#Add-SPOCustomAction Topic automatically generated on: 2015-10-13
Adds a custom action to a web ##Syntax
Add-SPOCustomAction -Name <String> -Title <String> -Description <String> -Group <String> -Location <String> [-Sequence <Int32>] [-Url <String>] [-ImageUrl <String>] [-CommandUIExtension <String>] [-RegistrationId <String>] [-Rights <PermissionKind[]>] [-RegistrationType <UserCustomActionRegistrationType>] [-Scope <CustomActionScope>] [-Web <WebPipeBind>]
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
CommandUIExtension | String | False | |
Description | String | True | |
Group | String | True | |
ImageUrl | String | False | |
Location | String | True | |
Name | String | True | |
RegistrationId | String | False | |
RegistrationType | UserCustomActionRegistrationType | False | |
Rights | PermissionKind[] | False | |
Scope | CustomActionScope | False | |
Sequence | Int32 | False | |
Title | String | True | |
Url | String | False | |
Web | WebPipeBind | False | The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web. |