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Salvo Virga edited this page Sep 20, 2018 · 6 revisions

Examples for Publisher / Subscriber

The Publisher / Subscriber pattern is implemented using the classes Publisher and Subscriber.
A Publisher simply sends out messages to all Subscribers (if any) that are listening to its ip address and port.
Here is an example of a Publisher for messages of type simple_msgs::Point, it will publish 10 times to any listeners on port 5555.

int main() {
  simple_msgs::Point my_point{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
  simple::Publisher<simple_msgs::Point> publisher{"tcp://*:5555"};   
  for (auto i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {

The construction of a Publisher requires to give a string as parameter. That is identical to the interface used by ZeroMQ. In this case we use:


Which means:

  • Use tcp:// as protocol.
  • Send messages to Subscribers connect from * any IP address.
  • Use the port 5555.

You can change this parameter accordingly to your setup.

A Subscriber listens to messages sent by a Publisher on the given ip address and port.
Every message that arrives will be handled (asynchronously) by a given callback function. The function could do anything you need, in this example it just prints out the content of the message.

void example_callback(const simple_msgs::Point& p)
  std::cout << p << std::endl;

int main()
  simple::Subscriber<simple_msgs::Point> subscriber{"tcp://", example_callback};

To construct a Subscriber we used a string and pointed to the callback function. In this case we used:


Which means:

  • Use tcp:// as protocol.
  • Connect to a Publisher on the IP: (localhost).
  • Connect to a Publisher listening on port 5555.

You can change this parameter accordingly to your setup.

Full Example

A full example is available for a Publisher and a Subscriber.
The example will exchange PoseStamped messages across the localhost.

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