diff --git a/metadatablocks/customMORU.properties b/metadatablocks/customMORU.properties
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+++ b/metadatablocks/customMORU.properties
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+metadatablock.displayName=MORU Metadata
+datasetfieldtype.moruStudyDesign.title=Study Design
+datasetfieldtype.moruAgeGroup.title=Age Group
+datasetfieldtype.moruStudyDesign.description=Methods and procedures to collect and analyse data in a study
+datasetfieldtype.moruAgeGroup.description=Classification of persons by pre-defined age bands
+datasetfieldtype.moruGender.description=Characteristics of reproductive structure, functions, phenotype, and genotype that differentiate the male from female organism
+datasetfieldtype.moruCondition.description=A disease, signs, and symptoms that affect an entire body or parts of a human body
+datasetfieldtype.moruConditionName.description=Controlled vocabulary term
+datasetfieldtype.moruConditionType.description=The thesaurus defining the condition
+datasetfieldtype.moruConditionNameUri.description=A URL to the controlled vocabulary term in the thesaurus
+datasetfieldtype.moruIntervention.description=A specific treatment, procedure, or action being tested in the study to determine its effectiveness in preventing, diagnosing, or treating a particular health condition or disease
+datasetfieldtype.moruInterventionCategory.description=Broad classification
+datasetfieldtype.moruInterventionName.description=Controlled vocabulary term
+datasetfieldtype.moruInterventionType.description=The thesaurus defining the intervention
+datasetfieldtype.moruInventionNameUri.description=A URL to the controlled vocabulary term in the thesaurus
+controlledvocabulary.moruStudyDesign.clinical_trial=Clinical Trial
+controlledvocabulary.moruAgeGroup.neonate_1_28_days=Neonate (1-28 days)
+controlledvocabulary.moruAgeGroup.infant_1_23_months=Infant (1-11 months)
+controlledvocabulary.moruAgeGroup.child_1_12_years=Child (1-12 years)
+controlledvocabulary.moruAgeGroup.adolescent_13_18_years=Adolescent (13-18 years)
+controlledvocabulary.moruAgeGroup.adult_>18_years=Adult (>18 years)
+controlledvocabulary.moruGender.unspecified_or_other=Unspecified or Other
+controlledvocabulary.moruInterventionCategory.cellular_and_gene_therapies=Cellular and gene therapies
+controlledvocabulary.moruInterventionCategory.medical_devices=Medical devices
+controlledvocabulary.moruInterventionCategory.psychological_and_behavioural=Psychological and behavioural
+controlledvocabulary.moruInterventionCategory.resources_and_infrastructure=Resources and infrastructure
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diff --git a/metadatablocks/customMORU.tsv b/metadatablocks/customMORU.tsv
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index 0000000..6a81948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadatablocks/customMORU.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#metadataBlock name dataverseAlias displayName blockURI
+ customMORU MORU MORU Metadata
+#datasetField name title description watermark fieldType displayOrder displayFormat advancedSearchField allowControlledVocabulary allowmultiples facetable displayoncreate required parent metadatablock_id termURI
+ moruStudyDesign Study Design Methods and procedures to collect and analyse data in a study text 0 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE customMORU
+ moruAgeGroup Age Group Classification of persons by pre-defined age bands text 1 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE customMORU
+ moruGender Gender Characteristics of reproductive structure, functions, phenotype, and genotype that differentiate the male from female organism text 2 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE customMORU
+ moruCondition Condition A disease, signs, and symptoms that affect an entire body or parts of a human body none 3 TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE customMORU
+ moruConditionName Name Controlled vocabulary term text 4 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE moruCondition customMORU
+ moruConditionType Type The thesaurus defining the condition text 5 (#VALUE) TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE moruCondition customMORU
+ moruConditionNameUri URL A URL to the controlled vocabulary term in the thesaurus https:// url 6 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE moruCondition customMORU
+ moruIntervention Intervention A specific treatment, procedure, or action being tested in the study to determine its effectiveness in preventing, diagnosing, or treating a particular health condition or disease none 7 FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE customMORU
+ moruInterventionCategory Category Broad classification text 8 #VALUE: TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE moruIntervention customMORU
+ moruInterventionName Name Controlled vocabulary term text 9 #VALUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE moruIntervention customMORU
+ moruInterventionType Type The thesaurus defining the intervention text 10 (#VALUE) TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE moruIntervention customMORU
+ moruInventionNameUri URL A URL to the controlled vocabulary term in the thesaurus https:// url 11 #VALUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE moruIntervention customMORU
+#controlledVocabulary DatasetField Value identifier displayOrder
+ moruStudyDesign Clinical Trial http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D002986 0
+ moruStudyDesign Case-Control http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D016022 1
+ moruStudyDesign Cohort http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D015331 2
+ moruStudyDesign Cross-sectional http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D003430 3
+ moruStudyDesign Other 4
+ moruAgeGroup Neonate (1-28 days) http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D007231 0
+ moruAgeGroup Infant (1-11 months) http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D007223 1
+ moruAgeGroup Child (1-12 years) http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D002648 2
+ moruAgeGroup Adolescent (13-18 years) http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D000293 3
+ moruAgeGroup Adult (>18 years) http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D000328 4
+ moruGender Male http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D008297 0
+ moruGender Female http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/D005260 1
+ moruGender Unspecified or Other 2
+ moruConditionType MeSH 0
+ moruConditionType ICD-10 1
+ moruConditionType SNOMED-CT 2
+ moruConditionType MedDRA 3
+ moruConditionType NCBI 4
+ moruInterventionCategory Drugs 0
+ moruInterventionCategory Cellular and gene therapies 1
+ moruInterventionCategory Medical devices 2
+ moruInterventionCategory Surgery 3
+ moruInterventionCategory Radiotherapy 4
+ moruInterventionCategory Psychological and behavioural 5
+ moruInterventionCategory Physical 6
+ moruInterventionCategory Complementary 7
+ moruInterventionCategory Resources and infrastructure 8
+ moruInterventionCategory Other 9
+ moruInterventionType MeSH 0
+ moruInterventionType ICD-10 1
+ moruInterventionType SNOMED-CT 2
+ moruInterventionType RxNorm 3
+ moruInterventionType LOINC 4
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