2 |
Spot market was not found or is no longer active |
5 |
Invalid market ID |
6 |
Subaccount has insufficient deposits |
7 |
Invalid order type, sender or fee_recipient address |
8 |
Position quantity is insufficient for the order (i.e. an RO order cannot be placed if a better order, that would flip the position exists) |
9 |
Invalid order hash |
10 |
Subaccount ID is invalid or does not correspond to the sender's address |
16 |
Invalid price (i.e. the order price is nil, negative or has wrong tick sizes) |
17 |
Invalid quantity (i.e. the order quantity is nil, negative or has wrong tick sizes) |
26 |
Order has insufficient margin (i.e. if the margin is less than the initial margin ratio) |
27 |
Derivative market was not found or is no longer active |
28 |
Position not found (i.e. when placing RO order with no position open) |
29 |
Position direction does not oppose the RO order (i.e. when trying to place a sell RO with a short position) |
30 |
Price surpasses bankruptcy price (i.e. when trying to place an order that would close the position below the bankruptcy price) |
32 |
Invalid trigger price |
36 |
Invalid minimum order margin (margin is not a multiple of the tick size) |
37 |
Exceeds the order side count in derivatives (per market, per subaccount & per side) |
39 |
Cannot place a conditional market order when a conditional market order in the same relative direction already exists |
58 |
Message contains cancel all MarketIDs but no SubaccountID or duplicate values |
59 |
Post-only order exceeds top of book price |
60 |
Limit order cannot be atomic |
81 |
No margin locked in the subaccount (when placing RO conditional order with no position or vanilla order) |
95 |
Insufficient balance |
96 |
Exchange is in post-only mode (the chain has resumed activities after an upgrade and trading has not been enabled yet) |
97 |
Client order ID already exists |
98 |
Client order ID is invalid. Max length is 36 characters |