DEPRECATED in favor of
This module provides a more usable interface to node-expat's fast SAX parser.
npm install xml-events
Contextual events are fired when the parser finishes parsing a descendant's attributes and text. You can then listen for futher descendants on the matched node.
var xml = require('xml-events')
var data = "<root><person age='32'><name>Somebody</name></person></root>"
xml.parse(data, function(err, root) {
// find <person> nodes anywhere in the document
root.on('person', function(person) {
// find <name> nodes anywhere within this <person>
person.on('name', function(name) {
// person is still in scope, so we can access its attributes.
console.log("Found person: " + name.text + " with age " + person.attr('age'))
root.onEnd(function() {
console.log("Done parsing the document")
You can stream data to the parser with xml.parser
var xml = require('xml-events')
var parse = xml.parser(function(err, root) {
root.on('name', function(name) {
console.log("found name: " + name)
If you are using a file stream, just listen to the data
event and pass it to parse
var parse = xml.parser(function(err, root) {
var stream = fs.createReadStream("somefile.xml")
stream.on('data', function(data) {