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Takeda-senpai edited this page Jun 22, 2022 · 36 revisions

Welcome to the initrd-magisk wiki!

How to use initrd-magisk?

Read here

Which Magisk version support?

initrd-magisk supports Magisk v22+

How to update Magisk?

  • initrd-magisk provides boot image support for Android x86 so you can just update any Magisk version from Magisk app.
  • You can also manually patch boot-magisk.img in Android x86 directory.

Magisk said another SU had been detected

Almost Android-x86 projects come with root. Please remove built-in root, Read here

Can we pass SafetyNet on Android-x86 with SafetyNet Fix

No, you can't.

What is boot-magisk.img used for?

It's used for storing Magisk binaries after patching boot image with Magisk and will be loaded by initrd-magisk. It is not used by Android-x86 by anyway.

Module caused bootloop. How to solve?

Boot your Android x86 with FIXFS=1 or SAFEMODE=1 flag. initrd-magisk will disable all magisk modules. After that you can manage your modules in Magisk app.

Why can't I find Magisk binary in /sbin ?

Magisk is always activated in /dev/<random_string> to avoid built-in rusty magisk in Android x86 build breaking the standard of Magisk

How can i access installed Android x86 directory from Android x86?

  • initrd-magisk provides the way to access your Android x86 though $(magisk --path)/.magisk/mirror/android
MAGISKTMP=$(magisk --path)
[ ! -e "$OROOT" ] && { echo "! Please use lastest initrd-magisk"; exit 1; }
# you can use:
# BOOTIMAGE=/dev/block/by-name/boot
[ ! -e "$ANDROID_SYSTEM" ] && ANDROID_SYSTEM=$OROOT/system.img
[ ! -e "$ANDROID_DATA" ] && ANDROID_DATA=$OROOT/data.img
[ ! -e "$ANDROID_DATA" ] && ANDROID_DATA=/dev/block/by-name/data

Known issue

Magisk and Zygisk will not work if SELinux is disabled. Please do not turn off SELinux and use SELinux Permissive.

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