Using emoneESP format direct serial
by @owenduffy
Interfacer for serial output from emonTx V3 (firmware V2.4 and above)
emonTx firmware V2.4+ outputs serial CSV string pairs compatiable with emonESP:
Messages must start with the MSG:number
key:value pair. The message number does not need to increment but the interfacer looks for MSG
as the identifier that the new string is a data string.
Default baudrate is 115200
Add the following to emonhub.conf
in the [interfacers]
### This interfacer manages the EmonTx3 ESP format serial
Type = EmonHubTx3eInterfacer
# Un-comment line below if using RS485 adapter
#com_port = /dev/ttyRS485-0
# default com port if using USB to UART adapter
com_port= /dev/ttyUSB0
com_baud = 115200
#nodeoffset = 1
# nodeoffet can be used for multiple devices. it will change the nodeID as seen by emonCMS Inputs.
pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
See blog post by @owenduffy detailing serial connection an emonTx V3 (running stock V2.4+ FW) with RS485 adapter.