index fe8bd1ab..cf8d26a3 100644
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ Imports:
rstudioapi(>= 0.10),
httr(>= 1.4.1),
V8(>= 3.4.0),
- cli(>= 2.5.0)
+ cli(>= 2.5.0),
+ memoise(>= 2.0.0)
@@ -46,11 +47,12 @@ Suggests:
compare(>= 0.2.4),
knitr(>= 1.7),
- rmarkdown(>= 0.9.2)
+ rmarkdown(>= 0.9.2),
+ openxlsx
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
ZipData: no
URL: https://github.com/IPS-LMU/emuR, https://ips-lmu.github.io/The-EMU-SDMS-Manual/
BugReports: https://github.com/IPS-LMU/emuR/issues
-RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
+RoxygenNote: 7.1.2
index 8afd353b..778e4ba9 100644
@@ -43,10 +43,12 @@ S3method(utt,emusegs)
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ export(bayes.lab)
@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ export(euclidean)
@@ -123,9 +127,11 @@ export(get.time.element)
@@ -141,6 +147,7 @@ export(list_files)
diff --git a/R/emuR-metadata.R b/R/emuR-metadata.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18904167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/emuR-metadata.R
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+## Some constants
+metadata.suffix = "_meta.json"
+## I will need this function until 0.9.0 of dplyr is released,
+#possibly fixing the issue with all NA columns supplied to coalesce
+# The implementation comes from https://stackoverflow.com/a/19254510
+coalesce <- function(...) {
+ Reduce(function(x, y) {
+ i <- which(is.na(x))
+ x[i] <- y[i]
+ x},
+ list(...))
+#' Functions for gathering metadata specified for recordings in an emuR database.
+#' Metadata of a recording is stored in '_meta.json' files. Metadata may be set at the database, session and bundle level.
+#' The functions goes through the database metadata file, session metadata files and metadata files associated with
+#' each bundle, parses the JSON data and returns \code{\link[dplyr]{tibble}} with one row per bundle in the database.
+#' Database default values are supressed by information set in a session metadata file, and session level data are in
+#' turn surpressed by data given at the bundle level.
+#' The structure of the metadata does not have to be consistent across meta_json files.
+#' New columns are added to the as new fields are detected.
+#' The function \code{export_metadata} outputs the metadata as an Excel file instead, with bundle, session and database
+#' tabs. The "bundle" tab gives the complete set of all the metadata that are active for each bundle, regardness where
+#' it was set (for the bundle directly, or as a session / database default value).
+#' The user is expected to use the functions \code{export_metadata} and \code{import_metadata} to fix
+#' accedental inconsistencies in the metadata of a database across bundles by exporting all
+#' information to an Excel file using \code{export_metadata}, edit columns and values (including moving inconsistently
+#' spelled metadata fields into a single column with the intended name) using Excel or another editor that complies with
+#' the OOXML Workbook ISO/IEC 29500:2008 standard. The user is also expected to keep the indented structure of the Excel
+#' file (one row per bundle or session, and each column except for those indicating session and bundle names containing
+#' metadata), otherwise it is possible that the file may not be read in again by \code{\link{import_metadata}} to set
+#' updated values.
+#' @param emuDBhandle The database handle of an emuR database.
+#' @param Excelfile The full path and file name of the Excel file that the metadata should be written to. The function will not overwrite this file, unless \code{overwrite} is set to \code{TRUE}.
+#' @param overwrite The default behaviour is that an Excel file should not be
+#' overwritten if it exists already. If this parameter is \code{TRUE} then the file will be overwritten.
+#' @param manditory A vector of column names which the function will ensure are present in both the bundle and session level metadata.
+#' @rdname export_metadata
+#' @export
+#' @return A data frame containing inforamtion about the '_meta.json' files found
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{session}{The name of the session.}
+#' \item{bundle}{The bundle name}
+#' }
+#' In addition, the [dplyr::tibble] will contain one column for every type of information given in any of the 'meta_json' files.
