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PA2 - Recipe Manager

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Final project for Programming and Algorithmics 2 course ( BI-PA2 2017)

License: MIT


First year final project. Database application which allows you to
search for recipes by ingredients they contain, like and unlike them
and even add them to your menu.
Maximum amount of points awarded (12 out of 12).


Go to project folder and type

make install

which downloads files into lib folder and hopefully installs all necessary libraries.

If make install does not do the work, you need to download and install
libpq(for database communication) and ncurses (for UI) using following commands:

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

ncurses (ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev

ncurses (fedora):

yum install ncurses-*

How to run project

Go to project folder and type:

make compile && make run

For testing purposes, logging in using username and password "heslo" (without quotes) is recommended.


make count (calculates number of lines in code)
make install (installs necessary libraries)
make compile (compiles project)
make run (runs project)
make doc (creates documentation using doxygen)
make/make all (compiles project and documentation)
make clean (deletes everything that could be created by make all)

Windows support

It is now possible to run it on windows. I do recommend using
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows and installing libraries as if you were on ubuntu.
To run project type "make clean && make compile && make run" into bash.