diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5d9f6b277..89d36ca64 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -115,6 +115,44 @@ target_link_libraries(<your_executable_or_library> PUBLIC ${IR2VEC_INSTALL_DIR}/
 And then pass the location of IR2Vec's install prefix to `DIR2VEC_INSTALL_DIR` during cmake.
+The following example snippet shows how to query the exposed vector representations.
+#include "IR2Vec.h"
+// Creating object to generate FlowAware representation
+auto ir2vec =
+      IR2Vec::Embeddings(<LLVM Module>, IR2Vec::IR2VecMode::FlowAware,
+                         "./vocabulary/seedEmbeddingVocab-300-llvm10.txt");
+// Getting Instruction vectors corresponding to the instructions in <LLVM Module>
+auto instVecMap = ir2vec.getInstVecMap();
+// Access the generated vectors
+for (auto instVec : instVecMap) {
+    outs() << "Instruction : ";
+    instVec.first->print(outs());
+    outs() << ": ";
+    for (auto val : instVec.second)
+      outs() << val << "\t";
+// Getting vectors corresponding to the functions in <LLVM Module>
+auto funcVecMap = ir2vec.getFunctionVecMap();
+// Access the generated vectors
+for (auto funcVec : funcVecMap) {
+    outs() << "Function : " << funcVec.first->getName() << "\n";
+    for (auto val : funcVec.second)
+      outs() << val << "\t";
+  }
+// Getting the program vector
+auto pgmVec = ir2vec.getProgramVector();
+// Access the generated vector
+for (auto val : pgmVec)
+    outs() << val << "\t";
 ## Experiments
 ### Note
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 929e8ddb2..94523060b 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.3)
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
 project(ir2vec VERSION 1.0.0)
 set(IR2VEC_LIB "IR2Vec")
diff --git a/src/include/IR2Vec.h b/src/include/IR2Vec.h
index 385dcae75..a791f0ddf 100644
--- a/src/include/IR2Vec.h
+++ b/src/include/IR2Vec.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ using Vector = llvm::SmallVector<double, DIM>;
 enum IR2VecMode { FlowAware, Symbolic };
-class IR2VecTy {
+class Embeddings {
   int generateEncodings(llvm::Module &M, IR2VecMode mode, std::string vocab,
                         char level = '\0', std::ostream *o = nullptr,
                         int cls = -1, float WO = 1, float WA = 0.2,
@@ -29,26 +29,36 @@ class IR2VecTy {
   Vector pgmVector;
-  IR2VecTy(llvm::Module &M, IR2VecMode mode, std::string vocab, float WO = 1,
-           float WA = 0.2, float WT = 0.5) {
+  Embeddings(llvm::Module &M, IR2VecMode mode, std::string vocab, float WO = 1,
+             float WA = 0.2, float WT = 0.5) {
     generateEncodings(M, mode, vocab, '\0', nullptr, -1, WO, WA, WT);
-  IR2VecTy(llvm::Module &M, IR2VecMode mode, std::string vocab, char level,
-           std::ostream *o, float WO = 1, float WA = 0.2, float WT = 0.5) {
+  // Use this constructor if the representations ought to be written to a file.
+  // Analogous to the command line options that are being used in IR2Vec binary.
+  Embeddings(llvm::Module &M, IR2VecMode mode, std::string vocab, char level,
+             std::ostream *o, float WO = 1, float WA = 0.2, float WT = 0.5) {
     generateEncodings(M, mode, vocab, level, o, -1, WO, WA, WT);
+  // Returns a map containing instructions and the corresponding vector
+  // representations for a given module corresponding to the IR2VecMode and
+  // other configurations that is set in constructor
   llvm::SmallMapVector<const llvm::Instruction *, Vector, 128> &
   getInstVecMap() {
     return instVecMap;
+  // Returns a map containing functions and the corresponding vector
+  // representations for a given module corresponding to the IR2VecMode and
+  // other configurations that is set in constructor
   llvm::SmallMapVector<const llvm::Function *, Vector, 16> &
   getFunctionVecMap() {
     return funcVecMap;
+  // Returns the program vector for a module corresponding to the IR2VecMode
+  // and other configurations that is set in constructor
   Vector &getProgramVector() { return pgmVector; }
diff --git a/src/libIR2Vec.cpp b/src/libIR2Vec.cpp
index be5fcb2bd..87a05756b 100644
--- a/src/libIR2Vec.cpp
+++ b/src/libIR2Vec.cpp
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
-int IR2Vec::IR2VecTy::generateEncodings(llvm::Module &M,
-                                        IR2Vec::IR2VecMode mode,
-                                        std::string vocab, char level,
-                                        std::ostream *o, int cls, float WO,
-                                        float WA, float WT) {
+int IR2Vec::Embeddings::generateEncodings(llvm::Module &M,
+                                          IR2Vec::IR2VecMode mode,
+                                          std::string vocab, char level,
+                                          std::ostream *o, int cls, float WO,
+                                          float WA, float WT) {
   IR2Vec::vocab = vocab;
   IR2Vec::level = level;
   IR2Vec::cls = cls;