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' create_emuRdemoData()
+#' ae_test <- load_emuDB(file.path(tempdir(),"emuR_demoData","ae_emuDB"))
+#' # Database-wide default information
+#' add_metadata(ae_test,list("Accent"="Northern","Elicitation"="Scripted"))
+#' #Bundle specific information
+#' add_metadata(ae_test,list("Speaker.Sex"="Male","Date"="2020-03-04"),session="0000",bundle="msajc003")
+#' get_metadata(ae_test) -> res
+#' print(res)
+#' }
+get_metadata <- function(emuDBhandle,sessionPattern=".*", bundlePattern=".*",manditory=c(),clearCache=FALSE, verbose=TRUE){
+ if(clearCache){
+ if(verbose){
+ cat("INFO: Clearing metadata cache\n")
+ }
+ memoise::forget(metadata_cache)
+ }
+ if(exists("metadata_cache")){
+ if(!memoise::has_cache(metadata_cache)(emuDBhandle,manditory)){
+ if(verbose){
+ res <- metadata_cache(emuDBhandle,manditory,progressBar=TRUE)
+ } else {
+ res <- metadata_cache(emuDBhandle,manditory,progressBar=FALSE)
+ }
+ } else {
+ res <- metadata_cache(emuDBhandle,manditory)
+ }
+ } else {
+ metadata_cache <- memoise::memoise(export_metadata)
+ res <- metadata_cache(emuDBhandle,manditory)
+ }
+ return(res%>% dplyr::filter(grepl(sessionPattern,session)) %>% dplyr::filter(grepl(bundlePattern,bundle)))
+#' @rdname export_metadata
+#' @export
+export_metadata <- function(emuDBhandle,xlsxFile=NULL,overwrite=FALSE, manditory=c(), progressBar=FALSE){
+ #Start with checking consistency regarding output file
+ if(overwrite && !is.null(xlsxFile) && file.access(xlsxFile,2)){
+ stop("Can not write output to file ",xlsxFile,": File exists but does not have permission to be overwriten.")
+ }
+ if(!overwrite && !is.null(xlsxFile) && file.access(xlsxFile,0)){
+ stop("Can not write output to file ",xlsxFile,": Set variable overwrite=TRUE if you want to overwrite.")
+ }
+ if (!is.null(xlsxFile) && !requireNamespace("openxlsx", quietly = TRUE)){
+ stop("'openxlsx' package required to run export metadata to an xlsx file.")
+ }
+ if (!is.null(xlsxFile) && !progressBar){
+ #Exporting to xlsx without progress bar is not recommended
+ progressBar = TRUE
+ }
+ check_emuDBhandle(emuDBhandle)
+ bundles <- list_bundles(emuDBhandle) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(bundle=name)
+ if(progressBar){
+ cat(paste0("INFO: Reading _meta.json files for ", nrow(bundles), " bundles\n"))
+ pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(bundles), style = 3)
+ }
+ metafiles <- list_metafiles(emuDBhandle)
+ #Use the bundle list as a scaffold for a dataframe to hold the content of all metadata files
+ # metacontent <- metafiles[c("bundle","absolute_file_path")]
+ i <- 0
+ for(currFile in na.omit(metafiles$absolute_file_path)){
+ jsonmeta <- jsonlite::read_json(currFile,simplifyVector = TRUE)
+ i <- i+1
+ if(progressBar){
+ setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
+ }
+ # Now start inserting data from the metafiles
+ for(col in names(jsonmeta)){
+ #Assignment of NULL is problematic, so we need to make sure we never do that
+ metafiles[metafiles$absolute_file_path == currFile,col] <- ifelse(is.null(jsonmeta[[col]]),NA,jsonmeta[[col]])
+ }
+ }
+ if(progressBar){
+ close(pb)
+ }
+ # Now make sure that all bundles have a row
+ metafiles <- bundles %>%
+ dplyr::left_join(metafiles,by=c("session","bundle")) %>%
+ dplyr::select(-file,-absolute_file_path)
+ #Add missing manditory columns
+ missingManditory <- setdiff(manditory, names(metafiles))
+ metafiles[, missingManditory] <- NA
+ #For sessions it makes less sense to use list_files as a base for finding the metadata files
+ #so we pre-generate the expected names and check which ones actually exist.
