Clintool - by Inti De Ceukelaire (@securinti)
The Clintool does not prevent e-mails from being leaked, but once they have been leaked, it can determine which recipient leaked the information, if the e-mail was sent through Gmail with the Clintool enabled.
It works by sending slightly different e-mails to all recipients which will look exactly the same, but secretly contain their e-mail address. Whenever they leak the information, they will also leak their e-mail address. This tool was built with and gmail.js.
Even though this tool was tested thoroughly, it provides no guarantuee. The Clintool does not store any private information and does leak any information from your e-mail account. This tool is entirely open source and can be found at Github (
- Install the plugin in the Chrome store
- Go to
- Click "compose"
- Next to the blue send button, a 2nd red button should appear
- If you click this button, the e-mail sent to your recipients will contain hidden watermarks with their e-mail address
- To decode a leaked mail sent with this tool, go to or click the extension popup icon in the right corner of your screen. Then click on 'decoder' and enter as much as possible from the leaked e-mail
In the popup window, you can either choose to insert an invisible watermark after X amount of characters, or choose the total amount of characters it should contain. If the chosen value is too high for a single watermark, the script will slightly adapt the value to make sure at least one watermark is included
CONTACT [at] gmail (dot) com