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Coordinating Meeting February 2nd 2018 11:30 am AST

David Keiser-Clark edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 11 revisions
  • Chair: Gavin Morris/Derek Merleaux (Chair starts Skype call)
  • Notes: David Keiser-Clark

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Anna St. Onge, Mark Jordan, David Wilcox, Jonathan Green, Gavin Morris, Rosie Le Faive, Daniel Lamb, William Panting, Gabriela M, Kim Pham


Old Business

  • Previous meeting notes
  • IF Board approved the org chart
    • Donald's suggestion presented and discussion occurred.
    • ICC to keep document as is and will
    • Vote will occur by ICC to publish this Org Chart at
    • Mark will send an email to the ICC members for an email vote.

New Business

  • Leiden is now officially a collaborator
    • Meeting time would be 4:30-6pm for them... so possible change to this meeting might have to occur.

"Developing Islandora to be an Equitable Open-Source IR Platform"

The Islandora Collaboration Group (ICG), in collaboration with the ISLE steering committee and the LASIR working group have successfully submitted a pre-proposal to the IMLS National Leadership Grants for Libraries, National Digital Platform, Project Grant seeking $108,600.

The members working on this grant pre-proposal agree that CLAW is the future of Islandora. Successful grants have a very specific outcome. This pre-proposal seeks funds to develop a comprehensive set of IR features for Islandora 7x. If successful in this grant, we hope to pursue another future grant to refactor a comprehensive set of IR features for CLAW.

Starting at 7.x with an eye toward CLAW Offering a direct migration to Islandora 7x from bepress could increase adoption and interest in Islandora. The ICG determined it would be in best interest to start with 7.x for adoption because 7.x is a solid working platform that has years of testing and development. This provides a solid platform to which bepress schools could migrate to current Islandora standards. We believe schools that have in the past chosen vended solutions do so at least partly out of a desire to limit maintenance and upkeep. We believe these schools will not then migrate to a brand-new, untested IR no matter how great it will be. In particular, small institutions are always trepidatious about open-source software as they have limited means to support it. They are more likely to adopt it when they feel that it is stable, secure, easy enough for them to manage, and part of a lively community AND ALSO meets their needs. At this time CLAW does not meet that criteria for those schools. In the interest of bringing more small schools into the Islandora-fold, thus increasing membership, it is in our best interest to make these enhancements to 7.x - the version which is being considered currently by many institutions - with the acknowledgement that this feature set will need to be refactored in the future. Offering a direct migration from bepress to Islandora CLAW could put the Islandora brand at risk as it does not yet suit the needs of most small institutions who might be considering the switch but don’t have Linked Data expertise.

Our goal and stated outcome is to enhance Islandora for the IR use case, positioning the platform as a stable, secure, and user-friendly open source alternative to proprietary systems. Libraries across the nation, including the 300-member Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium, the 38-member Great Western Library Alliance, and the 80 colleges of the Oberlin Group, are looking for these solutions.

Developing IR features for Islandora 7x will create a tight roadmap that will greatly inform and reduce future development work for developing IR for CLAW. We believe it is imperative to first create an attractive platform for new institutions interested in Islandora, and then to build out a fully fleshed out next generation of Islandora (CLAW). It is essential that we, our community, also build a migration path from Islandora 7x to CLAW. That migration path is an imperative ingredient if we wish to attract members leaving bepress, and if we wish to offer security to those already using Islandora 7x.

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Gabriela)
    • Nothing new to report.
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Next meeting is this month Feb 14th (Valentines's Day!)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


Islandora Camps

Round Table

Next meeting February 16:

  • Chair: Bryan Brown (Chair starts kype call)
  • Notes: Jon Green

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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