Sends RealSense data over web socket from Processing to p5js.
The repository contains a number of basic examples in the Poster_Templates, together with a custom library to handle communication between the Realsense-Camera application running in Java, and the poster output running with P5js.
iframeSwitcher contains the
For running the poster, there are two lines needed in the setup function and one in the draw function.
function setup() {
/*important!*/ createCanvas(getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight()); // Don't remove this line. You may change the render to WEBGL if you wish
/*important!*/ setupOSC(false); // Don't remove this line. The optional boolean argument turns the depthstream on and off. A 2nd boolean parameter enables an RGB stream.
function draw() {
/*important!*/ posterTasks(); // Don't remove this line
These variables hold the coordinates of a tracker point, based on the camera and blob detection. When no camera is available the data will be controled by the mouse.
position.x // represents left to right movement of one user
position.y // represents up and down movement of one user. Use sparingly, as this movement is less intuitive.
position.z // represents distance from the user to the screen.
tracking // boolean: true if someone is infront of the camera
posNormal.x, posNormal.y, posNormal.z //The same as "position" but normalised. i.e values between 0 and 1.
There are two screens (0 and 1) for which you can access the coordinates with the following variables.
screens[i].x // x position of screen
screens[i].y // y position of screen. Tip: this will always be 0!
screens[i].w // width of screen
screens[i].h // height of screen
screens[i].cntX // x position of screen center
screens[i].cntY // y position of screen center
These variables act as units of measurement, which are safer than using pixel coordinates.
vw // 1 percent of viewport width
vh // 1 percent of viewport height
The Processing (JAVA) application connects to the realsense camera, and provides all the data over OSC.
Currently ia requires version 3.5.4 of Processing to run.
It also requires the following libraries to run.
- bildspur.realsense
- controlP5
- oscP5
- opencv
Realsense websockets based on work by Florian Bruggisser