+ sessions <- list_sessions(emuDBhandle) %>%
+ dplyr::rename(session=name)
+ sessions$session_metadata_file <- file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(sessions$session,session.suffix),
+ paste0(sessions$session,metadata.suffix))
+ sessJSONFilesDF <- sessions[file.exists(sessions$session_metadata_file),]
+ for(row in seq_len(nrow(sessJSONFilesDF))){
+ jsonmeta <- jsonlite::read_json(sessJSONFilesDF[row,"session_metadata_file"],simplifyVector = TRUE)
+ # Now start inserting data from the session metadata file
+ for(col in names(jsonmeta)){
+ #Assignment of NULL to a data.frame value is problematic, so we make sure we never do
+ sessJSONFilesDF[row,col] <- ifelse(is.null(jsonmeta[[col]]),NA,jsonmeta[[col]])
+ }
+ }
+ #Make sure that all sessions have a row in the output
+ sessJSONFilesDF <- sessions %>%
+ dplyr::select(-session_metadata_file) %>%
+ dplyr::left_join(sessJSONFilesDF,by="session") %>%
+ dplyr::select(-session_metadata_file)
+ #Add missing manditory columns
+ missingManditory <- setdiff(manditory, names(sessJSONFilesDF))
+ sessJSONFilesDF[, missingManditory] <- NA
+ # Make the merger with bundle files to make the final output tibble
+ metafiles %>%
+ dplyr::left_join(sessJSONFilesDF,by="session",suffix=c("","_sessionmetadatafile")) -> metafiles
+ # Now check and load metadata set at the database level
+ database_metadata_file <- file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(emuDBhandle$dbName,metadata.suffix))
+ if(!file.exists(database_metadata_file)){
+ dbMeta <- data.frame()
+ }else{
+ jsonmeta <- jsonlite::read_json(database_metadata_file,simplifyVector = TRUE)
+ dbDefaults <- as.data.frame(jsonmeta,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+ if(length(dbDefaults) > 0){
+ #This means that the field is not just empty
+ # Repeat the rows so that the columns may be merged
+ dbMeta <- as.data.frame(c(metafiles["bundle"],dbDefaults)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor,as.character)
+ metafiles <- metafiles %>%
+ dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor,as.character)%>%
+ dplyr::left_join(dbMeta,by="bundle",suffix=c("","_databasemetadatafile")) %>%
+ dplyr::distinct() ## This is needed since duplicate rows are introduced by the join by dbMeta
+ }
+ }
+ #Now, there may be a metadata X column set at the bundle level, an X_sessionmetadatafile
+ # column set at the session level, and an X_database column for the whole database.
+ # These need to be reconsiled
+ cols <- names(metafiles)
+ duplicates <- grep("_(databasemetadatafile|sessionmetadatafile)$",cols,value=TRUE)
+ duplicated <- unique(gsub("_(databasemetadatafile|sessionmetadatafile)$","",cols))
+ for(bundleoriginal in duplicated){
+ sessColName <- paste0(bundleoriginal,"_sessionmetadatafile")
+ sessVec <- ifelse(exists(sessColName,metafiles),metafiles[,sessColName],NA)
+ dbColName <- paste0(bundleoriginal,"_databasemetadatafile")
+ dbVec <- ifelse(exists(dbColName,metafiles),metafiles[,dbColName],NA)
+ ## This seems odd, but it makes sure that NAs are repeated for the length of vectors.
+ tempDF <- data.frame(metafiles[[bundleoriginal]],
+ sessVec,
+ dbVec,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor,as.character)
+ names(tempDF) <- c("bundle","session","database")
+ # Here the result is the first non-NA value for each row (or NA if the row in tempDF contains only NAs)
+ metafiles[bundleoriginal] <- with(tempDF,coalesce(bundle,session,database))
+ # This works since you can always remove a column without an error message (even non-existing ones)
+ metafiles[sessColName] <- NULL
+ metafiles[dbColName] <- NULL
+ }
+ #Prepare an OpenXML Excel workbook, if one should be written
+ if(!is.null(xlsxFile)){
+ wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook(paste(emuDBhandle$dbName,"bundle"))
+ openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb,"bundles")
+ openxlsx::writeDataTable(wb,"bundles",x=metafiles,keepNA = FALSE,withFilter=FALSE)
+ openxlsx::freezePane(wb,"bundles",firstActiveCol = 5)
+ openxlsx::setColWidths(wb,"bundles",cols=5:30,widths = 18)
+ # session information
+ openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb,"sessions")
+ openxlsx::writeDataTable(wb,"sessions",x=sessJSONFilesDF,keepNA = FALSE,withFilter=FALSE)
+ openxlsx::freezePane(wb,"sessions",firstActiveCol = 3)
+ openxlsx::setColWidths(wb,"sessions",cols=3:30,widths = 18)
+ #database defaults
+ openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb,"database")
+ if(ncol(dbMeta)> 0){
+ openxlsx::writeDataTable(wb,"database",x=dbMeta,keepNA = FALSE,withFilter=FALSE)
+ }else{
+ openxlsx::writeComment(wb,"database",col=1,row=1,
+ openxlsx::createComment("The database default keys go in the header (top row) of a column",author="EmuR"))
+ openxlsx::writeComment(wb,"database",col=1,row=2,
+ openxlsx::createComment("The database default values go below in the second row of a column, and the value underneath",author="EmuR"))
+ }
+ # We do not need to check overwriting here as that is handled by saveWorkbook
+ openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb,file=xlsxFile,overwrite=overwrite)
+ }
+ return(metafiles)
+#' Functions to import or add metadata information to database bundles.
