date_ingest_checker <- function(x, precision, TZ) {
Detemine input format (probably grepl string matching a set of options) Accept ISO format - addressed with parse_iso Accept 24 hour or 12 hour plus AM / PM - addressed in tryFormats Accept additional formats as needed ? -addressed in tryFormats
Determine precision for output format based on input information ## may not be necessary as posixct can handle different levels of precision. only weird thing is with milliseconds!need to think of how this would be interpreted in a situation where a sensor takes a measurement on the hour--but not necessarily consistently ( e.g. telemetry collars set to 1 hour fixes, but depending on # of satellites the collar is able to require, may be +/- sec./min.) in cases where some data elements are not as precise as others ( e.g., all but a few timestamps appeared to have minutes and seconds, and those that did not occured right on the hour ), we will assume that the overall level of precision is the precision of the most precise element provenance information will be captured for those values which are padded with zeros
If data isn't a valid format output why to user for gathering correct information
Require year, month, and day at a minimum Allow users to specify a specific precision, e.g. hour and minutes, or just date that is expected/required
Require unambiguous input timezone (requires legwork to determine, likely not automatable, but may be consisitent over time for a site or type of data) ** Provide feedback to user informing them which TZ was recognized & applied Additional dataframe with timezones by station/site Timezone in input dateTimes Single TZ value if all of the data is coming in in the same TZ and is known
Clean input times to be in ISO format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ format_iso_8601 from parsedate package
Convert to R dateTime object (POSIXct or POSIXlt?) ## Leave as character?
** Provide feedback to user: timestamp minimum/maximum in UTC and in TZ of input data, if TZ was given in input data before we convert to character, can do range(), min, max, etc. can also print TZ. 8. Plot review of earlierst/latest/disctributin of times to the user to check that the dates/times are reasonable (descTools?) what kind of data visualizations/summary ouputs would we like for this? 9. Output dataframe with columns appended for input TZ and input precision (maybe check is they're all the same and output another way ? Separate table ? ) TZ is a string value Precision options:day, minute, second, milliSecond for milliseconds, format needs to be e.g. "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS" . posixct doesn't display ms but stores them internally (would pad with zeroes if undefined).
character vector in ISO 8601 format #did not proceed with parsedate because of TZ issue - might want to make note of this decision somewhere
#tryFormats from posix documentation:
rather than trying to accommodate for every possible date-time format that can be thrown our way (and unspecified)
Additional QA / QC or timestamps updates based on some sort of input / tracking log ( see Celeste's code snippet for incidents) 2. Format date for output in ISO 8601 UTC as text string and user specified "local" or other time with appropriate level of precision from input 3. Remove extra columns from dataframe for input timezone and precision and create an output similar to the ingest provenance output
(fail or fix?).
Outstanding/unresolved issues for the date-time working group:
- What does format of provenance information look like? Harmonize with whatever format the ingest group is coming up with? }
sorted_by_timestamp<-function(timeVector,allowTies=TRUE){ if(mode(timeVector) != "numeric"){ e<-simpleError(paste("Error: Input must be Date, POSIXct, POSIXlt or numeric.\n Input vector was ",mode(timeVector),sep='')) stop(e) } timeVec1<-tail(timeVector,-1)
if(allowTies==FALSE){ result<-ifelse(head(timeVector,length(timeVector)-1) < timeVec1,0,1) }else{ result<-ifelse(head(timeVector,length(timeVector)-1)<=timeVec1,0,1) } result<-ifelse(,-1,result) result<-append(result,-1) return(result) }