This is branch is under heavy development and may be unstable. Please refer to the main
branch for the most stable version of the app.
- Discover and connect to nearby InfiniTime devices
- Set time and date immediately after connection
- Retrieve battery level, heart rate, and step data
- Chart persistence, with filters for the last hour, day, and week
- Control Apple Music with InfiniTime's music controls
- Integration with Apple HealthKit
- Weather fetch (using WeatherKit) and push (using InfiniTime 1.14's Simple Weather Service)
- Uploading of external resource packages
- Download and install InfiniTime firmware updates from releases and GitHub Actions using the GitHub API (local file updates are supported)
- Apple Charts with date range selection
- System-wide notifications—implemented in #2217, but not available in the main branch yet.
- System-wide music controls—requires implementation of Apple Media Service.
- InfiniTime navigation service using MapKit
- Battery, heart, and step widgets
- Version 1.0.2 is available on the App Store.
- Version 1.1 is available on TestFlight.
- Version 1.2 is available on TestFlight.
Version 1.2 of InfiniLink has been built from the ground up and is still in early development stages, and as such, may not work as expected.
Released under GPL-3.0 by @InfiniTimeOrg.