This example demonstrates how to provision Google Distributed Cloud Edge (GDCE) resources using terraform with Cloud Build. The resources provisioned are listed below:
- GDCE Cluster
- GDCE Node Pool
- GDCE VPN Connection
- Cloud IAM Permission: roles/cloudbuild.builds.editor - to be able to start the build
- Cloud IAM Permission: roles/edgecontainer.admin - to fully manage GDCE clusters, node-pools and VPN connections
cd terraform
terraform init
cp terraform.tfvars.sample terraform.tfvars
### Edit terraform.tfvars, especially <PROJECT_ID> and <GDCE_EDGE_ZONE_NAME>
### Edit, replacing the bucket name
gcloud builds submit . --config=cloudbuild.yaml
gcloud builds submit . --config=cloudbuild-destroy.yaml
- Cloud IAM Permission: roles/edgecontainer.admin - to fully manage GDCE clusters, node-pools and VPN connections
- Terraform version 1.3.7 or greater
cd terraform
terraform init
cp terraform.tfvars.sample terraform.tfvars
### Edit terraform.tfvars, especially <PROJECT_ID> and <GDCE_EDGE_ZONE_NAME>
Provision the infrastructure
terraform apply
terraform destroy