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Expense Reimbursement System

Project Description

The ERS allows employees to login and create an expensive reimbursement ticket. The employee can create a ticket by specifing the amount, request type, and description. Employees can view all of their own tickets and view them by approved or pending. Managers can log in and approve / deny pending tickets. Managers can also view all approved tikets.

Technologies Used

  • Java - SE 1.8
  • JavaScript - ECMAScript 5
  • JUnit - Jupiter 5.5.2
  • HTML - 5
  • CSS - 3
  • Mockito - 3.6.28
  • PostgreSQL - 12
  • JDBC - 42.2.18
  • Tomcat - 9.0.41
  • Maven - 1.8
  • Log4J - 1.2.17
  • JSP - 2.3


- Responsive Design (Mobile First): Looks great on mobile and desktop.

- Login Validation: Fields are required on the client side and are validated on the server side.

- Employee Home page will grab all of the employee tickets from the server. Employee can view 'All', 'Approved', or 'Pending' tickets. This change in view is done on the client side via JavaScript.

- Employee can create Ticket. There is field validation on the client and server side.

- Manager can view all pending and approved tickets.

- Manager and Employee pages (Except for login) cannot be accessed unless logged in.

To-do list:

  • Have a modal to confirm if a manager wants to approve / deny a ticket
  • Delete web cache so a user cannot view the previous page after logging out
  • Manager can search tickets by employee name

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Launch Spring Tool Suite
  3. Import the project - select the folder that contains the repo

  1. Update maven (right click on the project)

  1. Set up your own environment variables to connect to your database. Include: hostname, username, password, and port.

  1. Run on a server (right click on the project) more details for Tomcat


For best user experience (after starting the server) open up your browser and go to: http://localhost:8080/ers This url will direct you to the employee login page.

To login as a manager go to: http://localhost:8080/ers/manager/login


Login: http://localhost:8080/ers/employee/login

Home: http://localhost:8080/ers/employee

Create Ticket: http://localhost:8080/ers/employee/create-ticket

Logout http://localhost:8080/ers/employee/logout


Login: http://localhost:8080/ers/manager/login

Home: http://localhost:8080/ers/manager

Further Instructions for Getting Started

Set Up With Tomcat

  1. Install Tomcat
  2. Under the Apache folder, select your version of Tomcat and click 'next'

  1. Click 'browse', select your apache-tomcat folder, then click 'finish'

Database ER Diagram