Shadowsocks Client: If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.
Thanks a lot for Shadowsocks for Windows.
- System proxy configuration
- PAC mode and global mode
Download the latest release.
Deepin 15.4.1 or higher.
- Find Shadowsocks icon
- You can add multiple servers in servers menu
- Select
Enable System Proxy
menu to enable system proxy. Please disable other proxy addons in your browser, or set them to use system proxy - You can also configure your browser proxy manually if you don't want to enable
system proxy. Set Socks5 or HTTP proxy to You can change this
port in
Servers -> Edit Servers
- You can change PAC rules by editing the PAC file. When you save the PAC file with any editor, Shadowsocks will notify browsers about the change automatically
- You can also use online PAC URL
CLion 2017.2 & Qt 5.6 are required.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools -y
sudo apt install libqtshadowsocks-dev -y
sudo apt install libssl-dev libbotan1.10-dev -y
sudo apt install libdtkbase-dev libdtkwidget-dev -y
sudo apt install libdframeworkdbus-dev -y
sudo apt install libqrencode-dev libzbar-dev -y
sudo apt install libdtkbase-dev libdtkcore-dev libdtksettings-dev libdtksettingsview-dev libdtkutil-dev libdtkwidget-dev libdtkwm-dev -y
sudo apt install dh-make fakeroot -y
cd shadowsocks-client
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
Shadowsocks Client is licensed under GPLv3.