this is outdated part from
- cd your working dir on host which will be bound into container automatically
- if you are on ifarm, run this
- module load singularity
- load container by
- singularity shell -s /bin/tcsh /group/solid/apps/jeffersonlab_jlabce_tagdevel_digestsha256:01eac4333bdd2077233076363983d1898775c6c61e8f5c5b0b9f324c75c4da3c_20200409_s3.5.3.sif
- (now you are in container, run following commands inside)
- echo $SHELL (check if you using tcsh, if not, run tcsh)
- set prompt = '[#Container# %n@%m %c]$ ' (change shell promt to better tell where you are)
- (do this if you are at jlab machine and want to run precompiled solid_gemc)
- setenv SoLID_GEMC /group/solid/solid_github/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc
- setenv PATH ${SoLID_GEMC}/source/commit2fef2c2:${PATH}
- (do this if you want to compile and run solid_gemc yourself)
- git clone (or just git pull to update it)
- setenv SoLID_GEMC $PWD/solid_gemc
- setenv PATH ${SoLID_GEMC}/source/commit2fef2c2:${PATH}
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/field/
- wget
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/source/commit2fef2c2
- make change to code
- scons OPT=1 -j4
- (run solid_gemc with 3D field map)
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/script
- solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_moved_full.gcard
- solid_gemc solid_PVDIS_LD2_moved_full.gcard
- cd your working dir on host which will be bind into container automatically
- load jeffersonlab_solid_tag1.0.0_digestsha256:873524668b3b360392437188cf26f375cafc2e03a9bde6a58469a7dad8cc373a_20181204_s3.2.1.sif
- (now you are in container, run following commands inside)
- echo $SHELL (check if you using tcsh, if not, run tcsh)
- set prompt = '[#Container# %n@%m %c]$ '
- (do this if you want to use the pre-installed solid_gemc on any machine)
- source /solid/solid_gemc/set_solid 1.3
- (run solid_gemc)
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/script
- solid_gemc solid_PVDIS_LD2_full.gcard
- solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard
- cd your working dir on host which will be bind into container automatically
- load jeffersonlab_solid_tag1.devel_s3.2.1.sif
- (now you are in container, run following commands inside)
- echo $SHELL (check if you using tcsh, if not, run tcsh)
- set prompt = '[#Container# %n@%m %c]$ '
- (do this if you want to use the pre-installed solid_gemc)
- source /solid/solid_gemc/set_solid
- (do this if you want to test the official github solid_gemc on ifarm)
- source /group/solid/solid_github/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc/set_solid 1.3 /jlab /group/solid/solid_github/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc
- (do this if you want to test your github solid_gemc on any machine)
- git clone (or just git pull to update it)
- source ${PWD}/solid_gemc/set_solid 1.3 /jlab ${PWD}/solid_gemc
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/source/$GEMC_VERSION/
- scons OPT=1 -j8
- (run solid_gemc)
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/script
- solid_gemc solid_PVDIS_LD2_full.gcard
- solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard
- cd your working dir on host which will be bound into container automatically
- load jeffersonlab_solid_tag2.devel_s3.2.1.sif
- (now you are in container, run following commands inside)
- echo $SHELL (check if you using tcsh, if not, run tcsh)
- set prompt = '[#Container# %n@%m %c]$ '
- (do this if you are at jlab machine and want to run the precompiled latest gemc,banks, and solid_gemc)
- setenv myGEMC /group/solid/solid_github/gemc/source
- setenv myBANKS /group/solid/solid_github/maureeungaro/banks
- setenv mySoLID_GEMC /group/solid/solid_github/JeffersonLab/solid_gemc
- source $mySoLID_GEMC/set_solid 2.3 /jlab $mySoLID_GEMC
- setenv PATH
$myBANKS/bin:$ {SoLID_GEMC}/source/devel:${PATH}
- (do this if you want to compile and run the latest gemc,banks, and solid_gemc yourself)
- git clone (or just git pull to update it)
- git clone (or just git pull to update it)
- git clone (or just git pull to update it)
- setenv myGEMC $PWD/source
- setenv myBANKS $PWD/banks
- setenv mySoLID_GEMC $PWD/solid_gemc
- source $mySoLID_GEMC/set_solid 2.3 /jlab $mySoLID_GEMC
- cd $myGEMC
- scons OPT=1 LIBRARY=shared -j8
- setenv preGEMC ${GEMC}
- setenv GEMC ${myGEMC}
- setenv preBANKS ${BANKS}
- setenv BANKS ${myBANKS}
- cd $myBANKS
- scons OPT=1 -j8
- cd $mySoLID_GEMC/source/devel
- scons OPT=1 -j8
- setenv GEMC ${preGEMC}
- setenv PATH
$myBANKS/bin:$ {SoLID_GEMC}/source/devel:${PATH}
- (run solid_gemc)
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/script
- solid_gemc solid_PVDIS_LD2_full.gcard
- solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_full.gcard
- (run solid_gemc with new 3D field map)
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/field/
- wget
- cd $SoLID_GEMC/script
- solid_gemc solid_SIDIS_He3_moved_full.gcard
- solid_gemc solid_PVDIS_LD2_moved_full.gcard