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File metadata and controls

194 lines (102 loc) · 4.88 KB

Notes on grammar decisions

  1. Enums and classes include methods in the body of each type to avoid having to reconcile multiple impl blocks for the same class. It also makes generic parameters easier to keep track of since the declared generic params are the ones that are global to class or enum methods.
  2. Class fields are delimited by semicolons. This makes parsing function bodies easier and avoids forced ordering for parsing to succeed.

Statement Types

outerStmt => useStmt | classStmt | fnStmt | constLetStmt | enumStmt | traitStmt | traitImplStmt

stmt => letStmt | forStmt | whileStmt | blockStmt | returnStmt | ifStmt | expression

Outer Statement Definitions

useStmt => "use" qualifiedIdent ";"

classStmt => "ref"? "class" ident genericParams? ( "{" (field ",")* fnSelfStmt* "}" ) | ";"

fnStmt => fnHead params fnTail

constLetStmt => "let" ident ":" ty "=" expression ";"

enumStmt => "enum" ident genericParams? ( "{" (enumMember ",")* fnSelfStmt* "}" ) | ";"

traitStmt => "trait" ident genericParams? ( traitBody | ";" )

traitImplStmt => "impl" pathType "for" ty ( objectFns | ";" )

blockStmt => "{" stmt* "}"

Statement Definitions

letStmt => "let" "mut"? ident ( ":" ty )? ( "=" expression )? ";"

forStmt => "for" ident "in" expression blockStmt

ifStmt => "if" expression blockStmt ( "else if" expression blockStmt )* ( "else" blockStmt )?

returnStmt => "return" expression?

whileStmt => "while" expression blockStmt

matchStmt => "match" expression matchBlock

Expression Definitions

expression => closure | assignment

closure => "(" ( ident ( , ident )* )? ")" "=>" ( blockStmt | expression )

assignment => logicalOr ( ( "=" ) logicalOr )*

logicalOr => logicalAnd ( "||" logicalAnd )*

logicalAnd => bitwiseInclusiveOr ( "&&" bitwiseInclusiveOr )*

bitwiseInclusiveOr => bitwiseExclusiveOr ( "|" bitwiseExclusiveOr )*

bitwiseExclusiveOr => bitwiseAnd ( "^" bitwiseAnd )*

bitwiseAnd => equality ( "&" equality)*

equality => relational ( ( "==" | "!=" ) relational )*

relational => shift ( ( "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" ) shift )*

shift => additive ( ( "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" ) additive )*

additive => multiplicative ( ( "+" | "-" ) multiplicative )*

multiplicative => unary ( ( "*" | "/" | "%" ) unary )*

unary => ( "+" | "-" | "~" | "!" ) unary | call

call => primary ( fnCall | index | "." ident )*

fnCall => ( "::" genericCallsite )? "(" args? ")"

index => "[" expression "]"

primary => literal | "self" | path | "(" expression ")";

Enum Definitions

enumMember => ident params? ("{" fnSelfStmt* "}")?

Trait Definitions

=> "{" fnTraitStmt* "}"

Function Definitions

fnHead => "fn" ident genericParams?

fnTail => ( "=>" ty )? blockStmt

fnTailNoImpl => ( "=>" ty )? ";"

fnTraitStmts => "{" fnTraitStmt* "}"

fnTraitStmt => fnSelfStmt | fnSelfNoImplStmt

fnSelfStmt => fnHead selfParams fnTail

fnSelfNoImplStmt => fnHead selfParams fnTailNoImpl";"

Generic Definitions

generics => "<" ty ( , ty )* ">"

genericParams => "<" genericParam ( , genericParam )* ">"

genericParam => ident ( ":" traitBoundType )

Parameter Definitions

params => "(" param (, param)* ")"

selfParams => "(" selfParam ("," param)* ")"

selfParam => "mut"? "self"

param => "mut"? ident ":" ty

field => ident ":" ty

Argument Definitions

args => arg ( , arg )*

arg => expression

Match Definitions

matchBlock => "{" matchArm ( , matchArm )* ,? "}"

matchArm => orPattern "=>" ( blockStmt | expression )

orPattern => pattern ( "|" pattern )*

pattern => tyPattern | destructurePattern | literal | wildcard |

wildcard = "_"

tyPattern => pathType identifier?

destructurePattern => pathType "(" destructureExpr ("," destructureExpr)* ")"

destructureExpr => literal | wildcard | identifier | destructurePattern

Type Definitions

literal => boolean | "None" | number | string

boolean => "true" | "false"

ty => basicType | arrayType | traitBoundType | closureType

basicType => "bool" | "None" | "u8" | "u16" | "u64" | "i8" | "i16" | "i32" | i64" | "f32" | "f64"

arrayType => "[" ty "]"

traitBoundType => pathType ( "+" pathType )*

pathType => qualifiedIdent generics?

closureType => "(" (ty ( , ty )* )? ")" "=>" ( "(" closureType ")" | (basicType | arrayType | pathType) )

General Definitions

path => ident ( "::" ident )* ( "::" generics "::" ident )

qualifiedIdent => ident ("::" ident)*

fnStmts => "{" fnStmt* "}"