ var isDestroy = vnode === emptyNode;
+ var oldDirs = normalizeDirectives$1(oldVnode.data.directives, oldVnode.context);
+ var newDirs = normalizeDirectives$1(vnode.data.directives, vnode.context);
-var isBooleanAttr = makeMap(
- 'allowfullscreen,async,autofocus,autoplay,checked,compact,controls,declare,' +
- 'default,defaultchecked,defaultmuted,defaultselected,defer,disabled,' +
- 'enabled,formnovalidate,hidden,indeterminate,inert,ismap,itemscope,loop,multiple,' +
- 'muted,nohref,noresize,noshade,novalidate,nowrap,open,pauseonexit,readonly,' +
- 'required,reversed,scoped,seamless,selected,sortable,translate,' +
- 'truespeed,typemustmatch,visible'
+ var dirsWithInsert = [];
+ var dirsWithPostpatch = [];
-var xlinkNS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink';
+ var key, oldDir, dir;
+ for (key in newDirs) {
+ oldDir = oldDirs[key];
+ dir = newDirs[key];
+ if (!oldDir) {
+ // new directive, bind
+ callHook$1(dir, "bind", vnode, oldVnode);
+ if (dir.def && dir.def.inserted) {
+ dirsWithInsert.push(dir);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // existing directive, update
+ dir.oldValue = oldDir.value;
+ callHook$1(dir, "update", vnode, oldVnode);
+ if (dir.def && dir.def.componentUpdated) {
+ dirsWithPostpatch.push(dir);
+ }
+ }
+ }
-var isXlink = function (name) {
- return name.charAt(5) === ':' && name.slice(0, 5) === 'xlink'
+ if (dirsWithInsert.length) {
+ var callInsert = function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < dirsWithInsert.length; i++) {
+ callHook$1(dirsWithInsert[i], "inserted", vnode, oldVnode);
+ }
+ };
+ if (isCreate) {
+ mergeVNodeHook(vnode, "insert", callInsert);
+ } else {
+ callInsert();
+ }
+ }
-var getXlinkProp = function (name) {
- return isXlink(name) ? name.slice(6, name.length) : ''
+ if (dirsWithPostpatch.length) {
+ mergeVNodeHook(vnode, "postpatch", function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < dirsWithPostpatch.length; i++) {
+ callHook$1(dirsWithPostpatch[i], "componentUpdated", vnode, oldVnode);
+ }
+ });
+ }
-var isFalsyAttrValue = function (val) {
- return val == null || val === false
+ if (!isCreate) {
+ for (key in oldDirs) {
+ if (!newDirs[key]) {
+ // no longer present, unbind
+ callHook$1(oldDirs[key], "unbind", oldVnode, oldVnode, isDestroy);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
-/* */
+ var emptyModifiers = Object.create(null);
-function genClassForVnode (vnode) {
- var data = vnode.data;
- var parentNode = vnode;
- var childNode = vnode;
- while (isDef(childNode.componentInstance)) {
- childNode = childNode.componentInstance._vnode;
- if (childNode && childNode.data) {
- data = mergeClassData(childNode.data, data);
+ function normalizeDirectives$1(dirs, vm) {
+ var res = Object.create(null);
+ if (!dirs) {
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ return res;
- }
- while (isDef(parentNode = parentNode.parent)) {
- if (parentNode && parentNode.data) {
- data = mergeClassData(data, parentNode.data);
+ var i, dir;
+ for (i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
+ dir = dirs[i];
+ if (!dir.modifiers) {
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ dir.modifiers = emptyModifiers;
+ }
+ res[getRawDirName(dir)] = dir;
+ dir.def = resolveAsset(vm.$options, "directives", dir.name, true);
+ // $flow-disable-line
+ return res;
- return renderClass(data.staticClass, data.class)
-function mergeClassData (child, parent) {
- return {
- staticClass: concat(child.staticClass, parent.staticClass),
- class: isDef(child.class)
- ? [child.class, parent.class]
- : parent.class
+ function getRawDirName(dir) {
+ return dir.rawName || dir.name + "." + Object.keys(dir.modifiers || {}).join(".");
-function renderClass (
- staticClass,
- dynamicClass
-) {
- if (isDef(staticClass) || isDef(dynamicClass)) {
- return concat(staticClass, stringifyClass(dynamicClass))
+ function callHook$1(dir, hook, vnode, oldVnode, isDestroy) {
+ var fn = dir.def && dir.def[hook];
+ if (fn) {
+ try {
+ fn(vnode.elm, dir, vnode, oldVnode, isDestroy);
+ } catch (e) {
+ handleError(e, vnode.context, "directive " + dir.name + " " + hook + " hook");
+ }
+ }
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- return ''
-function concat (a, b) {
