we run solid_gemc using container and singularity/apptainer. Currently we install solid_gemc outside the container jeffersonlab/jlabce which has gemc and geant4 inside
Because we running on the code in container, it doesn't really matter which machine to run it. but practically it still depends on existing files on disks. So henceforth, I refer "ifarm" to jlab ifarm machines and any machine with access to /group/solid and refer "standalone machine" to any machine without access to /group/solid
The best way to run it is on jlab ifarm. you can run it in batch mode to produce files and submit farm jobs or with graphic mode. (The best way to run graphoc is through vnc, refer to https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Ifarm_graphic_mode)
According to your need, you can run it to look at existing simulation or modifiy to do develpment work as follows
here is a quick way to run official solid_gemc installation on ifarm
(singularity will load your shell env,so clean them up temporally to avoid conflict before loading container. For example, "mv .cshrc cshrc", "mv .login login", "mv .bashrc basrc")
ssh -XY ifarm
cd your_work_dir (which will be shared dir between host and container)
singularity shell -s /bin/tcsh -B ${PWD}:/mywork -B /group:/group -B /u:/u -B /w/work:/work -B /w:/w -B /cache:/cache -B /volatile:/volatile -B /lustre:/lustre /group/solid/apps/jeffersonlab_jlabce_tag2.5_digest:sha256:9b9a9ec8c793035d5bfe6651150b54ac298f5ad17dca490a8039c530d0302008_20220413_s3.9.5.sif
(now you are in container, run following commands inside)
set prompt = '[#Container# %n@%m %c]$ '
setenv SoLID_GEMC /group/solid/solid_github/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc
setenv GEMC $SoLID_GEMC/mod/gemc/$GEMC_VERSION
setenv PATH ${SoLID_GEMC}/source/${GEMC_VERSION}:${GEMC}:${PATH}
cd $SoLID_GEMC/script
solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_moved_full.gcard
solid_gemc solid_PVDIS_LD2_moved_full.gcard
ctrl-d (to exit container)
To run your simulaton with modified geometry and without changing hit processing, here is how to run official solid_gemc binary with your installation on ifarm
(singularity will load your shell env,so clean them up temporally to avoid conflict before loading container. For example, "mv .cshrc cshrc", "mv .login login", "mv .bashrc basrc")
ssh -XY ifarm
cd your_work_dir (which will be shared dir between host and container)
singularity shell -s /bin/tcsh -B ${PWD}:/mywork -B /group:/group -B /u:/u -B /w/work:/work -B /w:/w -B /cache:/cache -B /volatile:/volatile -B /lustre:/lustre /group/solid/apps/jeffersonlab_jlabce_tag2.5_digest:sha256:9b9a9ec8c793035d5bfe6651150b54ac298f5ad17dca490a8039c530d0302008_20220413_s3.9.5.sif
(now you are in container, run following commands inside)
set prompt = '[#Container# %n@%m %c]$ '
setenv SoLID_GEMC /group/solid/solid_github/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc
setenv GEMC $SoLID_GEMC/mod/gemc/$GEMC_VERSION
setenv PATH ${SoLID_GEMC}/source/${GEMC_VERSION}:${GEMC}:${PATH}
cd /mywork
git clone https://github.com/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc (or just git pull to update it)
(then you can modify simulation in your installation and run it as follows)
cd solid_gemc/script
solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_moved_full.gcard
solid_gemc solid_PVDIS_LD2_moved_full.gcard
ctrl-d (to exit container)
To run your simulaton with modified geometry and changing hit processing, here is how to run your solid_gemc binary with your installation on ifarm and standalone machine
(singularity will load your shell env,so clean them up temporally to avoid conflict before loading container. For example, "mv .cshrc cshrc", "mv .login login", "mv .bashrc basrc")
ssh -XY ifarm
cd your_work_dir (which will be shared dir between host and container)
(do this on ifarm) singularity shell -s /bin/tcsh -B ${PWD}:/mywork -B /group:/group -B /u:/u -B /w/work:/work -B /w:/w -B /cache:/cache -B /volatile:/volatile -B /lustre:/lustre /group/solid/apps/jeffersonlab_jlabce_tag2.5_digest:sha256:9b9a9ec8c793035d5bfe6651150b54ac298f5ad17dca490a8039c530d0302008_20220413_s3.9.5.sif
(do this on any other machine with apptainer) wget http://webhome.phy.duke.edu/~zz81/simg/jeffersonlab_jlabce_tag2.5_digest:sha256:9b9a9ec8c793035d5bfe6651150b54ac298f5ad17dca490a8039c530d0302008_20220413_s3.9.5.sif
