- fix utf-8 issue on aggregate record with string data
Issue fixed for nodejs:
- awslabs#30: nodejs kinesis encoded record size limit
- awslabs#16: obsolete documentation
Discovered bug on aggregation:
- encoded field name was incorrect:
- 'Partition' for 'partition',
- 'Data' for 'data'
- 'ExplicitHashKey' for 'explicitHashKey'
- RecordAggregator : invalid computing size RecordAggregator
- aggregate function did not limit size of 1Mo
- terminaison problem with previously onReadyCallback and afterPutAggregatedRecords on agregate : Lambda terminate before ending, when doing some async stuff in onReadyCallback (named encodedRecordHandler now).
- encoded field name was incorrect:
Nodejs Project Basics:
- package node project with common folder: (lib for source, test for test, and example for ..)
- add test unit integration
- update documentation
- remove java minded stuff
- simplify use of common/constant/source code
- update examples
- remove dead code, obsolete code/doc
- add documentation on function
- use const/let rather than var keyword
- use forEach rather than map when results array is not needed
- use resulting array of map (avoid unecessary array creation)
- Unknown