contains an Ansible Playbook provision_lab.yml
, which is an automated lab setup for Ansible training on AWS (Amazon Web Services). Set the workshop_type
variable below to provision the corresponding workshop.
Workshop | Workshop Type Var |
Ansible for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workshop | workshop_type: rhel |
Ansible for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workshop - 90 minutes | workshop_type: rhel_90 |
Ansible Network Automation Workshop | workshop_type: network |
Ansible F5 Workshop | workshop_type: f5 |
Ansible Security Automation | workshop_type: security |
Ansible Windows Automation | workshop_type: windows |
Ansible Demo Mode | workshop_type: demo |
Smart Management Workshop | workshop_type: smart_mgmt |
- Ansible Automation Workshop Provisioner
- Getting Help
You can either use an execution environment (preferred) or install all the requirements into a virtual environment
- Required collections are listed in requirements.yml
- Required Python packages are listed in requirements.txt
if you are going to use execution environments
AWS Account (follow directions in one time setup below)
For One Time Setup - click here
If you are going to use ansible-navigator and the workshop execution environment there are two (2) differences from ansible-playbook method used previously:
You need to set your AWS credentials as environment variables. This is because the execution environment will not have access to your ~/.aws/credentials file. This is preferred anyway because it matches the behavior in Automation controller.
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=zh6gFREbvblahblahblahfXIC5nZr51OgdKECaSIMBi9Kc
To make environment variables permanent and persistent you can set this to your ~/.bash_rc
. See Red Hat Knowledge Base article:
You must run from the project root rather than the /provisioner
folder. This is so all the files in the Git project are mounted, not just the provisioner folder. This is also best practice because it matches the behavior in Automation controller.
For example:
ansible-navigator run provisioner/provision_lab.yml -e @provisioner/extra_vars.yml
- Define the following variables in a file passed in using
-e @extra_vars.yml
# region where the nodes will live
ec2_region: us-east-1
# name prefix for all the VMs
ec2_name_prefix: TESTWORKSHOP
# creates student_total of workbenches for the workshop
student_total: 2
# Set the right workshop type, like network, rhel or f5 (see above)
workshop_type: rhel
# Generate offline token to authenticate the calls to Red Hat's APIs
# Can be accessed at
offline_token: "eyQ.60y_ezoosYst_FJlZfVsud9qGbDt7QRly6nhprqVEREi......XYZ"
# Required for podman authentication to
redhat_username: <redhat_username>
redhat_password: <redhat_password>
# turn DNS on for control nodes, and set to type in valid_dns_type
dns_type: aws
# password for Ansible control node
admin_password: your_password123
# Sets the Route53 DNS zone to use for Amazon Web Services
# automatically installs Tower to control node
controllerinstall: true
# forces ansible.workshops collection to install latest edits every time
developer_mode: true
# SHA value of targeted AAP bundle setup files.
provided_sha_value: ea2843fae672274cb1b32447c9a54c627aa5bdf5577d9a6c7f957efe68be8c01
# Automation controller install setup command. Default: "./ -e gpgcheck=0" if undefined or empty
controller_install_command: './ -e gpgcheck=0'
# default vars for ec2 AMIs (ec2_info) are located in provisioner/roles/manage_ec2_instances/defaults/main/main.yml
# select ec2_info AMI vars can be overwritten via ec2_xtra vars, e.g.:
owners: 012345678910
filter: Satellite*
username: ec2-user
os_type: linux
size: r5b.2xlarge
# Registry name to download execution environments
# List of execution environments to download during controller installation:
- "{{ ee_registry_name }}/ansible-automation-platform-21/ee-29-rhel8:latest"
- "{{ ee_registry_name }}/ee-supported-rhel8:latest"
- "{{ ee_registry_name }}/ansible-automation-platform-21/ee-minimal-rhel8:latest"
# "Default execution environment" for controller
ee_default_image: "{{ ee_registry_name }}/ee-supported-rhel8:latest"
In order to use Automation controller (i.e. controllerinstall: true
), which is the default behavior (as seen in group_vars/all.yml) you need to have a valid subscription via a
file. To retrieve your file you need to download it from
- Here is a video by Colin McNaughton to help you retrieve your
- If you need to get a temporary license, get a trial here
How do you use the with the workshop?
There are currently two ways to integrate your license file with the workshop:
- Put the file into provisioner folder
The first way is to make sure your license/manifest has the exact name
and put it into the same folder as the provision_lab.yml
playbook (e.g.) <your-path>/workshops/provisioner/
- Turn the into a variable
The second way is to turn the
into a base64 variable.
This allows the
to be treated like an Ansible variable so that it can work with CI systems like Github Actions or Zuul. This also makes it easier to work with Automation controller, in case you are spinning up a workshop using Automation controller itself.