(do this on any other machine with apptainer) singularity shell -s /bin/tcsh -B ${PWD}:/mywork jeffersonlab_jlabce_tag2.5_digest:sha256:9b9a9ec8c793035d5bfe6651150b54ac298f5ad17dca490a8039c530d0302008_20220413_s3.9.5.sif
(now you are in container, run following commands inside)
echo $SHELL (check if you using tcsh, if not, run tcsh)
set prompt = '[#Container# %n@%m %c]$ ' (change shell promt to better tell where you are)
cd /mywork
(then you can compile and solid_gemc)
git clone https://github.com/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc (or just git pull to update it)
setenv SoLID_GEMC $PWD/solid_gemc
setenv GEMC $SoLID_GEMC/mod/gemc/$GEMC_VERSION
cd $GEMC
scons OPT=1 LIBRARY=shared -j4
(make change to code if needed)
scons OPT=1 -j4
setenv PATH ${SoLID_GEMC}/source/${GEMC_VERSION}:${GEMC}:${PATH}
(do this on any other machine) cd $SoLID_GEMC/field
(do this on any other machine) wget https://solid.jlab.org/files/field/solenoid_v4.dat
cd $SoLID_GEMC/script
(on any other machine, modify gcard files to change FIELD_DIR to /mywork/solid_gemc/field)
(running solid_gemc in graphic mode as follows)
solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_moved_full.gcard
solid_gemc solid_PVDIS_LD2_moved_full.gcard
ctrl-d (to exit container)
see examples at https://github.com/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc/tree/master/script/farm
You need singularity (preferred) or docker to run the container. on your local machine, you need to install it
- on local centos/rhel/scientific linux, prepare singularity by "yum install apptainer" (old system "yum install singularity"). on Ubuntu, use apt. If your linux machine is a desktop at jlab, you can self-mount or ask computer center to help you to mount /group/solid/, then you can just use it like ifarm
- on windows or Mac, try apptainer first https://apptainer.org/docs/admin/main/installation.html. If that somehow doesn't work, try docker https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/mac-install/. The last way is to use singularity/docker in a virtual machine.
- refer to https://hallaweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Note_about_container
The native graphic mode is inside container, you can use vnc to access as follows
- singularity run /group/solid/apps/jeffersonlab_jlabce_tag2.5_digest:sha256:9b9a9ec8c793035d5bfe6651150b54ac298f5ad17dca490a8039c530d0302008_20220413_s3.9.5.sif & (load for graphic mode in background)
- vncviewer localhost:5901 (access for graphic mode, use the right port as shown in terminal)
- run code inside container in vncviewer
- close vncviewer
- fg (bring singularity to front in the host)
- control-c (exit singularity in the host)
on jlab machines, singularity container images are under /group/solid/apps/ and the list are:
- latest
- jeffersonlab_jlabce_tag2.5_digest:sha256:9b9a9ec8c793035d5bfe6651150b54ac298f5ad17dca490a8039c530d0302008_20220413_s3.9.5.sif (jlab_version 2.5 with gemc 2.9)
- outdated
- jeffersonlab_jlabce_tag2.5_digest:sha256:431fa1b9d51d6225d05d179ba81dbf8ff77c222770966b1a9bfc2960f4dcd413_20211215_s3.8.3.sif (jlab_version 2.5 with gemc 2.9, but need ~/.jlab_software to work)
- jeffersonlab_jlabce_tagdevel_digestsha256:01eac4333bdd2077233076363983d1898775c6c61e8f5c5b0b9f324c75c4da3c_20200409_s3.5.3.sif (jlab_version devel with gemc commit2fef2c2)
- jeffersonlab_solid_tag1.0.0_digestsha256:873524668b3b360392437188cf26f375cafc2e03a9bde6a58469a7dad8cc373a_20181204_s3.2.1.sif (old way in 2018 to run olid_gemc release v1.0.0 inside of container jeffersonlab/solid:1.0.0 which is based on container jeffersonlab/jlabce:1.3m including jlab_version 1.3m with gemc 2.3m)
- jeffersonlab_solid_tag1.devel_s3.2.1.sif (like solid_tag1.0.0, but provide base package only and test other packages outside of contianer)
- jeffersonlab_solid_tag2.devel_s3.2.1.sif (more test with base package only) They can be downloaded by "scp [email protected]:/group/solid/apps/[singularity_container_filename] ./"
singularity container naming convention:
- for production container which won't change once released: "organization_repository_tag_digest_uploadtime_singularityversion.imageformat"
- for devel container which would update from time to time: "orgnization_repository_tag_singularityversion.imageformat"
They are created by pulling from docker container on jlab ifarm with the following command
- module load singularity/3.9.5
- cd /group/solid/apps/
- setenv SINGULARITY_TMPDIR /scratch/$USER
- singularity pull docker://jeffersonlab/[name]:[tag]