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The Byzantine Generals Problem


This problem was introduced by Leslie Lamport in his paper The Byzantine Generals Problem, where he describes the problem as follows:

“Reliable computer systems must handle malfunctioning components that give conflicting information to different parts of the system. This situation can be expressed abstractly in terms of a group of generals of the Byzantine army camped with their troops around an enemy city. Communicating only by messenger, the generals must agree upon a common battle plan. However, one or more of them may be traitors who will try to confuse the others. The problem is to find an algorithm to ensure that the loyal generals will reach agreement.”

As such, it is imperative that the loyal generals work as a together as a unit, else they run the risk of being routed by the enemy.


In his paper, Lamport describes an algorithm that uses spoken messages. He shows that when using spoken messages, this problem is solvable if-and-only-if more than two thirds of the generals are loyal.

Lamport’s algorithm is as follows (Note that the parameter “m” is the degree of recursion):

Algorithm OM(0) (Base Case)

  1. The commander sends his value to every lieutenant.
  2. Each lieutenant uses the value he receives from the commander, or uses the value RETREAT if he receives no value.

Algorithm OM(m), m > O.

  1. The commander sends his value to every lieutenant.
  2. For each i, let v[i] be the value General i receives from the commander, or else be RETREAT if he receives no value. General i acts as the commander in Algorithm OM(m - 1) to send the value vi to each of the n - 2 other lieutenants.
  3. For each i, and each j != i, let v[j] be the value General i received from General j in step (2) (using Algorithm OM(m - 1)), or else RETREAT if he received no such value. General i uses the value majority (v[0].....v[n]).


Lamport's OM algorithm is implemented here. The program can be run as follows:

% python3 -h       
usage: [-h] [-m RECURSION] [-G GENERALS] [-O ORDER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -m RECURSION      The level of recursion in the algorithm, where M > 0
  -G GENERALS       A string of generals (ie 'l,t,l,l,l'...), where l is loyal and
                    t is a traitor. The first general is the Commander.
  -O ORDER          The order the commander gives to the other generals (O ∈

For example:

% python3 -m 4 -G l,t,l,l,l -O ATTACK
General 0: [('RETREAT', 62), ('ATTACK', 46)]
General 1: [('ATTACK', 55), ('RETREAT', 53)]
General 2: [('RETREAT', 62), ('ATTACK', 46)]
General 3: [('ATTACK', 55), ('RETREAT', 53)]
General 4: [('RETREAT', 62), ('ATTACK', 46)]


In his paper, Lamport proves that:

For any m, Algorithm OM(m) satisfies conditions that All loyal generals decide upon the same plan of action and A small number of traitors cannot cause the loyal generals to adopt a bad plan if there are more than 3m generals and at most m traitors.

Lets pick m to be 3, with 10 (>3m) generals and 3 (=m) traitors:

% python3 -m 3 -G l,l,l,t,t,l,l,t,l -O ATTACK
General 0: [('ATTACK', 303), ('RETREAT', 273)]
General 1: [('ATTACK', 403), ('RETREAT', 173)]
General 2: [('ATTACK', 303), ('RETREAT', 273)]
General 3: [('ATTACK', 403), ('RETREAT', 173)]
General 4: [('ATTACK', 303), ('RETREAT', 273)]
General 5: [('ATTACK', 403), ('RETREAT', 173)]
General 6: [('ATTACK', 303), ('RETREAT', 273)]
General 7: [('ATTACK', 403), ('RETREAT', 173)]
General 8: [('ATTACK', 303), ('RETREAT', 273)]
General 9: [('ATTACK', 403), ('RETREAT', 173)]

As shown, this works as expected. Each general votes for the correct course of action.

Now, let's examine what will happen if we set the number of generals to be less that what is specified in Lamport's proof.

Lets pick m to be 3, with 9 (=3m) generals and 3 (=m) traitors:

%python3 -m 3 -G l,l,l,t,t,l,l,t,l -O ATTACK
General 0: [('RETREAT', 210), ('ATTACK', 182)]
General 1: [('ATTACK', 244), ('RETREAT', 148)]
General 2: [('RETREAT', 210), ('ATTACK', 182)]
General 3: [('ATTACK', 244), ('RETREAT', 148)]
General 4: [('RETREAT', 210), ('ATTACK', 182)]
General 5: [('ATTACK', 244), ('RETREAT', 148)]
General 6: [('RETREAT', 210), ('ATTACK', 182)]
General 7: [('ATTACK', 244), ('RETREAT', 148)]
General 8: [('RETREAT', 210), ('ATTACK', 182)]

Here we see that the condition no longer holds. Note that while Lamport only specifies the conditions for the success case, there is no guarantee that a given configuration of parameters will cause failure: sometimes it will work, and other times it will not.