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Releases: John-Paul-R/Essential-Commands


31 Jul 01:26
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Essential Commands v0.15.0 (mc 1.16.5)

Direct backport of 0.15.0-mc1.17

This version of Essential Commands has incompatabilities with certain older versions of Java.
If the server fails to start, consider updating your Java installation.


21 Jul 21:01
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Essential Commands v0.14.0 (1.17.x & 1.16.5)


  • Added highly experimental EssentialsX homes converter to aid in porting spigot servers to Fabric.
  • Added Clickable Accept/Reject chat buttons for TPA requests.
  • Added command /tpahere

Fixed Bugs:

  • home/warp list commands fail with no feedback in the case whre no homes/warps are set.
  • Teleport requests can be accepted multiple times if the user sends the command multiple times in a single tick. #48
  • NPE bug in /nickname reveal <nickname> that cause the command to just... never work (idk how I missed this lol).
  • Change defaultrequirelevel of ec & wb from 2 to 0. (Previously, this prevented non-opped players from using wb & ec
    on servers not using permissions)

Change to version naming:
For a while now, every version of Essential Commands has been labeled as a "beta".
This will no longer be the case. Starting with this version, published builds will be marked as releases.
This does not reflect any change in stability.


21 Jul 20:56
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Essential Commands v0.14.0 (mc 1.16.5)

Direct backport of 0.14.0-mc1.17

This version of Essential Commands has incompatabilities with certain older versions of Java.
If the server fails to start, consider updating your Java installation.


18 Jul 13:44
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Essential Commands v0.13.4+1 (1.16.5)

1.16.5-specific patch to fix subcommand ambiguity bug caused by old brigaider parsing.
(Originally fixed by Mojang/brigadier@242de3f)

Particularly affected /nickname set <player> <nickname>


17 Jul 18:19
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Essential Commands v0.13.4 (mc 1.17.x)


  • Fixed bug that caused (uncolored) nicknames to override team colors by default.
  • Update playerlist every 5s (from 30s).


17 Jul 18:16
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Essential Commands v0.13.4 (mc 1.16.5)

Direct backport of 0.13.4-beta-1.17


16 Jul 14:08
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Essential Commands v0.13.3

A lot of bugfixes and prep for translations support.


  • Show only commands/subcommands that the player has permission to use in autocomplete.
    (Root nodes require perms for at least 1 subcommand)
  • No longer allow overwriting via /home set or /warp set (require explicit deletion)
  • Use new lang file for all command feedback and other user-facing text. This will soon enable translations support.
  • Fix bug that made console unable to set player nicknames.
  • More descriptive tpaccept and tpdeny error in the case where there is no pending request from specified player.
  • Gracefully handle error for rtp when spawn is not set.


  • Save playerdata more frequently for nickname changes.
  • Add build timestamps for GH Actions builds.
  • Home/Warp storage rework.


12 Jul 14:11
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Essential Commands v0.13.2

Fix broken default nickname prefix.


12 Jul 00:16
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Essential Commands v0.13.1

Small bugfix:

  • Bug: cleared nicknames never update in PlayerList.
  • Fix: cleared nicknames are now properly synced with clients PlayerLists. (in 30second intervals)


10 Jul 05:08
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Essential Commands v0.13.0

This version is for 1.17 only.
Working on a way to bring these features to 1.16.5.

New Commands:

Command Permission Description
/fly Toggle ability to fly for self.
/fly <target-player> Toggle ability to fly for target player.
/workbench essentialcommands.workbench Open a crafting table screen.
/enderchest essentialcommands.enderchest Open your enderchest screen.

All of these have toggles in the config file, of course.