To do this use the base64
command to encode the manifest:
base64 > base64_platform_manifest.txt
Take the output of this command and set it to a variable base64_manifest
in your extra_vars file.
base64_manifest: 2342387234872dfsdlkjf23148723847dkjfskjfksdfj
The is substantially larger than the tower.license file, so the base64_manifest base64 might be several hundred lines long if you have text wrapping in your editor.
base64 is not encryption, if you require encryption you need to work within your CI system or Automation controller to encrypt the base64 encoded
For more extra_vars examples, look at the following:
sample-vars-rhel.yml - example for the Ansible RHEL Workshop
sample-vars-windows.yml - example for the Ansible Windows Workshop
sample-vars-network.yml - example for the Ansible Network Workshop
sample-vars-f5.yml - example for Ansible F5 Workshop
sample-vars-tower-auto.yml - example for Tower installation and licensing
sample-vars-rhel-90.yml - example for Tower installation and licensing
sample-vars-rhel-90.yml - example for
workshop, meant to be taught in 90 minutes -
sample-vars-demo.yml - example for
mode, aggregate of all workshop topologies -
sameple-vars-smart_mgmt.yml - example for
workshop. Read Notes -
Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook provision_lab.yml -e @extra_vars.yml
- Login to the AWS EC2 console and you will see instances being created. For example:
Exercises and instructor slides are hosted at
Workbench information is stored in two places after you provision:
in a local directory named after the workshop (e.g. testworkshop/instructor_inventory)
By default there will be a website
)- NOTE: It is possible to change the DNS domain (right now this is only supported via a AWS Route 53 Hosted Zone) using the parameter
in yourextra_vars.yml
file. - NOTE: The playbook does not create the route53 zone and must exist prior to running the playbook.
- NOTE: It is possible to change the DNS domain (right now this is only supported via a AWS Route 53 Hosted Zone) using the parameter
- The instructor inventory will be copied to
on student1's control_node as part of the control_nodes role. - The instructor can see all assigned students and what their workbench is by visiting
The provisioner currently supports creating DNS records per control node with valid SSL certs using Lets Encrypt. Right now DNS is only supported via AWS Route 53, however we are building it in a way that this can be more pluggable and take advantage of other public clouds.
This means that each student workbench will get an individual DNS entry. For example a DNS name will look like this:
- NOTE: The variable
defaults toaws
. This can also be set todns_type: none
. - NOTE: If Lets Encrypt fails, the workshop provisioner will still pass, and alert you of errors in the
at the end of theprovision_lab.yml
Ansible Playbook.
The Smart Management Lab relies on a prebuilt AMI for Red Hat Satellite Server. An example for building this AMI can be found here.
The Smart Management Lab also requires AWS DNS to be enabled. See sample vars for required configuration.
The Ansible Workshops are actually a collection. Every role is called using the FQCN (fully qualified collection name). For example to setup the control node (e.g. install Automation controller) we call the role
- include_role:
name: ansible.workshops.control_node
This installs locally from Git (versus from Galaxy or Automation Hub). If the galaxy.yml version matches your installed version, it will skip the install (speed up provisioning). Using developer_mode: true
if your extra_vars will force installation every time. This is super common when you are editing a role and want to immediately see changes without publishing the collection.
If you want to contribute to the workshops, check out the contribution guide.
The teardown_lab.yml
playbook deletes all the training instances as well as local inventory files.
To destroy all the EC2 instances after training is complete:
- Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook teardown_lab.yml -e @extra_vars.yml
- Optionally you can enable verbose debug output of the information gathered that drives the teardown process by passing the extra optional variable
. Example:
ansible-playbook teardown_lab.yml -e @extra_vars.yml -e debug_teardown=true
There is a variable you can pass in within your extra_vars named demo
. When this keyword is defined it will install the specified demo from the Github repository
For example you can put:
demo: all
Which will install all demos onto the Ansible Tower instance. Not all demos will work on any workshop_type
. Please refer to the Demo repository list.
For frequently asked questions see the FAQ
The provision_lab.yml
playbook creates a work bench for each student, configures them for password authentication, and creates an inventory file for each user with their IPs and credentials. An instructor inventory file is also created in the current directory which will let the instructor access the nodes of any student. This file will be called instructor_inventory.txt
What does the AWS provisioner take care of automatically?
- AWS VPC creation (Amazon WebServices Virtual Private Cloud)
- Creation of an SSH key pair (stored at ./WORKSHOPNAME/WORKSHOPNAME-private.pem)
- Creation of a AWS EC2 security group
- Creation of a subnet for the VPC
- Creation of an internet gateway for the VPC
- Creation of route table for VPC (for reachability from internet)
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