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DICE enhacments for Worskshop with TSs: SOCKS, new commands and renames

15 May 07:34
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DICE Improvements

There are no changes in the model for the vehicles.

Installation instructions:

  1. Copy the files below into the CO2MPAS ALL-IN-ONE CO2MPAS folder EXCEPT the telnet.exe program.
  2. Open the CO2MPAS console.
  3. Uninstall CO2MPAS:
$ pip uninstall co2mpas -y
D:\co2mpas_AIO-v1.5.5\CO2MPAS>pip uninstall co2mpas -y
Uninstalling co2mpas-1.5.5.post0:
  Successfully uninstalled co2mpas-1.5.5.post0
  1. Install the below packages
  • co2mpas-1.5.7b3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  • parsedatetime-2.3-noPytest.tar.gz
  • PySocks-1.6.7-py3-none-any.whl
  • transitions-0.5.2.tar.gz

one by one from the console with the command

$ pip install name_of_the_packages

The above command will install the dependencies required for running the DICE.

  1. When it has finished, in order to ensure that everything worked fine, and you got the required version:
$ co2mpas --version
co2mpas_version: 1.5.7.b3
  1. Download separately and place telnet.exe inside D:\co2mpas_AIO-v1.5.5\Apps\Cygwin\bin

10-Feb-2017: "Stamp" release

11 Aug 14:49
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((If you arrived here due to the 11-Aug-2017 announcement, ignore it))

Announcement was sent-out by error.


This CO2MPAS release contains few model changes, the alpha release of the DICE tool, inputExcel files linked to the ( and some software updates:

  • The DICE: a command-line too that reads the CO2MPAS output, and sends it to a time-stamp server, and decodes back the response into a random number, that rsults in 1/10 cases as _Need to undergo a NEDC double-testing.
    Changes on the _CO2MPAS vehicle-model have led to:

  • Improve the prediction of the electric model and clutch model, enable an option to use more than one final_drive_ratios for dual/variable clutch vehicles and enhance the input file by providing additional check for has_torque_converter = True and gear_box_type = manual.
    The overall changes make CO2MPAS model become slower by a factor of 40/32.

Results, as always, are validated and presented for:

  • "real cases",
  • "synthetic cases" with manual transmission vehicles, and
  • "synthetic cases" with automatic transmission vehicles.
  • Software updates resulted to:

Refined plotting of the plot_workflow for faster navigation on CO2MPAS model.
the CO2MPAS glossary has been completely revised and it has migrated to the main webpage following ReStructured Text format, while Links from the Input template are redirecting there.
A detailed account of the work performed on this release can be found in CHANGES-1.5.X.


*!!! Mind that All-In-One is the official procedure for running CO2MPAS for Type Approval (TA).

The installations instructions have some modest changes: download and extract the archive from this link:
and read the instructions contained in the README.txt inside it.

Alternative installations: Upgrade/Install with/without Internet

There is no possibility of Upgrading/Installing for this release

Kindest Regards,

AIO 1.5.0 RETRACTED due to installation errors

08 Feb 13:56
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RETRACTED due to installation errors - please use the next one.

17-Nov-2016: "Rally" release

17 Nov 01:33
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This CO2MPAS release contains both key model and software updates; additional capabilities have been added for the user, namely:

  • the Declaration mode: template & demo files now contain just the minimum inputs required to run under Type Approval command (TA);
  • a desktop GUI to launch CO2MPAS and perform selected tasks (i.e. simulate, datasync time-series for a specific cycle, generate templates);
  • several model changes:
    • improved handling of real-measurement data-series - results validated against
      real vehicles, are described in the this release's validation report;
    • support of a series of technologies, some marked as "untested" due to the lack of
      sufficient experimental data for their validation:
positive ignition compression ignition
Variable Valve Actuation (VVA): Declare if present Not enabled
Lean Burn: Declare if present Not relevant
Cylinder Deactivation: Declaration Optional in V1.4.X (not validated) Declaration Optional in V1.4.X (not validated)
Exhaust Gas Re-circulation (EGR): Declaration Optional in V1.4.X (not validated) Declare if present
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR): Not Enabled Declaration Optional in V1.4.X (not validated)
Gearbox Thermal Management: Declaration Optional in V1.4.X (not validated) Declaration Optional in V1.4.X (not validated)

A detailed account of the work performed on this release can be found in CHANGES-1.4.X.


