Autonomous RC car project
Computer Vision application designed to run on NVidia Jetson / Odroid platform.
Vehicle controller based on FreeRTOS. Project for STM32F7 (AnyFC F7 board)
Java application for Desktop communicating via Bluetooth.
To run projects, on your RPi, have to fill remotedebug.xml files with your pi logging data and remove .dist extention. Remote debuging done according to:
Application for Android System to handle vehicle parameters via Bluetooth
Fork this repo to your account.
Clone repo from your account to local folder on your device.
git clone
Add new remote repo as "main".
git remote add main
Now you should have 2 remote repos configured:
- "main" pointing this repo,
- "origin" pointing copy on you account. This could be checked by command git remote -v.
Update your local verison.
git pull main master
Make your changes.
Push them to repo on you account.
git push origin master
Make Pull Request on Github.
Repeat steps from 4 to 7 everytime you want to contribute to this "main" repo.