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Developers Guide
- NodeJS & Yarn
- Golang 1.15+
Python 3+ & Pipenv (for
hooks) - gqlgen
mage (can use the
as an alternative to installing mage globally)
- graphql-codegen for generating typescript types from graphql queries
All code for the frontend can be found in the frontend directory.
App/ # folders other than shared that are directly underneath `src` are for top level modules
index.tsx # top level modules contain the both components from `shared/components` and the apollo-graphql queries
shared/ # code that is shared between top level modules
index.tsx # contains component code
Styles.ts # contains styled component declarations
graphql/ # contains graphql queries and mutations that are converted to typed code through `yarn generate`
constants/ # const variables that are used in many places
icons/ # SVG icons - all icons use a base `Icon` and are exported through the index.ts file
utils/ # for random helpers
accessToken.ts # tools for interacting with accessToken (the token is stored in a global variable in this file
cache.ts # contains helper method for interacting with apollo cache
draggables.ts # contains helper methods for interacting with draggables & droppables (react-beautiful-dnd)
sorting.ts # the business logic for sorting tasks
styles.ts # helper mixins and variables for styling components
- sqlc for converting SQL query files into Golang code (1.6+ required)
- gqlgen for converting graphql schema files into Golang code
main.go # entry point for taskcafe - calls commands.Execute()
frontend/ # the React frontend code lives here
internal/ # all business logic lives here
auth/ # code for interacting with access & refresh tokens
commands/ # the available sub-commands taskcafe exposes
commands.go # entry point that sets up the other commands
db/ # database code generated by sqlc
query/ # sql query files that are converted to go code by sqlc
frontend/ # contains the generated frontend filesystem
graph/ # graphql resolvers
schema/ # contains the graphql schema declarations (which gets converted into a single schema file called schema.graphls by mage
schema.resolver.go # contains the actual logic for all resolvers
graph.go # contains the hasRole directory logic
logger/ # contains custom loggers
migrations/ # contains the generated migrations filesystem
route/ # contains the routes for the API
auth.go # contains the auth related routes (login, refresh, etc)
avatar.go # contains the frontend serving code & user avatar routes
middleware.go # contains the authentication middleware
route.go # builds all of the routes
migrations/ # a directory of database schema migrations
The schema for the API lives as multiple files in the internal/graph/schema/
The are converted into a single file (because gqlgen wants that) by a mage target backend:genSchema
All primary models live in _models.gql
The root Query and Mutation objects live in _root.gql
The rest of the files contain domain specific declarations. For instance the Mutations
for interacting with tasks is in the task.gql
Taskcafe uses sqlc
(with sqlx
for things that sqlc
can not handle which hasn't been much so far) to handle database interactions.
exports a New
method that takes in a sqlx.DB
connection and returns a Repository
The Repository
contains all the methods generated by sqlc
from the internal/db/query
SQL files.
If you have the below query in one of the SQL files:
-- name: GetProjects :many
SELECT * FROM project;
Then the method can be accessed from the Repository
like so:
projects, err := repository.GetProjects(ctx)
For more info on the sqlc
query file format, take at look at its documentation.
To run Taskcafe
in development mode, you will need a postgres database running on your local computer (Docker is a good option for this).
Then configure Taskcafe to connect to the development database using a conf/taskcafe.toml
config file (an example can be found in conf/taskcafe.example.toml
Next open up a terminal and run the API (as well as running initial schema migrations):
go run cmd/taskcafe/main.go web --migrate
Next, start the React frontend:
cd frontend
yarn start
Now you can access the interface through http://localhost:3000 while the API is served through http://localhost:3333. The React frontend proxies all API requests to the http://localhost:3333 address.
You can find a interactive GraphQL playground at http://localhost:3333/__graphql.