diff --git a/docs/about/index.rst b/docs/about/index.rst
index 002f45c..bb6fa7d 100644
--- a/docs/about/index.rst
+++ b/docs/about/index.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ About
-**Ortho**\logy inference using **H**\idden **M**\narkov **M**\rodels (**OrthoHMM**) was developed as
+**Ortho**\logy inference using **H**\idden **M**\arkov **M**\odels (**OrthoHMM**) was developed as
part of `Jacob L. Steenwyk `_'s post-doctoral work.
Inferring orthology (that is, genes that have shared ancestry) is a major challenge in bioinformatics.
diff --git a/docs/advanced/index.rst b/docs/advanced/index.rst
index 671b130..7b5141f 100644
--- a/docs/advanced/index.rst
+++ b/docs/advanced/index.rst
@@ -9,22 +9,20 @@ All OrthoHMM outputs have the prefix *orthohmm* so that they are easy to find.
- orthohmm_gene_count.txt
- A gene count matrix per taxa for each orthogroup.
- orthohmm_orthogroups.txt
- Genes present in each orthogroup.
- orthohmm_single_copy_orthogroups.txt
- A single-column list of single-copy orthologs.
- orthohmm_orthogroups
- A directory of FASTA files wherein each file is an orthogroup.
- orthohmm_single_copy_orthogroups
- A directory of FASTA files wherein each file is a single-copy ortholog.
- Headers are modified to have taxon names come before the gene identifier.
- Taxon names are the file name excluding the extension.
- Taxon name and gene identifier are separated by a pipe symbol "|".
- This aims to help streamline phylogenomic workflows wherein sequences will be concatenated downstream based on taxon names.
+- orthohmm_working_res
+ - A directory of intermediate files, such as all-by-all search results, network edges, and clusters inferred from network edges.
@@ -32,10 +30,13 @@ This remaining sections describe the various features and options of OrthoHMM.
- `Output directory`_
- Phmmer_
+- `Substitution matrix`_
- CPU_
- `Single-copy Threshold`_
- MCL_
- `Inflation Value`_
+- `Stop`_
+- `Start`_
- `All options`_
@@ -44,7 +45,6 @@ This remaining sections describe the various features and options of OrthoHMM.
Output directory
Output directory name to store OrthoHMM results. This directory should already exist.
By default, results files will be written to the same directory as the input
directory of FASTA files. (-o, --output_directory)
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ directory of FASTA files. (-o, --output_directory)
Path to phmmer executable from HMMER suite. By default, phmmer
is assumed to be in the PATH variable; in other words, phmmer
can be evoked by typing `phmmer`.
@@ -72,6 +71,22 @@ can be evoked by typing `phmmer`.
+.. _`Substitution matrix`:
+Substitution matrix
+Residue alignment probabilities will be determined from the
+specified substitution matrix. Supported substitution matrices
+PAM30, PAM70, PAM120, and PAM240. The default is BLOSUM62.
+.. code-block:: shell
+ # specify using the BLOSUM80 substitution matrix
+ orthohmm -x BLOSUM80
.. _CPU:
@@ -91,7 +106,6 @@ By default, the number of CPUs available will be auto-detected.
Single-copy Threshold
Taxon occupancy threshold when identifying single-copy orthologs.
By default, the threshold is 50% taxon occupancy, which is specified
as a fraction - that is, 0.5.
@@ -107,7 +121,6 @@ as a fraction - that is, 0.5.
Path to mcl executable from MCL software. By default, mcl
is assumed to be in the PATH variable; in other words,
mcl can be evoked by typing `mcl`.
@@ -124,7 +137,6 @@ mcl can be evoked by typing `mcl`.
Inflation Value
MCL inflation parameter for clustering genes into orthologous groups.
Lower values are more permissive resulting in larger orthogroups.
Higher values are stricter resulting in smaller orthogroups.
@@ -137,6 +149,45 @@ The default value is 1.5.
+.. _Stop:
+Similar to other ortholog calling algorithms, different steps in the
+OrthoHMM workflow can be cpu or memory intensive. Thus, users may
+want to stop OrthoHMM at certain steps, to faciltiate more
+practical resource allocation. There are three choices for when to
+stop the analysis: prepare, infer, and write.
+* prepare: Stop after preparing input files for the all-by-all search
+* infer: Stop after inferring the orthogroups
+* write: Stop after writing sequence files for the orthogroups. Currently, this is synonymous with not specifying a step to stop the analysis at.
+.. code-block:: shell
+ # stop orthohmm after preparing the all-by-all search commands
+ orthohmm --stop prepare
+.. _Start:
+Start analysis from a specific intermediate step. Currently, this
+can only be applied to the results from the all-by-all search.
+* search_res: Start analysis from all-by-all search results.
+.. code-block:: shell
+ # start orthohmm from after the all-by-all searches are complete
+ orthohmm --start search_res
.. _`All options`:
All options
@@ -154,7 +205,9 @@ All options
| -p/\-\-phhmer | Path to phmmer from HMMER suite. Default: phmmer |
-| -c\-\-cpu | Number of parallel CPU workers to use for multithreading. Default: auto detect |
+| -x/\-\-substitution_matrix | Specify substitution matrix to use for generating the HMMs. Default: BLOSUM62 |
+| -c/\-\-cpu | Number of parallel CPU workers to use for multithreading. Default: auto detect |
| -s/\-\-single_copy_threshold | Taxon occupancy threshold for single-copy orthologs. Default 0.5 |
@@ -162,4 +215,7 @@ All options
| -i/\-\-inflation_value | MCL inflation parameter. Default: 1.5 |
+| \-\-stop | Stop OrthoHMM run at a specific step. Default: None |
+| \-\-start | Start OrthoHMM run at a specific step. Default: None |
diff --git a/orthohmm/parser.py b/orthohmm/parser.py
index 59ea198..18ed13b 100644
--- a/orthohmm/parser.py
+++ b/orthohmm/parser.py
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def create_parser() -> ArgumentParser:
Residue alignment probabilities will be determined from the
specified substitution matrix. Supported substitution matrices
- PAM30, PAM70, PAM120, and PAM240.
+ PAM30, PAM70, PAM120, and PAM240. The default is BLOSUM62.
CPU (-c, --cpu)
Number of CPU workers for multithreading during sequence search.