To run this example:
- Generate Gradle wrapper (parent directory)
- Execute with command (from parent directory):
./gradlew OneToOne:bootRun
- Endpoints available:
- GET http://[IP]:8081/test
- GET http://[IP]:8081/students/all
- To access H2 Console: http://localhost:8080/h2-console/ (after Spring Boot initialization)
- Warning: URL of database has been changed; default url is not used
- in project with DB user/password
- Switching Database: H2-memory Database / h2-file database (
- JAX-B dependencies for JDK 9+ (JAXB not exists in JDK 9+, see build.gradle)
- Spring Boot execute on initialization resources/schema.sql and resources/data.sql, in that order
- Annotations @OneToOne and @JoinColumn at entities Student and Tuition