From b46e438b440ea319e65ea325bdd87d84301c798d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jack O'Donnell <>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2023 15:22:01 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] first draft universal NFW with colossus

 autogalaxy/profiles/mass/dark/ | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 83 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/autogalaxy/profiles/mass/dark/ b/autogalaxy/profiles/mass/dark/
index f3fc0119..738f9fe7 100644
--- a/autogalaxy/profiles/mass/dark/
+++ b/autogalaxy/profiles/mass/dark/
@@ -3,9 +3,90 @@
 import numpy as np
 import warnings
+from colossus.cosmology import cosmology as col_cosmology
+from colossus.halo import profile_nfw
+from colossus.halo.concentration import concentration as col_concentration
+from autogalaxy.cosmology.lensing import LensingCosmology
 from autogalaxy.cosmology.wrap import Planck15
+def set_colossus_cosmo(cosmology: LensingCosmology, sigma8=None, ns=None):
+    if sigma8 is None or ns is None:
+        try:
+            cur_cosmo = col_cosmology.getCurrent()
+        except Exception:
+            col_cosmology.setCosmology('planck15')
+            cur_cosmo = col_cosmology.getCurrent()
+        sigma8 = cur_cosmo.sigma8
+        ns = cur_cosmo.ns
+    col_cosmo_obj = col_cosmology.fromAstropy(cosmology, sigma8, ns, '')
+    col_cosmology.setCurrent(col_cosmo_obj)
+    return col_cosmo_obj
+def physical_nfw_to_autogalaxy(
+        mass, concentration, mdef, redshift_object, redshift_source,
+        cosmology: LensingCosmology,
+        sigma8=None, ns=None,
+    ):
+    '''
+    General function to convert an NFW Spherical Overdensity (M, concentration)
+    to AutoGalaxy parameters (kappa_s, scale_radius), for any cosmology and mass
+    definition.
+    Under the hood this uses Colossus to compute everything, and can therefore
+    use any `mdef` that colossus understands, such as `vir`, `200m`, `500c`, etc.
+    (
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    mass
+        Halo mass in solar masses.
+    concentration
+        NFW concentration. unitless.
+    mdef
+        Spherical overdensity mass definition, interpreted by colossus. Should be a string \
+        such as 'vir', '200m', '200c', etc.
+    redshift_object
+        The redshift of the NFW halo.
+    redshift_source:
+        The redshift of the source. If the lensing model has multiple sources, \
+        this should be the highest-redshift source.
+    cosmology
+        The cosmology to be used for the computation.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        3-tuple of (kappa_s, scale_radius, r200)
+    '''
+    col_cosmo_obj = set_colossus_cosmo(cosmology, sigma8, ns)
+    halo = profile_nfw.NFWProfile(
+        M=mass*col_cosmo_obj.h(), c=concentration, z=redshift_object, mdef=mdef
+    )
+    critical_surface_density = (
+        cosmology.critical_surface_density_between_redshifts_solar_mass_per_kpc2_from(
+            redshift_0=redshift_object, redshift_1=redshift_source
+        )
+    )
+    kpc_per_arcsec = cosmology.kpc_per_arcsec_from(redshift=redshift_object)
+    # rho_s in Msun kpc-3, and rs in kpc
+    rho_s = halo.par['rhos']*col_cosmo_obj.h()**2
+    rs = halo.par['rs']/col_cosmo_obj.h()
+    r200 = rs * concentration
+    kappa_s = rho_s * rs / critical_surface_density
+    scale_radius = rs / kpc_per_arcsec
+    return kappa_s, scale_radius, r200
 def kappa_s_and_scale_radius_for_duffy(mass_at_200, redshift_object, redshift_source):
     Computes the AutoGalaxy NFW parameters (kappa_s, scale_radius) for an NFW halo of the given
@@ -58,15 +139,12 @@ def kappa_s_and_scale_radius_for_duffy(mass_at_200, redshift_object, redshift_so
 def kappa_s_and_scale_radius_for_ludlow(
     mass_at_200, scatter_sigma, redshift_object, redshift_source
-    """
+    '''
     Computes the AutoGalaxy NFW parameters (kappa_s, scale_radius) for an NFW halo of the given
     mass, enforcing the Ludlow '16 mass-concentration relation.
     Interprets mass as *`M_{200c}`*, not `M_{200m}`.
-    """
-    from colossus.cosmology import cosmology as col_cosmology
-    from colossus.halo.concentration import concentration as col_concentration
+    '''
     cosmology = Planck15()