Movie Central is a mini coding project created with React.
It utilizes The Movie Database API to gather movie data.
- Users are greeted by a Splash Page to inform them what the website is about
- The most POPULAR MOVIES page will then be shown which utilizes the GET POPULAR movie endpoint
- Users can click any of the popular movies from the list to see more detail
- Recommended movies suggested
- Search any movie using the Search Bar
- Login and Sign up functionality
- Persistent User-based Rating
- Dark Mode
- Toast Notifications
- Google Oauth activated
- Travis CI activated
- Unit Testing (npm test)
- Mobile friendly (runs perfect on a Galaxy Note 8)
NOTE: (Master Branch has AJAX requests in local React State for readability. Dev branch has AJAX requests located in the Redux Store for DRY components.)
- Fork the project to your github then clone via the following line inside your terminal:
git clone
- Install the npm package with npm:
npm install
- Start the app on your terminal:
npm start
- Direct your web browser to the localhost
- Check unit testing:
npm test
I had a blast working on this mini project. Thank you for checking it out.
John Vitales