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JasonCrank edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 6 revisions

Slice - Advertise everywhere.

What is Slice?

Slice is a browser extension, that gives every PC user the possibility to fully monetize their browser.
As a user browses the internet, Slice will display curated non-intrusive ads, matching their interest.
Whenever a Slice ad is displayed in view the user receives a monetary reward (Slices).
Earned Slices can be paid out to Paypal, crypto, and a vast range of giftcards.

Why advertise on Slice?

It has been a proven model that an incentivised audience results in better engagement and connection with partners.
We invite you to join our public discord and see the overwhelming response to brands joining our network.

With Slice we remove all intermediaries between advertisers and users.
With us you don't have to rely on thousands of websites to target your users. With us, you advertise to them directly.

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