+#' The function takes an appropriately structured Excel file and uses the
+#' information to set metadata for bundles.
+#' The first sheet ("bundles") in the Excel file should begin with the folowing two columns:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item session
+#' \item bundle
+#' }
+#' and then go on to have some columns which contains the metadata. Each row in the
+#' data contains the information and metadata for a bundle (in the specific session).
+#' The simples way to get an appropriately structured Excel file is to create one from a database using the
+#' \code{\link{export_metadata}} function on an existing database and given an output file.
+#' Please be aware that bundles that are speficied in the Excel file will have
+#' their metadata files (ending with '_meta.json') overwritten when using the
+#' \code{import_metadata}. So, please make sure to remove the rows of bundles that should
+#' not be altered from the Excel file before importing the metadata from it using this function.
+#' Date and time fields are assumed to follow the ISO8601 specification, and an attempt to convert them to the
+#' approprite JSON representation will be made. The user should be aware that this conversion is made however, and
+#' watch out unexpected results in advanced cases.
+#' @param emuDBhandle The emuR database handle of the database.
+#' @param xlsxFile The path to a properly formated Excel (.xlsx) file.
+#' @return A vector of _meta.json files updated by the call. The path for each file is given relative to the base of the EmuR database.
+#' @export
+import_metadata <- function(emuDBhandle,xlsxFile, deleteExisting=FALSE, verbose=TRUE){
+ if (!requireNamespace("openxlsx", quietly = TRUE)){
+ stop("'openxlsx' package required to run import_metadata()")
+ }
+ if(!file.exists(xlsxFile)){
+ stop("Unable to open the metadata Excel file.\nThe file ",xlsxFile," does not exist!")
+ }
+ #Open xlsx file and read sheets to dataframes
+ openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile,sheet="bundles",detectDates=TRUE) -> meta
+ openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile,sheet="sessions") -> sessionMeta
+ openxlsx::read.xlsx(xlsxFile,sheet="database") -> dbMeta
+ if(nrow(dbMeta) > 1){
+ stop("Sheet 'database' in ",xlsxFile," contains more than the allowable one row (+ header)")
+ }
+ if(verbose){
+ cat(paste0("INFO: Reading ", xlsxFile, " and removing inherited values\n"))
+ pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 1 + nrow(sessionMeta), style = 3)
+ }
+ #Remove duplicate inheritance values from session and bundles
+ for(col in names(dbMeta)){
+ if(!is.na(dbMeta[[col]])){
+ if(!is.null(sessionMeta[[col]])){
+ sessionMeta[[col]] <- ifelse(sessionMeta[[col]] == dbMeta[[col]], NA, sessionMeta[[col]])
+ }
+ if(!is.null(meta[[col]])){
+ meta[[col]] <- ifelse(meta[[col]] == dbMeta[[col]], NA, meta[[col]])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(verbose){
+ setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
+ }
+ for(row in 1:nrow(sessionMeta)){
+ for(col in names(sessionMeta)){
+ if(col != "session" && !is.na(sessionMeta[[col]][row])){
+ if(!is.null(meta[[col]])){
+ meta[[col]] <- ifelse(meta[["session"]] == sessionMeta[["session"]][row] & meta[[col]] == sessionMeta[[col]][row], NA, meta[[col]])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(verbose){
+ setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1 + row)
+ }
+ }
+ if(verbose){
+ close(pb)
+ }
+ #Write any remaining (non-NA) rows to _meta.json files
+ if(verbose){
+ cat(paste0("INFO: Writing _meta.json for ", nrow(meta), " bundles, ", nrow(sessionMeta), " sessions and ", nrow(dbMeta), " database\n"))
+ pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(sessionMeta) + nrow(meta), style = 3)
+ }
+ #Give the bundle dataframe an output file column with full path
+ meta <- meta %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(metadatafile=file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(session,session.suffix),
+ paste0(bundle,bundle.dir.suffix),
+ paste0(bundle,metadata.suffix)),
+ json=rep(NA, nrow(meta)))
+ #Create json string from non-NA columns
+ colsOnly <- meta %>% dplyr::select(-session,-bundle,-metadatafile,-json)
+ for(row in 1:nrow(colsOnly)){
+ if(verbose){
+ setTxtProgressBar(pb, row)
+ }
+ colsOnly[row,] %>%
+ dplyr::select(where(function(x) !is.na(x))) -> jsondat
+ if(length(jsondat) > 0){
+ meta$json[row] <-jsonlite::toJSON(jsondat,raw="base64",na="null",complex="string",factor="string",POSIXt="ISO8601",Date="ISO8601",null="null",dataframe = "rows")
+ #Write the bundle metadata files
+ fileConn <- file(meta$metadatafile[row])
+ writeLines(as.character(meta$json[row]), fileConn)
+ close(fileConn)
+ } else if(file.exists(meta$metadatafile[row]) && deleteExisting){
+ file.remove(meta$metadatafile[row])
+ }
+ }
+ bFiles <- meta %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(json)) %>%
+ dplyr::select(metadatafile)
+ ## Now process session metadata files
+ sessionMeta <- sessionMeta %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(metadatafile=file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(session,session.suffix),
+ paste0(session,metadata.suffix)),
+ json=rep(NA, nrow(sessionMeta)))
+ #Create json string from non-NA columns
+ colsOnly <- sessionMeta %>% dplyr::select(-session,-metadatafile,-json)
+ pbOffset = nrow(meta)
+ for(row in 1:nrow(colsOnly)){
+ if(verbose){
+ setTxtProgressBar(pb, row + pbOffset)
+ }
+ colsOnly[row,] %>%
+ dplyr::select(where(function(x) !is.na(x))) -> jsondat
+ if(length(jsondat) > 0){
+ sessionMeta$json[row] <-jsonlite::toJSON(jsondat,raw="base64",na="null",complex="string",factor="string",POSIXt="ISO8601",Date="ISO8601",null="null",dataframe = "rows")
+ #Write the session metadata files
+ fileConn <- file(sessionMeta$metadatafile[row])
+ writeLines(as.character(sessionMeta$json[row]), fileConn)
+ close(fileConn)
+ } else if(file.exists(sessionMeta$metadatafile[row]) && deleteExisting){
+ file.remove(sessionMeta$metadatafile[row])
+ }
+ }
+ sFiles <- sessionMeta %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(json)) %>%
+ dplyr::select(metadatafile)
+ if(verbose){
+ close(pb)
+ }
+ # Now inject database wide metadata
+ database_metadata_file <- file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(emuDBhandle$dbName,metadata.suffix))
+ if(nrow(dbMeta) == 1){
+ dbMetaJSON <-jsonlite::toJSON(dbMeta,raw="base64",na="null",complex="string",factor="string",POSIXt="ISO8601",Date="ISO8601",null="null",dataframe = "rows")
+ fileConn <- file(database_metadata_file)
+ writeLines(as.character(dbMetaJSON), fileConn)
+ close(fileConn)
+ return(c(database_metadata_file,sFiles,bFiles))
+ } else {
+ if(file.exists(database_metadata_file) && deleteExisting){
+ file.remove(database_metadata_file)
+ }
+ return(c(sFiles,bFiles))
+ }
+#' A utility function used for programatically setting metadata for a bundle or
+#' session or default values for an entire database.
+#' The function takes a list and a specification of where the metadata should be
+#' set. The default behaviour is to keep already set metadata, and overwrite
+#' only the values that are named in the list. The user may change this
+#' behaviour by setting \code{reset.before.add=TRUE}, in which case all previous
+#' bundle, session or database level metadata will be replaced with the contents
+#' of the list.
