- Added "Display Graphs" button onto groups table page to display a small ranking graph for each search.
- Forked from original 2.x Serposcope. Although the code still refers to the project as Serposcope, the project has been renamed from "Serposcope" to "Serposcope Fork" to avoid confusion.
- Updated version number from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0.
- Fixed min/max pause range to work when only 1 page of results exists. A pause is now performed before every request, which unfortunately means there will be a pause before the first search is even performed.
- Added options to customize the desktop and mobile user agents.
- Added options to remove elements from the page before attempting to parse it for links.
- Added options to customize the CSS selectors to parse links on the page.
- Added options to only accept a link if its parent (anywhere in the tree) matches a specified set of CSS selectors.
- Added options to only accept a link if its child (anywhere in the tree) matches a specified set of CSS selectors.
- Added option to store scraped details and HTML (before and after removal of elements) into a directory.
- Improved GoogleScraper::debugDump () function to allow for timestamped directory creation, as well as appending to files instead of overwriting.
- Removed some parsing code that has been made redundant due to added options.
- Fixed task progress status bar to display "Tasks Completed" when the task reaches 100%.
- Disabled update checks.
- Removed links to "docs" and "support" so the original author is not asked questions about this forked version.
- Removed ad from sidebar.
- Fixed build issues by adding dependenies javax.annotation-api and org.codehaus.plexus.plexus-utils, and updating org.jsoup dependency from version 1.10.2 to 1.16.2, and org.jsoup.safety.Whitelist to use org.jsoup.safety.Safelist instead.
- Fix mobile SERP parsing issue
- Fix corrupted 2.13.0 Windows release
- Fix captcha solving bug #238
- Update Anticaptcha and 2captcha API #228
- Fix serp parsing bug #211
- Fix serp parsing bug #200
- Fix mobile search bug #187 #175
- Fix deathbycaptcha (now solve recaptcha)
- Add captcha solver providers : www.imagetyperz.com and 2captcha.com
- Fix TLD/country localization issue. TLD is replace by country. On upgrade, TLD are automatically converted to associated country unless it is a generic TLD. You may want to reconfigure your default country for new keyword in admin > settings > google > country.
- Scraper module sources published to maven (to be moved in another repo in near futur)
- IMPORTANT Fix new recaptcha v2 form issue #155
- Big improvements on captcha handling and rate limiting
- SERP parsing : exclude sitelinks from rankings, expect ranking variation
- Better IDN support #130
- Hide add event button if not admin #133
- Fix issue with .com TLD
- Fix CSV export issue #135
- Fix unrecognized SSL certificat issue
- German translation thanks to @stritti
- IMPORTANT Fix captcha form issue #132
- Fix NPE in log anonymizer #127
- Fix mobile icon no more displayed #128
- Fix export date range selection
- Increased captcha retry on failure (service overload) from 3 to 5
- Fix escaping issue on H2 database export (backup feature)
- Can check only failed keywords or recently added keywords #96
- Reworked most of the views to support huge amount of keywords (hundred of thousands...)
- Export: can export SERP or rankings in CSV
- Captcha Failover: Ability to configure multiple captcha service, if one service fail, serposcope fallback to others providers
- Optimized SERP rescan speed : adding a website should be 20x faster (usefull when having thousands of keywords)
- Can backup and restore the database from admin panel
- Can migrate easily between H2 <-> MySQL using the new backup/restore feature
- Database prunning : trim database & history, permit to limit database disk usage. Defaulted to 365 days.
- New scoring system (all scores have been reset)
- Use a new smartphone user-agent for mobile SERP result
- improved SERP parsing, Google news div is no more parsed
- Websites bulk import and bulk delete
- Can rename website
- New default search settings is 1 page of 100 results and 5 sec. pause (was 5x10 and 10 sec. pause, now 20x faster)
- Can add event/calendar on search and target view
- Warn if tracking too many keywords using H2 database
- Group view: Can sort websites
- Group view: Display total number of keywords
- Group view: Grid display for keywords, support thousands of keywords
- Group view: Allow sorting & filtering of keywords, fix #59
- Target chart view: Fix bugged legend
- Target chart view: Do not draw automatically charts when too many keywords
- Target variation view: Improved date-range picker (related to #114)
- Target variation and table view: Grid display, support thousands of keywords
- Target variation and table view: Allow sorting & filtering
- Search SERP view: FIX huge legend, can draw top10 on chart in one click #66
- Search SERP view: Display best ranking for tracked website
- Homepage: Display DB disk usage (H2 only) and remaining free disk space
- Homepage: Enhanced TOP keywords count using % and better UI
- Homepage: Progress bar is now dynamic via ajax (no need to refresh) #90
- Homepage: Display last runs state #83
- Homepage: Can cancel current runs or view logs from homepage
- FIX incorrect random pause between request to Google#100
- FIX local suggest case
- FIX httpclient support defalte compression and minor improvements
- FIX duplicate keywords on bulk import (related to #59)
- FIX MySQL: charset issue when using and not UTF-8 #112 #115
- FIX MySQL: no more case sensitive and fix accent issue
- FIX admin users table layout #102
- FIX calendar bug on chart redraw
- FIX invalid timeout on captcha service
- FIX SERP chart display rank 0 for unranked position
- IMPORTANT Google added a new "q" parameter to its captcha form (upgrade highly recommended).
- Docker image available thanks to @pierreavizou #43
- IMPORTANT Google task crash when checking with multiple threads #82
- IMPORTANT FIX task may not stop when using proxies #80
- comptabile with 64 bits Java version on Windows
- support SOCKS proxy #79
- best ranking is next to last ranking (website table view) #50
- ability to delete invalid proxy in one click
- display number of captchas displayed even without solver #54
- ability to do a stackdump (debugging utility)
- FIX bulk import bug with canonical location #63
- FIX javascript when using quotes in website name or search #81
- FIX typos #74
- add https://anti-captcha.com/ captcha service #58
- add http://de-captcher.com/ captcha service #58
- ability to check captcha balance from settings
- randomized keywords before checking #40
- improve keyword bulk import speed
- Windows binaries are signed
- FIX Avast false positive
- FIX incorrect .deb packages #47
- FIX invalid log link on home
To view list of change since version 1 please read : https://serphacker.com/en/blog/whats-new-in-serposcope-2.html