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Ellen Nickles edited this page Nov 11, 2022 · 28 revisions
Section 06 Info
Meeting Time Tues 9:30am - 12:00pm ET
Location Room 412
Contact [email protected]
On weekdays I aim to respond within 24 hours
Office Hours Mon 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Tue 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Sign up here for Zoom or in person (near Design Lab)
Support Resident office hours (schedule)
The Coding Lab (schedule or drop-in help)
How to ask code-related questions: examples
Additional Materials Submit creative assignments
Assignment responses
Our Miro board
Course syllabus
p5.js Reference / Web Editor
The Coding Train's Intro to p5.js
Allison Parrish’s Creative Coding Notes
xin xin's Intro to p5.js
Qtv's Creative Coding tutorials in Chinese (also on bilibili)


About Our Course


Upon completion of the second half of the ICM course, Media, we will be able to:

  • apply fundamental programming concepts to generate and manipulate media including images, video, sound, text, and data.
  • experiment with media-specific, computational techniques and apply them to our creative work.


ICM Media is a seven-week course that meets once a week in person at the scheduled time. (After Code, ICM Media meets for another seven weeks at the same time and place.) We will have assignments to do before each Code class, and these assignments will build towards a final exercise to share at the end of the seven weeks.

This course embraces an active-learning approach with the belief that programming is best understood by doing. In keeping with this approach, class time will be structured as a workshop and seminar instead of a lecture, relying heavily on group discussion and participation. Weekly tutorials before class sessions will introduce computational media topics. During class, supplemental code examples will be presented and discussed before hands-on work together. Time will also be allotted to share our weekly assignments. Examples and assignments will iteratively build upon lessons learned in preceding classes.

I encourage you to reach out to me outside of class to ask questions, share ideas/feedback, and discuss topics in detail.

Weekly Assignment Guidelines

All assignments will be posted on this page, and all are required. Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due the night before class so that I have a chance to review your questions before we meet. All assignments are expected to be submitted by the stated deadline. If you anticipate any challenges meeting the deadline, please reach out to me so that we can consider your options together.

Reading and Video Tutorials

Before class, read and/or watch the assigned tutorials about computational media topics and programming techniques to practice together when we meet in class.

Weekly Worksheet

There are worksheets* (linked below) to practice techniques introduced in this course. You are expected to add links to your p5 sketches directly in these documents.

Creative Assignments and Documentation

There are also open-ended exercises to explore the topics for creative expression. You are expected to document your process, include a link to your p5 sketch, and answer these questions:

  • What did you do?
  • What worked?
  • What didn’t work, and what steps did you take to try to solve the issue?
  • Did any code-related questions come up for you?
  • Be sure to cite (link to) any sources that you used.

Submit these assignments using our homework form*.

Here is the spreadsheet with everyone's responses*.

A big part of learning at ITP is learning from each other. Share your work and in return you'll see everyone else's!

*Log in to your NYU account to access the document.

**If you are struggling with the weekly assignments, put your energy into writing about what didn't work and how you tried to solve it. It is totally okay to vent your frustrations. Document your work to reference later and to help you synthesize what you did and tried to do.

Week 8 • Nov 1 • Images, Pixels, Color

In class:

  • Welcome new students!
  • Overview of ICM Media
  • Image files
  • Objects with images
  • Pixel regions
  • Pixel manipulation


Assignment due the night before our next class:

Week 9 • Nov 8 • Video and Body Point Estimation

In class:

  • Share our homework
  • Color functions and HSB mode
  • Video files
  • Working locally with VS Code
  • Webcam
  • Body point estimation with PoseNet, Handpose, and Facemesh
  • Related projects


Assignment due the night before our next class:

  • No worksheet this week!
    • The idea this week is to center an experience around the body--yours, someone else's, or a specific audience. Choose the tools and techniques that make the most sense for the concept, keeping in mind that body point estimation extends choices for interactive design beyond the mouse and keyboard, which prioritize the hands and fingers for communication and expression in a very specific way. Some questions to start brainstorming:
      • What are the private, public, and performative aspects of bodies?
      • How are bodies imagined, idealized, reflected, altered?
      • What is the personal and cultural significance of masks for ritual, to explore identity, hide, entertain, frighten...
      • In whay ways can you use the body for expressive input? Consider choices for the part(s), position, direction of movement, and speed.
    • Submit on our homework form.
  • WATCH • Coding Train Videos 17.1 - 17.3, 17.5 - 17.8 on sound (code) ~90min
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