!!! From this release("Rally"), All-In-One is the official procedure for running *CO2MPAS for Type Approval (TA).*

The installations instructions remain unchanged from the previous releases: download and extract the 64bit archive from this link:

Alternative installation 1: Upgrade with Internet

For those with unhindered internet access, and with sufficient execution permissions for the pip python tool, upgrading CO2MPAS is possible with the usual commands:

pip uninstall co2mpas
pip install co2mpas

Alternative installation 2: Upgrade WITHOUT Internet

For those behind firewalls or no internet connectivity, follow these steps:

  1. Use an existing Python-3.5 environment; that might be an older ALLINONE,
    WinPython, Anaconda or Linux's standard python environment.

  2. With with a "regular" browser and when connected to the Internet,
    pre-download locally and unzip the archive:
    This archive contains CO2MPAS along with all its dependent packages.

  3. Install CO2MPAS, referencing the above folder.
    Assuming that you unzipped the packages in the folder path/to/co2mpas_packages,
    use a console-command like this:

     pip install co2mpas  --no-index  -f path/to/co2mpas_packages

Kindest Regards,

19-Jul-2016: "Qube" release

15 Nov 16:43
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This release contains both key model and software changes; additional
capabilities have been added for the user, namely:

  • the prediction (by default) of WLTP cycle with the theoretical velocity
    and gear shifting profiles (do not use it for declaration purposes, read
    "Known limitations" for this release, below);
  • predict in a single run both High/Low NEDC cycles from WLTP ones;
  • the datasync command supports more interpolation methods and templates
    for the typical need to synchronize dyno/OBD data;
  • the new template file follows the regulation for the "declaration mode"
    (among others, tire-codes);

while several model changes improved the handling of real-measurement

The study of this release's results are contained in these 3 reports: manual, automatic, and real
cars, respectively.

A detailed account of the main bugs identified and corrected in the present version can be
found in CHANGES-1.3.X.


The installations instructions remain unchanged from the previous releases.
Download and extract the 64bit archive from this link:


For those with unhindered internet access, upgrading co2mpas is possible with the usual commands:

pip uninstall co2mpas
pip install co2mpas

For those behind firewalls or no internet, pre-download dependencies from this folder:

and install them with:

pip install --force-reinstall --ignore-installed --upgrade --no-index --no-deps <packages-folder>

Kindest Regards,
The CO2MPAS-Team

12-May 2016: "Panino/Sandwich" release ("PS")

15 Nov 17:19
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3rd POST-Panino release.
It contains a bug fix in for creating directories.


This release is not accompanied by an ALLINONE archive - install it by launching
the ALLINONE-console and typing these 2 commands:

pip uninstall co2mpas
pip install co2mpas

If pip fails to download the new co2mpas from the Internet, then:

pip install co2mpas-1.2.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Read the instructions if you need more methods to install it.

Kindest Regards,
  The CO2MPAS-Team

19-Apr-2016: "Panino" release

15 Nov 17:23
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This release contains both key model and software changes; additional capabilities
have been added for the user, namely,

  • the capability to accept a theoretical WLTP cycle and predict its difference
    from the predicted NEDC (#186, #211),
  • the datasync command tool for shifting and resampling tables in excels (#144, #218),
  • improve and explain the naming-conventions
    used in the model and in the input/output excel files (#215),
  • provide a single 64bit ALLINONE archive since results from 32bit Windows are not considered valid anymore;

while other changes improve the quality of model runs, namely,

  • the introduction of schema to check input values(#60, #80),
  • several model changes improving the consumption of real-measurement data-series, and
  • several crucial engineering fixes and enhancements, including fixes based on LAT's assessment
    of the "O'Snow" release.

The study of this release's results are contained in `these 3 report files:

A detailed account of the main bugs identified and corrected in the present version can be
found in CHANGES-1.2.X, and the full list of activity is contained in these two github milestones:


For those with unhindered internet access, upgrading co2mpas is possible with the usual commands:

pip uninstall co2mpas
pip install co2mpas

For those behind firewalls or no internet, pre-download dependencies from this folder:

and install them with:

pip install --force-reinstall --ignore-installed --upgrade --no-index --no-deps <packages-folder>


The installations instructions remain unchanged from the previous releases.
Download and extract the 64bit archive from this link:

Kindest Regards,
The CO2MPAS-Team

09-Feb 2016: "O'snow" release

15 Nov 17:55
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1. This release contains mostly model changes; some internal restructurings have not affected the final user.

