- Install Kinova python-API: https://github.com/Kinovarobotics/kortex/blob/master/api_python/examples/readme.md
The default control mode is High Level Velocity
. If you want to change the control modes, you need to call rosservices:
- The mode is switched to HLC position control and the/kinova/command
topic expects desired joint positions<robot_name>/kinova/change_to_HLC_velocity
- The mode is switched to HLC position control and the/kinova/command
topic expects desired joint velocities<robot_name>/kinova/change_to_LLC_position
- The mode is switched to LLC position control and the/kinova/command
topic expects desired joint positionsNOT RECOMMENDED YET
- The mode is switched to LLC position control and the/kinova/command
topic expects desired joint velocities.NOT RECOMMENDED YET
Possible robot_names in the MRL are "dingo1" and "dingo2".
- Topic for controlling kinova's joints<robot_name>/cmd_vel
- Topic for controlling omnibase's velocities<robot_name>/kinova/error_ack
- Topic for acknowledging faults<robot_name>/kinova/joint_states
- Topic for subscribing the actual state of the robot in [rad, rad/s, Nm]<robot_name>/dinova/joint_states
- Topic for subscribing the actual state of dinova [wheels, q]. This is mainly use for RViz, tf, ...<robot_name>/dinova/omni_states
- Topic for subscribing the actual state of dinova [x, y, theta, q]. The omnibase pose is received from odometry.<robot_name>/dinova/omni_states_vicon
- Topic for subscribing the actual state of dinova [x, y, theta, q]. The omnibase pose is received from vicon. Possible robot_names in the MRL are "dingo1" and "dingo2".
rosservice call <robot_name>/kinova/go_zero_position
- Move an arm to zero joint positionrosservice call <robot_name>/kinova/go_home_position
- Move an arm to home joint positionrosservice call <robot_name>/kinova/gripper/open
- Open gripperrosservice call <robot_name>/kinova/gripper/close
- Close gripper Possible robot_names in the MRL are "dingo1" and "dingo2".