A simple and efficient open-source jvm security framework that focus on the protection of restful api.
Sureness is a new, permission project which we learn from apache shiro and add some ideas to create it
Authentication for restful api, based on RBAC, Mainly focused on the protection of restful api
No specific framework dependency(support springboot, quarkus, javalin, ktor and more)
Support dynamic modification of permissions Support mainstream http container(servlet and jax-rs)
Supports JWT, Basic Auth, Digest Auth... Can extend custom supported authentication methods
High performance due dictionary matching tree
Good extension interface, demo and document.
The low configuration of sureness, easy to expand, and not coupled with other frameworks, enables developers to quickly and safely protect their projects in multiple scenarios.
- spring sample-bootstrap
- springboot sample-tom
- quarkus sample-quarkus
- javalin sample-javalin
- ktor sample-ktor
- spring webflux spring-webflux-sureness
- more samples todo