Student in Vit Chennai
Intern in Practical-Devsecops
Interested in Mobile, Web ,Cloud Security and devsecops
Active Member of null chennai
What is vagrant ?
Why vagrant ?
Vagrant boxes
Basic commands
Setting up the lab
- Basic understanding of vagrant
- Lab setup
- Tool for building and manage the virtualbox
Easy to manage
Easy to scale
Different Virtual manager support
Support provisioning
Developer - easy to setup the development environment
Operation - easy to scale up and scale down
For everyone who lazy like me
Box is something similar to the ova file
$ vagrant box add <box-name>
$ vagrant box list
$ vagrant init
- initialize the vagrantfile
$ vagrant up
- start the virtual machine
$ vagrant halt
- stops the virtual machine
$ vagrant reload
- reload the configuration
$ vagrant ssh
- login into the machine using ssh
$ vagrant destory
- delete the machine
$ vagrant status
- finding the status
Was written in
Consist of basic confirguation
- config.vm.box = "ubuntu/xenial64" - This tells the base os
2.config.vm.provider -This tells the basic provider configuration
config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "" - tells the network configuration
config.vm.synced_folder "src/", "/var/www/html" - tells the folder configuration
config.vm.provision - tells the provision