- return a ? b ? (a + ' ' + b) : a : (b || '')
+ var baseModules = [ref, directives];
-function stringifyClass (value) {
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- return stringifyArray(value)
- }
- if (isObject(value)) {
- return stringifyObject(value)
- }
- if (typeof value === 'string') {
- return value
- }
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- return ''
-function stringifyArray (value) {
- var res = '';
- var stringified;
- for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) {
- if (isDef(stringified = stringifyClass(value[i])) && stringified !== '') {
- if (res) { res += ' '; }
- res += stringified;
- }
- }
- return res
-function stringifyObject (value) {
- var res = '';
- for (var key in value) {
- if (value[key]) {
- if (res) { res += ' '; }
- res += key;
- }
- }
- return res
-/* */
-var namespaceMap = {
- svg: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
- math: 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'
-var isHTMLTag = makeMap(
- 'html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,' +
- 'address,article,aside,footer,header,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hgroup,nav,section,' +
- 'div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,' +
- 'a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,rtc,ruby,' +
- 's,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,' +
- 'embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,' +
- 'caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,' +
- 'button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,' +
- 'output,progress,select,textarea,' +
- 'details,dialog,menu,menuitem,summary,' +
- 'content,element,shadow,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot'
-// this map is intentionally selective, only covering SVG elements that may
-// contain child elements.
-var isSVG = makeMap(
- 'svg,animate,circle,clippath,cursor,defs,desc,ellipse,filter,font-face,' +
- 'foreignObject,g,glyph,image,line,marker,mask,missing-glyph,path,pattern,' +
- 'polygon,polyline,rect,switch,symbol,text,textpath,tspan,use,view',
- true
-var isPreTag = function (tag) { return tag === 'pre'; };
-var isReservedTag = function (tag) {
- return isHTMLTag(tag) || isSVG(tag)
-function getTagNamespace (tag) {
- if (isSVG(tag)) {
- return 'svg'
- }
- // basic support for MathML
- // note it doesn't support other MathML elements being component roots
- if (tag === 'math') {
- return 'math'
- }
-var unknownElementCache = Object.create(null);
-function isUnknownElement (tag) {
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (!inBrowser) {
- return true
+ /* */
+ function updateAttrs(oldVnode, vnode) {
+ var opts = vnode.componentOptions;
+ if (isDef(opts) && opts.Ctor.options.inheritAttrs === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isUndef(oldVnode.data.attrs) && isUndef(vnode.data.attrs)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var key, cur, old;
+ var elm = vnode.elm;
+ var oldAttrs = oldVnode.data.attrs || {};
+ var attrs = vnode.data.attrs || {};
+ // clone observed objects, as the user probably wants to mutate it
+ if (isDef(attrs.__ob__)) {
+ attrs = vnode.data.attrs = extend({}, attrs);
+ }
+ for (key in attrs) {
+ cur = attrs[key];
+ old = oldAttrs[key];
+ if (old !== cur) {
+ setAttr(elm, key, cur);
+ }
+ }
+ // #4391: in IE9, setting type can reset value for input[type=radio]
+ // #6666: IE/Edge forces progress value down to 1 before setting a max
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ((isIE || isEdge) && attrs.value !== oldAttrs.value) {
+ setAttr(elm, "value", attrs.value);
+ }
+ for (key in oldAttrs) {
+ if (isUndef(attrs[key])) {
+ if (isXlink(key)) {
+ elm.removeAttributeNS(xlinkNS, getXlinkProp(key));
+ } else if (!isEnumeratedAttr(key)) {
+ elm.removeAttribute(key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (isReservedTag(tag)) {
- return false
+ function setAttr(el, key, value) {
+ if (el.tagName.indexOf("-") > -1) {
+ baseSetAttr(el, key, value);
+ } else if (isBooleanAttr(key)) {
+ // set attribute for blank value
+ // e.g.
+ if (isFalsyAttrValue(value)) {
+ el.removeAttribute(key);
+ } else {
+ // technically allowfullscreen is a boolean attribute for