It is very important that you have the database set up correctly (as mentioned in Instructions)
When you have the 'dist' folder created after using vue to compile the project, it's important to have the backend folder with all the .php files in the same directory.
- Holds all the static images related to the project
- This holds index.html, which is self-evident in its function (main html root)
The src directory holds the bulk of the code for the project
The NavBar Folder holds navbar.vue, which is the main navigation for logged in users
The components folder in the src directory holds the various folders pertaining to webpages and inside those subfolders holds the vue files (html, css, javascript) for that particular page.
App.vue is the root of the program, think of it as a main method, but for vue
data.js holds javascript functionality that connects components together
main.js gets the app running
router.js represents every page on the site and how to reach that site, follow the general format of what's in the file and you should be all good!
The uploads folder is a must have for the outfits recommendations system to work appropriately, ensure it is in the root folder where you upload the dist after compiling the project
Ensure it's initally empty
Don't touch babel.config.js unless necessary ||| Backwards Version Compatability
globals.css is a css file that applies to the entire website
package.json allows for collaboration as a build tool, lists dependency versions (don't touch unless necessary)
package-lock.json package-lock.json is "written to when a numerical value in a property such as the "version" property, or a dependency property is changed in package.json."
README.md is the documentation for this github
.gitignore prevents the files you want from displaying from your local machine to this remote repository
styleguide.css holds the various fonts of the website
vue.config.js is a config file that allows the website to run property
the .env file should be updated with the appropriate info. Example for: VUE_APP_WEB_DOMAIN=https://www-student.cse.buffalo.edu/CSE442-542/2023-Spring/cse-442a
Ensure that your repository is on node version 12.22.12 and npm version 6.14.6 before building your project:
For the database (SQL). Here's a link to a clone of the empty database with everything you need for the website: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17SO8eKrmAD5D6YyXK4h_EH30EcybxI1Z/view?usp=sharing
For the backend/security.php file. In the "$allowed_origins" array data structure, make sure you add the website where you're hosting this project.
Ensure you have an empty uploads folder in the directory of which you put the deployed website
Do the same as above, just for the backend directory.
Make sure you fill in the environmental variables in .env. I left some comments as guidance
You will need an API key from openweathermap.org to get the weather data. You will need the PRO edition API key.
- npm i [email protected]
- npm install [email protected]
- npm install [email protected]
npm install
npm start
Open http://localhost:8080.
After building, you can the upload
folder to the appropriate location -
Make sure you have the backend folder with all the php files in the directory where you put the dist folder
Also, make sure you have an empty uploads folder with the appropriate permissions to allow for the website to put images into these folders
Ensure you filled out the .env file correctly and put it in the right directory. Additionally, for the API key ensure you use openweathermap.org and get the PRO edition.
cd dist
npm install
npm run build