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Homework John Henry

John Henry Thompson edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 13 revisions

ICM Section 02 • Meeting Wednesday 6:40pm - 9:10pm ET in Room 410


About Our Course

Course Description and Our Goals

Here is the description for ICM from the ITP Schedule.

Upon completion of the second half of the ICM course, Media, we will be able to:

  • apply fundamental programming concepts to generate and manipulate media including images, video, sound, text, and data.
  • experiment with media-specific, computational techniques and apply them to our creative work.


ICM Media is a seven-week course that meets once a week in person at the scheduled time. We will have assignments to do before each Media class, and these assignments will build towards a final project to share at the end of the seven weeks.

This course embraces an active-learning approach with the belief that programming is best understood by doing. In keeping with this approach, class time will be structured as a workshop and seminar instead of a lecture, relying heavily on group discussion and participation. Weekly video tutorials to watch before class sessions will introduce fundamental coding concepts. During class, supplemental code examples will be presented and discussed before hands-on work together. Time will also be allotted to share our weekly assignments.

Your are encouraged to reach out to me outside of class to ask questions, share ideas/feedback, and discuss topics in detail.

Homework Guidelines

Before class, read / watch the tutorials that we will practice together when we meet.

There are also weekly programming assignments to practice the weekly topics. Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due on Tuesday at 11:59pm the day before our class so that I have a chance to review your questions before we meet.

All assignments are expected to be submitted by the stated deadline, and you should be prepared to show and talk about them in class. If you anticipate any challenges meeting the deadline, please reach out to me so that we can consider your options together.

A big part of learning at ITP is learning from each other. Share your work and in return you'll see everyone else's!

  • Weekly Practice Questions. Unless otherwise stated, there are questions (linked below) to practice the topics introduced in this course. You are expected to add links to your p5 sketches directly to our weekly exercise documents.*
  • Weekly Creative Exercise and Blog Post.** Each week there is an open-ended, freestyle creative exercise to apply the concepts that we practice. You are expected to document your work online with a blog post and add links to your posts in our weekly exercise documents (linked below). Include a link to your p5 sketch in your blog post, and here are some guiding questions if you are not sure what to write about:
    • What did you originally intend to create?
    • Narrate the process of creating your sketch.
    • What resources and examples did you draw on to create your sketch?
    • What problems / discoveries did you encounter along the way?
    • (Source of prompts: Nature of Code syllabus)

*Log in to your NYU account to access the documents.

**If you are struggling with your weekly exercise sketches, put your energy into writing about what didn't work and how you tried to solve it. It is totally okay to vent your frustrations. Writing a blog post helps to remember and synthesize what you did and tried to do. Think of it as writing a reference guide for your future self.

Resources and Support

ICM Section 2 Code Schedule and Homework Wiki (i.e. the first 7 weeks) This was the last week for that session:

☆ Week 7 The DOM and Review


Homework assignment due Tuesday, Oct 26, at 11:59pm:


(after exercises) Watch video tutorials (~40 min)


Week 8 Images


Homework assignment due Tuesday, Nov 2, at 11:59pm:


(after exercises) Watch video tutorials


Week 9 Video


Homework assignment due Tuesday, Nov 9, at 11:59pm:


(after exercises) Watch video tutorials

Code for these examples are in the repo for the CodingTrain website.

I've also extraced the code into this smaller web site.

Week 10 Sound Analysis


Homework assignment due Tuesday, Nov 16, at 11:59pm:


(after exercises) INTERACT / READ / LISTEN / Watch video tutorials

Week 11 Sound Synthesis



Examples and inspiration thanks to Ellen

Possible inspiration:

Homework assignment due Tuesday, Nov 23, at 11:59pm:

  • FINAL PROJECT • Prepare a proposal for your final project.

    • Your final project is an open-ended creative project that builds off or is inspired by the concepts in this class. It is an opportunity to push your abilities to produce something that utilizes what you have learned. There is no requirement to use a particular aspect of programming. Focus on an idea that excites you, and choose the best programming concepts and tools to help you realize it.
    • Read the Final Project Guidelines and Schedule for all the details, including how to prepare a proposal to share in class next week.
  • READ

    • Allison Parrish's tutorial

    • Review these syllabus examples and tutorials for

      We'll cover a couple topics, but you might want to go further with the materials posted here.

Week 12 Text Data

Examples and inspiration thanks to Ellen


Homework assignment due Wednesday, Dec 1:

Week 13 prototype presentation

Homework assignment due Wednesday, Dec 8:

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