Author: xzy_10
Found this picture from somewhere, and NOW it's YOUR TURN to find something out from it!
Tell me:
A. Name of the Camera Brand (in PascalCase)
B. The Aperture of the Camera (include "f/")
C. Focal length of the lens (include units without space)
D. Is the flash on or off (ON/OFF)
E. Date at which this picture was taken (DDMMYY)
F. Is the place above or below sea level (ABOVE/BELOW)
Submit the flag as follows:
- It's frankly surprisng as to the amount of information that a camera inputs into an image the moment it was captured. How would you view it?
Where was I?
Submit the flag as follows:
IRS{A_ROUTE_X_B} without any spacing and all capitals, copying "ROUTE" as is.
A = Postal code of the nearest visitor centre
B = Name of the closest building to the place
X = The name of the route/road