+#' If a bundle name and a \code{session} name is provided, the metadata will be
+#' inserted only for that fully specified \code{bundle}. If only a \code{bundle}
+#' name is provided, the function will add the metadata for the bundle only if
+#' there is just one session in the database. If there are multiple
+#' \code{session}s, the function will given an error.
+#' If no \code{session} or \code{bundle} names are provided, the metadata will
+#' be inserted as default values for the entire database. Please note that
+#' database wide ingested metadata defaults currently interferes with the Emu
+#' web app and should not be put into general use before this issue has been
+#' fixed in the Emu web app.
+#' @param emuDBhandle An Emu database handle
+#' @param metadataList A list specifying the metadata to be set. If set to an
+#' empty list (\code{list()}) the function will clear all metadata, if the
+#' argument \code{reset.before.add=TRUE} is given by the user. The user may
+#' also clear (remove from the set of defined metadata) by setting the
+#' property to NULL.
+#' @param bundle An optional name of a bundle
+#' @param session An optional name of a session
+#' @param reset.before.add If set to TRUE, the function will ignore previously
+#' set metadata and simply add the metadata supplied in the list.
+#' @return
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' create_emuRdemoData()
+#' ae_test <- load_emuDB(file.path(tempdir(),"emuR_demoData","ae_emuDB"))
+#' # Database-wide default information
+#' add_metadata(ae_test,list("Accent"="Northern","Elicitation"="Scripted"))
+#' #Bundle specific information
+#' add_metadata(ae_test,list("Speaker.Sex"="Male","Date"="2020-03-04"),session="0000",bundle="msajc003")
+#' get_metadata(ae_test) -> res
+#' print(res)
+#' }
+add_metadata <- function(emuDBhandle,metadataList,bundle=NULL,session=NULL, reset.before.add=FALSE){
+ # Here we store metadata in either database wide, session wide or bundle specific metadata files
+ # Since these files use the same structure, the only difference is to set the correct metadatafile filename.
+ if(is.null(bundle) && is.null(session)){
+ #Database level metadata
+ metadatafile <- file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(emuDBhandle$dbName,metadata.suffix))
+ } else if(! is.null(session) & is.null(bundle)){
+ #Session level metadata
+ metadatafile <- file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(session,session.suffix),
+ paste0(session,metadata.suffix))
+ } else if(! is.null(bundle)){
+ #Bundle metadata
+ if(is.null(session)){
+ ses <- list_sessions(emuDBhandle)
+ if(nrow(ses) == 1){
+ #use the name of the only available session
+ session <- ses[[1]]
+ }else{
+ stop("If you provide a bundle name you need to provide a session name if there are more than one sessions in the database.")
+ }
+ }
+ metadatafile <- file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(session,session.suffix),
+ paste0(bundle,bundle.dir.suffix),
+ paste0(bundle,metadata.suffix))
+ }
+ if(reset.before.add | ! file.exists(metadatafile) ){
+ #Start fresh / overwrite previous values
+ jsonmetaList <- list()
+ } else{
+ #Read in previous values
+ jsonmetaList <- as.list(jsonlite::read_json(metadatafile,simplifyVector = TRUE))
+ }
+ #set / overwrite metadata from list
+ #jsonmetaList[names(metadataList)] <- metadataList
+ jsonmetaList <- utils::modifyList(jsonmetaList,metadataList,keep.null = FALSE)
+ jsonlite::write_json(jsonmetaList,metadatafile,auto_unbox=TRUE)
+ #Reset the metadata cache now that we have writen new data to it
+ memoise::forget(metadata_cache)
+#' Add identifying information based on the content of the wave file to the metadata information for the bundle.
+#' This function will extract information (lenght of recording and a checksum) from the wav file associated with a bundle, and add it to the set of metadata
+#' for the bundle. This information can later be used to verify that the file has not been altered later on, or to deidentify
+#' wav files in a reversable manner for use outside of the emuR framework. De-identified files are sometimes useful for blinded randomized
+#' perceptual testing, and the ability to reverse the procedure is then essential to link the results of the evaluation back to the original
+#' recording extracted from the emuR data base. The user may create checksums by multiple algorithms by running the function again with different \code{algorithm} arguments.
