1.8.18.REFLEX: [Jan 16 2021]
: going to start putting in more effort into the changelogs file from now on
: this update brings in some performance improvements and some requested changes.
: I believe that the future of this plugin is that it be converted into a core
: plugin for servers. More on that soon.
@ fixed an error generating empty log files
@ multithreaded offhand class
@ fixed another bug involving the chatco update file never generating
@ fixed /stats registering badly
tweaked handling for expired variables to not alert to the console every time a variable isn't defined
and instead resort to the default configuration without complaining.
- added /e socialspy for chatco alerts
- added bstats
: fixed bstats [2 times] - added customized firstjoin messages
- added /say command
- removed memory type logging
- removed chip bug
+ config.yml: [OPTIONAL] default variables changed, no new settings
+ config2.yml: [OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED]
+ firstjoin module
: Customized first join messages
+ saycommand module
: Customized /say commands
> op-whitelist is now false by default
+ chatco.yml: [OPTIONAL]
+ rewire-chatco (boolean, default false) added
: enable or disable ExploitsX's chat override
: check automatically generated update files to copy and paste new default settings.
: This version is [STABLE]
: Stability check: [PASSED, ITERATIONS: {2}]
; Known Bugs: [0]