Difficulty: medium
You are dealing with a JSON response from a legacy API. Unfortunately, various people have worked on the API over the years which has resulted in a quite heterogeneous structure. Among others, there are different formats for timestamps in the responses. Below is an example of a JSON response encoding a time interval of 60 seconds.
"date1": 459125100
"date2": 459125160000
Here date1
is a timestamp in second-based Epoch time while date2
is a
timestamp in millisecond-based Epoch time
Your task is to decode such an object into an instance of a type that conforms to the protocol
protocol P {
var date1: Date { get }
var date2: Date { get }
The particular type you use is entirely arbitrary as long as it conforms to P
Write a method that takes a Data
instance representing a JSON object of the
aforementioned format and decodes it into an instance conforming to P
func decode(_ json: Data) throws -> P {
// ?
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