Sends a notification when going idle, or when your hp/prayer reaches a certain threshold. To change whether notifications are sent even when the client is focused (and other settings related to notifications), see the settings for RuneLite.
Toggles notifying you when stopping skilling animations such as mining, fletching, or creating battlestaves.
Toggles notifying you when you stop interacting with an NPC which includes combat and fishing.
Toggles notifying you when your character stops moving and stays idle there
Toggled notifying you when you don't interact with the client for too long.
Choose how long your animation or interaction has to be stopped before sending a notification. Don't set it too low as some animations have long delays.
Choose hp threshold to send a notification. NOTICE! By default you will only get notifications when the client is out of focus, to change this see RuneLite.
Choose prayer threshold to send a notification.
Choose oxygen threshold (during underwater activities) below which to send a notification.
Choose special attack percentage regeneration threshold at which send a notification.