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326 lines (235 loc) · 9.18 KB

File metadata and controls

326 lines (235 loc) · 9.18 KB


A simple wrapper around RxJS's fromFetch function.


The httprx package is available on GitHub Package Registry. To install it, you will need to configure your project by adding a .npmrc file to the project root with the following content:


You can then install it using npm or yarn. RxJS is a peer dependency, so you will need to install that as well if you haven't already done so.

npm install @imaginelearning/httprx rxjs


yarn add @imaginelearning/httprx rxjs


import http from '@imaginelearning/httprx';

	.subscribe(response => {
		/* =>
			data: 'hello world',
			headers: { ... },
			status: 200,
			statusText: 'OK',
			url: ''


http(url: string)

Returns a new instance of the Http class, configured to make requests to the specified URL.

Http class

This is the class that manages the configuration for your HTTP request. Instances of the Http class are immutable. Configuration functions--such as those for setting headers, body content, etc.--return a new instance of the Http class, and can be chained together.

Http.accept(...types: ContentTypes[])

Replaces the Accept header in the headers collection with the specified content type(s). Returns a new Http instance.

Note: If not set, the Accept header defaults to application/json.

	.accept(ContentTypes.Text, ContentTypes.Anything)

// GET headers will include `Accept: text/plain, */*`

Http.bearer(token?: string)

Adds the Authorization header to the headers collection with the specified bearer token. Returns a new Http instance.


// POST headers will include `Authorization: Bearer my-bearer-token`

Http.body(content: object | string)

Sets the body content to be sent with a POST or PUT request and returns a new Http instance. If the content parameter is an object, it will formatted automatically based on the content type (JSON or URL encoded form data). If the content parameter is a string, you will need to ensure that it is properly formatted.

	.body({ foo: 'bar', count: 1 })

// POST headers will include `Content-Type: application/json`
// POST payload will be `{"foo":"bar","count":1}`

	.body({ foo: 'bar', count: 1 })

// POST headers will include `Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
// POST payload will be `foo=bar&count=1`

Http.contentType(type: ContentTypes)

Adds the appropriate Content-Type header to the headers collection and returns a new Http instance.


// POST headers will include `Content-Type: application/json`


Makes a DELETE request to the configured URL with the configured headers. Returns Observable<HttpResponse<T>>, where the data field of the HttpResponse object matches the type parameter T.

	.delete<{ success: boolean }>()
	.subscribe(({ data }) => {
		// => { success: true }


Makes a GET request to the configured URL with the configured headers. Returns Observable<HttpResponse<T>>, where the data field of the HttpResponse object matches the type parameter T.

	.get<{ foo: string }>()
	.subscribe(({ data }) => {
		// => { foo: 'bar' }


Makes a HEAD request to the configured URL with the configured headers. Returns Observable<HttpResponse<undefined>> since a HEAD request should not return any body content, so the data field of the HttpResponse object will never be defined.

	.subscribe(({ headers }) => {
		// => 648

// HEAD request will not return any body content,
// but `headers`, `status`, `statusText`, and `url`
// will be populated in the `HttpResponse` object.

Http.header(name: string, value: string)

Add a header to the headers collection with the specified name and value. Returns a new Http instance.

	.header('x-foo', 'bar')
	.header('x-hello', 'world')

// GET headers will include `x-foo: bar` and `x-hello: world`


Makes an OPTIONS request to the configured URL with the configured headers. Returns Observable<HttpResponse<T>>, where the data field of the HttpResponse object matches the type parameter T.

	.header('Access-Control-Request-Method', 'GET')
	.subscribe(({ data, headers }) => {
		// => undefined
		// => { 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST', ... }


Makes a PATCH request to the configured URL with the configured headers and body. If not specified, the Content-Type header will default to application/json. Returns Observable<HttpResponse<T>>, where the data field of the HttpResponse object matches the type parameter T.

	.body({ foo: 'bar' })
	.patch<{ success: boolean }>()
	.subscribe(({ data }) => {
		// => { success: true }

// PATCH headers include `Content-Type: application/json`
// PATCH payload is `{"foo":"bar"}`
// `data` field in `HttpResponse` object is an object: { success: boolean }<T>()

Makes a POST request to the configured URL with the configured headers and body. If not specified, the Content-Type header will default to application/json. Returns Observable<HttpResponse<T>>, where the data field of the HttpResponse object matches the type parameter T.

	.body({ foo: 'bar' })
	.subscribe(({ data }) => {
		// => 'hello world'

// POST headers include `Content-Type: application/json`
// POST payload is `{"foo":"bar"}`
// `data` field in `HttpResponse` object is a string


Makes a PUT request to the configured URL with the configured headers and body. If not specified, the Content-Type header will default to application/json. Returns Observable<HttpResponse<T>>, where the data field of the HttpResponse object matches the type parameter T.

	.body({ foo: 'bar' })
	.subscribe(({ data }) => {
		// => 'hello world'

// PUT headers include `Content-Type: application/json`
// PUT payload is `{"foo":"bar"}`
// `data` field in `HttpResponse` object is a string

Http.query(query: URLSearchParams | { [key: string]: string | string[] | boolean | number | number[] } | string)

Sets the query string for the request and returns a new Http instance. If the query parameter is a URLSearchParams object, or a plain object of key-value pairs, it will be converted to a URL encoded string. If the query parameter is a string, you will need to ensure that it is properly encoded.

	.query({ foo: 'bar', count: 1 })

// GET request made to ``

Http.url(url: string)

Sets the URL to which the HTTP request will be made. Returns a new Http instance.

const http1 = http('');
const http2 = http1.url('');

// Makes GET request to ``

// Makes GET request to ``

Local Development

This project was bootstrapped with TSDX.

Below is a list of commands you will probably find useful.

yarn start

Runs the project in development/watch mode. The project will be rebuilt upon changes. TSDX has a special logger for your convenience. Error messages are pretty printed and formatted for compatibility with VS Code's Problems tab.

The library will be rebuilt if you make edits.

yarn build

Bundles the package to the dist folder. The package is optimized and bundled with Rollup into multiple formats (CommonJS, UMD, and ES Module).

yarn test

Runs the test watcher (Jest) in an interactive mode. By default, runs tests related to files changed since the last commit.

yarn test:ci

Runs tests a single time and produces a code coverage report.

yarn format

Runs the configured code formatter (Prettier) on all files in the project.

yarn lint

Runs linting checks (ESLint) against all code files in the project.