Several crucial bugs and enhancements have been been implemented based on
assessments performed by LAT. A concise study of this release's results
and a high-level description of the model changes is contained in this JRC-LAT presentation.

  • Repeatability issue resolved.
  • Enhancements concerning the sensitivity of the tool to the input signals, based on real-vehicles.
  • Include model-operation and platform-configurations with the results of each run..
  • Flags concerning the success & failures of the sub-models.
  • Minor changes in the Input-files described here.
    The VERSION field on the input-fie has been bumped to 2.1 - older input-files will produce a warning.
  • A detailed account of the main bugs identified and corrected in the present version can be
    found in CHANGES-1.1.1,
    and the full list of activity is contained in these two github milestones:
  1. It is accompanied by ALLINONE archives:

Extract one that suits to your system with a fairly recent 7z extractor
and run once the INSTALL.bat script contained in the root folder to populate your Windows Start-Menu with links
for the commons CO2MPAS tasks.

The common-tasks for CO2MPAS are also contained as *.bat files in the root of the archive:

    RUN_CO2MPAS.bat             ## Asks for Input & Output folders, and runs CO2MPAS for all Excel-files in Input.
    MAKE_TEMPLATE.bat           ## Asks for a folder to store an empty CO2MPAS input-file.
    MAKE_DEMOS.bat              ## Asks for a folder to store demo CO2MPAS input-files.
    MAKE_IPYTHON_NOTEBOOKS.bat  ## Asks for a folder to store IPYTHON NOTEBOOKS that run CO2MPAS and generate reports.

You can launch them by double-clicking on them.
Read the README contains for more.

Kindest Regards,
The CO2MPAS-Team

trivia: the commit-id of the 1.1.1 is b600099 and this is a rather hard proof of (our) work!.

10-Dec 2015: “No more console” release

15 Nov 17:59
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  1. This release DOES NOT contain any model changes since v1.0.4.
    See Changes.

  2. It is accompanied by ALLINONE archives:
    - 64bit: or from GH.
    - 32bit: or from GH

    Extract one that fits to your system with a fairly recent 7z extractor and
    run once the INSTALL.bat script contained in the root,
    to populate your Windows Start-Menu with links for the commons CO2MPAS tasks.
    Please read the above section of the manual for further details.

  3. The common-tasks for CO2MPAS are also contained as *.bat files in the root of the archive:

    - RUN_CO2MPAS.bat             ## Asks for Input & Output folders, and runs CO2MPAS for all Excel-files in Input.
    - MAKE_TEMPLATE.bat           ## Asks for a folder to store an empty CO2MPAS input-file.
    - MAKE_DEMOS.bat              ## Asks for a folder to store demo CO2MPAS input-files.
    - MAKE_IPYTHON_NOTEBOOKS.bat  ## Asks for a folder to store IPYTHON NOTEBOOKS that run CO2MPAS and generate reports. 

    You can launch them by double-clicking them.

  4. (in case you need it) The CO2MPAS executable is now distributed from the official PyPi repository
    ( so you can install in any python-installation
    simply with:

    pip install co2mpas

    Remember to uninstall first.
    Firewall limitations still apply, so read the instructions contained
    inside the "Installing Behind Firewall" infobox.
    Use the (b) solution, of manually downloading the files from the PyPi repository.

Kindest Regards,
The CO2MPAS-Team

9-Nov 2015: 3rd public release, mostly model changes

15 Nov 18:04
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This is 3rd public release for version-1.x:

a) It contains mostly model and stability changes since v1.0.1.
For details see the Changes.
b) There are minor changes in the input files. We remind you that you can generate 2 empty input-files by running:

  co2mpas template  co2mpas_foo_1.xlsx  co2mpas_bar_2.xlsx

c) At the moment this release is not accompanied by ALLINONE archive,
so you have to install it in your existing setup.

-d) Instructions were added on how to install the new version side-by-side
with the old one, in case you need to make comparisons.
e) This release will be last to be distributed from "private" urls:
pypi repository:
all files:
Read the installation instructions if you are behind a corporate firewall.