+#' @param emuDBhandle The handle for the emuR database.
+#' @param sessionPattern A regexp pattern that allows the user to limit which sessions should be affected by the manipulation.
+#' @param bundlePattern A regexp pattern that allows the user to limit which bundles to include.
+#' @param algorithm The name of the hashing algorithm, according to the \code{\link[digest]{digest}} function.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' create_emuRdemoData()
+#' ae_test <- load_emuDB(file.path(tempdir(),"emuR_demoData","ae_emuDB"))
+#' #Add a md5 digest to the metadata of all bundles
+#' add_digests(ae_test,algorithm = "md5")
+#' #Add a "sha1" checksum (the default) to some bundles
+#' add_digests(ae_test,bundlePattern = "msajc0.*")
+#' get_metadata(ae_test) -> res
+#' print(res)
+#' }
+add_digests <- function(emuDBhandle,sessionPattern=".*",bundlePattern=".*",algorithm="sha1", verbose=TRUE){
+ wavs <- list_files(emuDBhandle,fileExtension = "*.wav",sessionPattern=sessionPattern,bundlePattern=bundlePattern)
+ if(verbose){
+ cat(paste0("INFO: Writing ",algorithm, " checksums for ", nrow(wavs), " bundles\n"))
+ pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(wavs), style = 3)
+ }
+ for(f in 1:nrow(wavs)){
+ inFile <- unlist(wavs[f,"absolute_file_path"],use.names = FALSE)
+ session <- unlist(wavs[f,"session"],use.names = FALSE)
+ bundle <- unlist(wavs[f,"bundle"],use.names = FALSE)
+ wrassp::read.AsspDataObj(inFile) -> w
+ options(digits=15)
+ attr(w,"sampleRate") -> sr
+ attr(w,"endRecord") - attr(w,"startRecord") +1 -> samples
+ samples / sr *1000 -> duration
+ rm(w)
+ digest::digest(inFile,file=TRUE,algo=algorithm) -> checksum
+ metadata <- list("Bundle.Duration.ms"=duration)
+ metadata[paste0("Bundle.",algorithm,"_checksum")] <- checksum
+ add_metadata(emuDBhandle,metadata,session=session,bundle=bundle)
+ if(verbose) {
+ setTxtProgressBar(pb, f)
+ }
+ }
+ if(verbose) {
+ close(pb)
+ }
+#' Create a biography of the labels in a list of segments in a tidy manner
+#' @param segs_tbl The \code{\link[dplyr]{tibble}} that is the result \code{\link[emuR]{query}} call.
+#' @param emuDBhandle A \code{\link{emuR}} database handle.
+#' @param compute_digests Should information that describes the recorded sound files be computed so that is is definitelly part of the
+#' added metadata information.
+#' @param algorithm The checksum algorithm that should be used when computing sound file information.
+#' @return A \code{\link[dplyr]{tibble}}
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' create_emuRdemoData()
+#' ae_test <- load_emuDB(file.path(tempdir(),"emuR_demoData","ae_emuDB"))
+#' # Database-wide default information
+#' add_metadata(ae_test,list("Accent"="Northern","Elicitation"="Scripted"))
+#' #Bundle specific information
+#' add_metadata(ae_test,list("Speaker.Sex"="Male","Date"="2020-03-04"),session="0000",bundle="msajc003")
+#' # Get all the 'n' segments in the database
+#' query(ae_test,"Phonetic = n",resultType = "tibble") -> ae_nt
+#' # Add information related to the nature the recording sessions
+#' # e.g. the speaker ID, the date of the recording
+#' ae_nt %>% biographize(ae_test) %>% glimpse()
+#' # This code does the same as the above, but it will also compute new
+#' # information that is strictly aimed at identifying the recording
+#' # (length of recording (in ms) and a sha1 digest of the wav file).
+#' ae_nt %>%
+#' biographize(ae_test,compute_digests=TRUE,algorithm="sha1") %>%
+#' glimpse()
+#' rm(ae_test)
+#' }
+biographize <- function(segs_tbl,emuDBhandle,compute_digests=FALSE,algorithm="sha1") {
+ #make sure that the first argument is a segment list, and that
+ # it contains "session" and "bundle" columns.
