diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,14 +18,24 @@ Features include:
 * Nonlinear 6 DoF (Degree of Freedom)
 * Fully configurable flight control system, aerodynamics, propulsion, landing gear arrangement, etc. through XML-based text file format.
-* Rotational earth effects on the equations of motion (Coriolis and centrifugal acceleration modeled).
-* The earth atmosphere is modeled according to the [International Standard Atmosphere (1976)](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19770009539.pdf)
+* Accurate Earth model including:
+  * Rotational effects on the equations of motion (Coriolis and centrifugal acceleration modeled).
+  * Oblate spherical shape and geodetic coordinates according to the [WGS84 geodetic system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System).
+  * Atmosphere modeled according to the [International Standard Atmosphere (1976)](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19770009539.pdf).
 * Configurable data output formats to screen, file, socket, or any combination of those.
 * A [Python](https://www.python.org) module which provides the exact same features than the C++ library
-More information on JSBSim can be found at the JSBSim home page here:
+In 2015, [the NASA performed some verification check cases on 7 flight dynamics software **including JSBSim**](https://nescacademy.nasa.gov/flightsim) (the other 6 being NASA in-house software). The results showed that the 7 simulation tools *"were good enough to indicate agreement between a majority of simulation tools for all cases published. Most of the remaining differences are explained and could be reduced with further effort."*
+## Applications and Usages
+JSBSim is used in a range of projects among which:
+* Flight simulation: [FlightGear](http://www.flightgear.org), [OutTerra](https://www.outerra.com/wfeatures.html), [Skybolt Engine](https://github.com/Piraxus/Skybolt)
+* SITL (Software In The Loop) Drone Autopilot testing : [ArduPilot](https://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/sitl-with-jsbsim.html), [PX4 Autopilot](https://dev.px4.io/master/en/simulation/jsbsim.html), [Paparazzi](https://wiki.paparazziuav.org/wiki/Simulation)
+* Machine Learning Aircraft control: [gym-jsbsim](https://github.com/galleon/gym-jsbsim)
+* [DARPA Virtual Air Combat Competition](https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2019-10-21) where one of the AI went undefeated in five rounds of mock air combat against an Air Force fighter (see the [video on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOJhgC1ksNU)).
+JSBSim is also used in academic and industry research ([more than 600 citations referenced by Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?&q=jsbsim) as of November 2020).
 # User Guide
 **[Installation](#installation)** |
@@ -35,30 +45,28 @@ http://www.jsbsim.org
 ## Installation
 ### Windows
-Win64 executables for JSBSim are available in the [JSBSim project release section](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/releases). There are 2 executables:
+A Windows installer `JSBSim-1.1.3-setup.exe` is available in the [release section](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/releases/tag/v1.1.3). It installs the 2 executables along with aircraft data and some example scripts:
 * `JSBSim.exe` which runs FDM simulations.
 * `aeromatic.exe` which builds aircraft definitions from Question/Answer interface
-Both executables should be used from the console.
+Both executables are console line command.
 ### Ubuntu Linux
-Debian packages for Ubuntu Linux "Xenial" 16.04 LTS on 64 bits platform are also available in the [JSBSim project release section](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/releases). There are 3 packages:
-* `JSBSim_1.0.0-xxx.xenial.amd64.deb` which installs the executables `JSBSim` and `aeromatic`
-* `JSBSim-devel_1.0.0-xxx.xenial.amd64.deb` which installs the development resources (headers and libraries)
-* `python3-JSBSim_1.0.0-xxx.xenial.amd64.deb` which installs the Python 3.6 module of JSBSim
+Debian packages for Ubuntu Linux "Xenial" 16.04 LTS, "Bionic" 18.04 LTS and "Focal" 20.04 LTS for 64 bits platform are also available in the [JSBSim project release section](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/releases/tag/v1.1.3). There are 3 packages:
+* `JSBSim_1.1.3-246.amd64.deb` which installs the executables `JSBSim` and `aeromatic`
+* `JSBSim-devel_1.1.3-246.amd64.deb` which installs the development resources (headers and libraries)
+* `python3-JSBSim_1.1.3-246.amd64.deb` which installs the Python 3.6 module of JSBSim
 ### Python module
-JSBSim provides binary packages (a.k.a. known as [wheel packages](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427)) for its Python module on Windows and Linux platforms for several Python versions (3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8).
+JSBSim provides binary packages (a.k.a. known as [wheel packages](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427)) for its Python module on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux platforms for several Python versions (3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9).
-The module is installed with the `pip` command line (check the [pip documentation](https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/installing-packages) for more details):
+The module is installed using the `pip` command line (check the [pip documentation](https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/installing-packages) for more details):
-> pip install jsbsim --no-index -f https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/releases/download/Rolling-release-v2019/JSBSim-1.1.0.dev1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
+> pip install jsbsim
-The example above downloads and installs JSBSim for Python 3.7 on a Linux platform directly from the JSBSim GitHub project page. The package corresponding to your platform and Python version must be picked among all the available JSBSim wheel packages that are listed in the [Releases page](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/releases/tag/Rolling-release-v2019).
 Note that wheel packages for Linux meet the [ManyLinux packages requirements](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0513) and as such are compatible with all the major Linux distributions.
 ### Other platforms
-At the moment, JSBSim do not provide binaries for platforms other than Windows 64 bits and Ubuntu 16.04 64 bits. If you fall in this category you should follow the instructions in the [developer docs](doc/DevelopersDocs.md) to build JSBSim on your platform.
+At the moment, JSBSim do not provide binaries for platforms other than Windows 64 bits and Ubuntu 64 bits. If you fall in this category you should follow the instructions in the [developer docs](doc/DevelopersDocs.md) to build JSBSim on your platform.
 ### Aircraft data and example scripts
-You can get aircraft data and example scripts by downloading either the [zip package](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/archive/Release_Candidate_v1.0.0.zip) or the [tar.gz package](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/archive/Release_Candidate_v1.0.0.tar.gz).
+You can get aircraft data and example scripts by downloading either the [zip package](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/archive/v1.1.3.zip) or the [tar.gz package](https://github.com/JSBSim-Team/jsbsim/archive/v1.1.3.tar.gz).
 ## Quick start
 Once you have downloaded (or built) the binaries and unzipped the [aircraft data](#aircraft-data-and-example-scripts). Go to the root of the data package and make sure the executable is accessible from there.