+ if(! is.data.frame(segs_tbl) || isFALSE(c("session", "bundle") %in% names(segs_tbl))){
+ out <- paste("The input to the",match.call()[[1]], "has to be an emuDB seglist 'tibble' or a 'data.frame'.")
+ stop(out)
+ }
+ if(compute_digests==TRUE){
+ add_digests(emuDBhandle,algorithm = algorithm)
+ }
+ #Here we use the special mode of export_medatata to get a data structure rather than an Excel file.
+ mdata <- get_metadata(emuDBhandle)
+ out <- segs_tbl %>%
+ dplyr::left_join(mdata,by = c("session", "bundle"))
+ return(out)
+##' List metadata files of emuDB
+##' List metadata files (only those within bundles) belonging to emuDB.
+##' @param emuDBhandle emuDB handle as returned by \code{\link{load_emuDB}}
+##' @param fileExtension file extension of files (default .json)
+##' @param sessionPattern A (RegEx) pattern matching sessions to be searched from the database
+##' @param bundlePattern A (RegEx) pattern matching bundles to be searched from the database
+##' @return file paths as character vector
+##' @export
+##' @importFrom rlang .data
+##' @keywords emuDB database schema Emu
+##' @examples
+##' \dontrun{
+##' ##################################
+##' # prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB
+##' # (see ?load_emuDB for more information)
+##' # list all files of ae emuDB
+##' list_metafiles(emuDBhandle = ae)
+##' # list all files of ae emuDB in bundles ending with '3'
+##' list_metafiles(emuDBhandle = ae, bundlePattern=".*3$")
+##' }
+list_metafiles <- function(emuDBhandle,
+ fileExtension = ".json",
+ sessionPattern = ".*",
+ bundlePattern = ".*"){
+ check_emuDBhandle(emuDBhandle)
+ fileList = list.files(path = file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath),
+ recursive = T,
+ pattern = paste0("*_meta", fileExtension, "$")) %>%
+ tibble::enframe(name = NULL) %>%
+ tidyr::separate(col = .data$value,
+ into = c("session", "bundle", "file"),
+ sep = .Platform$file.sep,
+ extra = "drop",
+ fill = "right") %>%
+ dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$session)) %>%
+ dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$bundle)) %>%
+ dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$file)) %>%
+ dplyr::filter (endsWith(.data$session, "_ses")) %>%
+ dplyr::filter (endsWith(.data$bundle, "_bndl")) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(session = stringr::str_remove(.data$session, "_ses$")) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(bundle = stringr::str_remove(.data$bundle, "_bndl$")) %>%
+ dplyr::filter (stringr::str_detect(.data$session, sessionPattern)) %>%
+ dplyr::filter (stringr::str_detect(.data$bundle, bundlePattern)) %>%
+ dplyr::mutate (absolute_file_path = file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,
+ paste0(.data$session, "_ses"),
+ paste0(.data$bundle, "_bndl"),
+ file))
+ return (fileList)
+###Initialise metadata cache
+metadata_cache <- memoise::memoise(export_metadata, omit_args = c("progressBar"))
+### INTERACTIVE testing
+#create_ae_db() -> emuDBhandle
+#add_metadata(emuDBhandle,session = "0000",bundle = "msajc003",metadataList = list(Gender=NA,Age=10))
+#add_metadata(emuDBhandle,metadataList = list(Gender=NA,Age=10))
+#add_metadata(emuDBhandle,session = "0000",bundle = "msajc003",metadataList = list(Gender=NULL,Age=20))
+# dir.create(file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,"temp"))
+# for(i in 1:11){
+# file.copy(file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,"0000_ses"),file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,"temp"),recursive = TRUE)
+# newName <- paste0(i,i,i,i,"_ses")
+# file.rename(file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,"temp","0000_ses"),file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,"temp",newName))
+# file.copy(file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,"temp",newName),emuDBhandle$basePath,recursive = TRUE)
+# unlink(file.path(emuDBhandle$basePath,"temp",newName),recursive = TRUE)
+# }
+#export_metadata(ae,Excelfile = "~/Desktop/out.xlsx",overwrite = TRUE)
+#export_metadata(ae,Excelfile = "~/Desktop/out.xlsx")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/man/add_digests.Rd b/man/add_digests.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e710fee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/add_digests.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,2941 @@
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